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"OPAL WAKE THE FUCK UP." Someone shouted, a body crashing into you, causing you to open your eyes quickly.

"What the hell Cyndle?!" You shouted, pushing her off of you, hearing her hit the floor.

"Ow." She said quietly, you saw her jump up again and grin at you. "IT'S CHRISTMAS WAKE UP!"



She pulled your arm, causing you to fall off the bed and crash into her, both of you landing in a bundled heap on the ground.

It only took seconds before you two were laughing so hard your chests hurt, "Come on get up." Cyndle said, standing up and holding out her hand to you.

You grabbed her hand and she immediatly pulled you up, dragging you and your thumping heart down the hallway, your adrenaline racing from the excitement.

You and her stumbled your way into the living room, and you could feel the joy lingering in the air.

"THE HUMAN AWAKES." Papy said, picking you up in a bone-crushing hug. (Heh heh)

"Papy, too tight, can't breath." You wheezed out, Papyrus immediatly setting you down and apologizing profusely.

"Mornin' kiddo." Sans said, ruffling your hair, making you slap his hand away and attempt to fix your hair.

He chuckled and threw an arm over Cyndle's shoulder, whispering something in her ear, making her laugh.

You smiled at the two of them before arms wrapped around your waist, making you cry out until you hear the familiar laugh behind you.

"What did you think I was a serial killer or something?" G asked, digging his fingertips into your waist.

You glared and stuck your tongue out at him.

He stuck out his tongue at you, glaring back.

You two were in an intense staring contest before Sans snapped in your face, making your gazes break apart, both of you laughing.

You turned your gaze to the grand Christmas tree, the dozens of presents hiding underneath the branches.

"You excited?" G whispered, intertwining your fingers, mixing his cold hand with your heated skin.

"More than excited." You whispered back, handing him a box wrapped in blue paper, grinning.

"You got me something?" He asked in disbelief, surprise written on his face.

"We've been dating for 5 months and you didn't expect me to get you something on Christmas?"

"Touché." He responded, taking off the paper slowly, as if afraid the present might attack.

"Come onnnn." You whined, begging him to go faster.

He opened the present and looked at you, a smile on his face.

"Do you like it?" You asked, and watched him reach into the box and pull out the two bracelets, one with a lock and one with a key, and slip the lock bracelet onto his wrist.

"I love it." He answered, slipping the bracelet with the key onto your wrist.

You smiled at eachother and you kissed his cheek before hearing Papy cry out in joy and hug the teddy bear he had gotten as a present.

"Works every time." Sans chuckled.

*Time Skip*

"Who spiked the eggnog?" Sans questioned, taking a sip.

You laughed nervously and all eyes turned to you.

"Psshh, not me." You said, smiling.

G grinned at you, winking.

The sound of the doorbell radiated throughout the house, and you and Sans looked at eachother before both of you shot up, racing to see who could get to the door first.

You reached the door before he did, laughing victoriously while Sans pouted.

You opened the door and the cold blinded you for a second, but your whole body turned cold when you saw who was standing at the door.


*OHHHHHH DUN DUN DUUUUUN I know, cliffhanger much? Stay salty my children, and I'll see you *wink wonk* in the next chapter*

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