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A harsh knock at the door woke Jihoon from his slumber. He stood up, completely unaware that he was only in underwear, and waddled slowly to the door to answer.
"Hello?" He mumbled, rubbing his left eye whilst swinging the door wide open with his right.

A gasp could be heard from one of the people from the other side of the door, and that all of a sudden made Jihoon snap out of his trance. His eyes opened wide in fear, and he was about to exclaim out, when he was suddenly embraced by someone who was a little taller than himself, and realised that this person was covering up his body from whoever else was there.

"Noona, don't look!" The voice - now sounding familiar to the confused and scared boy - yelled out. The person released from the hug, taking off his uniform jacket and handing it to Jihoon.
"Woojin!" Jihoon exclaimed. "What are you doing here!?"
"More like what are you doing here you absolute idiot!" Woojin replied, shoving Jihoon back into the house and chucking him the blanket from the sofa. "It's okay now Noona, come in!"

Woojin's older sister then proceeded to wander in, and at that moment in time Dahye gingerly opened her bedroom door. However, when she realised it was her friend she swung the door open to see what mess had been created.

"What is going on?" Dahye asked, being faced with three blank faces. Until..
"Well when I knocked on your door me and Woojin-ah were faced with that naked boy who looks like he has a hangover!" Yerim - Woojin's sister - yelled out. "What is a guy doing sleeping in your house naked!?"
"Don't look at me." Dahye huffed, shivering slightly as she was still in pyjamas and the door was still open. "This is all on Hana."

Hana then opened the door - as if on cue - and was faced with four faces staring at her like how an animal would stare into the headlights of a car.
"What now?" She mumbled, still half asleep, but having been awoken by all the shouting.
"Why is Park Jihoon sleeping in your house naked!?" Yerim exclaimed.
"Wait, what?" Hana mumbled. "Yerim, how are you here? And is that.. Woojin?"

"You know, in my lifetime I never thought that I'd see my brother's best friend answer the door at my best friend's house in nothing but boxers on a Monday morning!" Yerim exhaled, rubbing her temples in frustration.
"YOU ANSWERED THE DOOR DRESSED LIKE THAT!?" Hana yelled at Jihoon, who's cheeks and ears flushed a bright red, and he looked down out of guilt.

"So what the hell happened here last night?" Yerim asked.
"And what's that black stain above your cooker?" Woojin added.
"Do NOT even start!" Dahye groaned, slapping her palm on her forehead.
"Jihoon-ssi," Woojin whispered. "It's half seven, we need to get to school."
"Oh god!" Jihoon exclaimed, jumping off the sofa and grabbing his school uniform off the arm of the sofa, making a sprint for the bathroom in nothing but his boxers.

"SORRY!" Everyone heard Jihoon yell back from the bathroom, followed by the sound of items crashing on the tiled floor, followed by a curse word from the rushing teen.
"Was that the toothbrushes?" Dahye asked, a dreaded look on her face, to which Hana could only nod.

Hana felt sorry for Woojin the most, as the poor guy was stood in a room with his traumatised Noona and her two female friends who were still in pyjamas rubbing their eyes sleepily. The poor kid was probably having internal nosebleeds, or at least wishing he was anywhere but here.

Jihoon came running out just a minute or two after, over towards his school bag and then Woojin. He turned to Hana and Dahye and was about to greet them goodbye, when he noticed something.
"Hold on. Dahye... isn't that a boy's shirt?" Jihoon asked.
"This?" Dahye pulled on the hem of her shirt. "Yeah, it belongs to Sungwoon."

"YOU SAID ALL YOU HAD WAS UNDERWEAR!!" Jihoon screamed out in anger.
"Woah chill little dude," Dahye chuckled. "Hana said 'his clothes', she didn't specify a name. You're wearing underwear that belongs to Ong Seongwoo, and that's the only piece of clothing I have that's his."

Jihoon had the face of a slapped baby, and it almost looked like he was about to throw a tantrum.
"I hate you, Choi Dahye!" Jihoon yelled.
"Have fun passing your chemistry test, little baby!" Dahye replied, wiggling her fingers with a mocking smile on her face.

"Are you two gonna make it to school in time?" Hana asked the pair of boys, and Woojin nodded his head shyly.
"Yeah, if we run." He replied, glancing at Jihoon.
"Okay, good luck in that test! Hwaiting!"
"Thanks Noona!" Jihoon immediately perked up at this.
"Thank you Hana-sunbaenim!" Woojin smiled politely, and the two boys proceeded to run out of the - still open - door and off to school.

"So, what time is our lecture?" Dahye asked.
"In about twenty minutes." Yerim replied.


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