How you meet

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"Not in the mood for chit-chat, I see. Very well!" The man in the parka shouted

"My god, you two are such a married couple in a fight," you groaned, flicking at your fingertips

"I thought I told you to come alone!"

"Oh, you did," you taunt, letting flames waft from your fingertips. The other guy looked entranced by what you were doing. "But I'm not one for listening to rules, Snart. So seeing as you like things cold...lets heat it up."

"Trust me, this is part of the plan," Snart says confidentially

"Well, the plan sucks. And not my colour,  by the way." You snap, eyes sharp.

And then the door bangs open and a girl stands there, her hair light brown, her clothes all black, "on the contrary. I think orange is very much your colour." she winks

"Who," Rory demands, "is that?"

"That's my sister." Snart sounds utterly bored.

"Hello, big brother, been a while, hasn't it?"

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