Chapter Two

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The she-cat keeps running and Snowkit keeps swinging.
Snowkit cries, hoping that the she-cat could hear him even though he couldn't hear himself.
He stufies the she-cats and can tell she is breathing quickly by the rising and falling of her chest.
He looks to the slowly darkening sky. Night would soon be upon them.
Suddenly he is swung to the left farther than he had been before and he sees it, the she-cat is running from a group of small, mangy, animals.
The animals are definitely bigger than the she-cat was but not by to much.
The she-cat runs up a tree and somehow there is a hole in the tree, the perfect size for the two cats to huddle together.
Snowkit looks around in fear at the dark inside of the tree. He feels something like his nest at home under his paws.
The she-cat pulls his face to look at her and Snowkit knows she is saying something.
Snowkit tilts his head and mews desprately, not sure exactly what he had said.


-The She-cat's POV-

"What is wrong with you!? Why were you out there alone!? Didn't you hear the coyotes coming!?" She yells.
She watches the small cat tilt his head.
The cat was small and dirty, it looked like he had been through a lot already.
He mews something, pleading eyes staring at her.
"I ca he," the kit mews again.
"What?" The she-cat responds, tilting her head.
The kit shakes his head and raises a paw to his ear. Looking up at the she-cat with wide eyes.
"You- you can't hear?" She asks, knowing now that she wouldn't get an answer.

-Snowkit's POV-

Snowkit watches the she-cat point her tail at him then at her ears.
He looks at her in puzzlement, his eyes tearing up. He misses his mother, he misses his home, he missed Brackenfur who liked to play with him.
The she-cat curls her tail around him and begins cleaning off his head.
He looks at his paws, he hadn't noticed until now how dirty he was.
Soon he drifts to sleep, the rythmic licks of the silver she-cat calming him. Dreams of his mother and his home began floating around in his head.

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