Chapter 25 Fever

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  It had been two months since Prince Adrien found out the truth- the hard truth- that Marinette Snow White would never love him.

   His daughter Kali was playing outside when she suddenly collapsed. 

         "How serious is it, doctor?"

      "She has a bad fever."

    " I am concerned with how rapidly the fever is spreading."

     "She must not go near anyone else, for it is highly contagious."

       "Sir, you look rather ill yourself," the doctor remarked.

    " Perhaps, you ought to go lie down."

        "Well, I recommend you send in someone who has already had the illness to care for her."


        The doctor left discouraged. 

         How could he tell the child's father his daughter might not survive the illness? 

         He left to tend to a sick grandfather and an ill horse in the next village.

            Prince Adrien sobbed as he left his daughter's room and returned to his quarters.              

            Marinette Snow White checked on the child.   It was clear the princess's condition had gotten worse.

           "Make some tea right away," She ordered the cook.

            "Oh, add some lemon  to the cup."

          "Yes, right away, Miss Snow White."

            Then, she checked in on the prince.  He was asleep.  She felt his forehead, and it was rather hot.  Oh, dear, he has got it too.

             She made sure the cook put ice in the tea for the girl. She helped her take slow sips out of it.

           She asked the cook to make more tea for the prince was sick too. She brought the tea to him and assisted him to make sure he did not spill any of it.

           She prayed the two people would regain their strength too. She did not know how she would cope if something should happen to either of them.

           The blast fever spread fast. Soon, the cook was ill.  Marinette replaced her by taking over her job as well as tending to the sick.

          She was relieved when the rest of the servants remained healthy.  Good thing too because she was starting to feel worn out. She had gotten the illness herself as a child but only survived due to her mother's love, some tea, and the secret of the tree.

             Two weeks went by and the child had not recovered, nor had the prince.

            Marinette Snow White began to give up hope. She believed death might rob her of them both. She reflected on the past and recalled what her father had said. "Marry someone who loves you not for your money but for you."           

            She sat by Prince Adrien's bed and pleaded for him to be okay.  "Come on stay with me."

           She did the same when she checked on Kali.  "Girl, wake up. Your father needs you, we all do."

         Four days later, she woke up to the sound of weeping. She went to see what the ruckus was all about and found the cook dead in her bed.

        She shook her head. Already the fever had taken something from her.

         Was she to be the loser in the end with only herself to blame?

          Two more days, and Kali sat up in bed. She asked for some water.

      She drank it, got up, and read a book.

   She smiled.  She looked a bit weak, but at last, the fever had broken.

         Prince Adrien woke up as well. He appeared to have gotten worse. He threw up and could hardly breathe.

       "How is my father?"

        Marinette turned around at the child's question.  She felt bad about the whole thing.

          "Well, he is still very sick."

         "Poor father. I do hope he gets better soon."

          Marinette did not tell Kali the cook's funeral took place a few days prior for she did not wish to upset her. She also did not say anything about the doctor's latest words.

              She smiled despite everything.  "You and me both, Kali."

              She went back to her room. She sat on the bed with her hands over her face.

                How had things gone so wrong?


            Three more days and Prince Adrien started to recover.

              Kali although better never regained her full energy. She played slower than usual. 

              It seemed the fever had taken its permanent mark on her body. She did not tell anyone, but she was sure that she was dying.

           Find out more in Chapter 26 Flowers

         Until then,

    bye-bye, little owlets!

    Summer out!



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