Chapter 16 Rather Rough Looking

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      As the princess and her guests enjoy the picnic, someone approaches the castle on foot.  

      The servants and guards notice the visitor appears to be rough looking. It turns out this person came to spy on them all. 

       He sneaks over the wall and into the palace grounds.  It seems nothing will stop him now, or so he thinks.  He grabs an orange and throws it into the air.

        "Halt, who goes there?"  He hears a voice ask.

       He looks up at the sound when he realizes he is not alone. 

         "Who are you?" The stranger blurts out.

           "I do believe you owe me an explanation," Prince Adrien remarks.

          "Fine, you caught me, I am here on a special mission," The young man states.

         "Ah, I see, but it appears you came in by the wrong entrance,"  Adrien tells him.

            Princess Marinette Snow White and Kalie laugh as the two find the conversation between Prince Adrien and the sudden visitor to be quite amusing.  The girls wonder if the prince will get the guy to admit he is up to no good.

            "I agree, you did come in over a wall," Princess Marinette points out the obvious.

           "It is much better if a person is to come in to enter by the front gate than to come by this method.

            "Oh, and just why should you care which method I use to get inside?" The lad asks with a rude look in his eyes.

             "I think he came in that way because he is a thief," Kalie spoke up next.

            "Kalie, it is not nice to accuse someone of thievery without proof," Her father reminds her.

             "I should say it is not proper to enter the way he did either,"  The young princess states.

                 Princess Marinette Snow White removes the hood over his head and yanks the mask off his face.  She gasps when she sees what is beneath them all.  

               The guy has a strange pile of hair that is green, but then there are light blue tips to it, and his eyes are a bit greenish-blue.  To top it off he is not that bad-looking.  

               Prince Adrien frowns when he sees the guy closer. He very much wishes to place the hood back over his head and return the mask to him. For that matter, he wants to send him on his way so that he and Kalie might get back to their luncheon with the princess.  He despises the guy for his bad entrance and for the way Marinette appears to fawn over him.

              He could hardly say he is jealous of the guy when he has never seen him before yet he dislikes him just the same.

             "Well, now I see I have caught the attention of the ruler here,"  Luka remarks.

                "Ha, go away," Kalie says as she sticks her tongue out at him. She does not like the way he stares at the princess.  She can see he appears to be competition for her father.

               "Luka, do sit down and join us,"  Princess Marinette Snow White says next.

          "Why thank you, do not mind if I do," Luka states with a smirk.

              Luka, Kalie, Prince Adrien, and the princess all sit down in the grass.   The foursome eats a nice meal.  

           However, the prince could not help, but notice how much Marinette blushes at the attention this Luka gives her.  He frowns at the thought he should have any trouble from him.

          "Your highness, the meal has been great, but alas, I must go," Luka says as he kisses the top of her hand.

           The prince notices the action and scowls at him. He does think it proper for this dude to kiss her when he barely knows her.  He knows it was only a friendly hand kiss, but what if he goes for her lips next time?

            Juleka comes out to serve the dessert and takes notice there is another person. She asks, "Your majesty, should I bring out another plate for the newcomer?"

             "No need, as I was just about to take my leave," Luka answers. He stands up and climbs back the same way he came in earlier.

           Juleka shakes her head as she places the dessert where the others can reach it. She goes back inside and thinks it is just as well he left for the other servants were beginning to gossip about him. She can not help but hate gossip.

           "He sure took his leave rather suddenly,"  The princess says with a sigh.

            "Yes, well, I say good riddance to him," Kalie blurts out.

            Prince Adrien does not say a word but agrees with his child. He can not say he is sorry to see the guy go that is for sure.

            The princess eats her cookie then stands near the wall with her hands on it. She appears to be in thought about something.  She does not look up as Prince Adrien joins her with Kalie nearby who tries hard not to giggle.

           Kalie wishes the princess sees how much her father adores her. She thinks if she ever becomes my stepmother I will be a happy girl. She hates to think about what might happen if things should turn out differently.

         Find out more in Chapter  17

      bye, bye little owlets!

     -Summer out!

Chapter published: August 10, 2020

 Edits made:  July 9, 2021

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