Armin x Reader - Tree House

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"No Armin! I swear, it was a house!" You exclaimed, searching the trees.

"_______.. I don't know, houses are too big to be in the trees.." he didn't sound convinced at all.

"It's somewhere here.. I've actually been up there! I sneak up there all the time!"

"Then why can't you remember where it is?" he teased.

"Be quiet! See! Look!" You jumped up. "It's there!"

Armin followed the direction you pointed at and his mouth gaped. There was an actual house resting in the branches of the trees. It wasn't exactly a house, more like a small room sized house, but it was definitely something Armin never laid eyes on.

"What are you waiting for Armin?! Let's go!" You were already at the base of the tree, getting ready to climb up the wooden planks.

Armin quickly followed you up the tree and into the little house. As his blonde head peeped up to see into the house, he saw piles of books and paper scattered all over the floor along with some pillows and blankets.

"So this is where you hide, huh, _______?" He jumped over to the top and sat in front of you.

"Yeah, I even sleep here sometimes." You told him.

"It's comfy up here!" He began searching through the piles of books and even the papers. "Hey, what are you studying up here?"

"Hmm?" you poked your nose out from a book and turned to Armin.

"What are these drawings? They look a lot like the-"

"Outside world." You finished his sentence. "They're pictures of the land beyond the walls.." you smiled at him.

"You dream of that too..?"

"All the time.." You put your book down and crawled to Armin's side and shifted the papers around. "I was reading this book I found with all these pictures and explanations so I just couldn't pass it by." You began explaining to Armin the different pictures and Armin actually knew about many of the places.

"Wow Armin, you know so much!" You looked at him with bright eyes. "When we're older, let's explore the world together!" You grabbed his hand and covered it with yours.

"_______.." he ducked his head to hide his blushing face. "I'd love to do that." he kissed your hands before putting his free hand over yours and squeezing it.

"Armin.." you whispered.

"Hmm..?" he looked up at you.

"My lips are here." You released your hands and cupped his cheeks and lightly placed your lips onto his. As you pulled back you giggled at his shocked expression that shifted to a flustered expression.

"_-_-________! W-why did you do that!?" he buried his hands in his face.

"You kissed me first!" you pointed out.

"But not on your lips!"

"Well-" your words were interrupted by Armin tackling you down and giving you a kiss. As he pulled away, this time it was you who was struck with a shocked face.

"Now, we're even!" he helped you up and the two of you laughed at each other.

"We should hang out here together more, Armin!"

"Yeah, let's do that, _______!"

-- idk what this is but I hope you like it! This was an Armin x Reader request btw. ^^

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