Chapter 7

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When Shredder returned to the castle he saw the whole castle was busy. All the servants were working like crazy. The Queen was throwing a ball. She threw one, every year just to show off her beauty, flirt with young men, and capture unsuspecting young women to drain off their youth.

"Why throw a ball?", he asked.

"I need the excitement and I'm running low on youth to drain.", Kaze said looking through her jewelry box. "You'll be happy to know that I have found your prince."

"You did?"

"My mirror says that the huntsman who protects Maesi, is the prince."

"Are you sure?"

"The mirror does not lie.", she said. "I will have my men hunt him down and kill him."

"No I want to kill him myself just as I had killed his father."

"Then good luck finding him."


"Will they be okay?", Maesi asked with worry.

"They'll be fine. They just need rest.", Rose reassured.

"How did this happen?"

"They were exposed to dark magic.", Rose said. "Someone turned them into those creatures."

"That man!", Maesi gasped.

"What man?", Shade asked.

"There was a man in the woods. He said that he was going to kill me."

"Did you get his name?"


"Oh my head.", Brisk groaned as he woke up.

"You okay?", Shade asked as he was trying to help his brother.

"I think so. What's going on?", Brisk sat up. "The last thing I remember was me and Amber... Oh no! Amber! Is she alright!?"

"She's in the other room resting.", Rose said.

"Anyway we were looking for you and then some guy just threw some black magic on us and everything went black.", Brisk said as he was massaging his temple.

"You were this...this monster.", Shade said.

"I was?"

"Yes but you're better now.", Maesi reasurred.

"Whoa! And who are you?", Brisk asked awestruck.

"I'm Maesi."

"Wow. Amber wasn't lying... you sure are pretty."

"Thank you.", Maesi blushed.

"Are you single?", Brisk smirked.
but suddenly something step on his "Ow!"

"Sorry. Saw a bug on your foot.", Shade said casually.

"Well you could've just told me-!", Brisk glared but quiet down as Shade glare to shut up. "Oh...I see. Sorry about that comment Miss. Very rude and uncalled for."

"That's quite alright.", Maesi said. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

"Just some water please."

Maesi walked out of the room with Rose following her. Brisk looked at Shade confused. "Okay what was that all about?"

"Nothing. You just disrespected her."

"Really? Or did I make you jealous?"

"Me? Jealous?"

"Hey! It's okay. I understand. I'll back off.", Brisk said.

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean I won't bother your lady."

"She's not my lady.", Shade blushed.

"No but you want her to be, right?" Brisk smirked as he notice Shade's blush. "I never thought I see Shade the huntsman lose his heart to a young girl. But who can blame him? Her looks are unreal."

"Don't be ridiculous!" He said. "You know that I vowed, never to fall in love." He went to sharpen his axe, Brisk followed him. "After I lost my parents I swore I'd never love again."

"Looks like you've broken that promise.", Brisk said as he put his hand on Shade's shoulder.

Maesi returned with a pitcher of water and a cup. She poured the water into the cup handing it to Brisk. "Here you go."


"I better go check on Amber." Maesi went into the other room. As she saw Amber, she placed a wet cloth on Amber's head. But suddenly Amber woke up when the cloth touched her. "Oh Amber! Thank goodness you're alright."

"Where am I?"

"Somewhere safe.", She poured Amber some water as she drank it, the two of them talked for awhile explaining about the situations they had been through.

"So who's your friend?", Amber asked.

"That's Shade."

"The hunter?"

"Yes but he's also a prince."

"He sure is cute."

"I guess he is in a way." Amber laughed and rolled her eyes as Maesi has a confuse look on her face. "What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing."

Raph arrived sometime later with big news. "The queen is having a ball tonight."

"Really?!", Maesi asked. "I could go to the castle and find my father."

"And how do you plan to pull that off?", Shade asked.

"Everyone will be distracted, even the queen. I could sneak in disguised as a servant and look for him."

"That's not a bad idea." Raph said. "But you'll have to go as a guest."

"A guest? Why?"

"Because she has enough servants. She doesn't want anymore."

"But I can't go as a guest. I don't even have an invitation.", Maesi said.

"You do now.", he tossed her a florish envelope. "I swiped it from the messenger."

"Wait you can't go alone.", Amber protested with worry in her face.

"I figured that so I swiped three more." Raph said. "So you all can go."

"Still...I haven't been to a ball since I was little girl. What if I do something wrong?", Maesi asked Shade with worry.

"I'll be there to help you. I still remember a few things from my royal life.", Shade smiled.

"Okay but what do we wear?"

""Yeah but.. our clothes don't match the dress code." Shade said.

"Leave that to me.", Rose said with magic appear around her. "We fairies are excellent seamstresses."

So six of them ate dinner and talked for hours. Then it got so late they decided to went to bed, but Maesi couldn't sleep. She stayed awake thinking of her father.

Rose was about to get to bed but suddenly feel something. Being a fairy allowed to sense emotions and she sensed Maesi was distressed. She gets up from her bed and teleport to Maesi's room.

"Are you alright?", Rose flew towards Maesi giving her comfort.

"I'm just worried about my father." Maesi said sadly. "I can't lose him like I lost my mother. He's all I have left."

"Forgive me for saying this but if your father is truly gone then you'll have to rule his kingdom.", Rose said.

"What?! Me? Rule? I can't. I don't know the first thing about being queen.", Maesi decline.

"I'm sure you know more than your witch of a stepmother."

"But I'm just a servant girl."

"You are so much more.", Rose said as she poof a large box with intricate designs with a lock. "I got you something for tomorrow night."

"Oh please. You've already done enough."

"I insist. You deserve it.", Rose smiled with a motherly look as she pulled a key from her pocket and unlocked the box. "You are wise and noble like your father.", She opened it and pulled out a tiara. "But you have the beauty and compassion of your mother and someday you will be a great queen."

Rose placed the tiara on Maesi's head. It was a perfect fit. Maesi hugged Rose and went to bed.

The next day Rose spent hours making suitable clothing for the four teens. By nightfall they were ready to leave.

(This are they're outfits for tonights ball)





"You look beautiful my princess.", Shade smile as he took Maesi's hand and kissed it. Maesi blushed at this.

"Okay let's get going.", Brisk said.

"We'll keep an eye on you four in case something goes wrong.", Raph said.

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