ObjectStories - NIGHT 2

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I gulped slightly as the alarm clock on Rachel's dresser flashed a bright red.

12:00 AM.

The lights flickered and went out, leaving behind that really ghostly light.

A creepy giggle echoed throughout the house.

"Don't worry tonight, my dear big sister. Recover yourself. WE'LL take care of the little mouse~"

I-I think that was Rachel.

I flipped through the cameras real quick to get my bearings. Cam 9 was finally working, though I doubted that it would be particularly useful since the computer screen was off. I wasn't sure where Becca was tonight, and without that computer light, Cam 9 was practically a black screen.

I suddenly blinked my eyes rapidly as if shaken from a trance.

The heck was that...?

Oh, wait, I think the author stopped writing for 2 months.



I sat in the little opening to Rachel's bed tent, flicking through the cameras.

I wasn't really expecting anything big to happen tonight since...reasons.

*wiggles eyebrows*

In Cam 3, I noticed il was turned away from the camera...wait, when did she get a scarf?

As if reading my thoughts, il slowly turned around, glaring towards the camera. Around her neck was spark Snake. She was like a scarf are il's neck.


I checked on DD's room, though he was still laid back on the bed, so he wasn't angry...yet.

Rachel was unaccounted for and CC was reading a book.

12:55 AM. 91% battery.

The phone vibrated slightly, though not in the way like someone was calling.

Unknown was texting me again.

I glanced through the cams again, noting RR in the kitchen and DD sitting up in the bed, as well as CC's door slightly ajar.

<You remember what you're supposed to do while in Rachel's room?

Yeah. Hide in the tent if RR or CC come by and hold the door shut for DD.>

<Good. I'm so so sorry I can't call you tonight. Things have been...happening, and I'm unable to reserve any extra time to help you. As a tip, you won't have to worry too much about ilbarker Iguana and spark Snake. They should be content tonight since they have each other. Stay safe...please.

I bit my lip and looked back at the cams again.

I jumped as Rachel's door started to creak open and quickly rolled backwards into the tent, shutting the phone off. I tried to conceal my startled breaths.

"Oh, Objeeeect~~~ Come out, come out, wherever you arrrre~~~" Rachel sang softly as she walked around the room.

Yeah, no, I'm good, thanks.

Rachel sighed sadly and left the room, closing the door behind her.

I was about to leave the tent when it opened again, making me backpedal into the tent again.

"il...?" CC asked. "What is Austrayia like?"

"Hot." il responded. "And dry."

"Very helpful, il...." spark hissed slightly. "You basssically told him Antarctica is cold."

il laughed softly as she followed CC out of the room, closing the door.

I swiftly got up and braced against the door. Just a few seconds later, DD slammed up against it in anger.

"Objeeeect~~" He whispered. "Aren't you curious as to what game I'm playing~?"

"Nope. I'm good. Bye!"

He growled lowly and left.

I sighed heavily, sitting back down on the bed.

1:35 AM. 80% battery.

I was simply flicking through the cams again when something in Cam 5 caught my eye.

I went to Cam 5 and concentrated, trying to see past the glitchiness.

A figure stood by the front door, facing it.

They weren't moving, simply...staring.

Then...they started shaking.

It was a light tremble, but it was noticeable.

Suddenly, the figure spun around and stared at the camera before running past it.

In sudden fear, I braced up against the door. Right on time, too, as the figure slammed against it with a force that seemed inhuman.

The figure began sobbing loudly, the sound getting physically lower, as if they were sliding down the door.

Subconsciously, I slid down, too, until I believed I was level with the figure on the other side.

"O-Object...." The figure choked, and it was then that I realized that it was Becca.

"B-Becca...?" I asked quietly, the worry obvious in my voice.

"K-K...." She got choked up by another sob. "P-Please...k-kill me...."

Her words made my heart stop.

"I c-can't take it.... The pain...is...t-too much.... Help...me...."

"Becca...wh-what's wrong...?"

"Kill me...PLEASE!!!"

I jumped at her sudden outburst. "Becca, Becca! Hey, hey, listen to me, it's ok. Calm...deep breaths...."

She was hyperventilating on the other side of the door.

3:00 AM. 75% battery.

"I can't...Object...anyone...."

She trailed off, still hyperventilating. It was obvious that she was having a hard time breathing.

Slowly, a soft scraping noise was heard from the other side of the door, signifying that she had gotten up.

Without getting up myself, I opened the phone and opened Cam 9.


Then two small white pinpricks of light.

Becca's eyes?

"'It's so hard to forget pain, but it's even harder to remember sweetness. We have no scar to show for happiness. We learn so little from peace.'"

It seemed like she was quoting someone.

She growled harshly and turned away from the camera, leaving the camera in darkness again.

3:15 AM.  72% battery.

The light from the computer appeared suddenly, though Becca backed away from it and out of the way.

And then...almost as if a ritual, every other tronic (besides Cassia) came into the sight of Cam 9, making me tense up in fear.

She muttered something to them and they nodded in return.

Suddenly, and the Wise tronics turned back into their human forms, and il and spark walked out of the camera's view.

Becca turned to Cam 9 with a ghastly grin.  "Don't think that we're giving you a freebie night, Object.  I am simply too tired to deal with this right now.  But tomorrow night...."

She cut off with a terrifying cackle.  "Tomorrow night...you'd better seriously prepare."

The alarm clock on Rachel's drawer beeped, causing me to jump.

3:30 AM.


Just when I thought we were starting to figure this place out....

"Hey, sister."  Rachel whispered under the door.  "Maybe you should try on one of my pretty necklaces in my jewelry box.  It's on the shelf next to you.  You might as well look pretty when you die tomorrow~"

I frowned and waited for all the footsteps to retreat before cautiously getting up.

I opened up the heart-shaped jewelry box, glancing through all the tangled up bracelets and necklaces.


Is...Is that a piece of paper?

Glancing at the door, I carefully took the paper and unfolded it.

It was another one of those notes from pre-Rachel Raccoon.

If you're reading this, then you're one of Becca's friends. I am Rachel. Or...for now, at least.... Becca is being much more aggressive lately. Caleb will try to talk to her and she'll yell at him to shut up before storming off. The first few times, Dad got mad at her, but now...he's attempting to comfort her. She shoves him away, yelling that he wouldn't understand, which doesn't make sense. Daddy and Becca are so much alike.... She's shaking a lot more now. It used to be just her hands that shook, but now there are times when she'll shake all over for a few seconds. It's...scary. I'm scared for Becca. Something isn't right with her. It's like she's...possessed or something. I don't know, but...something happened. Most likely at school, too, since that's where she always is besides home.... Is it her friends...? I'm running out of room again. Friend of Becca, there are a total of 5 notes (including this one) hidden in not-obvious places so that Becca can't find them. They might be able to help. I hope they do. Please help Becca. I want my sister back.

It was another one of those notes....

And...what's with the weird, darkened letters?

V...i...two l's...a...g...e...r....


Is that a clue to the next note?

Maybe it's another one of Caleb's toys....

Becca had been shaking in front of the front door before she ran at my door....


Just when I think we're getting close to an answer, 18 thousand more questions and mysteries pop up.

WHY are we all here, exactly?  How is Becca doing that...weird turning-us-into-tronics thing?  What's my role?  Can the turned friends be changed back to normal?  Are we simply destined to fail?  Are any of us even going to "win?"

What's going on with Becca...?









Don't y'all be thinking you're safe just yet >;)

Also just wanna make sure you all are still here XD

Yeah...2 months

Sorry ;-;

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