Ch.36 - Pinpricks of Memory

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Fluttering my eyes open, the sun shone directly in them, startling my drowsy pupils and making me flinch. I squeeze my make-up stained lids shut over brown eyes. I sat up and yawned, rubbing the sleep away with my hands. Taking a second to let my body adjust to being awake, I look at my clock.

7:53 a.m.

With a jolt, panic surges up my spine and I stumble off the comfort of my bed. Tripping on my shoes from last night, I land on the floor with a rather indiscreet thud. "Shit." I mutter and hop back up, digging through my dresser for my work uniform. "Shit!" I whisper yell. It was in the dryer.

Creaking open my bedroom door, I poke my head into the hall.

Silence. As was expected at this time.

Letting out a sigh of relief, my shoulders slump forward. After a moment, I take my baggy t-shirted, sweat panted self running as lightly on my feet as I can manage down to the second floor of our apartment complex. I rush into the laundry room and throw open the dryer. If it were alive, said dryer would have a few choice words with me by how much force was behind that action. A small cry of victory sounded when I finally retrieved the items I needed. Not even bothering to close the dryer, I run back upstairs and to the bathroom.

Shrugging and kicking off my lazy outfit from yesterday, I pull on my uniform; simple, ashy gray pants, white shirt, and pastel green apron. I quickly wash my face, and attempt to comb out my curls. I emphasize the word attempt, here. After slipping on my shoes and pulling my shoulder-length, brown, mop of frizz and tangles into a low ponytail I rush back downstairs. I grab my phone, hoping I remembered to charge it, and ran out the door of our apartment, down the final flight of stairs leading to a kitchen. This kitchen was behind the main part of the 1st floor. The diner.

To my dismay, I met my fate much sooner than I'd hoped, almost running into the person who mostly ran this place.

"And this is why you co-run this place." Lyndce, with her dyed-green hair usually down just past her shoulders pulled up into a bun, and her bangs hanging over cocked brows, stood directly in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest, and a stern, merciless expression shadowing her features. Her apron was a pastel blue, but the rest of her outfit matched mine.

I sighed and shrugged, "Are you really that surprised?" A bead of sweat formed on my forehead and I smiled a bit nervously. Unable the hold onto her tough-guy act, her expression wavered and soon she was laughing softly, shaking her head.

"You're terrible! Honestly, if you weren't my best friend and roommate, Opal, I'd probably be firing you right about now. No, scratch that, you wouldn't have made it through the first question of the job interview." She teased.

"Oww!" I twisted my expression dramatically and leaned back with my hand on my chest, "I am offended!" We laughed. "And you're one to talk, Miss Clutz. Remember what happened Saturday with that one dude who reeked of booze?"

"Hey now," She rose her hands in protest, "In my defense, that guy probably deserved it with all the creepy looks he was sending your way."

"But steaming-hot coffee?" I rose a brow at her.

"I saved your life child." Lyndce jabbed a finger at me.

"Says the one who's half a foot shorter than I." I teased, laughing when she rolled her hazel-ish eyes at my overused short comments.

After a moment more of teasing back and forth, she smiled at me, letting her arms fall at her sides. "Did you eat anything yet?"

I nodded, a lie she saw right through to the core, reaching for a doughnut before I'd even answered. "You gotta eat, girlie." She sent me a lopsided smile, one I've learned to recognize as strained concern.

I gratefully took the glazed doughnut with a small "thank you," and scarfed it down, followed by a glass of orange juice.

8 o'clock hit and the diner opened. Me and Lyndce started cooking for the regulars that came in the mornings, and stored things in the ovens and fridge/freezer to keep them the desired temperatures.

A few dings sounded, signaling a group of four people. They were some of the regulars we were preparing for that worked down the street at an auto-repair shop. Eggs, coffee, pancakes, sausage, and toast. A classic breakfast, sure, but not much a hassle for us.

Not even five minutes later, Lyndce was carrying the food to their tables. Another ding of the door opening could be heard along with two sets of footsteps. A thud and frantic apology meant Lyndce's clumsiness started early today. However, she seemed to cut her apologies short. "Someone will be with you in a moment. Excuse me." The clacking of her shoes approached to kitchen and she entered, seeming a little off. She set what was in her arms in their respective places. She ran up stairs and back a moment later, her jacket on. "I need to run an errand."

I turned from my spot and rose a brow, "Now? I mean, I can run real qui-"

"No no, it's fine. I'll be back in a bit. Hold up the fort for me?" Smiling gratefully, she passed me.

"Wait, Lyn-" She was already gone.

With a huff of frustration, I hurriedly peek out at how many people came in. A short skeleton monster in a hood and a taller, shaggy-furred cat monster stand in wait. The skeleton seemed lost in thought. I grabbed a pair of menus, a notepad, and a pen. I put the menus in one arm and stuff the pad and pen in one of my apron pockets. Walking out, the feline spots me first, nudging the skeleton to get his attention.

I smile warmly, "Hi guys! Welcome to Lyndce's Diner. My name's Opal and I.." The skeleton's sockets flickered empty as they stare in my direction, the smile he wore remained intact. Kind of creepy if you ask me. "Uhm..sir..? Are you alright? Is he okay?" I turned to ask the cat, who promptly shrugged.

"Sans," he poked him, "Dude, okay, this marks the seventh time in the past two days." He snaps his fingers in the skeleton's face. The monster flinched and his pupils appeared again. "You alright, man?"

Flicking his eyes to me and back to the cat a couple times, he chuckled, scratching the back of his skull, "Heheh, sorry 'bout that, pal. Di'n't get much sleep last night s'all." He shrugged, ignoring me.

Gaining back control of my slightly panicked nerves, I gesture to a table and hand them the menus. I couldn't help but find a strange pull towards the skeleton monster. Something about him seems so familiar. I feel like I know what it is, but it's too far out of my reach. That's really going to bug me.

I get their orders and tend to the rest of the tables, surprised at how well I'm handling this thing, me working solo and all. Last time I was left with the responsibility of the diner in my hands, things went haywire.


Hey guys!

I am so sorry for the long wait! I was busy, and honestly unmotivated.



BaB had a vision for the ending of this book.

However, I decided to take that

And make a few twists. 😉😉😉

(Don't kill me Boltsssss-Channnn)

It'll still be an.."ending"...of sorts. An ending of double meaning, per say.

You'll see!

How do you guys like my style? I know it's different hnnn.


I, BUB, WAS - AND AM - TOO MUCH OF A COUCH POTATA-SLOOG TO REFER BACK TO PREVIOUS CHAPTERS So if things are a little different from how things were before, it's because I'm playing off memory, and it may - winkity wink - also be intentional.

Don't worry, you didn't miss anything. This chapter is a COMPLETE switch in plot. We'll see why in future chapters.

A little about me, I like complexity and hidden meanings. A web of ties between one thing and another. That kind of thing. xPPP *COUGH COUGH* *WINK WINK*

Okay, I'm rambling onnnn, bye!

~ Bub =)

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