28. The Intimacy of Chapstick (Phinerb)

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Phineas kept biting at and sucking on his bottom lip.

It was insanely distracting for Isabella. But daydreams playing out in the young teenager's mind were doing a better job than her jacket at keeping away the chill. It was a good thing they weren't planning a Big Idea this afternoon, it was a school night after all and they still had homework to do later, as she wasn't sure she'd be able to keep focused on construction when he was doing that. It was bad enough that it was throwing off her aim in the snowball fight.

Phineas dropped down behind the wall of their snow fort. Isabella followed suit while Ferb continued hurling snowballs across the backyard.

He rubbed at his lips, wincing slightly. Now that he didn't have it in-between his teeth, it was oblivious how dry they looked. Maybe the whole thing wasn't really as daydream worthy as it had seemed a minute ago. "Can I use your Chapstick?"

She froze. Or maybe it was completely daydream worthy. He wanted to share her Chapstick? He might as well have been asking to kiss her! Well, in an indirect way...

Before she could so much as muffle her excitement to reply, Ferb paused his attack to hold out his hand, a small tube clasp in between his fingers.

"Thanks, bro!"

With that done, Ferb went back to the fight.

Isabella blinked. That was... He hadn't been talking to her?! "You share Ferb's...?"

Applying it to his lips, Phineas shrugged. "Yeah, sometimes. Why?"

"Don't you think that's kinda intimate?" Then again, she could see him not seeing it that way. He was so obtuse to that type of thing, but surely Ferb would realize it?

Phineas frowned at her. "Whatcha mean?"

"I mean it's not..." What? Normal? What about the brothers was normal? "He's your brother."

"Yeah, and?"

For a very brief second, Isabella wondered exactly what it was she saw in him. Then she looked at the innocent way he was staring at her, and his absolutely acute head, and the thought faded. "Most people only share lip balm with someone they're dating?" she tried.

Phineas blinked, eyes widening ever so slightly. "Oh." She waited for him to look disgusted or wipe at his lips or something, instead he stared at the Chapstick tube before turning to look up at Ferb. "Ferb, are we dating?"

Isabella froze. Again. What.

The snowball he was throwing went way off target as Ferb fixed Phineas with a look before glancing at Isabella. He tugged his scarf down from over his mouth. "Did you want us to be dating?"

What. Isabella's jaw dropped. Seriously, what was happening right now?

"I dunno. I like our relationship how it is."

Ferb nodded, pulling his scarf back up.

"Well, now that that's settled, ready to go back into battle?" He was smiling at her like he hadn't just turned her world upside down.

"You're dating Ferb?" Oh gosh, this was nightmarish. This had to be a bad dream.

"Uh, no?" Phineas gestured at his brother. "He just said that. We're just, how'd ya put it? Intimate or whatever."

"But--it's--he's your--" Realizing a complete sentence was out of the question, she trailed off.

"Are you okay?" Phineas moved closer to her. "You look kinda pale. Are you cold? I think Mom was gonna make us hot chocolate when we came in."

She nodded mutely, letting Phineas call a time out so he could led her inside.

Maybe all this would make sense once she warmed up.

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