Chapter sixteen

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Icestar stood in front of Darkkit and Otterkit. He gave a cold look at them.
"You two get a punishment." He rumbled in anger. Darkkit squeaked, while Otterkit shivered from her father's anger.
You can't go outside the camp especially at NIGHT!" He snapped.
Nightwing went in front of Icestar.
"Be more gentle with them. They are only kits!" Nightwing said with a sharp voice. Icestar looked at the kits and at his mate. He calmed down.
"Sorry kits." He said.
"Did you give a punishment to Claw?" A small, squicky voice came behind Icestar. He turned around and noticed Snowkit.
"Yes I did, but not that kind of a punishment really." Icestar responded.
"Why? He was the one who led Otterkit and Darkkit in danger!" Snowkit snapped.
"No he didn't! I did!" Otterkit shouted.
Dewfish and Stonekit came.
"I think Snowkit is right. The rouge made you two in danger not Otterkit." Stonekit said. Snowkit nodded in agreement.
"Now kits, let's not blame someone." Dewfish said.
"Everyone! Come and let's break the ice!" Greytail shouted. Icestar, Dewfish and her kits patted towards Greytail. He escorted them to the river.

Flameheart and Whitefur already started to break the ice. Baypelt and Cloudfur came together and stepped on the slippery frozen river.
"I want to break the ice too!" Snowkit whinned. Stonekit looked around the area.

"You can't catch me!" Shadowkit said running around the snow. Sunkit chased him, while Dapplekit hid behind a widered bush.
"I will catch you Shadowkit!" Sunkit said and leaped on him and they both where rolling on the snow.
"I want to go and play with them!" Otterkit said with a sad tone.
"You heard your father, you can't go outside the camp for two days." Nightwing reminded.
"But if you come with us, then it's ok right?" Darkkit asked. Nightwing shooked her head.
"I'm sorry, but it's a punishment." Nightwing sighed.

Flameheart clawed the ice and turned around. He used his back legs to break the ice. He leaped off the ice. A huge piece of ice broke and splashed to the cold water. Flameheart leaned forward to drink the water. Whitefur came to drink it too. Greytail was fishing in another hole of icy water. Baypelt and Cloudfur were making holes so that the elders can drink from it.
I want to go and drink the water too!" Otterkit whinned.
"Okay, we may go drink the water, but after that you two need to go to the elders den." Nightwing said.
"Why?" Otterkit asked.
"Because Mousefoot and Blindeyes have a story to tell you." Nightwing smiled and started to walk towards the hole. Otterkit and Darkkit followed her.

They leaned forward and started to drink some cold water.
"Yum!" Otterkit squeaked.
"It's very cold!" Darkkit said, pulling her tounge out. Nightwing laughed.
"Well now that you are ready, go to the elders den." Nightwing said. She noticed that the other kits were patting towards the elders den.
"Catch up with them." She said and pointed with her tail to the other kits.
Otterkit and Darkkit nodded and ran towards them.

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