3. Coffee, Coffee, Coffee.

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Song: In common by Alicia Keys, Black Coffee remix. (Because Coffee is in the title. Logic.)

Not edited.

2. Coffee, Coffee, Coffee.

I just about managed to refrain myself from letting out a moan as the blissful liquid entered my mouth.


The reason I'm in school everyday, my savior.

A satisfied sigh escaped my lips as I slammed the china mug harshly onto the wooden table, receiving strange looks from the people filling the cafe as the noise echoed through the near silent room.

Embarrassment flooded my cheeks and I directed my eyes to my essay, letting my hair fall over my face in order to hide myself from the people who were still angrily staring at me.

Focusing my attention on the words I had written, I grabbed my pen. I was determined to get this done.

Okay, I need to add some alliteration.

Maybe to describe the trees?

Naturalistic... exquisite... pure...

Damn, my hair smells nice.

It's like, vanilla and... oh, what's that smell!?








Yeah, um, No.

Wow, I need to get my hair cut.

My split ends are horrid.

But how should I get it cut?





Oh, I could get a fringe!

Speaking of fringes, I wonder what it is Logan was going on about the other day.

I don't ever Snapchat anyone?

OH GOD!!!!!

What if I sent him nudes!

I was drunk, I might of! Oh no!

Oh no, Oh no, OH NO!!!

Okay, so no homework.

Slowly, I exhaled, placing my unfinished essay carefully into my bag so it wouldn't get crumpled.

I slid myself out of the comfortable booth and said goodbye to Joe, who was seated behind the counter with his glasses perched on his large nose, reading the local news paper.

"Have a cookie before you leave, Mia!" He called after me and I grinned, grabbing a cookie from the white plate next to him.

"See you later, sweetheart." He smiled and I reciprocated his words-minus the sweetheart-and smiled as I walked out of the cafe and into the chilly, early morning air.

It had just turned October and my leggings and converse hoodie were barely keeping me warm in the ice cold weather.

Still, a smile crossed my face as the leaves crunched underneath my trainers and people rushed to get out of the cold morning air.

I passed shops which were just opening and groups of teenagers on the way to East high, the main competition to my high school, Jenson high.

Our school names are so original, we deserve medals.

Mr (Scott) Jenson, the head teacher of Jenson High who just so happened to be my Uncle, was standing outside the gates when I arrived.

"Amelia," He began but I quickly corrected him.

"Mia." I rolled my eyes and he smiled as I walked straight past him and into the school.

I guess it's quite a good thing that my uncle runs my high school as it means I barely get into any trouble.

The other day, for example, I got sent to the head teachers office for sticking my foot out under the desk and making my teacher fall over and Scott only laughed at me and teased me about it.

Obviously he told me not to do it again, but because he knows I'm a good student- and I'm his absolute favorite niece- he let's me get away with it.

Plus, he never phones home because my parents are never around to answer the phone so he may as well just phone himself anyway.

"No more stacking teachers, Mia!" He shouted after me and I grinned as I walked into the schools doors.


The second I left my classroom for lunch, I was immediately bombarded with questions from Jake and tried my best to hush him as students stared at us weirdly.

"Shut up." I hissed as I dragged him to my locker with me.

"Well." He stated and I stared at him for a couple of seconds, completely confused by his excited look. "What did Logan say?"

Closing my mouth which was just agape, I shrugged my shoulders.

"Nothing, I didn't meet him."

Technically, I wasn't lying. I didn't meet him, I bumped into him on the street and he followed me back to my house.

I know right, what a stalker.

"Ah, Mia! You suck!" He pouted and I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my books from my locker and bundled them into my bag.

"Where's Hope?" I asked as I slammed my locker shut and pulled on the lock, checking it was secure.

"Probably bunking." Jake shrugged and I sighed.


"Not a clue."

I exhaled deeply and followed Jake down the corridors towards the lunch hall. The corridors were only slightly busy so we got to the canteen quickly and soon enough I was paying for my slice of pepperoni pizza and a hot chocolate - calories and all - one of my favourite things to get in the winter.

"Thanks." I smiled to the chef who took my money and smiled back at me. As soon as I exited the queue, my pizza and hot chocolate was snatched out of my hands by none other than Jake.

"Go and ask that big headed balloon what he wanted to talk to you about or I'll eat your pizza." He demanded, pushing my body towards the table Logan was sitting on with a group of his friends.

I stumbled forwards, my leg hitting the chair Logan was sitting on and causing him and all his friends to look up at me. They all stared at me expectantly as I opened and closed my mouth like a fish before looking down at Logan.

"Sorry. Enjoy your lunch." I said sheepishly as I spun around and stomped back the few feet to Jake.

"You," I began poking him in the chest with my finger, "I hate you!" I exclaimed, slapping his chest and snatching my stuff off of him and angrily biting into my pizza.

I love food.

I turned back around, only to feel a pair of eyes on me and noticed Logan staring at me, a stupid smirk plastered against his stupid lips.

Holy mother of Jesus.

I'm going to throw my pizza at him.

Just kidding! I would never waste food.

I watched him slowly stand from his chair, grab his bag and then whisper something to his friends before coming my way. I looked around, hoping that he was going to someone else but was sadly proved wrong when he stopped in front of me and spoke to Jake.

"Mind if I borrow her?" He asked and I opened my mouth, frowning.

"Course not." Jake grinned at me and I scowled.

"She is right here and she says no." I stated going to take a bite of my pizza.

My pizza was taken from my grip before I could bite into it and placed in Jake's hand by Logan, before he grabbed my hand, dragging me away from Jake.

"You're coming with me."

Accepting song requests, leave them here. (For any chapters, state which.)

Also debating changing the casting for Logan. Any suggestions?

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