chapter thirty-six

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Avery handed Nora a set of travel tissues with a gentle smile as Nora passed her reception desk. Nora used them to cleaned herself up as much as possible as she followed Eli and Lizzie to another room not far from Jackson's office. She tucked the crumpled tissues into her jean pocket. She would have to launder them anyway before returning them to Lizzie. As soon as she found a trash bin, she'd get rid of them.

Eli's arm was around Nora's shoulder, his presence a solid weight at her side. Lizzie chatted as they strolled through the halls. "I have some connections, and I've gotten you a spot at Rayne Academy if you want it," Lizzie said flicking a quick glance over her shoulder at Nora.

Nora's feet stopped. "Y-you—?"

Could this day get any better than it was? A part of her wanted to jump for joy.

She would take every opportunity the Leonger family was willing to give her. And somehow, at the end of it, she'd find a way to pay these people back for all of it.

In her own way, of course.

"The uniforms aren't as cool as Jostlin's," Lizzie was saying, as if this conversation wasn't momentous for Nora. "But I figured if Eli wanted, I could pull some strings and get him into Rayne as well so you don't have to be alone. That is, if Eli's willing to transfer mid-year."

Nora shook her head, though Lizzie couldn't see it. "Eli, you only have half a semester until you graduate. You don't have to—"

"If you want me there," Eli said, "then I'm there."

Creator, she loved Eli Leonger. Truly, positively, loved him.

She wrapped her arm around his waist and squeezed. "Thank you, but I don't think it makes sense to transfer now. I'll be fine on my own. I promise."

There's my Nora, Eli thought to her.

Her cheeks heated.

"Glad that's settled," Lizzie said as they turned down another hall, this one wide and just as opulent as the others, with gold trim and extravagant landscape pieces evenly spaced along the walls. "I had my assistant leave your new phone in your room, so you're all set there. Once you have a moment, be sure to give your father's lawyer a call. He left a message with Avery this morning – something about your inheritance being secure." Lizzie beamed at Nora over her shoulder. "Oh, and something about being a shareholder for Dreame."

Lizzie stopped at another door.

"I think...I think I need a moment to take all this in," Nora said. Her mind whirled a million miles a minute. She needed to sit down, to try and digest everything. To clutch tight the light that radiated out from her chest. She was surprised it didn't spear out of her fingertips as it swallowed her whole. Even Felicity's note on Musetunes about Nora couldn't touch this weightless, warm feeling.

"Nora, we're just getting started," Lizzie said with a grin. Then she opened the doors in front of her.

Lizzie led them into what, at a quick glance, was a parlor room with various seating arrangements dotted around the room. Nora's attention barely took her halfway through the room before everything in her stopped and stuttered.

She gripped Eli hard, afraid her knees – that'd suddenly gone weak – would fail her entirely.

Holy shit.

Kamree Philips and Daxton Cavenaugh both looked up as the doors opened. Kamree immediately stood with a large smile and came forward to hug Lizzie. Daxton followed in Kamree's wake.

Lizzie returned Kamree's hug, and then Daxton's, as Kamree moved to Eli. Kamree playfully rustled Eli's hair before pulling him in for a hug.

"And you must be Nora," Kamree said as she looked at her.

For a moment Nora thought her heart might literally burst from her chest, grow legs, and run away. She gaped at the superstar in front of her, her mouth opening, but nothing but air coming out.

And then Kamree Philips, Kamree Philips, was hugging her.


With shaking hands, Nora returned Kamree's quick embrace. "I—um, yes. Nora."

Kamree laughed and stepped back just as Daxton reached Nora. "Nora Davis, right?"

She couldn't breathe. She couldn't breathe! Daxton Cavenaugh, right there. In front of her. Her!


He was a lot taller in person. Even taller than Eli, who had to be close to 6 feet. And, Creator, he looked great in the dark gray slacks and light blue button-down he wore.

He held a hand out for Eli, and then her.

Nora put out her shaking hand to meet Daxton's. He's shaking my hand!

Eli burst out laughing, a loud, raucous laugh that seemed to bounce off the ceiling. "He is," Eli said to her.

Only then did she realize she'd sent her thought to Eli. She bit her lip. Whatever, she could be embarrassed about it later.

"I'm sorry," Nora told Daxton. "I've just wanted to meet you for so long and your brain is amazing and—" she cut herself off and put her hands to her flaming cheeks. Why was it so hot in this parlor?

Kamree chuckled and said to Daxton, "She's not wrong, your brain is amazing."

Lizzie led them to a low table with a variety of fruits and vegetable trays along with some smaller sandwiches. Despite the beautiful arrangement, Nora found herself unable to grab anything – the smoothie had left her pretty full, but even if she wasn't, how was she supposed to eat when the man she'd idolized for so long sat right in front of her?

"Nora, would you like some fruit?" Daxton asked with a small plate in his hands. Everyone else had reached forward for some type of food as they chatted through easy conversation topics.

Nora shook her head. "No, thank you. I'm fine, really."

Daxton's brows came together. Was he...concerned?

Just how much had Eli and Lizzie told him about her?

Eli grabbed a small apple juice and twisted the cap until the bottle opened with a quiet snick. Then he handed it to her. You should try and eat something. Or at least finish this juice.

Nora's focus swept over her mate. His expression was sober, a little hard to read, but she'd definitely heard the worry in his tone when he spoke to her in her head.

Spoke to her in her head. You know, she told him as she sipped the juice, if I tell people you speak to me in my head, they are going to think I'm crazy.

The corner of Eli's lip twitched. I promise I'll back you up when you tell people.

She narrowed her eyes at him. You better.

Across the table, on the couch she shared with Daxton, Kamree's eyes darted between her and Eli. "I have to ask because I'm nosy—"

Daxton snorted.

"—but what's your plan about Felicity?"

Surprise flooded through her. How had Kamree heard about Felicity? How did Kamree even know who Felicity was?

Lizzie winced, and, looking sheepish, said, "Sorry. I totally shared everything." She waved her hands palms out towards Nora. "Nothing personal," she was quick to add.

"It's okay," Nora said to Lizzie, then she focused on Kamree. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew who she was."

"We met her at lunch a bit ago," Kamree said. "I believe you were supposed to be there."

Nora raised an eyebrow and looked to Eli.

Her mate rubbed at the side of his jaw. "I invited Felicity, well, and you, out to lunch to meet them," he gestured with his chin to Kamree and Daxton. "Only Felicity showed up. She'd told me you didn't want to come."

"She..." Nora pressed her lips tight. "I can promise you I didn't know. I—" Her brain started piecing things together. "That's what you set up over that weekend." The weekend plans that Eli'd mentioned back when she was telling him she needed space. Before everything happened. I didn't know, she told Eli. Felicity never told me.

Eli nodded. I've realized that now. It was supposed to be a surprise for you.

Nora reached over and squeezed Eli's arm. Creator, her mate was so sweet. And her stepsister so incredibly evil. If I knew about it, she would have had to fight me to keep me away.

Daxton popped a grape into his mouth, chewed, and then sat back in his chair. "My team had our eye on Felicity for a potential artist. We have a small group that keeps an eye on anyone we're looking to sign – they monitor their posts; pull their recording history and the songs they've put out. When they saw Felicity's post yesterday, they flagged it immediately. I'd asked them to send everything my way because I knew Eli knew Felicity."

"And when he saw the post, he called me," Lizzie jumped in. "To ask about it, so that he wasn't flying into things blind."

Nora's whole body deflated. Had Daxton taken Felicity's words to heart? She'd seen the comments – there was an entire slew of Aces who not only believed her stepsister but were ready to beat down Nora's door in her honor.

Lizzie took a bite of one of the tiny deli sandwiches she had on the plate on her lap. After she chewed, she said, "I told him to be careful."

"We try not to make any rash decisions on artists, especially when it comes to things like message board posts, as we never know the full situation. Unless a potential artist breaks our code of conduct, we keep them on our list," Daxton said.

Lizzie leaned forward toward Nora. "I told him the real story."

Nora's heartbeat rang in her ears.

Daxton's arm came around to rest behind Kamree's on the couch. "I have some people on my staff that have 10 plus years of songwriting experience and still don't pull in the numbers that you have," he said. "Most times, they work with one artist here and there." He paused a beat, his gaze intense as he said softly. "Nora, I've never known anyone to put out the content you do at the rate that you do. I've reviewed the artists. I've seen their numbers, and I've listened to the songs. You've got talent."

She might faint. Right here in the parlor. Because she could not believe the words coming out of Daxton Cavenaugh's lips.

He wasn't finished. "I know everything's up in the air right now and that you need time to settle. When you're ready, if you want, I'd love to have you intern at Cavenaugh Productions. We could use a fresh mind like yours."

Nora gaped at Daxton. "But—I don't—what about Felicity's message board post?"

Kamree's hand landed on Daxton's knee. "Slander, at that level, is not a crime, as much as we want it to be. Neither is lying. Unfortunately, Felicity will always be able to say what she wants to say," Kamree gave Nora a grin she could only describe as conspiratorial. "But she'll never win in the end. Cavenaugh Productions seeks out artists that they can stand behind. Ones that exemplify their company's key pillars – integrity, collaboration, and accountability."

"None of which Felicity show," Daxton added. "So, we've removed her from our list. She will not be considered as an artist, nor will the other remaining 6 artists you wrote for."

Nora found that now familiar ache of onset tears building in her throat. She pushed it down. She would not cry. Not here in front of Daxton and Kamree and Lizzie. "Aren't you concerned about what Felicity might say? The backlash it might bring to the company?"

Daxton simply shook his head.

Lizzie tilted her head at Nora. "I find that when people attack others online it means one of two things – one, that they find themselves to be lacking in an area the other person excels at. Or two, that they're simply willing to beat down others for their own gain. But you know the way to beat a bully, don't you?"


Lizzie chuckled. "You simply become successful. And you leave them behind."

Daxton nodded. "I've had at least three people speak highly of you, Nora. No matter what Felicity may say, actions speak volumes. No one in this business is going to care what she says when you're out there showing the kingdom what a strong songwriter you are."

I don't play the short game. Mallory's words snuck back into Nora's head. She wanted to cry simply with joy at this moment. Yet something still nagged at her. She still would have to peer over her shoulder, waiting for the next domino to fall and ruin everything.

Eli, proving once again he saw too much, said in her head. Mallory and Felicity are manipulative. But now you've got distance, and you've got a family behind you.

A family.

Nora dug her fingernails into her palm, choking down the need to cry. Though as much as she tried, she knew her eyes were still wet as she looked at the marvelous group of people around her. "Thank you," she said. A half sob escaped and she used the sleeve of her shirt to wipe under her glasses at the tears. "Thank you."

Lizzie grinned across the way at Nora. "You better get used to this, Nora. We'll be around for a long, long time."


Later that evening, Nora sat in the guest room on the suede couch, her new phone pressed to her ear. Across from her, on the small olive-green armchair, Eli picked at the strings of his acoustic guitar.

Nora loved the way his fingers danced across the strings. The familiarity in his movements had her mesmerized. Despite his love of electronic dance music, she'd known him to be classically trained in the same way most Sarian kids were. If Eli's parents were anything like hers, then they'd had a guitar in his hands since the time he learned to walk. As evident now in the easy way he manipulated the instrument to form a delicate melody.

"...never guess what happened today," Tessa was saying in her ear. "Everyone's talking about it."

Nora frowned. "Talking about what?"

"Felicity and Celine were pulled out of their classes in the morning, and then Devon and Tara were missing from their third-period class," Tessa said. "My friend who volunteers in the Director's office spotted Ariel, Garth, and Pete come in as she was leaving. There's a rumor they've all been pulled from the Winter Showcase. Can you believe it?" Tessa's tone was serious, intent as she continued, "Someone who's aunt works in that department said the Director was looking closely at suspending them for turning in work that wasn't theirs."


"Mhm. And the Director is working with the police to shed light on their parents as well. Mallory was taking money from them for services performed by a minor." Tessa paused and got quiet.

Did she lose the connection? Nora glanced down at the phone, but the call time clock still counted up. "Tess?"

"Nora, how could I not have known?"

The soft question struck Nora in the gut.

"I know we're not that close," Tessa said. "But I thought for sure if something was going on with you, I would know."

"It's alright—"

"It's not though," Tessa declared. "I was too wrapped up in myself and everything going on in my life, that I never took the time to really ask you about yours. Not just ask, but listen too. I never questioned you when I knew something wasn't right. I've failed you as a friend."

Eli's melody turned complicated as his fingers flew over the strings. He was off in his own world. Did he realize he poked his tongue out to the side as he played the more intense pieces?

"You did not fail me as a friend," Nora said. "I had all the opportunity in the world to share what was going on and I didn't. That's solely on me."

The silence on the phone was filled with Eli's gentle music in the background. Finally, Tessa asked, "are we okay?"

Nora smiled softly and pushed up on the rim of her glasses. "We've never not been okay, Tessa."

"Okay," Tessa's long, relieved sigh came over the line. "Okay."

A beat, then, "Now, can we talk about how kick-ass you are at songwriting? Holy shit, Nora..."

Nora laughed as Tessa launched into a long-winded monologue about the different songs Nora had written and produced. When she started ranking them, Nora had to interrupt. "Tess, can we get coffee this week? I have to go, but I want to catch up."

"Please! Let's do that."

The two of them made plans to meet at the coffee shop near Jostlin later that week and then said their goodbyes.

Nora put the phone down on the table next to the couch and then sat cross-legged on the floor in front of Eli to listen to him play.

Halfway through, Eli glanced up, his lips quirking as he took her in. His playing died off. "What is it?"

Nora blinked. "What?"

Eli rested his arm over the body of the guitar. "You have that look on your face."

Her eyebrows came together. "What look?"

"The one that says you've found a way to make the song better."

She had a look for that?

Eli settled the guitar so it leaned against the arm of the chair he was in. Then he held out a hand.

Nora squeaked in surprise as he yanked her up and across his lap. Her left hand settled on his chest, the right going around his neck to steady her.

He curled a strand of hair behind her ear. "I like this Nora."

Her laugh was like bubbles caught on the wind. ""This Nora?""

Eli rested his chin on top of her head. His chest under her hand rumbled as he said, "The one that's significantly less stressed. The one who's happier. And healthier."

Nora rested her head in the crook between Eli's shoulder and neck. She definitely felt happier. More...peaceful. "You know who's responsible for that, don't you?"

"Hmm. Not sure."

Nora laughed into his neck and placed a tender kiss there. "You're one of a kind, you know that, Eli?"

"I distinctly remember you calling me a nosy butt quite a bit ago," he said.

Nora pressed her lips together to hold back the grin. She remembered that vividly – calling him a nosy butt at Ariel's party.

"How can I be one of a kind when I'm also a nosy butt?" Eli wondered aloud.

"The kingdom may never know. But you'll show them how, won't you?"

Eli leaned down and pressed a kiss to the corner of her mouth. Nora craned her head to meet his lips with hers. "I like you, Eli Leonger," she said against his lips.

"I more than like you, Nora Davis," he whispered across the skin of her cheek as he pressed smaller kisses there. "I just might have to write a song about it."

Nora giggled. "I'll help you write it."


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