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WARNING– Some of the shows events are going to be slightly out of order from here, just so it fits the storyline/my plotline/ better! 

3+ Votes 3+ Comments for the next chapter! (Don't be a ghost reader!)
Also big thank you to anyone who wished me a happy birthday! You guys really made my day! xo 

Gif of my 3 bbies above ^^

Shameless Self Promotion - If you like The 100 and Bellamy Blake, I've just started a Bellamy/OC and would love for you to check it out! :) 


'I might be a vampire, but I was raised a good catholic.'

Adelaide heard Raphael's voice drift through the tunnels she was currently using to sneak into the institute. She rolled her eyes at the vampire, Raphael was always overly dramatic and nothing seemed to be able to change that, not even their current predicament.

'The vampires broke the accords. Killing Simon is grounds for war.' Isabelle uttered, anger in her tone as she stared at Simon's still body.

'The vampires weren't behind this-' Raphael started, a scowl gracing his pale features.

'Just Camille.' Adelaide finished his sentence for him, stepping into the brightly lit room.

Isabelle, Jace and Clary turned to look at her as she arrived, Raphael however, simply sent a smirk her way, one that she returned playfully much to Isabelle's surprise. 

'She attacked Simon on her own. I don't want trouble with shadowhunters.' Raphael crossed his arms, feeling uncomfortable in a room full of those who would kill him given the chance.

Clary began yelling at Raphael who was becoming increasingly angry at the red head. Adelaide ignored their bickering, watching silently as Alec entered the room. Adelaide continued to watch in amusement as he rolled his eyes at Clary and Raphael's arguing.

'Sun's almost up.' Alec interrupted the pair, crossing his arm, his whole body tense.

Clary shrunk back into Jace's side again. Adelaide eyed the two carefully, wondering exactly what was going on between them. She had a sneaking suspicion that the line between friends and more had been blurred more than once.

"You need to decide Clary. You have until sunset, or Simon's soul will be trapped for eternity.'

Clary looked terrified and conflicted. Adelaide couldn't even imagine how she was feeling. The atmosphere in the room was too intense and Adelaide was quickly growing uncomfortable. She felt like an outsider in a room of friends - and she supposed she was. Raphael was beginning to feel the same as he pushed himself off of the workbench he was leaning against.

'I must leave before the sun rises. I will be back at sunset.' Clary barely nodded at Raphael's words, the reality of the situation hitting her all at once.

Adelaide was highly aware of Alec's eyes on her as Raphael made his way to her, stopping in front of her, a smirk gracing his handsome features.

'Will you escort me back to the Hotel Dumort, Princess?' He flashed his fangs at her.

Adelaide rolled her eyes. 'Don't tell me you are afraid of the dark?' Adelaide asked, humour lighting her tone.

Raphael snickered. 'Not likely. I'd be more worried about what you'd do to me than creatures that go bump in the night.'

'You are a creature of the night, Raphael.' She laughed.

'Oh, I'm well aware, but there are worse things out there than me sweetheart. You could always join me, you know? Being one of the night children would suit you. You already dress like one of us.' Raphael gestured to the dark clothes she wore, a leer on his face.

Adelaide reached up to smack him for his comment but he was already near the exit of the tunnel system she'd used to get inside the building.

'You owe me one, Adelaide.'He grinned at her, baring his fangs proudly.

'Go to hell, Raphael.' Adelaide heard his laugh echo off of the tunnel walls as he disappeared. She shook her head at the vampires antics.

Isabelle watched the exchange, noting the extremely sour look on a certain someones face. She hid her smile by turning her head away from their general direction, catching Jace's eye as he shot her a knowing look. Her smile got impossibly wider knowing he had seen it too.

'What the hell was that?'

The voice at Adelaide's  shoulder startled her and she spun around to face the highly unamused male behind her.

'What?' She frowned.

'That... that thing was – was...'

'He was flirting with you.' Isabelle didn't look up from her nails as she spoke in an amused tone.

Alec scowled at his sister as he waited impatiently for Adelaide's answer.

'He was not. That's just how Raphael is.' Adelaide shrugged as she watched Clary brush her hand over Simon's hair, Jace by her side.

Alec looked even more annoyed now and as he opened his mouth to speak Adelaide moved away from him, pointedly facing Isabelle.

'I'll be back at sunset.'

'Where are you going?' Jace asked from across the room, looking up at her briefly.

'Back to Magnus'.' Jace nodded, looking back to Clary again.

Isabelle made her way over to Adelaide, drawing an invisibility rune on the back of her shoulder. Adelaide smiled at her in thanks as she moved away. 'Just to be safe.' Adelaide nodded.

'Stay away from the institute.'

Adelaide barely glanced at Alec as she replied to his request - something that annoyed Alec to no end. She could feel the rune working as the slight sting of it ebbed away.



Isabelle and Alec entered the main area of the institute, after leaving Jace and Clary with Simon's body. Clary would no doubt have questions for Jace so the two decided it would be best to give them space.

'What was that in there, Alec?' Isabelle spoke, tugging on Alec's shirt to get his attention as he started to walk away from her. Alec pulled his arm away from her firm grip, looking down at his sister in annoyance.

'What was what, Isabelle?' Alec asked tightly, not looking her directly in the face.

'You know what, questioning Adelaide about the vampire..?' Isabelle spoke, her tone suggesting that it was obvious. 'What was that all about?'

'It wasn't about anything, Isabelle. Lower your voice.' Alec rolled his eyes at her, reminding her that everyone in the building thought Adelaide was dead.

'Alec, you don't have to hide it from me.' Isabelle said as she pulled him out of view of other curious Shadowhunters, talking quietly now.

'Hide what Isabelle? You aren't making any sense.' Alec's annoyance with his sister grew.

'You were jealous, big brother.' Isabelle watched as Alec's cheeks coloured at the accusation.

Alec scoffed, ignoring his sister's smirk. 'No, I wasn't.' He denied, refusing to look at her.

'You were! You act like you don't have feelings Alec, but I know you better than that. From what Jace told me, you practically asked her to come inside the institute.' Isabelle whispered in excitement.

'Well Jace is a liar. I did that for Clary, not Adelaide.'

Isabelle raised an eyebrow. 'And since when have you cared about Clary?'

Alec groaned loudly, as Isabelle grinned beside him.

'You still care about her, admit it.' Her voice was softer now.

Isabelle's nagging was beginning to really get on Alec's nerves. He didn't want to talk about Adelaide, he didn't want to see Adelaide, and he certainly didn't want to think about Adelaide, and yet whenever he was with Isabelle he seemed to be doing all three. 

'No, Isabelle I actually don't care about her. After what she did, after she lied to us, to all of us even you I - once this is all over I don't care if I never see her again.'

Isabelle's smile slipped from her face as Alec started walking away.

'You should talk to her Alec, there are still things you don't know.' She called after him.

Alec didn't respond and Isabelle wondered whom he was lying to more, her...or himself.


'How did it go?' Magnus questioned the moment Adelaide entered his lair, deactivating her Invisibility rune immediately. 

'Simon's dead.' Adelaide sighed, running her hands through her hair gently, her lack of sleep catching up to her all at once.

'The mundane? How?' Magnus frowned.

'...Camille.' Adelaide replied after a slight hesitation.

Magnus flinched at the name.

'What did you do with the body?' Magnus' voice was hard as he crossed his arms.

'Raphael and I took him to the institute.' Adelaide admitted, already knowing how Magnus would feel about her being there.

Magnus' eyes widened in alarm and disbelief. 'You went to the institute? With a vampire?'

'No one saw us, Magnus. I had to tell Clary. Simon's in transition, and she has to decide what to do.'

'That's a big decision to place on someone, sweetheart.'

Adelaide frowned. 'I know. But part of being a shadowhunter is making decisions with your head, not your heart. Clary has to learn that...' Adelaide trailed off quietly as she shrugged off her jacket.

Was it her or was it suddenly way too hot in here? She frowned.

Magnus opened his mouth to speak but as he did so, Adelaide's body seemed to sway dangerously as she stumbled, gripping onto the marble counter to steady herself. The constant stinging from the parabatai rune that had been happening since the day she had faced Isabelle again seemed to peak and break all at once as her legs collapsed from beneath her.

'Adelaide!' Magnus called in panic, rushing towards her.

Adelaide let out a yell of pain, not understanding what was happening.

Magnus pulled her to his chest, quickly noticing the heat coming from the rune on her neck. 'Oh Adelaide.' He murmured sadly.

Just ask quickly as the pain came, it stopped.

Adelaide caught her breath, pushing herself up out of Magnus' hold. She turned to face him but as she did so, warm moisture trickled down her cheeks. She touched her fingers to her skin to wipe at whatever it was and her fingertips came away stained with blood.

Magnus looked at her with sadness and panic in his eyes. Adelaide opened her mouth a few times before she could finally force a sound out, and even then her voice shook dangerously.

'What the hell is happening to me?' 

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