Chapter Eighteen

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"You're refusing the name?" Ash takes a step back.
Snowsilver nods, "yes, I a-"
Shyanne looks to Snowsilver with pleading eyes, cutting him off mid sentence, "But Snow, w-"
"Snowsilver," He objects.
"We earned these names!" Silverfur objects.
Jasper stands up from the crowd, "why do they have to change their names? Have any of you changed yours before?"
Shyanne and Ash glance in each other's direction.
"So you haven't?" Snowsilver glares at then.
Shyanne shakes her head "Well no b-"
"Those names represent your pasts," Snowsilver points out.
"And you didn't even work hard to earn them," Silverfur adds.
Shyanne takes a step back, glancing at Ash, "well- b- but-"
"But our names aren't clan names," Ash states.
"So you just hate clan names, not twoleg names?" Honey asks.
Ash shakes his head, "it's just-"
"How many of your cats used to have clan names?" Snowsilver asks.
A few cats glance to each other.
"Clover, Twig, Cedar, and I used to have clan names," says a cat, stepping forward.
"What clans?" Snowsilver asks.
Silverfur looks at the cat who had spoken before Snowsilver, "you were Puddlefern, from Riverclan, right?"
The cat nods, "I got attacked by a dog and injured my leg and wasn't able to get back," they look to Ash and Shyanne, "they found me and brought me here."
"What were they doing so close to clan territory?" Snowsilver asks, shifting his gaze to the pair.
They both stand there, fur on end, glaring at Snowsilver and the cat formerly known as Puddlefern.
"We saved Puddle, that's all that matters," Shyanne growls.
"Puddlefern was in clan territory when they went missing," Silverfurs fur stands on end, "we found blood and fur where it happened."
Snowsilver glances to Puddlefern who nods shakily looking at Ash and Shyanne.
"What were you doing in clan territory?" Snowsilver whips his head to face Shyanne and Ash.

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