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[ eun rae's point of view ]


that's the state that i was in now.

i sobbed in an ugly manner as i stuffed more popcorns into my mouth as i flipped to the next page of the book 'the fault in our stars'.

it felt like i was going through a break up when in fact i'm not even in a relationship with him. the fact that jimin, my fluffy ball of sunshine, the sexy abs and his infamous jibooty, is a gay. and with yoongi.

don't get me wrong, i freaking ship yoonmin a lot but my heart just breaks that jimin's taken.

maybe i'll get over this like in a day or something, i hope so.

i clicked on my phone and saw a snapchat message from hobihorsehobi.

hobihorsehobi : i'm glad that i could cheer you up. i don't like seeing anyone sad, especially the person that i like.

my heart skipped a bit.

motherfuckerchicken : thank you so much :))

motherfuckerchicken : oH BTW RIGHT

motherfuckerchicken : i hAVE A FUNNY STORY TO TELL YOU

hobihorsehobi : OHO WHAT IS IT

motherfuckerchicken : i went to the swimming pool & sauna in seoul today

hobihorsehobi : gASP

hobihorsehobi : SAME OMG

motherfuckerchicken : a guy freaking splashed me on my face and i cursed him a lot i'm just

motherfuckerchicken : i recalled what i said and it was so funny i'm crying

motherfuckerchicken : his expression was so shock omg i was holding my laughter tbh

motherfuckerchicken : but his nipples looked so familiar to me?? like wtf man idk where i saw those before

hobihorsehobi : omg

hobihorsehobi : tell me honestly,

hobihorsehobi : are you a girl?

i froze. why would he suddenly ask that type of question? do i still have to continue to lie to him? i don't think i should. i didn't have the intention to lie to him in the beginning too.

motherfuckerchicken : yeah

motherfuckerchicken : u just assumed i was a boy and you didn't say anything

motherfuckerchicken : that pic of the dick was my friend's

hobihorsehobi : guess what

hobihorsehobi : news flash

hobihorsehobi : i'm that guy whom you met in pool earlier.

so, he's hoseok's twin?!

hobihorsehobi : i can't believe

hobihorsehobi : i thought you were a guy

hobihorsehobi : and i thought i was going gay for you

hobihorsehobi : i honestly don't know anymore

hobihorsehobi : i'm just

hobihorsehobi : i need some time to think through this

hobihorsehobi : sorry but i don't think we should like snapchat message each other anymore

oh shit oh shit. my heart broke as i stared my phone that displayed his messages. why am i so sad? why was i so heartbroken? why does this feel twice as hurt as i'm feeling right now?

hobihorsehobi : and i'm sorry i lied too

hobihorsehobi : this is jung hoseok

hobihorsehobi : yes, i am jung hoseok from bangtan.

hobihorsehobi : i said i was hoseok's twin in the pool

hobihorsehobi : but he has no twin so yeah.

hobihorsehobi : we both lied to each other

motherfuckerchicken : excuse you

motherfuckerchicken : i did not LIED to you


he's accusing me right now for lying to him when i didn't. why is this shit so messed up? so i'm messaging jung hoseok? what a twisted world. why am i not happy that i'm messaging an idol, but instead i felt hurt that he told me that he was j-hope's twin? fucking ridiculous.

hobihorsehobi : you could have told me that you were a girl

hobihorsehobi : you played with my emotions, my feelings and here i honestly thought i was falling for a guy i'm just-

i stared at his message. falling? don't tell me that...

motherfuckerchicken : you... like me?

hobihorsehobi : yes.

hobihorsehobi : i never thought i would but i did.

hobihorsehobi : sorry i screwed up things but i think

hobihorsehobi : i'm an idol and i should keep my distance away from you. i think

hobihorsehobi : it's best if we don't talk to each other now.


this story is so messy idek where it's heading. idk if this will have more than 15 chapts? depends on my trashy brain.

i can't sleep right now it's like 12:30 am (/coughs/ i sleep at 2am+) so i decided to update hmm.

thank you so much for reading this messy & trashy story :)

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