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"Mom!" You yelled, dodging the fierce flames that refused to die down. "Dad!" You screamed, choking on the dense smoke covering the house like a thick blanket. Your vision was getting cloudy, your movements slower. You're going to die here, you thought.

A feeling of frozenness covered your whole body, quickly coating you as your heart raced. You shot up, being met with the laughing faces of Sans and Papyrus, and your expression quickly turned to anger. "We've been trying to wake you up for the past hour, what kind of dream were you having?" Sans asked, a grin on his face.

Your mind quickly returned to the burning house and the flames swallowing you, the smoke coating your lungs. But a blind anger replaced your thoughts as you realized that they had poured a bucket of ice cold water on you to try to succesfully wake you up. You spoke one word to them:


A look of genuine fear crossed both Sans and Papyrus's face, as they slowly backed away, which quickly turned into a full-on sprint.

Your wet and shivering body quickly followed them out the door, and as Sans looked back at you, you grabbed onto his sweatshirt and threw him to the ground, his arm pushed painfully behind his back in a arm lock.

He groaned and repeated, 'ow' over and over. "What the fuck made you think that it was ok to do that?!" You asked, the anger clear in your voice. "I don't know, just let me go!" He said, struggling underneath you.

"BROTHER! I SHALL SAVE YOU!" Papyrus yelled, grabbing you and throwing you over his shoulder. "THE HELL?! PAPY PUT ME DOWN SO I CAN BEAT HIS ASS!" You yelled, Sans grinning at you victoriously.

You squirmed in Papyrus's grasp as he carried you god knows where, while you eventually just gave up and let him carry you. You sighed as Papy suddenly stopped and set you down softly on the ground.

Right at the feet of G.

He gave you a confused look, and Papyrus said, "THE HUMAN IS ANGRY! WE NEED YOU TO CALM HER DOWN!" You glared at Papyrus and growled out, "I'm beyond mad: I'm pissed." G looked down at your scowling face and chuckled a bit, before turning to Papy, saying "What makes you think I can calm her down?" But San's voice cut through and said, "Cause you're the only one she listens to." You saw San's grinning face and lunged at him, your anger burning.

But a tingling sensation suddenly erupted and you felt a pull, and looked down to see G's arms wrapped around your waist, holding you back. Your movements stopped and your heart beat faster than you thought humanly possible. "Hurry, run!" G says to Sans and Papyrus jokingly as they ran away, laughing like idiots.

You stared down at his arms around your waist and he must have noticed your shaky breaths, because he leaned in close to your neck and whispered, "Do I make you nervous?" A smirk on his face the whole time, as his breath tickled your skin.

Your heart stopped in your chest, and you suddenly forgot how to human. He smiled and his arms tightened around your middle, and you let out a squeak, making him chuckle and nuzzle his face into your neck.

"It's vanilla." You said, and he seemed genuinly concerned for your mental heath, "What?" He said, and you snickered.

"My shampoo, since you keep smelling my hair, it's vanilla," You said, a silly smile on your face. G turned 50 shades of yellow, and let his arms drop from your waist.

"I-i wasn't smelling you..." He stuttered, not looking you in the eye. You smirked and lifted his chin with two fingers, like he always did to you.

His blush turned darker if possible, and you leaned in towards his neck and whispered, "Do I make you nervous?" You heard G curse softly when you pulled away and you gave him a soft smile. It took all the willpower your body could muster to turn away from him and walk down the hallway.

He wanted to tease? Fine.

Two could play at that game.

You could hear his deep breaths as you walked away, and you could feel his stare burning into your back. You couldn't help the smirk that made it's way to your face.

The battle has begun.

*I'm really sorry that this chapter was so short, I promise that the next one will be longer. Just bear with me, alright? Please comment if you have something to say and remember, you just might get laid tonight, so keep your head up!*

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