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September 10th, 1775

Alexander staggered as his so called "fellow soldiers" dragged him toward the Major General. He expected to be sent to Hugo, but instead it was Robert Taylor of course. He was jerked around. Perhaps the boys were trying to break his arm or dislocate his shoulder, but they had no luck. He was kicked in the back of the knee to cause him to fall. He looked around the tent, seeing Robert slowly walking toward him. He stopped hands on his hips, and leaned down at the bound London boy. His uniform had grass stains all over, and brown dirt spots from being shoved around.

Robert looked down at the fiery mad young man in front of him. "Whooo. Look at those eyes. This ginger nut is furious!" The boys all knew why he was so outraged. Being forced to watch a horrible gang rape, and slow painful execution of a young lady would certainly make somebody start seeing red. "Well soldiers, care to tell me why one of Hugo's boys is ironed in my tent?" He asked. "First of all, Alexander defied orders of his own general, hesitant to kill the enemy rebels of the village, then further committed treason by through action prevented his fellow soldiers to carry out direct orders."

Alexander struggled against his restraints. "You evil heartless animals raped that poor innocent girl, and forced her to beg for her life before giving her a slow painful death.... TELL ME I'M NOT RIGHT!"  Before he could holler anymore, Robert used the butt of his musket to meet with Alexander's head. He landed on the ground, his face in the grass. "Just as I suspected. A rebel lover. Fights always with his heart, never his head. You know the minute I watched him hash one of my men's faces off, I knew we had somebody unpredictable." He said looking down disappointed. "You..." Alexander sat back up as best he could. "You planned that attack?!" Robert pat his shoulder. "So sorry about your friend, but I had to make sure no bad apples were present. It would spoil the lot." Alexander was breathing shallow wanting to strangle him.

One of the men that committed the murders at the house spoke up. "So what is his fate?" He asked as they looked down at the angry man. Robert was brought back down. "Oh, I almost forgot all about that. Thank you for reminding me Nicholas." He took Alexander by the throat. "Well he is no general, but this is his first offense so that works in his favor. No, I won't kill him. This however sounds like quite the unique circumstance, and I am feeling... creative." He grabbed the younger man by the collar and hoisted him to his feet. On his desk sat a harsh leather whip. He yanked the curled weapon off the desk, and dragged him out into the open. He looked around, but the General still was nowhere to be found. "Lad, do we have the treat for you." He chuckled.

The whole regiment was pulled out in front of him, all circled around. Before Alexander there sat but a single post with chains attached to it. He knew what it was for, but he didn't halt or struggle. He was far too angry to struggle. The soldiers gathered around, with Henry on his horse. He stared at all the faces in the crowd, not a single one happy to see the fair skinned, freckled face boy get his punishment. His attention was pulled away when they pulled him up to the post. As it was done thunder rolled softly over the field they were camped in. "Keep his hands chained. I've heard stories of what he does when he's mad."

He felt his chains undone only to be pulled in front of him, to be bound to the post. He sighed. "Well, good morning soldiers!" He said his arms outstretched.  "I'm sure you are all aware of what happened yesterday. So truly unfortunate to have troubles on such a blessed day. Honestly I hate having to carry out my military duty for the greater good but it MUST BE DONE!" He said letting the tail end fall on the ground, his whip dragging. The sky then opened slowly starting to sprinkle rain. "Duty is what our king demands of us, and it is lack of one man's duty of which we are here today." He pointed. "This man... this bastardized boy.... Has committed treason. Failing to do his duty. All of us will watch as receives twenty lashes. Anybody who turns away will share in his whipping punishment." He raised the weapon that would forever mark his back. "Let this be a warning! Treason will not be tolerated." The rain picked up now pouring.

Robert got in his face. "Well, boy you now stand before your brethren and before me. I have every intention to let you off the hook, so will you be willing to participate, or rot in Hell?" Alexander face got so angry, it shook, and he merely spat in his face. "Very well." He stood back handing it to Henry. Henry took the whip and waited till Robert tore his shirt away from him, leaving his bare flesh open. "Aww such fair white skin. Shame it's wasted on such a snake." He said caressing his alabaster skin. The rain chilled his back as it wet his skin, giving it a goosebump rise.

Immediately there was a swift crack. Alexander held himself straight. It left a striking pain behind. Immediately there was another. He merely kept a scowl his eyes fixed on Roberts. He hardly moved with each strike. Robert was not satisfied. Blood was erupting in explosions off his back with every strike! The men were being drenched with not a single scream of entertainment. Water slid down his face, being completely stoic. "He supposed to be screaming, and he's not giving a single flinch!" At the stroke of ten he stomped up to the man. "CRYYYYY!" He merely stood there as his his blood ran down his back into the ground mixing with rain, making red mud.

Robert shoved Henry away and took the whip doing it himself. "I'll make him cry!" He slashed in an enraged fury. Alexander curled in at the hard whips feeling his back splitting and bleeding. When it was all over his body was curled in his teeth clenched. He felt himself unchained, and fallen to the floor. "That broke him. I'm sure if it. Screams or no screams. Henry, take his clothes till he's naked and walk him to the prison ships." Alexander felt Henry take his clothes till he had not a strip of fabric, and felt his wig get ripped off. "Your men will pay! I know who raped that girl! You will pay, Robert! Those evil fuckers too! I posted their names in my tent! You soulless animals make the devil himself sick to his stomach!"

He hollered till he was out of view. Walking naked, humiliated, soaked and in unbearable pain, he was finally led to the trail. After what felt like forever he arrived at sundown to the HMS Jersey. The worst prison ship of them all. He shook at the sheer height of it. Now his own prison. "Since you love the rebels so much, you can live like a rebel!" He felt himself get grabbed by four people and get dragged up onto the ship, as the thunder rolled. Once on it, they threw his already damaged body down the stairs, and he landed with a thud. He groaned as Henry closed the door. Alexander needed a moment to regroup. And when his head was finally cleared, he looked around. All around him hungry dirty Americans gathered around him. A yankee no older than him threw a blanket over his shoulders. When boarded the ships, he did not expect a single kind gesture from an American.

As he crawled over to a spot where the rain was coming through, he looked up. "Please, don't cry young miss. I will always remember you."

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