Jean x Reader - Suvival (Part 3 end)

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"Wake up, _______!" you shuffled in your sleep and groaned. "_______!"

"Hmmm?" you slowly rose and rubbed your eyes.

"We have to go, Armin just told me they were being followed and just left. Let's go." Jean helped pull you up from the ground.

"Aww, how long were we out?" you yawned.

"At least 30 minutes. But I didn't fall asleep. We barely made it once because you were snoring!"

"What!? I-I don't snore!"

"Yeah yeah, let's get going!" Jean picked you up and began running out of the ditch. "Alright, get on my back." he put you down as soon as he reached the top.

"No, let's both just use our gear."

"No, I know you're still tired, _______. Hurry before they get here, I'm sure they'll be here soon."

"Fine.." you hopped on Jean's back. "But do you think can actually maneuver through like tha-" He took off before you could finish.

Despite having you on his back, Jean managed to maneuver quite well. It wasn't the best but he was still able to get around.

The two of you ended up running away from hunters throughout the night, sometimes hiding in some hallow trunks or in bushes. Hours had passed and the two of you were still safe, seeing less and less of your comrades.

"Jean, I'm so tired." you rested your head on his shoulder. Jean was carrying you on his back again.

"You don't think I am?" his pace was getting slower and slower.

"I'm sure you are, let's rest." you tried to get off of him but he was still holding on. "Jean!"

He fell onto his knees and you stumbled off of his back. "I'm sorry, _______."

"It's okay," you rubbed your knees. "You're obviously exhausted from doing so much.." you kneeled down beside him and patted his back.

"The sun should rise soon, I'm sure of it." He said softly before plopping on the forest floor.

"Jean!" You quickly fell by his side and looked at him. He had his eyes closed. "Are you alright?"

"We won.." he mumbled.

You looked around and noticed the forest becoming much more visible. "Jean, I don't think so.." You tried to pull him up. "I think we should get up and get back to camp."

"Huh?" he quickly got up and turned to where your attention was. In the distance, you saw two people that seemed to be coming directly towards you. "Don't tell me they're still out to get us."

"Jean, let's go!" you grabbed his hand and began sprinting away from them.

"That's right!" Jean exclaimed as he was running beside you. "We have to be back at the checkpoint in order to prove our survival. Until then-"

"I get it, let's just make it before we're caught!" you pulled out the triggers for your 3DMG and pressed them. "I'm switching," you said with a leap into the air.

"Might as well!" Jean copied you and joined you in the branches of the tall trees.

"Do you think we'll make it!?" You screamed out to him.

"I'm not sure, just keep moving for-" Jean was cut off. You turned to see if he was alright until you realized he was tackled by someone.

"Jean! Are you-" you suddenly felt your body jerk backwards. You felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you before you hit on the ground. The two of you rolled on top of each other before stopping against a tree.

"You two have been caught, and right before sunrise!" You turned and saw Hanji with a hand on her hip. Jean was still on the ground sitting up.

"You can get off now.." you heard someone say. You turned and realized that you laid on top of Levi. You jumped back away from him and crawled next to Jean.

"Alright, you two, you're done for, back to the camp." Levi cocked his head in the direction of the camp as he wiped himself off.

"Okay.." You stood up and helped Jean up. "We could've made it.." you told him.

"Ugh, I can't believe it!" he put his palm against is forehead. "We were so close!!"

"It's okay Jean.." you rubbed his back as the two of you walked behind Hanji and Levi.

The four of you made it back finally and the sun was up, enough for you guys to see. You examined the trainees to see who was left. "We found the last of them." Levi told Instructor Shadis.

"Very good. It seems like we know who our survivors were.." Instructor Shadis commented.

"Jean, hey? Who's left?" you nudged his side.

"I don't know.." he yawned.

"That's right! We survived the whole night!" You turned and saw Eren shooting his fists in the air. Krista was standing beside him with a smile.

"We also made it too!" Sasha puffed up her chest with both hands on her hips standing besides Reiner.

"As for the two of you, go ahead run some laps around the camp!" Instructor Shadis demanded.

"Y-yes sir!" you cowered and instantly moved your feet.

"In the end we didn't make it Jean.." you sighed as you ran beside him.

"Oh well, you did good." he said with a slight smirk. "Let's get this over with so we can just go sleep then, _______!" Jean grabbed your hand and jogged faster in front if you.

You squeezed his hand and happily followed after him.

-- I kinda rushed to have this finished. it was in my draft for days so I needed to get rid of it! this is the end guys, you and Jean tried your best but didn't quite make it!

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