Chapter Two

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Everest held her ski poles in her front paws, her rear paws strapped firmly into her skis. Chase was next to her, with the same setup. He took a moment to pull his skin goggles over his eyes and pull his blue and yellow toboggan firmly down on his head. The frigid wind whipped through his fur. Everest pulled her goggles over her eyes and looked over at Tracker, who was on a more gentle slope. He was shaking snow from his fur and looked mildly upset. Everest saw Skye rush up to him and make sure he was okay. Tracker seemed to relax. Skiing took practice, after all.

Chase nudged Everest. "Race ya!" He said, pushing off down the hill. Everest immediately followed. So did all the other pups. Rocky whizzed by in an explosion of snow. "GREEN MEANS GOOOOOoooooo......!!" He shouted. Zuma gave three hard pushes with his ski poles before holding them up off the ground, cutting through the snow at a dangerous speed. Marshall wasn't as much skiing as rolling...he was basically a snowball with skis sticking out of it. Everest dodged a tree. She looked out into the distance. What she hadn't noticed earlier had become quite visible: a snowstorm. In only a few minutes, the blizzard would descend on them. 

She drove her ski poles into the snow and stopped next to Rubble, who'd also seen the cloud of ice and snow. "What IS that?" He asked. "It's a blizzard!" Said Everest. Ryder stopped next to them and saw the storm. He pulled out his Pup Pad. "Pups, come back. There's a blizzard on the way. We have to leave or we'll get stuck in it!" He said into it. The pups heard him through their pup tags and quickly turned around to walk back. Chase saw Marshall struggling to get out of his snowball. The German Shepherd hastily started to dig Marshall free. The wind picked up.

At the top of the hill, all the other pups, Jake, and Ryder were present. Tracker, unfamiliar with winter dangers, was concerned. "What's happening!?" He demanded. "A blizzard, man!" Said Jake. "And Marshall still isn't here."                  "Neither is Chase!" Everest fretted. Snow had begun to go airborne. "The blizzard is practically here!" Ryder yelled over the wind. "We'll have to look for them after it passes! I'm sorry, but we'll just get lost if we look for them now!" Fear pulsing through her viens, Everest followed everyone into the Air Patroller.


Chase dug frantically, desperate to save his friend. Marshall finally pulled himself out of the snow. "Thank goodness!" Said Chase. "Let's get pack up the hill. Leave your skis; they'll only slow you down." Said Marshall. The pups took off their skis and ski goggles, then started up the hill. The wind was coming from behind them, blowing their fur in the wrong direction and stinging their skin. The world turned white. The blizzard was here. The two freezing dogs had to keep their sides touching to stay together. They couldn't see anything. Marshall felt Chase's warm body pull away. 

"Chase?" He asked. He waited. "Marshall!" Chase's voice rang, not far away. Marshall moved towards it. "Chase! Stay put, I'm coming!" He called. The wind howled. "Marshall!" Chase called again, his voice sounding farther away. Marshall went faster. "Chase, stay put!" He yelled. "I can't, Marshall, help me!" Chase called, even further away. "Chase!" Marshall called. "Marshall! Marshall!" Chase's voice sounded distant and pleading. "Help! Help! Marshall, it's got me, IT'S GOT ME!!" 

"WHAT!? WHAT'S GOT YOU!?" Cried Marshall. "MARSHALL!! MAR--" Chase's voice suddenly vanished. Marshall gasped for breath, trying not to panic. The cold air stung his lungs. "Chase? Chase!? CHASE!!" He shouted into the swirling whiteness. All he heard was the wind. 


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