Chapter Eight

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The cats where patting towards the Great Oak. Darkkit was jumping excited next to Otterkit and Wolfkit. Otterkit was looking around the nature like she saw something beautiful. Wolfkit and Dapplekit where silent while Shadowkit and Sunkit walked together talking.
"I'm soo excited!" Darkkit squealed. Otterkit smiled at her.
"Every kit is excited." Wolfkit said trying to look normal. That's when Shadowkit stopped talking to Sunkit and slid next to Otterkit, smiling. Darkkit stared at them while they where talking and smiling.
"What are you trying to do?" Wolfkit snarled at Shadowkit. He looked at Wolfkit.
"Talking to Otterkit, of course!" He snapped. Darkkit looked at Wolfkit and looked at Otterkit.
"Oh stop it! It's not a big deal Wolfkit we.... we are friends." Otterkit mewed calmly. Wolfkit narrowed eyes at Shadowkit.
"I am keeping my eye on you Shadowkit!" She hissed and turned to look where they where going. That's when Whitefur licked Wolfkit's ear.
"There just talking Wolfkit. It's not like Shadowkit was attacking her." Whitefur said. Wolfkit looked up at Whitefur.
"I don't trust Tom's near she-cat's especially the ones who aren't mates." She mumbled. Darkkit looked at her surprised.

Icestar stopped. He gave a signal with his tail that they where here. Darkkit's excitement grew. Icestar turned to look at the cats.
"We will let the kits first to go through the spiked bush." He mewed. All the kits froze.
"Aren't we gonna get hurt?" Dapplekit asked shaking. Icestar shooked his head.
"You are too small to even touch them. That's why we warriors and apprentices get thorns in out fur when we come back because they stick to us but they won't stick to you." Icestar explained.
The kits where calmed down.
"Now who will go first?" He asked. That's when Wolfkit came.
"Me." She mewed and Walked in the spiked bushes. When she was gone Icestar turned and looked at the kits again.
"Next?" He asked the kits. Sunkit went ahead and then behind him Dapplekit came. They both went through the spiked bush tunnel and where gone. Shadowkit looked at Otterkit
"You first." He smiled. Otterkit nodded and swooped in the tunnel with Shadowkit behind her. Darkkit was the last one. She patted slowly in the tunnel. She was slowly going forward without touching the thorns hanging on the stems. She saw a hole and speed up her walk. Then she jumped out and the sun was setting in the mountains. She was surprised. There where many cats in the open area of the Great Oak. She saw a silverish  coloured she-cat sitting on the bottom left huge branch. She also saw a Turkish Angora She-cat who was sitting on the top left branch. That's when Waterpaw came out from the tunnel with two thorns sticking in his tail. He sat down taking them off and went somewhere to sit. Darkkit followed him and sat down next to him.
"Who are those cats sitting on the branches?" Darkkit asked. Waterpaw turned to look at her.
"They both are the leaders of a clan." He answered licking his paws.
"What are there names?" She asked interested. Waterpaw didn't answer. After he cleaned his paws he opened his mouth.
"That silverish cat is called Silverstar. The leader of FireClan." Waterpaw said pointing the silver she-cat with his muzzle.
"And that Turkish Angora She-cat is Breezestar. The leader of BirchClan." Waterpaw said and pointed her with his muzzle. Darkkit eyes wide opened.
"The deputy of BirchClan is Orangetail and the deputy of FireClan is Braveheart." He said.
"They both are pretty!" She said while  looking at the both she-cat leaders. Waterpaw didn't answer.
"I want to be just like them. A leader!" She squealed.
"Well then you better work hard if you want to become a leader." Waterpaw answered and then layed down. Featherpaw was patting towards them.
"Darkkit go sit next to Otterkit. Whitefur is waiting for you." She said calmly. Darkkit nodded and patted towards Whitefur.

Whitefur and the other kits where chatting. Darkkit sat next to Otterkit who was happily talking with Shadowkit. Wolfkit was staring at them while they where talking.
"I also heard that Icestar was in a cool quest to save BirchClan!" Shadowkit said. Otterkit was giving a curious look at him
"What kind of quest?" She asked excited. That's when Darkkit's ears went droopy. I wanted to tell her about FireClan and BirchClan. Well I guess she knows everything now. Darkkit looked down at the ground. Otterkit looked at Darkkit.
"What's wrong?" She asked. Darkkit looked up at her.
"I wanted to tell you about BirchClan and FireClan but I guess you already know..." She whimpered and layed down closing eyes. Otterkit touched her nose to her cheeks.
"I only know BirchClan not like the leader and the deputy and stuff." She answered smiling. That's when Darkkit jumped up.
"Can I tell them to you?" She said with a happy voice.
"That would be lovely." Otterkit smiled.
"Okay so can you see that Turkish Angora She-cat who is sitting on the top left branch?" Darkkit said pointing with her puffy tail. Otterkit nodded.
"She is the leader of BirchClan. Her name is Breezestar." Darkkit said.
"And on the bottom left branch is The FireClan leader. Silverstar." Darkkit mewed. That's when A group of other clan cats came. They where skinny and had almost no fur. The where walking weirdly unbalanced and giving angry and scared faces at them.
"Who are they?" Otterkit asked.
"There DustClan. I heard that they almost have no prey in there territory and sometimes go to other clans territory and steal there prey!" Wolfkit sat next to them hissing at the DustClan cats.
"Not all of the cats are like that Wolfkit." Whitefur said.
"I know but some are." She said narrowed eyes at the skinny cats. Icestar greeted them but the reddish orange Tom just hissed and leaped on the top right branch. A She-cat dipped her head at Icestar respectfully. There where three cats including Thornbush who went to sit on the roots of the Great Oak.
"Why are they sitting there?" Otterkit asked.
"There are the deputies of one Clan." Whitefur said.
"Why was that Tom mean to Icestar and that she-cat nice to him?" Darkkit asked.
"Ask her." Whitefur smiled.
"The gathering hasn't started yet." Whitefur added. But before Darkkit could answer someone walked towards her. It was a tabby Tom who was one of the grumpy DustClan cats.
Otterkit jumped and went in front of Darkkit.
"Stay away from her!" She hissed.
"I just wanted to ask.... Why does she have a moon mark on her left eye?" The Tom said and stepped one big step forward.
"You stay away from her, apprentice!" Whitefur shouted and stood up. The Tom stepped backwards.
"Sorry did I scare you? Redstar was right, SnowClan cats get angry with us because we are skinny thinking we have some kind of infection!" He snarled and walked away.
"Who was that?" Darkkit asked .
"It was one of DustClan apprentices Bearpaw. He is the son of Redstar." Whitefur said.
"Welcome all cats!" Silverstar started.
"We will start our gathering." Silverstar said as loud that everyone can hear.

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