Chapter 10 The Princess Storms the Other Castle

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             Princess Marinette Snow White is rather angry.  She believes she has the reason to be when the life of the kind-hearted prince Adrien Agreste may be in danger.  She rides her horse away from her palace towards his home. She can only hope she arrives on time.

            She stops for a short break to give her ride a few carrots and a small sugar cube. She makes sure to give the animal some water from the stream as well. She is grateful it is a safe area since the last thing she needs is to have a dead creature with her.  She eats a few bites of the snacks she brought along for the journey and drinks some water from the canteen.  

            The princess finishes and climbs back aboard the horse. She is glad she brought along her shield and some weapons. She does not know who she will come in contact with along her way.  She wishes to be ready for anything. She recalls her late father's words, "My child you must make sure to be on guard at all times.  As a royal anyone could be a threat, so trust no one and consider all your enemies.   Keep these in mind and you will live a long, prosperous life as the queen as you should be when it comes time for you to be in charge of the kingdom."

          She shakes her head as she thinks how ironic her father could not even use his advice to his advantage. She knows for sure he would still be alive if he had.  She does not reason to fall into the same trap.  She arrives at the Agreste castle a few hours later.  She is a bit worn out from her travels, but ready for a fight if it comes to it. She did have a small nap while she waited for the horse to finish with his business behind a tree.

        "Sire, there appears to be someone here,"  A servant to King Gabriel announces.

         "Yes, dear it looks as if he is right," Queen Emilie remarks.

       "Do not worry, dear, I am sure the traveler is someone come to make a treaty with us or something," King Gabriel says to try to reassure his wife.

         The guards outside the place say,  "It appears that the visitor is not happy.  In fact, by the looks of it, they have come here to take charge."

      "Well, in that case, set up the catapults and launch them a warning,"  The king states.

         "Yes, your highness, right away,"  A guard says. 

           "On it sir," The other guard tells him.

      The guards send a fiery signal in the direction of the person who dares to approach their home since this was the order of the king.  They are not about to argue with him because to do so would be treason.  Treason would result in things too horrible to discuss let alone allow to happen to them.

     "Hey, you there!" The lady calls out.

     "Y-yes?"  A guard shouts.

      "I come here to speak to the rulers of the castle," She yells.

      "What do you wish towards them?" A guard asks.

      "I assure you I only want to speak to them," She answers.

          The guard speaks to the king and queen, "Your majesties, the lady insists she has an audience with you so she may talk to you both."

         "Alright then, tell her to proceed," The king says.

        "Yes, sire," The guard replies.

            "Miss, the king says you may carry on so he and his wife may grant your request," The guard tells her.

          "Very, well sir,"  She says.

              The princess smiles as the bridges are lowered, so she might cross them unharmed.  She gets the horse to slow down its pace so as not to alarm the occupants of the place. Once inside, she goes before the king and queen, and bows to give them honor.

             "Oh, dear king and queen, I wish to discuss an important matter with you both," She says.

         "Yes, what might that be young lady?"  Queen Emilie says.

           "Well, you see I am from a long way off, and I am known as the princess in charge of another kingdom," She begins to say.

          "Are you saying you a royal then?"  Queen Emilie asks.

         "Yes, your majesty this is exactly what I am saying, dear queen and king,"  Marinette replies.

          "What do you wish to discuss?"  The king asks next.

          "Glad, you asked. You see the prince, Adrien came to my home, and upon his quick exit, I felt I should check upon him,"  She blurts out.

           "Are you not aware he was stricken of his crown, declared a traitor, and thrown in the deepest dungeon we have?"   The king and queen ask together.

           "I was not aware of this, but now that you have brought it to my attention, I know,"  She remarks.

          "It was because he said he was going to find the princess of his dreams to make her his wife, and upon his return, he came back empty-handed," The king explains.

         "Empty-handed, you say, ah, but he has my handkerchief I let him borrow," The princess tells them.

          "Handkerchief, we were not aware of this," The queen says with her face pale at the news.

        "Yes, he must have forgotten to mention this since he felt embarrassed," The princess goes on to say.

        "I admit, I did not know he was a prince at first. Then, once I found out I was glad for him but did not feel suitable to marry someone I barely met," She states.

        "You have no business then, so take your leave,"  King Gabriel yells at her.

           Queen Emilie shakes her head as she wonders if they are the ones to have made a mistake. She finds it hard to believe the woman before them is guilty of anything wrong just as she doubts their son deserves what was done to him.

         "I will do no such thing," The princess retorts.

        "I came here to see to it the prince's health is at his best, so you see I can not go until I am sure he is alive and well,"  She explains.

     "You are as crazy as you look, now guards cease her,"  The king states rather angry.

          Princess Marinette Snow White is glad her horse made it is way outside on its own. She does not wish to lose such great stead as this one to the battle.  She pulls out her sword and fights the two guards. She manages to win against them as she finds they are much afraid of her.  Too bad she thinks those two could have been a great asset in my palace.

          She attacks the third guard only to have him run outside and jump into the moat. She gasps as he is swallowed alive by the alligators that live in the moat. She believes it to be most dreadful that he should meet such an untimely end.

        Next, she runs through the castle and finds a long set of stairs, she approaches them slowly so as not to fall. It would not do to come this far only to suffer such a tragedy. She finds a door, discovers it is locked, and uses her dagger to pick the lock.

        She enters the dungeon, sees the fetters around the lad's neck, legs, and arms. She frowns, as she uses her trusty dagger once more to remove them all.  She hopes her rescue is worth it. She hears him groan, then frowns when she sees that he looks rather ill.

       Princess Marinette Snow White places the dagger back inside its sheaf.  She is glad the sword is inside its sheaf already by now. She grabs up the sick prince and places him on her shoulders. She is way stronger than she looks. 

       She makes her way out of the dungeon, up the stairs, and to the door. Once inside, she places him on her horse and tells the creature to return to its home. She smiles as the animal leaves with the boy draped over its back.

      Now, the princess uses her sword to loosen the rope that holds up one of the bridges and jumps. She lands safely on the other side, sees another horse is close by, climbs on it, and rides back to her palace.

     The whole way back, she wonders what she is to do with a sick prince who looks all bruised, beaten, and malnourished as he does. She is ticked off more now than she was before she got here.

      Once home, she gathers a few men, and women together. She gives the doctor strict orders to tend to his wounded patient.  She is glad for the corporation of those who gather around her.

     She washes the blood off her horses back, sends the empty stray horseback to the other kingdom,  climbs on her horse with others behind her on the spare horses she owns.  Now, with her small army with her, the princess returns to the other kingdom.

      Hours later, they arrive together outside the place. The king, queen, extra are unsure what to do as one guard is dead, and two other badly wounded. They try to hide together in the upper part of the building.

       The princess and her group storm the castle.  This is to say they attack it.  Once inside, they leave notes to tell the royals there they no longer trust them.  Then, they turn over the long table that lies in the grand hall, and the jewels spill out on the floor. On orders of Princess Snow White Marinette, nothing is stolen, no lives lost, and the people manage to please her. 

      Soon enough, the princess finds the king and queen, she tells them, "You are the greatest traitors in your kingdom. For you brought trouble upon yourselves, the day you lied to my face, and said the prince committed treason.  He had done no such thing to you or anyone else.  Yet you unjustly punished him."  

      Then, she took her to leave with her crowd behind her, a few of the servants that lived there followed her as well, leaving on a small amount left to serve the disgraced royals.

       Find out more in Chapter 11

     -bye, bye little owlets!

       -Summer out!

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