Chapter Thirteen

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"Are we getting close yet?" Jasper groans.
"We've been close all day, we need to rest," Snowsilver sighs, "please, can we rest?"
"I'm not tired," Jasper keeps moving, pushing through some small Berry bushes.
Snowsilver winces as he follows him, "please," he yawns, "we'll just slow down if we keep going, let us rest for a bit."
Jasper shakes his head, "I just want to get there."
"We won't get there any faster if we pass out on the ground and get eaten by something-" Snowsilver breaks off, "let's climb up into a tree and get some rest."
Jasper sighs, "fine."
Snowsilver looks around the area, "that one," he nods his head to a tree a few fox lengths in front of them.
Jasper sighs, "at least we'll be that much closer," he grumbles.
Snowsilver rolls his eyes and leads the way to the tree.
They climb up the tree and Snowsilver settles down near the base of one of the thicker branches. He watches as Jasper keeps climbing a tail length or two to a farther, thinner, branch. Snowsilver sighs and lays his head down.

"Wake up!" Jasper snaps at Snowsilver from the branch just above him on the other side of the trees trunk.
Snowsilver groans as he blinks his eyes open, "the sun's barely up."
"Let's get going," Jasper ignores Snowsilvers groans.
"Did you even eat yesterday?" Snowsilver yawns.
Jasper sighs, "I ate before I decided to come on my own."
"We should eat before we go, or at least on the way," Snowsilver suggests.
"Catch something quick then come right back here," Jasper starts to climb down the tree.
"How do I know you won't leave without me?" Snowsilver asks as he follows him down.
Jasper thrusts his back legs and launches himself onto the ground, "do you expect me to come with you?"
Jasper leaps down and shrugs, "We hunt together in the clans-"
"You mean the ones you're abandoning?" Jasper looks at him expectantly.
"Uh-" Snowsilver breaks off, "I'm-"
"You go your way, I'll meet you back here," Jasper turns and goes back towards the way they had approached the tree the night before.
At least he's not going the right way if he does plan to run off... Snowsilver trails off. He sighs and heads away from the tree. As he pads away, he opens his mouth to taste the air. Mouse.
He looks around himself. Not seeing the mouse yet, he heads towards the scent. As he passes a small shrub he catches sight of the small mouse cleaning its face out in the open.
He drops to a hunters crouch and begins to creep toward the mouse silently.

Snowsilver sets his mouse down as he nears the tree, "You came back," he adds silently; thank Starclan...
"Yeah," Jasper licks his lips and steps away from what used to be a squirrel, "big deal."
Snowsilver quickly eats his mouse and the two both burry the remains of their meal before returning to their walking.
"How long until we get there?" Jasper asks.
"Either late today or early tomorrow, " Snowsilver sighs.
He had been so excited to get there, but now he was unsure of how to feel. He wasn't sure if he wanted Jasper to get what he wanted anymore- he knew it would just hurt him more.
"I choose today," Jasper picks up the pace slightly and Snowsilver has to keep up.
I could go the wrong way, slow us down a bit... Snowsilver considers, but if he found out... never mind.
He continues to lead the way, but slows down to his own pace. If Jasper wanted to go faster, he could figure it out himself.
"Can you go any slower?" Jasper groans.
"I could actually, would you like me to?" Snowsilver stops and stares at him.
Jasper just grumbles.
Snowsilver begins walking again, slightly faster than before, but not by much. I guess he's going to find out anyways... Snowsilver picks up the pace and Jasper follows him with a relieved sigh.

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