Chapter Ten

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Jasper hobbles along beside Snowsilver, nearly every inch of him covered in cobwebs.
"Look, a stream!" Snowsilver exclaims, "we should probably rinse off."
He flexes his paws, the pain still making them throb.
Jasper nods slowly and follows his lead to the streams edge.
"Unwrap the cobwebs, we'll find some more afterwards," Snowsilver advises.
They both sit at the waters edge as they take off their cobwebs. Once Snowsilver is done removing his own he helps Jasper with his.
"The water feels nice," Jasper sighs as he steps into the water.
Snowsilver nods, "yes, it does."

The pair stay in the stream for a bit to relax. After a bit Snowsilver gets out to find Cobwebs for the both of them.
"Lick your wounds clean and then I'll help you get the cobwebs on," He says to Jasper.
Jasper pauses between licks to speak, "how are we going to hunt like this?" He asks.
"Well I'm not nearly as bad as you are at the moment, I can probably hunt," Snowsilver shrugs.

"Are we ready to go?" Snowsilver asks.
Jasper nods, "I think so."
"I think we're getting close," Snowsilver says, taking the lead while Jasper follows close behind him.
"I'm excited!" Jasper speeds up slightly, "I've never actually met my sisters."
"What do you mean?" Snowsilver asks, tilting his head.
"Well they were already grown when I was born so they left," Jasper shrugs.
Suddenly Snowsilver remembers back to Silverfur and Honey, "Why'd they leave?"
"I guess they just wanted to go out on their own," Jasper shrugs again and slows his pace.
"What are their names?" Snowsilver asks, eyes wide.
"Silver and Honey," Jasper says simply, "at least those are the two I'm looking for right now."
Snowsilver stops in his tracks, I knew it-! Jasper is one of the kits that was the reason they had to leave home... what do I say to him-?
Snowsilver takes a deep breath and starts waking again, "how old would they be now?"
"Definitely full grown," Jasper laughs.
"Jasper-" Snowsilver breaks off, "I- uh-"
"What did you say you were looking for the healers for?" Jasper tilts his head.
"Well..." Snowsilver stops and sighs, "I'm going to the healers to find some cats I know-"
Jasper nods, "Co-"
"Your sisters-" Snowsilver interrupts him.
Jasper stares at him, "What-?"

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