Marco x Reader - Rain (Neighbor) AU

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It was another rainy weekday and you were just closing the candy store you worked at. It was close to where you lived so you thought why not? And you'd be selling candy, you couldn't turn that down. But today you forgot your umbrella since it seemed fine just hours ago.

"Maybe I should call someone.." you muttered to yourself as you searched your phone contacts. Your parents weren't home so you called your other only option.

"Marco..?" you hesitantly breathed out.

"Oh, ______, what is it?"

"Well, you see..." you began. "I need a ride from work, can you pick me up?"

"I'll be right there, don't move!" He hung up the phone and you began the waiting game.

His car pulled up in front of you and you scurried inside. "Thanks," you said as your rubbed your cold hands together.

"It's nothing, I only live next door to you."

Once you guys reached your house, Marco escorted you to your front door, holding an umbrella for you. You rummaged through your bag in search of your keys. It took longer than you expected until you realized you didn't have them.

"Uhm.. Marco..?"

"Hmm?" he looked down at you.

"I think I left my keys inside my room.."


"WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?" You shrieked as you bent your knees and rested your head on them.

"Don't worry, ______, why don't you stay at my place?" He smiled as he crouched in front of you.

Your eyes met with his and you smiled, "I guess.."

Marco walked you next door to his house as you still hung your shoulders low. "Don't worry, people forget." he tried cheering you up.

"I know.. it's just, our parents just had to do a double date tonight, huh?"

"That's fine, maybe we should meet up and have dinner together then!" Marco opened his front door and entered his home.

"Maybe.." you laughed as you followed after him.

The two of you settled into his house. You took a seat next to him on the couch. "So, whatcha been up too?"

"Just movies, it's that kind of day today isn't it?" Marco replied as he offered a blanket.

"Yeah, it is." you accepted and put it over your legs and Marco's.

"Is there something you want to watch?"

"Nope, anything is fine."

"Alright then!" He clicked the remote and you both snuggled close to each other. It was natural since you two grew up together as neighbors. You two were best friends since your parents both were all great friends as well.

Before you knew it you had knocked out with your head resting on Marco's shoulder. "She must have had a long day.." he looked down at your calm face.

Marco carefully got up, hoping that he wouldn't wake you up and gently picked you up with the blanket wrapped around you.

He brought you to his room and set you on his bed. In your sleep you adjusted to his bed and found his pillow, shifting to a comfortable position.

Marco smiled as he sat on the edge of his bed stroking pieces of hair from your face. You reacted to some of the hairs tickling your faces which made him giggle. Suddenly he heard a door creak.

He went downstairs and saw his parents, "Thanks for dinner again!" his mom bowed to your parents.

"It was our treat anyways, have a nice night!"

"Oh, Marco, your still up!" His dad noticed him. "Say hello to _______'s parents!

"Yes, hello Mr. and Mrs. _______! I actually have something to tell you." Marco smiled sheepishly.

"What is it Marco?" your mom replied.

"Well.. right now _______ is in my room sleeping. She left her keys at home so I invited her to stay and she fell asleep.."

"Oh, is that so..?" Your dad gave Marco a long look as he grew nervous to your dad's response.

"Oh stop it," your mom hit your dad. "We'll leave her in your care alright, Marco? Thank you for watching over her."

"Of course," Marco was relieved by your mom's response. "I'll be going then. Good night everyone!" He climbed back to his room.

He opened his door and saw you, still sleeping. He walked in and sat next to you and kissed your forehead. "Good night, _______." He whispered as he got himself ready for bed.

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