Chapter 19

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"I'm gonna kill that idiot when we rescue him." Amber says while angrily pacing the small length of the long abandoned room that we are currently camped out in.

I nod my head at Amber. After following the security officer and Declan, we saw that Declan had been locked up in one of the cells in the police station. It turns out that climbing the Eiffel Tower when you're not on a tour is in fact, a crime. The fact that we'll have to rescue Declan somehow has put quite a big dent in our plans for finding the third piece.

We had gone to the station earlier to try and bail Declan out, or at least make up some stupid explanation as to what he was doing. I don't think that either of us could understand a thing that we were saying due to our different languages. The officer sent us out of the station. I guess Amber and I should be thankful that we weren't arrested with Declan.

I sigh and look back out the open door. The sun's just beginning to set, it'll be a couple of hours before it gets dark enough to attempt our rescue plan. Since we had nothing else to do, with us getting kicked out of the park, we found this abandoned, dark alley. The alley has a couple of rooms, but this tiny, graffitied one that we are in is the only one with a clear view of the police station.

"I just hope Declan doesn't try to make a run for it." I mutter miserably.

The last thing we need is for Declan to stupidly use his power to make a dash for it. Sure he'd get out, but if we get an information leak with humans knowing about us, it would be catastrophic.

Amber snorts, "I wouldn't put anythin' past him at this point."

I wince at Ambers tone of voice. To say that she isn't happy with Declan, would be an understatement. Judging by her furious pacing, when Declan comes out he's going to wish he was back in the cell, just to get away from Amber. I groan and slide down the termite infested wall behind me. Why Declan has to be such an idiot is beyond me.

I look back out of the doorway. A couple of officers come out of the station and get into cop cars. Judging by the size of the building, this police station must be one of the more major ones in Paris. The setting sun casts strange shadows around the place. Creating an eery look on the place, as well as letting the sun shine directly on the distinct shape of metal bars. I guess we know where Declan is being held now.

"Okay, if we're going to do this, then we need a plan." I over-enthusiastically clap my hands together.

Amber pauses her pacing for a second and looks at me, eyebrow raised. "I'm listenin'."

"Well, we could, uh," I clear my throat loudly, trying to think of some plan which isn't completely stupid. "Well I know where the cells are. If your chickadee could get in there and pick lock Declans cell with a bobby pin in your beak, then that's how we could get him out."

"Have you completely forgotten how many officers are in that place? You expect us to just walk out?" Amber puts one hand on her hip.

"I'm getting to that." I raise a finger at her. "The majority of officers will be distracted by a fire 'magically' starting in the station." I use my fingers to make the quotation marks.

Ambers face changes into a hopeful expression, "that could actually work."

I grin at her, "I know, I'm full of amazing ideas." Internally though, I'm really glad that it passes the Amber Test for its brainy-ness.

I lean back to see out the open door after a moment of silence passes between us. My eyes are greeted by the twinkling of tiny stars that are littered across the evening sky. The busy rumble of traffic and pedestrians has all but vanished with the sun that has finally dipped below the horizon.

"Think it's dark enough?" I ask Amber, my head still out the door.

Amber pushes the door fully open, not caring in the slightest when it bangs loudly against the decaying wall. "Good enough. Let's go." Amber starts walking quickly towards the station.

My eyes widen as I watch Ambers fast moving figure. I guess she's still annoyed at Declan. A small smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, Declan probably does deserve a severe talking too, from Amber. After all the stupidity he's done.

When we're close to the station, I grab Ambers bicep, causing her to stop. "You get to the cells, but don't go in. When you smell smoke or hear the smoke alarm going off, get Declan out of there. Try not to let anyone see you if you can help it."

Amber gives me a nod, before transforming into her chickadee and flying to the bars I saw before. I take a deep breath, this is it.

I crouch down and do some crazy, hobble-run, until I reach the first glassy window. The window's shut, people in uniform frantically tap on computers, not once looking up. Still crouching down, I take in the baby blue walls and stacks of neatly placed papers. Judging by the size of the room, this must be a pretty important area of the station. A fire would easily be extinguished here.

Bouncing on my heels slightly, I continue my hunched-over-run against the cold brick wall of the station. The next window that I come across is smaller. Angling my neck so I can get a better view, I look into the glossy window. I know what this room is straight away, complete with a large blue platform and wooden top, glass walls on top to section it off from the rest of the station, the reception area looks like everything you'd expect to find in a nineties reality TV show.

Behind the desk that fills most of the room, is a sleeping cop. His feet are propped up on the desk, his arms are folded over his rounded belly. Every now and then, a shaft of wet, sticky saliva dribbles out of his open mouth. A fire would be easy to start here, since it would go unnoticed by the officer until he flames escalate. The down side to things would be the fact that it would be easy to get contained since it's the first room in the station.

Picking up my feet again, I hobble over to the next window. No ones in this room. Judging by the cardboard boxes and small space, this must be a storage room. I smile triumphantly to myself, this would be the perfect room to start a fire. I reach up to the window with my arms. Thankfully it's unlocked. I slide the window the rest of the way down and fit my arms into the now open storage room.

I allow my hands to heat up, soon a ball of orange flames flicker in my hand. Taking aim, I throw it at one of the fuller cardboard boxes that are scattered around the place. The flames hit the boxes and quickly ignite. Before long the carpet and random sheets of paper on the ground have caught fire as well. Time to get out of here.

I return to doing my crouched-over-run until I get to the alley way that Amber and I had camped out in before. I duck behind some rotten fence palings that look like they have been struck by lightning recently. I get in a position so I can see the police station but it can't see me.

A minute or two later, I hear the wailing of the fire alarm coming from the station. The first traces of smoke waft down with the cool night breezes. Seconds later, I hear shouts. They're completely muffled from the distance, but I can almost guarantee that they're about the recently starting fire.

I squint my eyes through the smoke that's now steaming out of the open windows in the station, trying to see Amber or Declan heading my way.

I rock back and forth on my haunches, watching as a fire truck and an ambulance come speeding around the corner. The vehicles stop in front of the station. I can feel the familiar bubbly sensation of anxiety enter the pit of my gut as the minutes continue to tick by. Did somebody get hurt? Where's Declan and Amber?

My eyes resume their search for the two of them through the clouds of smoke and evaporated water that's coming out of the firefighters torrents of water. My frantic searching is short lived though, soon my eyes rest on the distinct shapes of Amber and Declan. They're running to the side of all the action, staying in the shadows of the city lights.

The feeling of relief swamps over me like a wave of fresh water. Sucking in a deep breath, I raise myself so I'm only crouched over slightly. I'm about to jog over to them when an officer with scorch marks covering most of his face stops Amber and Declan.

Any surges of hope just got flattened by that small action. I gulp and move closer, trying to hear what the officer is saying. "Monsieur, vous soins à expliquer où votre va?"

"Ah, we don't speak French." Declan answers quickly. I mentally face palm myself, seriously Declan?

"I speak English." An officer with a thick French accent walks up next to the other officer that was talking to Amber and Declan.

"Oh good. We're tourists and we were just cooking dinner on our motels stove when it got really burnt and-" Declan doesn't get to finish his horrible choice of a lie, when Amber shoves him to the side not-so-discreetly and steps forward.

"Our dinner burnt so we were goin' to buy some more when we smelt this 'orrible smell of smoke. We came over just as the fire brigade arrived. We thought that we'd better get out of there way so we started runnin'. Ya know what happened?" Amber lies smoothly.

From my angle of view, I can see the officer relaxing. "In that case, thank you for trying to help, and no, we've no idea how it happened. But we're cops, we'll find out." I can practically feel the determination radiating off him. This is not good, I just hope that we can go before they figure out who it was. "It's probably best you leave now. Give us more space. It'll be in the news though. You can keep updated there."

Great, now it's going in the news. "Thank you and good luck finding whoever did this." Amber says politely.

The officer waves her off. With one final smile, Amber and Declan make their way over to me. When they reach my spot, I push them both into the run down room that Amber and I hid in before.

"Well that was an amazingly awesome job you did in trying to find the gift." Even I can hear the strong tone of sarcasm and hints of anger in my voice as I pin Declan with an icy glare after I shut the door behind the three of us.

The beams of light coming from the many holes in the walls highlight Declans sheepish smile, "It seemed a good plan at the time." I roll my eyes and let out a frustrated huff of air. "Amber already gave me the speech." Declan adds quickly, sensing a rant of how stupid he was coming from me.

I sigh, my anger already beginning to fading away, "look we need to get out of here. It won't take the cops long before they realise that you're missing and possibly who lit the fire, with the amount of security cameras around here. We need to go and find this piece before we run into any more trouble."

Amber nods at me, "yeah, you're right. Won't take 'em long to figure things out. Better go now."

I take a deep breath, let's just hope we'll be able to find these gifts before they do figure things out. Blocking any thoughts of what might happen if they figure things out before we've left, and plastering a huge smile on my face, I dramatically push the door open. Who am I kidding? This will be a piece of cake.

I hope.



Please VOTE and COMMENT guys. I've said this heaps now, but it seriously it would be a huge help for me if you did. It'll be great to know what you guys think of it as well.

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