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Where I come from, people just don't do that kind of thing. I mean, really, who does she think she is? In what universe is it okay to go up to someone and say "hello"? Not only is that an insult, but it can be used as a derogatory term against my kind. I let out a large breath in anger and I ignored the tree that fell over as I did so and the stares that I received from baffled pedestrians walking by.

With a non-committal flick of my wrist, the tree had righted itself anyways. I was still fuming from that encounter, of course, so the tree had a few knots in the trunk not but it would still survive. On this place called Urth, things could adapt well.

Yet they were also very different from things back at my home.

In all honesty, I couldn't wait to return to my planet. The culture here was beginning to take an excessive toll on me as I tried to figure out the way certain things operated. The cuisine here was beyond odd -they were barbaric enough to eat guinea pigs- and the clothes were oddly thin, showing off so much skin. None of it even began to touch the concept of being normal.

Not to mention the ever so warm welcome I received when I arrived here.

First, people had begun to call me the oddest thing; alien. I was by no means an alien to them as much as they were an alien to me! The term was redundant and not to mention extremely rude. These people were possibly even more alien than me. After all, they were the ones with technology that seemed to be lagging years behind. Even so, with the lack of aid, they had still tried to capture me! The nerve this must have taken to do such a thing!

Hours before, a group of white-skinned men -instead of the usual pink skin like me- approached me and were talking to me as if I were some naive creature! I can assure you that my intelligence is years beyond the people wandering around on this planet. Then, they had tried to force me into a capsule. I ran without harming anyone as it was not my intention to cause war like these people seemed so keen upon doing so.

Now, as I made my way to my ship to depart this dreadful place, a small human approached me. A child, I think is what the people here call them. She held up her hands and cooed at me. I was smart enough to understand the message she was trying to get across and I hesitantly picked her up, with the utmost care. Children were precious after all. The small child in my arms smiled cheekily at me and then reached out and grabbed my nose before squeezing it gently. My automatic reaction was to sneeze and I did so, but not before moving my face away from the small human.

She laughed at my reaction and then wiggled in my arms to be set down and I obliged. I watched as the child wandered off to its mother and before I knew it, a small smile spread across my lips.

Maybe this planet had a few good things, in its young.

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