ch. 2

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After a few minutes, I feel myself getting cold again.

"Hey Thomas," I ask, "Have you got any blankets?" I ask.

"So you can share?" Dylan says his eyebrows wiggling.

"You're being a bit of a tosser Dylan!" I state.

"Yeah, I've got them in a closet," Thomas says leading me down a coridoor and to a closet with a heavy door and a sharp knob.

"Sorry, the knob broke. So be careful," he warns gently.

He trues to push it open but it seems to be jammed. He tries hard and I can see his muscles flex as he pushes.

"Can I try?" I ask. He shrugs and I push on the door. I push as hard as I can.

"Just having a bit of trouble...whoops!" I get cut off wehn I instantly break through the door. But the force was heavy sending the door to swing open and me along with it. Sending me falling to the ground inside the closet. But that wasn't the only problem. I soon found that out.

"Ow!" I say as I fell. Thomas chuckles for a second but instantly stops when he sees the rest of me. His cheeks are slightly blushed in a shade of pink and he is scratching the back of his neck.

"What?" I ask.

I look into his eyes and follow his gaze. He looks down on my body for some reason. I look down to see what he is looking at and the whole world seems to stop.

My heart drops as I seek an explanation. I am currently topless, wearing only a bra, and standing right infront of Thomas!

"Urm.." he says.

Finally my body reacts and I use my arms to cover myself.

"What the hell?" I say, agitated, desperately seeking the explanation while my arms provide a terrible coverage. Not to mention the tempature, sending goosebumps all over me.

"Uh, y-your s-shirt got stuck on the doorknob," he stutters, obviouly nervous.

My face turns to an intense blush. This is literally happening!

My heart starts beating faster and my breathing picks up. What am I acting like this?

He senses my discomfort and places a hand on my shoulder, "It's alright, calm," I take a deep breath.

But then the situation takes over again. My arms are barely protecting me.

My eyes start to water, I push his hand off me and slightly nudge him to the side when I storm out of the closet. I run into our room, slam the door and sit on the bed. Thinking.

Moments later, I hear a slight knock on the door that slowly pulls me out of my thoughts. Before I have time to react, I see Thomas come through the doorway and sit down beside me.

"Damn it Thomas!" I say realizing I am still shirtless.

I dart off the bed and walk over to the drawers opening them and looking for things inside. Yet, there is nothing I am sure I should take, after all, this is Thomas's closet. He sees my confusion.

And walks over to me grabs my hand from inside the drawer, pulls it out and places it at my side. And then he pulls off his jumper.

"T-Thomas..." I say but he cuts me off.

He holds the shirt over my head and then puts it on me.

"Better?" he asks.

I nod and say nothing, I walk over to resume my previous position siting on the bed.

"Hey, I'm sorry-" he says but I place my small hand on his mouth.

"No, don't apologize. It was my bloody fault. I'm just being an embarrased, dumb arse!" I say looking away.

He puts his hand on my cheek to turn my face.

"You are not a 'dumb arse', my love," he says. He pulls my face closer, he leans in, I lean in...

"HOLY SHIT!!!" I hear a loud fanboy noise coming from the doorway. We both turn around sharply to see Dylan standing in the doorway.

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