Chapter 4 The Seven Gardeners

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       Juleka stays in the woods in the house with seven little men. She notices they have a nice sized garden and an orchard too. The trees grow apples, plums, pears, peaches, cherries, figs, and oranges. She thinks it nice because she does not have to go far to find fruit or vegetables to eat. 
    Also, since the cook from the palace stays here too, there is always plenty of fresh bread, cheese, milk, and other tasty treats.  Did anyone mention the men own a milk cow?
   "Miss, and sir, I do say that we must properly introduce ourselves," The little men remark.

"Okay, if you insist,"  Juleka says.

"I am Juleka a servant from the castle, but no one other than the princess herself knows I am gone,"  She says.

"Same here, but I am the cook from there and my name is Melissa," She says.

"Pardon us, Madame, for we thought at first you were a man,"   A dwarf says.

"Oh, do not worry about it," Melissa says.

"I am happy, " one dwarf says.

"Nice to meet you, I am Sleepy," Another says as he tries hard not to yawn.

"I am Doc," The next one says.

"I am Grumpy,"  The one after this says with a bit of a scowl.

"I am...Achoo,"  He sneezes as he speaks,  "Let me try again, I am Sneezy,"  he remarks.

"I am  Silly,"  The next one says as he tries hard not to trip. 
 *Author's note: I know this is not his original name, but I felt like changing it.

"I am Bashful,"  The shy one states last.

   "Now, we must get to work at once in the garden, " The one who goes by Happy explains to the girls.

"Okay, see you, boys, later then," Juleka says.

"Ok, that is fine, I will let you know when dinner is ready,"  Melissa tells them.


     The seven men, Happy, Sleepy, Doc, Grumpy, Sneezy, Silly, and Bashful, went outside.  They worked hard on preparing the soil for the plants. Then, they made some holes in the different rows and planted some seeds.  Once the seeds were in the dirt, Happy covered them up and Doc assisted by turning on the water hose and using it to water the freshly sown seeds.

 Later, during dinner, Juleka asks,  "What all vegetables did you plant?"

Melissa smiles as she hears Doc answer, "Peas,"

"Radishes, yuck!  I hate radishes," Grumpy states.

"Carrots," Bashful says and blushes.

"Potatoes,"  Sleepy says with a yawn.

"Tomatoes,"  Happy says.

"Cucumbers and Lettuce," Silly states and almost falls out of his chair.

"Corn,"  Doc answers this time.

"Green beans,"  Happy says.

"Beets, I hate beets, blah!"  Grumpy replies.

"Turnips,"  Sleepy says and yawns again.

"Squash,"  Silly says and wrinkles his nose.

"Spinach,"  Bashful says and blushes again as usual.

"Wow, that is great!  Sounds like we have plenty of good stuff, yet," Melissa says. She smiles.

"Yes, that sounds splendid," Juleka agrees at once.

     After the meal of spaghetti, garlic bread, and a few lima beans, the men get ready for bed.  Juleka and Melissa clean of the kitchen.   Melissa goes to her room and gets some rest while Juleka reads a book in the living room.  Soon Juleka gets tired and falls asleep on the sofa.

  The whole time the evil queen believes her stepdaughter, Marinette Snow White is in the house with those men.  She has no reason to believe otherwise since this is the news the mirror gave her.  She continues to plot revenge against the one she grows jealous of daily and wishes to rid herself of once and for all.


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