Chapter Twenty-one

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Mountain, Pine and a greyish blue she-cat came through the bushes. Thunder was waiting for them. He saw blood dripping down from Mountains teeth and the greyish blue she-cat had blood on her claws. Pine had a little blood coming from her teeth and claws.
"I see you killed someone did you? And why did Needle come with you two? The task was only for you TWO!" Thunder snapped. Needle dipped her head.
"I saw them battling against those apprentices. They were strong I should say but not that strong. I saw Pine struggling to battle the she-cat so I came to help her." Needle said. Thunder looked at Pine. She looked down at the ground.
"So your saying she was LOSING to a apprentice!?" Thunder hissed as he walked forward to Pine. She hesitated. A bush shaked at caught Thunders attention. A black and grey Tom appeared. Thunder stared at him.
"Swift why are you here?" Thunder growled. Pine was relieved that Swift came in time to save her.
"I have some news for you Thunder." Swift dipped his head. Thunder looked at him.
"Better be good." He mumbled.
"I found out that Icestar has kits." Swift announced. Everyone stared at Swift. Thunder smirked.
"Who is the mother of them?" He asked.
"Nightwing." Swift answered quickly.
"What are there names?" Thunder asked.
"I haven't found that but Claw can answer that." Swift nodded at the Tom who was eating a mouse. Thunder walked towards him. Claw turned to look at his father.
"Swift says that you knew about Icestars kits. Why didn't you tell me?" Thunder glared at him. Claw gulped his food.
"I thought you knew about them?" Claw said. Thunder growled but then calmed down.
"What are there names?" Thunder leaned close to him. Claw panicked. He gulped.
"O-o-o-otterkit a-a-and D-d-d-d-darkkit." He hesitated. Thunder did a evil smile as he turned to look at the others.
"I have a plan!" He yelled. Everyone gathered around him except Claw. He shaked in fear. Why did I say that!? He yelled at himself.
"Claw! Claw!" A voice whispered behind him. He turned around and saw his big sister, Shell. Shell patted slowly towards him.
"Why did you tell Thunder!? They are your friends! Don't you care about them!?" Shell hissed. Claw looked at the ground.
"I didn't have a choice....." He whinned as he had sadness in his eyes. Shell sighed. She sat down next to him, glaring at her father. She twitched her ears and listened to there conversation.
"We should go and kill the medicine cat apprentice!" Needle said.
"No! We should kill the Medicine cat!" Mountain suggested.
"We should not attack now! We should wait!" Swift said.
"We should kill the kits and make Icestar pay!" Thunder growled. Silence flew in the wind. Shell's eyes widened. She panicked. She saw that Claw was growling at Thunder with fear and anger in his eyes.
"When? What of we fail?" Pine hesitated. Thunder glared at her.
"We never fail!" He yelled.
"We will attack the camp tomorrow when there "patrols" are gone." Thunder smirked. Everyone nodded. Shell turned to look at Claw.
"We need to warn them."

                    One day later...

Thornbush looked at the two dead bodies. It has been a day since Waterpaw and Rabbitpaw died. Flameheart stared at Waterpaws dead body in the distance. Featherpaw has lately not being working very well since they died. Dewfish and Cloudfur both looked sad at Rabbitpaws dead body. Dewfish was the mentor of Rabbitpaw but when she had kits Cloudfur became her mentor. Flameheart was the mentor of Waterpaw. Thornbush sighed. He signaled Greytail and Shadowpaw to come. The Toms came and stood in front of him.
"I want you two to burry Waterpaws dead body." Thornbush ordered. They both nodded as they patted towards Waterpaws body. They picked it up and walked out of the camp. He signaled Flameheart and Cloudfur and told them to burry Rabbitpaws dead body. They both nodded slowly and carried her out of the camp. Thornbush looked at Icestar whose eyes where blank. He was staring at the ground, mumbling something. He noticed that Darkkit and Otterkit came out of the nursery with his kits, Snowkit and Stonekit. He smiled at the kits and turned to look at Blackshade who was growling at Wolfpaw. He got confused and walked towards them.
"We will go to train your hunting crouch! It's not good enough!" Blackshade growled as he showed his teeth to Wolfpaw. Wolfpaw glared at him but also hesitated.
"What's going on here?" Thornbush came towards them. He stared at Blackshade and Wolfpaw. Blackshade slammed his tail to the ground irritated.
"Nothing important." He mumbled.
"Well it looks like it's important." Thornbush glared at him. Wolfpaw looked at Thornbush.
"Can I go with you and some other warriors for border patrol. I want to make sure that those rouges stay out of SnowClan territory." Wolfpaw said. Blackshade glared at Wolfpaw but she didn't look at him. Thornbush looked around and then nodded. He called Whitefur to come for the border patrol. Whitefur came towards him.
"You, me and Wolfpaw are heading out for a border patrol. I want to see how much Blackshade has teached her." Thornbush said as he looked at Blackshade. Wolfpaw nugged her mother on the cheek before they left the camp.

Claw and Shell raised towards SnowClan camp. Shell stopped as they almost entered through the secret tunnel. Claw looked at her.
"What are you waiting for?" He asked her.
"I can't go in. They won't trust me OR you. You go alone. I will go and look when they come." Shell said. Claw nodded as he swooped in. Shell looked around.

Claw entered the camp. He smelled SnowClan sents everywhere. He saw a black and white figure running around the cleaning. He knew who it was. Darkkit. He patted to the clearing. Everyone turned to look at him surprised. Darkkit turned to look at him. She ran towards him.
"Claw!? Are you alright? You hurt? Did something bad happen? Why are you sad?" Darkkit asked panicking. Her questions and worries made him more sad. They do care about me.... He felt pain stab his heart. Otterkit came towards them.
"Claw!? I haven't seen you for awhile. How are you?" Otterkit smiled at him.
"What is HE doning here!?" A grumpy voice came from the camp entrance. Greytail and Shadowpaw came back.
"Otterkit! Stay away from him!" Shadowpaw yelled as he ran to her. Otterkit looked confused. Shadowpaw jumped in front of her to protect her. He showed his teeth and snarled at him. Claw was surprised. Darkkit looked at Shadowpaw. Snowkit jumped in front of Darkkit.
"Get away rouge!" He snarled. Stonekit stared as she ran next to her brother. Greytail patted towards them.
"Go to your group rouge! I ain't gonna let you near SnowClan! Your groupmates KILLED two of our apprentices! Why should we let you come here!" Greytail growled.
"I didn't kill them!" Claw glared at him.
"But your one of them!" Greytail snarled.
"No he isn't!" A voice came behind them. Icestar patted towards them.
"He is one of us." Icestar said as he looked at him with kindness in his eyes.
"How? He isn't from SnowClan! He is a rouge." Greytail turned to glare at Claw. As Claw was about say something a yowl was heard. Everyone turned and saw cats running towards them. Thunder swooped in and pinned Icestar down. Otterkit looked in fear as she ran to Nightwing. Shadowpaw followed her. Mountain attacked Greytail. Baypelt and Dapplepaw ran and swooped on Needle. Icestar stood up as he slashed his claws on Thunders shoulders. Thunder growled as he bite Icestars paw. Icestar yowled as he tackled Thunder. Baypelt dodged Neeldes blow. Dapplepaw pounched on Needle. He clawed her back and jumped off. Flameheart and Cloudfur entered the camp. There sadness disappeared as they leaped on Needle.
Cloudfur turned to look at Baypelt.
"Take the queens, kits and elders to the rockline!" Cloudfur said. Baypelt nodded as she disappeared in the nursery. Darkkit looked at the battle her clanmates had.
"I'm coming to help!" Darkkit said as she leaped on Thunder. Icestar saw Darkkit as fear came to his eyes.
"Darkkit!" Icestar shouted. Darkkit bite Thunders back. He yowled as he slammed her on a tree. Darkkit squeaked in pain as her grip slipped. She fell on the ground, breathing heavily. Icestar growled at Thunder as he slashed his claws on to his cheeks. Nightwing ran towards Darkkit. She quickly pick her up and ran towards Otterkit who was shaking next to Shadowpaw. Dewfish came out of the nursery as her kits ran to her. Blindeyes and Mousefoot came as fast as they can towards them. Baypelt came with Featherpaw.
"I brought her just in case someone gets hurt." Baypelt said. Featherpaw saw Darkkit eyes closed breathing heavily.
"What happened to her..?" Featherpaw hesitated.
"She attacked Thunder but he slammed her onto a tree." Nightwing said with worry in her eyes. Baypelt signaled them to follow her. They followed her through the secret tunnel and out of the camp.

Claw hesitated. He stared at the fight, helplessly. Greytail fought Mountain alone but then a white she-cat leaped on Mountain and clawed his back. Mountain yowled as he lost his balance and fell to the ground. Greytail looked at the she-cat smiling. She ignored it and bite Mountains back foot. He yowled again and clawed her paw. Greytail bite his paw as he stood up. Thornbush ran to help Icestar. Wolfpaw slammed her paw on Needles cheek. Claw didn't see Shell. Where is she?

Nightwing was carrying Darkkit while Shadowpaw made Otterkit comfortable. Dewfish was walking besides Baypelt with Snowkit. Snowkit noticed that Stonekit was missing. He panicked.
"Mommy! Where is Stonekit!?" He hesitated. Everyone stopped. They looked around.
"Where is she!?" Dewfish panicked.

Stonekit was wondering around the forest alone. Her paws were walking on soft snow underneath her. She was scared. She saw a bush shake and a she-cat came out. Her green eyes shined in the sunlight.
"W-who are y-you...." Stonekit shivered in fear. The she-cat giggled.
"Don't be afaird of me. I won't hurt you. I will guide to your mother." She mewed softly as she picked up Stonekit. Stonekit didn't move. She didn't try to get off her grip, she let the kind she-cat guide her to her mother and brother. As they reached somewhere she dropped Stonekit. Stonekit turned around and looked at her confused.
"Go through the bushes and you will find your mother." The she-cat mewed as she turned to leave.
"Wait!" Stonekit squeaked. The she-cat turned around and looked at her.
"What is your name?" Stonekit asked.
"Shell." She said as she disappeared. Stonekit turned towards the bush and slipped through the bushes. She came out and saw her clanmates! Her mother saw her and ran towards her.
"Stonekit! Your alright!" Her mother came to her and nugged her. Snowkit sat next to Stonekit and licked her ear. She was happily back with her family.

Greytail slashed his claws onto Mountains stomach. He yowled and ran away. Greytail turned to look at Claw who was watching them with fear in his eyes.
"You brought them here! You fox heart!" Greytail growled ready to pounch at him.
"Greytail!" Whitefur yelled at him. He turned to look at the white she-cat.
"He is Wolfpaws friend." Whitefur said calmly. Greytail turned to look at Claw who stared at him. He growled and turned around to help Cloudfur. Claw was surprised. He saw that Needle was badly hurt and ran away. He saw Shell next to the secret tunnel. She signaled him to follow her and so he did.

Featherpaw was putting some Goldenrod on Darkkits wound. Nightwing was carrying Otterkit towards the little pond where she can drink. A figure appeared then disappeared again. Nightwing was confused and started to walk again. Then a paw slammed on her back and she fell. Baypelt saw it and ran towards her. Shadowpaw leaped towards them too. Otterkit looked at her mother shocked. Nightwing stood up. Then the figured gripped on Otterkit.
"Otterkit!" Nightwing screamed. Shadowpaw leaped on the figure. It was a Tom. The Tom dropped Otterkit. Otterkit scrambled to Nightwing. She sat next to her mother, shivering. The figured pushed Shadowpaw off him and ran away. Nightwing nugged Otterkit and licked her ear to calm her down. Shadowpaw came towards them. He licked her cheeks, which made Otterkit blush.
"Is she alright?" Baypelt asked worried. Nightwing nodded. A scream was heard. They turned to look at there group. Everyone heard it. Dewfish, Snowkit, Stonekit, Darkkit, Featherpaw and Blindeyes....... Mousefoot!

Thunder glare at Icestar, who was breathing heavily. Thunder smirked. Thornbush gave sharp look at Thunder.
"Leave our territory this instant!" Thornbush yelled at him. Thunder didn't listen. Instead he looked at Icestar.
"My old friend.... You never told me you had kits. Nightwing must be a great mother." Thunder smirked.
Icestars eyes widened in fear.
"That brave kit, Darkkit. Swoop right at me to save his father eh? Well, too bad that she had to get a painfull wound." Thunder evily laughed. Icestar breathed heavily and faster. His claws in the snow.
"And Otterkit. What a scaredycat. Why can't she be just like her sister eh?" He laughed.
"You Fox dung!" Icestar growled as he leaped on to Thunders back. He bite it. Thunder yowled and ran towards the camp entrance. He looked over his shoulder.
"This isn't over yet my old friend." Thunder smirked as he disappeared. Everyone fell to the ground. Lark ran to the clearing with herbs between her jaws. Icestar fell to the ground. He closed his eyes. He has lost another life.

Baypelt slipped through the secret tunnel and swooped out. She saw injured cats laying down on the clearing. Lark turned to look at Featherpaw.
"Go get herbs! I need you!" She shouted. Featherpaw nodded slowly and ran to the medicine cats den. Nightwing and Dewfish were carrying a body. Everyone in the clearing froze. It was Mousefoots body.
"What happened?" Greytail mumbled as sadness filled his eyes.
"She got attacked by one of Thunders groupmates. We don't know who." Baypelt mumbled. Blindeyes sat down as he looked at the body.
"Mousefoot......" Blindeyes whispered. Tears rolled down to his cheeks. Baypelt was surprised. I guess blind cats can still cry. She thought. Nightwing and Dewfish placed it gently down to the clearing.
"Those rouges are murderers!"

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