Connie x Reader - I Miss You

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"I miss you guys a lot.." you dragged your pencil across the off-white paper taking a deep breath. Since you joined the training corps you felt yourself longing for your family back at home. "You'll see me one day when I've finally joined the-" You jumped at the sound of the door creaking open. You quickly shuffled the papers and covered them.

"Hey, what are ya still doing here, _______?" Connie approached you.

"I uhh... I'm studying.." you lied.

"Oh, you too then, huh?" he walked around the desk and sat next to you. "I needed to study too so I came here. I'm surprised you're here right now."

"Yeah, I'm still here.." you muttered.

"Alright, I won't keep you busy." Connie opened his book in front of him and began reading from it.

You slowly began to pull out your letter and continued writing. You didn't know why but you felt bad for lying to Connie. You set your pencil down and just sat there.

"Can't study anymore?" Connie said as he leaned back and stretched. "I can't either."

"Yeah.. Connie?"

"What is it?"

"I wasn't actually studying." you turned to look at him. "I'm actually writing some letters."

"Oh, so that's what you're doing.." he paused for a moment, reading you expression. "You must miss them, huh?"

"I do.. I miss my family."

"I'm sure we all do, _______, but we're being brave. Brave for them." his eyes lit up. "So it's okay to miss them. I'm sure they miss and think about you a lot."

You giggled, "I would miss someone like you, Connie."

"Oh, what was that!?" Connie staggered as his face turned pinkish.

"Uhm, nothing!" you turned as well.

"I'd miss you too, _______.." he placed his hand over yours and held it tight.

You looked in his eyes and smiled, "I'm sure you would."

"Hey, you ruined our moment!"

"No I didn't!" you wrapped you arms around his neck and squeezed him tight. "Thanks for being here with me today."

"You don't need to thank me for that. I'll always be here for you," he hugged you back.

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