Armin x Reader - Goddess of Death

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Everything you touched died. Flowers wilted as you picked them up to smell them. Leaves shriveled as you stepped on them. People stopped living as you made contact with them. It was your unfortunate power that you had no control over.

It was a rainy day and you were the one dying inside now. You sat near a pond, resisting the urge to feel the lily pads and the flowers that rested upon them. The rain pattered against your black jacket as you reached for the water, sloshing a finger in it. You lightly brushed the lily pad that soon began to sink slowly into the murky water.

You looked up at the grey sky questioning your existence. What were you doing in a place of living things if all you did was kill? You sat with your knees to your chest, mixing your tears with the rain water.

"Excuse me.." you heard a soft voice from behind you break through the sound of rain. You dared not to look back and ignored it.

You heard the water squish from the ground up as the steps sounded closer. "You'll catch a cold." The rain hitting your jacket stopped. A hand reached down for your shoulder but you turned around.

"Please don't touch me.." You said without looking at the boy in the eye. "You'll get your hand wet.." you muttered.

"Ah, I'm sorry." He pulled his hand away.

You waited a few seconds before slowly lifting your head above to take a look at his face. Your eyes grazed up from his pointed chin to his lightly tinted cheeks. You looked into his deep blue eyes and gasped a little. Your eyes widened at the golden hair that fell over his head. He was glowing in his white jacket.

"What are you doing here anyway?" His pink lips moved and you watched them.

"I'm.." you hesitated since you yourself didn't know.

"You must be cold.." He reached his hand out to you. "Let's go find someplace to warm up, shall we?"

"No.. I can't do that.." your head dropped. "I.. I'm waiting for someone.."

"Oh, well.." His lips pursed in thought. "Take this." He put his hand out, holding the white umbrella. "If you're out here, at least try not to get rained on."

You couldn't avoid taking the umbrella so you just grabbed it from the blonde haired boy. "Thanks.." you whispered.

"I'm going then. Good bye!" He waved and ran off into the distance. Leaving you empty as you gripped the handle of the umbrella.

It had been a week since that day and your thoughts of the boy never withered. He was constantly on your mind. You came back to the pond each day, hoping to see him a again.

With the white umbrella in your hand, you sat in front of the pond and waited for him to come back. Fiddling with your fingers, you closed your eyes and imagined him. You recollected your memories of his facial features. Seeing his golden hair, blue crystal eyes, his tinted pink cheeks and lips. You could feel his presence and longed to be with it. You squeezed your knees to your chest and sat there in front of the pond.

"Are you waiting for someone..?" A familiar voice filled your ears and you raised your head. You took a deep breath and turned around.

"It's you.." your lips slowly stretched into a smile.

"You're out here again." He walked closer to you.

"I.. I've been waiting to return this.." you bowed your head as you stretched your arm out to him.

"What makes you think you can't keep it..?" He questioned.

"What do you mean?"

"It's yours.." His warm hand pressed against yours, pushing the umbrella back.

"Wait!" you instantly jerked back and looked at the young boy in complete shock. "I'm so sorry.." your voice cracked. "I'm so sorry.." You backed away slowly, feeling your heart break slowly as the pieces began to cut your insides.

"What's wrong..?" The male only stepped closer.

"I'm sorry.." tears streamed down. "You're going to... because you.."

"Don't worry.." He hugged you.

"What are you doing..?" your tears died down. "You shouldn't touch me.."

"Don't worry, _______... I know who you are.." He whispered.

You were speechless, not knowing how to react.

He backed away and held your shoulders. "_______, I'm here to rescue you.." He closed his eyes and leaned close to your face. As his lips lightly brushed yours, you felt your heart beat again. You felt a warm surge spread in your body. You felt like you were full of life.

"Who are you..?" You backed away from the blonde.

"They call me Armin. I'm the God of Life.."

-- Here's the Armin Request! Sorry it took so long, this was in my drafts for a while but I completed it today! And wow, I really liked this Goddess of Death idea and so I wrote about it so yay for me! whispers I originally thought Jean would be the God of Life but thought Armin would be nice too. Hope you liked it!

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