Chapter 9

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We land down in Coffs Harbour airport. With a bit of hacking, fake phone call and cash we rented a spot near the runway. Large QANTAS planes block the view of our plane in most directions. That and the fact that there are planes around here, Valerie is perfectly disguised from any possible Hogmers. Not that any would be coming here.

"So this place is practically a city, yeah?" Declan asks as we all hop out of our plane.

"Basically, yep." Amber says while entering the airport.

Unfortunately, going through customs is mandatory. It takes a while but we eventually manage to get out of there alive. Such a wonder.

I slip a pair of sunglasses on and sigh, "summer in the Southern Hemisphere."

Declan and Amber nod their agreement. I look around the place, with houses, office buildings and shops in almost every direction that you look, I know that I am guaranteed to get lost in this place. As well as the normal city noises, you can hear the distinct crashing of waves on the nearby beach.

"Right, should we hire a car or something, or you know, a taxi?" Declan asks as we stand near the highway.

"We're only gonna be 'ere for a day or two. Taxis, definitely taxis." Amber says like its the most obvious thing in the world. She stands closer to the edge of the road and waves a taxi over.

"Where to mate?" The taxi driver rolls down the window when he stops.

We all freeze when we manage to scramble into the taxi. Where are we going? We didn't exactly discuss where we're going to go first up in Coffs Harbour. Making a split decision I choice one for the group, "Yogurt Land please, sir." I know that humans like manners so I try to be as polite as possible.

"Ah, yes, Yogurt Land." We spend the trip listening to the taxi driver droning on about absolutely anything. It must be a pretty boring job, let alone life, if the most interesting part of your day is talking to one of your passengers about the weather and height of the waves.

I try to take mental notes about directions and streets in Coffs Harbour. Truth be told though, I'm hopeless at geography and soon give up trying to remember where the driver turns.

After a half an hour trip, due to traffic, we arrive at normal plaza. Nothing special about it. On the outside of the walls it says Woolworths, Target and other shop names in large bubble writing.

"Forty bucks, thanks." The taxi driver holds his hand out of the window looking at the three of us who are now out of the car.

I slowly do a three sixty of the place. No giant yogurt tubs, no massive signs, no endless stream of people all rushing into Yogurt Land.

I return my attention back on our taxi driver who's looking a bit impatient, "Um, where exactly is yogurt land?" I ask him, waiting for him to realise his mistake of taking us here.

"Right in there, ma'am. It'll be forty dollars though." The man points to the plaza as if we're dumb.

I blink at him in surprise. Maybe it's so it doesn't get to over crowded. Although I always thought that humans liked more customers and advertisement. I shrug, grab a the cash from somewhere in my pocket, and hand it to the bored taxi driver. So much for him being all nice and friendly.

"Guess we're headin' this way then." Amber says, leading the way to the plaza entrance.

When we enter the plaza the first thing I can see is people. Masses of people in every direction. I'm used to our small homestead or going to places like Iraq, small and desolate. Oh well, I guess I was wrong about them not getting any advertisement.

Declan must be thinking the same thing because a triumphant smile makes its way onto his face.

"Guess we'll follow the crowd?" Amber asks more to herself then us.

We follow the stream of people. The amount of people all heading this way begins to worry me though. How long will be waiting in this line for? After a fair bit of pushing and shoving by strangers, we all begin to enter one of the largest..... Woolworths I have ever seen.

I stop and slowly turn around, and there amongst all the crowds, shops and the smallest most dull building I have ever seen....Yogurt Land.

After my initial moment of shock I turn my head to look at Amber who is standing next to me. We make eye contact for a fraction of a second. Upon making our silent decision, we go to look at the culprit who suggested Yogurt Land.

Declan however, is slowly moving away from us and towards a nearby exit.


I clear my throat loudly, waiting for Declan to say something. After leaving the plaza and the pathetic excuse of a yogurt land, we made our way to a park. We stand around in a circle on the freshly mown grass.

"I guess we'll head to the Big Banana then?" Declan sheepishly asks.

Amber and I merely give him a disapproving look. "Ya know what? I ain't even gonna comment on how ya knew 'bout Yogurt Land or why ya thought its Australia's Yummiest attraction." Amber says to him.

I sigh at them, "lets get something to eat first, and then we'll head off to the Big Banana."

Well at least we've shortened our list down with that little trip there. All I can hope is that the Big Banana will be a tad bigger and more exciting then Yogurt Land.



What did you guys think? Any VOTES or COMMENTS will be greatly appreciated. I'd love to get any feedback.

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