ObjectStories - NIGHT 1

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...You're awake! Yay...

...da frick is going on...

...I see you found me...


...survive the first night...


...be one of us...


...soooo weak...

...do that if I were you...

...able to reach you...

...father of the family...

...Just...try to survive...

...can't escape...

...Leave me alone...


...ilbarker Iguana...

...Come on...please...



...do with il and Cass...

...take a look...

...know the Wise family...

...understand the family better...


...not see her down there...

...You guys are predictable...

...kidnapped us...

...going to join my family...

...happy I am to see...

...first night the past two first nights...

...will save Becca...

...won't be so easily fooled...

...I miss my ssshipmate...

...NO! Ssshe's mine...


I gasped slightly as my eyes shot open, only to be greeted with a very fluidy situation.

How the crap was I breathing?

This...weird stuff around me was holding me in place, sorta, but I could still breathe and I could sorta see with a greenish tint everywhere.

A small sound...uh, sounded, and I felt movement...downward?

After a few seconds, the greenish tint disappeared and I saw wavy-looking glass. My feet touched something below me, and then I fell to my knees as the last of...whatever it was went away.

I coughed harshly as normal air entered my lungs.

Wh-Where the flip am I?!

What...What were those...those...snippets of phrases?

Kidnapped us.... So, I was kidnapped. As far as I knew, so were spark, il, and Cass. Were there more?

I pushed myself to my feet and tried looking outside the glass.

I noticed 6 other tubes similar to mine, 3 of which were empty. The other 3 had people in them. Females.

I tried taking a closer look and realized who they were.

Fox, Kit, and Liz.

Me, Fox, Kit, Liz...spark, il, and Cass. The friend group of...Becca?

...will save Becca?

"Oh. Good, you're...awake." A familiar voice said, though it sounded somewhat sullen.

"Becca?" I asked quietly.

She gave a tired giggle. "Yeah, it's me. I'm getting a bit tired of everyone acting all the same. I hope you'll be a bit more entertaining. Why don't you come on up?"

I stayed silent, unsure of how to respond.

The ground beneath me rose, though it was slow enough that I didn't fall down.

I looked up to see a small light growing brighter and brighter.

I shielded my eyes and then found myself upon a bed in a bedroom.

One door had a LoZ poster on it, but the other doorway  was practically obliterated.

What did they do, collapse the roof in there?

I shook my head and stood up, glancing around the room.

It was definitely Becca's room due to all the Kirbys about.

The window was covered by thick, purple curtains. I pulled back the curtains to see a set of blinds in the way. I pulled one down and glanced out, but was only greeted with a translucent vision of myself. It was really dark out, probably the middle of the night. The light in the room was causing me to just see myself mostly.

I briefly considered trying to open the window, but decided against it when I thought more on Becca's words.

Everyone else acted the same. Maybe they had tried to open the window and failed for some reason?

I sighed lightly and backed away, letting the curtains fall over the window.

"Well, I wasn't wrong. You're the first to not try to open the window. Well, actually, il never got the chance to since she's...well, you'll see. But anyways, I'm hoping this'll be a more fun round~"

I shivered in the freaky joy in Becca's voice. At the moment, I reeeeeally couldn't question anything weird. I mean, I was just breathing fine in green goo without any sort of tube to breathe through!

"Well, enough dilly-dallying!  Let us begin so that traitor can call you!"

I frowned at the light giggle she gave before the lights went out, leaving only a faint shimmer coming from seemingly nowhere, almost like a ghost light.

Needless to say, it was creeeeepy.  However, it did provide me with faint light so that I could sorta see shapes in the room.

A faint light appeared on Becca's bed, and I went to look closer.

It turned out to be a phone in a purple case with, surprise, Kirby stickers on the back.  There was even a small Kirby laying on the ground looking up on top of his head at...I think that's a dumpling.

Don't question how I saw it in the dark.  My eyes just somehow got used to the dark quickly, I guess.

Yeah, that.

Kinda hard to see unless you're on a phone, though....


I smirked slightly and checked the phone.

A text had been sent a mere minute ago by a contact simply called "Unknown."

<I can't quite speak at the moment, but for your safety, you REALLY need to brace against Becca's bedroom door.

Who is this?>

<Now's not the time to ask!  I'll call and explain in a little bit.  Just brace against the door if you value your life!

I sensed the urgency in the text and quickly braced on the door, choosing to sit so that, if banged upon, my body would have more friction to keep it closed.

I backed out of the texts to pull up a list of cameras.

Since it's been forever since y'all have seen each of the cams, I'll pull each up and show you.


And ya know that they probably don't remember what each cam even looked like.


Mk, here's Cam 1.

That would be Becca's room.  Can't see me since I'm against the door.

Also, I just noticed that it's 12:30 AM with 94% battery.  Better keep track of those.

Anyways, Cam 2....

I would wager a guess and say that's nearby, if not right outside my door.

Cam 3....

Seems like a living room.

Cam 4.

Definitely the kitchen.

Cam 5.


THAT'S creepy.

I can barely see anything.

Maybe...another living room?

1:00 AM.  89% battery.

Cam 6.

Maybe her dad's bedroom?

Huh.  Now that I think about it, most of the rooms I've seen have been entirely empty despite that Unknown person's warning.  I wasn't going to move, though.

I was about to check Cam 7 when something slammed against the door with an enraged growl.

I gave a small shriek of surprise but forced myself to stay in place.

I shivered slightly and looked back down at the phone to see a figure now sitting on the bed, their face lit up by the screen of a gaming console.

A man, probably Becca's dad.  However, he had dog ears and other doggish features.

I heard movement from somewhere around me and checked the kitchen cam.

A smallish girl crept along the opposite side of the center counter, so I couldn't get the greatest look at her.   However, I did partially see her face and it resembled that of a raccoon.

Maybe that was Becca's sister?

Cam 7....

I would definitely bet that that's Becca's sister's room.  Too much girly stuff and I know Becca ain't that girly.

Cam 8....


Is that...Caleb?

He didn't look animalish like his probably sister and father....

I wonder what's up.

Alrighty, Cam 9....

...won't work.

It's...staticy for me.  I can't see anything.

Welp, lemme show you the il pic of Cam 9, then....

Dat dem dere Becca on dat dem dere computer.




I hid a small giggle behind a sigh.

1:25 AM.  84% battery.

The phone vibrated in my hand lightly, startling me.

Unknown was calling me.  I quickly answered and put it on speaker, though I kept the volume low.

Unknown:  Object?  You ok?

I jumped at my name being said.

Or, well, my online name, anyway.

O:  H-How do you know my name?!

Unknown:  *sigh*  I have my ways.  But that's beside the point.  I have some things I need to share with you that I've shared with the others before they...well....  Err....  Let's...not think about that, mk?

Her voice sounded worried, but since (I think) she was trying to help, I didn't push it.

She told me all about the Wise's, as well as...Cassia Cougar and ilbarker Iguana and when they'll be a threat.  Apparently, spark had come through, as well, so I had to keep an eye out.

Cassia had come by once and absolutely freaked me out by poking me slightly in the butt from under the door.  I knew it was her cuz I knew her laugh and she did indeed laugh.

DD raged once more and CC, who suddenly became his catty form, had smacked on the door.  RR was just roaming.

3:30 AM.  66% battery.

I was looking through the cams as she spoke and froze in fear on Cam 2.

...something was hanging from the light in front of mine and Caleb's door.



Hey, it's not THAT bad....




Unknown:  Object?

O:  s-spark...spark is a snake reader-tronic....

spark cocked her head at the camera before turning to my door and ramming against it really hard.

I yelped at the immense force her tiny frame was doing.

Unknown:  Shoot, I just realized something.  ilbarker was extremely aggressive on the night spark would "die."  With some research, I realized that they were shipmates.  When a shipmate is active the night their other shipmate "died," or is inactive, they get EXTREMELY aggressive.  I'd say even brutal.

4:30 AM.  55% battery.

O:  So...il will be brutal on spark's death night?

Unknown:  Exactly.

"Object~~~"  A strange voice called.  It made me shiver involuntarily.  "Come out and plaaaaay~  I'm bored and il won't wake up~!"

That must've been spark.

"I-I don't really want to, spark...."

"But why not~~??"

I winced as she slammed against the door again.  "I-I...uhh...."

She hissed angrily.  "The only logical conclussssion is that you don't like me!  Well, if you become my ssssissster, then we can play together forever!"

She slammed the door again, once more amazing me with how hard she was hitting it.

5:00 AM.  47% battery.

A ghastly wail echoed through the house, making me freeze in how terrifying it sounded.

But...it sounded pained.  Not like physical pain, but...severe emotional.

I clicked through the cams to see each and every family member, besides Becca, and friend, besides il, frozen in shock.  They all seemed to be looking one direction.

Caleb stared out his slightly cracked door, spark staring in the same direction.

Cassia was in Cam 5 in front of the front door, staring not quite directly at the camera, but somewhere beyond it.

Rachel was frozen in the kitchen on the opposite side, looking the somewhat same direction as spark and Caleb.

DD had placed his gaming system down and was staring somewhere past the camera.

Was...Was that Becca?

5:15 AM.  43% battery.

I gulped as the tronics continued their moving, though it was somewhat cautious and worried.

I tried Cam 9 again, but I still only saw static.

Unknown:  ...I...I need....

She sounded like she was about to cry.

Unknown:  I need to...go.  Once 6 comes around, you can... *sniffle* ...exit the room and explore.  None of the family will...hurt you during the day unless you do something really stupid.  Don't forget to charge the phone for tomorrow night.  Search for...clues, anything to help her.  Tomorrow night, hide in a different room.  It'll keep Becca from feeling like you're a cheater....  I....

Her voice cracked slightly.

Unknown:  I'm sorry, I have to go.  Stay safe, Object....

Unknown hung up.

I frowned slightly.

Ok, so this...weird person cares deeply for Becca, yet Becca...I think called her a traitor because Becca said something about that traitor calling me.  She called me, so is this...Unknown person the traitor to Becca?

I winced as DD banged upon the door again, though it seemed half-hearted.

It seems that the family was affected pretty badly by the wail.

5:50 AM.  32% battery.

Caleb didn't come out of his room again and RR skulked about her room with a sad face, occasionally glancing out her bedroom door.  I could see a tiny bit of the wreckage from the bathroom in the corner of the camera.

I jumped slightly when the alarm on Becca's bedroom drawer went off, signifying that it was 6 AM.

A small thump sounded outside my door and then a strained hissing voice called super quietly from under the door.  "Object....  Sssnow....  Golem...."

spark then slithered away.

I gulped and glanced down at the phone in my hands.

What in the world was going on in this house...?



I literally haven't updated since early December ;-;


Anyways, I hope y'all enjoyed this somewhat strange chapter :3

Smash dat vote button at hyper speeds, Hyperfans!

-Becca  <3

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