7. Man Periods

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Song: Body Say by Demi Lovato

Not edited.

7. Man Periods

For some reason, all the men in my life were being off with me.

Logan had stropped off this morning, Gavin hadn't spoken to me properly for the past few weeks, my dad had hung up the phone when I called him and Jake... Well Jake's just weird anyway.

Obviously time of the month had struck every pair of male gentiles near me.

I let out a huff as my point was further proven, and a boy from the biology class I'd just had knocked my books all over the floor, mumbling something under his breath about me scuffing his shoe.

I knelt down to pick my books up, noticing a door open out of the corner of my eye.

Just as I finished picking my books up, Gavin walked out and I jogged slightly to catch up with him, gripping my books tightly to prevent them dropping on the floor again.

"Gavin," I called and he reluctantly looked around, smiling sharply and I stopped as I reached him.

"Hi." He said before turning to walk away and I frowned, grabbing his forearm lightly to stop him.

"I um, I was wondering if you want to come over tonight?" I offered and he wrapped his arm around me, forcing me to move down the corridor and away from where we were just stood.

"I have to visit my grandparents."

Now, I hate to be a controlling, paranoid girlfriend but 3 weeks ago he would've taken me with him to see his grandparents. What changed?

"Tomorrow then? We can even order curry." I offered, hopping he'd understand how desperately I wanted him to come over considering I hate curry. "I've barely seen you recently Gavin."

He sighed, stopping walking and wrapped his arms around my waist as he responded.

"I know babe, I've just been busy. Maybe some time next week?" He offered and I nodded, smiling and leaning up to press my lips against his.

He moved his face slightly as I leaned up, so my lips came into contact with his cheek and then he untangled himself from me, dismissing me with a "Bye." Before disappearing around the corner, leaving me with my arms wrapped around thin air and a frown on my face.

I sighed, glancing over the door he came out and my lips parted slightly when I realised it was a cupboard. I looked back in the direction he'd disappeared in and then moved towards the cupboard.

Why would Gavin need to go into a cupboard?

My hand was just reaching for the door knob when a voice filled my ears.

"Mia, what the hell did you do to- why are you going in a cupboard?" Jake interrupted himself and I pulled away from the door handle, looking up at him.

"I thought I heard something. What were you saying?" I asked, adjusting my bag on my shoulder as Jake began to lead me down the corridor.

"What happened with you and Logan? He's storming round school looking like mad man."

"Me? Why would I of done anything." I ask.

"Well-" He began, but was interrupted by the sound of a locked being slammed shut, a lot louder than normal.

Both of us looked over at the source of the sound, and as I did so Logan's eyes met mine. His expression was as cold as ice, and he rolled his eyes at me before disappearing down the corridor.

"Point proven." Jake snorted. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything actually, it was-" I began, before I too was interrupted.

"Hey babe, do you need a lift home?" I looked up to see Jared staring down at me as I moved down the steps to the school.

"She's coming to my house." Jake lied and Jared nodded, mumbling something I didn't quite catch before disappearing towards his car. "Weird."

"I'm pretty sure him being here is what pissed Logan off, not me." I said and watched Jake's expression fill with confusion as he processed what I said.

"How do they know each other?"

"No idea, Logan stormed off before I could ask." I shrugged, opening the passenger seat to Jakes car and getting in.

"You are coming to my house by the way." He announced as he pulled out of the school parking lot and I laughed.

"Your Aunt and Uncle must hate me."


To my relief, Hope was there when we got to her house - but not for long.

As we came in through the door she was putting her shoes on, and I smiled at her when she looked up at me.

"Hey party girl." I grinned and she smiled tightly at me as she stood up. "Were you with mystery guy again last night?"

"Sorry Mia but I can't talk, I have to be somewhere." She said, grabbing her purse and coat before smiling at Jake and walking out, leaving me frowning with an open mouth.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I asked as I turned to face Jake with and exhausted sigh.

He raised an eyebrow at me, carefully looking me up and down and then looking me dead in the eye for a few seconds before replying "Yes." And disappearing into the kitchen, probably to get some of the food which was left over from last night.

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