Chapter 30

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My heart rate rapidly speeds up. Gareth is here, what do we do? Are we complete enemies or does he still think we're friends? How do we act? Do we be friendly like nothing's happened or do we completely hate his guts and ignore him?

"My friends! How nice to see you again!" Gareth stands up from his chair and comes over to us with a huge smile filling his face. Maybe he hasn't heard the news of Charles and Clarence talking to us yet? Gareths grin slowly fades into a frown when he sees all the scratches and blood covering us, "Oh my. I do apologise for this commotion of explosions and any injuries it's caused. Marco assured me it would be quite harmless." At this, Marco smirks at us but tilts his head so Gareth can't see it.

I feel the gears in brain start to tick over. Gareth seems completely oblivious to us being on Clarence's side. We haven't given him a mission update in ages, does he not find that just a little strange? I think back to the last time we saw Gareth. It seems like eons ago, but in reality it wasn't that long ago that I was talking to him over the phone after we got the first piece. For a dizzying and crazy moment I realise that this is actually the second time that we've been face to face with Gareth.

I guess that in that time period of not speaking to him, it's possible that he is unaware of a lot of things that we know. Who knows, maybe even Marco doesn't think we know as much as we do. Going on the limb that he doesn't actually know, I play along dumb and act as if I'm on his side, "Gareth, nice to see you, but whats with all this? Is something wrong because we were all going fine getting all the pieces and stuff." I manage to get out as casually as I can make it.

Clark and Declan shoot me weird looks but Gareth doesn't even blink, "Ah yes, once again I apologise for any inconvenience this causes but there is an issue or two that we need to discuss. May I ask where Amber is? Is she sti- Oh hello there Clark. I didn't notice you before," Gareth says dryly to Clark.

Gareth then turns to Declan and I and raises an eyebrow in confusion. Before Gareth has the time to ask us what he's doing here, I jump back into my dumb facade, "I take it you know Clark then? We met him awhile back when we ran into a bit of a problem. Thankfully he sorted it all out." I nod my head enthusiastically towards Gareth and Clark. A little white lie never hurt anyone.

In the short silence that follows my words, I take the opportunity to skin my eyes over everyone's facial expression. Gareth looks a little more relaxed but still a little suspicious as he offers a small smile to Clark which looks kind of forced. Clark briefly nods his head at Gareth and me, letting me know that he's finally caught on and knows what I'm doing. Marco smirks at me in an amused manner, he knows exactly what I'm doing since he's a Hogmer and Hogmers can read minds. Unfortunately Declan is not the sharpest knife in the draw and looks more confused than ever.

"So now that we have the introductions sorted, can we go find Amber wherever she is after those explosions?" I ask like its normal for all this to be happening. I decide to leave Clarence out. Gareth may be less willingly to find them if he knows that he's here. Right now we all need to be together and we'll have a slighter bigger chance of survival if we had to fight ourselves out.

"Oh yes, of course." Gareth blinks in surprise like he completely forgot about Amber, "Marco, could you be so kind as to find the child? Sooner rather than later would be preferred."

Marco nods sharply at Gareth before smirking at Clark, Declan and I. I gulp nervously while fighting to keep a straight face on, Marco won't kill Amber but Gareth doesn't know that Clarence's here and won't notice if Amber gets a couple more cuts on her.

"I still don't get what's happening," Declan confesses after a moment of awkward silence.

"To sum it up, we need to discuss some things with you for a minute or two. We were looking for you through public security cameras and such when Marco kindly informed me that he had found you right next to one of our bunkers. Quite extraordinary, isn't it?" Gareth looks into the distance while stroking his moustache in a thoughtful manner. When he sees our confused faces he elaborates, "The fact that there is a whole network of tunnels only metres away from this complex we have here and we didn't even realise it. Marco said the small bombs were the only way to get to you. But still, it's fascinating."

I blink in surprise at Gareth, is he really that dumb? I thought he was some genius inventor and mad scientist, but here he is completely oblivious to everything going on around him. I think back to everything Charles and Clarence told us about Gareth only wanting power so he can take over the world. I remember Marco telling me that to Gareth, we were only tools with the purpose of giving him the lavapick and how when he's done with us, he'll destroy us.

But as I look at him now I begin to wonder if all that really is true. Amber was a hundred percent right when she said that from the short time that we've known him, he seems like an honestly nice guy. It looks like he doesn't even know hogmers exist and wouldn't even dream of Marco being the type of person that he is. Is it possible for someone to be that good of an actor?

Gareth snaps me out of my thoughts loudly clapping his hands together, "Right, would you like a drink or anything to eat? Tea, coffee, no?" He looks at my blank face to Declans confused face and finally Averills grumpy face. The other two do nothing but I shake my head slowly, "Well okay then. Please take a seat, while we wait." Gareth smiles before turning around and sits down in one of the large couches in the room.

I don't really want to sit down next to a serial killer like its the most normal thing in the world, but I know he's right, for now there's nothing to do but wait.

(Mr. Anonymous POV)

I clench my hands into tight fists by my sides. Here I am twelve kilometres up in the sky, waiting for the phone call that will literally change the outcome of everything in this game, only to hear that the children, Clarence and Clark have been captured. Captured! Everything is in a giant jumble of a mess right now, them getting captured would definitely be the icing on the cake though.

I slam the cold phone down onto the small glass table in the lounge of my private jet. I don't give the stupid phone any satisfaction by me cringing when I hear the expected cracking of glass across its screen. I don't have time for this, any of this.

I sigh in irritation before snatching my glass of whisky and chugging it down my throat in one mouthful. I have the money to buy a new phone or table, who am I kidding? I could buy every plane that's docked at the airport with more than enough money to buy a handful of diamonds to spare. My inventions easily made me rich for ten lifetimes.

The only problem is that Gareth has only slightly less money in his pockets than I do. He won't settle for any amount of money for the price of getting the few teenagers that whole world needs now more than ever. For him, the prize is getting them and their loyalty. I admit that Clarence and Clark did a pretty good job of getting theirs before and Marco certainly isn't doing Gareth any favour, but Gareth has got the brains. More brains than me and I know for sure that he'll stop at nothing before he has the kids on his side.

Knowing that prick, he'll probably throw in the stupid "we'll rule the world together" card. Not that they'd ever fall for something like that, thankfully they're a bit smarter than some other people that I know. Still, Gareth knows how to get something when he wants it. I think this is the thought that scares me the most, Gareth is practically a walking lier machine. And he's a pro at it too.

"Howard!" I walk away from the window I was staring at and shout to get my pilots attention.

"Yes sir? We're a couple of hours away from England if that's what you're asking," He flicks auto-pilot on and leans into the lounge so he's looking at me.

I shake my head at him, "No that's not it, but thanks all the same. I wanted to just check with you that the rescue plan is all in order. I also want to make sure that you add in the plans of capturing Gareth and his poor excuse of a side-kick, Marco."

My request is met by the sharp nod of his head, "Of course sir, we'll arrive at sundown, as you know but it will take us a few more hours to put it in action. Shall we send someone down there to warn them of our coming?"

For the first time in hours I laugh. I let out a full, stomach-hurting-ab-workout laugh, "Oh don't worry, they already know. The place is full of mind reading hogmers, for goodness sakes Howard. And besides, if they don't already know, we'll sure put on one dramatic entrance for them to gain our attention."

I nod slightly to myself, agreeing with myself. I may have been slightly pessimistic before, but there's no doubt in my mind now, they won't switch sides. There's absolutely nothing Gareth can do to convince them otherwise, is there?



Okay, I do realise that this chapter is a bit shorter than the average one, but without the bad you can't enjoy the good, right? So I was thinking that I seriously want some votes and comments for this chapter guys! Any feedback and support is going to help me heaps and will give me a rough idea of how many of you are reading my book. It will be a big help and I'd really appreciate it.

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