Chapter Eleven

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It's been three days since the time when Claw showed Darkkit the peacefully place.

Darkkit woke up, yawning and stretching. She cleaned herself and looked around the nursery. She noticed that Dewfish was sleeping in the nursery. What is she doing in the nursery!? Darkkit thought. She patted to Dewfish and poked her with her muzzle. Dewfish woke up, yawning.
"Oh, good morning Darkkit." Dewfish yawned.
"Why are you in the nursery? You are supposed to be in the warriors den." Darkkit said and sat down with a puzzled look. Dewfish stood up and licked her paw.
"I going to have kits soon." She answered. Darkkit was shooked.
"I never new you had a mate!?" Darkkit exclaimed. Dewfish gave a mrrow of laughter.
"Darkkit not every kit knows who is who's mate, until you ask or find out yourself." Dewfish said and put her tail around Darkkit.
"Does any kit know?" Darkkit asked, leaning on Dewfish. Dewfish nodded.
"Only Wolfkit." She answered. That's when it hit Darkkit. No wonder she didn't really like when Shadowkit talked to Otterkit. Darkkit thought. That's when Otterkit came in the nursery, staring at them.
"Dewfish! What are you doing in the-." Icestar's call interrupted Otterkit. All three she-cat's patted out of the nursery and sat next with the others in front of the nursery's entrance. Everyone except Wolfkit where staring at Dewfish but didn't say anything.

"Everyone! I call you here for some reasons." Icestar started. Then he turned to look at Flameheart and Greytail, pinning a Tom down. That's Bearpaw! Darkkit said in her mind.
"This apprentice from DustClan was in our territory. The border patrol found him HUNTING!" Icestar said and giving a sharp look at Bearpaw.
"Now tell me is there anymore cats in our territory from your Clan? And why were you hunting in our territory?" Icestar snapped. Bearpaw gave a hiss.
"Non of you business Icestar!" He snarled. Icestar gave a signal with his tail to Flameheart and Greytail to bring him back to his territory. They both nodded. Flameheart let him go that Bearpaw could stand up. Greytail and Flameheart were patting on the sides of Bearpaw and disappeared from the camp. Icestar turned to look at the his clanmates.
"Also Dewfish will have kits in five days so she is going to stay in the nursery." Icestar announced. Everyone was talking to each other with excitement. All the kits where staring in shook and happiness at Dewfish.
"Also four kits will become apprentices in a half moon." Icestar said.
"Awesome!" Sunkit said happily.
"That's all I have for today's meeting. Clan meeting dismissed." Icestar said and leaped off the highrock. Everyone scattered around the clearing to go do there normal business.

The warriors and apprentices patted towards Thornbush.
"Whitefur, Cloudfur and Waterpaw you go hunt at the border of the twoleg place." Thornbush said. All three cats nodded and patted out of the camp.
"Blackshade, Rabbitpaw and Featherpaw you go and border on the rock line." Thornbush said. They nodded and disappeared out of the camp. Baypelt was grooming her fur.
"Now kits go and eat your first prey." Flowerheart said. All kits ran to the fresh kill pile. Darkkit snatched a squirrel to share with Otterkit. Wolfkit took a mouse and sat next to them. Sunkit took a black bird and went to sat next to Shadowkit and Dapplekit.
"This is Soo good!" Darkkit said with her mouth full. Otterkit gulped her first piece and her eyes went wide.
"It's delicious!" Otterkit squeaked.
Wolfkit finished her last piece and stood up.
"Let's go see how Baypelt is doing." Wolfkit said.
"We are not finished with our prey like you are." Shadowkit snapped.
"Well you are too slow. You are not fast like me!" Wolfkit teased. Shadowkit hissed and ate his last piece of prey.

The kits went walking towards Baypelt who was still grooming herself in front of the warriors den.
"Hi kits." Baypelt greeted them and stopped grooming.
"How is your relationship with Cloudfur?" Wolfkit asked.
"Wait, is Cloudfur and Baypelt together?" Dapplekit asked.
Wolfkit rolled her eyes.
"Of course! Why wouldn't they be together if they have been hunting together many times!" Wolfkit snapped. Dapplekit step backwards whimpering.
"I....I'm sorry...." Dapplekit gulped.
"Your not a very nice cat aren't you!" Shadowkit hissed.
Calm down kits! It's no time to argue on the sunny day! Yes, my relationship with Cloudfur is great!" Baypelt answered, licking Dapplekit.
"It's okay Dapplekit, Wolfkit is just stressed out." Baypelt said with a calm voice. She's right. Wolfkit thought sadly. I wish I could control my anger to you Dapplekit... Wolfkit sighed.

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