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[ hoseok's point of view ]

"yah jimin! stop sending me a snap of you and yoongi having sex!" i yelled.

"i accidentally pressed it!" he shouted back, wrapping his arms around yoongi's shoulder.

even though we were just sitting across each other, i just had to shout.

"what?! accidentally? but you sent me seven snaps in a row! tell me, how do you accidentally send someone snaps several times in a row?" i argued, while glaring at him.

"okay okay hobi hyung! i'm so sorry alright?" jimin whined, pursing his lips. i sighed in defeat."

"if you weren't this cute i would probably cut off your dick or something." i threatened. yoongi growled and shot daggers at me. "not his dick, it's important to me. i have to suck it-"

"enough information!" i hollered as i covered my eyes.

"namjoon! where's the condom?" i heard seokjin's voice. i groaned internally. screw all this shit.

"kookie ah! where did you put the lube?" this time, i heard taehyung's voice.

fuck all this. i'm the only single person here, and my mind should be innocent, but yet it's poullted by the 3 freaking couples here.

"CAN YOU ALL STOP SHOUTING SEXUAL THINGS?!" i bursted out loud. it seemed like they were rubbing in my face of the fact that i'm single.

"you got no swag." yoongi mumbled. jimin nodded, agreeing to his boyfriend's statement.

"you got no jams. but at least you have a little more than jimin though." namjoon said. i laughed a little while jimin groaned.

"hobi hyung, when are you going to get yourself a boyfriend?" taehyung asked as he sat down beside me.

"correction : girlfriend. i'm straight for fuck's sake." i replied, while leaning backwards onto the sofa. damn it. does all of them think i'm gay just because they are? well fuck no.

i sighed heavily. maybe i wasn't ready to be in a relationship. i was okay with being single though, but these guys here reminded me how being single was not really good.

'you have received a snap'

my phone light up with a notification from snapchat. it was from jungkook. what the? why would jungkook even send me a snap? he's just in his room and i'm in the living room.

but then again, yoongi and jimin had sex in their room and jimin sent me a snap of it. urgh, oh my innocent eyes.

i opened the snap and it was a picture of a dick.

"JEON JUNGKOOK!!" i hollered throughout the whole dorm.

"IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, HYUNG!" he shouted back and i heard the door of jungkook's room slamming closed.

why does everyone accidentally send me snaps?

i've enough of this shit.

i went into the toilet and made sure i locked the door.

i was going to get revenge.

i lifted up my shirt until it was right above the nipples. i took out my phone from my pocket and opened snapchat. i turned the camera mode to 'selfie'.

i held my phone closer to my nipples and took a good picture of it.

this is going to get so good.

i let loose my shirt then proceeded to send the snap to jungkook with no caption.

i scrolled through my contacts and pressed 'little shit kookie' and pressed the arrow which means 'send'.

i smirked.

i placed my phone back inside my pocket and exited the toilet. i went to jungkook's room.

"no hyung! don't kill me!" jungkook gasped as he held the blanket to cover his face.

"what? no no i'm not going to kill you. i'm going to if killing wasn't an offence though." i smirked. jungkook's eyes widened a bit.

"anyways. did you received my snap?" i questioned. jungkook shook his head, showing me his phone.

"what?" i shouted. i quickly took out my phone and checked my snapchat.

and shit.


i've sent to a random person instead.


this will have slow updates because i'm still in the midst of writing it >:)

but i hope you enjoy this story :') and yes there will be gay and sexual stuffs

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