Chapter 3: A Super Mall Showdown

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We find our heroes after escaping Team Rocket and returning to the safety of Chef Peepee gym.

Cody: Ok that was kinda crazy and a bit scary.

Jr: I know and the worse part is that I couldn't find a Poliwhirl.

Chef Peepee: Jr stop worrying about a stupid Poliwhirl just be glad we didn't get any of our stuff stolen.

Jr: I guess.

???: Well, well.

They turned to see fellow trainer Toad with his starter pokemon Jigglypuff

Toad: About time you showed up Chef, I came here to get my gym badge.

Jr: Oh yeah I forgot your a gym leader.

Chef Peepee: Yeah it gets hectic at times but this is perfect cause now I can use my new Psyduck.

Jr: Ok then me and Cody will watch from the sidelines.

They soon went and sat down with Chef Peepee taking his position.

Chef Peepee: Come on Psyduck let's show this brat what you can do!

He tossed out Psyduck with it standing there holding it's head.

Toad: Ok Jigglypuff get out there.

Jigglypuff: Puff puff.

Chef Peepee: Alright let's do this, Psyduck use Water Gun!

Psyduck reared it's head back and blasted out a burst of water.

Toad: Jigglypuff Puff yourself off to block it.

Jigglypuff puffed herself up with the water bouncing off her.

Chef Peepee: What the heck it can do that.

Cody: It is known as the Ballon pokemon so it would be able to do that.

Toad: Alright just like we practiced Jigglypuff, now use Sing.

Jigglypuff pulled out a microphone and started singing

Chef Peepee: Ah that song it's making me feel woozy.

Psyduck: Psy. Psy. Zzz.

Chef Peepee fell to the ground sleeping too a long with Jr, Cody and his Squirtle while Toad was asleep since he had mushroom hat covering his ears.

Toad: Good work, now I'll grab that badge you do whatever you want.

As Toad left to steal the badge Jigglypuff pulled out a maker and started drawing on their faces with them soon leaving.


After awhile they soon woke up with them seeing the drawings on their faces.

Jr: What the! Where did this come from?!

Cody: I think Jigglypuff drew on our faces while we were out.

Chef Peepee: Not only that they stole the badge and some of my money!

Cody: Well what can we even do they're probably long gone by now.

Chef Peepee: Maybe we should do something like oh I don't know. Call the police!

Cody: I don't think they'll help since how do you catch someone who can put you to sleep instantly.

Jr: Look let's just go, if we run into him then we'll talk to him about it.

Chef Peepee: Whatever is fine, let's just get this maker off our faces.


After they cleaned up they set out again on their journey with Jr wanting as you expected.

Jr: Ok guys let's find me a Poliwhirl.

Chef Peepee: Jr when are you going to stop with this whole Poliwhirl schtick we've been by a body of water and found nothing.

Jr: Well that wasn't a swamp I'm sure if we head this way we'll find a swamp and find a Poliwhirl or maybe an Ogre.

Chef Peepee: Ain't why an Ogre?

Jr: I don't know I saw it from some movie or something.

As those two talked Cody was just chilling in the background with his Squirtle seeing something.

Squirtle: Squirt Squirtle!

Cody: Ha what is it Squirtle?

Squirtle pointed over to a bush in the grass where they saw a pokemon in the set grass.

???: Bellsprout, Bell.

Cody: What's that?

Cody pulled his Rotom phone out with him scanning it

Rotom Phone: Bellsprout the Flower pokemon. A carnivorous POKéMON that traps and eats bugs. It uses its root feet to soak up needed moisture.

Cody looked at it with it seeming rather thirsty.

Cody: I guess it hasn't been able to get anyway water since it hasn't rain for the past week. Squirtle use water gun on the roots.

Squirtle sprayed a bit of water on Bellsprout roots with it taking up the water and smiling.

Bellsprout: Bellsprout, Bell!

Cody: There you go all better. Would you like to come with us Bellsprout.

Squirtle went to Bellsprout and spoke to it.

Squirtle: Squirt, squirt, Squirtle.

Bellsprout: Bell? Bellsprout!

Bellsprout went to Cody with it being happy to go with Cody.

Cody: Ok then, let's try this again.

Cody took a pokeball and tapped it on Bellsprout head and it soon went in after a few shakes it clicked.

Cody: Welcome to the team Bellsprout. Squirtle we have a new friend.

Squirtle: Squirtle!

After that Jr and Chef Peepee came by.

Jr: Hey Cody we heard you talking so what happened?

Cody: Oh I got myself a Bellsprout.

Chef Peepee: Wait what? When did this happen?

Cody: While you two were doing you little back and forward Squirtle found a Bellsprout and well it was thursty so we gave it some water and it choose to come with us.

Jr: Wait you don't battle it at all?

Cody: No I just became friends with it and boom it wanted to come with.

Chef Peepee: Well that sounds like-

???: Weedle.

They turned to see what that noise came from.

Chef Peepee: What the hell?

Jr: What was that?

They went to a tree where they saw a pokemon on a branch.

Jr: What is that?

Cody: That's a Weedle there kinda common and my dad got stung by one once and got poisoned.

Jr: Wait their poisonous.

Cody: Yeah they are Poison Bug type.

Chef Peepee: Well all I know is I'm going to catch it. And before you say anything Jr I have my pokeball out so I get first dibs!

Jr: Fine, but I wanted the the unicorn bug.

Cody: Jr that's a stringer not a horn.

Chef Peepee: Ok so it's bug poison. Well I don't have anything good against that but I know what I can use. Go Psyduck.

He let out Psyduck as it stood there.

Chef Peepee: Ok blast it off that branch with Water gun

Psyduck fired with it shooting the Psyduck out of the tree as it fell.

Chef Peepee: Ok go Pokeball!

He tossed it at Weedle as it fell and as it hit it Weedle went into the ball and after a few shakes it clicked.

Chef Peepee: Oh yeah got Weedle.

Jr: Good job Chef Peepee, but anyway let's go find a Poliwhirl!

Chef Peepee: Gah! Where are we supposed to find one please tell me.

Jr: Well let's go this way!

Jr ran off with Cody and Chef Peepee following behind him with them seeing an ominous opening to the woods.

Chef Peepee: Woah hold it Jr those woods look rather shady.

Cody: Yeah maybe we should go a different way.

Jr: Oh come on stop being big cry.

As he was about to finish he soon got but by an Ekans.

Jr: Ah my foot, my foot!

Ekans: Ekans!

Cody: Oh shit it's an Ekans!

Chef Peepee: We got to get the hell out of here!

Cody: Quick help me carry Jr!

Chef Peepee: Fine but we have to hurry!

They lifted Jr up as they hurried and left the wild area and got Jr into Chef Peepee car.

Cody: We got to get him to a hospital!

Chef Peepee: Ok you stay in the back with him I'll drive.

They drove with Peepee putting the petal to the metal.


After awhile Jr was taking to the hospital where he was checked and cured while Chef Peepee and Cody had their Pokemon healed.

Cody: You ok Jr? You did just got biten by an Ekans?

Jr: Well besides stumbling a bit while I walk and my foot feeling like an inflated balloon I'm rather fine.

Chef Peepee: Good, maybe next time you be more careful before entering shady places.

Cody: So what do we do?

They soon were interrupted which seems to be a running them they saw a lot of people heading to the mall.

Jr: What do you think is happening there?

Chef Peepee: Don't know let's check it out.

They soon left with them heading to the mall with Jr falling behind a bit do to his injured leg.

As they arrived they saw a lot of people there with them signing up for something.

Chef Peepee: Excuse me what is this about?

Staff Member: Oh Mr.Goodman is holding a contest here where it will be a tournament here in the mall the winner gets a special Pikachu.

Jr: Really, well I want to join!

Cody: Me too!

Chef Peepee: I guess I'll join too. So how does it work.

Staff Member: Well you pick one Pokemon to enter in the tournament and then you battle your way up until you reach the finals.

Chef Peepee: Oh lucky for me I have quite the selection to choose from.

Staff Member: In that case you three sign in here and write down which Pokemon you are going to use for the battle.

Chef Peepee: Oh I know I have to use Snorlax wanting to play it safe.

Jr: I can only use Bulbasaur, what are you going to use Cody?

Cody: I think I'll use Bellsprout since I just caught him.

Jr: Ok.


As the tournament raged on it was down to the finals with it being Jr and Chef Peepee with Cody having taken Third place losing to Chef Peepee.

Chef Peepee: Well Jr here we are again, you and me just like when you took the kitchen badge, but this time I'm ready.

Jr: Either way it will be the same.

Chef Peepee: By all means, approach me Jr so I can squash you like a bug.

Jr punched his fist as the two approached each other

Chef Peepee walked towards Jr tossing his pokeball in the air before throwing it and Snorlax coming out and Jr sending out Bulbasaur.

Jr: Use Leech Seed.

Bulbasaur launched out the seeds but they bounced off Snorlax body.

Chef Peepee: Fool you really think that would work again, I've learned from my mistakes, looks you haven't learned one bit. Snorlax use Crunch!

Snorlax bite down on Bulbasaur bulb and flailed Bulbasaur around before throwing him into the air.

Chef Peepee: Now Body Slam!

Snorlax jumped into the air and slammed into Bulbasaur with him bouncing off the ground and landing to Jr.

Jr: Bulbasaur you ok?

Bulbasaur: Bulba.

Chef Peepee: Face it Jr the reason your losing cause you've been distracted by Poliwhirl while I've been focused on getting stronger.

Jr tried to think but Bulbasaur stood on it's legs letting out a battle cry.

Jr: Bulbasaur?

Bulbasaur started to evolve starting to get bigger and soon changing

???: Ivysaur!

Jr: It evolved.

Cody: It's now a Ivysaur.

It soon let out a poisonous gas from it's bulb that sprayed the battle Field with the gas poisoning Snorlax.

Chef Peepee: What!

It then followed up by firing off massive seeds that exploded like bombs.

Jr: Chef Peepee this isn't over yet. Use Leech Seed again but aim around Snorlax.

Ivysaur fired off the seeds with them surrounding Snorlax and soon latched onto it and drained some of it's health.

Jr: Now seed bomb!

Chef Peepee: Use Rest!

Snorlax fell asleep to gain some health but Seed bomb did too much damage for it to gain health and the poison didn't help.

Jr: Vine Whip!

Ivysaur smacked Snorlax with a massive x on it stomach and Snorlax passed out.

Staff Member: Battle is over the winner is Jr!

Jr: We did it Ivysaur!

Ivysaur went to Jr and jumped into his arms and hugged him

Chef Peepee: How did I lose? I did all that hard work to lose.

Staff Member: Not really, you see there is something I want to give you since you did well.

He handed him a blue crystal if somesort

Chef Peepee: What is it?

Staff Member: Give that to your Snorlax trust me it'll be worth it.

He then went to Jr.

Staff Member: As for you take this. You earned it

He held out a luxury ball with a Pikachu coming out with it which a crystal too

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Jr: Wow thanks.

He took the Luxury ball and returned both of them as they left the mall with new friends, what else will they find along the way. As the journey continues

Joseph was did some training with him getting a gym badge and his Charmander now a Charmeleon and also having a Ninjask and Shedninja.

Joseph: That gym was easy come on let's go to the Pokemon center.

Charmeleon: Char!

As they went inside with them seeing someone having an Onix.

Joseph: Woah is that an Onix?

Tanner: Yeah, hey would you like to trade? I'll give you Onix for that Ninjask?

Joseph: Sure I was going to put it in the PC but sure you can have it.

They traded with Tanner soon leaving and Joseph Onix becoming a Steelix.

Joseph: Woah you became a Steelix, this is even better, welcome to the team buddy.

Steelix: Steelix.

And that is it I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you later

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