Marco x Reader - Late Night Ramen

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You stretched in the darkness on your bed, feeling the warmth of your boyfriend, Marco, as he held you in his arms. You woke up to the groaning of your stomach. You searched for your phone and it read 2:34 am. You tried to go back to sleep but you couldn't help it. You were hungry.

You moved Marco's arms from your waist and sat up on the edge of the bed. You hung your head and wiped your eyes. "_______, what are you doing?" Marco drowsily said scooting towards you.

"Marco.." you turned toward him.


"I'm hungry.." you whined. He turned around upon hearing those words. "Marco! That's not funny!" Suddenly your stomach made the loudest sound and you froze. You could hear Marco snickering. "Marco.."

"Just go make some food then!"

"Fine, I will.." You put on your slippers and headed for the door.

"Wait!" Marco called out. "I coming too!"

You smiled, "Yay!" you walked over to him. He was sitting up and yawning. You pulled him out of bed wrapped his arms around your waist. "Let's have some late night ramen!"

The two of you walked to the kitchen and prepared for making ramen. You boiled some water and Marco went to grab the packet of ramen. "Since it's late, we're only sharing one. And I'll make it for you."

"Fine.." you pouted.

"It's for your own good!"

"I know, I know."

Marco waited for the water to be hot enough and put the noodles into the pot and added the powder. He mixed it until the noodles were ready. When they were, he brought the pot over for the two of you to eat together at the table.

You ate your noodles happily and looked at Marco occasionally. He was obviously still very tired. "Marco. You know you didn't have to wake up with me. And you didn't have to make the ramen for me!"

"I wanted to."

"Thanks Marco, you're the best!"

The two of your finished your ramen and put your dishes away. Marco led you back to the bedroom and you two jumped back into bed. "I'm so full!" you rubbed your tummy.

"Me too!" Marco said as he nuzzled your nose.

You giggled as you placed both hands on his cheeks. "Marco, now I can sleep!"

"Are you sure about that?"

"Mm-hm! It's thanks to my boyfriend who cooks for me!"

"I can't sleep though."

"Why's that?"

He pouted his lips and didn't say a word. You smiled before gently slapping his cheek, "Well, that's too bad." you teased.


You laughed before planting a kiss on his lips. "There, now you can sleep!"

"You know me so well." Marco pulled you close to him. "Good night, _______."

"Good Night, Marco."

--yay for double update \o/ late night ramen is the best

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