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The flames coated every inch of your vision, sparks the only thing you could see. You took a deep breath, but immediatly started coughing, the smoke having an effect on your lungs. There was no way you could escape this. You squeezed your eyes shut as tears rolled out, It's ok, you told yourself. Even if you die, that mean you will be able to see mom and dad again. You clasped your hands together, waiting for the pain.

You shot up and coughed, tears wet in your eyes and on your cheeks. "Oh, hey you're awake.......oh." Sans said, noticing your tears. You took deep breaths, realizing you were alive and not in your burning house. You clasped your hands around your head and sobbed, Sans quickly by your side. "Jeez, Opal, what kinda dream did you have?" He said, worry in his orbs.

You shook your head, refusing to let anything out of your mouth but sobs.

Sans sighed and turned to his last resort. "G!" He yelled, and you immediatly shook your head no at him, but footsteps were already heard coming closer. You shot up from the couch, but Sans quickly caught your arm and pushed you back down.

"You gotta tell us about these dreams you've been having toots, or you're never gonna get over 'em." He said, as G walked into the room. "Oh, Opal you're awake." G said, but his eyes widened as he saw your tears. "What's wrong?" He asked, quickly by your side. You shook your head no at him and Sans sighed, "Tell him what happened, kiddo." He said, as G looked confused.

"It was just a nightmare, Sans." You said, your voice meek. "It wasn't just a nightmare, toots, and you know it." He said, and G spoke up.

"You had a dream about your parents, didn't you?" You looked up at him in suprise, and he took a deep breath before continuing, "Why don't you tell me what happened." He said, and you knew you didn't have a choice.

"Fire was everywhere." You said, your eyes glazing over. "I thought I was gonna die, It felt so real." You whispered. "Haven't had a nightmare like that in years."

G nodded and Sans frowned at you. "How long have you been having these dreams without tellin' us?" Sans said.

You looked down at the ground.

"How long, Opal." G said, and you glared at him. "I don't need to tell you anything." You said, stepping up and towards the door. You could hear Sans calling after you as you raced down the hallway, but you didn't give a shit. You didn't even know where you were anymore, you just wondered down an empty corridor. Your anger burned throughout your bones as you climbed a random staircase.


This was the place that G took you to. You walked slowly towards the patio doors and rested one hand on them.

You stood for a moment before pushing open the door.

You deeply inhaled the cold air, breathing out a breath that released all your anger and left you feeling empty.

"Why are you such a baby?" You whispered to yourself, "You made a promise, no more crying, yet here you are." You took a large shaky breath, "Balling your eyes out."

"Nothin' wrong with a little crying, Opal." A rough voice said.

Your heart beat faster as cold arms wrapped around your waist, hot breath on your neck. You exhaled and smiled softly. "You wanna tell me what happened now?" G asked, nuzzling his face into your neck and exhaling, sending shivers down your spine. "Never though someone would ever care as much as you do." You said, and you felt G smile into your neck.

"Well, we're both weirdos, remember?" He said, and you closed your eyes, contently. "I like the sound of that." You said, and G chuckled and tightened his hold on you.

"My parents died when I was 14." You said, G staying silent, listening.

"I was asleep, and apparently someone tried to break in, And.." You released a deep breath, "I woke up when he broke the window, and I woke my parents up.....my dad....he died trying to keep me safe.....my mom....died trying to protect me." G breathed into your neck as you talked. "The robber, he set the house on fire before he left, killing both my parents." You said, staring out at the sun.

"I survived." You whispered out, "Don't know why."

"I had several foster parents up until I lived with my ex." You said, and even at the mention of your ex you could feel G's breathing get sharper. "All of them were nice, yknow, normal." You said, and G sighed into your neck with relief.

"And then I moved in with my ex, and our relationship was nice at first, fun." You struggled out, your breathing sharp. G's breathing on your neck calmed you down, as you tried to match his breath rate.

"Everything was fine up until he came home drunk one night, and beat me to a pulp." You said, and G let out a deep breath, as his arms tightened around you. "And I guess he must have liked it cause he beat me from then on, until a shirt couldn't hide the bruises."

G growled, "How can anyone do that to someone so precious?" He said quietly, as you let out a laugh. "Hate to break it to you, but I'm no more precious than you are good at cooking." You said, as G chuckled and nuzzled into your neck. "And now I'm here..." You said, smiling. "With a bipolar skeleton, his lazy brother, and their own professional spaghetti chef." G laughed, and you smiled.

"Thank you." G said, and you closed your eyes. "Hey, thank you." You replied, turning in his embrace and grabbing his face with both hands. He grinned at you and you grinned back, both of you just enjoying each others presence for a moment.

You smiled softly as the birds chirped, the flowers bloomed, and on days like these.....

People like us.....

Should burn in hell together.

*Howdy! I hope some people weren't offended or anything by that last sentence, cause I know people are hardcore religious, but comment down below if you have anything to say, and remember, you just might get laid tonight, so keep your head up!*

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