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Everything about this felt right. All of his instincts, usually so skeptical, were prodding him forward. He took a deep breath, and walked into the little coffee shop that seemed to be calling his name. When he walked in, the place was warm and welcoming. There was a display case full of baked goods and he then realized this place wasn't a coffee shop at all, but a small bakery.

He smiled when he saw a figure behind the counter but immediately froze in shock when she returned it. The figure before him was a stunning young woman, looking to be a few years younger than him. Her skin was flawless aside from a few blemishes here and there, and freckles littered her nose against an olive skin tone. Long, wavy brunette hair flowed down to her waist and her bright, blue eyes stood out against her complexion. They were tinged with curiosity as she stared back at him. Her face was heart-shaped and the smile that was spread across her face lit up her features and accentuated them.

But the most stunning thing about her was not her looks. It was her energy.

It was just so bright, active, inquisitive and simply put, beautiful. It hung around her like a veil, and it was so tangible, that he could almost reach out and grab a handful of it. It was odd since he never even began to wonder what others energies were and yet he could feel hers so strongly, but he instantly knew he wanted to get to know her.

Then he realized he'd been staring at her. He didn't think that much time had passed, but he'd been so engrossed by her that he was certain, and he panicked.

He blurted out the first thing that came to his head. "Danishes, now." He immediately felt bad about his rude tone and was thinking of how to apologize to the woman in front of him, but before he could get a word out, she let out a huff and a cloud of flour erupted into the air, effectively covering them both.

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