Chapter 21: Their Journey

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(This story will takes place during Volume 4)

On that night there was screaming in the distance and the village is on fire, it was overrun by Grimm. Snake Eyes saw everything but, He's not on his watch, he sprinted and jump on the Nevermore then he sliced the wing and dives down until he landed. The Hordes are surrounding him next, Beowolf jumped first but Snake Eyes sliced it first, the hordes tried to attack but They're been sliced by Snake Eyes. Beowolf tries a few slashes but Snake Eyes dodged and sliced its head.

Then Beringel appeared in front of him then it punches into the ground when Snake Eyes dodged and sprinted towards him. Snake Eyes slashed its leg first then its arm. When it had enough it smashed him but he blocked its attack and push its force.

When Snake Eyes is in the battle stance and Beringel charges as he readied to slice it. But Beringel sliced by the Crescent Rose and Snake Eyes saw what Crescent Rose belongs to. It is Ruby Rose.

Ruby: Snake Eyes, you okay?

He nodded then Aether came to their aid as He neutralized the hordes of Grimm.

Aether: Hey, You two okay?

He nodded in confirmation

Ruby: Yeah, We're alright.

Then his scroll vibrating and check his scroll it is his teammates.

Adam: Snake Eyes, Ruby, Aether! We saw smoke!
Ren: Heading your way.
Nora: Don't start without us!
Blake: Be Careful, Jaune.

He nodded as he look at the hordes then his friends

Ruby: Let's do this.

Then Snake Eyes dashed towards them and sliced while Ruby is slicing and firing with her Crescent Rose and Aether is slicing them. As they neutralizing the Grimm and as More waves coming until they came to their aid.

Nora: Here's Nora!

She smashed them with her hammer, Ren is neutralizing the Beowolves while Adam's Help. Adam slashed the Grimm and activated his semblance. Ruby, Yang, Weiss, Pyrrha & Neo are working together as they slaying the Grimm. Blake came to his aid as she sliced the Grimm and Snake Eyes neutralized the Beowolf.

Then a Few Hours Later all the Grimm are exterminated and they regrouped.

Blake: Jaune, You okay?

He nodded as she hugged him.

Blake: Thank God.
Adam: Yeah, we're all here.
Weiss: You could say that.
Ruby: So Yang, How are you doing.
Yang: Feels great.

Neo thumbs up

Ren: The Grimm made a mess, but we managed to keep everyone safe.
Aether: Yeah.
Pyrrha: At least We're finally okay now.
Nora: Yeah! I smashed those things.

He sighs as he gestured to continue their journey.

Blake: Yeah.

Then after villagers thank them, they continued their journey.

Meanwhile in the Forest

They have been walking in this forest for so long. He gestured to them they should camp here.

Blake: Yeah, We better get some rest.
Ruby: Okay, Guys. We better camp here for the night, we need some rest to get our strength.
Yang: Yeah, I'm beat.
Weiss: Yes, Yang, I'm tired here.
Adam: I'll keep at the watch.

He nodded as they sat down when setting it on fire.

Blake: Jaune, You did good back there.

He nodded as Blake lean her head into his shoulder.

Blake: Goodnight, Jaune.

He gestured her to his girlfriend having a goodnight sleep.

Then his friends except for Adam.

Adam: Don't worry, I'll be alright, get some sleep, Snake Eyes.

He nodded as he fell asleep with her, much smiling to Adam.

Adam: Goodnight, Lovebirds.

Then he thinks about his redemption.

Adam (thoughts): Don't Worry, I will make this thing right leaving my past behind and focus on the future. I swore an oath for Arashikage, I promise to you, I will redeem myself.

Then he continued to have a night watch.

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