Chapter eighteen

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Darkkit woke up. She patted outside the nursery. She saw Wolfkit, Dapplekit, Sunkit and Shadowkit furs all silky and clean. All the cats were smiling excited. What is happening today? Darkkit asked herself. Otterkit came out of the nursery yawning.
"Good morning Otterkit!" Darkkit smiled.
"Good morning sis..." Otterkit yawned.
"Do you know what is happening today?" Darkkit asked looking at the cats surrounding the high rock. Otterkit looked were Darkkit looked and shook her head.
"Why is Wolfkits, Shadowkits, Dapplekits and Sunkits furs all clean and shiny?" Otterkit asked as she noticed Wolfkits fur shining in the sunlight.
"I also asked that to myself." Darkkit said. Nightwing came out of the nursery.
"Good morning kits." Nightwing greeted them.
"Why is everyone surrounding the high rock?" Otterkit asked.
"Why is Wolfkits, Shadowkits, Dapplekits and Sunkits furs all clean?" Darkkit asked.
"Today they will become apprentices." Nightwing said. Otterkits and Darkkits eyes widend.

Icestar leaped on the highrock.
"All cats old enough to catch there own prey come beneath the high rock for a clan meeting!" He shouted. Everyone turned to look at Icestar. Snowkit and Stonekit came with there mother, Dewfish and sat at the entrance of the nursery with Darkkit, Otterkit and Nightwing.
"Today four young kits will become apprentices." He announced. He looked down at the four tiny kits.
"Sunkit step forward." He said. Sunkit stood up and stepped forward.
"I, Icestar, the leader of SnowClan, ask to the ancestors to look down to this kit." He said. Sunkit looked at him bravely.
"Sunkit, from this day on you shall be know as Sunpaw!" He announced as he leaped off the highrock and touched his muzzle to Sunpaws.
"Your mentor shall be Thornbush." Icestar said turning to look at Thornbush.
"Thornbush, I hope you will give all what you have learned to this young apprentice." Icestar said. Thornbush nodded and stepped forward to touch his muzzle on Sunpaws. Icestar turned to look at Shadowkit.
"Shadowkit step forward." He said. Shadowkit stepped forward.
"I, Icestar, the leader of SnowClan, ask to the ancestors to look down to this kit." He said.
"Shadowkit, from this day on you shall be know as Shadowpaw!" He announced as he touched Shadowpaws muzzle. Shadowpaw was excited and happy. Icestar turned to look at Greytail.
"Greytail, it's time to get your first apprentice. I hope you will pass your trainings to this young apprentice." Icestar said. Greytail froze for awhile but then nodded. He slowly patted towards Shadowpaw and touched his nose to Shadowpaws. Icestar turned to look at Dapplekit.
"Dapplekit step forward." He said. Dapplekit nervously stepped forward.
"I, Icestar, the leader of SnowClan, ask to the ancestors to look down to this kit." He said. Dapplekit looked nervous but also excited.
"Dapplekit, from this day on you shall be know as Dapplepaw!" He announced touching Dapplepaws muzzle with his. Icestar turned to look at the young she-cat, Baypelt.
"Baypelt, today you will get your first apprentice. I hope you will pass all you have learned to this young kit." Icestar said. Baypelt nodded and touched her muzzle with Dapplepaws.
"And last of all Wolfkit, step forward." Icestar said. Wolfkit smiled and stepped forward.
"I, Icestar, the leader of SnowClan, ask to the ancestors to look down to this kit." He said.
"Wolfkit, from this day on you shall be know as Wolfpaw!" He announced as he touched his muzzle with Wolfpaw. He turned to look at Blackshade.
"Blackshade, today you will get your first apprentice. I hope you will pass your trainings to this young kit." He said. Blackshade stood there for away. Greytail was scared and Whitefur worried. Blackshade finally nodded and touched his muzzle with Wolfpaws and whispered something to her. Wolfpaw struggled.
"Sunpaw! Shadowpaw! Dapplepaw! Wolfpaw!" Everyone cheered and shouted there new names. Darkkit was happy for them, but a little suspicious about Blackshade. What did he whisper to Wolfpaw? Why did Wolfpaw struggle? Darkkit asked herself.
"Did you see that Blackshade whispered something to Wolfpaw?" Otterkit asked a little scared.
"Yes I saw it..." Darkkit gulped.
"Blackshade is a little scary." Stonekit squeaked.
Don't worry if he attacks us I will rip his face off with a one blow!" Snowkit said.
"Now kits, Blackshade isn't a enemy he is a clanmate and we don't hurt clanmates unless they turn there backs on us." Dewfish said.
"I think he is a little scary to." Otterkit squeaked and cuddled next to Nightwing.
"He hasn't always been like this..." Nightwing replied.

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