Chapter Two

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It was a bright morning and Icestar woke up. He looked at his paw. He still had his scar but no blood. When he stood up he felt his huge deep scar on his back. He looked at the sky. Then he remember that he got kits. He ran outside slowly towards the nursery.

He popped his head in seeing Nightwing and the two she-cat kits sleeping near her tummy. He smiled and walked in quietly. He sat down next to Nightwing and nudged her.
"Good morning honey," Icestar smiled touching his nose at her forehead. Nightwing opened her eyes and saw Icestar.
"Icestar!" Nightwing squealed quietly and hugged Icestar.
"How are my new kits?" Icestar asked. That's when Nightwing looked away in disappointment. Icestar flicked his tail confused.
"What's wrong sweetie?" Icestar asked.
"Did you just come here to see the kits? And also they are OUR kits!" She snapped a little. That's when Icestar ears went down.
"Sorry... I will leave you alone..." He mumbled and started to walk away when someone walked towards him.
"Nightwing I said sor-" He turned looking at a kit.
"Papa!" The kit smiled, hugging his leg. Icestar looked at Nightwing who was smiling.
"Welcome home honey." Nightwing smiled. Icestar smiled looking down at the kit.
"What's her name?" Icestar asked.
"Otterkit." Nightwing replied. Otterkit looked at the other kit, walking towards her.
"Wake up sis! Papa came!" Otterkit said. Icestar sat down next to the other kit sleeping. He was surprised.
"She looks just like me except with moon mark on her eye." He smiled.
"She is Darkkit." Nightwing smiled and touched noses to Darkkit's nose. That's when she opened her eyes slowly and stared at Icestar.
"Papa..." She squeaked. Icestar smiled.
"Yes Darkkit?" He asked.
"Papa!" Darkkit jumped on him, hugging him.
"Hello little one." He smiled.
Darkkit licked herself. Otterkit leaped to sit next to her sister. They waited for there mother to clean them.
"You guys will grow to be a great warriors" Icestar smiled at them then at his mate.

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