Chapter 13: Mountain Glenn

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Inspired by: Spider Wolf (SPDR)

Snake Eyes POV
I'm in bullhead heading to the Mountain Glenn.
When we arrived to our destination, the pilot told me.
Pilot: Alright I'm hovering about 50 feet, so you'll gonna have to dive down into your position, Alright. As he said I nodded, then he replied.
Pilot: Alright, I'll see you in 4 days. He said I thumb up to him.

(Music starts)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then I dive down about 50 feet below until I used my glider to land safely, my perfect landing. I looked around the city before continuing to walk, as I continued to walk while looking around the city, I've been encountered and surrounded by Grimms. I unsheathed my sword before Beowolf attempt to attack me, next to the hordes, I kept dodging from their attacks & slashing them Like hours, a few hours later I managed to take them out but I heard growling from behind When I quickly turned around Beowolf was about to attack but someone slashed it. Revealing blond-haired boy similar to me, but different.

???: Hey! Are you Ok? He said as I nodded in confirmation.
Aether: By the My name is Aether, What's yours. As he said to me. Aether That's got be relatives from his twin sister Lumine, I gestured him my name to him.
Aether: your name is Snake Eyes, not so Talkative? He said as I nodded. Then I gestured to him about what happened to his twin sister then Aether's face turns frown from what happened before he finally said.
Aether: I'll tell you about what happened. Then He started to telling me a story about his life with his sister but they got separated from the world, The last thing he knows was about the final moment Between Aether & Lumine.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After he finished his story, I feel sympathy for him that he lost his sister forever so I placed my hand into his shoulder to cheer him up
Aether: How about you, Do you have a past like me. He said as I nodded in confirmation, I gestured to him about my past including my mistakes. When I finished my story, Aether felt sympathy for me that pain I've been through.
Aether: I guess we both have terrible pasts. He said as I nodded then gestured that we need to continue for our investigation.
Aether: Let's do it. Then we're on the move, then we spotted White Fang soldiers so we crouch to avoid being spotted until we jump down and knock them out cold. Then the next thing I know is We found the hatch leading Underground. I gestured to him that we should split up. Then I texted my former rival Ironwood that his men and its fleet would wait for my signal which he agrees to it. I and Aether nodded to each other that we would work together as a team. It's showtime.

Blake POV

Team RWBY campout 2 Hours Later.

I took the shift after Yang when my teammates are asleep, I just hope He's alright. Then scroll rang. Everybody is startled when they all hear a scroll ringing very loudly and it is so loud it wakes up Ruby, Oobleck answers but Ruby still runs around the room like a very very excited anime character. 


Yang: RUBY!!  Calm down. It is just Oobleck's scroll. She said to her little sister.
Ruby: Awwww, but that's boring.
Weiss: Are you serious you dolt.
Oobleck: Ruby *jumps down* you were not too far off with the Airship idea.
Weiss: Seriously. 
Oobleck: Yes Ozpin just informed me that due to a credible source he knows that this is, in fact, the White Fangs operations, and He sent Ironwoods fleet on standby until he is given the signal by that same source that I had mentioned earlier, to thin out their numbers before sending in the strike force. *Drinks coffee* The girls were amazed that Obleck can have that energy after waking up just one minute ago.
Blake (thoughts): Please don't tell me that He's here. I became worried that my boyfriend will get hurt for sure. So I asked him.
Blake: OK so more hunters are here and they are already fighting the White Fang? Then he replied to me.
Oobleck: I don't believe so, The tone in the headmaster's voice made it sound like it was just one and one alone. He said.
Ruby: So one person is fighting the White Fang alone, but who could...wait.
The whole team looked at each other and then at Oobleck.
Oobleck: Yes based on the circumstances and the evidence I believe the source to be non-other than the masked muted ninja himself. Snake Eyes. As he said, My eyes were widened that My boyfriend is there.
Blake: Wait! He went in alone! We got to go after him! I said to them
Oobleck: I do indeed agree we should go to the entrance to the metro, but I believe we should wait for the signal I mentioned earlier. As he said I became more worried.
Blake: We can't just do nothing, we have got to help him.
Weiss: Blake calm down, he isn't a normal hunter he is....well, I don't know how to describe him exactly.
Ruby: He is a highly skilled Ninja.
Blake: He is but, he is still human, he might get hurt if we wait for "the signal" We are huntresses we need to do our job and protect the people and that right now means helping Snake Eyes. (Also I would not be able to let it down if he got hurt when we could help, I know he is strong but....still, I worry, and isn't a girl allowed to worry about her man). I said to my teammates and they all agreed to my confidants.
Ruby: Well, when you put it like that. She agrees and my teammates soon follow
Weiss: *sigh* Alright I guess there is no point in arguing at this point. She agreed
Ruby: Yang?
Yang: Welp, Alright then, It's time to beat them up with a Yang, Eh. She said as we groaned that she made a horrible pun.
Yang: What?

Snake Eyes POV

Aether and I managed to take them out then A guy with the gun was about when I sliced the gun in half & I knocked him out with my sword, then we heard the hatch came from the surface opening then I gestured that we better take a look from the top
Aether: Don't worry about me, Just go I'll buy them some time. He said as I nodded in Agreement. When I made it to the surface and ready as I'm in a battle stance ready to fight the White Fang but then so much surprised me instead I saw some familiar faces.
Blake: Jaune! She said as she ran to hug me then slap me instead, I deserve that
Blake: Don't scare me like that do you realize that how much I worried about you. She said as I gestured her an apology. Then she replied.
Blake: It's okay I forgive you.
I gestured to them why they have a dog.
Zwei: Bark
Yang: It is a long story.
Ruby: Uh Hi. She said as I gestured that why they are doing here.
Ruby: We uh came to help you. She said as I continued to gesture.
Oobleck: They are on a professional mission under my supervision. He said then I gestured that what kind of mission is it.
Oobleck: To investigate suspected criminal activity happening in the abandoned city of Mountain Glenn. As he said, I facepalm that Ozpin sends first-year students Team RWBY including my girlfriend Blake, So I gestured that I'm glad they're here.
Aether: Alright and Who are you people

After Introduction.

I gestured to them that he and I managed to take them out without getting alerted then Ruby made a plan

Ruby: Alright Since Jaune & Aether managed to take them out so we have to stop the train before it reaches Vale, Let's do this.
WBY + Aether + Oobleck: Right. They said except Me because I'm mute

Ruby and Oobleck are dealing with Soldiers
Weiss, Yang & Aether are taking out the Paladins, & Blake & I are taking out WF lieutenant. When I managed to cut his chainsaw with my Strong sliced and Blake knocks them out. Then there was a huge explosion on the roof revealing the Atlas Air fleet.

Ironwood *loudspeaker*: Attention White Fang we have you surrounded, surrender now or you will have no choice but to use lethal force.

After he said that, a couple of dozens of Atlesian Knights jump down surrounding the White Fang.

WF Soldiers: Screw This *drops gun*

The others wasted no time doing the same.


Oobleck is Talking to my former rival as his troops are sweeping the area. While Team RWBY are all sitting on some debris, I and Aether are just having a conversation about
Aether: So are you telling that White Fang is working for a Terrorist group called COBRA.
Then I gestured to him that Who's Adam
Aether: Adam, hmm I don't know what he looks like. He said as I'm about to gesture to him when Blake came to me.
Blake: He's my Mentor and My former boyfriend.
Aether: What happened?
Blake: He became more aggressive. As she said I placed my on her shoulder and gestured to her that if he comes to her I'll deal with him.
Blake: *smiles* Thank you, Jaune. She said as I nodded.
Aether: Well congrats you two.
Blake: Thank you Aether, we better head back.
As she said I nodded in Agreement and we got onboard on bullhead and we head back to Beacon.

Inside SNPR's dorm

I and Blake are sleeping on my bed and having a relaxing moment.

Blake: I love you. She said as I gestured her saying "I love you too" then we kissed before we go to sleep.

3rd POV

Mercury, Emerald & Cinder are on the roof having a meeting

Cinder: All in all, I call today a success. She said to her friends

Emerald: Those stupid kids made a mess of things All thanks to Skilled muted Ninja himself. She replied

Mercury: Yeah. A lot of Faunus didn't make it out of the tunnels. Do you still think the White Fang's gonna listen to us? As he said, a male voice came revealing Adam Taurus. The man behind the mask.

Adam: No, but they'll listen to me.

That's the end of Volume 2 & there will be Volume 3 in this story. In this AU When Snake Eyes will confront Adam after the Fight Between Blake & Adam. When Snake Eyes begs Adam to Join his side to fix the mistakes.

Stay safe and stay awesome.

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