Chapter 7: The Stray & the Black and White

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Inspired by: CrimsonSector87

3rd POV

The Next Morning on Vale, Vytal Festival was coming on this week, Team RWBY are walking down the streets but Not only four girls Snake Eyes decided to join with them.

Weiss: The Vytal Festival! Oh, this is wonderful! She said.
Ruby: I don't think that I've never seen you smile this much Weiss. It's kinda weirding me out. She said as Snake Eyes sighs
Weiss: How could you "not" smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world. There will be dances, parades & The Tournament! Oh, the amount of planning and organization that goes into this event is simply breathtaking.
As she finished Yang spoke up.
Yang: *sighs* You know how to take good things and make them sound boring. She said as he nodded in Disagreement.
Weiss: Quiet, you. She said harshly.
Soon enough, the six students of Beacon Academy stopped near the docks. Snake Eyes felt curious about other stuff
Ruby: Ugh, smells like fish too. She said as he facepalmed and nodding in disappointment.
Weiss: I've heard that students from Vacuo will be arriving today. And as a representative of Beacon, I feel as though it is my solemn duty to welcome to this fine kingdom! She said in determining as he shrugged
Blake: She wants to spy on her so she'll have the upper hand in Tournament. She said as he nodded in Agreement.
Weiss: You can't prove that. She said as she notices something.
Ruby: Whoa. Look at that. She said as she pointed them to a broken window of a shop with the door full of yellow tape. Snake Eyes felt curious about what happened, the students went over.

Detective Jordan: Robbery. Second dust shop to be hit this week. He said to his friend.
Detective Jake: They left all the money again.
Ruby: Huh?
Detective Jordan: Yeah, just doesn't make any sense. Who needs that much Dust. He said as Snake Eyes places his hand on his chin.
Detective Jake: I don't know, the terrorist.

Snake Eyes realized what Detective said was meant.

Detective Jordan: you thinking of the White Fang?
Detective Jake: Yeah, I'm thinking we don't get paid enough. As he said Snake Eyes walks towards them, Then He gestured to them about White Fang isn't the only one. The Cobra must have to work for them. After he finished he went back to others. The detectives walked off to talk to Vale Police Department.
Weiss: Hmph! The White Fang. What an awful bunch of degenerates!
Blake: what's your problem?
Weiss: My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane.
Blake: The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of Misguided Faunus.
Weiss: Misguided? They want to wipe off the face of humanity.
As Weiss continuing to argue with Blake, Snake Eyes was confused about The Connection between White Fang & His girlfriend Blake.
Then all of sudden

Sailor 1: Hey, stop that Faunus!
They heard that yelling and went over to see what was going on.

Sun: Thanks for the ride, guys! Haha!
He then leaps off the edge, lands on the dock, and started running.
Sailor 2: You no-good stowaway
He then used his tail to hang on a lamppost while peeled back a banana.

Sun: Hey! A no-good stowaway would've been caught. I'm a great stowaway.

Before he ate a banana, Detective Jonathan called him.

Detective Jonathan: Sir! Get down this instant!

He dropped the banana peel on his face who sighs. The Monkey boy twirled to crouch on the lamppost and laughed in amusement. When he ran off to run away from the detectives, he ran in the direction of the others and he winks at Blake then Feeling got glared at by Snake Eyes and Sun goes scared with a smile. He ran off, then Snake Eyes is in pursuit of the Faunus.

Snake Eyes dashes towards him and doing Ninjitsu and finally pinned him down.

Sun: whoa you're the one tuff ninja. He said as he nodded then gestured to him not to do it again
Sun: what do you mean?
He gestured to him that he winks at his girlfriend.
Sun: oh I'm sorry I didn't know you have a girlfriend. He said as He gestured to him not to do it. Then they met up with Ginger a haired girl

Girl: Sal-u-tation.
Sun: Hey, I'm Sun Wukong and this is um. He said as he gestured his name.
Sun: Snake Eyes, Nice
Penny: My name is Penny. It's pleasure to meet you. She said as he bowed. Then Blake catches up along with her teammates.

Blake: Jaune, where do you think you're going.
Sun: Jaune, that's your real name. He said he nodded then he asked
Sun: Can you tell me that You two know each other.  He started to gesture that how they met when they were kids.
Sun: Wow Long lost friendship. He said then he gestured that his girlfriend now.
Sun: Oh, I see. He said in disappointment then he placed his hand on his shoulder and gestured that he'll get that girl next time. Sun nodded in Agreement.


Team RWBY Dorm
6:59 pm

Blake & Weiss are still arguing which he doesn't like.

Weiss: No! Blake, you want to know why I despise the White Fang? It's because they're a bunch of liars, thieves, and murderers

Snake Eyes realized and reminded him about Storm and him at a young age.

Blake: Well maybe we're just tired of being pushed around!

Then, it was all silence in the room. The other just stood there in utter as Blake just stood there, shocked at what she said.

Blake just stood there & looked down, then Snake Eyes walks towards her and placed his hands on her shoulder then gestures her so that he knows about her, Blake just gave a sigh before she reached up removed her bow, revealing her cat ears and earning a gasp from the others. Then Snake Eyes gestured to her that she's cute without her bow which makes her blush.

Blake: *blushes* I'm sorry for what I said. It's just slipped. And I have a confession to make
Weiss: What is it?
Blake: I used to be with White Fang a long time ago. While we were getting equality, I didn't like the way they were doing it. So I ran off. And now I'm a criminal in hiding, with help with my bow.

When the others heard her story, they all felt bad for what Blake has gone through. Snake Eyes looked at Blake calmly before he pulled her into a tight embrace, then he gestured to her that she made the right choice when she left.
Blake: Huh? She said as he continued gesturing that he understood that Faunus are trying to get equality, but the White Fang takes it away too far, the final gesture is that he's proud of her. Blake then lunge at Snake Eyes and kissed him on the lips.
Blake: Thanks, My mute ninja. And I'm sorry for arguing with Weiss earlier.
Weiss: I'm sorry too, Blake. For what you have been through. *clenches fist* My Father is the one responsible for all this. As she said about her father, He clenched his fists that He is responsible for Slave labor on Faunus, but he kept remain calm then He gestured to them about they shouldn't fight each other.

Weiss: Snake Eyes, what are talking about? She asked.
Blake: Can you tell us? She said as he sighs that He's ready to reveal his past. He gestured as He starting to tell them about his story when he was a child between Snake Eyes and his brother figure Storm Shadow. And his father figures Hard Master.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(End of Flashback)

Then after Hard Master's death, He took a vow of silence, not to speak, a friend or foe. As he finished his story or when others heard his story, they all felt bad for him for what Snake Eyes has gone been through, then he gestured to them that He doesn't want them to make mistakes as he did. just like he and his brother Storm Shadow. Then Blake and Weiss walks towards him

Blake: Jaune, I'm so sorry. For what you have been through. She said in guilt
Weiss: So did I. She said did the same feeling as her as he nodded then, as Snake Eyes is about to leave Blake asked him.

Blake: Hey, where are you going?
Then He gestured that He will go to meet up with someone and he left in their dorm.

Ruby: is Jaune okay? She asked in worry
Blake: I don't know but He will. She said
Weiss: Good thing that He gestured us about his story that made us learn.
Yang: He just had a terrible past.
Ruby: right now we need to get some sleep. She said as they nodded then they went to bed.

Snake Eyes POV

After I revealed my past to Team RWBY I left the door leading to the courtyard, I texted him with my scroll to come out so that he'll meet me up.

Sun: How do you know I was here. He said

I gestured to him that we have much to do. Then I gestured to him White Fang is planning something to do.

Sun: They said that They will rob the Dust at the Dockyards. He said as I nodded in Agreement. Then I gestured to him that we better get going.
Sun: Ok. He said as in agreement.

Then we left the Beacon Academy to find them for what they were up to.

The Next Day.

We were at Dockyards waiting to arrive That was coming. While we were crouching he asked me

Sun: Are you sure it's the right place. He said as I nodded in Confirmation then we heard the engines of bullhead. It was White Fang and of course COBRA. When we were watching as the troops coming out patrolling.

WF Soldier: We better Hurry up or else we get caught for sure. As he said COBRA soldier talked back
COBRA Soldier: Oh shut it. He said to the WF soldier. Then we saw Torchwick

Roman: Cmon What's the holdup? He said in impatience. As said a deep voice came... Wait I know that voice.

???: Now, now. If we used the Dust in our hands then Victory will be ours, and I hope you won't fail me.

Roman: Ye-yes Commander I won't.
Cobra Commander: you better be. As he said, I knew he was all along. Instead of him, I spotted Storm Shadow & Jinx in disguise so I brought to scroll to text them that I'm here then they saw me then I text them that it's time which they nodded then I got a text from Storm Shadow.

Wait for my signal
- Storm Shadow

I nodded in Agreement and we wait.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

After we dealing with the soldiers we saw Roman and Commander got onboard on the bullhead.

Roman: Those things getting weird right. He said to Commander.
Cobra Commander: Shut it.

Then the bullhead took off, They got away but this time, We gonna catch them. Next Storm Shadow & Jinx Came to me with a group hug.

Storm Shadow: It's good to see you brother. He greeted me as I nodded
Jinx: Hello sensei. She said as I waved at her.
Then out of nowhere Blake clinging to me or hugging me.
Blake: Jaune, where have you been! She said as I looked down in disappointment then Team RWBY came, I felt so confused that Why they are here so I gestured to them that what's going on then Ruby asked.
Ruby: You've been gone since Friday.
Weiss: You dunce! You know, how we have been searching for you for hours. She added
Yang: If you ever need us, call us ok. She said as I nodded then they were alerted by his presence as they're in battle stance

Blake: Why did you kill your own Master!
Then I defended him and gesturing them that wasn't him.

Blake: then What is it? She asked as I gestured that It was Zartan who kill our Master.
Then they apologized to my brother for their actions then I introduced them to my student Jinx

Sun: So, why did you killed them? He said.
Blake: Jaune, What have you done? She said as I gestured that I am Assassin and so did brother and I gestured to her that they were misguided, Then I gestured to apologize to her.
Blake: It's okay I don't care if you're Assassin, but please don't do that again ok. She said as I nodded in Agreement. So I gestured to them how did they find me.

Ruby: Well you see...

Ruby POV

Earlier that same day.

Well, I woke up this morning and Snake Eyes wasn't here.

Ruby: Ohhh...

I felt bad for him that he has terrible childhood.

Then My team woke up and they feel so guilty that he's not there.

Weiss: He's not here yet. She said
Blake: Where he's gone to? She said in worry
Yang: Well We'll better find him. My Sister said as we nodded in Agreement.

7:33 am

We were walking on the sidewalk looking for him.

Yang: He's our friend, We can find him
Weiss: You're right I hope He's doing ok. She said in worry
Ruby: Let's look for him.
Blake (thoughts): Please be okay, Jaune.

As we were searching for him, they called his name out.

Ruby: Jauuune.
Yang: Jaune.
Blake: Jaune where are you.
Weiss: Jaune just comes out, please.

Ruby: This is hopeless. I said in disappointment
Yang: I'm sure we can find somehow
Then out of nowhere Penny just came by
Penny: Salutation Friend.
Ruby: Penny can you Help us, Our friend left yesterday & he did not return.
Penny: Oh no, don't worry Ruby friend I will not stop until we found him.

Then a few moments My team split up into two groups. Weiss & Yang went to the other side while I'm with Penny. And Blake went alone to look for him.

Penny: so what happened yesterday? She told me.
Ruby: Well after an argument with Weiss & Blake & revealing she's the Faunus, Snake Eyes told them not to fight and told his story about what happened about his past. I guess that his story made them learned the truth about him and his Master. I said that to her.
Penny: What happened to his Master? She asked me so I replied
Ruby: He was killed by his brother.
Penny: If I have a Friend I will protect them no matter what.
Ruby: Yeah thanks, Penny.
Then out of nowhere, Blake came to me
Blake: Have you found him yet? She said as I nodded no.
Blake: Where is he?
Ruby: Blake I know you loved him so much but, we'll look for them Ok.
Blake (distressed): ok.

Then we heard the bullhead engine flew going into dockyards

Blake: It's heading to the dockyards
Ruby Let's go. Then we ran towards our destination. After few moments we made it to dockyards  We saw Snake Eyes fighting the soldiers alongside a White ninja. Then we saw Torchwick and his unknown guy are getting on onboard & they got away. Then Weiss & My sister Yang ran towards us.
Yang: Have you- as she about to say but I pointed at him confirming that we found him
Yang: We found him!
Weiss: Ugh... Finally!
Ruby: Blake There's your- As I said Blake dashes towards him and hugs him and we walked towards their spot.

Snake Eyes POV

Ruby: That's how we found you. As she said, I felt so surprised that they are looking for me
Then My teammates followed here
Pyrrha: Hey I'm so glad you're ok
Nora: Where have you been?
Ren: Just Call us okay because we're a team. He said as I nodded in Agreement. Then I introduced myself to my Friends, My brother Storm Shadow & my student Jinx, then as we were about the do separate ways Ozpin came.

Ozpin: Storm, Jinx you can stay at Beacon
Storm Shadow: How do you know?
Blind Master: I told him already.

Storm is thinking about it and he agrees to it so did Jinx

Storm Shadow: We'll go, sir
Ozpin: then welcome to Beacon Academy.

Finally, my friends are joining the academy

Blake: you must be Blind Master
Blind Master: Ah yes It's nice to meet you, Ms. Belladonna.

After that Incident, we went back to Beacon Academy to take a day off. I and Blake are sleeping on her bed

Blake: Goodnight My Mute Ninja. She said as I gestured her saying "Goodnight my Kitty" and we finally get some sleep.

That's the end of Volume 1 & there will be Volume 2 in this story. Stay safe and stay awesome.

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