Chapter Six

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Darkkit and Wolfkit followed Thornbush and Claw to the camp.

They stepped in the camp. All cats turned around and stared at Claw. Claw flicked his tail, ignoring the cats staring at him. Darkkit looked at the cats whispering at each other.

They entered the leaders den. Thornbush sat down near the entrance, the other cats sat down in the middle of the den. Icestar stood up and turned around, sitting down in front of the kits.
"Claw what are you doing here?" He asked. Claw opened his mouth but then saw that Icestar was staring at the two other kits so he closed his mouth.
"Darkkit and Wolfkit what are you two doing here?" He asked.
"We came here because we are a part of this too." Wolfkit answered. Claw turned around and glared at Wolfkit.
"No your here because you want to hear the message." He snapped. Wolfkit hissed.
"No we're not here to hear your stupid message!" Wolfkit snarled.
"That's enough!" Icestar shouted.
"I have only one question before I let Claw say the message." Icestar said.
He leaned at Claw, while Claw stared weirdly at Icestar.
"Where did you get that scar?" He asked. All the cats went silent. Thornbush looked at Darkkit. Icestar saw that Thornbush was looking at Darkkit so he turned towards her.
"Did you do this?" Icestar asked. Darkkit gulped and nodded slowly. Icestar tail flicked. He looked at Claw again. Before Icestar could say anything Claw opened his mouth first.
"It was an accident I know she didn't mean it. She tried to protect your clan. She thought I was a trespasser." Claw said. Icestar nodded then sighed.
"So this message from Thunder, please say it out loud." Icestar commanded. Claw nodded.
"The winds blows, the birds sing, my old friend it's time, we had a war we start again, meet me at the mountain, the seven seas of the seas bring your favorite cats, we will be soon there, old friend." Claw said. Icestar was silent for awhile. Wolfkit and Darkkit looked at each other then at Icestar.
"War!?" They both shouted. Icestar looked at them. He didn't say anything. Then he turned back looking towards Claw." Go tell him we are not ready!" He hissed. Claw stayed silent for awhile then dipped his head and walked away. Thornbush followed him out of the camp safely.

Wolfkit and Darkkit left the den." What war do you think there talking about?" Darkkit asked curiously.
"I don't know. Maybe a war to scare us to guts!" Wolfkit snapped. Darkkit stopped for a moment.
"Why are you so angry?" Darkkit asked. Wolfkit sighed.
"Icestar has hiden too many secrets already from the clan. He needs to tell them!" Wolfkit mumbled. Darkkit stared at Wolfkit who walked away and disappeared in the nursery.
What secrets? How many? Why is he hiding them? Why didn't no one tell me that he hides secrets? Why now for all sudden?

(DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUN! ok sorry I just love it when I say that CX well chapter six is finished. What do you think the secrets are? Comment below! Please vote and like for more of these mystery stuff :p)

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