[SNSD][ENG]Milk Moustache 4.1

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MM 4.1

Chapter 16

Truth or Dare

“Oppa..what a..coincidence..”

Tiffany said slowly, almost inaudible but yet so clear. The small bar where they’re at was pretty empty that evening and the jukebox wasn’t playing. The silence made Tiffany’s words were heard clearly and brought a smile to Lee Minho’s face. He missed her sweet voice calling him like that again.

“Yeah..” Minho replied gently as he moved a few steps closer to their table. Even though Jessica was giving him the most disgusted/angry/jealous face ever, Tiffany’s smile overcomes it all. To Minho, Jessica was just wallpaper with a bad design and color. For some reason he doesn’t like her light-colored hair.

Yoona and Nichkhun have been staring at each other for more than 3 seconds and it seems like it might go on till the next hour. Khun has always has a little thing for Yoona and it’s not a secret. Though Yoona finds him very attractive but she’s staying true to her one and only girlfriend. At least she’s trying. Hard.

“So Minho..what brings you and your friend here? Near my family’s beach house? On the same weekend we’re here?” Jessica suddenly asked continuously, can’t help but feeling that something isn’t right.

“What are you? A stalker now?” She continues, arms wrapped protectively around Tiffany’s waist.

Minho scoffed and shook his head vigorously before letting out a few small laughs.

Khun looked at Jessica and flashes his gorgeous smile.

“We are here for a photoshoot. Minho is Glitter’s new face, remember? I’m just lucky for being chosen as the photographer for this shoot..despite my rookie status.” He explains as he pats Minho’s back.

“Oooh..” Tiffany nodded with her adorable aegyo sounds that almost caused Minho’s heart to stops beating.

Jessica doesn’t like what’s happening.

Jessica has always been sensitive to her surroundings. She can tell if someone tries to mess up with her territory. Her territory means her favourite things or place or person. It could be the bed that she can’t get out of, her blackberry that she can’t seems to let go or her family. In this case, it’s her Tiffany.

She glared at Minho, warning him to stop staring at her fiancé before she take his eyeballs out with a fork and feed it to her neighbour’s cat and her four cute kittens. But he wouldn’t budge at all.

Jessica bit her lip as she tries to control her emotions. She was trembling with anger.

“Come join us oppas! The more the merrier!!” Nicole suggested cheerfully as if it’s a fun thing to do.

Minho and Khun quickly took their seats around the round table. Khun was very satisfied with his seat as he sits next to Yoona. Minho on the other hand wished he could switch place with anyone else. He was sitting exactly opposite of Jessica and Tiffany and receiving two different vibes from the girls is making him very uncomfortable.

“So..Tiff, how you’ve been?” Minho asked, completely ignoring the deathly glare from the blond wallpaper and gently pats Tiffany’s puffy hair. Tiffany’s smile grew wider despite the tensed up person beside her.

“I’m doing very good, oppa.” She replied short.

She was trying to imply that she’s very happy being with Jessica and he (Minho) or she (Jessica) don’t have to worry about anything. But sadly none of them got the message. He was so captivated by her smile while she just got even more jealous.

What am I? A rock?

Jessica protests silently in her mind. She just can’t stand sitting next to Tiffany but feeling like she’s being ignored as if she’s an accessory, a bangle or a handbag. An expensive handbag.

“Honey..” She called sweetly near Tiffany’s right ear.

Tiffany turned her head to her side to face her beautiful girl.

“What is it, Jessi?” She asked.

Jessica replied her question pretty quickly but without words. She let her lips and tongue does all the talking. Tiffany was surprised with the sudden passionate kiss, no kidding; her fiance’s tongue was moving wildly in her mouth, rubbing and licking her own tongue sending her high up in heaven where she can no longer think straight. She returned the kiss in an equally hot way.

The others were watching them in shock. It’s like watching an episode of The L Word but its way better. The lovebirds continue to make out as if there’s no one watching.

Minho looked away immediately, saving himself before he dies of excessive heart bleeding.

Yoona was embarrassed with the situation. After all, Tiffany is her cousin and having her blood relative playing tongue hockey with a girl in a public bar while the guy she kinda like watches is not on her to do list.

She cleared her throat.

“Fany unnie.” She called firmly. It’s a warning to tell her to stop.

Tiffany was snapped back to reality from the Jessica Eden and quickly pulled herself away from the addictive tongue. Jessica licked her lips in satisfaction and glared at Minho. She knows it was childish for her to use this method in attempt to piss off Minho. But he breached her territory first. It was his fault. A Jung has to do what a Jung has to do. Blame the DNA.

The air was heavy, filled with the tensed up emotions between Jessica and Minho. Khun just watches them in fascination, while Yoona tries to divert his attention by talking about something else. They ended up talking about the weather. Seungyeon was still trying to adjust herself with the bunch. She sits quietly at the corner of the table doing something that she does best, observing. She got a lot of information that evening. Like a little spark between the female subject and the bait. She knew she’s heading for a breakthrough. A fangirl has to do what she think is best for her idol. Blame the fandom.

“Jessi..not here.” Tiffany said uncomfortably. She held Jessica’s arm, signalling her to stop nuzzling her neck in front of others.

“Hey everyone! What about playing a game?!” Nicole suddenly proposed, clapping her hand like a dolphin in a show.

“Oh! That’s a great idea!” Tiffany said, clapping her hand too, like another dolphin in a show. She just wants to distract Jessica by doing something else, something that doesn’t involve her body parts.

“Hey! Hey! How about truth or dare?! This is soooo fun!” Nicole suggested cheerfully as if she’s just consumed a few bags of candies.

“OH! I love that game!!” Tiffany said excitedly. She tends to get excited at almost anything. She was excited when her neighbour’s cat delivers 4 cute kittens last week and even begged Jessica to keep one until her request was denied. She was also excited when she dragged Jessica to the ghost house at the team park and even though she suffered some minor ear damages thanks to Jessica’s high pitched dolphin screaming, she’s still excited.

“Great!! Let’s play it!!” Nicole said, even more excited this time.

“Yeah!” Tiffany shouted cheerfully.

But little that she knows that the game was a stage built by Nicole.

Welcome to the show.


“Ahh..this is great.” Sooyoung said before letting out a relieved sigh. She was standing by the shore with her arms opened wide. The warm sea water splashes on her feet as they’re brought by the wave to the shore. The tall girl closed her eyes as she lets the wind runs through her body. She feels like all her worries were flown away along with the wind to some place that she can’t ever find them again.

She opens her eyes. The sun begins to set and the sky was painted in beautiful colors.

“This is..so beautiful. How I wish I could watch this with someone special..” She mumbled to herself. Suddenly she felt the rush of emotions came crushing to her. As if the wind brings back all the worries that they’ve taken away and poured them down over her head.

She looked at her hand. Her empty hand.

She missed Hara.

“Someone like me?” A voice said from behind her. Sooyoung was startled and almost fell on her back.


She turned around to curse the person for making her startled. But then she paused. It was Hyunjoong.

All her curse words faded away in her head and now there’s nothing left. Her mind went blank. But there’s a warm fuzzy feeling in her stomach and she didn’t know why.

Hyunjoong smiled and held her hand gently.

“Am I special enough to watch the sunset with you?” He asked in a princely tone. It suits him so much. Maybe he is a prince in his previous life.

Once again, all her worries were lifted by the wind and there’s only one emotion left. She held tightly to her prince’s hand and nodded. A tear escaped her eyes and rolled down her cheek.

Hyunjoong quickly wiped it with his free hand.

“What’s wrong?” He asked sweetly. If his voice could be eaten, it would probably tastes like cotton candy.

That question, that moment, that one mysterious emotion makes Sooyoung feels so safe and comfort. To his surprise, she wrapped her hand around his waist and buries her face in his chest. He gulped, shocked but he slowly returned the hug and plant a soft kiss on her head.


“I’ll start first!!” Tiffany said excitedly. She took an empty bottle and put it in the middle of the table.

“So whoever gets pointed by the tip of the bottle will have to choose either truth or dare.” She said, her hand holding the bottle as she can no longer wait to spin it.

The others nodded, some of them excited while some just wished to disappear into thin air and nodded weakly.

“Here we go!” Tiffany shouted and then the bottle spins. It spun a few rounds before it stops. The tip of the bottle was pointed at her. Nicole. She chuckled.

“Okay! Okay! Truth or dare?!” Tiffany asked.

Nicole smiled and replied, “Dare.”

Yoona and Khun looked at each other, thinking that Nicole is one bold girl.

“Since you guys might not be able to handle the truth about me.” Nicole said in a joking manner causing the others to laugh.

“So what do you want me to do?” Nicole asked to Tiffany.

The young woman grinned widely.

“Do the butt dance. On the table. Now. N.O.W.” She ordered in a Jung tone. Jessica smiled proudly.

Nicole nodded.

“Easy.” She said before climbing on the table and catching the whole bar’s attention.

“So everyone, this is Nicole Jung’s special show!” She shouted cheerfully before receiving warm applause from her audience.

“1! 2! 1, 2, 3, 4!” She shouted and then begins to dance.

She swayed her butt like she’s born to do it. The response was really good and people were cheering for her perfectly shaped butt.

Then suddenly Seungyeon joined her on the table. Nicole helps her up and both girls begin to dance with each other in the limited space causing them their bodies to touch. The temperature in the bar just doubled.

After almost a minute of dancing, the girls stopped and the audience was disappointed.

“That’s all guys! Sorry!” Nicole said and winked to her newly formed fanclub members in the bar.

The others in the table gave them another round of applause, admiring their guts and dancing skills.

“I’m sorry but, I can’t help myself! Butt dance is my weakness!” Seungyeon said to Nicole. The other girl laughed.

“Hey, we make a great team! Maybe we had done this before in some other parallel world.” She said, laughing.

“Wow Seungyeon, Nicole! That was hot!” Tiffany said in admiration. She never knew underneath that sugar coated smile and bubbly personality, there’s another side of Nicole.

“Thank you. So now it’s my turn, right?” She asked, naughtily.

“Yeah, let’s spin that bottle now!” Tiffany replied.

Nicole nodded and spins the bottle without hesitation. This is the moment she’s waiting for. Whatever Nicole wants, Nicole gets.

The bottle stopped and it pointed straight at Tiffany. As expected.

“Me?” She asked, surprised.

“It’s you, unnie! So truth or dare?!” Nicole asked.

Tiffany wants to choose dare, but she’s worried if she has to make out with some guys not that she mind doing it, but Jessica does. And the last thing she wants to deal with that evening is a jealous fiance.

“So?” Nicole asked, impatient.

Tiffany let out a small sigh and replied, “Truth.”

The others except Jessica were disappointed as they hoped to witness another hot scene. But they’re all up for a juicy secret.

“Okay, so..unnie. You must answer this question no matter what.” Nicole said, almost warning.

Tiffany nodded. She’s sure she can answer anything. How bad can answering a question be?

Nicole smiled cheekily as she asked,

“Who was your first time?”


Chapter 17

The Beach & The Sea

It’s not a secret of how tight is the bond between Jessica and Tiffany. They claimed that they’re soulmates and are madly in love with each other. They declared their love for one another in any way they could, either with words or actions, whether they’re alone or in a room full of people, they don’t care. They’re love sick and their disease can’t be cured for eternity. It’s humanly impossible to tear them apart. It’s like trying to separate the beach and the sea. A lot of people had given up. Park Gyuri gave up. The whole Jung and Hwang family also gave up. Lee Minho gave up. Well, almost gave up.

Now there’s one person who’s up for the challenge. She had always believed that nothing is impossible. Separating the beach and the sea? Just soak up all the sea water or build an extremely large waterproof concrete wall between them. That’ll do. There’s always a way for Nicole Jung.

From her observation, she had discovered a crack in Jessica and Tiffany seemingly perfect relationship. Their jealousy. It was obvious that sex plays an important role in their affair, even though some people finds it disturbing but seriously they’re just a completely normal couple who likes to hook up in the oddest places anytime they want. Nothing is weird or disturbing about that.

Or maybe not.

Anyway, Nicole sees this as a weakness. She’ll use this weakness and try to soak up the sea water. Let’s see if she can really separate the beach and the sea.

“Who’s your first time?” Nicole repeats the question again after her first one was replied by a long silence and an empty stare from Tiffany.

Tiffany finds it hard to breathe and wished she didn’t agree to play the game in the first place. She definitely didn’t see this one coming, that one very personal and very sensitive question. It’s has always been her own little secret, her past, something that she didn’t discuss with just anyone. She remembers telling her sister about it 3 years ago when she lose her virginity to her loved one. But that was the first and last time she ever talked about it with another person.

“What do you mean first time?” Tiffany asks, acting like an innocent 8 year old. Nicole grinned; apparently Tiffany is not the best actor in the world.

“Oh come on! Don’t act like you don’t know it. We’re all adults here..and you know exactly what I’m talking about.” She said, her tone was serious and it sounded like she’s threatening, contradicts with the smile on her face. Now Tiffany really can’t figure this girl out.

Tiffany gulped and looked down in silence. There’s no way out. She didn’t dare to face Jessica nor did she have the guts to face Minho in that situation.

“Your first time with the special person whom you trust and loved back then when you were so pure and naive.. You didn’t even sure how to do it right.” Nicole ended her sentence with a wink causing the others to bursts in laughter.

Jessica bit her lip and looked the other way. She’s obviously not pleased with the game.

The first night she and Tiffany get together back at the Ski Resort she knows that she wasn’t her first. But she has no intention of knowing the fact about her past. She believes that it’s better to not know about your spouse’s past relationship especially their bed history. That was all in the past. What matter more in now she’s with Tiffany and she’s the one who’s straddling her every night. But when the question suddenly arises, she can’t help but to ponder about it. And now it’s driving her crazy.

Who was Tiffany’s first time?

Did she love that person?

Does she still remember the moments they had together?

Does she think of that person when they’re in bed together?

Jessica’s worries are unnecessary. Tiffany’s love for her is unconditional and true. But her emotions is playing tricks on her and it’s all was triggered by Nicole’s question.

“You promised to answer the question unnie. No matter what.” Nicole said as if she’s sad.

“Just say the person’s name. It can’t be someone that we know, right? I’m guessing some hot oppa from your high school. Am I right? Or was it a hot unnie? And how does it feel back then? Losing your virginity to that special someone. I bet it’s something that you can’t ever forget in your entire life.” She continues in a juicy tone. In some ways she sounded like the narrator of the Gossip Girl.

Your entire life.

That sentence echoes in Jessica’s head.

Tiffany will always remember that person in her entire life..

She looked away as her own thoughts is hurting her as if she has an open wound and someone rubbed salt continuously on it. It really hurts. Some people even shed tears because they unable to endure the pain.

“Your first time..” Nicole repeats it again like a broken record.

And the salt is being rubbed on Jessica’s wound again. Ouch.

Everyone is anticipating Tiffany’s answer and stares at her like there’s a golden nugget in her mouth.

“It was a long time ago.” Tiffany said suddenly, breaking the silence.

“Oh! Back in high school?!” Nicole asked, excited.

“Er..no actually it was after I graduated.” She replied slowly.

“Aaaand? Who is he?” Nicole asked, smiling slyly.

Tiffany wasn’t sure what to do. She could feel Jessica’s grip on her hand slowly loose and then it’s gone. She had let go of her hand. She’s on her own now. This can’t be good.

“Oh come on! I can’t wait to know who it is!” Khun suddenly said like a giddy 13 year old school boy gossiping in the cafeteria. It seems like he has another side that’s not as macho as he appears to be. Shocker.

“It was..” Tiffany paused.

Jessica didn’t stop Tiffany since she’s also curious of that person. She’s holding her phone in her hand and put her family’s assassin number on speed dial to hunt the person down. Yes, the Jungs has their own assassin, don’t ask why.

The girl in the hot seat exhales loudly before looking up. She just realized that everyone was staring at her like she’s something to eat.

“It was..Minho oppa.” So she finally drops her own bomb.

Jessica closed her eyes and pretends not to hear anything. She did have that idea somewhere in the back of her head but she really hoped she was wrong. She kept hoping that Tiffany cheated on him during their relationship and rather her lose her v to someone else. But it turned out it’s really him.

“Really?! Minho oppa?! You mean this one over here?! OMG really?!” Nicole asked continuously like a train of questions.

“Dude, you’re lucky!” Khun said, awed and jealous. Being the first for a girl as beautiful as Tiffany is worth being jealous for. Suddenly he remembered the time when he loses his virginity, he really thought that girl is a girl. But it turned out the ‘she’ is a ‘he’. It was a nightmare. Gender can be very deceiving back in Thailand. He shook his head to get rid of his sudden flashback moment.

Minho can’t help but smile, he is silently thanking Nicole for asking that question. This is something that Jessica can’t ever be and can’t ever get. He was the one who took Tiffany’s virginity and it will always be him. It’s a sole title and even if Jessica tries to buy it with all the money she has, she can’t get it.

He glared at Jessica in revenge of their make out session earlier. Their eyes met and he smirked at her.

Suck it, Jung.

Jessica balled her fists and grits her teeth. Her face has turned red from all the anger that she’s been keeping inside. She looks like a human atomic bomb that could burst out any moment. Someone should tell them to clear the perimeter.

“Wow, that was so unexpected!” Seungyeon said, even though she’s a newbie on the drama series.

“Unnie..even back then?! You never told me about it! I thought you were a virgin until Jessica!” Yoona shouted, surprised.

Suddenly Jessica slammed her hand on the table causing an immediate silence at their table. They gulped and watch Jessica like she’s a tempered teacher in class. A really scary teacher.

Tiffany froze in her seat; she didn’t quite sure how to handle the situation. She knows that Jessica is furious about this fact but she really hope she can accept this lightly. It was something that happened before they met. Well, she dated Minho for 5 years since high school. And being a loyal girlfriend, she sticks with him and only him through the years even when he was busy getting into other girls pants behind her back.

Tiffany thinks that it’s not like she is cheating on her fiance so there’s no need for her to get all worked up for. But Jessica Jung, simply don’t think so.

After a few silent and awkward seconds or maybe minutes because it felt so long, Jessica let out a grunt before suddenly stood up and leaves the table in anger.

Tiffany sighed.

“Excuse me.” She said to the others before making her way to Jessica who’s already outside of the bar.

Nicole smiled.

See? Nothing is impossible.


“Hmm..this tastes great! You’re such a good cook Sunny-ah!” Julia Jung said after sipping the gravy of the spicy rice cakes from a huge spatula.

Sunny grinned happily, “Really? Aww..thanks Mrs. Jung! But my wife had helped a lot so you should give her the credit as well.” She said, pointing at her wife who’s wearing a yellow apron.

Taeyeon smiled sheepishly, “No, the truth is that Sunny is really a good cook. I was just standing here handing her stuffs.”

They walked towards each other before holding hands and exchanges sweet smiles. It was a comforting scene to look at since they’re making cooking seems like a fun activity. Julia can only wish that her daughter and her future daughter-in-law will have the same idea.

“Unnie, where should I put this bowl?” A sudden voice came from behind them.

Kang Jiyoung was holding a small empty bowl, looking tired. It was obvious she’s the assistant to the assistant cook.

“Aigoo Jiyoung-ah, just put it on the counter. And you should get some rest or maybe some shower too.” Sunny said to her working bee.

She nodded cheerfully and put the bowl where she’s asked to. She walked pass Julia Jung before turning around and look at the timeless beauty.

“Er..nice to meet you.” She said, bowing 90 degrees to the elder.

Julia was impressed and pats her head gently.

“You are so polite and hardworking, young girl. How old are you?” She asked.

Jiyoung grinned at the compliment before replying, “I’m 16 ma’am.”

“Oh, you’re the same age as my youngest daughter. She’s also here in the house, maybe you can be friends with her.” Julia said casually without realizing that her tone is like a mother looking for a friend for her daughter on her first day at kindergarten. Krystal would probably die of embarrassment if she hears it.

The girl just smiles, she’s actually glad there’s someone her age in the house. She’s been hanging out with the lesbian unnies a little too much lately and she need to get back to her own age and orientation.

“Have fun staying in the house, okay. Make yourself at home. I mean it.” Julia said, smiling warmly.

Jiyoung nodded before bowing one more time to the elders in the kitchen and made her way out to explore the house and probably meeting her new friend.

Her not-so-new friend.


Goo Hara opens the door leading to the front porch only to find that no one was there. She tried to get out of the sudden family talk with her mother by saying that she’s having diarrhoea and that she need to get to the toilet to get it fixed, but she ended up swallowing a huge spoon of bitter medicine. Spoon-fed. It’s just the way mothers are, even if it’s a Jung.

She had told Nicole to pass a message to Sooyoung, to tell her that she’ll be running a little late and to wait for her at the beach. She nodded to herself as she agrees with her own thoughts.

Maybe Sooyoung is waiting for me there.


Kang Jiyoung can’t help but looking at the house in admiration as she walks through the hallway. She let out a few ‘ahhh’ and ‘oohhh’ at almost everything she sees. Be it the incomprehensible abstract paintings on the wall to the funny looking statues at the corner, Jiyoung find them all fascinating. Coming from a poor family, she could only dream of living in a lavish place like the Jungs. And to think that this is only one of the many vacation houses they own, it’s just beyond amazing.

She stopped her little tour to take a look at the huge family portrait hanging at the wall in the middle of the dining room. Jiyoung once again impressed with this family. Everyone is so good looking. The first person that caught her eyes was the blond girl, Jessica. She has always thought Jessica is pretty, even though she rarely talks to her and clings to her fiancé a little too much. Then she noticed another familiar face in the portrait, the beautiful woman she met in the kitchen. Based from the amount of similar facial features she shared with Jessica, she could easily guess that it was her mother. Jiyoung continues to stare at everyone in the portrait before she was hit by a huge surprise. There’s a girl in the picture, the youngest of them all who looked eerily familiar.

Wait..this is Krystal..why is she in the picture?

Then it hit her.

Her name is Krystal Jung.

“Is that you, Kang Jiyoung?” Asked a voice from behind.

Jiyoung gulped and she could feel her body was shaking in fear. It all make sense now, the woman’s youngest daughter who’s the same age as her, it was Krystal. That woman is her mother and Jessica is her sister.

She turns around but looked down, avoiding her bully’s eyes. Krystal took a few steps closer to the timid girl. She stares at her up and down. Jiyoung was looking messy as she just stepped out of the kitchen after helping Sunny and Taeyeon with dinner. But Krystal didn’t know that. She made a quick judgement.

“What the..hell are you doing here looking like that? Are you a beggar or something?” Krystal asked with an insulting tone.

Jiyoung kept silent as she tries to contain her tears from falling out of her eyes. Everything Krystal does will hurt her, either her words or even the way she looks at her. It makes her feel so low and weak. This time is no exception.

“Well, if you’re looking for food you can try to check our garbage can.” Krystal teased mercilessly.

“Krystal, I’m not here to beg anything from your house.” Jiyoung said after a few gulps.

“Oh yeah, so are you here to steal our stuffs then?” The arrogant girl continues.

Jiyoung not sure how much longer can she take this. It’s not a happy feeling when you’re being called a beggar or a thief by a snob like her. She never fights back no matter what Krystal did to her, one of the reasons was her mother’s advice to concentrate only on studies since they can’t afford such school without the scholarship, and another one was Choi Sulli. She’s this nice girl who will always protect her from Krystal’s wrath. But Sulli is not here, and this is not school.

“I’m not..a thief.” Jiyoung said boldly.

“Oh yeah?” Krystal raised her eyebrow.

“But you look exactly like one. Wait, you smelled like one too. And now, before I called the house guards to take you out of my house, I hope you can leave in peace. I don’t want the dining hall to be polluted by your cheap smell.” She continues.

It was insulting and Jiyoung can no longer take it.

“Yah Krystal Jung!!” She shouted.

Krystal was startled by the sudden release of anger and actually she was a bit scared.

“Why do you hate me so much?! As far as I can remember, I never did anything wrong to you for you to treat me like this! Tell me what I did wrong so we can get this over with!” Jiyoung let out the anger that’s been bottling inside of her.

Krystal tries to contain her composure before clearing her throat.

“I don’t hate you. I just extremely dislike you. And I don’t need a reason to dislike someone like you. I just do.” She replied casually.

Her answer was so blunt that it hurts.

“You hate me because you just do?”

Krystal nodded and looked her in the eyes.

“I dislike you. I just do. And also because you..took everything away from me..” She paused.

“How’s that possible? I have nothing, while you have everything!” Jiyoung said as she throws her hand in the air.

“You..get Sulli’s pity and it annoys me like hell.” Krystal said firmly.

Jiyoung looked at her, confused. She shook her head lightly before letting out a small sigh.

“So this is all about..Sulli?!”


Chapter 18

The World That Revolves Around Us

“Jessica, wait!” Tiffany shouted as she follows the angry girl who’s walking by the sidewalk.

Jessica kept on walking, acting as if she didn’t hear her fiance’s desperate shouts behind her. What just happened really set her on fire. She feels like Tiffany and Minho both had ganged up to bring her down and tore her to pieces. She can’t forget the evil smirk on Minho’s face right after Tiffany’s revelation. He was mocking her, like he was saying, “I f*cked her way before you did, b*tch”. How can she just stay calm? He was lucky that she didn’t bring her father’s gun that evening or he’s a history by now.

“Jessica, honey, please don’t walk away from me!” Tiffany shouted, her voice sounds more desperate than before.

The blond woman wants to stop and turned around but her Jung pride and anger took control of her body causing her to keep on walking, ignoring her fiance’s who’s chasing her with watery eyes.

“Seriously, Jessica Jung! Why the hell are you so mad about this?!” Tiffany shouted again, but this time it’s twice louder, loud enough to wake up a few stray cats that were sleeping at the alley.

Jessica stopped this time. That question catches her attention. She turned around and stares at Tiffany who’s also staring at her.

“You’re asking me why I’m mad?” She asked as if it was a ridiculous question.

The other girl nodded as she tries to catch her breath from all the chasing.

“Well, let’s see..I don’t know..maybe because you just proudly announced who popped your cherry in a public bar!!” Jessica replied, furious.

Tiffany was taken aback, speechless, for some reason she don’t like Jessica’s choice of words that evening. It makes her sounds cheap.

“It was..just a game thing. Why are you taking it so seriously?” Tiffany asked slowly as she tries to stay calm. One of them has to stay rational or else it’ll be like..nuclear.

She reached out and held Jessica’s arm gently, hoping that it’ll calm the storm. But what Jessica did next just made it worse. She pulled her arm away and says, “Don’t touch me.”

There are no words that could describe how Tiffany was feeling at that moment. She could feel that Jessica was looking at her in disgust, as if she’s a downtown hooker who has no pride and dignity. It’s just too much to take. She snapped.


Jessica looked down, no answer.

“IT’S NOT LIKE I CHEATED ON YOU! IT WAS WAY BACK BEFORE I EVEN KNOW YOU! AND BACK THEN, I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM!” She added without realizing that her last sentence just added the fuel to the fire.

Jessica was trembling with anger, she avoided Tiffany’s gaze and block her ears from hearing her explanations. She had it set in her mind that everything was Tiffany’s fault, no matter what. But the sudden sounds of sobs made her looked up and that’s when she realizes that Tiffany was crying.

“You..know I wasn’t a virgin before. But why are you suddenly goes ballistic on me now? You said that we shouldn’t discuss about the past, that what matters is now and our future together..” Tiffany kept on talking as she wipes the tears on her cheeks with the back of her hand. She stares at Jessica, waiting for her to respond but after a few seconds passed, there nothing but silence and it was starting to feel like a torture.

“SAY SOMETHING!!” Tiffany shouted again with a stomp of her feet. Her voice echoes in the empty alley where they’re standing chasing away all the cats into hiding.

“I waited for you.” Jessica said suddenly.


“I believe that one day I’ll meet you so..I waited for you.” She said calmly.

Tiffany continues to stare at her fiancé, curious of what she’s going to say.

Jessica let out a loud sigh before meeting Tiffany’s curious gaze.

“I've lived my life, trying to find you ever since you appear in my dreams when I was ten. Call me a freak but..yeah, I am. I am a freak for saving myself for the girl that I met through my dreams.” She said, her voice slightly shaken. She was very close to tearing up but she managed to stay strong.

“Tiffany, you are my first love and you are also the one I gave my everything to. By everything I do mean you are my first.” She continued.

Tiffany was speechless and slowly the guilt hit her. She didn’t do anything wrong but somehow she still feels guilty.

“Look, Jess. I only remember about our dreams after I met you. Something tragic happened and..I don’t know how but it affects my memory of our dreams. I’m sorry.” She said apologetically. What had happened was out of her control.

“After..that incident, I came to Seoul by myself and before moving in with Yoona, I was all alone. During that period of my life, it was hard but Minho had helped me a lot. I was able to stay strong because of him. He gave me strength and was my shoulder to cry on. He may did some bad things to me but he..

“How much longer do you want me to hear about this crap?” Jessica cuts in with a harsh question causing Tiffany to stopped talking and stare at her in disbelief. She didn’t expect her to say something so mean.

“Excuse me?” Tiffany said, revealing how offended she is. She was talking about an emotional phase of her life and now Jessica is saying that it’s all crap?

She cleared her throat before continuing, “I’m talking about a serious tragedy..

“Stop using your dead mother as an excuse for you to find refuge in that b*stard.”

Jessica said it coldly and crossed the line. But she was angry, and angry people tend to say things that they don’t mean. Like really hurtful words to the one they love. It’s an interesting thing, about words. If you rowed your boat too far, you can always row it back to where you begin. But you can’t do the same with words. Once you said it, you can’t take it back. This is something that Jessica will greatly regret.

Tiffany felt like there’s something in her throat that’s making her hard to breathe. She can’t believe her ears and wished it wasn’t Jessica who just said that to her. This must be someone else in disguise because Jessica will not do anything that could hurt her. But sadly, that girl is Jessica.

“How could you say that?” Tiffany asked, as the train of tears rolled down her cheeks.

“An excuse? Jessica, don’t you have any heart at all? You think it as an excuse I made up?” She paused to wipe the tears with her hands again.

“Well I’m sorry to disappoint you but the world doesn’t revolve around you. It’s not always about Jessica Jung. Okay listen, I am not going to apologize for anything because I did nothing wrong. I never meant to forget our dreams, I..never intend to kill my mom..” She paused as she feels her heart gets heavier with all the sadness that suddenly rushed in.

“And having Minho at that point of my life is something that I’ll never forget. He may be a jerk but he was there for me. So what if I fell in love with him? So what if I slept with him? You are in no position to judge my past. You were born and raised in surroundings where you never have to do anything. Not everyone grows up in a mansion filled with maids or spent their evenings attending piano classes..” Tiffany continued.

Jessica froze. She was torn between her pride and her heart. Her heart tells her that she should just get down on her knees and beg Tiffany for forgiveness and tell her that she didn’t mean to say such things about her late mother. But her pride (childishness) is stronger and it tells her there’s no reason for her to apologize since it was Tiffany who started it all, digging about her past and boasts on how great Minho was. Her ears hurt so much as Tiffany continues to rant about how important Minho was to her back then. It hurts so much that she wished she could tear her ears off and be deaf rather than listening to her love praising another man.

“Are you even listening to me?!” Tiffany shouted, snapping Jessica from her inner dilemma. Tiffany know that look on Jessica’s face very well, she wasn’t listening.

“Great, I was talking to a wall.” She said in frustration.

“Tiffany, I..

Jessica wasn’t able to finish her sentence as Tiffany suddenly cuts in, “You know what? Nice talking to you.”

She gave Jessica one sad look before turning around and leave Jessica standing there.

“Where are you going?” Jessica asked after she realizes that Tiffany was walking away.

Tiffany scoffed as she kept on walking and replied to her without turning around, “I’m gonna head back to the bar and reminisce about all the good time I had with Minho oppa. And oh, maybe we’ll have sex afterwards.”

Jessica was shocked with her statement; she was speechless for a while.

“TIFFANY!!” She called angrily but the dark haired girl had already walked past the corner, towards the bar. Jessica stood there in shock. She had no idea that things will turn out this way.

Jessica had really crossed the line this time.


“So this is all about..Sulli?” Jiyoung asked in disbelief.

She really thought that is was because of her academic scores that surpassed Krystal recently, or maybe because of the extra attention the teachers had gave her since she came or even something simpler like Krystal is a b*tch.

Krystal gulped a few times and Jiyoung could sense that the girl is nervous as if she just said something she shouldn’t.

“Don’t get me wrong or anything..I mean, Sulli is my best friend and you are not supposed to be that close with her..” Krystal said like there’s something she wanted to hide.

Jiyoung stares at Krystal as the other girl looked away, revealing the sparkling water in her eyes. She continues to act arrogant and flipped her hair, but Jiyoung could feel that she was at the verge of tears making her wondering why.

“Krystal, I..didn’t mean to steal your best friend or whatever, really. But you see, she was the only person who talks to me at a school when everyone else was just staring at my worn out shirt and whispered behind my back. I know that you and the others even called me by various insulting names and how you think that makes me feel? There were a lot of time I felt like giving up and leave the school mostly because of you..but then Sulli came and told me to stay strong. And I’m thankful for that.” Jiyoung said with a heavy heart. She really wants Krystal to stop making her school life a living hell.

Krystal stares at the girl before her as the feeling of guilt slowly build inside her before it swallows her completely. She’s not a mean girl, well not before, but recently her hate for Jiyoung just grew bigger with every encounter she had with the girl especially when Sulli is around. It just hurt her so much when Sulli praises Jiyoung, defended Jiyoung and even ignores her because of the girl. And it boils her even more when she saw how Jiyoung acts around Sulli.

“I..I don’t care.” Krystal said, still wearing her mean girl mask. She cleared her throat and look at Jiyoung with a fierce gaze.

“I don’t like the way you look at her, like you’re in love with her..” She added.

Jiyoung was surprised with her sentence. Not the first one since she’d expected Krystal to be the meanie she always have, but her second.

“The way I look at her?” She asked, shocked.

Krystal looked away and kept mum and looked nervous again like before.

“You know..it almost sounded like..you’re the one who’s in love with her..” Jiyoung said in a careful tone, trying not to offend her. But Krystal’s expression was unreadable and slightly confused.

“But that’s impossible, right? Hahaha..” She continues with a dry laugh as an attempt to light up the room. But then she stops as she realizes that she’s the only one who’s laughing.

Krystal continues to stare at Jiyoung as if she just heard her spoke another language. Her brain tries to process the words but it was interrupted by her heart, making her usually sharp brain to process it at an almost retard rate. Then her expression changed and she begins to blush, revealing her reaction to the accusation.

“Or..are you?” Jiyoung asked as she can’t contain her curiosity. Something tells her that she might be right about this.

The youngest Jung gulped. She had never felt so exposed and vulnerable before. It looks like Jiyoung’s attempt to stop Krystal from disliking her just got worse. She hates her now. She hates her because Jiyoung was able to see through the things that she thought was kept safe within her, her secrets.

Seeing how uncomfortable Krystal was at that moment, plus the long silence, Jiyoung made her own conclusion.

“You are.” Jiyoung said, half smiling.

Krystal gritted her teeth. She’s not used being pushed in a corner, sweating especially by an underclass person like Kang Jiyoung, and she’s not gonna play this game any longer.

“Who do you think you are, huh?!” She said, almost shouting. Jiyoung could see the anger in that’s reflected through her eyes and she has a very good reason to feel scared right now. She gulped and took a few steps backwards and wished she had never said what she had in the first place about Sulli. They could’ve been friends by now. But it’s too late to regret.

“Hey! Looks like you two already found each other!” A familiar voice said from behind them. Both girls broke their intense eye contact and turned around, aware of the presence of another person. Julia Jung was walking towards them with a friendly smile. Jiyoung sighed in relief, looks like she’s just been saved by Mama Jung’s bell.

“Mom..what do you mean, ‘found each other’?” Krystal asked, can’t help but feeling extremely uncomfortable with that statement. She even has goose bumps repeating it. She and Jiyoung can’t even be mention in the same sentence. Their social class differs that much. For Krystal, that is.

“You know her?” She continued.

Julia nodded, “Yeah, she came here with your sister’s friends. We already met at the kitchen earlier and I told her about you.”

Krystal glared at Jiyoung again, with a threatening gaze, telling her not to spill a thing to her mother. Jiyoung was shaking with fear. It seems like Krystal still has that effect on her.

“What a small world mom, it turns out that she’s also going to my school.” Krystal said, playing a perfect daughter.

“Oh, that’s great! I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about at dinner, which reminds me that our dinner is almost ready. So maybe you two can clean yourself up a bit and then we can have dinner together. And oh, Soojung, I can’t reach your sister’s phone. Can you please call her up and tell her that I want her and Tiffany at home by dinner. And it’s an order.” Julia said in a mother-like tone. It almost sounds like she’s nagging and it made Krystal realize just how old her mother had become. And there are a lot of things that she yet wants to do for her.

“Okay mom.” Krystal said, smiling.

“And also, can you find your cousins too? I didn’t see them at all today and I’m sure your Aunt Jo wants them at dinner.” Julia added before turning around and hurriedly leaves them, towards the kitchen.

Krystal nodded weakly. Suddenly she had become the missing person agent. She sighed and turned to check on Jiyoung, but she’s no longer standing there. The lamb has escaped.


Just like the perfect scenes in the movies, two souls were walking hand in hand by the beach as the sun begins to set. There weren’t any words spoken by the two but the smiles on their faces revealed a thousand happy words.

A typical sweet date, the girl looked down while the boy glances at her when she’s not looking and when their eyes met they’ll both chuckle shyly.

The warm water splashes on Sooyoung’s feet as the wave brought them to the shore. She kicked the water lightly and smiled.

“You know, this is not bad at all, spending time with you.” She said to her companion.

Hyunjoong smiled, “Then I must be a special person to you.”

Sooyoung pretends not to hear him and walked a little bit faster, leaving him behind. For some reason, she doesn’t want to talk about their status.

“I want to get into the water..” She whined like a 4 year old.

Hyunjoong chuckled and jog slowly to her before stopping just before her. He lifts his hand and brushed Sooyoung’s bangs gently.

“Then go into the water. No one’s stopping you.” He said with a light push on her shoulder. Sooyoung chuckled and held his hand as she’s worried that he might push her for real. But the gesture just made their hearts flutters.

“I want to get into the water. But I don’t want to get wet. Is there any way that I can get into the water without getting wet?” Sooyoung said like it’s a riddle waiting to be solved.

Hyunjoong smiled before he made a cute thinking face by staring at the sky and put his hand below his chin. Sooyoung find it very adorable.

“I think..there is.” He said after a few seconds of ‘thinking’.

Sooyoung raised her eyebrow, “Oh yeah? But that’s impossible.”

“No it’s not. Wanna bet?” Hyunjoong asked, excitedly. He definitely has something up his sleeves.

Sooyoung gets his game and decided to play along, “Okay.”

“What do I get if I win?” He asked as his eyes filled with excitement.

Sooyoung chuckled and naturally cupped his face with her hands. She could feel his cheeks heating up.

“Anything you want.” She sounded like she actually wants to lose on this one.

Hyunjoong smiled in satisfaction, “You said it.”

Then he put his hands behind Sooyoung and slowly lifts her up. She yelped in surprise as she realizes that her feet are no longer on the ground. She cling her arms around Hyunjoong’s neck for support as the guy held her close and walked towards the sea. Sooyoung looked at him in fascination as he keeps on walking until the water is at his waist. He’s all wet, but he held her just above the water, making sure the water won’t touch her. He stood there, still holding her in her arms as they looked at each other in silence.

“See, you’re in the water but you’re not wet.” Hyunjoong said cheekily.

Sooyoung blushed but she didn’t look away as she says, “I’m..over the water. You’re cheating.”

“But I win. So you have to fulfill the bet.” He replied, smiling.

“Fine. What do you want?” Sooyoung asked as she still clings tightly to him.

Hyunjoong smiled as he moves his face closer to her.

“I want you to kiss me.”

Somewhere in the distance, a pair of eyes is watching them.


Chapter 18

The World That Revolves Around Us

“Jessica, wait!” Tiffany shouted as she follows the angry girl who’s walking by the sidewalk.

Jessica kept on walking, acting as if she didn’t hear her fiance’s desperate shouts behind her. What just happened really set her on fire. She feels like Tiffany and Minho both had ganged up to bring her down and tore her to pieces. She can’t forget the evil smirk on Minho’s face right after Tiffany’s revelation. He was mocking her, like he was saying, “I f*cked her way before you did, b*tch”. How can she just stay calm? He was lucky that she didn’t bring her father’s gun that evening or he’s a history by now.

“Jessica, honey, please don’t walk away from me!” Tiffany shouted, her voice sounds more desperate than before.

The blond woman wants to stop and turned around but her Jung pride and anger took control of her body causing her to keep on walking, ignoring her fiance’s who’s chasing her with watery eyes.

“Seriously, Jessica Jung! Why the hell are you so mad about this?!” Tiffany shouted again, but this time it’s twice louder, loud enough to wake up a few stray cats that were sleeping at the alley.

Jessica stopped this time. That question catches her attention. She turned around and stares at Tiffany who’s also staring at her.

“You’re asking me why I’m mad?” She asked as if it was a ridiculous question.

The other girl nodded as she tries to catch her breath from all the chasing.

“Well, let’s see..I don’t know..maybe because you just proudly announced who popped your cherry in a public bar!!” Jessica replied, furious.

Tiffany was taken aback, speechless, for some reason she don’t like Jessica’s choice of words that evening. It makes her sounds cheap.

“It was..just a game thing. Why are you taking it so seriously?” Tiffany asked slowly as she tries to stay calm. One of them has to stay rational or else it’ll be like..nuclear.

She reached out and held Jessica’s arm gently, hoping that it’ll calm the storm. But what Jessica did next just made it worse. She pulled her arm away and says, “Don’t touch me.”

There are no words that could describe how Tiffany was feeling at that moment. She could feel that Jessica was looking at her in disgust, as if she’s a downtown hooker who has no pride and dignity. It’s just too much to take. She snapped.


Jessica looked down, no answer.

“IT’S NOT LIKE I CHEATED ON YOU! IT WAS WAY BACK BEFORE I EVEN KNOW YOU! AND BACK THEN, I WAS IN LOVE WITH HIM!” She added without realizing that her last sentence just added the fuel to the fire.

Jessica was trembling with anger, she avoided Tiffany’s gaze and block her ears from hearing her explanations. She had it set in her mind that everything was Tiffany’s fault, no matter what. But the sudden sounds of sobs made her looked up and that’s when she realizes that Tiffany was crying.

“You..know I wasn’t a virgin before. But why are you suddenly goes ballistic on me now? You said that we shouldn’t discuss about the past, that what matters is now and our future together..” Tiffany kept on talking as she wipes the tears on her cheeks with the back of her hand. She stares at Jessica, waiting for her to respond but after a few seconds passed, there nothing but silence and it was starting to feel like a torture.

“SAY SOMETHING!!” Tiffany shouted again with a stomp of her feet. Her voice echoes in the empty alley where they’re standing chasing away all the cats into hiding.

“I waited for you.” Jessica said suddenly.


“I believe that one day I’ll meet you so..I waited for you.” She said calmly.

Tiffany continues to stare at her fiancé, curious of what she’s going to say.

Jessica let out a loud sigh before meeting Tiffany’s curious gaze.

“I've lived my life, trying to find you ever since you appear in my dreams when I was ten. Call me a freak but..yeah, I am. I am a freak for saving myself for the girl that I met through my dreams.” She said, her voice slightly shaken. She was very close to tearing up but she managed to stay strong.

“Tiffany, you are my first love and you are also the one I gave my everything to. By everything I do mean you are my first.” She continued.

Tiffany was speechless and slowly the guilt hit her. She didn’t do anything wrong but somehow she still feels guilty.

“Look, Jess. I only remember about our dreams after I met you. Something tragic happened and..I don’t know how but it affects my memory of our dreams. I’m sorry.” She said apologetically. What had happened was out of her control.

“After..that incident, I came to Seoul by myself and before moving in with Yoona, I was all alone. During that period of my life, it was hard but Minho had helped me a lot. I was able to stay strong because of him. He gave me strength and was my shoulder to cry on. He may did some bad things to me but he..

“How much longer do you want me to hear about this crap?” Jessica cuts in with a harsh question causing Tiffany to stopped talking and stare at her in disbelief. She didn’t expect her to say something so mean.

“Excuse me?” Tiffany said, revealing how offended she is. She was talking about an emotional phase of her life and now Jessica is saying that it’s all crap?

She cleared her throat before continuing, “I’m talking about a serious tragedy..

“Stop using your dead mother as an excuse for you to find refuge in that b*stard.”

Jessica said it coldly and crossed the line. But she was angry, and angry people tend to say things that they don’t mean. Like really hurtful words to the one they love. It’s an interesting thing, about words. If you rowed your boat too far, you can always row it back to where you begin. But you can’t do the same with words. Once you said it, you can’t take it back. This is something that Jessica will greatly regret.

Tiffany felt like there’s something in her throat that’s making her hard to breathe. She can’t believe her ears and wished it wasn’t Jessica who just said that to her. This must be someone else in disguise because Jessica will not do anything that could hurt her. But sadly, that girl is Jessica.

“How could you say that?” Tiffany asked, as the train of tears rolled down her cheeks.

“An excuse? Jessica, don’t you have any heart at all? You think it as an excuse I made up?” She paused to wipe the tears with her hands again.

“Well I’m sorry to disappoint you but the world doesn’t revolve around you. It’s not always about Jessica Jung. Okay listen, I am not going to apologize for anything because I did nothing wrong. I never meant to forget our dreams, I..never intend to kill my mom..” She paused as she feels her heart gets heavier with all the sadness that suddenly rushed in.

“And having Minho at that point of my life is something that I’ll never forget. He may be a jerk but he was there for me. So what if I fell in love with him? So what if I slept with him? You are in no position to judge my past. You were born and raised in surroundings where you never have to do anything. Not everyone grows up in a mansion filled with maids or spent their evenings attending piano classes..” Tiffany continued.

Jessica froze. She was torn between her pride and her heart. Her heart tells her that she should just get down on her knees and beg Tiffany for forgiveness and tell her that she didn’t mean to say such things about her late mother. But her pride (childishness) is stronger and it tells her there’s no reason for her to apologize since it was Tiffany who started it all, digging about her past and boasts on how great Minho was. Her ears hurt so much as Tiffany continues to rant about how important Minho was to her back then. It hurts so much that she wished she could tear her ears off and be deaf rather than listening to her love praising another man.

“Are you even listening to me?!” Tiffany shouted, snapping Jessica from her inner dilemma. Tiffany know that look on Jessica’s face very well, she wasn’t listening.

“Great, I was talking to a wall.” She said in frustration.

“Tiffany, I..

Jessica wasn’t able to finish her sentence as Tiffany suddenly cuts in, “You know what? Nice talking to you.”

She gave Jessica one sad look before turning around and leave Jessica standing there.

“Where are you going?” Jessica asked after she realizes that Tiffany was walking away.

Tiffany scoffed as she kept on walking and replied to her without turning around, “I’m gonna head back to the bar and reminisce about all the good time I had with Minho oppa. And oh, maybe we’ll have sex afterwards.”

Jessica was shocked with her statement; she was speechless for a while.

“TIFFANY!!” She called angrily but the dark haired girl had already walked past the corner, towards the bar. Jessica stood there in shock. She had no idea that things will turn out this way.

Jessica had really crossed the line this time.


“So this is all about..Sulli?” Jiyoung asked in disbelief.

She really thought that is was because of her academic scores that surpassed Krystal recently, or maybe because of the extra attention the teachers had gave her since she came or even something simpler like Krystal is a b*tch.

Krystal gulped a few times and Jiyoung could sense that the girl is nervous as if she just said something she shouldn’t.

“Don’t get me wrong or anything..I mean, Sulli is my best friend and you are not supposed to be that close with her..” Krystal said like there’s something she wanted to hide.

Jiyoung stares at Krystal as the other girl looked away, revealing the sparkling water in her eyes. She continues to act arrogant and flipped her hair, but Jiyoung could feel that she was at the verge of tears making her wondering why.

“Krystal, I..didn’t mean to steal your best friend or whatever, really. But you see, she was the only person who talks to me at a school when everyone else was just staring at my worn out shirt and whispered behind my back. I know that you and the others even called me by various insulting names and how you think that makes me feel? There were a lot of time I felt like giving up and leave the school mostly because of you..but then Sulli came and told me to stay strong. And I’m thankful for that.” Jiyoung said with a heavy heart. She really wants Krystal to stop making her school life a living hell.

Krystal stares at the girl before her as the feeling of guilt slowly build inside her before it swallows her completely. She’s not a mean girl, well not before, but recently her hate for Jiyoung just grew bigger with every encounter she had with the girl especially when Sulli is around. It just hurt her so much when Sulli praises Jiyoung, defended Jiyoung and even ignores her because of the girl. And it boils her even more when she saw how Jiyoung acts around Sulli.

“I..I don’t care.” Krystal said, still wearing her mean girl mask. She cleared her throat and look at Jiyoung with a fierce gaze.

“I don’t like the way you look at her, like you’re in love with her..” She added.

Jiyoung was surprised with her sentence. Not the first one since she’d expected Krystal to be the meanie she always have, but her second.

“The way I look at her?” She asked, shocked.

Krystal looked away and kept mum and looked nervous again like before.

“You know..it almost sounded like..you’re the one who’s in love with her..” Jiyoung said in a careful tone, trying not to offend her. But Krystal’s expression was unreadable and slightly confused.

“But that’s impossible, right? Hahaha..” She continues with a dry laugh as an attempt to light up the room. But then she stops as she realizes that she’s the only one who’s laughing.

Krystal continues to stare at Jiyoung as if she just heard her spoke another language. Her brain tries to process the words but it was interrupted by her heart, making her usually sharp brain to process it at an almost retard rate. Then her expression changed and she begins to blush, revealing her reaction to the accusation.

“Or..are you?” Jiyoung asked as she can’t contain her curiosity. Something tells her that she might be right about this.

The youngest Jung gulped. She had never felt so exposed and vulnerable before. It looks like Jiyoung’s attempt to stop Krystal from disliking her just got worse. She hates her now. She hates her because Jiyoung was able to see through the things that she thought was kept safe within her, her secrets.

Seeing how uncomfortable Krystal was at that moment, plus the long silence, Jiyoung made her own conclusion.

“You are.” Jiyoung said, half smiling.

Krystal gritted her teeth. She’s not used being pushed in a corner, sweating especially by an underclass person like Kang Jiyoung, and she’s not gonna play this game any longer.

“Who do you think you are, huh?!” She said, almost shouting. Jiyoung could see the anger in that’s reflected through her eyes and she has a very good reason to feel scared right now. She gulped and took a few steps backwards and wished she had never said what she had in the first place about Sulli. They could’ve been friends by now. But it’s too late to regret.

“Hey! Looks like you two already found each other!” A familiar voice said from behind them. Both girls broke their intense eye contact and turned around, aware of the presence of another person. Julia Jung was walking towards them with a friendly smile. Jiyoung sighed in relief, looks like she’s just been saved by Mama Jung’s bell.

“Mom..what do you mean, ‘found each other’?” Krystal asked, can’t help but feeling extremely uncomfortable with that statement. She even has goose bumps repeating it. She and Jiyoung can’t even be mention in the same sentence. Their social class differs that much. For Krystal, that is.

“You know her?” She continued.

Julia nodded, “Yeah, she came here with your sister’s friends. We already met at the kitchen earlier and I told her about you.”

Krystal glared at Jiyoung again, with a threatening gaze, telling her not to spill a thing to her mother. Jiyoung was shaking with fear. It seems like Krystal still has that effect on her.

“What a small world mom, it turns out that she’s also going to my school.” Krystal said, playing a perfect daughter.

“Oh, that’s great! I’m sure you two have a lot to talk about at dinner, which reminds me that our dinner is almost ready. So maybe you two can clean yourself up a bit and then we can have dinner together. And oh, Soojung, I can’t reach your sister’s phone. Can you please call her up and tell her that I want her and Tiffany at home by dinner. And it’s an order.” Julia said in a mother-like tone. It almost sounds like she’s nagging and it made Krystal realize just how old her mother had become. And there are a lot of things that she yet wants to do for her.

“Okay mom.” Krystal said, smiling.

“And also, can you find your cousins too? I didn’t see them at all today and I’m sure your Aunt Jo wants them at dinner.” Julia added before turning around and hurriedly leaves them, towards the kitchen.

Krystal nodded weakly. Suddenly she had become the missing person agent. She sighed and turned to check on Jiyoung, but she’s no longer standing there. The lamb has escaped.


Just like the perfect scenes in the movies, two souls were walking hand in hand by the beach as the sun begins to set. There weren’t any words spoken by the two but the smiles on their faces revealed a thousand happy words.

A typical sweet date, the girl looked down while the boy glances at her when she’s not looking and when their eyes met they’ll both chuckle shyly.

The warm water splashes on Sooyoung’s feet as the wave brought them to the shore. She kicked the water lightly and smiled.

“You know, this is not bad at all, spending time with you.” She said to her companion.

Hyunjoong smiled, “Then I must be a special person to you.”

Sooyoung pretends not to hear him and walked a little bit faster, leaving him behind. For some reason, she doesn’t want to talk about their status.

“I want to get into the water..” She whined like a 4 year old.

Hyunjoong chuckled and jog slowly to her before stopping just before her. He lifts his hand and brushed Sooyoung’s bangs gently.

“Then go into the water. No one’s stopping you.” He said with a light push on her shoulder. Sooyoung chuckled and held his hand as she’s worried that he might push her for real. But the gesture just made their hearts flutters.

“I want to get into the water. But I don’t want to get wet. Is there any way that I can get into the water without getting wet?” Sooyoung said like it’s a riddle waiting to be solved.

Hyunjoong smiled before he made a cute thinking face by staring at the sky and put his hand below his chin. Sooyoung find it very adorable.

“I think..there is.” He said after a few seconds of ‘thinking’.

Sooyoung raised her eyebrow, “Oh yeah? But that’s impossible.”

“No it’s not. Wanna bet?” Hyunjoong asked, excitedly. He definitely has something up his sleeves.

Sooyoung gets his game and decided to play along, “Okay.”

“What do I get if I win?” He asked as his eyes filled with excitement.

Sooyoung chuckled and naturally cupped his face with her hands. She could feel his cheeks heating up.

“Anything you want.” She sounded like she actually wants to lose on this one.

Hyunjoong smiled in satisfaction, “You said it.”

Then he put his hands behind Sooyoung and slowly lifts her up. She yelped in surprise as she realizes that her feet are no longer on the ground. She cling her arms around Hyunjoong’s neck for support as the guy held her close and walked towards the sea. Sooyoung looked at him in fascination as he keeps on walking until the water is at his waist. He’s all wet, but he held her just above the water, making sure the water won’t touch her. He stood there, still holding her in her arms as they looked at each other in silence.

“See, you’re in the water but you’re not wet.” Hyunjoong said cheekily.

Sooyoung blushed but she didn’t look away as she says, “I’m..over the water. You’re cheating.”

“But I win. So you have to fulfill the bet.” He replied, smiling.

“Fine. What do you want?” Sooyoung asked as she still clings tightly to him.

Hyunjoong smiled as he moves his face closer to her.

“I want you to kiss me.”

Somewhere in the distance, a pair of eyes is watching them.


Chapter 19

Too Little Too Late

The bottle was still spinning at the centre of the table. Nervous eyes were staring at the tip of the bottle, hoping that it will stop at anywhere but their direction.

“Please not me, please not me, please not me..” Seungyeon mumbled to herself. Yoona chuckled and put her arms around her shoulders to calm her down.

“Relax, it’s just a game.” She said.

Then the bottle finally stops, and the tip was pointed straight to the lucky man, Khun. Contrary to Seungyeon’s reaction, the wide smile on his face shows that he was happy with the outcome.

“So, what is it gonna be? Truth or dare?” Minho asked since he was the one spinning the bottle earlier.

“Oppa, I dare you to choose dare. You’re a man after all.” Nicole said as she was stirring her cocktail with a red cherry. She seems relaxed and composed even after causing the storm in Jessica and Tiffany’s relationship. She didn’t do much; all she did was stir things up with a question.

Khun looks at Yoona beside her, as if asking for permission to do so. Yoona nodded and smiled.

“Go ahead oppa, choose dare.” She said in approval before turning her head and continues to stare at the door. She’s worried about Tiffany. Her cousin and her fiancé are not the kind to argue often, the only noise they usually make when they are together are the rated ones so when Jessica suddenly showcased her anger, it could mean trouble. But somehow Yoona had faith in her cousin since she’s always the mature one out of the two. She let out a small sigh and smiled as she filled her head with positive thoughts.

Maybe the two are already making out somewhere by now..

“That girl? No problem.” Khun’s voice stole Yoona’s attention. She glanced to her side and realized that Khun is already standing up, getting ready to do his dare.

“Yoona, wish me luck.” He said, winking cutely at her.

Yoona chuckled and nodded, “Good luck, oppa.” She said it with two thumbs up in the air even though she’s not sure what his dare is.

“He’s going to ask that girl over there for her phone number.” Seungyeon filled her in as if she’d read her mind.

Yoona nodded and looked at the direction pointed. There was a brown haired lady sitting alone about 3 tables away from them. They can’t see her face since her back was facing them. Only one thing is certain, she has long brown hair. They are wavy and beautiful; it was easy to predict that she must be quite a beauty.

The handsome Thai was making his way to her, each steps brimmed with confidence and charisma like a model on a runway. Maybe he should seriously consider being a model instead of the person behind the lens.

He finally reached there and leaned his body towards the table. He winked at his friends to show that he is going to finish the dare in no time.

Everyone was watching in excitement, curious of what’s gonna happen next. Though most likely he’s going to nail it firstly with his looks, secondly with his enchanting voice and finally with his irresistible smile. No girls can possibly say no to that.

What happened next was unexpected though. Khun’s face suddenly turned pale, as if he’s seen a ghost. Then he bowed a few times and scratched his head, looking sorry before turning around and scurried to his friends with his head down.

“Dude, what happened?” Minho asked as soon as the pale-faced guy sits at his place.

Khun sighed a few times before he finally looked up at the others. Yoona rubbed his back gently as she can see how nervous and maybe scared he was at that moment.

“That person..is a man! And he thinks I’m gay!” Khun said loudly, almost shouting. But he still tries to keep his voice down.

The gang was so shocked and there was a long silence for a short while.

Nicole was the first to chuckle. Then Minho and Yoona both broke into giant laughter, causing other customers to stare at them weirdly. Seungyeon tries hard not to laugh since she felt sorry for Khun, but her hard work only lasted for a few seconds, thanks to Yoona’s contagious laugh. Khun buried his face in his palms before hitting Minho’s shoulder and asked him to stop but he wouldn’t budge.

“What’s so funny?” A voice suddenly asked.

They turned around to the direction of the voice. Tiffany was standing by, her eyes were red as if she just cried her heart out but she tries to conceal it with her famous eye smile and a tissue. Realizing that she’s suddenly being a subject of their observation, she took a seat beside Minho and reached for a drink.

Tiffany’s sudden arrival managed to stop Khun’s gay laugh fest but it doesn’t make them feel any better. She carries the sadness with her, no matter how hard she tries to pretend that she’s not sad and bothered.

“Unnie, are you and Sica-unnie okay?” Yoona asked as she reached to hold her hand across the table.

Tiffany put down her drink and rubs her fingers against Yoona’s palms gently but she didn’t say anything.

“Look, I am so sorry if that question I asked was..a bit too much for you. I shouldn’t have asked that.” Nicole suddenly said apologetically. Tiffany gulped and looked down.

She continued, “I have no idea that it was Minho..

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault. Actually, that was a good question.” Tiffany said with a weak smile.

Everyone looked at her as she tries to be strong and carefully not to spill anymore tears. Feeling her sadness, Minho slowly held her hand and squeezed it gently. Yoona raised her eyebrow watching the scene. She doesn’t like what’s happening.

Tiffany smiled at Minho as she held his hand tightly,

“Oppa, will you dance with me? Just for all times’ sake.”


“I want you to kiss me.”

Hyunjoong said it with a serious expression on his face. The girl in her arms gulped as they continued to stare into each other’s eyes. She could feel his breath on her face as he moves closer to hers. It was so close that she was able to notice his breath smelled like fresh mint and quickly guessed that he might chew gum before their walk at the beach. Maybe he planned it all along.

Sooyoung wasn’t sure what to do. As he inches closer to get the first kiss from her, she felt like there’s something that she forgot; an important detail that’s always been neglected whenever she’s with him. She closed her eyes as she tries to remember it. Slowly the image came up in her head, a blurry picture of something that’s round and it was golden brown with something chocolate coming out from the sides like there’s something stuffed in it. As the image became clearer like an old television being adjusted to get the better reception, Sooyoung finally get the picture. It was an image of a donut. A chocolate filled donut. Which can only linked to one person.


Sooyoung opens her eyes and realized that Hyunjoong’s lips only seconds away from touching hers. She quickly moved her face to the side and kissed the guy’s cheek instead. He was shocked and froze for a couple of moments after the quick peck on his cheek. It felt like rejection and that’s a good reason for both of them to feel extremely awkward.

Amidst the awkwardness, Sooyoung laughed. He looked at her weirdly as the girl begins to giggle like a kid in kindergarten.

“Yah, what’s wrong with you?” He asked, uncomfortable.

Sooyoung shook her head and signalled him to bring her down. He slowly put her down and let her bare feet to be immersed in the sea water. After a few seconds, she finally stopped laughing and looks into his clear eyes. She could see that there’s a lot of question on his mind, but she has just the right thing to say to him.

“Oppa, we can’t kiss. Well, not on the lips.” She said, smiling.

Hyunjoong kept mum and forced himself to smile.

“I am your sister’s girlfriend while you are my friend’s boyfriend, so we..can’t be together.” She continues in a joking manner but she means every word she said.

“We can’t be?” He asked with an obvious sign of disappointment beneath his smile.

Sooyoung felt bad for him and for some reason, she felt just as crushed when he asked that. She knew she shouldn’t but somehow she’s close to tears.

She should be saying ‘yes, we can’t and get over it’ to him but instead she said,

“It’s too complicated.”

He shrugged.

“Then uncomplicated it.” He said with a bit of anger in his tone. Sooyoung looked at him in shock as she had never seen the pretty boy get upset. He realized his manner and quickly apologized.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that..” He paused, looking for the words to say.

“It’s just that?” She asked concern. Unconsciously, she held his hand to calm him down.

“It’s just that..I’m tired of pleasing everyone. My mother, my sister, my girlfriend.. They all have high expectations of me.” He said with a sigh. It seems like he’s been keeping it inside for a while.

“My mother expects me to..obey every single thing she asked me to. I play the role of the perfect son in her life. My girlfriend wants me to be the perfect boyfriend when in reality I know that there are a lot of things that we no longer have in common. And my sister, she..knows that I will clean up her mess, and do anything for her. Not that I mind doing it, because I love her but sometimes I just want to do something for myself. I’m not perfect, Sooyoung-ah. I’m just..Hyunjoong.” He said it with a heavy heart.

Sooyoung looked at him as she held his hand tightly. She could feel his burden as they continue to share their emotions through eye contact.

“Well, just Hyunjoong, no one is perfect. I for example have been through a lot of trouble for being too beautiful and having an appetite of an elephant at the same time. These two qualities don’t match and people always judge me for that. It’s stressing me out.” She said with an exaggerating tone.

That remark however managed to make him smile before grinning like a fool.

“You’re doing it again.” He said, smiling.

“What?” Sooyoung asked, oblivious.

“Charming me.” He replied.

Sooyoung was speechless as if cat had caught her tongue. Her mind went blank like it always does lately when she’s trying to come out with the most suitable non-offensive reply.

She struggled, “I..

“Sooyoung..I don’t know why but with you I feel like doing something for myself. For the first time I feel like there’s something that I want to fight for no matter what it takes.” He said with clear eyes that showed how sincere he is.

Sooyoung felt touched but guilty at the same time. He cupped her face and rubs her cheeks with his thumbs gently.

“Whether it’s wrong or right, I really like you.”

She could feel her face heated up as he confessed his feelings. She’s not surprised since she already picked up the hints he left along the way. But what he did next was surprising.

He pressed his lips against hers, so gentle yet so strong to make her body tremble with excitement. It doesn’t take long before she wrapped her arms around his neck and returned the kiss. That’s when Sooyoung finally realized that she likes him too.

Krystal Jung blinked her eyes for a few times before rubbing it with her hands. Her jaw dropped and she shook her head continuously as she stood by the balcony at the second floor. She was asked by her mother to look for her cousins and she did as she’s been told. But she didn’t expect to find her favourite cousin to be locking lips with his sister’s girlfriend. She knows him very well and he’s not the kind to betray his family members. Now she didn’t know who the guy is anymore.

She scoffed and looked away as the sinful scene is too hurtful to look at. She thinks so greatly of Hyunjoong for his moral values and principal about life and family and this feels like a stab on her back. She feels so cheated.

Suddenly she saw a girl walking towards the front porch, a tall, slim girl with loose perfect long black hair. It was none other than Hara. Krystal gulped, she didn’t want her cousin to find out about the secret affair, not now, not this way. Knowing Hara’s personality, she can easily predict that her reaction could be fatal. She begins to panic and even thinking about jumping down from the balcony to stop her at the door. Then she saw someone at the front porch. Someone she despises so much she wished that person to be lost at sea.

Jiyoung walked to the front porch from her short tour around the house. She glanced at her watch and realizes that it’s almost time for dinner. She smiled as the thought of Sunny’s delicious spicy rice cakes filled her mind. She closed her eyes as she swallowed her own saliva, imagining the dish melted in her mouth; the feeling of munching the perfect chewy rice cake in spicy gravy with just the right amount of taste. It’s so heavenly.

“YAH!! KANG JIYOUNG!!!” A voice shouted.

Jiyoung grunted as her daydream was interrupted by the last person she ever wanted to see. Or even hear.

“JIYOUNG!! BLOCK THE DOOR!!” Krystal screamed from the balcony.

Jiyoung looked up and sighed.

“Why should I?” She asked, annoyed.

Krystal stared at her with the most threatening gaze ever causing the other girl to gulp.


Jiyoung was shocked by the name given as she never heard of that one before but somehow she took that offer.


Jiyoung nodded and pulled the wooden bench to block the door. The bench was heavy but she used all her strength to bring it to the door. She managed to block it just in time before Hara arrived.

“Eh? What’s wrong with the door?” She asked herself. She tried to push it open but failed like there was something blocking the door. After a few tries, she gave up and turned around to find another way to get out.

Krystal sighed in relief and look at the beach to check if the secret couple were still there, but they already left. The coast was clear. She looked down and noticed that Jiyoung was staring at her. She gave her a thumb up and smiled.

That was the first time Krystal smiled at Jiyoung.


Why God, why?

Why didn’t you let me met Tiffany sooner?

I can be her crying shoulder.

I can be there for her.

I can do better than him.

So much better.

The end sleeves of Jessica’s jacket were soaking wet as she used them to wipe her tears. She’s been crying at the sidewalk for almost half an hour since Tiffany left. She sat there, hugging her legs, replaying the scene of their heated argument over and over again in her head. People who passed by gave her weird looks but she didn’t care. She needed some time alone to think about what just happened.

Tiffany was praising her ex way too much and Jessica couldn’t stand it. The fact that her lover loses her virginity to him was like a bullet that went through her heart. She knew she should act more mature and accept it like an old story being told but she can’t help it. Tiffany is someone so important and special in her life and anything about her is a sensitive subject. Jessica can get very overprotective and overreacting when it comes to Tiffany. Tiffany told her to change her ways and tries to be more sensible but she just can’t. For some reason, she just can’t.

The blond girl buried her face in her hands as the scene continues to play in her head.

“..it was hard but Minho had helped me a lot. I was able to stay strong because of him. He gave me strength and was my shoulder to cry on..”

Minho this..

Minho that..

Everything is Minho.

Was it my fault?

She was the one who brought it all up. Not me.

She grits her teeth thinking about that guy. She wished she could turn back the time and do something so that Minho and Tiffany never met. Jessica gets even angrier at the guy as her mind concluded that her fight with Tiffany was his entire fault.

But when the next scene played in her private theater, she found someone else to blame.

“Stop using your dead mother as an excuse for you to find refuge in that *******.”

Jessica froze like she’s been cursed by the ice queen. Then suddenly tears begin to fill up her eyes before they rolled down her cheeks like a waterfall.

“I said that?! Your dead mother?!” She questioned herself aloud.

She closed her eyes in regret and sighed loudly.

“I am an idiot! A big fat idiot!” She shouted and hit her own head with her hand like a crazy person.

She finds it hard to breathe as her heart felt heavy with the huge amount of guilt that beats her pride.

She quickly stood up before running towards the bar as fast as she could to beg forgiveness from Tiffany and pull her into her arms again before it’s too late.

Honey, I’m sorry..


Chapter 20

The Interesting Novel

Minho and Tiffany stood by the jukebox as they are trying to pick a song to dance to.

“Bad Romance!” Tiffany pointed excitedly at the song list as they went through it. Minho chuckled and shook his head in disapproval at Tiffany’s choice and wondering how a recent song like Lady Gaga was included in such a classic jukebox. But judging from the posters hanging on the bar’s wall and the bartender’s hairstyle, he quickly figured the bar owner is a big fan.

“Fany, I don’t feel like dancing to Lady Gaga right now. Isn’t there something more laid back and relaxing?” He asked with a sigh.

“Poker Face!” Tiffany shouted again, obviously wasn’t listening to Minho’s little rant. Minho gave up, letting Tiffany choosing a song is a bad idea. Before she gets excited and pick ‘Love Game’ as a dance tune, Minho quickly chooses a track from the jukebox.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” Tiffany grunted as the jukebox started to play the song chosen by Minho. He smiled and pulled her hand with him towards the middle of the bar.

The music begins to play and Tiffany became alarmed with the familiar sound. She let go of his hand and stood straight like a statue to listen to it more carefully.

“Oppa, what song did you choose?” She asked.

The handsome man smiled warmly flashing his cute small dimples. His dimples are not that obvious, but Tiffany knows they’re there. Whenever he’s happy the dimples will show as he smiles sincerely. Tiffany chuckled at the thought, she knows about Minho too much. Maybe more than he knows himself.

“Glory of Love, by Peter Cetera.” He replied, still grinning from ear to ear.

A pleasant memory rushed over into her head as Peter sang the first verse. Tiffany stood there and looked at her ex-boyfriend as they both knew what the song meant to them. Minho moved closer before gently held her right hand and slid his other hand around Tiffany’s tiny waist. Tiffany froze as she continues to stare at him.

“Shall we?” He asked gesturing to the floor with his head.

Tiffany nodded lightly and it brought sunshine to Minho’s face. He can’t stop smiling as he pulled the girl into her arms and begin to dance slowly to the music. Their steps matched, like it was rehearsed perfectly just before dancing. They continued to move in sync with each other and the rhythm of the music.

Yoona bit her lip as she sees the pair dancing so beautifully like they’re on the finale of Dancing with the Stars. She’d seen the scene before. The same song, the same dance steps, it’s like watching it all over again. The senior prom night, the night when her cousin and Minho was crowned king and queen, the night that Tiffany had mentioned as the best ever and most possibly the night when she loses her virginity to her boyfriend. This can’t be good for Napkin & Blankie.

Yoona was so lost in her thoughts about them when suddenly someone offers her a hand. She looked up and saw a shy face smiling at her.

“Will you dance with me?” Khun asked with blushing cheeks like a 5 year old who wanted to dance with a girl he likes for the first time.

The girl has a nervous attack. She looked at his hand and his face alternately as she’s trying to justify the right action to take in that situation. If she’s single and available, the decision is easier to make. But the thing is she’s not and she should come up with some excuse to refuse the offer and leave the lonely hand untouched. But she wants to dance with him, one of the reasons is because he seems so sincere when he asked her to dance and there’s no harm to dance with a friend. Her mind can’t make the decision, she needs another opinion.

“Just dance with him.” A voice said from the side.

Yoona looked to her side and met Seungyeon smiling face.

“It’s just a dance. Plus, he’s soooo cute.” She added with a nudge.

Yoona chuckled before hesitating, “But..Yuri..

“Yuri is not here and don’t worry, I won’t tell her a thing.” Seungyeon assured.

That was exactly what Yoona needed to hear, an assurance from another person. No matter whom that person is. She stood up immediately and took his hand before smiling sweetly at him. They both smile at each other, flashing their white teeth like a couple of models for some toothpaste. The two quickly wrapped their hands around each other’s waist and swayed slowly with the rhythm.

Two beautiful couple that was dancing brought a different mood into the small old bar. Suddenly it feels like they’re at some lavish ball where everyone was dressed like princes and princesses. Soon a few couples joined the crowd of four at the middle of the bar.

“Just like the old times.” Tiffany whispered as she danced with Minho.

Minho nodded in agreement before another serene silence took place between them.

“What happened between you and Jessica? Did you two fight?” Minho asked out of the blue. He was sincerely concern about Tiffany when she appeared with teary eyes a few minutes ago.

Tiffany kept mum like she didn’t hear a thing.

“Did she hurt you?” He continued.

He sighed, “I’m trying to like her but I don’t think she’ll ever gonna accept me, just because I’m your ex-boyfriend.”

“She has some really serious jealous issue and I’m worried about you because..

Suddenly Tiffany cleared her throat causing Minho to stop talking. She looked at her dance partner.

“Can we please talk about something else?” She asked, serious.

Minho gulped as he looked into her eyes and realized how hurt she was. It was reflected through her eyes, her expression and her touch making him wonder why he hadn’t noticed it all before. He always had it in her head that Tiffany is happier with Jessica and there’s nothing that he wants more than her happiness. That’s why he stayed out of her life for almost a year. Though he never moved on but he tries to date other people in attempt to do so. But at the end of the day, when he’s all alone, it was Tiffany that he’s thinking of.

He cursed himself for taking Tiffany for granted, for hurting her, for being selfish of his own feelings back then. He decided to let her go and be with the person that she wants, as long as she’s happy. Even though it’ll take him forever to get over her, he shall try.

But now, seeing Tiffany faking her smiles just to conceal her pain hurts him as if his wounded heart just bled again. If being with Jessica only brings tears to Tiffany’s life, he can’t just sits around and let it happen.

They continue to move in sync, as the song reached the chorus. Just like 3 years ago, Minho leaned closer to Tiffany’s left ear and pulled her closer to his body. Then he sings.

I am a man who will fight for your honor

I'll be the hero that you're dreaming of

We'll live forever knowing together

That we did it all for the glory of love,

Tiffany was surprised by his sweet singing voice and it somehow triggered the tears in her eyes. She was sad and heartbroken after her fight with Jessica and she really needs someone to lean on, a shoulder to cry on. Feeling the grip on his shirt and the dampness on it afterwards, he could feel that Tiffany was crying as she buried her face in his embrace. He wrapped his arm around the crying girl and gently hushed her before continues with the meaningful lyrics.

Just like a knight in shining armor

From a long time ago

Just in time I'll save the day

Take you to my castle far away..

“They seem a bit too intimate, don’t you think?” Seungyeon asked to another solo girl at their table, Nicole.

Nicole smiled and shrugged.

“Well, they used to date, for a long period of time too. It’s expected, I suppose.” She replied casually.

Seungyeon looked at her new friend, can’t help but feeling a bit suspicious with her laid back attitude. There’s something about her innocent appearance, her bubbly personality, like there hidden another side of her that no one could ever expect it to be. A darker side.

A stalker would know.

Nicole turned her head at Seungyeon before flashing her cotton candy smile.

“Wanna dance? We look too pathetic sitting at the table like this.” She suggested.

“Eh?” Seungyeon was shocked.

“Come on, I’ll pretend to be your girlfriend.” She said before pulling her arm forward towards the middle of the bar.


Jessica reached the bar and pushed the door open. She was panting from all the running and looked wasted with her blond hair messed up and swollen eyes. She stops by the door to take a few breath but her eyes were searching the bar all over. After a few seconds as she had finally breathe at the normal rate, she rushed to their table only to find empty chairs. She sighed and grabbed a glass of water from the table before drinking it to quench her thirst. She put the glass back on the table and wiped her mouth with her sleeve. She continues to look around the bar and that when she saw them.

Tiffany and Minho, embracing each other with their eyes closed.


Julia Jung had a lot of fun that evening, preparing dinner with Sunny and Taeyeon. She had never met such nice and polite lesbian couple, for a second they made her feel its okay to let Krystal swing, for a very tiny second.

“Sunny, are the others home yet? We are not going to start eating without them.” Julia asked.

Sunny looked up from arranging the plates at the table.

“I don’t think so. I thought you asked Krystal to inform them about dinner.” She said.

“Well, I did but now I don’t know where the kid is. Can you try to call them?” Julia asked politely.

“Sure.” Sunny replied with a smile.

She pulled out her phone beneath her apron and dialled a number.


Yoona never thought that Khun is a great dancer. She was impressed with his skills in slow dancing and quickly made a mental note to slow dance with Yuri when she got home soon. The Thai stud pulls her closer and their bodies touched. Yoona blushed at the contact, he was totally flirting.

Suddenly she feels something vibrating on her thigh. She looked at Khun suspiciously.

“What?” He asked.

Then the vibration was followed by the theme from Star Wars. That was her phone.

Thank god.

“Excuse me.” She said, reaching for the phone in her pocket.

She let out a relieved sigh as she almost accused Khun for being a pervert if it’s not for the ring tone. Then she realized that she never set her ring tone to Star Wars theme. She smiled; it must be her cheeky girlfriend, the Star Wars freak. Then she realized how much she misses her.

“Hello, Yoona speaking.” She picked up the phone even though it was an unknown number.

“Yah Yoona, where are you guys?” A familiar voice spoke through the phone.

“Oh Sunny unnie, we’re at the bar right now, why?” She asked.

“Fany’s mother-in-law commanded that everyone who stays in the house must be back for dinner tonight. ASAP.” Sunny informed.

“But Sica-unnie is currently MIA. She and Fany had a falling out earlier and now unnie is slow dancing with her ex-boyfriend.” Yoona said in a gossiping tone.

She could hear Sunny gasps at the end of the line.

“I missed all the drama!” She whined.

Yoona can’t help but chuckled.

She continued, “You know you love me, XOXO, gossip gir..

“Yah! Enough playing around and come home already. We’re all hungry and Mama Jung insists to wait for you guys. Come home before the dishes turned cold. I spent all evening cooking them!” Sunny said suddenly.

“Okay, okay. I’m already on my way as we speak.” She teased.

“See you at the house, choding.” Sunny said before hanging up.


Hara slumped herself on a sofa, tired of her failed search for Sooyoung that took almost her whole evening. She sighed and pulled out her phone again, trying to reach her girlfriend for the 20th time that day. As she’s about to dial, she saw the one she’s been looking to find all day.

“Youngie!!” She shouted at the tall girl.

Sooyoung was surprised with the familiar voice as she was walking with Hyunjoong through the hallway.

“Ah..Hara.” She said as a nervous smile slowly crept on her face.

Hara throws her arms around her girlfriend and held her tightly. She closed her eyes and let out a relieved sigh.

“Where were you? I was looking all over for you.” She whispered.

Hyunjoong cleared his throat and signalled Sooyoung to inform that he’s leaving them alone. Sooyoung nodded.

She didn’t know what to say. She obviously can’t tell her the truth but she’s not used to lying.

“I was around..” She replied.

Hara loosen her arms around Sooyoung and broke the hug. She held her hands and looked into her eyes.

“Why didn’t you pick up the phone?” She asked.

“I..left my phone inside the room.” She replied truthfully.

“Oh..” Hara said with her mouth shaped like ‘O’.

Sooyoung smiled and ruffled her hair.

“Why? Missed me?” She asked as she poked her cheek gently.

Hara nodded vigorously.

“I even had this scary thought that you left me for some other person.” She said.

Sooyoung gulped.

“And for some mysterious reason I can’t open the front door even though it’s not locked..” She added; her face pale. Sooyoung can tell that she’s been thinking about something mystical behind it like the sea monsters or the sea ghosts.

“You think too much.” She said, pulling the girl and kissed her temple lovingly.

Hara grinned and gave her girlfriend a quick peck on her cheek. They both smiled.

“Now let’s have dinner. I’m hungry.” Sooyoung said, intertwining their fingers together.


Everyone gathered around the huge dining table, everyone but Jessica. Tiffany looked at the empty seat beside her, feeling heartbroken and sad but somehow she still managed to pretend like nothing happened.

“Where is Jessica?” Julia asked as the others seem to ignore the fact that Jessica wasn’t there. Everyone looked at each other, waiting for one of them to say anything about her absence but after a few moments had passed there’s nothing but silence and random whispers.

“Tiffany, where is Jessica?” Julia asked again but straight to the person who would know.

Tiffany adjusted her seat and cleared her throat. She should’ve known that she’ll be asked about Jessica’s whereabouts but she’s still trying to come out with the best answer in her head.

“Well, she said that she has something to do so she didn’t join us at the bar.” So she told her a white lie. Honestly, she didn’t want Julia or anyone to worry about their relationship. Word has it that the news about their upcoming wedding has spread among close relatives and friends.

“Oh really?” Julia asked, suspicious.

“Mrs. Jung don’t worry, I think she’ll be home soon.” Yoona added to end the conversation about Jessica. She glanced at Seohyun who’s sitting in between her and Hara who hasn’t spoke a word after missing all evening. She’ll be an interesting topic to talk about.

“Seohyun, where have you been all evening? I haven’t seen you at all.” She said, ignoring Julia and Joanna’s little whispering fest.

Seohyun looked at Yoona and sighed heavily as if she knew why she’s being a subject to talk about at dinner in somebody’s vacation house.

“I was too engrossed into reading a novel.” She replied.

Hyunjoong who sat across her glanced at her for a few seconds. They hadn’t spoken since they arrive. In fact he just found out that she’s also there since dinner started about 5 minutes ago.

“It must be an interesting novel. What was it about?” Yoona asked.

“Oh it is very interesting; it’s about two brothers who fell for the same woman.” Seohyun added.

“Ooh, siblings’ rivalry? I love drama.” Krystal said, smiling.

“The brother fell for a girl whom he knows was his younger brother’s girlfriend, even though he was dating someone at that moment.” Seohyun continued.

“Oh, he cheated on her? He’s a bad man.” Jiyoung said with a disapproval look on her face.

Hyunjoong gulped, he’s starting to wonder if the novel even existed.

“Well, the woman was actually a friend to his girlfriend and yet she has the heart to do that to her. I’d say, they’re both are at fault. They are both are selfish and liars. Am I right, Sooyoung unnie?” Seohyun added.

Sooyoung almost dropped her spoon when she was attacked head on, “Well..I..

“The girlfriend knows what’s going on but she’s just waiting for the right time to drop the bomb on him, which I think is pretty soon.” Seohyun cuts in with a glare.

Cold sweats begin to form on Sooyoung’s forehead. Judging from the way Seohyun telling the synopsis of the story and her fierce glares, she can tell that she knows about her and Hyunjoong. She loses her appetite.

“Does the younger brother know about it?” Nicole asked, as she’s kind of sensed something with the story.

“Not yet. I haven’t read that part yet. I wonder how it will turn out though, finding out that his trusted brother has been meeting up with his girlfriend behind his back. How do you think he’ll react, Hara unnie?” Seohyun asked to Hara’s face.

Hara shrugged.

“He’ll be furious and mad, for sure. He’ll also probably lose the trust and respect that he has for his brother. And in the end the woman will lose both of them. That’s how it’ll go, I think.” She replied before shoving a spoonful of rice into her mouth.

Hyunjoong was so nervous he knocked down a glass and almost spilled his drink on the table.

“Hyun, what’s wrong with you?” Joanna asked to her son as he wiped the droplets of water on his sleeve.

Hyunjoong shook his head.

Nicole looked at the four of them and smiled.

So that’s what going on..

It’s not in her to-do list but, this is something she’s interested on. She might make some time to interfere with the drama. After all, there’s someone in the room that had really caught her attention. She might get lucky.

Suddenly there’s a sound of the door being pushed harshly. Everyone was startled and looked at each other.

“Who’s that? Is it Sica?” Sunny asked curiously.

And soon they saw Jessica walked past the dining room looking messy and angry. She and Tiffany exchanged a tense eye contact for a brief moment before she continues her way upstairs.

“Sooyeon, come join us for dinner.” Julia called. But she got ignored. Jessica was already at the second floor by the time she finishes her sentence. There was an awkward silence before it was followed by a loud bang. She slammed the door.

Everyone looked at each other before all eyes finally falls on Tiffany, hoping for an explanation. Tiffany looked down, trembling as she held her spoon tightly. The spoon soon clattered with her bowl, making uncomfortable sounds at the dinner table. Suddenly she put her spoon on the table with a thud and wiped her eyes with a napkin. Then she stood up and without looking, she bowed.

“Excuse me.” She said to the elders and her friends before she rushed out of the house through the front door. Yoona looked at the napkin she left on the table.

It was wet. She was crying.


Chapter 21

The View from the Balcony

Im Yoona marched her way upstairs just as soon as she finished her dinner. She wanted to leave earlier but it was rude since there were Julia and Joanna Jung at table. She had enough watching her cousin shedding tears almost the whole evening since her fight with Jessica.

She stopped as she reached the room that Jessica shared with Tiffany and gave it a few knock.

“Sica unnie, please open the door. I need to talk to you.” She said with a serious tone.

After a few seconds, there was no answer.

“Sica unnie!” She shouted as she knocked it again. But there’s nothing but silence. Yoona grunted in frustration and decided to open the door by herself. She doesn’t care anymore. She turned the door knob and the door creaked open. It wasn’t locked.

Yoona sighed and entered the room. It was dark. She can barely see anything. She can’t even tell if Jessica was in the room so she turned on the light. Then she saw a lump of human figure on the bed, under the blue blanket with a few blond hairs coming out from it. Yoona scoffed. It was obvious that Jessica was hiding underneath it.

“Sica unnie, what is going on between you and Fany?” She asked like a police inspector interrogating the suspect. But unlike the police, she’s not getting any response from her lump suspect.

“She was crying ever since you got angry at the bar. Did you say something to her? Something that might have hurt her?” She continued even though it was like talking to mute a live bolster.

Her train of questions only managed to move Jessica by a few inch. The blanket was moving by small fraction. And then there’s nothing else.

Yoona sighed again, trying to control herself from kicking the lump off the bed.

“She’s out there right now, all alone! Don’t you think you should go and find her?!” She asked, almost shouting with her hand pointing out of the window.

But the living bolster wouldn’t budge.

“Fine. You can keep pretending that you’re asleep. I’ll go find her. Seriously unnie, I have never met someone as childish as you. Grow up.” Yoona said it sharply before leaving the room in anger.

Silence filled the room as Yoona left. Then it was followed by sad sobs from under the blanket. Even though Jessica buried her face in the pillow to muffle the sounds of her cry, it still escaped. The pillow was so damp from soaking all the tears that fell from her eyes. She closed her eyes again and the tears continue to roll down her cheeks no matter how hard she tries to stop them. It can’t be help since her body responds to her emotions.

And she was heartbroken.


Nicole Jung stood by the balcony at the second floor after finishing her dessert. She smiled happily as she inhaled the night sea breeze and exhaled it with a relieved sigh. It’s been a great day for her. Everything goes the way she planned it, if not better. She was only taking a wild guess about Tiffany’s virginity and it turned out she was right. She leaned forward at the balcony and gripped the wooden frames tightly. She smiled at the sea. The scenery was even more beautiful at night from where she’s standing.

Suddenly her phone vibrated. She reached her phone in the front pocket of her jacket and looked at the screen.

Incoming call..


She smirked and shook her head lightly. Then she look around to make sure that no one was there that could overhear their conversation. After she’s sure the perimeter was secured, she picked up the phone.

“What took you so long?!” A man’s voice asked angrily.

“Geez..can’t you be anymore louder?” Nicole asked sarcastically.

“Sorry, but you haven’t called the whole day. What’s the story over there?” Jaejoong asked impatiently over the phone.

Nicole smiled proudly before replying, “Well let’s just say, I finished the task that you took months to work on in less than 10 minutes.”

Jaejoong let out a small laugh, “You’re kidding?”

“I’m serious as hell. Now all you have to do is play your part when she’ll back working on Monday. Judging from what I’ve seen today, she seems pretty broken. Offer her a crying shoulder and she’ll be yours. See, I’ve done half of your job for you.” Nicole said, almost whispering.

There was silence at the other end of the line.

“Speechless?” Nicole teased.

“Mother was right. You’re a devil who disguised as an angel.” He finally said.

“I take that as a compliment.” Nicole chuckled and turned around to face the beach again. That’s when she saw a figure of a human sitting at the small jetty, a familiar figure of a young woman, hugging herself and based from her movement from afar she’s probably crying. That must be Tiffany. An idea came to her mind almost immediately.

“Nicole? Are you still there?” Jaejoong asked after there’s a long silence.

“I’m sorry, but I have an already ruined couple to ruin even more. Talk to you later.” She said before hanging up.

Then she looked up for a number in her phone and dialed it in an instant. She fidgeted her fingers while waiting for the phone to be picked up.

“Hello?” A male voice said.

“Hello Minho oppa, this is Nicole. I need to ask you if you know where Tiffany is?” She asked in a panicked voice.

“Tiffany? No. I haven’t seen her after we went back to the motel. What happened?” Minho asked, concern.

“Well, she was acting all teary after Jessica arrived and stormed out of the house without taking her jacket with her. I’m worried about her. It’s cold outside.” She said like she really meant it.

“Jessica, huh? I should’ve known.” Minho said it bitterly. Nicole can’t help but smiled hearing his tone.

“Oppa, if you’re somewhere around the small jetty, can you look for her there? I thought I saw her walking towards the beach.” She added.

“The jetty? Okay.” Minho said before hanging up in a hurry.

Nicole can’t help but grinning from ear to ear. Now all she has to do is to sit back and watch them fall without getting her hands dirty.

Suddenly she heard the sounds of hurried footsteps walking towards the stairs. Taeyeon, Sunny and Yoona were all geared up in their jackets and sweaters, obviously heading out.

“Where are you all going?” She asked with a concern look on her face.

Taeyeon stopped and reply to her, “We’re going to look for Tiffany. It’s getting late and she’s still out there.”

“Oh...wait! I think I saw her!” Nicole shouted causing Sunny and Yoona to stop as well.

“You did? Where?” Yoona asked, curious.

“Hmm...if I’m not mistaken, I saw her walking towards the town.” Nicole replied after pondering for a while.

“Okay, thanks! Hurry up!” Sunny said before pulling Taeyeon to come with her down the stairs.

Nicole looked at them and suppressed her smile as she can’t help but to think of how easy it was to trick them. The smile slowly crept on her face after she heard the door slammed shut. They’re off looking for Tiffany somewhere they’ll never find them.

“How did you know that Tiffany headed to town?” A voice asked from behind. Nicole was startled, she thought she was alone. But she’s not.

Krystal Jung was staring at her suspiciously.

“Excuse me?” Nicole asked and keeps on acting innocent.

Krystal looked at her from head to toe.

“Who are you? I don’t think I’ve met you before.” She asked arrogantly.

Nicole gulped, there’s something about this young girl that makes her feel so uncomfortable. It could be the way she looked at her like she’s scanning her inside out. She almost felt exposed, almost.

She cleared her throat, “I’m Nicole, I just started working in your family’s company. I came with your sister and her friends.”

She ended it with a friendly smile and a hand for a quick handshake. But she only received a cold stare from Krystal and a short, “Oh.” Nicole awkwardly pulled her hand to her side and cursed the girl in her mind.

“But still, how did you know that PillowFany headed to town?” Krystal continued to ask.

Nicole can’t help but secretly admires her persistence and replied, “I saw her or someone who looks like her walking towards the town, from the balcony.” Nicole replied, pointing out the balcony as she’s trying to act as natural as possible.

“That’s weird.” Krystal said.


“I’ve been here since I was a little kid and I know what kind of view I’ll get to see when I stood at that balcony.” She added. Nicole gulped.

“It’s either the beach and the lighthouse or the jetty. I hardly see the trail to town from there.” She continued.

Nicole couldn’t come up with a quick response; instead she stood there, frozen. One false move she could be exposed by this teenage girl. It’s better to stay silent. That’s when she realized how much she despised Krystal Jung.

Krystal smirked as she witnessed the smiling queen froze with no color on her face. There’s something fishy about her, Krystal can just tell.

“I’m gonna look for her at the jetty, just in case.” She said casually.

“You’re going to look for Tiffany too?” Nicole asked as she finally able to move again.

“I wasn’t a second ago, but now I will. She’s like my favourite person to tease in the world and it’s a coincidence that she’s my sister’s soul mate. My whole family cares about her. I especially, won’t let anyone hurt her or Jessica.” She said, staring at the short-haired young woman who tries to fake a friendly smile.

“Just letting you know.” Krystal continued in an almost threatening voice.

“Is that so? Tiffany is so blessed.” Nicole said, much more composed this time. She’s slowly recovering from the mini ice queen assault.

“Stinky Jing! You’re coming with me!” Krystal shouted as Jiyoung reached the second floor. She looked tired after helping Sunny and Taeyeon with the dishes at the kitchen.

“Where are you taking me?!” Jiyoung protested as she’s being dragged by Krystal downstairs.

Nicole looked at them until they disappeared behind the door and bit her lip.

She’s now officially despises Krystal Jung.


Tiffany leaned her back to the lamp post and exhale loudly. She wiped the corner of her eyes with the end of her sleeves to dry it off. But as soon as she put her hands back on her lap again, the tears run down her face. She begins to sob again, slowly and then loudly, ignoring the coldness that hit her. She’s only wearing a thin long-sleeves white blouse before escaping the tense of Jessica’s appearance during dinner. She’s only thinking of running away; she forgot to take the sweater with her.

Looking back at that moment, she was actually missing Jessica and hoping to see her warm smiles when she returns but then she was greeted by her furious gaze, without a small glimpse of sorry in her eyes. It was only for a few seconds but it penetrates deep into each other’s soul.

In her mind, she’s trying to understand Jessica because she loves her and she really wants to fix their relationship as soon as possible. She tries to put herself in her shoes and she can figure why Jessica was mad, it was because she was praising Minho a bit too much. It was her fault, she admit it. Maybe she shouldn’t talk about her ex, especially when he was there with them. Maybe she shouldn’t be too honest when she was playing the truth or dare game. Maybe she should just lie about it regardless Minho was there or not. It’s not like she doesn’t know how sensitive Jessica can get when it comes to that topic. She wished she could turn back the time and do everything differently.

She wiped her tears again, but they won’t stop coming out of her eyes. As she’s about to admit it was all her fault, her mind changed as if a devil just whispered to her.

“Stop using your dead mother as an excuse for you to find refuge in that b*stard.”

Jessica’s voice echoes in her head. Then it repeats itself over and over again like a broken record. Tiffany put both hands on her head, trying to get them out. She’s been trying to forget Jessica’s hurtful words before it get a hold on herself. She didn’t want to hate Jessica. She really doesn’t. She rather pretends that Jessica never said those words and takes all the blame. She’s willing to be the one who apologize this time. But the words became louder and louder and soon her head throbbing in pain as she’s trying to ignore them.

And soon her heart loses the battle.

She gritted her teeth. The tears are no longer rolling down her cheeks.

How could’ve Jessica said that to me?

She knew how tragic it was for me.

I trusted her so much and I told her about that dark period of my life.

But now she’s using it against me?

I can’t..believe what she did..

“I wonder if Tiffany Hwang’s skin is like the polar bears.” A voice said.

Tiffany was startled by the sudden comment about her skin and turned around. Lee Minho was walking towards her, smiling warmly before he took a seat next to the crying girl on the jetty.

“Oppa, what are you doing here?” Tiffany asked, surprised.

Minho chuckled before he removed his own jacket and put it over her cold shoulders.

“Hmm..trying to save a girl from freezing herself to death.” He replied.

Tiffany smiled weakly, “It’s not that cold.”

“Then you’re not human.”

Tiffany smile grew wider hearing his remark making Minho feels his 10 minute run to the jetty in the middle of the night was all worth it.

Minho wants to ask her a list of question but Tiffany’s sad smile made him speechless. She looked so fragile as if one false move can broke her into tears again. He didn’t want her to cry, so he decided to let the silence to take over the atmosphere. He stared at Tiffany as the girl looked down in silence with a few sparkling droplets still remained at the corner of her eyes. Then he looked at her hands. They’re pale and trembling. Gently he took both of her hands in his and put them together like a sandwich.

Tiffany looked at him in wonder. He smiled before blowing his warm breath into their hands. The girl was staring at him, touched with his gestures. Tears begin to fill up her eyes again.

“Miyoung-ah, it breaks my heart seeing you cry.” He said almost whispering.

Tiffany looked down without saying anything.

“Did she hurt you?” He asked as he can’t help himself.

“You can tell me anything. I’m your knight in shining armor, remember?” He continued gently.

Tiffany looked at the man before her. Minho is not that bad, except that he cheated behind his girlfriend and lied to her face. But then, Tiffany isn’t any better. She grew feelings for Jessica when she was still dating Minho. Suddenly Tiffany felt guilty for something she never thought before. It was quite unfair to him when she dumps him for another woman. She was so into Jessica that she almost completely erased their memory together. It’s not all bad. At one point, they were very happy together. He was her knight in shining armor for 5 years.

Tiffany cleared her throat, “Oppa, I..

“FANY-UNNIE!! THERE YOU ARE!!” A voice shouted.

Minho and Tiffany looked up, there were two teenage girls stood before them, panting.

“Krystal, Jiyoung..what are you two doing here?” Tiffany asked, surprised.

Krystal looked at them and their joined hands together. She detests them in her mind. For a tiny second she hated Tiffany.

She pulled Tiffany’s arm harshly causing Minho to let go of her hands. They were shocked by the sudden teenage angst.

“Krystal, what’s wrong?” Tiffany asked.

Krystal scoffed and stares at her sister’s fiancé.

“You are about to marry my sister. Do you think it’s nice for you to leisurely hang around the jetty in the middle of the night with your ex-boyfriend? How do you think that makes your fiancé feels? Or your future mother-in-law feels if they find out about this?” She asked continuously.

Tiffany was stunned; she has never been confronted by Krystal like this.

Then she saw a slight of anger and jealousy behind her gaze that greatly reminds her of Jessica.

“Well, your sister obviously doesn’t care about how I felt this evening.”


Chapter 22

Hot Chocolate, Milk & Blueberry Cake

Tiffany Hwang sat alone on the chair in the kitchen of the Jung beach house. She was still wearing the sweater that Krystal forced her to wear when she dragged her back to the house. It was chaotic back then when Krystal threw Minho’s jacket off of Tiffany to the ground and put on hers. She had never seen Krystal acted like that before. She can’t believe that she just argued with a teenage girl about her relationship with Jessica, turns out that Krystal Jung is actually a carbon copy of her sister, yelling and jumping into conclusions without letting the other party to explain, making Tiffany even angrier. Now she’s having a fight with both Jung sisters, maybe she should make a record of this date in her book since it’s such an accomplishment.

“You’re still up?” A voice said from behind her.

Tiffany looked up and saw another person who could possibly be added to her Jung Fight list, but also very unlikely.

“Hi mom.” She greeted with a smile. It’s hard not to smile when you’re around Julia Jung, she’s so warm and motherly.

Julia walked towards the girl and gently patted her puffy hair that caused Tiffany to smile even wider before taking a seat in front of her. In her hand was a huge brown mug, it was huge enough to stuff a kitten in it.

“Here, drink this. You look awful.” She said, slowly pushing the mug to Tiffany.

Tiffany was reluctant at first, considering that she’s not really in the mood for big mugs but she took it out of politeness. She held it with both of her hands to peek into the mysterious mug. But the delicious smell gave it all away before she had the chance to see it. It was hot chocolate.

“Thanks.” Tiffany said, smiling.

Mama Jung returned the smile and gestured her hand, asking Tiffany to drink it. Tiffany nodded and took a little sip of the aromatic drink. She felt ten times better.

“Hmm..this is delicious. Thank you, mom.” Tiffany said, smiling till her eyes were no longer visible.

Julia chuckled before letting out a small sigh. And then the silence took over them.

“So you two are fighting huh?” She asked suddenly. Tiffany paused from sipping her drink and put down the mug on the table with a light thud.

“We’re..not.” Tiffany said with a tone that even a 5 year old can detect that she’s lying.

Julia sighed again, but more loudly this time as if she’s letting go of a burden from her shoulders.

“You know Tiffany, Jessica..she inherited a lot of things from me. I mean traits, genes.” She said, like an intro that spiked curiosity.

“She inherited my looks, my talent and a lot more good things but..she also inherited some bad things from her father and grandfather.” She said before letting out a small laugh. Tiffany looked at her weirdly.

“Like her over the top, jealous gene, or her over controlling and possessive gene and also her..short- tempered gene..” Julia said before staring at Tiffany.

“When I had Jessica, my husband and I were fighting over this one..thing. It was because of my jealousy but..it was nothing really..” She paused and looked down as if she’s reminiscing about a painful memory.

She looked up and smiled before continuing, “..but it goes on for about 3 weeks. We didn’t speak a word to each other even we were living in the same house and shared the same bed. It was awful, especially when I was 7 months pregnant with Jessica.”

“I was much younger at that time, so I have this pride bigger than Mount Everest and Mike was..very short-tempered. Whenever he tried to talk to me, I ignored him and then he got mad and started to say a lot of hurtful things. He’d even insulted my family.”

Tiffany can’t help but relate the story to Papa Mike’s eldest daughter. Maybe it was the sole purpose of her story telling after all.

“Then what happened?” Tiffany asked, curious.

Julia leaned back on her chair and stares at the ceiling as if there was a screen that’s playing her past there.

“I gave up. I apologized to him and we make up. But ever since, I became a person I am right now. A little less Jung, a little more Julia, you know what I mean?” She said.

Tiffany shrugged and took another sip of her drink. The hot chocolate was getting colder as the story progressed.

“Honestly, I was shocked when Jessica came out to me about being a lesbian. I was trying to accept it, and it was hard. But you, Tiffany, made me made my decision a lot easier. I can only accept it, if it is you.” She continued. Tiffany tries to take another sip of her hot chocolate but then she realized that she drank it all.

Julia reached her hand forward and held Tiffany’s gently and said, “Honey, it’s okay to be the one who apologize first. I know it’s not easy to handle a Jung, but..I hope you won’t give up.”


“I need to ask you about something.” Hara said to her brother. She’s been tagging him since dinner and it’s making Hyunjoong nervous. After all, he did something behind her back that she won’t be too pleased about if she finds out.

“Oh, really?” Hyunjoong asked as he tries to hide his nervousness by clicking on random links on his black Sony Vaio. Suddenly he’s playing FarmVille on facebook and even reached level three, his body must be on autopilot.

Hara nodded, with hesitation and excitement all mixed into one. She crossed her legs as she continues to lie on her stomach on her brother’s bed.

“I need your opinion about..this thing.” She said before stood up straight and moved closer to his brother who’s sitting at the study table and staring intently at the screen where there were chickens and crops.

“I’m kinda busy right now, Hara.” He said as he’s clicking his mouse randomly to make him sounds busy.

Hara looked at the screen and shook her head.

“Busy planting cotton on your farm?” She asked incredulously. They both laughed.

Hyunjoong sighed and turned to his sister, he don’t want to be accused as the brother who neglect his only sister. He crossed his arms and cleared his throat.

“Actually, I was planting soybeans. Cotton took 3 days to harvest and I can’t wait that long since I’m saving coins to buy a cow.” He said like it was a serious business.

The younger sibling laughed, she has to admit that his brother lousy attempts at comedy can be funny sometimes.

“I can just give you a cow if you want, as a gift in the game. My farm is pretty huge.” Hara replied as she played along.

Hyunjoong smiled and pats his sister’s head gently. “Will you really do that for me? Give me something that I really want?” He said, his voice was sounded serious but also not.

Hara smiled and nodded, “Of course I will. You are my brother, and I love you. I can give you 10 cows if you want.”

The two siblings laughed as the thoughts of filling their virtual farms with cows suddenly appeared. It’ll be CowVille.

“Okay so, what do you want to ask me about?” He asked as he leaned his back on the ergonomic chair, looking much more relaxed this time.

Hara was smiling, but she wasn’t saying anything. Though she looked like she wants to say something. Hyunjoong could only guess one thing.

“Did you get yourself in trouble and want me to solve it for you without telling mom and dad again?” He asked, worried.

His sister’s expression changed and she begin to pout like a little kid who lost her ice cream to another kid who’s bigger. Hyunjoong chuckled.

“I’m not! I’m a grown up! I don’t get into trouble that often now!” She protested.

“Well I’m glad that our Hara is all grown up now. So what’s the mysterious thing that the grown up Hara wanna ask me about?” He asked, trying to make his sister to smile again.

Hara grinned before hitting his brother lightly on his head with a pillow.

“Well, oppa, I’m thinking of doing ‘it’ with Sooyoung tonight. What do you think?” She said with her face pink like Patrick Star’s skin.

That statement had quite an effect on Hyunjoong. His face had turned pale, his hands were trembling and he had become temporarily mute. The room felt colder like the temperature just dropped by a few degrees.

“I think it’s about time. I mean, we’ve been dating for a while. It’s not like I’m rushing into it or anything.” Hara said, hoping that his brother won’t judge her for her intention.

Hyunjoong still stayed mute, and probably paralyzed too as he’s not moving an inch.

“And for the first time you won’t have to worry if I will get knocked up. So yay!” Hara continued, hoping to make him respond to anything she’s been saying.

Hyunjoong froze like a living fish in the fridge waiting to die by any second. He felt the indescribable amount of pain on his chest as if there’s a 10 tonnes of weight being put on it.

“Uh..no. I don’t think that’s a good idea.” He said after a long silence. Hara was shocked; she was hoping that her brother would be more supportive.

“Why?” She asked, disappointed.

“Because..she might not be ready for it. I just don’t want you to force it on her. Maybe you should talk to her about it first.” He reasoned.

“But-But she might as well want it just as much as I do! You’ll never know until you try, right?” Hara said, upset.

“Yeah, but..

“That’s enough. I don’t know why I’m telling you this in the first place. This is why I’ve always wanted a sister.” Hara said before standing up from his bed.

“Hara, wait.” Hyunjoong said as he held her arm.

“Thanks for your concern, but I think I can handle this by myself.” Hara said before leaving his brother. Hyunjoong stared at the door as his sister closed it shut. For some reason he felt that he might lose something that he never had. He has to do something, fast.


Tiffany has been standing in front of her room for almost 15 minutes. She’s been thinking as she walked back and forth whether she should enter the room or not, the room where Jessica is also in. She held the door knob and then let it go. Her hand has gotten numb from repeating the same action for every 2 minutes. She really want to talk to Jessica and let her know everything she feels, she also want Jessica to apologize for her harsh words earlier and it can only be done through a real conversation. They’re there for a vacation and she had decided to end their war tonight and claim her hot make-up session. After getting her mind together and even say a prayer, she exhale loudly and turned the door knob. The door slowly opened, it wasn’t locked.

Tiffany slowly pushed the door open and entered the room. It wasn’t long till she found who she’s looking for, Jessica. She was sitting by the edge of the bed, texting with her phone and even though she knew there’s another person had entered the room, she’s acting like she doesn’t care.

The dark haired girl didn’t know what to expect from her fiancé. There was no expression on her face; it was blank like a computer screen without CPU. Tiffany walked closer to her, with each steps feels heavy as if there’s a ball and chain attached to each of her foot. After what it seems like light years long, she finally reached Jessica and stood before her as she’s gathering the strength and the right words to begin their conversation.

Jessica kept mum, still pushing the buttons on her phone like she’s typing a 5 page essay on it. She crossed her legs and didn’t even bother looking at her fiancé who’s been staring at her for almost another light year.

“Jessica, we need to talk.” Tiffany said after mustering all the ounce of strength she have.

Tiffany was expecting another ignoring scene where she’ll probably talk to the wall again, but to her surprise, Jessica looked up.

“I’m not in the mood to talk.” She said coldly.

Tiffany scoffed, “What?”

Jessica stood up and glanced at her before walking to the door.

“Excuse me?!” Tiffany said, almost shouting.

“You heard me.” Jessica said before exited the room and headed downstairs.

Tiffany scoffed again and rushed to the door to catch the glimpse of her moody fiancé who’s walking down the stairs.

“I’ll be waiting for you in this room. No matter how long.” She said before the blond haired girl disappears behind a wall.

I won’t give up.


“Have you seen Sooyoung?” Hyunjoong asked to the tired looking Sunny. The usually smiling girl glared at him causing him to gulp.

“What makes you think I know where she is? I’m not her mother! Why all of the sudden, everyone went missing today anyway?! I just spent 3 hours looking for Tiffany downtown before finding out that she’s already home! A 16 year old find her! Now I’m tired and I just want to go to sleep! Don’t ask me about another missing girl!” She ranted with the mixtures of questions and statements with a lot of anger.

Hyunjoong took a few steps backward and put up his hands in defeat. “Okay, okay, I’ll look for her myself. Get some rest.”

Sunny gave him an adorable scoff before stomping her feet upstairs.

“She’s cranky when she’s tired. I hope you understand.” A voice said from behind.

A not-so-tall girl was smiling as she’s holding two mugs of warm milk in her hands. She looked like an elf.

“It’s okay.” Hyunjoong said, smiling.

Taeyeon bowed at him before making her way upstairs.

“Ah, wait.” She said, stopping at the third step of the stairs and turned around.

“Yes?” Hyunjoong asked as they looked at each other, same eye level. She is now the same height as him. He was shocked to see the growth in Taeyeon in a few seconds and thinking about drinking milk before realizing that the girl was standing on the stairs. It wasn’t the milk.

“If you’re looking for Sooyoung, she’s in her natural habitat.” She said but Hyunjoong can’t still figure out what she’s saying.

“The kitchen.” Taeyeon continued before chuckling at her own joke.

Hyunjoong smiled at the funny elf and nodded, “Thanks.”

“Shouldn’t you be looking for Seohyun instead?” Taeyeon asked, curious.

He let out a few nervous laughs before replying, “I just have something to talk to Sooyoung, that’s all.”

Taeyeon looked at him and nodded, “Oh. Well, I need to get the milk to my wife, or it’ll turn cold. Good night, oppa.”

“Yeah sure, good night.” He said, smiling warmly.

It didn’t take long for him to reach the kitchen with his long steps after Taeyeon left. He entered the kitchen and there she was, Sooyoung devouring a slice of blueberry cake all by herself.

“Oh, oppa.. You’re not sleeping yet?” She asked, looking guilty for still eating long after dessert.

Hyunjoong smiled before sitting across the girl who’s trying to wipe the remains of the cake around her mouth with a napkin. She was nervous, he could tell. She fixed her hair and wiped her mouth clean even when he’s already in front of her. Her effort was too cute to bear.

“You miss a spot.” He said after she put down her napkin and sure she looked good.


Hyunjoong reached his hand forward and gently wiped a small piece of blueberry on her chin. He wondered how it even got there but since its Sooyoung it’s understandable. Sooyoung could feel her body heated up as he touched her face, if she was holding a block of ice it would probably melt in a mere second.

“Thanks.” She said after he helped wiping her chin. She looked down, embarrassed. And she knows it’s not just the cake.

Hyunjoong was staring at the girl before her, causing her to feel extremely uncomfortable. She tries to finish her cake but she has lost her appetite. He’s making her nervous.

“There’s something I want to tell you.” He suddenly asked; his voice was slow and gentle as if Sooyoung was the only one that can hear him.

Sooyoung put down her spoon on plate that contains her slice of half-eaten blueberry cake before looking at him and smiled.

“Sure. What is it?” She asked, curious. She’s sure there are a lot of things that should be discussed after what happened earlier that evening.

Hyunjoong gulped, like he was trying to remove a huge lump of saliva in his throat. He gave her a weak smile with a faint sadness and hope in his eyes making her felt like holding him in her arms like a baby and hush him not to cry.

“Sooyoung-ah..” He paused. Then he reached forward and held her hand. They intertwined their fingers almost immediately like long-lost lovers. He bit his lip and looked into her eyes.

“I love you.”


Chapter 23

Beach Games


“I love you.” Hyunjoong said it bluntly.

He’s not sure what he was saying, or was he really meant it but he knows exactly why he’s doing it. It was because he simply doesn’t want to lose Sooyoung. It’s probably the most selfish thing he’s ever done, especially to his own sister but he wasn’t thinking straight. He followed his emotions and that was what it came down to, a rushed confession to prevent Sooyoung and Hara from getting together.

Sooyoung was too shocked at the sudden love confession, she can hardly breathe. Love is a big word that portrays deep feelings and hearing it from a man like Hyunjoong made her feel burdened. She felt responsible and guilty for him and she didn’t quite sure why. Maybe because he’s her girlfriend’s brother who’s dating her friend whom she locked lips with earlier that evening. She froze up and she’s pretty sure her face had turned into other inhuman color like white, pink or purple. Or it’s the mixture of all three.

Awkward silence fill the atmosphere as the long seconds passes by. It was almost 2 in the morning and the kitchen was eerily quiet. It was so silent that Sooyoung thought she heard someone snored at the second floor. She guessed it was Yoona. Sooyoung didn’t know how to react since she’s unsure with her own feelings for the past few days. She’s been thinking a lot about Hyunjoong and begins to ignore Hara’s calls.

Does this mean..

“Who loves who?” A voice asked from behind them. They were too busy with their inner thoughts that they didn’t notice Jessica who’s standing by the fridge and probably been listening to them all along.

Sooyoung quickly pulled her hand away from Hyunjoong before clasping her own hands together and crept out an awkward smile.

“Hey..Sica, how are you?” She greeted like a woman at the morning market.

Jessica raised her eyebrow as she walked closer to the most unsuspecting pair, looking completely dissatisfied. She stood by the table with her arm crossed and alternating her gaze from Sooyoung to Hyunjoong suspiciously. Hyunjoong cleared his throat and smiled at his cousin like nothing happened, but her hawk eyes can tell that he’s hiding something. After all, he was sweating in the middle of the night.

“What is going on here?” She asked like she just caught a pair of cheating couple. Since Hyunjoong sent Sooyoung the lobster plushie at work, she had always had a hunch about them, and she might be right.

“Nothing. We were just talking.” Hyunjoong replied casually.

“Is that so?” Jessica asked in her signature threatening tone. Hyunjoong gulped and looked away, thinking that the best thing for him to do is to avoid the conversation. He hated drama.

He glanced at the old yellow clock on the kitchen wall before suddenly stood up from his seat. “It’s getting really late; I think I should head to bed now. My mom wants us all to play volleyball at the beach tomorrow so I’m gonna get a nice rest.”

Jessica stared at him blankly for a few seconds before nodded in agreement. Hyunjoong sighed in relief; the last thing he wants to deal with is an angry female cousin early in the morning.

“Good night cousin.” Jessica said coldly as the man with the expensive haircut leaves the kitchen with a nervous smile.

And then there were two of them in the kitchen. One short haired confused young woman who just received a love confession from her girlfriend’s brother and one emotionally unstable rich blond who just walked out a conversation from her fiancé. They looked at each other; the blond gave the short-haired a questioning look, a look that demands long explanation.

Sooyoung sighed and looked away in defeat to their little staring contest.

“It’s not what you think.” She said.

Jessica scoffed before taking a seat in front of Sooyoung and takes a sip of her cold milk from her mug.

“I am not deaf. I heard clearly what he said to you. ‘I love you?’ Really? You gotta be kidding me.” Jessica said with incredulous look on her face.

Sooyoung bit her lip and said, “Well, it’s..complicated..”

“Complicated? Let me ask you one clear question. Who are you dating? Hara or her brother?” Jessica asked firmly.

“Of course it’s..Hara.” Sooyoung replied with a sigh.

“Then that’s not complicated. You’re dating Hara, not her brother. And the last time I checked, Hyunjoong is dating Seohyun, not Sooyoung.” Jessica said it, a bit pissed.

Sooyoung shook her head slowly before buried her face in her hands, “What am I doing?” She asked herself.

“Are you toying with the both of them?!” Jessica asked.

“No! I’m not! It’s not like that!” Sooyoung said as she shook her head vigorously.

“But Sooyoung, seriously..what the hell are you doing?! Hyunjoong is in love with you?! Do you love him too?! When did this happen?!” Jessica asked the question continuously.

“I don’t know! I also don't know why I kissed him this evening and now you’re making me feel bad about it!” Sooyoung bursts under the tension.

Jessica was speechless, her jaw dropped.

“Omo..You guys..kissed?” She asked, almost whispering.

Sooyoung’s face just turned pale, paler than the Cullen’s. She looked all over the kitchen, trying to find the right thing to say, “Sica..I..

“How could you cheat on Hara?” Jessica asked, her voice was sharp and filled with anger.

“Sica, listen..

“She trusts you, both of you. And you guys did this to her? How..despicable.” Jessica continued despite Sooyoung’s attempts to explain.

Sooyoung scoffed, “Jessica, I didn’t cheat on her. And me and Hyunjoong, we’re not dating. What happened was..out of our control..and..

“And what exactly? You cheated on her. You kissed her brother. That’s the fact, Choi Sooyoung. Stop denying because it made you look even uglier.” Jessica said it with a disgusted look.

Sooyoung exhale loudly as she’s trying to gather all the information that her friend just threw at her. She hates to admit it, but her friend was right. What she did was indeed despicable. She looked down and stared at her own hands as they’re trembling with mixed emotions. It could be that she was embarrassed of what she did, or maybe it was guilt. Slowly she could feel water gather around her eyes, waiting to fall down to the ground.

“I thought I was twisted but you’re much worse. You made me look like a saint.” Jessica continued, oblivious of her friend’s meltdown.

“I love Hara..” Sooyoung paused and look at the girl before her.

“Then why are you doing this to her?!” Jessica asked, angry.

“..but I think I like Hyunjoong too.” Sooyoung continued.

Jessica sighed and leaned her back to her chair.

“Sica, what should I do?” Sooyoung asked helplessly before tears begin to roll down her cheeks.


“Where is everyone? I want them to eat my pancakes.” Sunny said to her kitchen helper, her own wife.

Taeyeon grinned widely before giving her wife a soft peck on her pouting lips. Sunny smiled before putting down the spatula and wrapped her arms around her wife’s waist. The wives kept staring at each other as they let their foreheads touched. And then their noses touched. And in less than a second, their lips found each other and refuse to part. Sunny pushed her wife to the cabinet for a better position as they continued to make out as if they’re at their own kitchen.

“Your pancake is burnt.” A voice said.

It took Sunny and Taeyeon a few seconds to realize that they’re being watched by an underage girl.

“Oh my god, it’s Krystal!” Taeyeon said as she pushed Sunny away. They both stood side by side with pale faces as the 16 year old continues to stare at them as if there’s something on their faces.

“Er..that. I’m sure it’s not a good idea to have pancake shaped coal for breakfast.” Krystal said, pointing at the stove.

“Oh my! The pancake!” Sunny shouted as she remembered about the poor piece of pancake in the pan.

Krystal rolled her eyes before poured herself a glass of orange juice on the counter.

“So we’re gonna play volleyball today. Are you two in?” She asked to the married couple.

Taeyeon nodded, “We’re pretty good at volleyball. We wouldn’t miss it.”

Krystal smiled, “Good, I’m looking forward..

“TIFFANY, WAIT!” Jessica’s voice was heard from the staircase, and then it was followed by the hurried footsteps. It was hard not to stop and stare at that direction when it smelled like morning drama.

Tiffany stomped her feet as she walked down the stairs, looking angry as she ignored her fiancé who’s tailing behind her.

“Honey, don’t go!” Jessica said, pulling her fiancé’s arm to stop her. Her attempt was a success as Tiffany stopped and turned around right in the middle of the kitchen. Taeyeon, Sunny and Krystal were looking at each other, clueless of what they might witness next.

“I waited for you last night! All alone in the room, but you never came!” Tiffany bursts. Her eyes were filled with fury and suppressed pain.

Jessica sighed and rubbed Tiffany’s arm gently as she tries to calm her down.

“Honey, I did came, but you were already asleep so..I don’t want to wake you up because you looked so tired.” She explained it with the gentlest voice ever heard. Krystal’s fingers were curling up, while Sunny almost burnt another pancake.

“That’s not an excuse! You walk away from me last night when I was trying to make things right between us!” Tiffany protested with shaking voice. She was holding back her tears.

Jessica sighed in defeat; she did walk out on Tiffany before spending hours talking with Sooyoung in the kitchen. She blamed Sooyoung for this. She only went down to get some milk but Sooyoung dragged her into a deep conversation about each other’s complicated love life.

“Well, let’s make things right for us, now. Let’s talk, I’m all yours.” Jessica said, smiling sweetly as she hoped Tiffany will let things slide.

“No! I want us to talk yesterday! Yesterday! Sorry but, the offer is no longer available.” Tiffany said coldly before pulling her arms away from Jessica before walking towards the back door.

“Tiffany!” Jessica called, still trying to follow the upset girl.

“Don’t follow me, Jessica! The only thing I want is to be away from you right now!” Tiffany said before slamming the door on her fiancé’s face.

The kitchen was unusually quiet after Tiffany’s dramatic exit. There were only sounds of the pancake being cooked on the pan followed by another burnt smell.

Jessica looked sadly at her audience, as she’s trying to save whatever pride she got left.

“Sunny-ah, your pancake is burnt.” She said.


“Is everybody here?” Joanna Jung said as she put both her hands on her waist. She was standing at the beach, wearing a sexy 2 piece bikini with leopard pattern. She looked stunningly beautiful, making it hard for the others to believe that Hara and Hyunjoong came out from that woman’s body.

“I think so.” Hara said after looking behind her shoulder and sees everyone’s faces.

“Er but..I don’t think I see Jessica, Hyunjoong and..Sooyoung.” Nicole said casually and glanced at Hara who’s standing next to her. She was close enough to see the sadness in the girl’s eyes as she mentioned Sooyoung’s name. While Seohyun gulped and continues to read the novel that she brought as she sat on the sand.

“Maybe we can just start the game without them, mom.” Hara said, urging to forget the late bunch or maybe a certain someone.

“Let’s just wait a little longer. Jessica loves volleyball; she’ll not be pleased if everyone starts without her.” Julia said with a smile. She was wearing a loose white shirt and a pair of jeans as she’s sitting on the blue mat under the picnic umbrella with Taeyeon and Sunny who’s arranging their Tupperware picnic sets that’s filled with home-cooked food. Tiffany frowned upon hearing that name mentioned.

Joanna nodded before putting on her designer’s shades, “Okay, let’s wait for them. I need my boy for my team anyways.”

Krystal can’t stop staring at Jiyoung who was busy building of what it looked like a sand castle. She looked at her swimsuit, can’t stop but noting that it was the school’s swimsuit. It was the only decent piece that Jiyoung has in her closet but Krystal got irritated just by looking. She sighed and walked to the busy construction site. There was a castle in the making. Jiyoung was diligently shaping the sand and smiled in satisfaction when she finished her first tower.

Then her pride and joy was crushed when a foot suddenly stepped on it, like a demolisher.


“Castle? I thought that was a huge lump of sand that looked like..a huge lump of sand.” Krystal said purposely to hurt her.

Jiyoung stood up and stomped her feet on the ground, angry.

“Why did you do that for?! Can’t you see that I’m here?!” She asked.

“It’s not my fault if you’re too plain to be noticed. Especially wearing that..thing.” Krystal said, gesturing to her swimsuit.

Jiyoung sighed and looked down, it’s just one of those moment when Krystal Jung just make fun of her outfit and lower her confidence. She thought they are friends now after being dragged to catch the cheating fiancé by the jetty but it seems like she’s wrong about it.

“You’re here with my family and friends. Do you think it’s appropriate for you to wear..that at the beach with us? You’re humiliating us.” Krystal said mercilessly.

Jiyoung bit her lip, wishing that Krystal was never born.

“I have to take care of family reputation, as always.” Krystal sighed, staring at Jiyoung. The girl wished she’s a turtle so that she can hide in her shell from Krystal’s predatory stare.

“Come with me. Let me show you how it’s done for a Jung’s beach picnic.” Krystal said and dragged Jiyoung’s hand by surprise.


Yoona lies on the beach, sporting a cool shades and a sexy bikini that Yuri had bought her. She’s in a good mood after her 2 hours phone conversation with Yuri last night. Though she was away, she knows that Yuri is also thinking of her.

Suddenly her phone rang; it was the Star Wars theme again. Yoona quickly sits up straight and grabbed her phone. She was hoping for her girlfriend to call again, but it was all wishful thinking.

Incoming call..


It was tempting, she must admit. On the other end of the line was a hunky man with beautiful eyes, sweet smile and not to mention hot muscular body. But despite all that, she was able to ignore the phone call and continued to lie down.

“Why don’t you pick up the phone?” Asked Seungyeon who’s sitting next to her. She looked at her as she enjoys the warm sea breeze.

“It was Khun.” Yoona replied short.

“So?” Seungyeon asked, shrugging.

“I don’t want to give false hope on him. I already have Yuri.” Yoona said as she continues to lie down on her back with her eyes closed.

Seungyeon secretly admired her loyalty. Yoona is a gorgeous girl who’s alone at the beach without her girlfriend. Others like Kwon Yuri, might have just have fun with the random hunks and beauties but Yoona is not like others.

“Yuri is not here. She’s thousand miles away, probably mingling with exotic man and even woman. She wouldn’t know if you’re taking Khun’s call.” Seungyeon tries to convince.

“Khun seems like a nice man. I don’t think it’ll hurt anyone if you just try..to get to know him better.” Seungyeon added after receiving no response from Yoona.

“I don’t know..but I do think he’s nice and cute..” Yoona said, smiling coyly.

Then her phone rang again. It was Khun.

The two girls looked at each other, trying to decide what to do. Yoona was hesitating whether to pick it up or not. In the end Seungyeon grabbed the phone and pick it up.

“What are you doing?!” Yoona asked.

“Here, talk to him.” Seungyeon handed her the phone. Yoona shook her head and her hands, gesturing that she don’t want to take the call.

“Hello? Yoona are you there?” The male voice said.

“Hurry up.” Seungyeon insisted in a low voice. Yoona sighed in defeat and took the phone from Seungyeon.

“Hello oppa..” She said before walking away from the others to have more privacy.

Seungyeon smiled in satisfaction. Sometimes all it need is a little push.


Hara sat down on the sand, away from the others with a sad face. Her eyes seems swollen probably the effect from crying last night. She let her hair loose and doesn’t even bother to put on the sunscreen on her body as the day getting warmer. She’s just out of it that day and Nicole noticed everything.

“Are you planning to toast yourself today?” Nicole asked as she walked towards her co-worker.

Hara looked up and saw something that she can’t ignore. A beautiful short haired girl wearing sexy black bikini that brings out the best in her. Hara almost can’t recognize the bubbly girl when she had transformed into a sexy vixen.

“Nicole..” Was the only thing she managed to said to her.

Nicole chuckled and pushed Hara down with her hands. Hara was surprised, she had some indecent thoughts about her action but she complies anyway. She laid herself on her back and let the other girl straddle her.

“Er..what are you doing?” She asked as she finally realized that Hara had her trapped in between her thighs out in the open beach. This can definitely give people the wrong idea. And it’s definitely not her way to open up to her mother about her sexual orientation.

Nicole smiled and pushed her down, “Relax, I just want to help you with this.”

She said, pointing to a bottle of sunscreen.

“Oh.” Hara said, relieved. Or maybe disappointed, she’s not sure.

Nicole put the lotion on her hands and begins rubbing it on Hara’s body. Hara froze as her body begin to heat up, her face, her stomach and the area down under. It was weird, for anyone to get help to apply lotion at areas that they can reach, but Hara let Nicole do it anyway. She rubs her body sensually, from her tensed shoulders along her long arms before intertwining their fingers together. Then she rubs her stomach with both hands moving up and down and around her waist causing Hara to feel slightly turned on. Then she gave a light massage on her chest, barely touching her breast causing the other girl to moan slowly.

Nicole smiled naughtily and leaned forward to her face. Their faces were close enough to feel each other’s breath.

“She doesn’t deserve you.” Nicole whispered.

Hara gulped as they’re locked in an intense eye contact.

Nicole moved her face to her neck and continued, “If you’re mine..

She put her fingers on Hara’s lips, gently brushing it before taking the girls hand in hers.

..I will give you everything you need.”


Chapter 24


“Yah Jessicaaa!!!” Sooyoung shouted as she saw a glimpse of blond haired woman in the kitchen.

Jessica stopped and looked at Sooyoung who’s rushing to her; she was already geared up for the beach, wearing her pink bikini that Tiffany gave her inside her yellow thin jacket.

“What is it?” She asked, removing her shades to have a better look at her tall friend.

“You tricked me! Last night, you tricked me!” Sooyoung said angrily.

Jessica paused as she’s trying to recall the event that happened last night. They talked about so many things, Hara, Hyunjoong, Tiffany and even Minho. Sooyoung also helped in clarifying what Minho means to Tiffany until Jessica finally able to accept it. It was too much that they talked and Jessica was confused on what exactly Sooyoung is fussing about.

After a few zoned out seconds, then she remembered.

“Oh, last night. Well, how did it go for you and Hara? I bet it was smooth.” She said, smiling suggestively, nudging the tall girl.

But Sooyoung replied it with a smack on her shoulder.

“OWWW! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” Jessica screamed in high pitch.

“You know what that is for! I told you that I wasn’t ready for er..you know and that I want to think first before making any decision, but you!! I can’t believe that you..

Jessica sighed and rolled her eyes, “I made you drunk and throw you to Hara without your consent, but it was all for your own good. I mean, I can’t let you make wrong decision when you already know what your heart says. And it wasn’t easy taking you upstairs, given your butt size and all... But it’s okay, don’t thank me.”

Sooyoung grunted in frustration, “What do you mean by ‘what my heart says’? Don’t I get to make my own decision?”

“When you were drunk, you can’t stop saying Hara’s name and how much you love her. I can’t ignore that. But it’s all good right? Once you slept with the girl you love, I think you know for sure that you’re gay. You’re lesbigay.” Jessica said it in an annoying tone.

Sooyoung scoffed, “But it didn’t happen alright. And I made it worse for her. All thanks to you.”

“Wait, it didn’t happen? But why?” Jessica asked, shocked.

“It almost happened. We were at the..third base and then..” Sooyoung paused.

“Then what?” The blond asked, impatient.

Sooyoung looked guilty as she said, “I pushed her away.”

Jessica was speechless, she kept shaking her head.

“How on earth you push someone when it’s already third base?! What are you, a straight woman?!” She asked with an incredulous look on her face.

Sooyoung shrugged, “I don’t know, maybe I am.”

Jessica leaned her back at the kitchen counter and grabbed one of Sunny’s burnt pancakes to calm herself. Sooyoung is straight? She feels so cheated. She bit the pancake and chewed it angrily.

“Sica, I feel bad for what happened. Like really. I don’t want her to hate me.” Sooyoung said slowly.

“UGGGHHHH!!” Jessica shouted and spit out something from her mouth.

“Oh come on, I’m not that bad for you to spit at!” Sooyoung said, annoyed.

“Not you. It’s the inedible pancake.” Jessica said, pointing at the piece of burnt food before throwing it into the trash can.

She put her arm around her friend’s shoulder.

“Hey, try again. Maybe you were just shocked. This time, give her what she wants, I can give you the walk through..” Jessica said it like they’re planning a scam.

Sooyoung sighed again before removing her friend’s hand from her shoulder.

“Sica, unlike you, I don’t think sex is the solution to everything. This is about my feelings, and I want to think about it carefully.”

“Sex always works for me and Tiffany though..” Jessica said, shrugging.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, “Yeah, and look at you two now. You guys can’t even communicate well. Because every time a problem arises, you will use your hormones to solve it. When in reality, nothing was solved. You need to learn how to manage your relationship without using sex.”

“Look, the sibling wrecker is trying to give me advice on relationship.” Jessica said it sarcastically.

“And I can’t believe that I’m giving advice to a jealous horny freak.” Sooyoung replied, causing the blond to close her mouth shut.

They looked at each other in tense eye contact. They were supposed to give advice on each other’s relationship problem but they both had crossed the line.

“I want you to apologize for throwing me to Hara last night.” Sooyoung said, serious.

Jessica shook her head, “It wasn’t my fault. If you didn’t push her away, you two will still probably stay in bed right now.”

Sooyoung sighed; she really didn’t want to fight with the only person who knew what’s going on with her dilemma. She needs her. But still, she can have her revenge.

“Tiffany is still mad at me because I stood her up last night. And it’s all because of you. Don’t you think you owe me an apology too?” Jessica argued childishly.

“You’re right. I’m sorry.” Sooyoung said suddenly.

“What?” Jessica asked, shocked. She had no idea that Sooyoung can give in easily. It’s not fun.

“And I will make it up to you.” Sooyoung added.

“Oh really?”

Sooyoung nodded, “To get to Tiffany’s good side again, you should..ask her to ride a bicycle.”

“A bicycle?”

“Yes. Tiffany loves bicycle! She never told you that?” Sooyoung asked, convincingly.

“No. She never even mentioned anything about bicycle to me. Ever.”

“So I’m giving you this precious piece of information so that you can surprise her with a romantic date on bicycles where you can talk about your ridiculous jealous issues and apologize for being such a jerk that disrespects her past. No tongues in each other’s mouth, or hands under her shirt and pants, just an honest, heart to heart conversation between two lovers. Doesn’t that sound perfect?” Sooyoung added.

Jessica sighed.

“Though I prefer talk in between kisses where there are no clothes are present, your suggestion actually sounds well..pretty cool.” She admits.

Sooyoung smiled, “Of course, it’s me.”

“It’s Sooyoung who played Hara and Hyunjoong at the same time.” Jessica said, teasing.

The tall girl glared at her annoying friend, “I don’t plan this to happen.” She said, serious.

Realizing Sooyoung’s sudden serious mood, Jessica reached forward to hold her hands. She swayed them like little kids in primary school and looked into her eyes.

“You must make a choice, fast. Because this thing you’re doing right now is going to break many hearts. Hara, Seohyun, Hyunjoong and even yourself.” She said in the surprisingly sensible tone.

She pats Sooyoung’s head gently.

“You know how we Jung get jealous easily? How fragile we are?” She asked to the troubled tall girl.

Sooyoung nodded.

“Well, Hara is..two times worse than me. She’s much more jealous and even more fragile. So you have to be extra careful with her heart.” Jessica continued.

Sooyoung looked down and bit her lip.

“But, what about Hyunjoong? You’re making it sounds like Hara is the one I should choose.”

Jessica rolled her eyes and let go of Sooyoung’s hand immediately, causing the other girl to gulped.

“You seriously don’t love Hara anymore?” She asked, angry.

Sooyoung shook her head, “I didn’t say that, it’s just..

“If you pick Hyunjoong, her sister will hate both of you forever. Do you want to be responsible for breaking their family bond too?” Jessica asked.

“Sica, I..

“As much as I love my male cousin, I don’t agree with what he’s doing. I don’t even know what he’s thinking. Listen, you’re blinded and confused by his charms that you don’t know what you already have. Wake up Sooyoung, before it's too late.” Jessica continued.

She glanced at Sooyoung one last time before putting her shades on and walked out through the back door towards the beach in style.


“Nicole, stop it!” Hara shouted, before giggling as she ran away from the other girl. Nicole was doing the opposite, splashing the doe-eyed girl with the sea water, until she’s soaked wet.

“What’s the point of coming to the beach but not enjoying the sea? Like seriously, if you want to tan, just lay under the sun in your backyard!” Nicole said, walking out of the water towards Hara who stood by on the dry sand. Hara smiled excitedly but then her expression changed quickly as she stares at the body that emerges from the sea. She was stunned as her eyes fixed on Nicole’s way of shaking her wet hair, the water that drips from her body and the way she sway her hips in that sexy bikini. It was breathtaking.

Hara gulped and she’s pretty sure her cheeks are red like a pair of ripe tomatoes.

Nicole smiled and grabbed her arms, “Come, I wanna get wet with you.”

Hara smirked at her rather suggestive remark and followed her into the water. She just can’t say no.

It was innocent at first as they were splashing water to each other like two immature kids. Then a small wave came, causing Hara to cling to Nicole for support. And that was enough for their raging hormones to take over their sanity. Nicole wrapped one arm around Hara’s petite body while stroking her face gently with another.

Hara was caught in the moment and she actually enjoyed the attention that Nicole was giving her. She’s frustrated with Sooyoung, who hardly spends time with her and always came up with excuses. And her breaking point was last night. Sooyoung left her last night when they were in bed. It hurt her pride so much when Sooyoung pushed her away and exited the room without any explanation when they were hot and heavy. She kept questioning herself on what went wrong. She felt insecure over her own body and her girlfriend’s feelings for her. And when Nicole came and treats her this way, it was like a shelter that she found on a rainy day. She’s not sure what her intentions are, and if she really meant what she said, but Hara finds herself very attracted to her. It’s something that she can’t resist.

“Thanks.” Hara said, after Nicole support her from falling into the water.

“You can always count on me.” The short-haired girl replied, smiling.

“You’re good with words.” Hara continued, smiling coyly.

“Only to the ones that I like.” Nicole said, slowly letting go of her arms.

Hara raised an eyebrow, “Oh yeah?”

Nicole’s lips curved upwards, forming a sexy smile.

“I’m not going to lie; I’m so attracted to you. My body just can’t stay away from you.” Nicole added, gently rubbing her fingers against Hara’s bare chest causing the other girl to gulp nervously.

Nicole moved closer to Hara and stared at her plump lips, aiming for a kiss. She inched closer and closer to her destination, Hara find herself moved closer to her too.

Just a small gap away from their first kiss, Hara said, “I have a girlfriend.”

Nicole stopped inching closer and pulled back.

“But she doesn’t know how to appreciate you. It’s a shame.” She said, looking away.

“But I love her.” Hara added.

Nicole smiled, “But still, you can’t deny how much you want me right now.”

Hara gulped, she was right. Everything Nicole do or say, it drives her crazy inside and it shows.

“Then why fight it?” Nicole asked, as she sensually brushed her hands against the girl’s thigh. She could feel Hara whimper under her touch.

“Nicole, I..

Nicole continues to hover her lips around Hara’s, it was so close yet so far. She inched closer and closer to her, their lips almost touched. In the back of Hara’s mind, she knows she shouldn’t kiss her, but her body tells her otherwise. She can’t longer resist Nicole’s luscious lips and leaned forward to press their lips together, but to her surprise, the short-haired girl backed away.

Nicole smiled in victory as she succeeded in bringing out Hara’s inner thoughts. Hara was blushing madly and looked away.

“Let’s go to the others, I think I heard Julia’s voice calling us.” Nicole said, pulling the girl with her.

Hara didn’t say anything, she’s still embarrassed for wanting to kiss Nicole.

Nicole looked at her and smiled, “It’s okay, we can make out later. On bed.”


“Put this on.” Krystal ordered firmly.

Jiyoung stared at the expensive looking yellow 2-piece that Krystal handed to her. She’s not sure if she hears her right. She can’t help but think that this must be another of the many Krystal’s plan to humiliate her.

“I can’t wear this.” Jiyoung said firmly.

Krystal rolled her eyes and threw the hanger on the bed. She scoffed and shook her head, looking annoyed. Jiyoung tries to stay calm.

“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not being nice to you right now; in fact I’ll never be nice to you in my entire life. My grandmother from my father’s side gave it to me as a birthday present last year and I’ve been itching to get rid of it ever since.” Krystal said before sitting on her bed.

Jiyoung looked confused, “Why? I don’t see anything wrong with it.”

Krystal scoffed, “Uh, hello?” She said, pointing to the swimsuit.

Jiyoung still looked confused if not even more confused.

“It’s yellow. And I hate yellow!” Krystal said, pissed.

“You hate it because it’s yellow?” Jiyoung asked, an eyebrow rose.

Krystal nodded, “Just like how I hate you because you’re..Kang Jiyoung and you’re stinks.”

Jiyoung shook her head in protests, “I’m not stinks..”

“Whatever, so do me a favour and wear it so that my grandma’s noble intentions won’t go to waste.” Krystal said, shrugging.

The bullied stares at the yellow bikini and tries to pronounce the brand name in her head but she thinks it’s in Italian. Then she briefly glanced at Krystal thinking that she should just comply with her request or just ignore her and bolted out of the room. But if she bolted, she’s basically asking for hell on Monday since Krystal the new Queen Bee will do anything in her power to make sure that she’ll suffer for the rest of her school years.

“I’m not giving you any other option. Just wear it. Now.” Krystal threatened as she handed the swimsuit again.

Jiyoung sighed loudly before taking it and stomped to her room to change.


“There you are!” Julia shouted as she waved to her eldest daughter who arrived fashionably late. Sooyoung was following her close behind, looking messy with eye bags like she hasn’t slept in days.

Sooyoung looked around, trying to look for Hara but she wasn’t there. Hyunjoong was also missing.

“What’s with the attitude, Jessica? Don’t you know that we’re all waiting for you to start the game?” Joanna asked, angrily with both hands on her waist.

Tiffany glared at her fiancé who’s been looking at her and her only; she can tell it even when she was wearing her shade. It was sweet, if not creepy.

“Come on, Anna, I’m sure she didn’t mean it.” Julia said, pulling her daughter to sit in between her and Tiffany. Tiffany inches away as Jessica sat next to her, like a cat avoiding water splash.

“Have you eaten your breakfast, dear?” Julia asked, gently brushing her daughter’s bangs like she’s 10. Sooyoung and the others, including Tiffany were suppressing their laughter. Who knew the great Jessica Jung is a mama’s girl?

“Here, have a sandwich.” Julia said, shoving a piece of sandwich to her daughter’s mouth.

Jessica noticed her friend’s teasing glances and realized that her mother was humiliating her.

“It’s okay mom, I’m full.” She said, gently pushing her mother’s arm.

Julia frowned and glanced at Tiffany who’s still inching away from Jessica. It was too obvious that they’re still fighting.

“Or maybe you want Tiffany to feed you. Here, Tiffany.” Mama Jung said, handing Tiffany a piece of sandwich.

Tiffany was shocked, but she took the sandwich anyway. Jessica didn’t protest this since she can tell that her mother is planning this and smiled mischievously.

“Honey, feed me.” She said, moving closer to Tiffany.

Tiffany stared at Jessica with an annoyed look, angry with her crazy mood swings. She still remembers how furious Jessica was last night when she left the room coldly, but this morning she was the one who begged and shower her with sweet words.

“Aaahhh..” Jessica opened her mouth widely, waiting for Tiffany to feed her.

“Hurry up Tiffany, your poor Jessi is hungry.” Julia encourages.

Tiffany bit her lip, thinking how unfair it was as if it’s a conspiracy that was set up by Jessica and her mother. She can’t possibly refuse this, not in front of Julia and Joanna. It’ll make her look like a rude future daughter-in-law and as much as she’s pissed with Jessica right now, she still want to marry the girl and lives with her till their hair turns gray.

“Ahh...” Jessica repeats, with double aegyo.

Then Tiffany had an idea, just a little something.

“Sure, come here baby.” She said sweetly.

Jessica was excited but then her excitement faded when the sandwich landed on..her face. Tiffany had purposely pushed the sandwich on Jessica’s perfect nose. There were eggs and Mayo all over the blonde’s face with a big slice of tomato stuck on her forehead.

“Oops, I slipped.” Tiffany said casually.


Chapter 25

My Boo Boo Blankie Cupcake

“Oops, I slipped.” Tiffany said casually.

Everyone gasped, shocked by what just happened. It wasn’t an accident, obviously. How could’ve Tiffany’s slipped when Jessica opened her mouth wide like Yoona’s alligator laugh. Jessica froze, shocked with her newly applied facial mask that stuck to her face. Julia covered her mouth with her hands, suppressing her laugh. She didn’t expect this to happen, but it’s kinda cute in a way.

Tiffany made an apologetic look, like the cat Puss in Shrek movie. Her mouth curled down, and her eyes were wide and sparkle, making everyone around her cooed. The time seems stopped for a while, until the big slice of tomato slides down Jessica’s forehead and fell onto the ground. She had begun to tremble. Realizing that HulkSica was in the making, Sooyoung quickly held her arm and whispered to her ear.

“You love her. You wouldn’t want to hurt her.” She whispered.

Jessica balled her fists and grits her teeth, trying to contain her anger.

I love her..

I love her..

“I love her..” She said slowly as she’s finally cooled down.

“Yeah, that’s right. You love her.” Sooyoung said, gently rubbing her back.

“Are you okay, baby? I didn’t mean to smack your face with the sandwich, my hand slipped.” Tiffany said, teasing.

Jessica sighed as she wiped the eggs with a tissue.

“I’m alright, my love. I know you didn’t do that on purpose.” She said, smiling sarcastically.

Tiffany chuckled, “Is that so? Do you want another? I am more than happy to feed you, my blankie.”

She picked another sandwich, this time with cucumber in it and shoved it to Jessica’s face. The blond quickly grabbed her wrist, distancing the cucumber filled sandwich from her face.

“Haha..It’s okay, my lovely napkin. I’m full once I’ve seen your face.” Jessica said, faking a smile.

“Oh, that’s sweet, my boo boo. Maybe you don’t have to eat for the rest of your life.” Tiffany said, with the new pet names that she just came out with.

The others can’t help but chuckled, causing Jessica’s face turned red of the embarrassment. She’s not a Boo Boo.

“Oh cupcake, I don’t need anything else as long as you’re by my side. I love you.” Jessica said with a sweet voice, wanting to end it once and for all.

Tiffany was touched; she’s a sucker for Jessica’s three words. She cleared her throat and looked away, “That’s good to know, pancake.”

Their little love fight suddenly turned into a cheesy scene causing the others to curl up their fingers and punch the air.

“Hey Aunt Jo! Let’s play some volleyball! I can’t wait anymore!!” A voice shouted at them. Krystal was running excitedly towards them with a new friend in yellow bikini.

“Is that..Jiyoung?” Seungyeon asked, shocked. Her little friend had transformed into a sexy and cute little girl like a female character in an anime series.

The teenage girls reached them, panting. Julia looked at the girl in yellow bikini, can’t help but thinking that she’s seen the 2-piece before.

“Krystal, isn’t that your grandma’s gift last year?” She asked.

“No.” Krystal replied immediately.


“No mom. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The little Jung’s arrival saved the situation as they begin to gather around the volleyball net that’d been set up since yesterday. Joanna was just very enthusiastic about beach volleyball.

“Who’s playing?” Joanna asked to the girls. Everyone put up their hands, even Jiyoung after being nudged by Krystal.

“We won’t!” A voice shouted in unison. They were Julia and Sunny who were lazily laid under the umbrella. Taeyeon was already asleep, with half her body already buried in the sand by none other than her own wife.

Joanna shrugged, “Okay, so let’s divide the teams together. We will have 2 teams, which is the Jungs versus the Non Jungs.”

Tiffany grinned at the group arrangement, so much for family bond.

“Team Non Jung will consist of, Tiffany, Sooyoung, Krystal’s friend and you.” She said, pointing at Seungyeon.

“She’s not my friend.” Krystal mumbled in protest about Jiyoung.

“Then, team Jungs will consists of..myself, Jessica, Krystal and..” She paused.

“Where are Hara and Hyunjoong?” She said, looking around.

“Here!” A voice shouted from behind. Hara arrived hand in hand with her new friend Nicole, looking wet and scandalous. Well, at least in Sooyoung’s eyes. She stared at them with uneasy feelings in her heart, possibly because of a feeling that they all called jealousy. Hara wouldn’t budge, even though she knows that Sooyoung was staring at her with burning eyes she acted like she wasn’t there and hold Nicole’s hand even tighter.

“Okay, so Hara will join Team Jung that will make 4 against 4.” Joanna said, satisfied.

“What about me? I want to play too.” Nicole said, excitedly. Her expression was filled with hope, making anyone melt and say yes to her anyway.

“We need another player so you can play.” Joanna said, looking around.

“Count me in!” A voice shouted. Yoona was running towards them with her hair blows backwards by the wind making her looked like she’s shooting a CF.

Seungyeon looked at her and frowned. She was hoping that Yoona will go on a date with Khun somewhere after her attempt of playing cupid on them, but it seems like it failed.

“So Yoona will joined your cousin’s team and Nicole..

“I’m a Jung too. Can I join your team, ma’am?” Nicole asked with sparkling eye smiles. How can Joanna say no to that?

“Of course Nicole Jung, you can be our fifth player.” She replied, smiling.

Tiffany looked around, thinking that someone is missing.

Where is Seohyun?


“What do you want to talk about?” Seohyun asked arrogantly. Hyunjoong had secretly called her to the jetty to talk. They had been sitting there for almost ten minutes but there’s no words spoken between them until just now.

Hyunjoong looked down where his bare feet was emerged into the sea water, lost in his deep thoughts. There were so many things he wants to talk to her, as they all had been kept secret for so long.

He let out a deep sigh, “Seohyun-ah..

“I know.” Seohyun said suddenly causing Hyunjoong to lose whatever sentence that he’d arranged in his head.

“You know?” He asked, nervous.

“This, us. We won’t work out.” Seohyun said, weakly. Even though she’d seen it coming, she can’t help but felt crushed when she said those words herself.

Hyunjoong looked at the beauty beside her and gulped. He’d done playing games. Even though it’s hard, but he must what he has to say.

“I’m sorry.” He said after much struggling.

There was a long silence after that. It wasn’t awkward, but surprisingly serene and peaceful.

“We had great times together.” She continued, her voice cracked.

He nodded and reached for her delicate hands before held it tight.

“You are the most wonderful woman I’ve ever met. You’re unique, graceful and beautiful. Which is why..” He paused.

“..you deserves someone much better than me.” He continued, at the verge of tears.

She closed her eyes, as tears that’s been gathering in the eyes finally rolled down her cheeks like a sad waterfall.

“Do you love her?” She asked suddenly, causing him to gulp.

Hyunjoong didn’t say anything; he just stared at Seohyun hoping her to understand him.

“I hope you know what you’re doing.” Seohyun said bitterly.

She pulled her hands away from his grip and stood up. He looked at her curiously.

“I loved you.” She said, gritting her teeth. Suddenly she pushed her now ex-boyfriend harshly into the water.

He was shocked as he’s now soaking wet in the sea water, “Seohyun-ah!”

Seohyun wiped the tears on her cheeks and glared at him before marched away in anger.


“Okay, here we go girls!” Joanna shouted before serving the volleyball.

Everyone got into their position, eyes on the ball as it crosses over to the other side of the net. Team Non Jung was calm as the ball was bumped by their hamster, Seungyeon sending the ball upwards before it was spiked by the tallest player, Sooyoung. The ball flew to the other side of the net, and even though Team Jung’s blondie, Jessica and her sister, Krystal tried to save it, it hit the ground.

“Score!! You’re awesome Sooyoung!!” Tiffany shouted excitedly before giving a high five to the tall player.

“I know I’m awesome.” Sooyoung said cockily.

“Ah..damn it!” Jessica grunted as she helped her sister got up from the sand.

“It’s okay girls, we’re just warming up.” Joanna said, getting her player ready.

They all nodded as they got back to their position, suddenly the atmosphere turned serious as they put their pride at stake. The Jung family pride.

Yoona served the ball for her team, sending the ball straight to the other side with her long arms. Krystal focused her eyes on the ball and to recover her fall from before, she bumped it back to the opponent’s side by jumping to spike it. But her attempt failed as Jiyoung was in time to bump it up and set it for Sooyoung to do another amazing spike. Sooyoung spiked it skilfully, as the ball flew over the net, towards the ground for another point. Suddenly a hand flew up from nowhere and blocked the ball. Team Non Jung was surprised as the ball suddenly fell on their side, gaining the first point for Team Jung.

“YEAHH!! NOW THAT’S THE WAY THE JUNGS DO IT!!” Krystal shouted shamelessly before sticking her tongue to Jiyoung and her teammates. Seungyeon chuckled at the childish act. The Jungs are childish.

“Are you okay?” Nicole asked to the hero who’s now lying on the sand.

“Oh my, Hara dear, are you okay?” Joanna asked.

Hara wasn’t moving, her long hair covered her face, making it hard to tell if she’s okay. Nicole knelt down and strokes her hair back lovingly, revealing the naughty Hara who pretends to be passed out. Nicole grinned and shook her head as she help the girl up on her feet again. She put an arm around her bare waist, and held her hand to help her up. Sooyoung wasn’t pleased with what she’s witnessing. They seem a little bit too close. She tried to calm down but she’s not strong enough to let it slide.

“Hey, was that really necessary?” Sooyoung asked to the duo that was still clinging to each other like a loving couple.

Hara and Nicole looked at her, curious.

“What?” Nicole asked.

“Hara, do you really need help to get up? It’s not like you have a broken leg or anything.” Sooyoung said, annoyed.

Hara scoffed and shook her head.

“And you, Nicole. Was it really necessary for you to touch her like that?” Sooyoung continued with anger in her tone.

Nicole smiled but not saying anything. There’s no use to act childish in front of everyone. Sooyoung was just humiliating herself.

Hara scoffed, “Why do you care? It’s not like I’m begging you to touch me.”

Hara’s remark was powerful as it hit every spot on Sooyoung’s guilt bruises. She bit her lip in defeat.

“Hey, I don’t want to know what you girls are talking about, but let’s continue our game.” Joanna said while patting Hara’s back.

The match continues, this time it’s the blond from Team Jung’s turn to serve. Jessica’s volleyball skills were decent, but she hasn’t played the game in a while so her aiming skill was getting rusty. She took a deep breath before serving the ball in a perfect curve. The ball flew in the air perfectly to the opponent side and unfortunately, to the opponent’s face.

“OUCH!” A voice shouted, followed by a loud thud on the ground.

Team Non Jung’s eye smile queen, also known as Jessica’s fiancé, Tiffany had fallen on the ground, with one hand on her cheek. It looks like Jessica’s aiming skill was not so rusty after all.

“Gosh unnie! Are you okay?!” Yoona rushed to her cousin’s side, worried.

“I’m okay.” Tiffany said, before getting up and stared at Jessica. For some reason she feels that it wasn’t an accident.

Jessica shrugged, “Honey, you were supposed to bump the ball with your hands, not your face.”

Tiffany scoffed and nodded, “I’ll take that note Jessi, thanks.”

They continued the game like nothing happened to avoid further drama between the lovers. Joanna served the ball to the other side; it was bumped upwards by Seungyeon who was standing there. The ball flew upwards, waiting for someone to perfectly spike it to the opponent’s side. Then someone did, but the ball didn’t hit the ground. It hit Jessica’s face.

And that someone was Tiffany.

“Aww..Jessi babe, you’re supposed to use your hand, remember?” She said, with a sorry face.

Krystal can’t help but chuckled as she helped Jessica to get up from the ground. Her sister put a hand on her nose, probably hurt from Tiffany’s powerful spike. She bit her lip as she’s trying to calm down.

I love her..

I love Tiffany..

She repeats it on her mind like a broken record. It was obvious that she did it on purpose.

“Are you okay, blankie?” Tiffany asked from the other side.

Jessica smiled, “It felt as if you just kissed me.”

The others laughed as the love quarrel took over the court.

“Okay you two, that’s cute. But one more time I might need you to leave the game.” Joanna said, annoyed.

The game resumes again and this time, Tiffany insisted to serve the ball. Unable to stop her, Team Non Jung let her serve it.

“Heyah!” She shouted, as she bumps the ball to the opponent’s side. It looked weird, as if she’s aiming for something, or someone.

“OWWWW!!” Jessica shouted again.

Tiffany smiled.


“Fany, what did you do again?” Sooyoung asked with incredulous look on her face. But the latter shook her head and act innocent.

Jessica was once again, on the ground but this time with a hand on her left cheek. She had run out of patience. Even though she loves Tiffany so much, she can’t hold it any longer.

“YAH! DO YOU HAVE ANY PROBLEM WITH ME?!” She shouted as she marched towards the other side of the net.

Tiffany stayed calm as she faced her angry fiancé, “I don’t know my love, do I?”

Jessica grunted as she stopped right in front of Tiffany, wanting to do a lot of destruction act towards her but she can’t since Tiffany is protected with her love.

“That’s it! You two out of the court! Now!” Joanna ordered firmly. The lover’s quarrel had taken a lot of her game time.


Jessica and Tiffany sat on the steps by the beach after being disqualified from their volleyball game. They sat there in silence, waiting for one of them to start the conversation. Jessica glanced at her beautiful girl when she thinks she’s not looking. And when their eyes accidentally met, they’ll both look away to hide their blushing cheeks.

“You suck at playing volleyball.” Tiffany finally said without glancing at Jessica.

Jessica can’t help but smile as she knew Tiffany was making effort to talk.

“You suck at serving the ball.” She replied bluntly.

Tiffany smirked, “But I’m great at aiming.”

Jessica looked at Tiffany and pouted, “Yes you are, straight to my beautiful face.”

She said as she rubbed her nose like it hurts so much. Tiffany turned to her right to see Jessica’s whining in pain about her ruined face before chuckling like a naughty elementary student.

“It serves you right, you egoistic, jealous, mood swinger.” She said before inching closer to the blond.

Jessica smiled as the love of her life slowly touched her cheeks to check if the ball really had hurt her. Tiffany traces her reddening cheeks and her pink nose gently with her fingers.

“Poor thing. Does it hurt?” She asked in a whisper.

Jessica nodded without saying anything like a bullied kid in school. She’s enjoying Tiffany’s touch that eased all her pain as if they’re some magical remedy.

As she stared at Tiffany’s face, the guilt starts to swallow her deep. She reached forward to hold her fiance’s face causing Tiffany stopped tracing Jessica’s facial features. They looked into each other’s eyes and stayed that way for a while. There were so many things kept inside their heart through the times they’ve been apart. But now, they’re both lost for words.

Jessica gulped and exhaled deeply as she said the words that Tiffany’s been longing to hear,

“Tiffany, I’m sorry.”

The words echo in Tiffany’s mind as she continues to stare at the girl she loves the most. It worked like a candy that brought happiness to a crying child. It’s Tiffany’s candy, and it’s the only thing she wants to hear all this time. Jessica’s sincere apology.

Looking at Tiffany’s teary eyes, Jessica quickly wiped them with her fingers.

And slowly, she said,

“I’m sorry for hitting the ball at you just now.”

“I’m sorry for leaving you last night.”

“I’m sorry for being jealous at you and Minho.”

“I’m sorry for..being disrespectful about your past.”

“And most importantly, I’m sorry for..saying such things about your mom.”

Tears continue to rolls down Tiffany’s cheeks as she hears Jessica’s list of apology.

“I’m an idiot, like you don’t know that. I always do or say stupid things and regret it a minute later.” Jessica’s voice cracked as she’s trying hard not to cry. Tiffany held her hands as they continue to dive into each other’s soul. And her touch broke the entire shell that Jessica has left. Tears escaped her eyes.

“Please forgive me.” She said, almost whispering.


Chapter 26

The Warmest Blanket

“Please forgive me.” Jessica said, almost whispering.

She can’t help but thinking that everything that happened was her fault. She went too far about Tiffany’s mom and made quick judgement about Tiffany and Minho. She threw away her pride somewhere deep in the sea and let Tiffany sees how sorry she was.

Tiffany gently caressed her fiance’s hands as they continue to look into each other’s eyes. It’s been a while since she’s seen Jessica cried this much and it reminds her that Jessica is just a little girl hiding behind her giant pride. Slowly she wiped the tears that rolled down Jessica’s delicate cheeks and cupped her face.

“Stop crying, my love. I’ve forgive you a long time ago.” She said in a hush.

Her words brought a smile to the crying girl’s face and suddenly the mood turned much brighter. Tiffany chuckled and they exchanged warm smiles as they enjoy the warmth of the sea breeze.

“Thank you.” Jessica said with a chuckle.

“I love you, Jessi.”

Tiffany lovingly stroke Jessica’s hair backwards and continues to wipe the tears with her fingers. Then she grabbed her neck and pulls her closer. Jessica smiled; she knows where this is heading. It seems like her girl missed her so much. Tiffany pressed their lips together, ignoring the stares from a few male surfers that walked pass the beach. She missed Jessica, and there are no words to describe how much. But she knows that she wants to claim what’s hers.

They’re lucky that the beach was rather empty, but that’s not an excuse for them to be touchy-feely at the public beach, not to mention in the early afternoon, but Tiffany doesn’t seem to care. Her tongue already made its way through Jessica’s mouth, and now they’re fiercely dancing together. Jessica doesn’t know when or how but suddenly she’s lying down on the sand with Tiffany on top.

Oddly, she can’t help but thinking about something. Slowly a voice echoes in her mind. It became clearer and clearer.

“You guys can’t even communicate well because every time a problem arises, you will use your hormones to solve it.”

Believe it or not, it was Sooyoung’s voice.

“You need to learn how to manage your relationship without using sex.”

This never happens before because she never thinks of anything but Tiffany (and every inch of her body) when they’re making out. Tiffany was bold, trying to get under Jessica’s skimpy swimsuit. Her right hand was already tracing Jessica’s bikini underwear, making the other girl shocked.

“HONEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Jessica asked, holding back Tiffany’s arm from getting under the garment.

Tiffany was panting and her eyes filled with lust as she stares at her girl weirdly.

“I miss you..” She whined, trying to wiggle away from Jessica’s grip and continue going under.

“Well..yes, I miss you too but don’t you think it’s inappropriate for us to make out here, there’s kids and old people and..er..surfers..” Jessica reasoned, mentally kicking herself for taking Sooyoung’s advice.

Tiffany looked around, even though there weren’t much people, but there was a group of teenage boys staring at them with gapped mouth and drool all over.

“You’re right. Let’s get somewhere more secluded.” Tiffany said, sighing.

Jessica quickly shook her head, “No!”

“What’s wrong with you? You never said no to sex.” Tiffany asked, weirdly.

Jessica gulped and let out a few nervous laughs.

“That’s ridiculous. I’m not saying no to sex..it’s just that..I’ve prepared something for you.” She said, her eyes brimming with excitement.

“Something for me?” Tiffany asked with an eyebrow rose.

The blond nodded. “I wanted to make this trip special, so I’ve prepared something to make it up to you.”

“We can have fun all night, tonight, but right now, I want to show you something. Something especially for you.” She added, even though she still couldn’t believe that she just postponed sex.

Tiffany smiled, impressed, “That’s very..sweet of you Jessi.” She said before planting a soft kiss on her cheek.

The soft kiss made Jessica blushed, even more than the tongue hockey that they had just now. Maybe she should listen to the sibling wrecker’s advice more next time.


“Bicycles?” Tiffany asked, shocked.

Jessica nodded as she dragged her beautiful fiancé closer to the bicycles that she had specially rented for Tiffany and herself. The bicycles were cute; they’re silver with a basket at the front and a passenger seat at the back.

“Do you like it?” Jessica asked, excited. Based from the information that she got from Sooyoung who is Tiffany’s long time friend who stated that Tiffany Hwang loves bicycles, she was expecting her reaction should be excited if not ecstatic.

But Tiffany’s reaction was sour and nervous. Jessica can definitely tell, no matter how much she wanted to hide it.

“You don’t like it.” She said, disappointed.

Tiffany shook her head, “No! It’s not like that, it’s just..”

“You hate it.” Jessica added, sad.

Tiffany giggled and quickly linked her arm with the blond, “I love it. Thanks.”

“But your face is telling me otherwise.” Jessica said.

Tiffany pouted and looked at her fiancé, “Am I that transparent?”

“You are to me.” Jessica replied causing the other girl to coo. They stood there in silence, staring at the two shiny bicycles like kids in store who can’t afford to buy one. They’re wearing their couple jackets over their swimsuits, Jessica in yellow while Tiffany in pink.

After a while, Tiffany finally sighed, “Jessi, I like bicycles..but I..can’t ride it.”

Jessica stared at Tiffany, trying to digest what she just said. A part of her wants to laugh and another part of her refrain her from doing so. She’s pretty sure her love for Tiffany can suppress her laughter. The last thing she ever wanted is to make her offended again. But sometimes what happens is out of her control.

“Ugh..” Jessica put a hand over her mouth to cover her laugh from escaping.

“You think it’s funny.” Tiffany said, slightly offended.

“No! I’m not!” Jessica denied, shaking her head.

“You just laughed.” Tiffany said, bitter.

“No! That wasn’t a laugh! I was..er..clearing my throat because of the pancake that I ate earlier stuck on it! You know..Sunny’s burnt pancake!”

“Go ahead, laugh. It’s just that no one ever taught me to ride one before. Back in States, we don’t have bicycles. The school was just next to my house so I can get there by walking or..my mom’s car. There’s no need to ride a bike.” Tiffany explained.

Jessica cleared her throat, and looked at Tiffany with fluttering eyes.

“What?” Tiffany asked.

“How about, you let me teach you to ride a bicycle.” Jessica said, smiling.


“My dad taught me to ride when I was a kid, and I’ll never forget that. So let me teach you so that you will never forget about me.” Jessica added, blushing.

Tiffany chuckled, “How can I forget someone whom I will spend forever with?”

Jessica blushed even more and she leaned closer to Tiffany for a gentle kiss on her lips. She wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist and pulled her close while Tiffany wrapped her arms around Jessica’s neck to enjoy their moment. Their eyes closed shut as they pour their emotions into the tender kiss. After a while, they broke the kiss and let their foreheads touched.

“Jessica, I’m sorry.” Tiffany said suddenly.

Jessica was shocked; she wasn’t expecting that at all.

“You did nothing wrong, honey.” She said, gently holding her hands.

Tiffany shook her head and took a few steps backwards.

“I’m sorry for hitting your face with the volleyball, twice.”

“I’m sorry for praising Minho in front of you, when I know how sensitive you are.”

“And I’m sorry for making you go through so much trouble because of me..your family, Gyuri, Minho, the cafe, the company and all..” She paused as she could feel the tears begin to fill her eyes again.

Jessica caressed her cheek and kissed her hands to calm her down.

“Honey, I don’t mind at all, for you I would go through all that all over again.”Jessica said with teary eyes.

“You know why?” She asked.

Tiffany shook her head.

Jessica smiled, “Because you make my dream come true.”


The volleyball match ran for almost 15 rounds before Team Jung finally admit defeat to Team Non Jung. It wasn’t that surprising considering that Team Non Jung has the long legs natural athletes like Sooyoung and Yoona.

Seungyeon cheered with her teammates after the match, throwing high five to everyone except one. Yoona was the last one she goes to, after the others had walked towards the big umbrella where the foods and the lazy bones were at.

“Yoona! Wait for me!” She called, acting like she was the only one left behind.

The model stopped and turned around, gesturing her hands to Seunyeon to hurry.

“Come on hamster, I’m hungry!” She shouted as she reached her hand to drag the short-haired girl.

Seungyeon smiled and took Yoona’s hand.

“Sorry, I have short legs.” She joked.

They both laughed as they walked together to the others. Seungyeon glanced at the tall girl, as she has something to ask her.

“Hey, what happened to you and Khun? He didn’t ask you out?” She asked, boldly.

Yoona expression’s changed, looking very uncomfortable with the topic mentioned. She sighed and stopped her steps, causing the other girl to stop as well. They stood there, looking at each other in silence. Seungyeon has a bad feeling about this.

“Stop it. I know.” Yoona suddenly said.

The other girl gulped nervously, she felt as if her porcelain mask is coming off, piece by piece dropped onto the sand. Does Yoona know about her? That she’s the founder of Yuri’s largest forum, YulSter? And that she’s been stalking her girlfriend almost everyday and took her pictures and then posts them up in the internet?

Trembling, she asked, “Know what?”

“Khun ask you to set me up with him.” Yoona said, confident.

That question was a huge relief to Seungyeon, it was way off from the track of truth.

“Am I right?” Yoona continued.

Seungyeon stared at the doll-like face in front of her nervously, fidgeting as she didn’t know what she should do. But definitely not telling the truth.

“You..got me.” She lied.

Yoona sighed loudly and put a hand on her forehead in frustration.

“I need you to stop this nonsense now. No matter what he do or say, I will never go out with him.” She said serious.

“You tell him that, there’s only one person resides in my heart and that person is Kwon Yuri. No prince or hunky Thai man can ever change that.” She added, even more serious.

Seungyeon gulped and froze. Yoona’s love for Yuri is far greater than she could ever imagine.


Tiffany was standing at the second floor balcony of the beach house. It was in the evening and the sun was about to set. It was quite cold, but she closed her eyes to enjoy the sea breeze as she replaying all the sweet moments she shared with Jessica that day. She felt as if she just fell in love with her again.

Suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around her neck from behind followed by a warm cheek pressed to her left cheek. Tiffany smiled; she can definitely tell it straight away, her warm blanket. She reached her left hand up to hold Jessica’s hand that’s wrapped around her neck and left shoulder like a warm fleece. Silence filled the atmosphere. It’s like they’re communicating without saying anything.

Jessica soon surprise Tiffany with a gentle kiss on her left cheek, causing them both to blush madly.

“Honey, aren’t you cold? Let’s get inside.” She said.

“I have my blanket around me, I’m warmer than ever.” Tiffany said, kissing Jessica’s hand on her shoulder.

Jessica chuckled and tightens her arms around the girl. They both looked out at the sea, where the sun begins to set, painting the sky with beautiful colors.

“I love you.” Tiffany said, suddenly. It’s her second time saying the three words that day, but she still feels it’s not enough to express her feelings.

“I love you too.” Jessica whispered slowly. Tiffany turned around upon hearing the words but her heart just thumped harder when she met Jessica’s eyes. Both of them leaned towards each other and tilted their heads for another sweet kiss. Tiffany grabbed Jessica’s neck with her hands this time, pulling her lips even closer while Jessica pulled her waist closer letting their bodies touched.

There was a bruise and a cut on Tiffany’s left knee, resulting from her bicycle class with Jessica earlier, but it doesn’t hurt one bit.

Suddenly someone knocked the window, alarming them. The couple slowly broke their kiss and after smiling at each other, looked at the direction. Sooyoung was standing there, looking messy and troubled.

“I’m sorry to disturb you guys, but Jessica, do you have a minute?” She asked.

Jessica looked at her friend, can’t help but feeling worried especially when she’s looking at her with watery eyes as if she just cried.

“Go. It seems like she needs you.” Tiffany said softly, after alternating her gaze between the two girls.

Jessica looked at her fiancé, touched by how understanding she can be.

“I’ll be right back.” She said before planting a soft kiss on her lips.


“You gotta help me; I really don’t know what to do!” Sooyoung said, almost shouting.

Jessica put an arm around her shoulder and rubbed it slowly to calm her down.

“Relax, tell me what’s wrong.” She said, gently leading Sooyoung to sit on the bed. They’re now in Sooyoung’s room to talk in private.

“It’s Hara. She’s been ignoring me all day and..she can’t keep her hands off that b*tch, Nicole!” Sooyoung shouted.

Jessica nodded as she’s trying to take all the information in one go. She’s not used to be the love doctor or a counselor but she’ll try her and give her best shot since Sooyoung had been so helpful with her problems.

“It’s obvious why she ignores you, you left her hanging last night. And about Nicole..” She paused.

“You can’t blame her, I mean she’s..hot! Hara is a Jung, I bet she’s can’t resist such temptation.” She continued.

Sooyoung scoffed. “Uh..thanks for the advice. You suck at this, you know.”

Realizing that her words not helping her friend’s state of emotions, she took a sit on a chair and faced her, like a therapist and a patient.

“So...you’re jealous of Hara and Nicole?” Jessica shot her first question.

“Duh.” Sooyoung answered, wondering why she’s asking for Jessica’s advice in the first place.

“You’re jealous because you love her.” Jessica concluded.

Sooyoung stares blankly at Jessica. That’s a statement that even her cat knows. And that cat is neutered.

“So let go of Hyunjoong and tighten your grip on Hara. You can’t go on like this forever. You don’t deserve feeling jealous and mad at Hara for flirting with Nicole if you’re having an affair with her brother behind her back.” Jessica added, matter-of-factly.

“This is not about Hyunjoong.” Sooyoung protested.

“No. This is about you. And for your information, Sooyoung, we Jungs don’t do threesome, especially siblings. That’s just..eww. Can you imagine me and Krystal involved with the same woman?” Jessica asked in a tone that she picked up from dramas. Or Blair Waldorf.

“No! Eww! Krystal is just a baby!” Sooyoung shouted, disgusted by the image of the siblings in bed with Tiffany or Sulli or both. That’ll be a foursome. That’ll also make the two of them paedophiles.

“Exactly, and that’s why you must choose now. This moment, right now.” Jessica added.

Sooyoung bit her lip, trying to untangle her confused mind.

“Okay, let me help you with this. If you pick Hyunjoong, the good thing is that..you’re straight. Yay.” Jessica said, rolling her eyes.

“But then, you will ruin the close loving bond between a brother and his little sister. Don’t you know those two are very close, they’ll share any secrets, even about..sex?”

Sooyoung gasped. “They’re that close?”

“Oh yes, they are. Hara trusts her brother the most, even more than her mother or me, her cool cousin.” Jessica added.

“Makes me wonder why I’m trusting you right now.” Sooyoung said sarcastically.

“So just imagine how much damage your affair will cost to their relationship, not to mention towards your friends, remember..Seohyun? His girlfriend?” Jessica continued.

Sooyoung sighed.

“You think I should choose Hara?” She asked.

“Or you don’t have the right to feel jealous of her and Nicole.” Jessica said.

Silence filled the air as Jessica finished her one-sided advice.

“Is that all? Because Tiffany is waiting for me, which I have you to thank for it. I followed your advice and it worked.” Jessica said, standing up from the chair.

Sooyoung smiled. “I’m happy for you.”

Her sincere smile had caused a wave of guilt to crash over the blond. Sooyoung gave her the best advice, unselfish words when she was in need. But all she did was the opposite for her.

“I’m okay now, you can go to Fany. Thanks for everything.” Sooyoung said, smiling weakly.

Jessica stared at her in guilt before letting out a loud sigh. She walked to her and sat next to her. She swallowed deeply and turned her head to Sooyoung after a while. Both girls looked at each other.

“Hey when it comes to making decision, the best way is to let your heart decide.” She said softly.

“So, don’t you care about what I think or whatever damage that your decision might cause, just listen to your heart. Sometimes the selfish and stupid decision is the best. As long as you’re happy.” She added, causing Sooyoung to stare at her in awe.

Jessica cleared her throat and held Sooyoung’s hands.

“Now, who do you love?”


Chapter 27

Sad Eyes

“Hara, wait!” Sooyoung called as she’s trying to catch up with the girl at the hallway.

Hara increased her pace, ignoring the girl who’s been trying to stop her since they finished dinner. She really doesn’t want to deal with Sooyoung after what happened the night before. She felt hurt and ashamed after being left alone naked on her bed in a lonely night.

Sooyoung grunted and quickens her pace as well, after a few long steps she finally able to catch up with Hara. Hara looked away, and tried to avoid of what it seems a conversation with her girlfriend. She’s not in the mood to find out why she’s a major turn-off.

Sooyoung sighed and as they reached a corridor, she overtook Hara and stood in front of her, stopping her from leaving. She spread her long arms and stared at the girl before her with a guilty expression on her face.

“Just leave me alone.” Hara finally said after their long chase.

Sooyoung shook her head. “No. I want you to listen to me.”

Hara sighed and looked away, for some reason she’s not really comfortable being alone with Sooyoung.

“Listen, what happened last night was..all my fault.” Sooyoung said, slowly. She swallowed hard and gathers her strength to look into Hara’s eyes.

“It’s not you, it’s me. I’m sorry.” She said, sincerely.

Hara could feel her heart slowly flutters as she hears Sooyoung’s apology. Though she seems cold to her all day, but in reality all she wants is just to be with Sooyoung, just her and no one else.

“Hara, will you forgive me?” Sooyoung said as she gently took her hands into hers.

The girl sighed, there’s too many things running through her mind at that moment. She loves Sooyoung, there’s no doubt about that, but there’s a part of her just can’t forgive her just yet. What she did was harsh and her pride wouldn’t let it slide by a simple sorry.

“I was drunk so I wasn’t sure what I was doing. I shouldn’t have gone to your room.” Sooyoung added as if she regretted what had happened.

Her tone was innocent and honest, but one unstable mind and tangled emotions can easily get the wrong message. Hara pulled her hands harshly, an action that shocked Sooyoung. She looked at her in confusion.

“You mean you regret what we did that night?” Hara asked, bitterly.

Sooyoung gulped. “I-I regret that it didn’t went well, after all I wasn’t prepared, it was my first time with a girl and I wasn’t ready..

Hara scoffed. “You weren’t ready? Or were you having doubts in me? In us?”

“Hara! I didn’t mean it like that!” Sooyoung protested.

“Or worse, are you having doubts in yourself?” Hara continued.


Seconds passed, but Sooyoung was still unable to come out with an explanation. Hara was running out of patience.

“You know what? I’m sick of playing your ‘am I? or am I not gay?’ game.” Hara said, before she pushed Sooyoung’s shoulder to walk pass her and disappeared behind her door.

Sooyoung stood there, with a great amount of pain in her heart. She bit her lip, trying not to spill any tears as she think about what Hara just said. She knows she loves Hara, but she’s still confused with herself. What really stopped her that night? Was it Hara? Herself? Or was it Hyunjoong?

“You’re not doing any justice to her.” A voice said.

Sooyoung turned around only to find Nicole, leaning her back against the wall with her arms crossed. She smirked at Sooyoung, causing the girl to gulp nervously.

“This is none of your business, Nicole.” Sooyoung said coldly.

Nicole shook her head before she sniggered.

“True, but I’ve decided to make it my business. I think I need to tell you that, I really like your girlfriend. Like really really.” She said casually.

“How dare you?! She’s my girlfriend!” Sooyoung said, almost shouting.

“Don’t you think you’re being too greedy here? You’re in love with her brother yet you can’t seem to let her go.” Nicole said.

Sooyoung was speechless; she didn’t expect anyone other than Jessica knew that. Cold sweats begin to form on her forehead like a guilty suspect.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said, looking away.

Nicole chuckled. “I can give Hara what she wants. Unlike you, I am sure of my sexuality since I was 14. I have the experience and always ready for her. I can satisfy her in a way that you never will.”

Sooyoung balled her fists, trying to control her emotions. In the back of her mind, she really wants to punch the girl in the face and break her neck before throwing her body into the sea to be eaten by a bunch of hungry gay sharks. She inches closer to the short-haired girl, looking dangerous but Nicole didn’t move one bit. She stared at Sooyoung arrogantly with her smile as if challenging her to harm her in any way.

Sooyoung grabbed her collar and raised her fist halfway to the air, ready to destroy that pretty face.


“Sooyoung unnie, have you seen Krystal? I’ve been looking for her everywhere. She asked me well, more like..slaving me to made a glass of hot cocoa for her and now she’s missing..” Jiyoung paused.

She stood there, shocked as she watches Sooyoung trying to beat up Nicole. Her sudden appearance however had saved Nicole that night. Sooyoung gritted her teeth and slowly loosens her grip on Nicole’s collar, causing the girl to sigh in relief. Jiyoung froze as she watches Sooyoung left the hallway, and went down the stairs.

“That was close. She’s violent.” Nicole said as she wiped the cold sweats on her forehead.


“Let’s play a game!!” Sunny shouted.

Almost everyone was gathering in the living room after dinner. Other than the married couple, there were Jessica and Tiffany who’s cuddling on a single sofa, moody looking Seohyun who sits alone without talking to anyone, Seungyeon and Yoona who seems awkward with each other, and Hyunjoong who looked down and sits as far as she could from Seohyun. The others are nowhere to be seen.

“A game?” Tiffany asked, interested. She’s trying to focus on something else other than the continuous wet kisses on her neck.

Sunny and Taeyeon nodded excitedly.

“Yeah, a ‘secret’ game!” Sunny added.

“A secret game? Never heard of it.” Yoona said, not interested.

“Oh come on, it’ll be fun. For example, I will say one secret that not even your spouse knows about it.” Taeyeon said, convincingly.

“That’s telling secrets. But then what’s the point of having a secret. A secret supposed to be well..secret.” A voice suddenly said.

It was Sooyoung who just arrived from the second floor. She quickly took a seat in between Yoona and Seungyeon adding another cloudy person to the already gloomy living room. The only people who were excited were Sunny, Taeyeon, Tiffany and Jessica. But Jessica was only excited about being with Tiffany so she doesn’t count, though she did paid attention to Sooyoung’s arrival. Hyunjoong glanced at Sooyoung, and they exchanged a few brief eye contacts but it was enough to made Hyunjoong worried. She looked so sad and broken.

“Okay, who wants to go first?” Sunny asked, not affected by the gloominess of the room.

But there were no response.

Then Jessica yawned.

“Honey, let’s go to bed.” She said, not whispering causing an awkward moment in the room.

“It’s only 9 o’clock; it’s way too early to sleep.” Tiffany replied, trying to cover any indecent thoughts from the others even though it’s already too late.

“Oh, we’re not going to sleep yet. In fact we won’t be sleeping at all.” Jessica added casually and rather loudly, causing Tiffany to blush even more. She shook her head and ended up ignoring her.

“Let me start first.” Seohyun suddenly said, breaking the silence.

Everyone stares at her, a pure and innocent girl who’s been missing and spoken no words all day to suddenly share her secret. She put down her book and stood up. She gently fixes her hair and tucked them behind her ears like she’s preparing to give an important speech in a school assembly. Her expression was serious as she looked at everyone, from a face to another, gathering their attention. She glances at Hyunjoong before ended her round of gaze at Sooyoung. Sooyoung could feel something is wrong.

“Good evening everyone.” She said, with a faint smile.

Everyone nodded in anticipation.

Seohyun sighed and smiled again.

“I have something to tell everyone but I don’t know if I can call it a secret.” She paused.

“It’s okay, just..spit it out.” Jessica said, curious.

Seohyun nodded before sighing again and said,

“Well, my boyfriend and I just broke up. And I know that he’s in love with another woman.”

Everyone gasped, shocked by the news. Sooyoung looked down, feeling guilty. She didn’t dare to meet Seohyun’s eyes even though she knows she’s staring at her. She bit her lip as the guilt eats her alive. Hyunjoong tries to stop Seohyun from keep going; he looked at her with begging eyes.

“Seohyun-ah, don’t.” He said.

Seohyun shook her head and stares at Sooyoung. “He’s in love with my own friend.”

The room became unusually quiet as the secret unfolds.

“They think I didn’t know but..they’re wrong. I do know. I don’t know how to describe this but to say that I’m not heartbroken would be a lie.” She added.

“I trusted them. But they..stabbed me mercilessly behind my back again and again.” She continued before taking a long pause to hold back her tears.

“To that woman, whoever that is. I hope you’re happy betraying your friend and..your girlfriend.” She continued, eyes never leaving Sooyoung.

Sooyoung gulped as tears of guilt begin to fill her eyes, “Seohyun-ah, listen..

But Seohyun had finished talking, and she’s not interested to listen to any explanations. She gave Sooyoung and Hyunjoong one last look before leaving the room in anger. The look in her eyes that no one ever seen before.

“Okay, that was one hell of a secret.” Yoona said, still sweating from all the tension.

“You guys broke up? When did that happen?” Tiffany asked to Hyunjoong.

Jessica looked at Sooyoung, feeling sorry for what she just been through but there’s nothing that she could do about it. She removed her arms from around Tiffany and stood up before walking to Sooyoung. The least she could do was letting her know that she’s always there.

She pats her friend’s shoulder gently, but Sooyoung wasn’t in the mood for friend’s comfort. She stood up and as she looked down she said, “Excuse me, I have to go.”

She wiped her eyes as she stormed out of the front door, leaving everyone with more questions. But when Hyunjoong quickly ran after her, he answered half of their questions.


Hyunjoong stepped out of the front door looking for Sooyoung. He let out a relieved sigh after finding the tall girl standing alone at the front porch, wiping her eyes with the hem of her sweater. She was sobbing slowly, oblivious of the man who’s staring at her.

“Sooyoung..” He called.

His voice alarmed her, and she quickly wiped the tears that were left on her face to pretend like she wasn’t crying. Her act failed however, when tears escaped the edge of her eyes once she looked at him. He tried to move closer to her, but she backed away with each step he took. And after the fifth step, he gave up and decided to just stand and look at her from a distance.

Sooyoung stared into his eyes as she’s looking for answers. But she found nothing except more questions.

“This is exactly why we can’t be together, oppa. We’re hurting everyone we know, and to be honest with you, I don’t feel good betraying a friend.” She said calmly.

Hyunjoong wasn’t saying anything as he partly agreed with her statement. But deep in his heart there’s something more powerful that overcome it all. He ended up staring at Sooyoung with mixed feelings.

She continued, “And did you see how everyone was staring at us back there? And Hara didn’t know a thing yet..just imagine when she finds out about us..”


Hyunjoong looked at her as he’s trying to process the whole thing. He loves his sister. But..

“Oppa..” Sooyoung called causing Hyunjoong to stop his train of thoughts and focus on her face; the face that always sparkles in his eyes.

“This is a mistake. You don’t love me. It’s just a phase, a fling. You were just confused, no, we were just confused. I feel sorry about you breaking up with Seohyun and all but I’m not gonna ruin what I have with Hara. Or what you have with Hara..” Sooyoung added.

Hyunjoong could see it behind her eyes, behind every crease that her face made as she changed her expressions, the awkward curl of the corner of her mouth and the way she moves her hands way too much. He can tell that she’s saying something that she didn’t even mean; something that her heart opposed to.

“Oppa..I’m sorry but, I guess this is the end.” Sooyoung continued with a few nods, nods to convince nobody but herself.

Hyunjoong walked towards her, this time with long and fast steps so that she wasn’t able to back away. It worked, he got her cornered. She gulped as he’s standing just a few inches away from her, and gasps when he grabbed her hands; she’s speechless when he looked into her eyes. That pair of sad eyes.

“Sooyoung, look at me.” He said softly.

He gently held the girl’s face with his strong but delicate hands, and turned her to face him. It’s not like she can’t push him away, but she chooses not to.

“What do you feel about me?” He asked.

Sooyoung gulped, it’s the same question that she’s been thinking of over and over again for the past few days. But she still fails to find the answer.

She looked down “Enough oppa, we’re hurting everyone..

“Sooyoung, do you..love me?” He asked boldly as he put his pride on the line.

She froze this time.

..Love him?

Do I love him?

The question lingers in her head in that moment. It circles round and round, trying to find a perfect answer. There were so many things than ran through her mind in that few seconds, Jessica’s advice, Hara’s warm smile, Seohyun’s crying face and even Hyunjoong’s kiss; that unforgettable kiss.

She bit her lip and slowly she removed his hands from her face. She gathered all the strength she had left to say it to him; something that will break his heart.

“Oppa..I don’t love you. I only love Hara.”


MM 4.2

Chapter 28

Good Morning

Lee Sunny is the owner of Sunny Cafe. Her work is usually watching over the cash register, bossing her workers around, bossing her wife around, and making sure the cafe never runs out of supplies. But sometimes she goes into the kitchen and makes waffles and mushroom soup or drinks and even serves it herself. That usually happens when she’s bored or her close friends come as customers.

She carried the tray filled with 2 cups of espresso carefully to a table.

“Here you go.” She said, putting down the drinks.

“Thank you, Sunny unnie.” Yoona replied, smiling.

Sunny smiled back at the model as she wondered how she can appear so beautiful all the time. There must be some secret skin products or weird diet or black magic behind it all. Or maybe she’s just born a beauty, a tall beauty.

“What are you two talking about? It seems like serious business.” She asked before joining her customers even though they never asked her to. She’s just bored. Her wife is busy producing songs at the studio for some new girl group. There’s almost a new girl group popping out every month; sometimes she criticises them in her head, wondering if these manufactured groups can really last in the k-pop industry. Though, she’s secretly a fan of T-Ara, especially Hyomin.

“Oh, we’re just discussing about this meeting with a screenwriter. We’ll be meeting him today.” Hyoyeon, Yoona’s manager replied. There’s no need to be secretive with Sunny. She and Yoona spend time there at her cafe so often that it almost feels like it’s their second office.

“Ooh.. Wait. Does that mean our Yoona is going to be an actress soon?” She asked, excited.

Yoona nodded. “You better ask for my autograph now. I’ll be busy by then.” She joked.

Her joke made everyone laugh; Yuri’s narcissism had definitely rubbed on her.

“Everyone seems happy without me.” A voice said.

The female voice had calmed down the atmosphere. Everyone stopped laughing and turned to the new guest.

Yoona’s eyes widened as she saw that face. She couldn’t believe her eyes.

“You said you would be back tomorrow!!” She shouted before practically jumping out of her chair and ran towards the person.

Kwon Yuri was waiting for her with open arms and a wide smile on her face. Her skin looked even darker than usual, resulting from all the tanning she got at the exotic beaches, making her look more sexy than usual. She hugged Yoona’s petite body tightly, wrapping her arms around her tiny waist and burying her face in her lavender scented hair. After a long warm embrace, they let go of each other and began their loving eye stares.

“I missed you like crazy.” Yoona whispered as she lets Yuri caresses her face gently.

“I missed you too. That’s why I came back a day early to surprise you.” Yuri said softly.

Yoona smiled and her face blushed as she leaned forward for a kiss. The kiss was tender and sweet, but it portrays how they missed each other. Yoona almost cried of happiness.

“How was your trip?” Yoona asked after they broke their kiss.

“Well, it was okay, the locations were beautiful, the weather was great, the culture was interesting and we got a bunch of cool shots. But I wasn’t having fun.. because I was missing you.” Yuri replied.

Hyoyeon rolled her eyes. She knows Yuri all too well, a sweet talker.

“How many people did you manage to make out with?” She asked.

“Unnie!” Yoona shouted.

Yuri glanced at Hyoyeon and scoffed. “Uh..none. What are you trying to say exactly?”

Hyoyeon and Yuri stared at each other intensely. It brings down the mood. Sunny looked at the two girls going at each other in a staring contest while Yoona was trapped in between. She has to do something.

“Hey, Yuri! Give me a hug! I missed you too!” Sunny said, suddenly throwing her arms around Yuri’s neck for a bear hug. Or a bunny hug.

Yuri was surprised, but then she slowly returned the hug and patted the short girl’s back.

“If you missed me, then you must treat me to food today. A full meal, for free.” She said, sneakily.

Sunny gave Yuri a pat on her butt, causing her to flinch in shock. It’s one of the bad habits that she got from her wife.

“Yah..Sunny..” She said, rubbing her buttock.

Sunny smiled in satisfaction, “Fine. Your meal is on the house today. So what do you want to eat?”


Kang Jiyoung was walking to her classroom with a stack of books in her arms. She had just borrowed them from the library to get ready for the upcoming exam. As she walked to her class, she saw a familiar figure coming from the opposite side of the hallway. It was a tall girl with beautiful, long hair, who looked like a star in the middle of the night. The one that shines brighter than any other star. She walked with confidence and flipped her hair a few times, causing the others to look at her in awe.

“Morning, Krystal!” Jiyoung called as they both reached the classroom door.

Krystal looked at the girl before her with an uncomfortable gaze. Jiyoung gulped. It’s the same gaze as before, and the look that made her feel scared. It seems like nothing has changed even after their beach trip.

“Omo, who do you think you are, huh? Calling our Krystal like that.” A girl on Krystal’s left said. It was Luna, the daughter of the fashion designer, who seemed to hang around with Krystal lately.

“Step away, Kang.” Another girl said. It was Minji, whose father owned a chain of fast food restaurants. She’s always rude and often gets into trouble, even with the teachers, but there’s nothing that her parents can’t pay to get her out of.

Jiyoung had no choice but to step back. She didn’t want to be Minji’s punching bag this early in the morning.

Krystal and her girls entered the class first. Sulli was already there in her usual seat, which is next to Krystal. Little Jung was so happy to see her there, she really wanted to patch things up with her best friend. When Sulli looked up and smiled, Krystal’s heartbeat just doubled. She started walking to her table to hug her and put their differences behind, not able to wait till later. It’s time for a new start for Krystal and Sulli.

“Jiyoung, good morning.” Sulli suddenly greeted with a wave and a warm smile. Jiyoung had just entered the class, her arms numb from carrying the books.

“Er..morning Sulli.” Jiyoung greeted back, stuttering.

Krystal froze.

Sulli wasn’t smiling at her. She was smiling at Jiyoung.

It’s Jiyoung again.

It’s always Jiyoung.

She continued to walk to her seat and slammed her hand onto the table, shocking everyone. The class became unusually quiet; there’s no more morning chatter and gossip as Krystal continued to take her seat harshly. She pulled out the chair noisily and put down her bag with a loud thud on the wooden table. Sulli rolled her eyes and sighed as she’s secretly disappointed that Krystal still hasn’t changed her ways. She inched as far away from the angst-filled girl and ended up at the edge of the table. Krystal scoffed and shook her head; it seems like nothing had changed during the break. Sulli still treats her like a virus, avoiding any contact with her and ignored her completely.

She looked at Jiyoung, who’s still making her way to her table which is at the back of the class with the stack of books in her arms. Even though they had some good times together at the beach, Krystal decided to act like it never happened. Jiyoung is meant to be bullied by her.

Krystal signalled Minji, who sits 2 tables in front of Jiyoung to do something to the poor girl. Minji got the message and nodded. Krystal leaned her back on her chair and looked out the window, smiling as she’s waiting for the fall.

“Ahhhhh!!” A screamed was heard, followed by a loud bang.

Kang Jiyoung had fallen on the floor again, allegedly because she didn’t notice Minji’s foot. It was an accident, a planned accident. Her books were scattered on the floor, not to mention she got a small cut on her knee since she hit the table before falling down. The other students looked at her, some laughing and some felt sorry, but none of them were there to help.

Sulli looked at the girl next to her, and shook her head.

“Was that really necessary?” She asked.

Krystal rolled her eyes. “I didn’t do anything.”

“Well not directly.” Sulli said bitterly.

Krystal did nothing but continue to stare out the window.

Sulli looked at her friend, not able to help but feel confused to her recent change of attitude.

“What has gotten into you? I almost can’t recognize you anymore.” Sulli continued, but Krystal ignored her, making her feel like she’s talking to a wall.

Sulli sighed and stood up from her seat before hurriedly helping Jiyoung who’s still on the floor.

Krystal bit her lip. This is too much.


It’s the monthly meeting in the Glitter’s design department. In the meeting, they’ll discuss the magazine sales and future projects to keep the magazine interesting and fresh. The Glitter Magazine is the most popular local fashion magazine in the country, followed by Glam Magazine who’s always been the nearest competitor for them.

Tiffany Hwang, the Head of Department took a sip from her glass of water before clearing her throat. She’s been talking for almost half an hour and her throat was getting sore.

“So, any opinions? Says? You know you can say anything you want in this room.” She said, firm yet friendly. It’s how she handles her staff, unlike their previous Head of Department, Jessica, who’s scary almost all the time.

“This is bad. I mean, Glam is now the number one magazine.” Hara suddenly said with a frown.

“This is not good for us, really. But Glam recently came out with the male model on the cover and it boosted their sales. They also increased their advertisement and even co-sponsored a drama show.” Seohyun said. She looked calm despite of her recent ugly breakup with her one-year boyfriend.

“I think we should do the Minho project fast. We never know what Glam might come out with next. They’re so current; they made us look like some black and white TV while they are..3D TV.” Nicole said with a chuckle. She steals a few glances at Hara whenever she got the chance.

Tiffany sighed and nodded.

“You’re right. I’ll try to talk to Madam Joanna about it later.”


“Yah, the tall kid! What are you doing there?! Clear these tables!” Siwon shouted at Sooyoung.

Sooyoung grunted as she lazily put down the book she was secretly reading behind the shelf. No matter how many times Siwon prohibited her from reading, she didn’t care at all. It’s like it went through the right ear and goes out through the left. She’s hooked to Nicholas Sparks lately, nothing better than reading a nice romantic straight love story in a busy cafe.

“Hurry up! You’re asking for trouble!” Jessica called when Sooyoung moved slowly towards the cafe side of the store.

“You know I like it better back there? It’s so peaceful.” Sooyoung said.

Jessica chuckled as she helped Sooyoung wipe a few tables in the cafe.

“Hey Sica, when will we get back to the company? You said that this slavery is only temporary.” She said, putting the used glass cups into a tray.

“Well, the deal for this punishment is to increase the sales by 30%. The singing night had helped attract more customers and increase the sale by 15%. We need another 15 then we’ll be back to the fashion world.” Jessica replied.

“Another 15%? Where can we get that?!” Sooyoung grunted in frustration.

Jessica chuckled and pats her back gently.

“Why? You can’t wait to get back to working with Hara?” She teased.

Sooyoung smiled sheepishly. “That is one of the many reasons.”

The two friends looked at each other as if they’re communicating without words.

Jessica cleared her throat before she says, “Back at the beach house, when I asked you about who you were going to choose...you said that..”

“Hey, let’s hurry up and clear the table, there are customers pouring in!” Sooyoung said nervously before leaving Jessica hanging there. It was obvious that she wanted to avoid the conversation. She quickly picked up the empty cups on the tray before taking it to the kitchen. Jessica stood there and stared at her friend as she hurriedly pushed the kitchen door with the tray in one hand like she’s running from something. Jessica sighed. She knew that her friend is still having doubts.

“Good morning, Sooyeon.” A male voice suddenly greeted, quickly breaking Jessica’s train of thoughts.

She was surprised with the way the man greeted her since there are only a few people who called her by her Korean name. She turned around and found that it was someone who’s been calling her that since she was born, her own father.

“Dad?” She asked, still in disbelief. He is the last person she would expect to meet in the cafe, next to Lee Minho.

She smiled awkwardly and walked to him with creased eyebrows, “Wow, I would never expect you to be here!” She said, shocked, before squeezing him tightly in a hug.

Mike Jung smiled and chuckled. He let out a loud sigh before holding his daughter’s hand.

“I was passing by from a meeting with a client and I thought I should come by to see you in the waitress outfit.” He said, teasing.

Jessica smiled sheepishly, thinking that she in a waitress outfit is not exactly her. She’s a Jung, they’re born to be powerful.

“Don’t tease me dad, it’s all grandpa’s idea.” She said, rolling her eyes.

“You want to drink something? I’ll ask our barista to make some delicious coffee for you. Our coffee is getting famous these days.” She added, pulling her father with her to the nearest table before gesturing him to sit.

Mike nodded, “Sure, but only if you’re drinking with me.”

Jessica laughed and sat on a chair opposite her father, ignoring the stare she got from Siwon, the manager. Coffee is the drink that she can enjoy with her father without passing out. She let him down so many times when they drank soju together, collapsing after a sip. Jessica felt guilty for being the worst drinker in the family while her dad is an alcohol master. Mike accepts the fact anyway, but he is still hoping that Krystal will inherit his talent. He can’t wait till she turned 18.

“Sooyoung, bring us er..what would you like dad?” Jessica said, raising her hand to her friend.

“I’d like a cup of black coffee.” Mike said.

“Okay, one black coffee and for me..a caramel coffee!” She ordered from her seat. Sooyoung nodded and passed the order to the handsome barista.

Kim Jaejoong looked at the father and daughter who were happily chatting about something.

“That’s her father!” Sooyoung said to his ear. He flinched, shocked by the sudden loud voice during his observation.

“I know..er I mean..I can figure that because..that man kinda looks like her. And please don’t shout in my ears again.” Jaejoong said, pressing his chest to calm his pounding heart from Sooyoung’s attack.

Sooyoung shrugged, “I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea. And hey, hurry up will you? That’s Albert Jung’s son-in-law.”

Jaejoong looked away and after Sooyoung left, he stared at the father-daughter scene again. It might looked like he was staring at Jessica, but the truth, it was not Jessica. Not this time. He gritted his teeth as he stared at the man.

Michael Jung..


Krystal Jung sat on the bench as her classmates were playing volleyball in the court. It’s PE time, but she’s not in the mood to play, not after what just happened at the class. She looked around the court. There were two teams playing against each other. One team was obviously stronger than the other one. Her friends, Minji and Luna, were almost defeated by the other team. They looked pissed, but there’s nothing that they can do.

“And score again!!” Jiyoung shouted after she scores another point for her team. Her teammates were so excited; they’re circling her for a big group hug.

“Good job, Jiyoung! Maybe you should join our school team!” Their PE teacher praised, patting her back.

Jiyoung smiled sheepishly and looked down, silently thanking her brief training at the Jung’s Beach house last weekend. She looked up and saw Krystal staring at her. Their eyes met for a brief moment, but Jiyoung looked away. It wasn’t because she’s scared, but that eye contact made her blush. She wondered why.

Krystal kept cursing Jiyoung again and again in her heart; she kept blaming her existence to her estranged relationship with Sulli. She and Sulli were doing great until she came into their lives, ruining their years of friendship.

Or maybe more.

Krystal shook her head, trying to get rid of the thoughts of her head. It’s all begun with that thought, that funny feeling in her gut when she held Sulli’s hand. It’s ridiculous, really. It’s not like she never held hands with her best friend before. Holding hands is nothing since sometimes they even snuggle to sleep.

But it’s all different now and it’s started with a dream she had. In that dream, she saw Sulli wearing a beautiful white dress and smiling sweetly at her. Then all of the sudden, they were in the middle of a vast green field that seemed borderless. Everything was green, it was beautiful. No words were spoken in that moment, just serene silence as they looked at each other.

Then she kissed her.

Sulli kissed her.

She still remembers how it felt, the soft and sweet kiss. She woke up, panting at three in the morning with hand on her lips. It felt so real, she could taste the flavour of Sulli’s strawberry lip balm. And that was how everything changed.

Krystal tried to analyze what she’s feeling. She’s pretty sure that she was indirectly influenced by her sister to turn gay just by being around her and her friends. Her gay-ness must’ve rubbed on her. So she watched a lot of shirtless male videos and Ninja Assassin almost 5 times to convince herself. She even got Rain’s shirtless poster in her room and stared at it before she went to bed. But when Sulli came for a sleepover, she can’t help but to stare at her when she sleeps. Sometimes, she didn’t sleep at all, especially when they snuggled to sleep. Her heart raced, like it’s almost jumping out of her chest and Sulli would ask her why. She looked worried and thought that Krystal got a fever because of her hot temperature.

She’s not sure when she began to act possessive of Sulli. At first Sulli thought it’s kind of cute, but when Krystal kept glaring at all the boys who would talk to Sulli, she started to feel annoyed. And then came along Jiyoung, the new girl who has to rely on scholarship to study in their school. Jiyoung did nothing wrong, except for talk to Sulli one day. They got off pretty well, and Sulli felt like she needed to spend time with someone other than Krystal, especially since she’s been acting weird lately. Krystal was frustrated, she can’t reveal her feelings or she might lose Sulli forever. The only thing she can do is to vent her anger at Jiyoung and blame her for everything.

Krystal stopped her train of thoughts as she saw a glimpse of someone in the locker room. She removed her iPod earplugs and put it on the bench. Slowly she walked towards the room.

Choi Sulli was tying her long black hair with an orange ribbon, facing the mirror. She was humming a Justin Bieber song as she continues to fix her hair, completely oblivious that she was being watched.

Then she sang, “You are my love, You are my heart, And we will never ever-ever be apart..”

“Are we an item? Girl quit playing..” Krystal continued the lyrics.

Sulli was startled. She almost knocked her head on the metal locker. She turned around, getting ready to explain that she’s not a Bieber fan to whomever caught her humming.

“I thought you hated Justin Bieber.” Krystal said, teasing.

“I’m not a fan!..” She paused. She looked at Krystal and their eyes met. After a few seconds, Sulli looked away and cleared her throat.

“Why are you not out there playing? You love volleyball. Isn’t it like a Jung thing?” She said.

Krystal can’t help but smile. Sulli knows everything about her and she loved that.

“I don’t want to fight with your girlfriend. She may be a low class person, but she’s good at volleyball.” Krystal said, leaning her back to the door.

Sulli sighed. “Will you just stop bullying her?”

Krystal scoffed. “Why are you protecting her so much?!”

“Because you keep picking on her! And now I see you have minions to bully her too!” Sulli replied.

“Only because you kept sticking up for her!” Krystal snapped.

“Oh come on! Are you jealous that I’m spending time with other people other than you? Am I not allowed?” Sulli asked.

“It’s not like that!” Krystal protested.

Sulli sighed again, “Soojung, you are my best friend forever, and nothing can change that fact.”

Krystal bit her lip, being her best friend forever felt like a stab. “I told you that’s not what it is!”

“Then why? Why do you keep on bullying Jiyoung like this?!”

“I can’t tell you!”




Chapter 29

Random Chatters

“Then why? Why do you keep bullying Jiyoung like this?!”

“I can’t tell you!”


“Because...because...I...” Krystal was stuttering; shivering as if she was out in the winter without a jacket. Ironically, she’s feeling hot as sweat began to form on her forehead.

Sulli looked deeply into her best friend's nervous eyes as she realized that she'd never wanted to fight with her. Krystal and she have always been with each other, like sisters. They’re supposed to stick up for each other not fight like this. Her expression softens as she finally came to her senses.

“Soojung dear, what happened? You know you can tell me anything...,” She said softly.

Her sweet voice almost made Krystal give up and spill everything.

Sulli, I like you...but more than just a friend.

“Sulli, I like...

Suddenly the door opens, revealing Minji and Luna who’s staring at them weirdly. Krystal panicked; she’s unsure of what to do. She can’t show her weak side to her newly formed little group of followers.

“What were you saying? You like?” Sulli asked after Krystal’s long pause.

“Krystal, you like..someone?” Luna asked with an eyebrow raised. Then she looked at Minji and they exchanged curious looks.

“Nonsense!” Krystal replied almost immediately.

She cleared her throat, “Sulli, I’d like you to stop protecting Jiyoung from now on.”

Sulli scoffed, “Are you giving me orders now?”

“I’ve only let you go so many times before because of our friendship. But if you still insist on taking her side from now on I’ll..

“You’ll what? What are you gonna do to me? Topple my food tray in the canteen? So what? I’m only sticking up for what’s right! And what you did to her is wrong! I’m never going to accept what you did!” Sulli protested.

“How dare she talk to Krystal like that!” Minji said, pissed.

Sulli rolled her eyes; the two of them were getting on her nerves.

“I guess you’ve made your decision,” Krystal said arrogantly.

“I made it a long time ago,” Sulli replied.

“It’s a war then,” Krystal continued.

“Oh yeah! It’s on!” Minji and Luna shouted in unison.

Sulli scoffed again, “Bring it on, Jung. Don’t you get it? In movies, the good guys always win in the end.”

“Well true, on Disney channel original movies,” Krystal added bitterly.

Sulli was speechless, defeated. Krystal was always better at trash talking.


Mike Jung gently put the cup and the saucer down after taking a sip of his coffee. He smiled as he looked out of the window, watching the cars parked by the road just to grab some coffee at Al’s Cafe. There were even people lining up at the counter, waiting for their turn to order.

“You've really changed this place, Sooyeon. I’m impressed,” He said.

A smile crept onto Jessica’s face. Hearing that from her father meant a lot as he’s not the one who gives praise easily.

“But we still need to boost another 15% of the monthly sales so that grandpa will finally be satisfied and take me back to the company,” She said, sighing.

Mike chuckled, “You know you don’t have to do this.”

Jessica looked at her father and an awkward silence began to swallow them both. She looked down and took another sip of her caramel coffee, hoping that her father would start talking about something else, but he was still staring at her, waiting for a response.

“We’ve talked about this dad. I’m not interested in taking over your huge steel company. Besides, I’ve promised grandpa about Glitter,” She said, avoiding his gaze.

“This is why I wanted a son,” Mike said, sighing.

“DAD!” Jessica whined.

Mike laughed, and somehow it made Jessica’s heart flutter. She hadn’t seen her father laugh this much since she announced that she’s in love with Tiffany.

“I guess I have to brainwash Soojung then,” He said after he finished laughing.

“Well dad, you have no choice,” Jessica added, smiling. It seems like Krystal was going to have more responsibilities than her elder sister in the near future.

Mike continued to smile as he took another sip of his coffee. He looked around the cafe, eyes focused on almost every corner of the shop, moving from one spot to another. Jessica looked at her father, noticing his small smiles every now and then like something crossed his mind, maybe some sweet memories of his younger days.

“It’s been a long time since I last came here,” He finally said.

Jessica nodded as she stirred her coffee. There was still half of it left in her cup. She wasn't really a fan of caramel coffee, but she drank it because it was Tiffany’s favourite.

“Really? How long has it been?” She asked.

Mike gave a mysterious smile, “It was...pretty long.”

“Sir, here’s some complimentary waffles from our cafe,” A voice suddenly said.

Jessica looked up and saw Jaejoong standing with a small tray filled with delicious-looking hot waffles.

“Oh thanks...,” Mike said, but not really looking at him.

Jaejoong smiled and put down the waffles in the middle of the table politely. He glanced at Jessica before looking at Michael.

“Enjoy your meal,” He said.

Mike looked up this time and saw his face clearly. He froze. Jaejoong smiled one more time before bowing and leaving their table. Mike was still staring at him as he went to his place behind the counter. His face paled as if he’d just seen a ghost.

“Dad, what’s wrong with you?” Jessica asked, worried.

Mike shook his head and stared at his daughter, face still pale.

“Dad? Are you okay?” Jessica asked as she held his hand.

He gulped a few times before he could finally speak. “Wh-Who is that?”

“Who? You mean Jaejoong?” Jessica asked.

“His name is...Jae...joong?” Mike asked as he tried to keep his cool. There was something so familiar about that guy that it just struck him. It brought a flurry of questions and possibilities.

“What about his...family name?” He asked, acting normal although there’s nothing normal about a man his age asking about a handsome male barista...unless he’s gay.

Jessica raised her eyebrow; his father rarely cares about other people, much less some random cafe worker.

“It’s Kim. Kim Jae Joong,” She answered lazily.

Michael gulped. He wished he'd never asked.


Classical music played in the background of the lavish restaurant. It provided the perfect ambience for the hi-tea that evening. A group of middle aged women were busily chatting as they sipped their expensive tea, talking about the most random topics, from the latest Jimmy Choo’s shoes to their childrens' weddings.

“I’ve ordered 8,000 red roses for the decorations of each guest table. It costs a lot, but I’d do anything for my Yeon Hee’s happiest day!” Madam Lee, the woman in the huge sunglasses said. Julia Jung stifled a yawn as she thought of why anyone would wear sunglasses in an indoor restaurant.

“Oh, and I spent 6,000 dollars just for Seung Heun’s Armani suit.” Madam Song added, with no relevance whatsoever. It was only to compete with the others...to see who the bigger idiot was. Madam Song would probably win since she was wearing a big brimmed yellow hat when they’re not even under the sun.

“Sometimes I think that Seung Heun is too old for Yeon Hee,” Julia suddenly said. She wasn’t focused on their conversation and ended up blurting out the first thing that came to her mind. It was true that the future groom was 11 years older than the bride and the age gap was pretty big. But it was insensitive, considering that their children were getting married to each other in a month's time.

Noticing the stares on her, she quickly cleared her throat. “But nothing is impossible when it comes to love. Love has no boundaries.”

“Well I’m sure Madam Jung knows best,” Madam Song said, smirking.

“Sure she does, I heard that Jessica is getting married to, isn't she?” Madam Choi, who was silently sitting there finally said.

Julia gulped; she’s not sure how to answer.

“It's such a waste that she likes girls. I was thinking of matching her up with my son, Donghae. He’s always been close with Jessica since they were little,” Madam Lee said.

“They've only met a few times through parties, when they were about 10. They’re not that close,” Julia said bitterly. She didn't like how Madam Lee described her daughter as ‘such a waste’.

“It’ll be weird to have two brides in a wedding. They’ll both be wearing dresses right? Or maybe Jessica wants to man up and wear a tux?” Madam Song asked, teasing.

There were teasing chuckles and stares from the others and it was making her feel embarrassed. It’s embarrassing when your daughter doesn't grow up as you expect her to be. Julia had held back her feelings for so long. When Jessica first came to her, she wanted to yell at her and maybe even slap her, but she didn’t. She wanted to be the understanding mother, and accept Jessica for who she was. But now, she was beginning to regret her decision. Maybe she should have been firmer with her children so that Jessica wouldn't just do anything she wanted. She blamed herself.

“I still have Krystal,” Julia suddenly said.

Her friends nodded and looked at each other.

“Oh yes, I like Krystal. She’s smart and pretty. But are you sure she’s straight? There’s a fair chance that she’ll be just like her sister.” Madam Song said, followed by another round of laughter.

Julia smiled, “Yes she is. I’ll make sure she is.”


It was 6:30 in the evening and Jessica was standing in front of the movie theatre, holding a pair of tickets to the movie Knight and Day at 7:30pm. She and Tiffany had promised to meet there at 7pm, but Jessica was too excited and decided to be there early. She'd just received her salary so she wanted to treat Tiffany to a nice movie and a romantic dinner. Since they started living together, they'd rarely gone out on dates anymore and just stayed indoors. But now she decided to be more romantic and wanted to express her love in other ways than just sex. The conversation she had with Sooyoung a few days back had had an impact on her.

She glanced at her watch again and sighed loudly. It was only 6:35 pm. Time passes so slowly when you’re waiting. She paced back and forth and put the tickets in her jeans front pocket to make sure they're safe. She looked around and noticed that there’s a man staring at her. Their eyes met, and he smiled, probably thinking of getting to know her better. Jessica sighed again, and this time she showed him her silver engagement ring with a sparkling diamond on her finger. The man was shocked but then he nodded before turning away, embarrassed. Jessica rolled her eyes and snuck her hands into her pockets before walking towards the shops, having decided that standing there alone was not a good idea.

She walked along the shops, stopping every now and then when something caught her eyes, but she didn't buy anything. Most of the things that she liked were worth almost her one month salary at the cafe and it wasn't smart for her to spend it all at once. She appreciates her money even more now than before her credit cards were taken. Maybe Grandpa Jung’s punishment really did teach her some valuable lessons.

She walked into an accessory shop and browsed through the bracelet section. She criticizes some of them in her head, complaining at the plain design, the material used and their drab colors. Then she saw something: a pink bracelet. It immediately reminded her of someone.

“Excuse me, I would like to buy a bracelet,” Jessica said immediately to the shopgirl.

“Which one?” She asked.

“The pink one,” Jessica said, smiling, pointing at the glass.


Kwon Yuri turned the key and the door creaked open. She slowly entered the empty house, and by the looks of it, she was quite sure that no one was home. Yoona was out with Hyoyeon to a meeting with a drama producer so Yuri decided to wait for her at her house. Yoona gave Yuri the spare key, because the latter always went there in the middle of the night to look for her girlfriend after a long day at work.

The house was empty but tidy, as if there was someone who had been keeping the house clean. Yuri made her way to the second floor, towards Yoona’s room. She wanted to take a little nap before Yoona returned. She entered the room and put her luggage on the floor. Her body was tired from the long flight and she couldn't wait to lay down on the bed with her girlfriend’s scent. She sat on the bed and took off her socks. Then she removed her jacket and threw them on the floor. Since she was sure that she’s alone, she took off her top, leaving only her bra. She was actually more comfortable sleeping naked on Yoona’s bed.

“You must be tired,” A voice said from the door.

Yuri was startled; she quickly pulled the blanket to cover her upper body. She looked at the door and was shocked to find the figure of a young woman standing there, holding a tray of food.



Tiffany fidgeted with her hands for almost the entirety of the meeting. She glanced at her watch every few minutes to check the time. Joanna Jung kept on talking and it felt as if it was never going to end. Sometimes she repeats the same thing a few times; ‘Sales flopped’, ‘Whose fault’, ‘Stupid Glam’ was repeated over and over again during the whole time. Tiffany gets it; the stupid Glam Mag has done a much awesome job and it's causing Glitter’s sales to flop and it’s everyone’s fault. Now all she wants is to get out of the meeting and go to the movie date with Jessica. She glanced at her watch again. Its 7:15 pm. Jessica was gonna flip.

“Er, excuse me Madam Joanna,” Tiffany said, without thinking.

Joanna looked annoyed at being interrupted, but she paused and looked at Tiffany.

“Yes? What is it Ms Hwang?” She asked.

“Er...I have something really important to go to. May I be excused from the meeting?” Tiffany asked politely. She gulped as she faked an apologetic look.

Joanna looked at her and rolled her eyes. Her ‘important’ thing had to be none other than Jessica. It was written all over her face. Under normal circumstances, if other staffs asked to be excused, she or he would probably have been scolded. But this is Tiffany and it’s different.

“Just go. You don’t want to keep her waiting. I’ll ask Nicole to tell you the details of the meeting,” Joanna said, sighing.

Tiffany smiled from ear to ear when she got her approval. She stood up and bowed before hurriedly leaving the meeting room.

Nicole rolled her eyes, dissatisfied.

“Madam Joanna, Ms Hwang is the Head of Department. Wouldn’t it be selfish of her to abandon an important meeting because of a...date?” Nicole said bluntly. She had had enough of playing nice.

The other staffs in the meeting room looked at each other and begin to whisper. Joanna felt so exposed, she could feel that her staffs were judging her for being biased towards someone.

“Shut up Nicole. Now let’s continue,” She said before continuing, ignoring the random chatter in the background.


“Seungyeon?” Yuri asked, shocked.

Seungyeon casually walked into the room with a food tray in her hands. She padded to the small table beside the bed and carefully put the contents on it. Yuri stared at her curiously as she put down a glass filled with green liquid and a plate of rice crackers.

Yuri’s eyes went wide as she noticed the food she brought.

“Is that Ma juice? And rice crackers?” She asked, excited. It’s her favourite snacks and it’s amazing how Seungyeon had just come out from nowhere with the things she wanted to eat the most.

Seungyeon picked up the empty tray before turning around to stare at Yuri. Her expression was unreadable, but she seemed serious.

“I ground the Ma especially for you since I knew you’re tired after a long journey. I hope you like it,” She said, still serious. She stared at Yuri for a few more seconds before turning around and heading to the door.

“Wait!” Yuri called.

Seungyeon had reached the door but she stopped and turned around.

“What?” She asked, annoyed.

“I should thank you for this, but...how did you know that these are my favourites?” Yuri asked with an awkward smile.

Seungyeon sighed.

“I know a lot about you, probably more than you know about yourself,” She replied.

There was a long pause before Yuri suddenly broke into laughter as if Seungyeon just told her the funniest joke.

Seungyeon rolled her eyes before she suddenly said, “I know that you don’t deserve Yoona.”

Her statement caused Yuri to stop laughing and stare at her. She was shocked and angered by what she had just heard.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Yuri asked, pissed.

“I know what you did in Bali,” Seungyeon continued.

Yuri was speechless. She started to feel nervous. No one was supposed to know about what happened in Bali, especially not Seungyeon. She barely even knew this girl.

“Yoona is too nice. She could’ve cheated on you if she wanted to, but she chose to stay loyal. But you...,” Seungyeon added, sounding disappointed.

Yuri gulped. She would have never thought of having this conversation with Seungyeon. She didn’t even know the girl's family name.

“I’m just so...disappointed in you,” Seungyeon continued.

“I don’t understand a thing you’re saying right now,” Yuri said.

Seungyeon let out a frustrated sigh. “I know what you did in Bali and...

...with whom.”


Chapter 30

10:00 PM

“I..am..SORRY!” Tiffany said, panting. She put one hand on the pole beside her and another on her waist to catch her breath. It was obvious that she ran all the way from her car to Jessica.

Jessica was sitting on one of the benches in front of the cinema, crossing her arms. She looked away, ignoring Tiffany’s plead. Tiffany was two hours late and she should be angry.

Tiffany scratched her head as she’s trying to explain, “I was caught up in the sudden company meeting, and then I got stuck in the crazy traffic jam, there was a car accident too and it made the traffic worse, after that..I accidentally took the wrong turn and got lost..”

Jessica continued to ignore the girl’s pleads and pouted her lips. It’s stupid but she felt like crying, because Tiffany made her wait for too long.

“Jessi, I didn’t mean to..I’m really sorry.” Tiffany said softly. She knows she’s wrong and Jessica had prepared a lot for that night. She wished to be there earlier but that’s not what happened. She didn’t plan for Julia to call for the sudden meeting at the last minute or the poor car to crash into the road divider, sometimes things just happen.

“Jessi..” Tiffany called again, but no response.

“Honey..” She called sweetly and held her hand but Jessica quickly pulled it away with a scoff.

“Blankie..” She called, but she got nothing but a cold shoulder.

Tiffany sighed as she really didn’t know how to calm the storm. But then something came to her mind.

“My Boo Boo..” She called.

Jessica looked at Tiffany almost immediately, her face shocked before turned disgust.

“I. Am. Not. A Boo Boo.” She said, serious. Her reaction was too cute for Tiffany to bare; she chuckled.

“Boo Boo, I’m sorry. Forgive me? Pweeeease?” Tiffany whined in the most annoying and adorable way possible. Jessica stared at her, her face blank at first but then a smile slowly crept on her face. Her own voice echoed in her head.

That is.. sooooo cute!!

But nothing came out from her mouth but a little smile.

Jessica sighed before suddenly standing up from the bench, “Aisssssh! This is so unfair!” She grunted.

“You are not gonna get away with this by just showing me your cute face! Do you know how long I’ve been waiting here for you? Three hours! THREE FREAKING HOURS! I had to deal with men who tried to flirt with me and my feet are tired from walking endlessly in the mall where I can’t even buy a thing. And did you know that I had to bribe Sooyoung so that she’ll cover for me because I left work early without Siwon’s permission? She made me buy her two buckets of fried chicken!” Jessica snapped, blurting out all of her suppressed emotions in one breath.

Tiffany gulped and took a step backwards, shocked by her fiancé’s outburst.

Jessica paused to took a breath before continuing, “And the movie..we missed the movie! It was at 7:30! And it’s already 9:30 now..

Suddenly Tiffany wrapped her arms around the angry girl. She gently rubbed her back, hushing her with sweet voices.

“Jessi, I’m really sorry. I’m sorry that I made you wait for three hours till your foot hurts. I’m sorry that I caused us to miss the movie. I’m soooo sorry and I promise that it won’t happen again.” She said softly.

Jessica could feel all her anger just disappear as if it had been sucked into a black hole. Tiffany’s hug and sweet voice made her forget why she’s angry in the first place. She returned the hug and rested her chin on her shoulder.

“I hate you.” She said.

Tiffany chuckled before turning her head to her side and kissed Jessica’s cheek.

“I love you too, Boo Boo.” She said, smiling. She gently stroked Jessica’s hair as they continued to hug.

“What are we going to do now?” Jessica asked.

“Let’s stick to the plan and watch Knight and Day; they have another one showing at 10 pm.” Tiffany replied.

“But we don’t have the tickets. And they’re already sold out by now.” Jessica said, pouting.

Tiffany grinned. “But I have tickets.”

Jessica was shocked and she broke the hug to look at Tiffany’s face and see if she’s serious.

Tiffany smiled before caressing her fiancé’s blushing cheeks, “I booked them online, for us.”


Julia Jung sat on a sofa of her living room with her legs and arms crossed. She stared at the antique grandfather clock in front of her, so intently that her eyeballs almost followed the movement of the pendulum as each second passed by.

The mansion is filled with foreign maids but it felt empty since she’s alone without her family members. Her husband worked late in the office again while her daughter hasn’t yet reached home when it’s almost passed her curfew hour. Krystal should reach home before 10 and it’s already 9:59 pm.

Julia grits her teeth as she stares at the hands of the clock moving from one second to another. Five seconds till it reaches 10.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1..

And then it reached 10. The clock chimes to Westminister followed by the ten strikes.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5..

Julia glanced at the door; Krystal still hasn’t gone home.

..6, 7, 8,

9, 10.

The mother sighed in disappointment. Unlike Jessica, Krystal never breaks her curfew. And tonight would be her first.

A minute passed.

Suddenly the front door creaked open, Julia turned around immediately to see who it is.

Krystal walked in, with a bag slung over her shoulders and messy hair. She saw her mother standing in the middle of the living room with a look that demands an explanation.

“You broke the curfew.” Julia said, trying to stay calm.

Krystal moved closer and stopped in front of her. She glanced at the clock; it was 10:01 pm.

“I’m sorry mom, I had to wait for Luna’s mom to send me home..”

“Luna’s mom?”

“Yeah, I’ve told you that I went to a party at her house tonight..

“A party?”

Krystal gulped and nodded. “Yes. An adult supervised party with her parents in the house, we drank only snacks and soda, no alcohol whatsoever, no boys..

“No boys?” Julia asked.

“Uh-huh. We were all girls so you don’t have to worry a thing. Mom, you know I won’t do anything bad, I’m a good girl.” Krystal said, smiling. She’s trying to loosen up her mom’s tensed up mood for a bit.

Julia looked down, she felt bad for accusing Krystal even it was only in her head. She knows how Krystal is different from Jessica.

“Mom I’m sorry for passing the curfew but I promise it won’t happen again.” Krystal said as she slowly held her mother’s hand.

Julia looked at her daughter and smiled.

“You better promise me that you won’t disappoint me, ever.” Julia said with a serious expression.

Krystal chuckled. “I promise.”

Julia smiled and pulled her daughter for a hug. Krystal was confused but she returned the hug anyway.

“You’re all I have.” Julia whispered before kissing her youngest daughter’s forehead. Krystal stares at her mother, surprised by her sudden gestures, there were even tears in her eyes.

“Mom, are you okay?” She asked, worried.

Julia nodded, “Go to your room. You should sleep now, it’s getting late.”

Krystal smiled before she kissed her mother’s cheeks before heading upstairs to her room. She’s relieved that she’s not scolded for being late. Her mother rarely got angry but when she does, it’s a disaster.

Julia was about to sit on the sofa again when the front door was opened.

“I’m home.” Mike Jung said as he enters the house.

His wife looked at him with mixed emotions. She just had a bad day and having to wait for her husband and daughter to return home one by one is definitely not cheering her up. Mike looked tired as he walked towards his wife whom he missed all day.

“Where were you?” Julia asked, serious.

Mike looked at her weirdly, sensing that there’s something wrong with his wife.

“At the office of course, where else would I have been?” He answered, weird.

“Oh really? How would I’ve known that?”She asked, doubting him.

Mike sighed and walked closer to his wife before he held her hands.

“Are you okay? Did something happen?” He asked.

Julia shook her head and looked down in silence.

Then slowly she says, “My friends made fun of Sooyeon, saying that she’s ‘such a waste’ and all..”

Mike cupped his wife’s face and looked at her.

“I met Sooyeon today at the cafe, and you know what?” He asked.

Julia shook her head, pouting.

“She looked happy. So happy,” Mike said, smiling.


Jessica smiled happily as she snuggled closer to Tiffany’s chest. They’re watching the movie in the cinema but Jessica had no idea what’s going on. The last time she paid attention to the screen, Tom Cruise was landing the plane after killing everyone except Cameron Diaz. But then she’s too busy too care. She’s busy watching something else, Tiffany’s face. Unlike her, Tiffany was paying attention to the movie almost the entire time. The plot was fast and engaging, it was an enjoyable watch.

Jessica was glad that Tiffany bought the 10 pm tickets, it was VIP couple seats, providing much comfortable seating and privacy for them to make out.

“Honey..” Jessica called.

Tiffany had her eyes fixed on the screen but she replied, “Yes, boo boo?”

“Let’s make out.” Jessica said it straight forwardly.

“Later baby, I wanna watch this.” Tiffany said, patting Jessica’s head gently but not looking at her.

Jessica pouted and she threw another hissy fit. She let go of Tiffany’s arms and sat straight without touching her fiancé.

Tiffany chuckled and finally looked at her.

“I’m just kidding, come here.” She said, pulling her arm.

“No. Maybe you should kiss the screen instead.”

Tiffany smiled and leaned towards Jessica despite her protest. She gave her a full lock on her lips and it wasn’t long till their tongues found each other. Jessica grabbed Tiffany’s waist and pushed her closer to her body.

“Jessi, I need..to get back..to the movie..” Tiffany said in between kisses.

Jessica was struggling but she managed to let go of her fiancé before her hand ended up in her pants. It was such an accomplishment and she’s quite proud of herself. She’s capable of controlling her desire for the first time.

Tiffany intertwined their fingers together and focused back to the screen after giving Jessica what she wanted, though she was quite surprised that Jessica didn’t insist on going all the way like she always does.

Jessica wrapped one arm around Tiffany’s waist and rested her head on her shoulder.

“We will continue it at home.” She whispered.

Tiffany chuckled and nodded. “Of course.”

Then they stopped talking as the story almost reached its peak and Tiffany was so excited.

“I’ve told you he’s innocent..” Tiffany whispered to Jessica who’s not watching.

“She came back for him, she is sooo sweet.” She added a few seconds later.

Then Jessica remembered something.

“Popcorn?” She said, handing a box of popcorn.

“No thanks.” Tiffany replied.

“No, you must eat it.” Jessica insists.

“I’m full. It’s okay.”


There were sounds of other audience shushing them, annoyed with their unending chatters. It’s a movie theatre, not a coffee shop.

Jessica stares at Tiffany, threatening her to eat the popcorn or she’ll scream and they’ll both be kicked out of the hall. Tiffany sighed, defeated; she reached her hand into the box to get a piece of the popcorn to satisfy Jessica. But she was surprised when her hands touched something cold and hard, and felt nothing like popcorn unless Jessica ordered metalcorn.

She looked at Jessica and she was grinning shyly, “What did you find?” She asked.

Tiffany slowly took out the mysterious ‘popcorn’ and held it on her palm.

“This is..not a popcorn.” Tiffany said.

It’s a pink bracelet that Jessica had bought earlier; she thought it’s smart of her if she put it in the popcorn box to surprise her girlfriend.

“Wow, there’s a bracelet inside the box. I didn’t know that they had this, you know like the gift in the cereal box..”

“Jessi..” Tiffany whispered.

“And it’s in pink too, as if it’s meant for you.” Jessica added, smiling.

Tiffany stared at the bracelet and she can tell that it’s not some cheap toy in the popcorn box, it looks expensive and Jessica must’ve bought it with her own money.

Jessica continued, “I had absolutely no idea about it..

But she stopped when she was silenced by the soft lips pressed on hers. They closed their eyes and wrapped their hands around each other as they savoured the love that poured into the kiss.

“Thanks, this is very..romantic.” Tiffany said after they broke their kiss.

“I’m glad you like it.” Jessica replied shyly.

They smiled at each other and held hands, not caring about the story playing on the big screen.

“Let’s get out of here.” Tiffany suggested.

“But what about the movie?” Jessica asked.

Tiffany smiled. “Screw Cruise and Diaz, I only need my Jung.”


The meeting at Glitter ended at almost 10 pm. The staffs were complaining at each other at how long the meeting was and even though it was to find ways to boost the sales again, there wasn’t a single solution that they’ve found at the end of their hours long meeting.

Nicole Jung grunted as she walked out of the meeting room, stomping her feet with an angry face along the way. She’s still dissatisfied about Tiffany who gets to leave early just because she’s engaged to the company’s heir. It’s just not fair. She stood in front of the elevator and crossed her arms defensively as she waited.

“Talk about massive bias.” A voice suddenly said.

She turned around, shocked with the statement as if someone just read her mind. Kim Heechul was standing behind her with a smirk on his face.

“I mean that sly Tiffany, she used Jessica Jung the whole way, to get to the position right now, she even caused Jessica to be kicked off the company so that she can sit comfortably as the Head of Department.” He added.

Another staff continued, “And she’s not even qualified. Did you know that she only has some petty degree on Design from a college no one ever even heard of? How can someone like her become a leader?”

And then another round of random chatters took place.

Seohyun and Hara who were standing there looked at each other, uncomfortable hearing about Tiffany like this but there’s nothing that they could do.

“You can’t blame Tiffany for this.” Nicole suddenly said, causing the others to stop talking.

Did Nicole just defend Tiffany?

“She just dates Jessica, but then it was Jessica who went against her family and caused her to be exiled from the company. And about her entrance into Glitter, I heard Albert and Joanna personally want her, so...” Nicole added like she’s the good guy.

“So it’s all the Jungs fault.” Heechul continued.

“They can’t make clear judgement anymore. Can’t they see that since Tiffany got her hands on Design, our sales dropped so bad and put Glam on top?” A female staff added.

“It won’t be long until this company closes down with bankruptcy. We should start looking for new jobs now.” A male staff said, followed by the laughter from the rest of the workers.

Hara was badly offended; they’re acting like she wasn’t there. She took a few steps backwards until she reached the wall. She leaned her back against it and sighed.

Nicole stood in front of her, “I’m sorry, I was only trying to defend Tiffany but now..

Hara shook her head, “It’s okay, and at least you’ve tried.”

Seohyun looked at the two of them as Nicole gently caressing Hara’s arm before holding her hand. The two girls looked at each other and exchanged shy smiles like there’s something going on.

“What are you doing after this?” Nicole asked to Hara.

Hara gulped, she can tell that Nicole is about to ask her out, “Uh..I promised to meet Sooyoung at Sunny’s Cafe tonight but..

She was interrupted by the sudden sound of Chopin tune. Seohyun quickly pulled out her phone from her pocket.

It was an unknown number.

“Hello?” She asked.

“Hello, is this Miss Seo Ju Hyun?” A male voice asked.

“Yes, this is she.”

“This is Hyunjoong’s assistant. Can you please come to the Jung Ski Resort now? He is in deep trouble.”

Seohyun paused, shocked.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m afraid that he might kill himself..”

Seohyun gulped.

“Maybe you should tell his family.” Seohyun replied slowly, glancing at Hara.

“NO! You can’t tell his family! I’m worried if they’ll punish him or something. You know how strict his mother is. I think he’s heartbroken over his breakup with you and you’re the only one who can help him.”

Seohyun bit her lip.

“It’s not me.”

“Excuse me?”

A sad smile crept on Seohyun’s face as she said,

“It’s not me who can help him.”


Choi Sooyoung propped her chin lazily on the table as she stares blankly at the empty stage. She glanced at the big yellow sun shaped clock on the wall of Sunny’s Cafe, realizing that it’s already 10 pm. She let out a sigh, a tired sigh. She’s been sitting there for almost one hour waiting for her girlfriend to pick her up since Jessica had sneakily stolen her car keys and drove away with her car so that she can get to the mall on time for her movie date with Tiffany.

“Can I get anything else for you? Maybe your tenth waffle?” Taeyeon teased before joining her at the empty table. Sooyoung smiled, appreciating Taeyeon’s company. But it’s true that she already ate nine of Sunny’s waffles in an hour’s time.

“No show tonight? Where’s The SunnyZ?” Sooyoung asked, pushing the empty plate aside. A young waitress came immediately to pick up the used dishes and clear their table.

“The SunnyZ are all currently busy with personal activities. Seungyeon is busy with college, Jiyoung with school and Gyuri..well I don’t know where she is.” Taeyeon said, shrugging.

“We can’t contact her since before the holidays. I wonder where she is.” Sunny suddenly adds, and joined them at the table. She lovingly fixed her wife’s bangs before looking at Sooyoung.

“Maybe you guys should have another group to perform.” Sooyoung said with a smile, secretly admiring the loving relationship that the two shared.

“Yeah, Tae get one of those girl groups to perform in our cafe!” Sunny whined, tugging her wife’s arm.

Taeyeon chuckled at her childish behaviour, “Which group? After School? Brown Eyed Girls?” She asked.

“Hmm..How about T-Ara?” Sunny asked, smiling aegyo-ly.

Taeyeon raised an eyebrow, “Why T-Ara?”

“J-Just because..”

“Why specifically T-Ara?” Taeyeon asked.

“I like..their songs.” Sunny replied.

“I thought you hate all the similar girl groups.”

Sunny gulped, thinking whether she should just blurt out that she likes Hyomin.

She took a deep breath, there’s nothing more important than being honest in a relationship.

“Actually, I like Hyo..

“HEY EVERYONE!” A cheerful voice greeted.

“Hyoyeon!” Sunny shouted.

Hyoyeon walked towards them with a car key in one hand and a purse on the other. She looked energized despite that the time had already passed 10 pm. She reached the table and paused to take a breath while the others were staring at her curiously.

“Guess what?” She asked.

“What?” Sooyoung shrugged.

Hyoyeon smiled.

“Yoona just got the drama deal!” She announced.

Sooyoung, Sunny and Taeyeon looked at each other before cheering with Hyoyeon. Their friend, Yoona just got casted as a drama actress and they’re happy for her.

“Wow, so Yoona’s an actor now?” Taeyeon asked.

Hyoyeon nodded and put her purse and car keys on the table before she took a seat beside Sunny.

“I can’t be anymore proud, I mean all those annoying calls I made to the producers finally paid off, my client’s road to stardom is now wide open.” She said, proudly.

Sunny patted her back, “Congrats Hyoyeon.”

“But where’s Yoona?” Sooyoung asked.

“I send her back to her house since she can’t wait to celebrate with her..girlfriend.” Hyoyeon replied. There was an awkward pause before she said the word ‘girlfriend’ and it made the others wonder.

“Are Yoona and Yuri doing okay? They’re still together, right?” Taeyeon asked, curious.

Hyoyeon sighed, “Yes. Yoona is so in love with that girl. She won’t leave her no matter what.”

“Which is a good thing, isn’t it?” Sooyoung asked, confused.

Hyoyeon shrugged, “Who knows.”

Suddenly Sooyoung’s phone rang. She quickly reached for her bag to pick up the phone. She was surprised to see the caller’s name appear, it was Seohyun.

“Excuse me.” She said to the others before going 2 tables away from them to take the call. She pushed the button and gulped as she slowly put the phone to her ear. She’s ready for any kind of punishment that Seohyun wants to give her for being the reason of her breakup with Hyunjoong.

“Hello?” She spoke to the receiver.

“Hello unnie. I need to tell you something.” Seohyun said, calmly.

The next few sentences that she hears from Seohyun changed her facial expression. It was nervous at first, and then she looked shocked before finally looking extremely worried. She put a hand over her mouth as tears begin to fill her eyes.

“Thanks for telling me.” Sooyoung said before she hung up the phone. She walked weakly to the table with a pale face and teary eyes. It was hard not to notice her sudden mood change. Her friends looked at her, worried.

“What happened? Who’s that?” Sunny asked.

Sooyoung shook her head and sat on the chair and stared at the floor.

Then her phone rang again. She picked it up immediately without looking at the caller’s number.

“Seohyun?” She asked, panicked.

“Er..Youngie, sorry but this is Hara.” An annoyed voice said.

Sooyoung looked disappointed as she said, “Oh Hara, why?”

“You asked me to pick you up, right? I’m on my way now, I’m really sorry, the meeting ended late. My mom was nagging everyone and..

“Hara, you don’t have to come.” Sooyoung cuts in.

Hara was surprised, “O-kay.”

“I’m sorry but, I have to go now. I’ll call you later.” Sooyoung said hurriedly.

“What? Wait!” Hara shouted to stop her from leaving, but Sooyoung already hung up the phone. Hara tugs the wire of her earphone and bit her lip.

“Sooyoung wait, I want to say that I love you.” Hara said the words that she wished Sooyoung would hear.

“Sooyoung, are you okay? Was that Hara?” Taeyeon asked continuously.

Sooyoung didn’t say anything but stared at the table. It was awkward for everyone when the cheerful one suddenly turned emo. Sunny was even thinking of giving her a free waffle to cheer her up.

The tall girl stood up without a word and looked at everyone.

“If someone you care about needs you, what would you do?” She asked randomly.

“Why do you care about our opinion? Ask yourself the question, ‘Do I want to be with that person right now?’ ” Taeyeon said.

Sooyoung still stood there, worried and confused.


After a few moments, Sooyoung let out a sigh, as if she just made up her mind on something that’s been bothering her for a long while.

“I’m borrowing this.” She said, grabbing Hyoyeon’s car keys on the table.

“Hey wait! That’s mine!” Hyoyeon shouted as she chased Sooyoung who was already out the door, running towards Hyo’s new silver Peugeot.


Chapter 31

Because I Love You

Hyoyeon was holding tight to her seat belt, her face pale and her heartbeat raced. She remembers the last time she’s feeling like this, and it was on the roller coaster. She followed Sooyoung who allegedly ‘borrowed’ her new car without her consent and ended up in the passenger seat with a driver who was on the highway to hell. Sooyoung was driving the car fast, ignoring the speed limits with only one focus, to get to the destination as soon as possible. The Jung Ski Resort is almost 4 hours away if they were driving normally from Seoul but, she wants to reach there in 2 hours or less.

“Sooyoung.. Where are we going?” Hyoyeon asked, scared.

“The Ski resort.” She replied short.

“In..the middle of the night?! Can’t you wait till tomorrow or something?”

“I can’t. You know that you don’t have to come with me.” Sooyoung replied casually.

Hyoyeon sighed, “You stole my car! My new car! I’m not letting you get away with it!”

“I’m borrowing your new car.” Sooyoung corrected.

“I won’t even let my dad drive my car. Furthermore, I barely know you..I only know your name.”

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, “I’m not some psycho road killer so you don’t have to worry about me. I’m friends with that rich blonde Jessica Jung, if that makes you feel better.”

“How is that suppose to make me feel better? Jessica Jung is a psycho.” Hyoyeon said, scared.

Sooyoung chuckled. “Fine, how can I make you feel better?”

“Give me your ID, only then I’ll feel safe.” Hyoyeon said.

Sooyoung laughed, “Take it.” She said before throwing her purse into Hyoyeon’s lap.

Hyoyeon took the purse and looked at Sooyoung who’s still driving intently. There’s sadness hidden behind her eyes.

“Why do you want to go to the ski resort?” Hyoyeon asked after a while.

Sooyoung keeps silent before letting out a loud sigh.

“To save the life of someone whom I really care about.”


A man was leaning his back against the leather sofa with his eyes closed. He grabbed the wine bottle on the table and drank the remaining red liquid. The music was played loudly in the background of the club he’s in but ironically the blasting stereo felt so peaceful to him. He’s not sure how long he’s been there, how many hours or how many days; he’d already lost count. The place distracts him from his personal problems and work responsibilities so he decided to stay there as long as he can. Until he can get her off his mind, until he can stop her voices that keeps echoing in his head and until he can erase the taste of her lips on his.

Many people came to stop him from self-destructing, his assistant, the resort staffs, and the club workers. However, he pushed them all away. He needs to be alone at this time.

He’s been spending some time thinking about what happened. About all the promises he made.

He once promised never break Seohyun’s heart but he did, and she cried because of him.

He once promised to protect his only sister from anything, but now, he’s the one who can crush her feelings.

He once promised to himself to never like Sooyoung, but..

..he fell in love with her instead.

It happened slowly but surely.

When he finally realized and tried to stop it, it’s already too late. He already gave his heart to the girl who’s not even his. He’s in too deep.

Sometimes he thinks about whose fault was it? Was it him? Or was it her?

He can only conclude it to one thing: fate.

So should he blame God for this?

He sighed; he knows he should respect Sooyoung’s decision. She chose Hara. So even if he cries tears of blood, things won’t change. If Sooyoung wants to be with Hara, then Hara, she will belong with. He had already made up his mind, as the older brother, he vowed to support his sister. If their parents oppose Hara turning lesbian, he will fight for her until she and Sooyoung are happily married. It’s going to be hard for him to meet them on every future holiday, maybe with their kids who’ll be calling him uncle but he will try to endure it. He will endure it if that makes Hara happy.

If it makes Sooyoung happy.

But what about him?

So who cares if he cries to sleep?

So who cares if he never to fall in love again?

No one cares.

Just like how it always been.


“Seungyeon, do you really have to move out tonight?” Yoona asked, worried.

Seungyeon smiled and nodded, “It’s actually much convenient for me to move out in the night. The dorm is clear so it’s easier.”

Seungyeon is moving out of Yoona’s house that night because she received the offer to stay in the college dorm. She insists of moving that night with the help of her friend whose car was already waiting outside of the house.

Yoona who just returned home from her meeting helped Seungyeon with her huge suitcase down the stairs. They carried the bag together while Yuri was waiting downstairs, with the rest of the luggage.

“I think this is all.” Seungyeon said with a sigh, looking at all the bags.

Yoona bit her lip, she felt a bit sad letting her new housemate go. Though it was only for a short while, Seungyeon had been a big help in tidying the house and cooking while she’s busy working.

“Ah, wait. Let me pack you something for the road.” She said before hurriedly went to the kitchen leaving only Seungyeon and Yuri in the living room.

“You don’t have to..” Seungyeon tries to stop her but she’s already rummaging the fridge, taking out the salads and tomatoes. She sighed and smiled, thinking how nice Yoona is. She’s thankful that she met someone like Yoona, so sincere and humble despite her celebrity status. She’s one of those people that you thought never exist in real life.

“Please don’t tell her.” Yuri suddenly said, almost pleading.

Seungyeon turned her head to the dark skinned girl before her, looking down from her head to toe in disgust. She scoffed. “I won’t tell her or anybody else. You used to be my idol and I respect that.”

“I’m really sorry for letting you down..” Yuri added.

“It’s not me who you should apologize to. And don’t worry about letting me down; I’m not your fan anymore. I let go of YulSter yesterday, it’s on to someone else now. I have no interest in you anymore.” Seungyeon said bitterly.

Yuri sighed; she just lost a great fan.

Seungyeon gritted her teeth before she suddenly snapped, “What you did to her was cruel. No, beyond that, it was evil. You manipulated her trust, you..

“Please, stop.” Yuri said, desperate. It’s heartbreaking for her to hear it, the truth.

“It wasn’t anything serious and I really want to change..

“Bullsh*t. It wasn’t anything serious? You slept with that woman for one whole week, you wh*re.” Seungyeon said, angry.

Yuri closed her eyes, thinking that she deserves to be called that way.

“You don’t deserve Yoona.” Seungyeon said, serious.

Yuri stared at the short-haired girl as the words she said just pierced her heart. She was trying to find the right words in her head to get back at her but there’s nothing that she can come out with. Maybe she’s right. They stared intensely at each other.

“Okay, here some sandwich for the road!” Yoona said as she walked to the living room with a bag of sandwich. She smiled and handed the bag to Seungyeon.

“Thanks, I’ll be sure to eat them.” Seungyeon said with a smile.

Yuri tensed up as she watched the two girls talked to each other. At that moment she felt as if her life depended on Seungyeon. One word she spill about the Bali incident and Yoona might close her heart for Yuri forever. And she can’t live without being loved by Yoona, it’s like her own kind of oxygen.

“I’m going to miss you.” Seungyeon said before hugging Yoona.

Yoona grinned, “Me too.”

The two girls let go of each other after a brief hug and smiled at each other warmly.

“Take care of yourself. Don’t get hurt.” Seungyeon said.

Yoona nodded, “Don’t worry about me.”

“I mean it. Don’t let yourself get hurt. You deserve much..better.” Seungyeon continued with serious expression.

Yuri looked away and bit her lip; she understood every word she hinted.


Hyunjoong felt so weak and dizzy, he can’t even open his eyes anymore. He used the energy he had left to lift the bottle in his right hand.

The tip of the bottle almost touched his lips when suddenly a hand grabbed his arm and stopped him.

“What the?! Let me go!” He shouted angrily. He guessed it must be his staffs again, trying to drag him out of there. He wiggled, trying to break free but he’s feeling weak and drunk and the grip was quite strong.

“I SAID, LET ME GO!” He shouted, much louder this time. The person slowly let his arm go. Suddenly he felt a pair of warm arms around his neck, pulling him into a warm embrace.

He froze and his eyes were wide open, shocked. He finds his head resting on someone’s chest. The person tightens her embrace, pushing Hyunjoong’s head closer to her chest. It was so close; he could hear her heart beating.

“Oppa, please stop..” A female voice pleads.

Hyunjoong could feel tears in his eyes at the instant he heard her voice. He didn’t dare to even blink, he could be dreaming.

“S-Sooyoung?” He asked, stuttering.

There was no answer but he could feel her stroking his hair gently as they continue to hug.

“Why are you here?” He asked.

“Oppa, please stop doing this to yourself..” Sooyoung said in a hush.

“Why do you care? Just let me do whatever I want. No one cares about me anyway.” Hyunjoong said, pushing her away causing them to break their hug. He looked at her, she looked messy and still in her work clothes. But the look in her eyes, tells him that she’s worried.

Sooyoung stared at the wasted man before her, he looked so broken and weak like a man who had lost his soul. Her heart hurts so bad, seeing him like this. Unknowingly, tears begin filling her eyes.

“I care about you.” She said.

Hyunjoong looked at her, still thinking that he’s in a dream or maybe hallucinating. But the pain he felt in his heart was so real.

“Why? Why would you care about me?” He asked, gritting his teeth.

Sooyoung can no longer hold it. She can no longer deny it. The tears escaped the corner of her eyes as she says,

“Because I love you.”


Kang Jiyoung sat at her desk, intently reading a book. As always, she’s the first to arrive at the class as she like to prepare for the lesson for the whole day. She fixes her glasses which was sliding down her face and grabbed her pen to write short notes in her book. Suddenly she heard the sound of the door opened. She looked up and she’s up for a surprise.

Krystal Jung was walking towards her, all alone without her minions with a bored expression on her face. Jiyoung quickly closes her books, worrying if she’s going to do something to her.

“Morning, Stinky Jing.” She greeted. She took a chair in front of Jiyoung and turned it around, so that she’ll be sitting facing her. She sat on the chair and propped her chin lazily.

“Krystal..what are you doing here so early?” Jiyoung asked, uncomfortable.

Krystal yawned before answering, “I can’t sleep, so I came to school early.”

She looked sleepy, and Jiyoung could see that her eyelids begin to close. After a few seconds her eyes were closed shut and finally Krystal rested her head on the desk and used her arm as a pillow. Jiyoung was still shocked as she watches her bully sleeps on her desk.

She sighed and stares at the sleeping girl. Suddenly Krystal snored. Jiyoung can’t help but to chuckle. Soon, she finds herself staring at her, smiling and she don’t know why.

“You promised not to call me Stinky Jing anymore.” Jiyoung mumbled to the sleeping girl.

“But I like calling you that.” Krystal replied with her eyes closed.

Jiyoung was surprised, she thought Krystal was asleep. She put a hand over her mouth, worried if she had accidentally blurted more. After a few silence seconds, she became more relaxed and leaned towards Krystal.

“Sulli hates me.” Krystal mumbled again.

Jiyoung flinched backwards, and gulped.

“Well, what you did to her was..”

“How can I fix our friendship?” Krystal asked as her eyes slowly open.

Jiyoung looked away and stares out the window for a few seconds, thinking.

“Just..tell her that you love her.” She said heavily.

“I DON’T LOVE HER!” Krystal shouted as she sits up straight, staring angrily at Jiyoung.

The two stared at each other; Krystal was brimming with anger while Jiyoung was with fear.

“Good morning!” A group of girls greeted as they entered the class.

They were shocked to see Jiyoung and Krystal together in an empty classroom early in the morning. Krystal quickly stood up and grits her teeth. After noticing the weird stares directing at her; she purposely knocked down Jiyoung’s books with her hands to make it looked normal. The books fell on the floor, her handwritten notes scattered all over the floor. Krystal scoffed and walked passed her classmates and out of the class.

“She was bullying you again? I almost thought you two were secret lovers or something.” One of her classmate, Sohyun, said to Jiyoung. She and another girl kneeled down and helped her with her books and notes.

Jiyoung kept silent, not a nod or a smile, just a straight face. She’s confused with Krystal, she’s actually quite nice to her when no one is around but she’s cruel to her in front of others.



Krystal Jung loves the school’s rooftop. It’s the only place when she can be herself. She don’t have to impress teachers who would send reports to her parents, she don’t have to fake friendly smiles to all the boys and girls who’s adoring her, she can just be herself.

Though, she’s not sure who she is anymore.

She leaned her back against the cold concrete wall and stares at the sky. Ever since she’s little, she had always been cold. All the kids only want to be friends with her because their parents want them to.

She could hear them say, “Go play with Krystal JUNG.”

She pushed them all away because she doesn’t need any friends; she had enough fun playing with her equally cold older sister who’s always there for her. The siblings enjoyed picking fights with each other and cry over it. In her eyes, her sister is the best in the world even though she knows that she had this imaginary pillow girlfriend which she kissed every night.

But as time passed, they spend less time together. Jessica got older and she became busy with high school and the pressure of fulfilling their parents demands. Krystal witnessed Jessica’s rebelling days, when she fought with their parents over college application and ended up running away from home. She insists on taking Creative Design over Business, and chose their mother’s family company instead of their father’s. After her sister’s fled, she hid behind the staircase in fear as she watched her parents shouting at each other. She remembers how she cried as she watched her family almost falling apart, how painful she felt when she watched her mother sobbing for days and nights. So from that moment on she promised to never make her mother spill a tear because of her.

And it was around then when she met Sulli. One thing she remembers the most was how big her eyes were. They were so big and clear when they first met each other. Sulli was not like the other rich kids she met. She didn’t even know who Krystal was. They first met when they were 11, in the kitchen of someone’s party where Krystal got lost when she tries to find the bathroom. Sulli was there to help her mother’s caterer. Sulli helped her to find the bathroom and then showed her the kitchen and she remembers how amazed she was looking at all the hardworking people, working to feed the guests who were mostly rich snobs.

Sulli tell her about things that she never know even existed, all the things that normal people do and it had somehow brought them closer. Sulli came from a family with catering business; they’re not super wealthy nor poor, just average. They got closer each day, despite going to different schools. After Jessica went to college, Sulli became Krystal’s only friend. She’s the only one she has to talk about her problems and to spazz on boybands and the latest TV shows.

When they got into high school, they continue to stick together while Krystal continues to push other people away. She didn’t need a group of friends to be popular; she’s popular without even trying. Maybe her family name had done that part for her.

She sighed as she heard the bell rang, but she decided not to enter the class. She continues to sit there and closed her eyes, enjoying the morning breeze.

When she told Jiyoung that she’s not in love with Sulli, it wasn’t because she’s in denial. It’s because she wasn’t sure of it herself.

Sometimes she thought about why she’s feeling that way for her best friend, was it love or was it because she spend too much time together that she became too attached to her.

It all begins with that kiss in her dream. Sometimes she hoped she never had that dream because things won’t be this complicated.

It’s already complicated.

And Kang Jiyoung made it even more complicated.

Her relationship with Jiyoung begins with the feeling of dislike which then turned into hate.

She was like her punching bag, someone who she can vent all her anger on.

She hates her but strangely, she enjoys her company. She’s satisfied to know if Jiyoung is there in the class so that she can pick on her later. She liked watching her suffer, her sad gaze, her teary eyes looking at her with possible revenge plan but she’s too scared to do anything.

She didn’t want to admit it, but unconsciously, Jiyoung had become a part of her life.

“Stinky Jing..” She mumbled, smiling.


Kwon Yuri sat at the edge of the bed, her face pale. She looked as if she didn’t sleep all night. She felt a tug on her hand and looked down, her girlfriend was still sleeping but she held tight onto Yuri’s hand. She smiled watching the angel sleeping beside her, her face looked so peaceful and pure like a baby who lives without any problems and worries.

Yuri closed her eyes.

“It hurts.” She whispered.

She loves Yoona so much, it hurts.

She hates herself so much, it hurts.

Slowly she pulled her hands away from Yoona’s grip.

“I’m sorry.” She whispered, her voice cracked.

Suddenly she heard a beep. She looked at the desk, it was her phone. She picked it up and looked at the screen,

1 New Message

Curious, she opened the message, it could be her manager.

How wrong she was.

From: Unknown

Yul, I miss you - G


Chapter 32

The Player Who’s Being Dumped

A white car parked under a tree, away from the view of the crowd. The tinted windows made it unable for people to see, but there were two young women in the car who were sitting at the front seat.

Yuri tensed up as she looked at the girl before her. She didn’t want to meet her after Bali, but she really wanted to clear things up. It won’t be easy facing her, but she has to do this to protect her relationship with Yoona.

“You left me in Bali.” The woman said, serious.

Yuri gulped, “Well, I had things that I needed to take care of.”

They both kept silent as they stared at each other with no expression on their faces. And soon the woman smiled.

“I really like you.” She said.

That made Yuri speechless; she only managed to shake her head. The woman reached her hand forward and began to caress Yuri’s cheek gently, and then suggestively. Yuri froze in her seat; she didn’t know what to do. The next thing she knows, she is kissing her passionately, with her hands roaming wildly under her shirt.

Yuri quickly broke the kiss and held her hands to stop her from going further.

“Stop it..” Yuri said.

But the latter refused to.

“GYURI STOP!” Yuri shouted.


The bell rings, and all the students were very excited as it indicates that it’s time for recess. They closed their books and ignored the teacher’s random mutters.

Krystal Jung finally stood up from the rooftop floor and stretched her body, getting ready to enter the classes after recess. The time she spend there was worth it. She was able to sleep for almost half an hour and cleared her mind from all the troubles. She smiled widely as she walked down the stairs towards the second floor where her classroom is. She even waved to a few juniors who were smiling shyly at her; she was in a really good mood. As she continued to make her way to her class, she even planned to make Jiyoung buy her strawberry buns when she’d see her soon. She also decided to make peace with Sulli. If being nice to Jiyoung is what it takes to get her back, she’s willing do it. Losing Sulli is just not worth it.

She stood in front of her classroom door, and took a few deep breaths.

“I can do this.” She said to herself.

She grabs the door knob and slowly turns it around before pushing it open.

She smiled and greets, “Hello everyone..”

She paused.

The sight of the soaking wet Sulli in front of her leaves her speechless. She did not see this one coming. Sulli was staring at her with fury in her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks. A few students were laughing at her while the others felt pity for her, but there’s nothing that they could do. Minji and Luna were giggling with each other, pointing at the wet girl like she’s a clown in a show.

Krystal alternates her gaze between the laughing girls and Sulli, and she easily gets the picture.

“Is this really what you want?” Sulli’s question brought Krystal to her attention.

“I never thought that you would really do this.” Sulli added, wiping the tears with the hem of her wet uniform.

Krystal gulped, “Sul.. I don’t know what’s going on..”

Sulli shook her head as she says, “Soojoung, from now on..

..you are not my best friend anymore.”

Krystal was speechless, her words felt like a stab through the heart.

Sulli stared at Krystal with a sad gaze before storming out of the class.

“Sulli, wait!” Taemin, the class monitor called. He rushed to the door before stopping in front of Krystal who was still too shocked to even move.

“I won’t let you do any more of this nonsense to her.” He said before glaring at her and ran off to chase Sulli.

Krystal stared at him as he tries to catch up with Sulli. She froze as her brain tries to process the whole situation.

“We got her really good, Krystal.” Luna said.

“Now she knows that she can’t mess with you anymore.” Minji added proudly.

Krystal turned around and looked at the two girls in front of her, her heart boiling with anger.

“You two did what?” She asked, gritting her teeth.

Minji and Luna looked at each other, surprised by Krystal’s reaction. They’d really thought their free water splashing spree on the new enemy, Sulli, will impress Krystal, not the opposite. Krystal stared at them with the furious gaze that they’d never seen before.

Krystal bit her lip, trying hard not to burst into flames. She’s not really the type to shout in public with all her classmates watching.

She took a deep breath and calmly she says, “From now on, I want you two to stop following me around.”

Luna and Minji were shocked, they’d worked hard to be Krystal’s followers and definitely were not ready to let go of their privilege.

“But-But Krystal!” Minji protested.

Krystal cleared her throat loudly to stop them from talking. They stopped and stared at her with the look of disappointment on their faces.

“No buts. My words are final. Just leave me alone.” She said before running through the hallway to chase Sulli.

Jiyoung was walking in the hallway with a plastic bag filled with a few strawberry buns. She only eats one, but she bought extra just in case Krystal might have wanted it. She always ordered Jiyoung to buy her buns.

“Stinky Jing, buy me strawberry buns. Now.”

Jiyoung smiled at the thought. She’s always smiling at the thought of Krystal these days, and she didn’t know why.

The sound of rapid footsteps took Jiyoung out of her thoughts. She looked up and noticed someone running in the hallway.

It was Sulli.

She was running as the tears were continuously flowing out of her eyes.

And then Jiyoung saw a familiar boy running to catch up to her.


She stood there and looked at them as she continues her steps, confused with what’s happening. When she turned her head around, someone accidentally bumped into her. Her bag of strawberry buns slipped out of her hands and fell, leaving the contents scattered on the floor.

“Aaaahhh!” Jiyoung screamed just before she landed on the cold, hard floor. She could tell that the person who bumped her had also fallen down. She rubbed her thigh to ease the sudden pain that came along with the fall.

“Geez, Stinky Jing! Watch where you’re going!” A familiar voice said.

Jiyoung looked at the girl before her, shocked. It was Krystal. Krystal quickly stood up and dusted off her skirt before continuing to run. After a few steps, she paused and turned around.

“Are you okay, Stinky Jing?” She asked, with concern in her tone. What shocked Jiyoung was that she cared.

Jiyoung nodded and smiled at her, and it was enough for Krystal. She turned around and continues the chase, hoping that she could still save her friendship.

Jiyoung slowly stood up from the floor and fixed her hair. She walked to her bag of buns and kneeled down to pick them up, one by one as she thought.

So, Sulli cried, and then Taemin and Krystal chased her?

What’s going on?


Park Gyuri was panting heavily as she stares at Yuri with a confused look.

“We need to stop this.” Yuri said, trying to calm her down.

Gyuri sighed and pulled herself away from Yuri and sits up in her seat.

“Stop what?” She asked, pissed.

“This. Us. It ended when we left Bali.” Yuri said.

Gyuri scoffed, “You don’t get to decide when it ends. I do.”

“Gyul, you know that I have a girlfriend and I love her.” Yuri continued.

“You love her?” Gyuri asked, followed with a laugh.

“Well, it doesn’t seem that way to me when we were in Bali. If you love her so much, you wouldn’t be screaming my name.” She added with a smirk.

“JUST STOP IT WILL YOU?!” Yuri shouted, trembling.

Gyuri looked at her and bit her lip. “So am I just.. some girl to satisfy your needs when you’re away on a work trip?”

Yuri looked down and kept silent.

“Wow, I can’t believe there’s someone who’s able to play me this way.” Gyuri said, leaning her back to the seat.

“I’m sorry.” Yuri suddenly said. She looked up and stares at Gyuri.

“Gyul, thanks for the good times we had together, but this is as far as it goes.” She added.

“You’re a great person and I’m sure..”

“What? I will find someone better? Are you breaking up with me?” Gyuri asked, shocked. No one ever dumped her in a relationship before. She was always the one who will break up first, but not this time.

“Gyul, I’m really sorry.” Yuri said, before she opened the door and left her alone.

The player just got dumped. She bit her lip in frustration. For the first time after a long while, she thought she could finally have a real relationship with someone. But Yuri was only using her.

“You will regret this, Kwon Yuri.”


It’s 11:30 AM in the Glitter’s Design department. Seohyun was standing with a mug of coffee by her table. She glanced at the door to check if her boss finally arrived only to be disappointed, yet again. Tiffany still hasn’t arrived. She sighed and took her seat. She can’t help worrying about Tiffany. When she left the meeting room yesterday, she suddenly became the most hated person in the company. And arriving late to work the day after was only going to make things worse.

Hara was sitting at her desk with her phone in her hand, looking worried. She pressed the screen harshly before finally putting it on the table, frustrated.

“What’s wrong?” Nicole suddenly asked. She emerged from the pantry with two cups of hot coffee and stopped by Hara’s table. She handed one of the glasses to the girl with a charming smile on her face.

“I made the coffee just for the beautiful Hara.” She said, smiling.

Hara chuckled and grabbed the glass, “Oh thank you, kind Nicole.”

Seohyun rolled her eyes at the sight. She’s neither an idiot nor a blind person; she can clearly see what’s going on.

“I haven’t been able to get in touch with Sooyoung since last night. I wonder what happened to her.” Hara said to Nicole.

Nicole shrugged as she casually leaned her back to Hara’s table.

“Maybe she met another man and decided to turn straight again.” She said casually.

Seohyun can’t help but overhear them and gulped, shocked. Even if Nicole was just joking around, how can she be so good at guessing?

“Don’t say that. I’ve changed Sooyoung’s sexual preferences a long time ago. She only likes me now.” Hara said confidently.

Nicole can’t help but smile. If only Hara knew the truth.

“I’m just saying. But remember, if you two break up someday, just call me okay? I’ll be there for you. Always.” She said, smiling slyly.

Hara shook her head. “You’re not going to give up, are you?”

“No. Not until you’re mine.” Nicole said it, half serious.

Awkward silence filled the atmosphere, and Hara quickly cleared her throat.

“Where is Tiffany? It’s almost noon, and she’s not in yet? My mom is going to flip if she finds out about this.” She said, changing the topic.

Nicole took a sip of her coffee before she showed a little smile.

“Why was Tiffany chosen as the Head of Department?” She suddenly asked.

“Hmm.. because after Jessica left, there weren’t any other suitable candidates to take up the position.” Hara replied before taking a sip of her drink.

Nicole nodded, “Oh, no other suitable candidates?”

Hara shrugged.

“What about you?” Nicole asked.

“What? Me?” Hara said, shocked.

“Yeah, I personally think you’re the better candidate. You have the degree in design from a famous university in Paris and since you’re a Jung, you’ve been exposed to the business since you were little. Plus, you’re Joanna’s daughter.” Nicole said.

Hara raised her eyebrow, listening.

“What does Tiffany have that makes her the better candidate? She graduated from a college in Korea, has very little experience on design compared to you, and the only thing that made her look good is that she has Jessica wrapped around her fingers. Don’t get me wrong, I like Tiffany and I think she’s a nice girl, but sometimes I do wonder about this. I think it’s kind of unfair to you.” Nicole added, gently holding Hara’s hand.

Hara kept silent. She couldn’t help but to think that Nicole’s words do make sense. She deserves it more than Tiffany.

Seohyun looked at them and gulped.

Now Tiffany has one more trouble to handle.


Jessica Jung was lying on her bed and she slowly opens her eyes. The first thing she does every time she wakes up in the morning is check for her sweetheart who’s lying next to her. She turned to her side and reached for a warm body to hold and a pair of plump lips to kiss, but she was surprised to find no one beside her. She sits up straight and began to panic with her eyes looking frantically all over the room.

“Honey, where are you?” She called.

Then she saw a yellow note posted on the pink sleeping lamp by her bedside. She grabbed it and read the handwritten note.

Boo Boo, I’m off to work first. You looked so tired so I wasn’t able to wake you up. I’ll call you.

PS: Thanks for last night. I enjoyed the movie and what happened after.

Love you. I’m wearing the pink popcorn bracelet to work~

Jessica smiled as she read the note. It will be one of her favourite Tiffany notes. She has a whole collection of them.

She yawned lazily and glanced at the clock. It’s 12 PM. She can’t believe that it’s already this late. The good thing is that she’s not going to work that day. It’s her day off, so she can do what she does best: sleeping.

She laid her back on the soft mattress and pulled the blanket over her body. She grabbed her phone on the desk by the bedside and typed a message.

To: Napkin

I just woke up and am already missing you. Will be counting the seconds till you come home. Love you lots.

PS: I am not a Boo Boo.

She smiled in content after sending the message and continues to lie on the bed as if the time had stopped for her.

Suddenly her phone rang. She grinned as she picked it up, thinking that it could be Tiffany.

“Honey, missed me?” She said sweetly.

“Er..well yes I do, baby.” A male voice said.

Jessica was shocked and she quickly cleared her throat. That was definitely not Tiffany.

“Who is this?” She asked, her voice angry.

“This is Jaejoong.” He answered.

The blond hit her head gently, telling herself to look at the screen before answering the phone next time. She just called her creepy fanboy, ‘Honey’ in her ‘Tiffany only’ tone. She wished she could undo it.

“I’m sorry to disturb you on your off day, but Siwon kept bugging me to call you.” He said.

“Why would Siwon ask you to call me?” Jessica asked, curious.

“Because we’re having the book sale today, you know, Sooyoung’s promotion idea.”


“But Sooyoung isn’t here and we’re kinda short on staff. I’ve tried to call her but I think she shut off her phone. I was wondering if you know where she is or if you know any other way to contact her..” Jaejoong continued.

“Sooyoung is absent?” Jessica asked, shocked.

“Yeah, so if you could call her, tell her that Siwon is really furious and she better get herself to the shop now.” Jaejoong added.

Jessica sighed. “Okay, I’ll see what I can do.”

“Thanks. Oh yes, I have something else I want to tell you.” He said, his voice sounding excited.

“Oh really? What is it?” Jessica asked, uninterested.

“The book sale is a huge hit. People can’t stop coming to buy books and then drink coffee, it’s a success.” He said.

“Really?!” Jessica said, shocked. She never thought Sooyoung’s idea on the book sale was going to work.

“Siwon said that our sales might increase by 5 to 7 percent this month. It seems like you’ll be going back to the company in no time.” He added.

Jessica can’t describe how happy she was. After working her body off like a slave at the cafe for almost 3 months, she will finally be able to go back to her place as the Head of Design Department. She hung up the phone even before Jaejoong was able to start flirting with her and leaned her back to the bed, smiling in content. Everything will be back to normal, her money and cars will be returned back to her, and she can finally plan her dream wedding with Tiffany.

She put her phone on the desk, and that’s when she saw the pink flash drive under the stack of files.


“Where is that flash drive?” Tiffany said to herself, rummaging her handbag. She searched every pocket and almost turned the bag inside out, but her flash drive was still nowhere to be found. She grunted in frustration and kneeled down to check the drawers of her desk, just in case the flash drive was there.

All her other staffs were looking at her before looking at each other, puzzled by her actions.

“Unnie, are you okay?” Seohyun asked, concern.

Tiffany looked up from under her desk, she was sweating and her hair was messy.

“Have you seen my flash drive?” She asked, her voice desperate.

“How does it look like?” Seohyun asked, her eyes beginning to scan the office for anything flash drive-like.

“You know, pink, small, the one I always had with me. I really need it for the meeting in less than 10 minutes. It has the presentation for next month’s cover design. We will all be doomed if it’s missing.” Tiffany said apologetically. The presentation was what she and her team had worked hard for. If Tiffany fails to present it in the meeting, then the Design team won’t look so great anymore.

Suddenly Hara scoffed. “Maybe it’s at home, in bed, with Jessica. I mean she was your ‘important thing’ that you had to leave the meeting for last night.”

The atmosphere turned tense in an instant. Tiffany looked at Hara, shocked by her remark. She had never sounded so bitter to her before. Hara looked away with a glare. Nicole suppressed a smile. She never thought it was this easy to mess with their heads.

“Ms Hwang, it’s already 2 PM. I think you have to leave for the meeting now.” Nicole reminded.

Tiffany sighed and stood up straight. She picked up the necessary files from her desk and her handbag.

“Good luck unnie.” Seohyun said, gently patting her arm.

Tiffany smiled weakly and walked to the door, passing Hara and Nicole.

“Nice bracelet.” Nicole said as she saw the stunning piece.

“A gift from Jessica, isn’t it?” Hara asked with a teasing smirk.

Tiffany stared at her in disbelief. She shook her head and left the room before slamming the door.


Michael Jung walked out of his 2010 Mercedes E-Class as his driver opened the door for him. He gave a nod to his driver, signalling him to wait around the corner. He needed to do something at Al’s Cafe & Bookshop.

The shop was filled with customers as they seem to be having a book sale. There were posters outside of the shop with signs like discounts until 70% for selected books. Michael smiled, admitting that it was a smart idea to attract more people to the shop. He entered the shop and looked around. The tables were almost full with customers, some of them were reading, and some were just enjoying their cup of coffee. The business just keeps getting better and better.

“May I help you, sir?” A voice asked.

Michael looked at the direction and he was greeted by a warm smile from the barista.

Kim Jaejoong.

His own voice echoed in his head.

“Er.. yes. Is.. Jessica around?” He asked, slightly stuttering.

Jaejoong shook his head. “She’s not working today. It’s her day off.”

“Oh.” Michael nodded.

“Is that all sir? Anything you want to drink? Maybe I can get you a table.” Jaejoong offered.

“No, son. It’s okay.” Michael said as he held his arm, stopping him from clearing a table.

Jaejoong looked at him, weirdly.

“May I ask you something, Jaejoong?” Michael suddenly asked.

Jaejoong gulped. Though he saw it coming, he’s not exactly ready to answer whatever it is.


Micheal sighed. “I think I’ve met you before..

May I know who your parents are? Maybe I know them..” He asked, nervous.

Jaejoong bit his lip and flashed a smile.

“My parents? My mother is..” He paused.

Michael waited in anticipation.

“Your mother is?”

Jaejoong smiled wider, “My mother is here.”

“Hello Michael.” A female voice greeted.

Like being struck by lightning, he was shocked. It’s been years, but he still recognizes that sweet gentle voice.

He gulped and slowly turned around. A beautiful middle aged female with short hair was smiling at him. She still looks the same, beautiful and graceful; the only difference was her hair. She used to have long hair, but it doesn’t affect her beauty a bit.

Stunned, Michael finally greeted back.

“Hello.. Marissa.”


Chapter 33

The Knight With Shining Blond Hair

Choi Sooyoung was lying on the bed as the sun shone through the window. She was already awake but refused to wake up. The pillow was so fluffy and the blanket was too soft. And the warm hands around her waist felt like..

Eh? Warm hands?

Her eyes shot open and she quickly pushed the hands away, so hard that it knocked down the person next to her. The person fell onto the floor with a thud.

After a few seconds, she heard someone groaning


“Yah! Why did you kick me!” Hyoyeon shouted.

She was rubbing her butt in pain. Sooyoung sighed in relief; she really thought she did something stupid last night. But seeing Hyoyeon (who is straight) in pain and the fact that they’re still in the clothes they were in last night brought it all back to her.

About what happened last night.

She looked around and realized that she was in one of the resort’s rooms. Then she heard the sound of her phone ringing: the Goobne Chicken tune.

“Where’s my phone?” She asked frantically.

“I don’t know, my butt hurts,” Hyoyeon said, slowly getting up from the floor.

Sooyoung climbed down from the bed and reached for her bag; her phone was there. She grabbed it and quickly answered the phone.


But the caller had already hung up.

She sighed and looked at the screen.

37 missed calls

15 new messages

Sooyoung was shocked; she had only been gone overnight. She checked the call log to find out who had been missing her so much.

She stared at the screen as the guilt began to swallow her slowly.

30 missed calls



“And now we will have Ms Hwang from the Design department to present the cover for next month,” Joanna said from her seat. She was sitting at the end of the long table, next to the Vice President of Jung Corp, Mr. Oh JiHo.

Tiffany trembled in her seat. Her head spun and her heartbeat doubled; she had never felt so scared and nervous before in her life. She gathered all the strength she had and stood up. She was acting tough, like she had everything under control, but her worries were impossible to hide. It was written all over her face. She was pale and sweating. She took her time to pick up her files and walked slowly to the front of the room to present. In her head, she couldn't stop thinking of the possible excuses of her losing the flash drive containing the presentation file. A few came up: it was swallowed by the neighbour’s dog or it had accidentally fallen into the toilet.

Things like that do happen.

“Hurry up, Tiffany,” Joanna said, urging her to move faster.

Tiffany nodded and increased her pace. She arrived and looked at the whole room. Everyone was watching her in anticipation, and it made her panic triple. She continued to smile, but it was not what the other staffs wanted to see from her.

“Let’s just get to the presentation, shall we?” Mr. Oh said; even he’s getting impatient.

Tiffany nod weakly and cleared her throat. “Good evening to Mr Oh, Madam Joanna, and er..everyone,” She said, slightly stuttering.

“About the cover for next month, I...” She paused and looked down. She felt like she’s in one of her nightmares, where she’s being laughed at and humiliated. She blinked her eyes a few times and hoped that she’d be in her bed with Jessica, but to her disappointment, she was still in the meeting room.

“I...” She paused again.

I lost the presentation file.

“The presentation file is...

“IS HERE!!” A voice shouted from the door.

A beautiful young woman with long blonde hair was standing by the glass door. Everyone was staring at her, stunned by: 1 – her sudden appearance and 2 – her looks.

Jessica flipped her hair backwards as she made her way toward Tiffany.

“Honey, here’s your flash drive,” She said, holding Tiffany’s hand gently.

Tiffany was staring at her, still shocked. “Boo Boo...,” She mumbled.

The other staffs who heard their ridiculously cheesy nickname can’t help but chuckle. Jessica could feel them whispering and even giggling but she didn’t care anymore.

“Thanks...Boo...I mean, Jessi,” Tiffany said as she held Jessica's hand tightly. She was so thankful to her and felt as if she’d just saved her life; her own knight in shining blond hair.

She knew she was marrying the right person.

The look in Tiffany’s eyes was too weak and Jessica just coudn't help it. She leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on her lips. It was a lovely sight, but not in the meeting room.

Joanna cleared her throat, signalling Jessica to at least behave. Jessica broke the kiss and looked at the other staffs, who were staring at her with mixed emotions. Some of them were cooing while others were just plain disgusted and annoyed.

“I’m sorry, I’m leaving now,” Jessica said, bowing at the others. She touched Tiffany’s cheek gently and mouthed, ‘Good luck’. And then she headed to the door.

“Don’t leave,” Mr Oh suddenly said. Jessica and Tiffany looked at him, puzzled.

“Jessica, why don’t you stay in the meeting with us? I think it’ll be nice to have the company heiress with us again. It’s been a while,” He added.

Joanna nodded. “Yeah, I don’t see why not.”

Jessica bit her lip, thinking of the pros and cons of staying in the meeting. It would be rude of her to leave when the elders had asked her to stay; she is the company heiress after all. She looked at Tiffany, wanting her opinion.

Tiffany smiled, “I think it’d be great if you joined us.”


The smell of the fresh coffee reminded Michael of the sweet memories. It was a long time ago, but the memory was still clear on his mind. His evenings, sipping freshly brewed coffee with her. Like a dream, after all these years he was sitting down for a cup of coffee with her again, Kim Marissa.

“I didn’t know that you were back in Korea,” Michael said, starting the conversation after a long, awkward silence.

Marissa smiled, “I’ve moved back since two years ago.”

“Oh,” Michael said, with a little nod. He looked at the woman before him as she stirred her coffee slowly; she seemed lost in her thoughts.

“Jaejoong is all grown up now. When I last met him, he was still in kindergarten and calling me uncle,” Michael added, glancing at Jaejoong who was busy with customers.

“He was only five back then,” Marissa added as she looked up at the man before her.

Michael smiled, “How time has passed.”

“It’s been 20 years, Michael,” Marissa said slowly. They both kept silent as if the memories of their last meeting 20 years ago played in front of their eyes again.

Michael cleared his throat.

“So...how’s Ju Hwan? Is he still running the publication company?” He asked.

Marissa’s facial expression suddenly turned dark and she put down her cup. She gulped uncomfortably before sighing.

“My husband had passed away,” She said.

Michael was shocked. He almost dropped his cup. He stared at Marissa, who looked down with sadness in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Marissa. I didn’t know. When did it happen?” He asked.

After a long pause, Marissa finally looked at Michael.

“He died of a heart attack 20 years ago,” She said.

“After you left me.”


Lee Taemin ran as fast as he could through the crowd of students to chase Sulli. When he got to the end of the corridor, he lost track of her. He stood there, panting as he looked to his left and then his right. She must have taken one of the ways, but he had no clue as to which one. He could hear other footsteps behind him, running, and he was pretty sure it was Krystal. Unable to wait any longer, he decided to take the left.

He continued to run as if his life depended on it, ignoring the stares and shouts from the students and teachers towards Sulli. He had always liked Sulli for her friendly smiles and her kindness towards others. Even though she and Krystal were best friends, they are very different from each other. Krystal had a cold and arrogant appearance, while Sulli was warm and friendly. She didn’t judge and liked to make friends with everyone. She had saved him a few times like when he had forgottten to bring his book; she’d lent hers to him while she shared with Krystal. He could hear Krystal mutter words that disapproved her of doing so and even received a few deathly glares from her every now and then, but now he’d gotten used to it.

He had never really liked Krystal. Even when almost all his friends had formed a fanclub for the little Jung, he was just not interested. He admitted that Krystal was pretty and all but no matter what, in his heart there was always Choi Sulli.

Taemin smiled when he saw the figure of a crying girl under a tree. He slowed his steps as he got closer to her.

“Sulli,” He called.


Krystal arrived at the crossroads, with no trace of Sulli. She stood there and looked around, thinking of where Sulli might be. After a few seconds, she turned to her right and pondered.

“The rooftop,” She said to herself.

She ran up the stairs 2 steps at a time, using her long legs to her advantage. She had to get there as soon as she could and explain everything to Sulli to save their friendship.

After a few minutes, and she could feel that her uniform was drenched with sweat, she finally reached the rooftop. It wasn’t hard to find Sulli; she was sitting on the floor in front of the door, sobbing.

No words could describe how guilty Krystal felt at that moment, even though she wasn’t the one who splashed water on her, it was partly her fault. If she hadn't felt jealous of Jiyoung and Sulli, Sulli wouldn’t have pushed her away and she would never have gotten her little army.

Sulli continued to sob, ignoring the sounds of footsteps coming towards her.

“Sulli,” A voice called.

Sulli quickly wiped her tears and turned around. She really hadn't expected her to come.

Especially not her.

Krystal Jung was standing behind her, with the most apologetic look on her face. Sulli glared at her and turned around.

Krystal sighed and walked closer to her friend before kneeling down to take a closer look at her. She was still wet; water was still dripping from her blue uniform and her plaid skirt.

“What do you want?” Sulli asked coldly.

“I want to apologize,” Krystal replied gently.

Sulli scoffed and looked away. She wiped the remaining tears on her cheeks. She didn't want to sob in front of Krystal and appear weak. She was better than that.

“I didn’t do this to you and I never asked them to. They were too much and I ditched them for good,” Krystal added.

“You’re the one who’s too much. You are!” Sulli said, rolling her eyes.

Krystal bit her lip and nodded, “Okay, I admit I was wrong, but...I’ve told you to stop protecting Jiyoung! But you can’t stop staying by her side! So...”

“So what? You declared a war against me? With your minions? This is crazy, Krystal! And so...high school!” Sulli shouted, angry.

“We are in high school, Sulli,” Krystal said calmly.

“Well...you know what I mean!” Sulli said, frustrated.

They both looked at each other with no words spoken. After a few minutes passed, both girls had finally come to their senses. They appeared calmer.

“I’ve dealt with your jealousy so many times before but this time is the worst. It even cost us our friendship,” Sulli said, sighing.

Krystal looked down, feeling regret.

“I’ve been thinking about why you’re acting like this. I am close with the other girls and boys before, like Sohyun and...Taemin but you've never acted like this,” Sulli continued.

“Like what?” Krystal asked with one eyebrow rose.

“Like a psycho,” Sulli answered.

Krystal was shocked, “Yah! I am not a psycho!”

“Torturing Jiyoung and...even pushing me away, it was kinda psycho-like,” Sulli said, serious.

Krystal shook her head, defeated.

“It makes me think, why? Was it me? Or was it Jiyoung?” Sulli continued.

“What are you talking about?” Krystal asked, puzzled. It all sounded very confusing. She wasn't clear about it either.

Sulli looked at Krystal, serious.

“Soojung, I think you like...Jiyoung.”


Tiffany stood awkwardly. She had just finished presenting her design cover for the upcoming month and was now waiting for responses. She scanned the room; some of them were looking at each other and a few even fell asleep. Tiffany bit her lip.

“I think it’s...well, good,” Mr Oh said after a long silence.

“What do you think of it, Joanna?” He asked.

Joanna sighed and shook her head. “I feel like there’s something missing, but I can’t really put a finger on it.”

Jessica glanced at the screen, where Tiffany’s design was showed. She saw the obvious flaws but decided to keep mum. And then she looked at Tiffany, wishing that she could hug her now. She looked so nervous.

“What do you think, Jessica?” Mr Oh, asked.

Jessica was startled and she quickly shook her head. “No need for my opinion. I think Tiffany had spent a lot of time on it and she did great..

“Jessica, one of the qualities of a great leader is to always be professional. You should be able to differentiate between your personal and professional matters,” Mr Oh cuts in.

“Yes, just go ahead, Jessica. I’m sure Tiffany needs a few professional points of view from her loved one,” Joanna added, causing the others to laugh.

Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other, and Tiffany gave her a nod. She just didn’t want to put Jessica in a difficult position again.

Jessica sighed.

“Overall, I think it’s an okay design but...there was nothing really special about it,” She said, avoiding Tiffany’s gaze. If she wants to be professional, she has to act professional.

“The headlines were too detailed, making it uninteresting. A magazine’s headline should be short and eye-catching, but this is too much information and it’s like telling the whole content of the magazine just by the front page. In my opinion, it failed to spark curiosity and it will lead our readers to pick up some other magazine, like that darn Glam,” Jessica said causing the others to laugh. She smiled and turned around, but her smile quickly faded as she saw the look on Tiffany’s face. Maybe she shouldn’t have been too frank about it.

“Continue,” Mr Oh said.

Jessica bit her lip, refusing to continue. She’s very straight forward in commenting, especially in design, and as much as she wanted to comment, she couldn't. Not if she wanted to sleep in the room tonight.

“How about the color?” Joanna asked, lowering her glasses. She had meant no harm to their relationship; she was just interested in listening to Jessica’s point of view since her niece was really good at it. Sometimes even better than herself.

Jessica looked at her aunt, trying to tell her that she refused to comment. But Joanna didn’t get the message.

“Well? What do you think?” She urged.

Jessica sighed, “The color...I think there’s too much color...”

“I mean, we have a concept. And this looks like a magazine for tweens instead of a high fashion magazine,” She continued.

Tiffany cleared her throat, offended.

“No offense, Tiffany,” Jessica said, sounding professional.

Tiffany smiled awkwardly, “None taken, Jessica. But, I don’t think it’s that colourful, I mean it’s time for us to appear more cheerful and fun. We might able to attract new age groups."

“But we don’t have to,” Jessica cuts in. It’s in her nature to always be right.

“We have had our own target group for years and if we really want to attract more readers, we should put a male model on the cover like Glam did,” Jessica continued.

“We are working on the male model part. Didn’t Tiffany tell you?” Joanna asked.

Jessica shook her head.

“What do you and Tiffany always talk about at home? Cheese, strawberries and peanut butter eh, Boo Boo?” Mr Oh added, bringing another wave of laughter into the meeting room.

Jessica cleared her throat, her cheeks pink with embarrassment.

“So who is the male model?” She asked, changing the subject.

Tiffany tensed up. Jessica was not going to like it.

“It’s Lee Minho,” Joanna replied.

Jessica stared at Tiffany before letting out a scoff.

“No wonder she never told me about it,” She said bitterly.


Chapter 34

A Bowl of Cucumbers

Im Yoona was humming a happy tune as she sliced the tomatoes - nothing better than preparing food for her loved one. She was alone in the kitchen, since Yuri had gone out to buy some fresh salads at the market. She smiled as she carefully put the sliced tomatoes on the plate, arranging them into a heart shape. She just wants everything to be perfect. Yuri had just returned from her two week working trip and Yoona missed her to bits.

She planned last night to be special, but her meeting ended late and when she got home, she had to help Seungyeon move out of the house. After Seungyeon left, her and Yuri were too tired to do much. They ended up sleeping in each other’s embrace with their clothes on.

The sound of the door creaking open caught Yoona’s attention. She put down her plate of tomatoes and walked to the door.

“Here come the salads!” Yuri said cheerfully as she closed the door behind her. Yoona smiled widely and rushed to the tanned girl, wrapping her arms around her neck.

“What took you so long? Were you buying salads or planting seeds?” Yoona asked, teasing.

Yuri chuckled and moved them both to the kitchen with their hands still wrapped around each other’s bodies. She put the bag of salads on the kitchen counter before cupping her girlfriend’s face.

“I had to pick the best salad for our sandwich. I’m sorry I kept you waiting.” Yuri said sweetly, concealing the fact that she was late because meeting up with Gyuri earlier.

Yoona pouted, “I don’t want salads anymore. I just want you.”

They looked at each other, their loving eye contact quickly turned into an intense stare.

“I really missed you.” Yoona purred.

She pushed Yuri against the counter and kissed her. Yuri grabbed Yoona’s face and pulled it forward to deepen the kiss. It’s been two weeks that they were away from each other, and now they can’t hold back any longer.

Yoona grabbed Yuri’s thigh and push it upward, signalling her to sit on the counter. Yuri obliged and quickly pushed herself up with the help of her hands and the impatient Yoona. They looked at each other and instantly understood their desires without speaking. Yuri grabbed Yoona’s face and went for another kiss, but this time it was a much more passionate kiss. Yoona’s hands can’t stay still - she skilfully took off Yuri’s cardigan and threw it on the floor. Yuri pulled her girlfriend closer and wrapped her legs around her tightly. Yoona lifted up her lover’s shirt, her hands wildly rubbing Yuri’s smooth skin, wanting to take it all off.

Suddenly the bell rings, followed by a knock. Someone is at the door.

The lovers ignore their guest, too intoxicated with each other. Yoona had successfully taken off Yuri’s shirt, leaving her with only a bra and jeans. But the bell rang again, followed by rapid knocks on the door as if there was an emergency.

Yoona broke their kiss, frustrated. She stared at the half naked Yuri, thinking that she can take the remaining clothes off in no time. The knocks continue, and Yoona decides she can no longer ignore them.

“Coming!” She shouted, fixing her hair.

“Put your shirt back on.” She said, gesturing to the t-shirt on the floor. Yuri sighed and climbed down the counter. She really wanted to beat up the person who ruined their moment.

Yoona opened the door and was in for a surprise.

“Oh..Hello unnie, what a surprise…” she greeted.

Curious, Yuri quickly walked to the door after putting on her t-shirt.

“Who is it?” she asked.

Yoona smiled awkwardly and opened the door wider to show Yuri their unexpected guest.

A woman stood by the doorstep, smiling.

Yuri froze.

“Hello Yuri, nice to see you again.” Gyuri greeted.


“Soojung, I think you like..Jiyoung.” Sulli said, serious.

Krystal was shocked; she can’t believe what she just heard. After all the analysis that Sulli made she can only come out with that? She never thought Sulli was an idiot.

“Sulli, that’s not what it is. I don’t like Jiyoung..I..” She said, trying to explain.

“Soojung-ah..” Sulli said as she held Krystal’s arm, causing Krystal to stop talking. They looked into each other’s eyes deeply and for a second Krystal thought Sulli finally knew how she feels about her. She held her hands and smiled, thinking that she finally gets it.

“I know you don’t like Jiyoung,” Sulli said calmly.

Krystal nodded vigorously, “Yes! The one I like is..

“You love Jiyoung.” Sulli cuts in.


“You don’t like her, you love her.” Sulli added, smiling. Krystal froze, trying to absorb all the weirdness that just happened. Just where on earth did Sulli get the idea that she’s in love with Jiyoung?

“Am I right? See, you can’t even deny it.” Sulli said, teasing.

Krystal kept silent because she’s shocked, not because she’s agreed to it.

“Yah, Choi Sulli!” she shouted after much struggling.

“You know you can tell me anything and I can accept you if you’re gay. You’re my best friend.” Sulli said, patting her back.

“What are you talking about?! What makes you think that I’m in love with Kang Jiyoung?! All I did was torture her! You…”

“Exactly. You will annoy and torture the one you love. And you love Jiyoung.”

“That’s absurd! Where did you get that idea?!”

“Your sister. You annoy her all the time but you love her, right?” Sulli asked.

“That’s different! She’s my sister, it’s my duty to annoy the hell out of her!”

“Then what about Fany-unnie? You like her a lot but you can’t help but to annoy her and call her names. What was it? PillowFany?” Sulli continued.

Krystal gritted her teeth, trying to find the right words to say. Sulli has a point and she never realized that she has such a pattern. She even begins to think that she might really like Jiyoung. But when the image of her and Jiyoung together made her feel extremely uncomfortable, she shook her head to remove any traces of the thought.

“And how about Ray?” Sulli asked again.


“Yeah, you love that orange furball so much but you can’t stop tossing him in the air and splashing water at him just to see him run away. You even drink all the milk in the fridge so that Ray won’t get any.”


“It’s the same with Jiyoung. You knocked her books down and called her names because you like her..

“It’s not the same! Ray is a cat! Jiyoung is a girl! An annoying girl!” Krystal shouted, angry. Though she secretly agrees with Sulli on this one - Jiyoung did look like a cat sometimes. Cute.

“The more you deny it the more obvious your feelings are.” Sulli said, smiling. She enjoys it so much that she almost forgot her uniform is still wet.

Krystal grunted, “I don’t like her!”

“Aww..what should I call you two, KryJi? or KryYoung?” Sulli continues to tease.

Krystal can’t take anymore of this false accusation. As far as she can remember, she didn’t like Jiyoung, and obviously didn’t love her. She had feelings for Sulli, and she wanted to feel her sweet kiss like the one she dreamt of.

“Sulli, listen!” She shouted, angry. She held the girl by her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

Sulli gulped, shocked. “What is it?”

Krystal took a deep breath. “I..

Sulli nodded. “I?”


“I love?” Sulli asked, impatient.

Krystal paused as the cold sweats begin to form on her forehead.

“I love..

Suddenly the door was kicked open, revealing Taemin, panting heavily. He must have had ran up the stairs to get there. He saw Krystal and Sulli talking and he rushed to them.

“Sulli!” He called.

Both girls looked at him, surprised. He glared at Krystal as he walked to them.

“Are you okay? Did she hurt you?” He asked frantically. He took out a handkerchief and began to wipe Sulli’s face with it.

The wet girl chuckled cutely and shook her head. “We were just talking, but what took you so long, Minnie-ah?” She said, sweetly.

Krystal was surprised. She had never heard Sulli call other boys like that. Sulli let Taemin wipe her cheeks as she smiled at him, glad he’s worrying for her.

“I lost you and then found someone else crying. I thought it was you, but it was..that geeky Hee Jin crying over a frog that she killed in biology..” Taemin explained with his face pale. Maybe the accidental encounter with Hee Jin wasn’t something pleasant. She was his stalker for 2 years.

Sulli laughed lightly and hit Taemin’s arm playfully like the whole water splashing incident never happened. This is all very confusing for Krystal.

She cleared her throat, letting the two know that she’s still there.

“Sulli, I think you should go change now. I have an extra uniform in my locker.” She said.

Taemin looked at her, his face serious. “Stay away from Sulli.” He said, taking a few steps towards her.

Krystal scoffed and stare at him, “What?!”

Sulli quickly stood in between the two and calmed them down.

“Easy guys. Minnie, me and Krystal are okay now. Don’t worry.” She said, gently pushing him away from Krystal.

Little Jung got even more annoyed.

Minnie again?

“What’s with this Minnie nickname?! Are you two dating or something?!” Krystal suddenly snapped. The atmosphere turned awkward. Sulli and Taemin were staring at Krystal, like they are guilty of something. It was very obvious.

Krystal bit her lip as her heart begun to ache.

“Oh my, you two are a couple..when did this happen?” she asked, still in disbelief.

“We became official two days ago. I wanted to tell you but..you were too busy with your minions and Jiyoung..” Sulli explained.

Krystal looked away.






Jessica scooped her rice slowly but didn’t eat it. For some reason she had lost her appetite, the tension killing her as she sits with Tiffany for a late lunch in the office cafeteria after their meeting.

“Thank you for bringing me the flash drive.” Tiffany said, slowly taking a spoonful of rice and shoving it into her mouth. She munched it slowly, looking at anything but Jessica.

“No problem. You should be more careful next time.” Jessica replied, still in an awkward tone.

She cleared her throat, “Back in the meeting room, I was…only being honest. I..

“..think that my design sucks?” Tiffany cut in.

“I didn’t say that! You have the potential but you just...need more time to grow. It was strictly business, honey, nothing personal.” Jessica corrected.

Tiffany shrugged, still not looking at Jessica. She continued to eat like she was alone at the table.

“However, I do think that you should at least discuss the design with me. Yours was...quite amateur-ish.” Jessica added carefully.

Tiffany looked up and gestured her hand to the waiter.

“Can I have a bowl of sliced cucumbers please?” She said.

Jessica scoffed. “A bowl of cucumbers? Really? You know I can’t even stand the smell.”

“I don’t like to talk about work when we’re at home. And, I like cucumbers.” Tiffany replied, nonchalant.

A waitress came with a bowl of cucumber like Tiffany requested. Jessica tried to hold her breath and endure the smell for Tiffany; though it was obvious Tiffany purposely ordered the cucumbers to get back at Jessica.

“You don’t like to talk about work at home, huh? Well, that explains why you didn’t tell me about Minho.” Jessica said, with a hand covering her nose.

Tiffany swallowed hard and looked up. Their eyes met.

“I didn’t make the decision. The board did. You can ask Seohyun that I was totally opposing Minho for the shoot. Gee, Jessi, I thought you’re not going to be jealous about me and Minho anymore. You said you trust me.” She said.

“I trust you. It’s him that I don’t trust.” Jessica said, putting her spoon down with a loud clink.

An awkward silence filled the air and Tiffany can’t even swallow her food.

Jessica sighed. “I can’t stand the cucumber smell. I gotta go. See you at home.” She said before standing up.

“Okay, see you.” Tiffany said with an awkward smile.

Jessica walked to her fiancé and kissed her hair gently before leaving. Tiffany bit her lip, she regretted being such a child.

“Love you.” She said, hoping that Jessica would hear her.


Jessica rarely serves her guests. If her mom or Krystal came to visit her for evening tea at her house, Tiffany will prepare the tea and biscuits, not her. It’s not that she isn’t good at it, but she always believed that Tiffany is better in the kitchen.

The blond girl stirred the leaves in her teapot before taking a small spoon to taste it.

“Ahh…good!” She said, with a satisfied smile on her face. Maybe she is better than Tiffany in making tea.

She closed the teapot and put it on the tray, along with a plate of oat cookies and three cups. She lifted it carefully and carried it into the living room.

“Wow. I’ve never seen Jessica Jung as a housewife.” Sooyoung said, teasing. Hyoyeon can’t help but smile, she was thinking the same thing.

Jessica chuckled, “Only when Tiffany is not around.” She said, carefully putting the tray on the coffee table. She joined her guests on the sofa, and smiled.

“You came to check on your car?” she asked Sooyoung.

“I came to take back my car, you stealer.” Sooyoung replied, heated.

“I borrowed your car.” Jessica corrected.

“You took my keys without permission, that’s stealing.” Sooyoung said.

Hyoyeon chuckled, “You two play way too much Grand Theft Auto. Sooyoung, you stole my car too, remember?”

“I only stole it because Jessica stole mine.” Sooyoung said, defending herself like it’s all Jessica’s fault.

“Wait, you stole Hyoyeon’s car? Why? It’s just a Peugeot.” Jessica said casually.

Hyoyeon cleared her throat, offended. “She stole my ‘not just a Peugeot’, to confess her love to her boyfriend who happens to live in a Ski Resort. We were just returned from there.”

Sooyoung tried to stop Hyoyeon from blabbering but it was too late. Jessica stared at her, serious.

“So that’s why you’re not going to work. And you’ve made up your mind.” She said.

Sooyoung pour herself a cup of tea and nodded.

Jessica sighed. “What are you going to do with Hara? You can’t date them both.”

Sooyoung held her cup and blow on the tea slowly to reduce the temperature. It was so hot she could burn her tongue with it.

“But I..love them both.” She said.

Jessica and Hyoyeon looked at the girl, and sighed at the same time.

“Who do you think you are? Bella Swan? Even she has to choose just one guy.” Jessica suddenly said.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked at her weirdly with her sudden Twilight remark.

“Sorry, Tiffany forced me to read Eclipse before watching the movie, so..” Jessica said, embarrassed.

Sooyoung sighed heavily before taking a sip of her tea. And then she put down the cup immediately. Her face was red and she was fanning her tongue with her hands.

“Yah Sica! Wh-What did you put in the tea?!” She asked, almost shouting.

“Just tea and mint. It’s mint tea.” Jessica replied.

“But we ran out of mint leaves so I put some…er...toothpaste.” she added.

Hyoyeon and Sooyoung looked at Jessica in disbelief.

“TOOTHPASTE?!” they shouted in unison.

“Well, it contains mint.” Jessica reasoned.

Suddenly the front door was opened roughly and they were all startled. Kim Taeyeon walked into the kitchen, panicked.

“What’s wrong with you?” Jessica asked her neighbour.

“Can I hide here?!” Taeyeon asked, ignoring the weird stares.

Jessica shrugged and Taeyeon took it as a yes.

“Great! If Sunny comes looking for me, please tell her that you didn’t see me.” Taeyeon said, serious.

“What?! Why?!” Jessica asked.

Taeyeon ignored her and went upstairs, locking herself in the guest room.

Jessica, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon looked at each other.

Sooyoung sighed, “Now what’s going on with Taeyeon?”


Chapter 35

Turn Around


Please, just stop.

Krystal bit her lip and looked down. She’s in the science lab, waiting for another minute to pass till the bell rings. Her science teacher, Ms Victoria can’t stop nagging them about their coursework and repeating the deadline over and over again. But none of her words matter to Krystal as the sight in front of her was torturing her. Her heart is aching like it’s been torn up to pieces.

Sulli and Taemin can’t stop stealing glances at each other and smiled shyly when their eyes met. Love is the air for them and Krystal can’t breathe their air of love. She wished there would be a sudden fire drill in the school so that she can leave the class early. She can’t stand another second with the lovebirds.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt like crying. Tears almost escaped her eyes but she quickly shook her head, not letting the emotion get to her. She can’t stop blaming herself, if only she confessed to Sulli earlier.

Kang Jiyoung pretends to listen to Ms Victoria’s ramblings, but she kept glancing at Krystal whenever she can. She can tell that she was sad, her expression was too transparent. Jiyoung can’t help but wondering about what had happened. Believe it or not, she cares about Krystal Jung.

And then the bell rings, and the students cheered like a prisoner who’d been let out of jail. Krystal sighed in relief, thinking that she no longer has to watch the High School Musical play that Sulli Montez and Taemin Bolton pulled. They seriously looked like they’re going to sing a duet. Krystal wants to puke.

“Let me carry your bag for you.” Taemin said, tugging Sulli’s bag.

“Okay.” Sulli said, smiling.

Krystal was on the edge of vomiting but then Sulli suddenly turned around and Krystal gulped, shocked.

“Soojung, me and Minnie are going to the mall after school. Would you like to join us?” Sulli asked.

Krystal can’t express how her ears hurt upon hearing the nickname.

“I can’t..I have er..other plans.” Krystal replied. There’s no way she would want to spend all evening with Sulli and her Minnie.

“Other plans? With whom?” Sulli asked, curious. Even though she’s dating a boy, Krystal is still her priority.

Krystal gulped, she didn’t plan her lie well. “Er..with..

“Ahhh!!” Someone shouted. Everyone looked at the door, a girl stumbled onto the ground with her books scattered on the floor.

“Watch where you’re going, Kang.” Minji said with a glare. Luna was right behind her, smirking. It was obvious that they pushed her. Even though Krystal didn’t ask them to bother Jiyoung, it’s already becoming some kind of a habit for them.

Jiyoung sighed, trying to be patient. She is on her own. She picked up her books one by one.

“Hey Minji, you’re the one who should watch where you’re going.” A voice said. Jiyoung was shocked, she recognize that voice.

Krystal was glaring at her dispatched minions before grabbing Jiyoung’s arm and held her up. Jiyoung obliged, but was still shocked with what is happening. It seems like Krystal was helping her?

“Krystal, it was an accident..we didn’t mean to..” Minji said, stuttering.

“Don’t you dare bother Kang Jiyoung anymore.” Krystal said, serious.

The whole classroom fell silent; Krystal statement was something that no one ever expected.

Luna gulped. “But Krystal..why are you suddenly..

“Because..” Krystal paused.

Everyone looked at her in anticipation. Krystal looked at Sulli, hoping for a backup but then she saw that she was holding hands with Taemin.

Sulli is holding hands with Taemin.

Krystal bit her lip; she could feel her heart breaking.

“Because now, Kang Jiyoung is my girlfriend.” She continued.


Kwon Yuri wished that this is all a dream. A nightmare. Park Gyuri, her secret ex-girlfriend suddenly appeared on her doorstep, when she was making out with Yoona. Talk about perfect timing.

“Hello Yuri, nice to see you again.” Gyuri greeted. She was flashing her prefect innocent smile, her eyes concealed by her huge shades. But Yuri could tell that she was staring at her, probably scanning her head to toe.

“Gyuri unnie, would you like to come in?” Yoona asked, being polite even though it was a rare visit.

Gyuri shook her head. “I’m just here to meet Yuri.”

Yuri gulped, shocked of how direct Gyuri was. She’s praying that Gyuri won’t say a thing as drops of cold sweats rolled down her forehead.

“Ah, Yuri? She’s here. What’s the matter?” Yoona asked. She had to do all the talk since Yuri was temporarily mute.

Gyuri smirked, “She left something, I just want to return this to her.”

“She..left something?” Yoona asked, suspicious.

“Yes, her phone.” Gyuri said, taking out an LG Chocolate from her handbag. Yuri tensed up, she froze. Yoona gave Yuri a questioning look but all she got was a shrug.

“Well, that is Yuri’s. But how did it ended up with you?” Yoona asked, taking the phone from Gyuri.

“She left it when she met me at the..

“MARKET!!” Yuri suddenly shouted.

Yoona looked at her, weirdly while Gyuri smirked.

“I accidentally met her at the market while I was buying the..” Yuri paused.

“Salads.” Gyuri continued.

“Yes, the salads!” Yuri said, nervous. She was hoping that Yoona would believe her lies.

“You met her at the market? Why didn’t you tell me about it?” Yoona asked to Yuri, an eyebrow rose.

“I forgot..” Yuri replied short.

Yoona stared at Yuri suspiciously, but the other girl was smiling like nothing happened. Gyuri can’t help but to smile at the player’s pathetic attempt to hide her dirty secret. She can easily crush this girl, right here, right now, but then where is the fun?

“You forgot?” Yoona asked, still suspicious.

“Of course she forgot to tell you. Bumping into me at the market was not something important.” Gyuri said, to Yuri’s surprise, she was helping her.

Yoona alternates her gaze between the two women and nodded, she begin to believe their lies.

“Now, I have to leave, got some things to take care of. You two should pick up where you left off.” Gyuri said, winking.

Yuri didn’t get that joke; she could feel that Gyuri is not going to help her because she’s suddenly turned nice. She was trembling with fear when Yoona was laughing with Gyuri at the door.

“That’s too bad, I was about to ask you to join us for some sandwich.” Yoona said, she meant the food.

Gyuri laughed, suddenly it all sounds so funny to her.

“That’s very tempting Yoona, but maybe sometime later. I have some blackmailing to do first.” She said before glaring suggestively to both of the girls.

Yoona stood there as she watched Gyuri drove away in her white car.

“She meant ‘sandwich’ as..something else, isn’t it?” Yoona asked the quiet Yuri behind her.

“Threesome, I think.” Yuri said, gulping.

Yoona let out a small laugh. She walked to Yuri and leaned to her left ear.

“But I don’t share my woman.” She whispered causing Yuri to gulp nervously.


“Now what’s going on with Taeyeon?” Sooyoung asked, curious.

Jessica and Hyoyeon looked at each other.

“Don’t ask me, I’m not a lesbian.” Hyoyeon said, shrugging.

Jessica rolled her eyes, “Well, I’m sleeping with a woman but I can’t figure it out either.”

Before the meaningless bickering begins to escalate, someone knocked the front door.

“Let me guess, it’s the wife.” Jessica said lazily. There were too many things that happened lately, a sulking Tiffany and a bowl of cucumber were already too much. She’s not in the mood for some married neighbours drama.

Sooyoung get the door, ignoring Jessica’s annoyed face.

As expected, it was Mrs Kim Taeyeon.

“Hey there, Sunny. Didn’t expect to see you here.” Sooyoung said casually.

“I didn’t expect you to be here either, Sooyoung. What are you doing at Jessica’s house when Tiffany is still at work?” She asked suspiciously.

“Er..visiting a friend who stole my car.” Sooyoung replied to clear the air.

“Oh.” Sunny nodded.

“Sunny, do you want to come in?” Jessica called from the table. She didn’t even bother welcoming her properly.

Sunny looked at Jessica from the doorstep and smiled, “Hi Sica.”

Jessica waved to her with a weak smile.

“And Hyoyeon, you’re here too? I didn’t know that you’re close with Sica and Soo.” Sunny asked, surprised.

Hyoyeon shrugged, “I’m not. It’s..a long story.”

Sunny nodded and looked at them, “Actually I’m in a hurry. I’m supposed to go to the hospital with Taeyeon but she suddenly went missing. She’s nowhere in the house and I can’t give her a call. Have you guys seen her?”

Jessica and Hyoyeon looked at each other, trying to act normal. But unfortunately the both of them are the worst liars in the world. Their awkwardness shows, Jessica pretends to be busy with the cookies in the plate while Hyoyeon was sipping the ‘Mint’ tea.

Sooyoung quickly took control of the situation, “No. We haven’t seen her at all. But why are you two going to the hospital? Trying to get artificial height or something?”

Sunny rolled her eyes, “So funny, Soo. We are getting the artificial insemination, so we have to meet the doctor to discuss the procedure today.”

Jessica turned around and stood up before rushing to the door, “Are you trying to get pregnant?” She asked.

The short girl grinned, “Not me. Taeyeon.”

“I’ve always thought that Taeyeon is the hubby..” Sooyoung said with a chuckle.

“So the tough hubby must take the pregnancy job first.” Sunny said with a nod.

Jessica was staring blankly at Sunny, lost in her thoughts, it’s creeping her out.

“Okay, so if you’ve seen Taeyeon, please tell her that I’m looking for her.” She said before glancing at her watch.

“I’m gonna call Dr.Han and cancel our appointment again.” She mumbled as she headed back to her house.

Sooyoung closed the door behind her and looked at Jessica who seems terrified.

“What are you looking at? Tiffany will be the one who will get pregnant for us! There’s no way I’ll get pregnant!” Jessica snapped, blurting all her thoughts.

“No one was asking, Sica.” Sooyoung said, walking to the table. She was shocked to find Hyoyoen dipping an oat cookie into the ‘mint’ tea.

“Don’t tell me you’re enjoying the..tea.” Sooyoung said, her face pale.

“It’s actually quite good.” Hyoyeon said, before biting the tea-dipped cookie. Sooyoung was staring at her in horror.

“I know right.” Jessica added before sitting back on her chair.

Sooyoung scoffed. “What is wrong with your tastebuds?!”

“Is she gone?” A voice asked. Taeyeon was sneaking behind the wall, she looked like a house rat, Jessica almost hit her with a broom.

Sooyoung nodded, “I guess you don’t want to get pregnant eh?” She asked.

Taeyeon sighed and walked over to them at the table. “She told you?”

“You can’t hide from her forever.” Jessica said, after calming down.

“But..I didn’t agree to it. Before getting married, she promised that she’ll be the one who will get pregnant first. But now, she’s itching to have a baby but refusing to get pregnant! Saying that she’s busy with the cafe, but I am busy too! I am the co-producer to T-Ara’s new mini album, I can’t handle all the nausea, and crazy hormones right now!” Taeyeon protested.

“So talk to her about it. Hiding in your neighbour’s house won’t solve anything.” Hyoyeon suddenly said, munching her cookies.

“I’ve tried, but..

“You kept losing.” Sooyoung continued.

Taeyeon nodded weakly, “All I can do is to avoid her from talking about it, or avoid her completely, even if I had to hide under Jessica’s bed.”

Jessica was shocked, her face showed she was panicking. “You..hid under my bed?!”

Knowing why Jessica was panicking, Taeyeon smiled, “Yes, and I found Tiffany’s and your box of ‘toys’.”

Sooyoung chuckled while Hyoyeon looked puzzled.

Jessica buried her face in her palms, “Don’t you dare enter my room again.” She warned.

“I’m sorry, I thought it was the guest room.” Taeyeon said, guilty.

Hyoyeon looked at them, wondering.

“Sica, you and Tiffany are still playing with toys?” She asked innocently.


After Hyoyeon left and Taeyeon went somewhere else to hide, Jessica took Sooyoung to her stolen car.

Sooyoung knelt down and check if there were any scratches caused by Jessica’s reckless driving. There are two things that Sooyoung can’t trust Jessica with, cooking and driving.

“It’s unscratched! Stop examining it like that!” Jessica shouted, annoyed.

The car owner ignored her whining and continued her own tracing the scratch game, she moved from the rear side to the front bumper, eyes carefully scanning the surface.

“AHAH!” Sooyoung suddenly shouted, startling Jessica.


“It’s scratched! You scratched my car!” Sooyoung said, frantically pointing at Jessica.

The blond gulped and kneeled down to take a closer look at the scratch, she scoffed, it was a small, hardly visible small line of scratch on the front bumper.

“I did not do this! It was already there before!” Jessica said, defending herself.

“No it wasn’t!”

“Yes! You accidentally hit Siwon’s car when you were looking for a parking space last month! Remember?”

And then there were silence, followed by Sooyoung’s, “Ooohh.”

Jessica rolled her eyes, “I was being careful the entire time driving your car.”

Sooyoung grinned, “Thanks Sica, for not hurting her.” She said before entering the driver’s seat.

Jessica walked to her and leaned down to the window, she knocked the glass, signalling Sooyoung to wind down the window.

“Yes?” Sooyoung asked.

Jessica sighed. “Um..have you thought about who you will choose between the siblings?” She asked.

Sooyoung looked away, not saying anything.

“They’re my cousins, I care about them, you know. But I also care about you, and I hope you will make the choice that can make yourself happy.” Jessica continued.

“I’m not trying to mess with your head, or anything, but. I’ve never seen Hara so happy and serious about her life before, until she met you. She was so messed up, partying all the time, spending her parents’ money and driving them crazy. I was a rebel too but she’s like 10 times worse than me.” Jessica added.

Sooyoung was staring at the steering wheel, listening.

“When she was studying in college in Paris, she dated a girl and they were quite madly in love. Things were okay for a while but then..” Jessica paused.

“What happened?” Sooyoung asked, curious.

Jessica’s expression turned serious. “She cheated on her with Hara’s roommate.”

“And that’s how it all turned around, Hara was almost expelled from college for not doing her coursework and she only graduated because Joanna paid someone to write her the final year thesis. Joanna didn’t know that her daughter is a lesbian though, but she was protecting the family image. Anyway, after Hara finished studying and returned to Korea, we all thought she’s going to change, but she’s not. She continued to party, and spending money on expensive things. ” Jessica continued.

Jessica smiled and looked at Sooyoung, “But it all changed when she met you.”

“She listened to her parents, no longer wasting the family’s money or doing anything to tarnish the family’s name.”

Sooyoung smiled, “Thanks for telling me but..”

“You don’t want to break a girl’s heart on her birthday.” Jessica cuts in.

“Her birthday?”

“I’d figured you have forgotten. It’s Hara’s birthday this Sunday, and as always, she’s going to throw a big party. You’re invited.” Jessica said.

Sooyoung gulped, she had completely forgotten about Hara’s birthday.

“I’m not trying to make you choose Hara, don’t misunderstand me. But, choosing her brother over her is going to crush her heart. And if you’re choosing Hara only because you want to protect her feelings and loving Hyunjoong is going to hurt all three of you.” Jessica added.

“Both path leads to dead ends.” Sooyoung suddenly said.

Jessica nodded and said, “True, but not if you took the other path.”

“What path? There’s no other path for me.”

Jessica shook her head.

“You can always turn around.”


It’s been a long time since Jessica and Tiffany took a relaxing stroll in the park at night. But Jessica insists to go out with Tiffany that night and she just obliged. It would be the perfect place for them to talk. There’s still tension between them to be resolved.

They were talking about a lot of things that happened that day, like Sooyoung and Hyoyeon’s visit and Taeyeon and Sunny’s baby drama. Tiffany chuckled at the craziness that she missed.

They continued to walk slowly, hugging themselves as the cold air hits them. Each of them was too proud to hold each other’s hand first. Jessica glanced at Tiffany who was slightly shivering and sighed.

“Hold my hand.” She said, offering her hand.

Tiffany looked at the warm hands and smiled, “Thanks.”

Even though it was only their palms that touched, the warmth spread all over their body. They both blushed.

Tiffany gulped and glanced at Jessica as they walked. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Minho working with us. I was worried that you will be angry at me and think that I..

“I won’t be angry at you. Tiffany, I trust you. Completely.” Jessica said, smiling.

Tiffany could feel her heart flutters; all her suppressed emotions suddenly disappeared.

“Thank you, Boo Boo.” She said, touched.

Jessica stopped walking and frowned, “I am not a Boo Boo. Don’t call me that.”

“But-But..I love calling you that.” Tiffany said, pouting. She stared at Jessica with her adorable puppy eyes.

“No.” Jessica said, trying to resist.

“Boo Boo..” Tiffany said sweetly. She pouted and stared at Jessica with teary eyes. Maybe she should try out for acting.

“Aisshhh! Fine!” Jessica grunted.

Tiffany chuckled.

“I am a Boo Boo. Your Boo Boo.” Jessica said, ignoring how corny that sounds.

Tiffany smiled widely, “I love you. Boo Boo.”

“Your Boo Boo loves you too.”Jessica said in the cheesy tone.

A couple were passing by accidentally overheard their extra cheesy love confession almost vomited. They quickly moved away, unable to stand the cheesiness.

Jessica and Tiffany resume their walk, hands on each other’s waist this time, enjoying the night breeze.

“I have something to tell you.” Jessica said, excited.

“What is it?”

Jessica grinned, “I’m going back to the company really soon. The book sale we had today was a hit. I might comeback next month. Isn’t it exciting?”

Tiffany was shocked; she had mixed emotions about it. She should be ecstatic about it but there’s a bit unhappy feeling and she’s confused.

“Wow, that’s great!” Tiffany screamed.

“We will be working together again!” Jessica said.

“Just like we used to!”

“And I will drive you to work!”

“Yay! No more stealing Sooyoung’s car!”

“And we can have caviar for dinner again!”


“And..” Jessica paused.

“And?” Tiffany asked, curious.

Jessica grabbed Tiffany’s hand before kissing the back of her hand lovingly.

“And we can plan our dream wedding.” She said, smiling shyly.

Tiffany could feel her cheeks heated up, “Finally.”


Chapter 36


Kang Jiyoung likes being invisible. No one cares where she goes or if she comes to school or not. She is free to do anything she wants, anytime she wants. Like right now, she’s walking through the school hallway where it’s packed with students but no one was looking at her, or even noticing that she’s there. She liked it this way, to stay under the radar and she’s just going to study hard until graduation. She has no clique to hang out with in this school, but she didn’t mind. The girls here came from wealthy families and she doubts she can ever keep up with them.

She smiled as she makes her way to her classroom, which is only two classes away. She keeps her head high and swings her hand happily, completely forgetting what happened yesterday. She believed it was all a dream. There’s no way in the real world that Krystal Jung would ever want to date her.

“Oh my, look at them..” A boy said to his friends at the corridor. Jiyoung overheard them and looked at them, confused. Then she realized that everyone in the hallway was staring at her as if there’s something on her face.

“I am so jealous.” A girl said, glaring at her.

She gulped and looked down; beginning to rub her cute cheeks with her hands to remove whatever there is on her face.

“There’s nothing on your face, Stinky Jing.” A voice from beside her said.

Jiyoung was startled and flung her hands, she almost hit the girl beside her. Krystal grabbed her hand, only inches away from her face.

“Were you trying to hit me?” Krystal asked, pissed.

Jiyoung stood there, shocked as Krystal took her hand in hers.

“What?” Krystal asked, noticing Jiyoung’s stare.

Jiyoung was mumbling incoherent words, “You..why..what.."

“You’re my..er..girlfriend now, remember?” Krystal said, avoiding her gaze.

“Girl-girlfriend??” Jiyoung asked, now slowly realizing that everything wasn’t a dream.

“Let’s go to class, we’re late.” Krystal said, dragging the confused girl along. Jiyoung was too shocked to react, she just followed her along. Then she noticed Krystal’s strong grip on her palm. She looked down, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.


Tiffany Hwang was humming a happy song as she was checking a file at her table. She smiled widely, showing almost all her teeth and her eyes shaped into the adorable crescent moon.

Her staff noticed her bright mood and can’t help but wonder why.

“What did Sica unnie do that made our Ms. Hwang so happy today?” Seohyun asked, teasing.

Tiffany chuckled and put down her files, she smiled like she was hoping for someone to ask her that.

“You know, Seohyun..” She said.

“What?” Seohyun asked, impatient. Nicole and Hara were also looking at them, curious.

“She bought you another diamond ring?” Hara asked, smirking. Things between her and Tiffany had turned sour since yesterday.

Tiffany sighed and shook her head, “No Hara.”

“She bought you another car? I heard that she booked a pink mini cooper for you.” Hara added with a glare.

Tiffany looked away, not wanting to get into a childish argument with Hara, which she’d probably lose. She can’t stop Jessica from buying her things.

“Jessi is coming back to the company soon, maybe next month.” She said, smiling.

Seohyun and Nicole looked at each other with surprised expressions while Hara frowned.

“Wow that is really great news! We will be having her in the office again!” Seohyun exclaimed.

Nicole smiled, “She will be the Head of our Department, right Ms. Hwang?”

Tiffany nodded, “Yes, that’s true.”

The short-haired girl smiled wider, “Then how about you? Will you be demoted?” She asked innocently.

The office turned awkward and the smile on Tiffany’s face slowly fades.

“After all you worked for these three months and everything will go back to Ms. Jung, like you were never here.” Nicole added.

“I’m sorry but, it’s like they’re using you as a substitute or a hole filler. I think it’s quite unfair to you, Ms. Hwang.” She continued.

Tiffany cleared her throat, “Jessica is a much better designer than I am. She deserves this position.”

“Because she’s a Jung and you’re not?” Nicole asked.

“It’s not about bloodline, it’s about talent. Like..we have other Jungs but Jessi has the best quality for the position.” Tiffany defends.

Suddenly Hara slammed her hand on the desk, causing everyone to stare at her, shocked.

“Wow, ‘we have other Jungs but they’re not talented?’ That is one very straight remark, Tiffany.” Hara said, standing up.

Tiffany gulped; she didn’t mean to offend anyone. But maybe she is.

Hara gave Tiffany one last glare before storming out of the office, angry.


“Ms. Hara, you can’t enter! She’s in the middle of a meeting! Make an appointment first!” Joanna’s secretary said, trying to stop Hara from entering the office.

“I want to meet my mother! Do I need to make an appointment too?!” Hara said, pushing the girl aside. She scoffed at her before storming into the room.

Joanna and Mr. Oh were sitting across each other at the coffee table, with a few files opened. It appears that she really was in a meeting.

“Hara? What are you doing here?” Joanna asked, removing her glasses and putting them on the table.

Hara was still panting from all the running and looked at her mother, “Mom, I need to talk to you.”

“Oh, hi there Hara. Haven’t seen you in a while.” Mr. Oh greeted with a smile. Hara returned his smile and bowed a bit for respect. Mr. Oh is like family to her. He’d known her since she was a baby.

“What is so important that you had to barge into my office like this?” Joanna asked with anger in her tone.

Hara kept mum and looked down.

Mr. Oh looked at them and laughed, “Okay, I’m going to leave first. We’ll talk later, Anna.” He said before picking up his files and leaving the office.

The atmosphere was filled with tension after he left. Joanna stared at her daughter, sensing that there’s something wrong with her again. The last time she acted like this, she ended up disappearing for two months in France.

“I want to be the Head Designer.” Hara suddenly said.

Her mother stared at her blankly; she can’t believe what she just heard.

“You as the Head? This is the important thing you can’t wait to talk about?” Joanna said like it’s a joke.

Hara cleared her throat, “Yes. Why? You think it’s funny?”

Joanna sighed, “You know that the position belongs to Tiffany now, and Jessica when she returns.”

“Why Jessica?” Hara asked.

“You know why. She's talented.” Joanna said, slowly standing up from the sofa.

“Then why Tiffany? Why not me?” Hara asked continuously.

Joanna shook her head, “What is wrong with you? You never cared one bit about this company before, and now you’re questioning my decision on a job position?”

“Yes! Tiffany is nothing compared to me, but she has the trust of all our family members! Uncle Mike, Aunt Julie, Grandpa and even you..” Hara continued.

“She has massive potential, that girl. You should learn from her not rebel against her.” Joanna said.

“I graduated from Paris! I’m much more qualified than her!” Hara shouted.

“Have you forgotten that I had to pay a lot of money just to get you to graduate?” Joanna said slow but sharp. Hara bit her lip, speechless.

“I had to deal with your sudden rebellious ways, in your final year in college. Hara dear, I know you’re talented too, but I just can’t trust you enough for the job.” Joanna continued.

“Because of everything that you’ve done before, running away from home, involved with drugs and alcohol, tarnishing our family image.."

“That’s all you cared about, the family image.” Hara cuts in. Joanna looked at her daughter and gulped.

“I think you know why I ran away from home.” Hara said, serious.

She sighed. “But you pretended like you knew nothing…that I was going through a phase. But you knew it, right?”

Joanna looked away, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“You knew about me and her. You knew that I was a le-"

“SHUT UP!” Joanna shouted, her voice echoed in the large office that they’re in.

Hara gulped as her mother’s voice silenced her.

“Get out of my office. I have a lot of work to do.” Joanna said before she turned her back on her daughter.

“You accepted Jessica, but why not me?” Hara asked, her voice cracked.

Joanna bit her lip as she looked out the window,

“Because you are my daughter.”


“Just five more percent.” Jessica said.

“So what are we going to do to get that five percent increase?” Jaejoong asked as he sits at a round table with Siwon and Jessica. Choi Siwon shrugged coolly and looked away, like he’s in a photo shoot. Jessica rolled her eyes.

There weren’t many customers that morning and they were able to gather for a quick staff meeting.

“Another book sale?” Siwon suggested.

“We just did that yesterday.” Jessica replied lazily.

“A week of singing nights.” Jaejoong said, smiling.

Jessica scoffed, “I only sing for three nights a week and that’s the deal. I need to be with my fiancé at night too. She needs me.”

Jaejoong looked away as Jessica mentioned her beloved fiancé, in fact she’s been mentioning Tiffany in any way possible these days. Like she’s making a statement that she’s taken.

Jessica looked at the magazine rack and slowly a smile crept up her face, light bulb moment.

“We should advertise.” She said.

“We already did that, we gave out flyers and all..” Siwon said.

Jessica sighed, “You call that an advertisement?” She said, pointing at one of the posters on the wall behind the counter. It was a white paper with plain black text on it that says ‘Come to Al’s Cafe & Bookstore’. It was a poster designed by Siwon.

“What’s wrong with that? It’s clear and easy to look at, we can attract customers with that.” Siwon replied.

“Yes, if you’re attracting a group of 50 year old retired soldiers and old single women with cats.” Jessica retorted.

Jaejoong chuckled while Siwon was speechless.

“We need a new design and then we will plaster it all over the city.” Jessica suggested.

“Attract all the young bookworms and the coffee addicts in this city. We have good looking staff too, that should be a bonus.” She added, smiling.

“Are you talking about me?” Jaejoong asked, pointing to himself about the good looking part.

Jessica shook her head, “I was talking about myself.”

Siwon laughed, “And me. But hey, I think you two should work together for this new flyers thing. I can’t leave the shop so, it’s all up to you.” He said, standing up from his seat. He walked to the cash register as a customer called to pay for the food.

Awkwardness filled the atmosphere after he left. Jessica was never really comfortable with Jaejoong who always tries to hit on her unexpectedly.

“So it’s up to you and me.” Jaejoong said, smiling.

Jessica nodded, “Let’s make it work and increase that 5%.”


Jung Nicole was standing in front of the elevator, walking back and forth. She was waiting for Hara, when she left, she was in anger. She can’t help but worry about her. She had begun to care a lot about the girl.

Suddenly she saw a familiar face, walking to the elevator, that tall girl with short hair, Sooyoung. Sooyoung reached the elevator and noticed Nicole but she glared at her and looked away. She can’t forget what she said to her at the beach.

Nicole scoffed and shook her head, “Never thought you were so arrogant. What brings you here? I thought you’re working with Jessica.”

“I’m here to meet my girlfriend.” Sooyoung replied, staring at the elevator’s door.

Nicole nodded, “Oh, your girlfriend..

..whom you cheated on with her brother?” She continued.

Sooyoung looked at Nicole almost immediately, shocked and angry. Also scared.

“That's nonsense. You don’t know what you’re talking about.” She said, gulping.

Nicole laughed like she just heard a gag, Sooyoung couldn't be more irritated. She wished she could hit her face with a pan and knock her unconscious.

Suddenly Nicole stopped laughing and stared at Sooyoung with a serious expression.“I know what I’m talking about, Choi Sooyoung. I know where you were yesterday and I know that Hara will leave you in an instant if she finds out.”

Sooyoung gulped.

“I know that you’re doubting yourself, and I know that’s why you can’t bring yourself to sex her up.” Nicole added.

Sooyoung bit her lip.

“You know what else I know?” Nicole asked.

“That Hara will come to me one day and I will give her everything she needs, everything that you can’t give her. And I know that..” She paused and took a deep breath, hesitating to continue.

..I will love her with all my heart.” She finished her words with a heavy sigh.

Sooyoung was speechless; she froze as she stood there on the floor. She didn’t even realize that the elevator door was opened and she didn’t realize that Hara was walking to her.

“Youngie? What are you doing here?” Hara asked. Her voice finally brought her back from her temporary spell. She looked at the girl before her, long-haired with fair skin but a bit paler than usual, looking at her, confused, but still very beautiful.

“Hara..I wanted to surprise you.” Sooyoung said with a weak smile.

Hara looked at her girlfriend, staring at her as the rush of emotions hit her. She had just gone out of her mother’s office and everything that happened was draining her emotionally.

She threw her hands around the tall girl's neck and buried her face in her chest. Sooyoung was shocked but she returned the hug with warm arms that wrapped around her waist. Hara began to tear up, she was sobbing in Sooyoung’s embrace.

“What happened?” Sooyoung asked gently as she rubbed her back.

Hara looked up, “Where were you? I missed you so much and called you hundreds of times! But you never returned my calls!” She shouted.

Sooyoung tightens her arms around Hara, not wanting to let her go. “I’m sorry but..my phone went missing.”

There goes her first lie.

Hara looked at her with an incredulous look on her face but Sooyoung just smiled to calm her down. Hara lost to her warm smile and rested her face in her chest again. She tightens her embrace on her and just stood that way, hugging.

Nicole bit her lip witnessing the scene. Hara didn’t even notice that she was there, like she’s invisible. She sighed and turned around to head back to the office. Her steps were heavy and her heart is in pain. She used her mind to control her emotions, not letting a single tear escape her eyes.

Suddenly her phone beeped. She pulled it out from her pocket and look at the screen.

Incoming call..


She cleared her throat and picked it up.

“Hey mom.” She greeted.

“Why do you sound so weak? Did something happen?” A woman’s voice asked.

Nicole swallowed hard and stopped by the corridor to take the call.

“Nothing mom, I’m fine.”

“How’s the progress at the company?”

“Everything is going according to our plan.” Nicole replied slowly and concealed the receiver with her other hand.

“Don’t worry about a thing. I am indeed Marissa Kim’s daughter.” Nicole said with confidence.

“I trust you.” Marissa said on the other line.


Sooyoung was waiting for Hara at the company’s cafeteria for lunch together. She was hungry but she waited for her girlfriend loyally to get food together. She looked around and saw someone she knows with a tray filled with food. But her survival sense can’t wait any longer; she walked straight to the table and sits across her.

“Hey Fany.” She greeted.

Tiffany looked up from her tray and smiled as she saw her long time friend.

“Sooyoung-ah! It’s been a while!” She squealed, excited.

Sooyoung grinned, “Yes, the last time we hung out together just the two of us was..”

“Like six months ago.” Tiffany added.

The tall girl nodded, “We’ve both been busy, I guess. You with your impending wedding and the office work, me with..” She paused.

“You with Hara and the cafe.” Tiffany continued. Through her tone, Sooyoung could tell that she didn’t know about her dilemma and Jessica really didn’t tell anyone about her friend’s secret. Sooyoung was quite shocked, in a pleasant way.

She smiled, “Ironically I’ve been spending a lot of time with your Sica.”

Tiffany nodded, “Yeah, you two are like best friends these days. I’m a bit jealous that Jessi stole my friend. Can’t she find her own friend?” She added childishly.

“The last time she had her own best friend, that woman turned out to be a psycho.” Sooyoung replied, hinting at the sinister from before.

“Gyuri’s not a psycho, she’s just..in love with the wrong person.” Tiffany defends.

“Park Gyuri wanted to have you and Sica both, uh..not a psycho?” Sooyoung said, rolling her eyes.

Tiffany chuckled and looked at her friend.

“Speaking of Jessi, umm..” She hesitated.

“What?” Sooyoung said as she reached for the spoon to drink the soup.

“Jessi has changed a lot since we got back from the beach. It’s a great change though, but I wonder what changed her.” Tiffany continued.

Sooyoung smiled, “Oh she changed? In what way?”

“In a lot of ways. She became more romantic, sensitive, rational and mature, like she just kicked all her Jung qualities out the window. I love her even more now.” Tiffany said, smiling shyly.

Sooyoung finished a bowl of soup and put the empty bowl on the table, Tiffany was so lost in her thoughts of Jessica that she didn’t realize that her tray was almost empty.

“You want to know why?” Sooyoung asked, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

Tiffany nodded.

Sooyoung sighed. “Sica told me that back at the beach, her foolishness caused you to cry. She said that, because of her own ego and jealousy, she hurt you with hurtful words and she hurt herself by doing it. She just can’t go through it again.”

“She said that she almost lost you because of her pride, and if she loses you, there’s no meaning for her to live anymore. Corny but, that’s what she said.” Sooyoung said with a grin.

“So she changed her ways, for you.” She added.

Tiffany was staring at Sooyoung with teary eyes, what Jessica did for her touched her deeply. This beats the fancy cars and the diamond necklaces; it’s the best gift ever.

“Youngie, what are you doing there?” A voice called.

Tiffany and Sooyoung looked at the direction; Hara was standing by, crossing her arms.

“Ah Hara, let’s join Fany for lunch today.” Sooyoung suggested. Hara glared at Tiffany before grabbing her girlfriend’s arm by surprise and pulling her up.

“No. I don’t want to have lunch with her.” She said before turning away.

Sooyoung looked at her, confused.

“What’s going on?” She asked Tiffany.


Chapter 37

The Perfect Present

The tall girl grabbed her glass with her right hand and held the straw with her left hand. She put the end of the straw into her mouth, but she’s not drinking her cola. She was too caught up with the tension from being with her date. No words have been spoken since they sat at the table, only awkward smiles and a few nods that came with it. Sooyoung has been itching to ask Hara about her cold behaviour towards Tiffany, but Hara’s facial expression stopped her. She looked down, staring at her bowl of salad, shoving a spoonful of the vegetables into her mouth before munching it roughly, hinting that she was angry about something. But Sooyoung’s curiosity ignored her hints and determined to ask her anyway.

“Why didn’t you want Fany to join us for lunch? I thought it would be great if we can catch up together.” She asked.

Hara rolled her eyes and shook her head. She glared at Sooyoung before continue to munch her salads like she didn’t hear a thing.

“What’s going on between you and Fany?” Sooyoung asked boldly.

Hara had had it. Sooyoung’s continuous interrogation made her lose her appetite. She put down her fork and looked at Sooyoung.

“I don’t like her and I don’t want to talk about her. We can finally get to spend time together and all you care about is your friend? Sooyoung, are you serious?” Hara said.

The other girl gulped. She had never seen Hara so pissed before.

“One more word about Tiffany, and I will leave this table.” Hara added, serious. The tension at the table just doubled. Even though there were a lot of other people in the cafeteria, Sooyoung felt like she’s in a dark confined space with limited oxygen where she might suffocate.

“I’m...sorry.” Sooyoung said after a while. Those words seem like the only thing she can say right now.

Hara sighed and after a few moments her mood finally turned better. She looked at Sooyoung and smiled.

“It’s not your fault. I’m the one who should apologize; I was venting my anger on you when you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m sorry, Youngie.” She said softly as she looked apologetic.

Sooyoung was shocked, but she was also touched by her apology. She smiled and reached for her hand, “Well, it’s not your fault either. Everyone has their bad day.”

Hara smiled and grabbed her hand to hold it tight.

“Let’s talk about something else.” She suggested.

Sooyoung nodded and moved her chair closer to Hara, so that they were sitting side by side.

“What should we talk about?” Hara asked.

Sooyoung smiled and replied, “Your birthday present.”

Hara’s eyes lit up and she was smiling from ear to ear. Sooyoung knew this would cheer her up.

“I thought you already forgot about my birthday!” She shrieked. Sooyoung smiled, but she felt guilty because that was true. She could’ve completely forgotten about her girlfriend’s birthday if not for Jessica.

“So what do you want for your birthday?” Sooyoung asked.

Her question made Hara even more excited, she was almost jumping on her seat.

“I get to choose your present for me?!” She asked, excited.

Sooyoung chuckled, “Yes, but please nothing too expensive, your girlfriend is just a café worker.”

Hara giggled before beginning to look up like she was pondering.

“You want to know what I want?” She asked. Sooyoung nodded.

“Can you really give me what I want if I tell you?” Hara asked again.

“Well, if I can afford it, I’ll get it for you.” Sooyoung replied.

“My perfect present is not expensive at all. In fact you don’t even have to spend a single won.” Hara said.

“Oh really? What is it?”

“Oh wait, maybe you need to buy the ribbons to wrap the present with. I like it like that, maybe red ribbons.” Hara added, smiling.

“Ribbons? I can buy ribbons. But what should I wrap the ribbons to?” Sooyoung asked, confused.

“I want the ribbons to be wrapped around...” Hara paused and smiled.

“..your body.” She continued.

“You want me to wrap the ribbons around my body? Oh, you meant that I am your perfect present!” Sooyoung said, excited like she just cracked a puzzle.

“I’m not finished yet.” Hara said, serious.

“I want only red ribbons on your body, nothing else.” She said, smiling suggestively.

This time Sooyoung gulped and froze, her face turned red from the image of herself in ribbons. This is not an expensive present, but it cost her much more than money.

“I want that present on my bed, after my birthday party. I’ll be my own after party.” Hara continued.

Sooyoung cleared her throat and slowly looked away. Hara’s gaze on her felt like a body scanner.

“About...that present, I...don’t think I can give you...” She said in between breaths.

Hara sighed and this time she looked away, “You can’t reject me the second time, Sooyoung.”

“It’s not you, I’m just...not ready yet..” Sooyoung said.

Hara stood up from her chair and stared at her girlfriend. She’s disappointed and heartbroken with Sooyoung’s response. It’s not about the sex, but it’s only about how much Sooyoung really cared about her. And right now, it seems like it’s not so much anymore.

Hara gritted her teeth before added, “Not putting any pressure on you, but that present must be on my bed on my birthday or...”

Sooyoung looked up and their eyes met.

“...or I just take it that you’re not interested in our relationship anymore.” Hara said before she turned around and left, walking her feet out of the cafeteria.

Sooyoung looked at her girlfriend’s back as she left, stomping away with each step that was filled with the sounds of sadness and heartbreak. Sooyoung bit her lip as she knows that she has no one else to blame but herself.


Krystal Jung was busy examining the cell under the microscope, identifying the structures to draw it back on their report.

“Sulli, give me the paper.” She called her lab partner, with her eyes still on the lens. But there was no response.

“Sulli, the paper.” She called again, her voice more stern and firm this time. But the response was still the same, silence.

Krystal looked up from the microscope and checked beside her where her lab partner should be standing, but she’s not there. She scanned the lab for her friend from table to table and she saw Jiyoung sketching the cell intently with her partner Sohyun, but she quickly looked away. Though, she secretly admires the girl’s enthusiasm in science. Then she saw the one she’s looking for at one of the tables, talking to a boy.

Choi Sulli was on cloud 9; she had just started dating Taemin, and now wants to spend every possible minute with him. It was like a magnetic pull and she can’t help herself. Then she sensed the stare at the back of her head; it was so sharp like a dagger was pointed at her head. She turned around and saw her lab partner, not looking pleased at all.

She understood that look and quickly said goodbye to Taemin before making her way to her table to face the consequences.

“I’ve sketched this, and now you do the rest.” Krystal said, handing her a few papers and a pencil.

“Hey, that’s a lot! Where are you going?” Sulli asked as she noticed that Krystal leaving her.

Krystal shrugged, “You’re not the only one who’s dating in this class. I wanna check on Jiyoung.” She said, making her way to Kang Jiyoung’s table.

Sulli stood there, still shocked as she saw Krystal joke around with Jiyoung. She wants to be happy for her best friend, but there’s something inside her that made her feel otherwise.

“Stinky Jing, what are you doing?” Krystal asked as she came by surprise.

Jiyoung was startled; she almost knocked down the expensive microscope to the floor.

“Hey, be careful! I’m not paying for that if you broke it...” Krystal said, grabbing the microscope.

“Even if you’re my girlfriend.” She added.

Sohyun felt uncomfortable the instant Krystal barged in and to Jiyoung’s dismay, she left their table, giving space to the ‘lovebirds’.

“What do you want?” Jiyoung asked, not looking at Krystal.

“I want to...spend time with you.” Krystal said, with a chuckle. She finds her own fake lines so cheesy and it’s funny.

Jiyoung rolled her eyes, “But you’re disturbing me, now please leave.”

Krystal ignored her and saw the neatly sketched cells on the table, she immediately grabbed it.

“Hey, put it back! Sohyun and I worked hard for that!” Jiyoung said, trying to grab the papers back.

Krystal turned around, causing Jiyoung to accidentally wrap her arms around her waist, and it looked like she back hugged her.

“Too much PDA, don’t you think?” Krystal teased.

Jiyoung hadn’t realized that she was hugging Krystal until she heard the teasing remark, and noticed that almost everyone in the class was staring at them in their loving embrace. She could feel her cheeks heating up.

“It’s not like that!” She screamed, quickly letting go of Krystal’s waist. She fanned herself with her hands, it felt hot all of the sudden.

The other girl continued to look at the sketches, with an impressed look on her face.

“These are really good. Can you do another for me?” Krystal asked gently.

Jiyoung let out a scoff, “No way! Do it yourself!”

Krystal’s expression suddenly turned serious, “You can’t say no to me. Don’t you remember our deal?”

Jiyoung gulped.

“Do you prefer me and the other girls pouring yogurt on your head everyday or me standing by you as your girlfriend?” Krystal asked.

“You’ve got no choice, remember?” She added, casually leaning her back to the table. Jiyoung sighed and took another piece of paper and a pencil before leaning down to do the sketch for her ‘girlfriend’. Krystal smiled and sat at the stool across her and watched her. Jiyoung was feeling uncomfortable, like she was a cell under a microscope. She was sweating.

“I just don’t understand it, you hated me. Why do you suddenly want to be as a...couple with me?” Jiyoung asked as she drew the outer line of the cell.

“You don’t have to know why. But just so you know, I still hate you.” Krystal said lazily.

“I still hate you too.” Jiyoung said. Krystal smiled and put her chin on the table as she continues to watch Jiyoung create lines, circles, and dots. From afar, they really look like a real high school couple.

“Remember, this is a fake relationship, so don’t like me or fall in love with me.” Krystal reminded.

That statement caused Jiyoung to lose control of her pencil and ended up with a long line across the paper.

“Hey, what’s wrong with you?” Krystal asked, handing her an eraser. Their hands slightly brushed against each other and Jiyoung began to blush again.

“Are you okay? Your face is...red.” Krystal asked.

Jiyoung shook her head, “Don’t you worry about that. I will never like you or fall for you. You are the last person on earth that I’ll ever want to fall for.” She said, but she knows that she’s lying. It’s already too late for that.

Krystal nodded, “That’s great. So we will never like each other.”

They looked at each other, their eyes met, but there wasn’t any words spoken. Jiyoung could feel her heart hurting by her own words.

“Hey, you two!” A voice called, breaking the eye contact between the fake couple.

Sulli and her beau were standing by the table.

Krystal rolled her eyes.

Great, it’s HSM time.

“We hope we’re not bothering you two.” Sulli said, glancing at Krystal who suddenly grabbed Jiyoung’s hand across the table.

“What is it? Hurry up because Jiyoung has voluntarily wanted to help our group with the cell sketches. I tried to refuse her help, but she insists doing it for me.” Krystal said before patting Jiyoung’s head.

Jiyoung pulled her hand from Krystal’s grip and fixed her hair.

“I just...don’t want you to work too hard.” Jiyoung said, playing along.

“Aww...isn’t she the greatest?” Krystal said, patting her head again.

Sulli cleared her throat, “Well, I’m sure she is.”

“So hey, Minnie and I are heading to the cafe after school, and maybe we’ll watch a movie too. We were wondering if you and Jiyoung would like to join us.”

Krystal and Jiyoung looked at each other. Jiyoung was signalling in any way possible to refuse the offer. She has no time to play girlfriend with Krystal after school, she has to go to her part time job. So she slightly shook her head and gave Krystal a big fat ‘NO’ look. But all Krystal did was otherwise.

“Sure, why not. I think it’ll be fun. It’s like a double date!” Krystal said, faking excitement. When she got the chance to ruin Troy and Gabriella’s date, she won’t let it go that easily.

“But Krystal!” Jiyoung called.

“We’re going on the date, JingJing. That’s final.” Krystal said, with a threatening voice.

Jiyoung sighed and bit her lip; there’s no way she can say no to Krystal.

But then she scoffed, “JingJing?”


Tiffany creased her eyebrows as she clicked the mouse, editing the design for one of the magazine layouts. Something was missing on the page and she looked away from the screen, thinking. Then she remembered that she asked Hara to compile the new pattern and quickly looked at the office.

“Hara, where’s the new pattern that I asked you to compile?” She asked, calling out to the office.

But there was no response. Tiffany glanced at her desk. It was messy with files, random papers and magazines, but the chair was empty. Hara was not in the office.

“She’s not here, Ms Hwang.” Nicole suddenly said.

“Where is she?” Tiffany asked.

“I’m not sure. But she hasn’t returned since she left with her girlfriend at lunch.” Nicole replied coolly, not letting her personal emotions get in the way.

Tiffany sighed and shook her head. Hara’s rebellion against her is something that she doesn’t know how to handle. She admitted that she was also being childish to point out Hara’s talent in her statement from before, but it was because she was tired of being put down by her almost every day. It was out of her control.

“But I compiled them for you.” Nicole said, snapping Tiffany from her thoughts.

“Oh, you did?” She asked, surprised. Nicole smiled as she walked to Tiffany with a file in her hand. She stood beside her and handed her the file.

“Here, you can check them.” She said, smiling confidently.

“Thank you.” Tiffany smiled back at her; it was hard not to smile when you’re around Nicole. Her smile is so contagious. She took the file and began to flip the pages and look at the patterns. It was so nicely compiled that Tiffany was speechless, impressed.

Nicole leaned down closer to take a peek at Tiffany’s computer screen. It showed the raw design that her boss had created for the pages.

“These are really great designs, Ms Hwang.” She said.

Tiffany looked over her shoulder and noticed that Nicole was staring at her computer’s monitor.

“They’re just some crappy raw designs...” She said, embarrassed.

“Crappy? Hey, they are really good, Ms Hwang. Like a job of a professional.”

“Nah, they’re nothing compared to other people’s...”

“Like Jessica’s?” Nicole asked.

Tiffany nodded and smiled, “Yes, like Jessica’s.”

Nicole crossed her arms and shrugged, “You know what I think?” She asked.

“Your designs are just as good as hers, if not better.” She continued.

The boss was pleased with the praise and smiled sheepishly. Her cheeks turned pink, embarrassed.

“No. There’s still a long way to go till I’m at the same level as Jessica. She’s like...a natural when it comes to designs. Creative design is her passion, and this magazine is her lifetime goal. She had always known what she wanted to do ever since she was young.” She added, smiling. Talking about Jessica never fails to bring smile to her face.

Nicole chuckled as she noticed the slight blush on Tiffany’s face.

“Unlike me, who is not sure of her own dream. One time I thought that singing was my passion, but then I fell for designs, and then singing again and now, I don’t know anymore.” Tiffany added. Nicole’s warm smiles and presence made her feel so comfortable to talk about herself. She’s a great listener.

“Ms Hwang.” Nicole called and paused.

“I think you really like designing.”

Tiffany looked at the short-haired girl, can’t help but feeling motivated. There’s something in the tone of her voice that just lifts her spirit up, like she really believed in her.

“You think so?” She asked.

Nicole nodded, “And I think it’s sad if you have to step down from your position when Jessica returns. Like I told you before, it’s not fair.”

“If it’s for Jessica I don’t mind at all.” Tiffany defends.

“Ms Jung is the heiress of this company, if all goes well, this company will fall into her arms in the future. But all you got right now is this position. And giving it away just like that is so unjust to you. They called you when they needed someone and now throw you away when your service is no longer needed? You think this is all okay?” Nicole said, with a sad look on her face.

“And did you know that people are whispering some bad words behind your back?”

Tiffany cuts in, “I don’t care about what they are saying about me.” She said, serious.

Nicole gulped. Tiffany’s tone was firm and unshaken.

“Ms Hwang, what I’m trying to say is that if you showed that you are worthy of this position then they’ll shut up for good.” She said, taking a step back from Tiffany.

“I know, and you know that your ability is much better than you showed here. Stop holding yourself back just because you don’t want to overshadow Jessica.” She continued, causing Tiffany to look at her, shocked. She begins to wonder if she’s a mind reader.

Nicole smiled, “I know you love her, but that doesn’t mean that you should hide your own talent.”

Tiffany was still shocked when Nicole slowly pats her shoulder.

“Show the top people in Glitter what you’re really made of. Enough of playing games, Ms Hwang.” Nicole said before leaving Tiffany wondering in her seat.

Show them my real talent?


“I am not going on the date with you!” Jiyoung protested by stomping her foot. She and Krystal were standing outside of the school grounds after school.

“You are going with me. I’m not having this discussion with you.” Krystal said, grabbing the other girl’s hand. Even though the touch felt good and sent tingles all over her body, Jiyoung pulled it harshly.

“NO!” She shouted, attracting the other students around them.

Krystal gulped as she began to panic; Jiyoung’s shouts are not going to help her in keeping things down low.

“Why not? Do you have things to do after school? For someone like you, I don’t think so.” She said, sighing.

Jiyoung grunted at her insult, “I have to work! Unlike you, I have a part-time job so that I can buy strawberry buns in school!”

She let out an adorable scoff before turning around to leave Krystal there. Little Jung sighed, feeling sorry and guilty at the same time, but she’s desperate.

“But we’ve promised Sulli to go!” She said.

Jiyoung stopped and turned around, “You’re the one who promised! Not me! I have to get to work!”

“Can you not go to work today?” Krystal asked, her voice much more gentle this time.

“No, I can’t.” Jiyoung said, firm. She doesn’t care about Krystal’s threats anymore.

“How much did they pay you...at your work place?” Krystal suddenly asked.

“Why you’re asking?” Jiyoung asked; an eyebrow rose.

“Because...I’ll double the pay if you skip your job today.” Krystal replied, serious.

Jiyoung bit her lip, tempted. “Is it really important for me to be there?” She asked, beginning to consider the suggestion.

Krystal looked away and nodded,

“You have no idea how much...I need you right now.”


Chapter 38


The sounds of someone typing and a mouse clicking was really bothering Jessica. She was lying on the bed with a novel in her hands. She sighed as she was trying to read, but the sounds were getting in the way.

Click, click, click


Jessica smiled, finally.

click, click, click

The clicking continues. She grunted and sat up straight on the bed like a little girl. She crossed her arms and stared directly at the source of the sound. Her fiancé was sitting at their working desk, staring intently at the computer screen and clicking the mouse every few seconds. Jessica grunted and huffed, hoping that it will attract her attention. She hoped that her little tantrum will make Tiffany leave the computer and turn her focus to herself on the bed.

She pouted and huffed again, much louder this time with both her hands up in the air but even that couldn’t get Tiffany’s attention. She sighed in frustration and climbed down the bed, making her way to the working night bee.

“Honey, what are you doing?” she suddenly asked.

Tiffany panicked and quickly clicked the mouse to close the windows on the screen. When there was only desktop on the screen, she turned to Jessica and smiled nervously.

“Jessi, I’m not doing anything..” She said, scratching the back of her head.

Jessica gave her a weird look before casually sitting on her lap. “If you’re not doing anything, then come to bed with me.” she said coyly.

“But you were reading a book and I don’t want to disturb you.” Tiffany explained as she gently pinched her fiancé’s cheek.

Jessica shook her head, “I don’t want the book, I want you.” she said, almost demanding.

Tiffany sighed and glanced at the computer, “But I..

“You said you weren’t doing anything.” Jessica said, pouting.

Her trick worked, and Tiffany nodded in defeat. “Okay, just give me five minutes.”

Jessica smiled and kissed Tiffany’s lips playfully before getting up from her lap.

“Just five minutes, honey.” She said, smiling sweetly. Tiffany nodded and watched Jessica as she entered the bathroom. As soon as she closed the door, she turned to the computer screen and opened the window that she closed earlier.

She stared at the page in content.

Sorry Jessi, but I can’t let you see this..


Sunny, Taeyeon, Yoona and Hyoyeon were sitting around their table for breakfast in Sunny’s Cafe. Yoona can’t stop checking her phone every now and then and Hyoyeon was getting irritated by her actions.

“Where is she?” Yoona mumbled as she puts her phone on the table again. Hyoyeon rolled her eyes and picked up her coffee.

“Ahhh..” Yoona sighed again. It really ruined Hyoyeon’s morning energy.

“What is wrong with you? Can’t you stop sighing? Some people need to have their breakfast in peace.” She said, pissed.

Yoona looked at Hyoyeon and without saying anything, she sighed again.

“Yah, stop sighing like a tired housewife!” Sunny suddenly snapped.

“It’s not like you have a baby..” She added. Taeyeon gulped as the word ‘baby’ came out of her wife’s mouth.

Sunny continued, “Speaking of babies..

“YOU’RE SIGHING BECAUSE OF YURI, ISNT’IT?!” Taeyeon asked loud, almost shouting. Everyone was startled and looked at her in shock.

Yoona nodded, “Yes, she promised to meet me for breakfast this morning but so far, she’s a no show..”

Sunny looked at her wife weirdly, “Yah, why were you shouting? I was talking about babies..

“THAT’S YURI! SHE’S HERE!” Taeyeon quickly cut in, pointing at the front door. Kwon Yuri was peeking by the door like a creeper causing everyone to look at her in curiosity.

“Yuri, come in. Why are you acting like that?” Sunny asked.

Yuri looked around the cafe cautiously before stepping in.

“Hey, good morning everyone.” She greeted awkwardly. Hyoyeon glared at her before sipping her coffee, acting like she’s not there.

“Morning, Yuri.” Sunny greeted back with a smile. Yuri took a seat next to Yoona before holding her hand lovingly.

She looked around the cafe and glanced at the stage, “Er..I guess there’s no performance in the morning, eh Sunny?” she asked.

Sunny shrugged, “No. The SunnyZ only perform twice a week, at night.” She replied, even though it was rare for Yuri to care about her cafe.

Yuri smiled in relief.

“You missed them? They will be performing at Hara’s birthday party this weekend.” Taeyeon said suddenly.

Yuri gulped, “Oh, they are?”

Yoona nodded and smiled, “You’re coming to the party with me, Yuri.”


“Joanna decided to turn Hara’s party into some corporate event for Glitter, so all the company models are invited. I’ve checked your schedule and you’re free on that day. You must come and be my date to the party.” Yoona said cheekily.

Yuri smiled awkwardly and looked away. She has a bad feeling about going to the party, especially when Gyuri would also be there.


“Checkmate. Oppa, I won again.” Krystal Jung said arrogantly. She smirked as she looked at her defeated opponent.

Hyunjoong slapped his forehead and grunted after being defeated for the third time. He could hardly win anything against Krystal. The little Jung is too smart.

“I only let you win this time.” he said.

“Yeah right.” Krystal said, rolling her eyes. They were sitting at her house’s garden. Hyunjoong came to Seoul earlier for his sister’s birthday. He decided to visit his youngest cousin first. The two of them have always been close - they share similar opinions about family bonds, and when Jessica was rebelling against her family, Hyunjoong was there to lend his support to Krystal.

Krystal always has great respect for her cousin, admiring the way he values his parents and family members. He was someone he looked up to. But a certain incident made her questioned a lot about him.

Hyunjoong rearranged the chess set back into the box as Krystal was staring at him. She bit her lip, hesitating to ask him about something. She has to be careful about what comes out of her mouth.


Hyunjoong looked up and met her curious gaze.


Krystal cleared her throat before continuing, “May I ask you something?”

“Shoot.” he replied casually.

There was a long silence as she was still hesitating.

“Why did you break up with Seohyun unnie?” she asked.

Hyunjoong looked at her, surprised. He cleared his throat as he was trying to come up with the most reasonable thing to say.

“Well, we realized that we’re not compatible anymore..” he said slowly.

Krystal looked at him suspiciously. “Oh, really?”

“Soojung, when you grows up you’ll understand that things are not that simple..

“Or was it because of Sooyoung unnie?” Krystal cut in, causing Hyunjoong to look at her, shocked.

Krystal leaned her back on the chair and stared at her cousin.

“Oppa, I saw you kissing her at the beach. So don’t even try to deny it.” She said, serious.

He bit his lip and looked away.

“Oppa, what are you thinking? She is Hara unnie’s girlfriend. I was so shocked when I saw you do that. You’re her brother.” Krystal continued in disgust.

He sighed, “Soojung, you don’t understand..

“What about ‘family first’? You told me to always put family before lovers and friends but now you’re stabbing your sister’s back. Does she even know what you’re doing with her girlfriend?” Krystal added.

Hyunjoong wanted to defend himself, but he couldn’t find the right words to say. He ended up speechless.

“Oppa, say something.”

He closed his eyes and buried his face in his palms before letting out a loud sigh,

“I fell in love with Sooyoung.” he said slowly.

He looked at Krystal and added, “There’s nothing I can do. I know it’s wrong but..it just happens..

Krystal scoffed and stood up. “Nothing you can do?”

She looked at the cousin,

“I’m so disappointed in you, oppa.”


Nicole can’t believe what she just heard. She stared at her mother, still trying to digest her words. Marissa was sitting on the chair in front of her with her legs crossed and a cup of hot coffee in one hand. She blew on her drink to cool it down. She had purposely visited Nicole’s apartment that morning to tell her this.

“Mom, don’t do this..” Nicole suddenly said.

Marissa gave her daughter a weird look, “Why not?” she asked.

Nicole bit her lip and shook her head, “Because Hara has nothing to do with this. We shouldn’t involve her into this.”

Marissa scoffed, “Hara is still a Jung.”

“Yeah, but this is not what we planned before..” Nicole said, desperate.

Her mother stared at her before looking away with a scoff.

“She will get hurt..” Nicole added.

“So what if she gets hurt? She’s just a tool in our plan. Unless..” Marissa paused and stared at Nicole.

Nicole gulped; her mother’s gaze was too powerful for her.

“Unless, you’ve fallen for her.” Marissa continued, her tone serious.

Nicole looked down, not wanting her mother to see the answer in her eyes. Her eyes never lie.

Her mother put down her cup on the table, causing a loud thud. She looked at her daughter; her gaze was calm yet serious.

“Nicole, remember what I’ve told you before. I said never to let your emotions get in the way.” she said.

“Remember what they’ve done to us. What have they done to us? Tell me.” she continued, demanding an answer.

Nicole sighed and slowly looked up and met her mother’s gaze.

“They killed my father.”


Chapter 39


It was 7 in the morning and Goo Hara had already awoken. She sat on the sofa in the living room alone, smiling as she flipped through the pages of an album on her lap. It contained her childhood photos, since the time when she was a baby until she entered primary school. She chuckled at a picture of herself, when she was about a year old, sleeping peacefully in her mother’s arms, thinking how things haven’t changed much since. She and her mother were hardly on the same page on almost anything, but in the end she gave up, accepting that her mother just wanted what was best for her. Hara had never said it out loud, but she was grateful for having a mother like Joanna.

She flipped through another page, revealing a huge picture of her brother and her. She was crying hard, her hands were covering her tearing eyes. There was an ice cream on the ground, possibly having fallen from her grip. Then Hara slowly traced the picture of her brother. In the picture, he was kneeling down, handing his sister his own cone of ice cream to stop her from crying. Hara smiled, thinking how blessed she was for having a brother like him. Hyunjoong was always there for her for as long as she could remember. She still remembered how he promised to protect his little sister when he was only 8 years old. And he had still kept his promise until now. He was her bodyguard, her best friend, her partner in crime; her brother. He is one person that Hara knows would always stand by her side no matter what.

“You look cute in that picture,” A voice said from behind.

Hara turned around and was greeted by a warm smiling face. Hyunjoong walked closer and sat next to her on the couch. Hara quickly linked arm with him and rested her head on his shoulder. Hyunjoong ruffled his sister’s perfect long hair playfully.

“Happy birthday,” He said.

Hara’s smile grew wider. “You’re the first person who wished me today,” She said with a faint sadness in her tone. Maybe she was hoping someone else would have wished her first.

Hyunjoong could guess her hint and tried to hide his expression. He quickly flipped the album, revealing another picture of him and Hara.

“Ah, look at you. You look like a doll,” Hyunjoong said, pointing at the picture. Hara was wearing a Lolita dress and a cute hat with ruffles, smiling wide as she was holding hands with her brother. Her smile exposed how happy and safe she felt when she was with him.

“Oppa, thank you,” Hara suddenly said.

Hyunjoong raised an eyebrow as she looked at his sister, “For what?”

“For always being there,” Hara replied. They looked at each other in serene silence. Hyunjoong could feel how serious she was.

“For being my brother. The best anyone could ever have,” She continued. Hyunjoong gulped as the guilt began to swallow him.

Hara laughed as the atmosphere was overflowing with sibling love. Hyunjoong looked down and smiled, but there was something tugging at his heart and his smile quickly faded.

“That was corny. I’m sorry oppa, I can be a bit nostalgic on my birthday,” Hara said, still giggling like a little girl.

“Stupid girl. Why are we even related?” Hyunjoong mumbled jokingly. He wrapped his arms around Hara and pulled her closer. Hara smiled as she returned the big bear hug.

Hyunjoong closed his eyes as he held his sister tightly.

“Do you still remember the promise I made?” He asked gently.

“To protect me from any harm?” Hara asked, amused.

Hyunjoong nodded, “That promise is still valid.”

“I will always protect you,” He added.


8 pm.

Tiffany Hwang was standing by her woman, Jessica Jung, who was busy chatting with a few of her relatives. Tiffany felt like an outsider since she was at Hara’s birthday party. She only knew a few people in the crowded hotel ballroom and that included Jessica. Hara still hadn’t arrived at her own party; maybe she was planning to be fashionably late like she always was. Yoona had confirmed to come with her girlfriend but she was nowhere to be found. The same went to Sunny and Taeyeon, who said that they would come to be with their girl group, The SunnyZ. The trio had arrived, with Gyuri looking very goddess-like in her expensive dress, like she was hosting her own party. Tiffany also saw the maknae, Jiyoung, who never left Gyuri’s side. She looked mature with her dress and makeup, most probably courtesy of their rich leader. Seungyeon was also with them, busy checking the microphone with a guy by the stage, doing some last minute preparations before performing.

Tiffany turned to look at Jessica and sighed as the latter was still chatting with a bunch of unfamiliar faces. She slowly let go of Jessica’s hand. Jessica was so busy that she didn’t notice that Tiffany had already made her way to the other end of the ballroom. Tiffany walked to the familiar face that she was hoping to find.

“Good evening, Madam Joanna,” She greeted. Joanna had just entered the room when Tiffany suddenly popped up in front of her with a smile.

“Oh, hi there, Tiffany,” She greeted back, a bit surprised.

“Where is the birthday girl? Everyone is anxious to meet her,” Tiffany said.

“Hara will come soon. She’s still in the makeup room. She wants to look perfect on her birthday,” Joanna replied.

Tiffany nodded, “Oh, I’m sure she will look perfect like she always does.”

Joanna smiled.

“Er...Madam, about that thing I talked to you about...”

“What thing?” Joanna asked.

“My new design proposal for Glitter that I told you about yesterday.”

“Oh, that.”

Tiffany smiled. She did remember it.

“Well, if you can submit it to me by Monday, and if it’s good enough, I’ll do something about it,” Joanna said.

“Don’t worry. For me, it’s all about the talent. If you can really prove to me that you deserve it, I’ll make sure you get what you want,” She added.

Tiffany’s smile grew wider, “I’ll try my best. I’m just grateful to be given this-

“There you are!” A voice interrupted her.

Jessica was standing behind her with a panicked look on her face.

“Why did you leave my side? I thought you were missing!” She said to Tiffany. Her tone indicated that she was angry.

Tiffany gulped, “Jessi. I was just getting a drink.”

“You could’ve just told me about it,” Jessica said.

“You were busy chatting with them.”

“But still-

Joanna cleared her throat, “I’m gonna leave you two bickering like old married lesbians. I have a hall of guests to greet,” She said before leaving.

After Joanna left, Tiffany smiled and caressed Jessica’s tensed cheeks gently with her hand.

“I’m sorry I made you worried,” She said, calming her down. Jessica sighed in defeat. All her anger just disappeared.

“What were you and Aunt Jo were talking about?” Jessica asked.

Tiffany ignored her question and quickly intertwined their fingers together.

“Let’s get some drink, I’m parched,” She said.


“Stop with the attitude. What’s wrong with you?” Yoona asked to the grumpy Yuri.

They had just arrived at the party; Yoona had had to drag Yuri with her and it was no easy task. She’d come up with a handful of different excuses not to go to the party. When Yoona had finally succeeded in taking her along, she’d been cranky ever since.

“Nothing,” Yuri replied without looking at her girlfriend.

Yoona sighed, regretting bringing Yuri here. Maybe she should have just let her stay in the house instead of having to deal with a sulky Yul all evening.

“Yoona, you’ve arrived!” Hyoyeon called. She was smiling brightly until she saw Yoona’s companion.

“Oh, she’s here too?” She blurted out without thinking. Yuri scoffed and scowled at Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon ignored her and grabbed Yoona’s hand.

“Come on, there’s a few big people that I want you to meet,” She said, pulling Yoona with her.

Yoona turned to Yuri, seeking her permission.

Yuri sighed, “Just go. I’ll be here.”

Though it was a sour reply, Yoona left Yuri to meet some of the company producers that Hyoyeon had gathered. It was a great opportunity for her to promote herself and expand her career opportunities.

Yuri shook her head in frustration as she dragged her feet to one of the food bars. She found an empty chair and sat down with an irritated look on her face. She hadn’t wanted to come to the party Park Gyuri would be attending. She was scared of what she might do to her if they met again. She knew she’d messed up big time for having an affair with Gyuri, and she’d been kicking herself ever since. She wished she could turn back time to avoid any of it from happening but it was just impossible. She blamed herself for being unable to control her desires. Sometimes she wondered if she ever deserved Yoona, when she, herself was easily shaken by other temptations. Maybe Seungyeon was right; she didn’t deserve Yoona.

A tap on her shoulder broke her train of thought. She turned around and was up for a surprise.

Park Gyuri was standing behind her, looking gorgeous as usual with a sneaky smile on her face. Yuri gulped as she neared her and slowly touched the left side of her face. She leaned down to get closer before saying, “We have a lot of things to talk about.”

Yuri shivered at the tone of her voice and quickly stood up from the chair. She was now standing face to face with Gyuri, who was staring at her with a serious gaze that froze her body. She was unable to move, as if she had been turned to stone by Medusa. Gyuri inched closer, close enough for them to feel each other’s breath.

“The-there’s nothing to talk about, Gyuri,” Yuri said, stuttering.

Gyuri scoffed, “I don’t think so. A note by the bedside doesn’t explain much.”

Yuri gulped.

“Come to this room after our group’s first performance,” Gyuri said, putting a room key card into Yuri’s hand.

They looked at each other and Gyuri raised an eyebrow. Yuri quickly looked away. She was almost suffocated by her gaze.

“I can’t go. I’m here with Yoona,” Yuri said.

“You’d better come or Yoona will know how you handled me in bed,” Gyuri said with a smirk.

Yuri looked at Gyuri, speechless. She was obviously the one with the upper hand in the situation. Yuri had no way out.

Gyuri let out a small mocking laugh before leaving Yuri standing there with the key card in her hand.


When Goo Hara stepped into the ballroom, all eyes were on her. She forced herself to smile as she scanned through the guests’ faces, all of them similarly smiling. There were a lot of people that she hardly recognized but they were all staring at her like they were part of her life. Hara continued to walk into the room, thinking about how her mother had turned her birthday party into a company shareholders gathering. She kept her head high, her eyes roaming all over the huge venue looking for only one person.

Her girlfriend, Sooyoung.

She wasn’t sure what was going on with their relationship, but it was not the same anymore. It almost felt as if Sooyoung was avoiding her; she hardly returned her calls and only met her once every fortnight. Her excuses were always the same: she’s busy.

Busy with what exactly? Hara would never know.

A firm but gentle grip on her wrist took her by surprise. She turned around to see the person who was boldly blocking her path to the middle of the room.

“Hey there.” A pair of eye smiles greeted with a wider smile.

A smile immediately crept up Hara’s face as she saw Nicole. For a moment she forgot who she had been looking for.

“Nicole, you came,” Hara said, excited. She was the first familiar face that she had come across at her on birthday party.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” Nicole replied charmingly. She scanned Hara from head to toe, from her long wavy brown hair had been freshly done at the salon to her gorgeous peach coloured designer dress. She was perfect, like a living porcelain doll. Nicole’s heart skipped a beat.

“You look...amazing tonight,” She complimented, carefully hiding the blush on her face.

Hara chuckled, “Thank you.”

Nicole took both Hara’s hand in hers and slowly looked into her dazzling eyes. Hara couldn’t deny how Nicole’s gaze made her heart flutter. With her short hair, she looked beautiful and handsome at the same time, if that was even possible.

“Happy birthday Hara,” Nicole said gently. Her voice was so gentle, it moved Hara. It was only two common words that she had already heard hundreds of times that day, but when it came from Nicole, it felt different. She could tell how much she meant it. How much she cared.

Nicole looked away and chuckled before letting out a relieved sigh after their eye contact. It was hard not to be emotionally driven when it came to Hara. It was just hard.

“Hara...,” She called.

Hara was still staring at her, studying her every expression. She could tell that she was holding something back.


Nicole gulped and gathered her strength to look at Hara again.

“No matter what happens next, I just want you to know that...” She paused and cleared her throat.

“...I will always be there for you,” She continued.

Hara gave her a weird look, puzzled by her words.

“What do you mean by...happens next?” Hara asked.

Nicole looked at her in silence, gazing deep into her eyes.

“Hara! There you are!” A voice called but Hara couldn’t take her eyes off Nicole just yet. She could feel a grip on her arm, her mother’s voice calling her, but she still couldn’t let Nicole out of her sight. When Nicole let go of her hands, she felt like one of her shelters had just crumbled. She continued to stare at the short-haired girl as she was dragged by her mother until she was completely out of her sight.

Nicole stood there, watching Hara being dragged towards the middle of the room by her mother to officially start the party.

She bit her lip.

I’m sorry, Hara


Chapter 40

Breaking a Fragile Heart

Jung Nicole was standing outside of the ballroom with her back leaned against the wall. She looked down and stares at the cold, hard marble floor. She has never felt so torn before. It’s like she is standing in the middle of the crossroads where both paths will only cause nothing but pain. She knows that she will hate herself after this, but she was raised to hate the Jung family. There was no other way.

No other way but to break Hara’s fragile heart.

The short-haired girl quickly grabbed her phone from her purse and dialled a number. She must move quickly before she changes her mind.

It wasn’t long until the other person picked up the phone. Nicole cleared her throat.

“Where are you?” She asked, her tone serious.

“I’m already here, just waiting for your cue.” A female voice replied.

Nicole nodded as if the person could see her gestures, “Good, I’m just checking.” She said.

“Where is she? Should I come in now?” The female asked, impatient.

“Not yet.” Nicole said, flat. “Why? Are you anxious to meet your old friend?” She asked, teasing.

The person on the other line chuckled, “It’s going to be quite a reunion. I can’t believe you’re paying me for this.”

Nicole scoffed, “I’m only paying you if you can make her cry and completely devastated.”

“Just prepare the cheque for me.” The female said arrogantly.


Jessica made sure her grip on Tiffany’s arm was tight enough to not lose her again. Tiffany chuckled at her fiancé’s over-protectiveness towards her. While some people might find it suffocating, she finds it cute. They were sitting at the round table in front of the stage with Jessica’s mother, Julia. They’re waiting for the performance from The SunnyZ. Gyuri said that their performance that night will be something rather different than usual.

Julia glanced at the lovebirds and smiled. The sight was kind of bittersweet for her. She’s happy that her daughter is getting married with someone who loves her, but at the same time she’s a bit disappointed that the person is a woman instead of a man.

“Is everyone in the design department coming?” Jessica suddenly asked Tiffany who was staring blankly at the stage.

“Err... I’m not so sure, but Hara did invite everyone. I think I saw Nicole somewhere just now, but I can’t find any sign of Seohyun yet... ” She replied.

“I don’t think she’s coming though, you know, considering that she might bump into Hyunjoong here.” Tiffany added while Jessica just nodded to everything she said.

“Your hair is a bit messy, Jessi.” Tiffany said, gently fixing Jessica’s bangs. Jessica was gleaming with happiness, completely enjoying the attention.

Julia smiled wider, watching her daughter in bliss.

“Sooyeon-ah, Tiffany.” She called.

The two quickly turned their heads to face Julia, “Yes, mom?” Tiffany asked politely.

Julia looked at them, from one happy face to the other. She sighed; they were so suitable for each other, like a match made in heaven.

“Have you two thought of having an engagement party? Like before the wedding?” She asked.

Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other, surprised with Julia’s question.

“We are planning to just get straight to the wedding. I don’t think an engagement party is necessary.” Jessica replied.

Julia looked disappointed with her daughter’s reply, “Oh, really?”

“But I think it’ll be quite exciting to have one. I mean it’s something that occurs once in a lifetime. If we’re getting married, we’d better do it all. Jessi, don’t you think so?” Tiffany quickly said, nudging her fiancé.

Jessica looked annoyed, “Eh? But – ”

“So you two agreed to have one?” Julia asked, excited.

Tiffany nodded, much to Jessica’s annoyance, “Yes, why not?”

“Leave it all to me! I will call the event planner tomorrow and work on the party as soon as possible. Oh, this is so exciting!” Julia’s facial expression suddenly turned brighter.

Jessica looks at Tiffany with a face that says, ‘Look what you’ve done’.

Tiffany shrugged innocently, though she secretly agrees to have an engagement party. She smiled in content, knowing that Jessica can’t win against Julia on this one. As she was enjoying herself, she saw a tall young woman walking towards them.

“Sooyoungie!” She called.

Sooyoung smiled at her before stopping at their table. Noticing Julia’s presence, she quickly bowed at her.

“Good evening, Mrs. Jung.” She greeted politely.

Julia nodded and smiled warmly, “Oh, hi there Soo - err... Soo...”

“It’s Sooyoung.” Jessica continued.

“Yes, Sooyoung. Sorry, I have trouble with names. I’m getting old.” Julia said.

Sooyoung chuckled, “It’s okay, Mrs. Jung, and you don’t look old at all.”

Julia smiled sheepishly at her remark.

“Come join us Sooyoung-ah. Have you eaten yet? You must try those canapés. And oh! They also serve the best cocktails here.” Tiffany said continuously. She knows how Sooyoung usually is towards food.

But the tall girl shook her head, “Maybe later Fany-ah.” She replied to Tiffany’s surprise.

Sooyoung tapped Jessica’s shoulder, causing the girl to look at her.

“Can I talk to you for a minute?” She asked.

Jessica looked at her friend and she could see the urgency through her eyes.

She quickly nodded, “Yeah, sure. Let’s go somewhere to talk.”


Krystal Jung was standing by the stage with her arms crossed defensively. She regretted coming to her cousin’s birthday party. And she regretted inviting Sulli along. She should’ve known that Sulli will bring Taemin as her date. And now she has to suffer watching them act all smitten and cheesy. Watching them is the best way to purposely puke.

Taemin put his hand on Sulli’s waist.

Taemin fed Sulli.


Krystal quickly turned around before she flooded the ballroom with her puke. She faced the stage; there were three microphone stands, but no one was up there singing. She glanced to the side of the stage and saw Gyuri fixing someone’s hair.

Krystal can’t tell who it was from behind, but she admits that the girl has a nice body figure. And the dress on her body suited her perfectly while her long wavy hair was shining under the light. She guessed it was Gyuri’s new girlfriend and shrugged. And at that moment the girl suddenly turned around, causing Krystal’s jaw to drop.

Their eyes met and there was an awkward moment between them.

“Jiyoung?” Krystal said with her eyes fixed on the girl.

Jiyoung nervously fixed her dress and hair as Krystal walked slowly towards her. She bit her lip and looked away, thinking how Krystal could show up in the party she’s in. She’s not used to appearing like this in front of her friends, and wishes they would never get to see her with makeup and a dress on. Having Krystal stare at her made her flustered.

Krystal put her hands on her hips and scanned the girl from head to toe, “Kang Jiyoung? What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?”

Jiyoung shook her head vigorously, “No! I’m here to sing err... work! I have no idea that you would be here!”

“I’m Hara unnie’s cousin. Of course I’m going to her party.” Krystal said casually.

“Oh, you are?” Jiyoung said, surprised.

“By the way, you’re here to work? What kind of work? Don’t tell me you’re a waitress when you’re looking like that.” Krystal asked with an eyebrow rose.

Jiyoung sighed heavily and scratched the back of her head, trying to find the right answer. She’s a bit embarrassed to tell her that she’s a singer.

“Well?” Krystal insisted after a long silence.

“Jiyoung-ah, are you ready? We’re going up in 5 minutes.” Gyuri suddenly came and patted Jiyoung’s head gently.

“Ah yes, unnie!” Jiyoung replied with an excited smile. She smiled widely, revealing her adorable dimples that Krystal never noticed before.

Krystal finds it...

So cute...

She smiled unconsciously.

Gyuri looked at the little Jung, a bit surprised. “Eh, it’s Krystal Jung. Jiyoung, do the two of you know each other?”

“Uh... yes.” Jiyoung replied hesitantly.

“We’re actually classmates, Gyuri unnie.” Krystal said.

“Oh really? Then you must know about the bullies - ”

Jiyoung kicked Gyuri’s right leg, causing the older girl to wince in pain, “OW!”

Gyuri stared at Jiyoung, confused by her sudden violent act. But Jiyoung’s gaze was enough to explain the situation.

“Ooh... so she’s the one you told me about – ”

“OWW!” There goes another kick at the same spot, and it just doubled the pain. Gyuri had to kneel down and rubbed her leg.

Jiyoung knelt down and gave an aegyo-filled smile at her sister, “Sorry unnie, but can you go somewhere else for a bit?”

Gyuri should be pissed after being kicked twice, but since it’s Jiyoung, she finds it all funny and sweet.

“Seriously Jing? You like a Jung?” She whispered as Jiyoung helped her up.

“Unnie! Just go!” Jiyoung said embarrassed.

Gyuri chuckled and glanced at the two girls before leaving them alone, “Fine, but hurry up, we only have 3 minutes left till our first song.” She reminded.

Jiyoung nodded and turned to Krystal who was staring at her curiously, “You and Gyuri unnie seem pretty close.”

“She’s my sister.” Jiyoung replied.

“Your sister?” Krystal asked, confused.

“Krystal, I can’t talk to you now, I have to perform.” Jiyoung said.

“You’re performing?” Krystal asked, puzzled. She glanced to the back and saw Gyuri and Seungyeon getting ready.

“Oh I get it now! You’re a part of their group!”

Jiyoung smiled sheepishly and nodded.

“Wow, you must be good at singing then.” Krystal said, impressed.

“No I’m not! Please don’t watch me sing!” Jiyoung said, blushing.

Krystal laughed, “I’ll be in the front row, watching your every move.”


“I’ve made up my mind.” Soyooung said, her expression serious. Jessica looked at her friend without a response for a few silent moments. They were standing outside of the ballroom.

“You’ve made up your mind?” Jessica asked, crossing her arms.

Sooyoung nodded and took a deep breath before continuing,

“I’m going to let Hara go.”

Jessica’s jaw dropped and she quickly covered her mouth with her right hand. It took her a few seconds to process what she just heard.

“You’re breaking up with her?” Jessica asked in disbelief. Though she wants Sooyoung to make the best decision for herself, she secretly hoped that Sooyoung would never take this path.

“I made this decision after doing a lot of thinking. I have to let her go since I’m not doing any justice to her.” Sooyoung added with a heavy sigh.

“Sica, I can’t love her the way she wants me to. No matter how hard I try, I just can’t. I just don’t want to hurt her anymore.”

Jessica slowly nodded and stared at her friend’s face. She looked miserable. Jessica threw an arm around Sooyoung’s shoulder and rubbed her arm gently to calm her down. Sooyoung bit her lip and looked down, trying to contain her emotions.

“So you chose Hyunjoong?” Jessica asked.

Sooyoung looked up and met her friend’s gaze.

“I only... followed my heart.” She said.


“Happy birthday Hara!”

“You’ve grown up beautifully!”

“You look more like your mother!”

“I still remember when you were a baby.”

Hara had been getting the same birthday wishes over and over again. She bowed countless times to the people that her mother had dragged her to meet. She recognized half of them, while the other half all looked the same.

“Hara, you remember Jinki?” Joanna said, pointing at a young man in front of her.

Hara stared at him as the memory slowly came back to her.

“It’s been a while, Hara-yah.” Onew said, offering his hand for a handshake.

Hara grabbed his hand and smiled warmly.

“It’s really been a while.” She said. Onew was her childhood friend back in the states. Since their families always visit each other for business purposes, they had become playmates. The last time she met him was before she entered college about 4 years ago.

Joanna smiled in satisfaction as she watched the pair interact positively with each other.

“I’m going to leave you two to catch up with each other. Have fun.” She said, before leaving them.

Hara chuckled awkwardly after her mother left.

“What are we going to do now?” She asked to Onew.

Onew smiled charmingly and took Hara’s hand.

“I think they’re about to perform. Let’s move closer to the stage.”


Three beautiful young women were standing on the stage as the lights were dimmed to suit the mood of their performance. Each of them stood in front of a microphone stand while the spotlight focused on the three of them separately. The vibe is very different from their usual butt shaking songs.

Everyone gathered near the stage, excited to watch their performance. Krystal was standing right in front of the stage, enjoying herself watching the nervous Jiyoung. She almost forgot about her jealousy towards Sulli and Taemin.

The soft music slowly begins.

[KARA - 나는.. (Ing)]

Jiyoung nervously opens her mouth and starts singing.

I rewind the memories that I've had with you,

Close my eyes shut and keep rewinding them.

Her angelic voice soothes the audience; they all start to sway to the ballad. Jiyoung almost let out a sigh of relief after finishing her first part. She looked down and saw Krystal still staring at her with an impressed look on her face. She smiled.

Then Seungyeon stepped forward to sing her part.

In the loving days, I was smiling,

But now the painful tears are flowing from my eyes.

She glanced at Gyuri who was standing at the middle. She noticed that Gyuri wasn’t looking at the audience, but was staring at a certain someone in the middle of the crowd. It was none other than Kwon Yuri. And Seungyeon immediately understands why Gyuri picked this song.

And then it’s Gyuri’s part, and she sung it as she was looking at Yuri.

Even though I turn my head at your familiar scent,

Even though it won't be, I'm still looking for you,

Maybe this is not my heart.

All three of them churn the chorus in harmony.

Always, at this position, at this place,

I wait for you, but you never returned,

Only the cold memories, your cold stare glances at me,

I can't see the person that you and I once loved...

Yuri gulped uncomfortably as she sitting next to Yoona. Gyuri’s not-so-subtle message was making her nervous. She grabbed a glass of water and drank it in one go. Yoona and Hyoyeon who were also sitting at the same table gave her a weird look. Yuri shrugged and let out a sudden chuckle to loosen up the atmosphere.

“Yoona-yah, let’s dance to this song.” Yuri said, grabbing Yoona’s hand.

“Dance? Us? Yeah, sure.” Yoona replied, surprised. She never thought that Yuri was in the mood to dance after all her cranky episodes that evening.

The two models stood up and walked to the middle of the floor, their combined beauty catching the crowd’s attention. Yuri put her arms around Yoona’s waist and pulled her close while Yoona put her hands on Yuri’s shoulders intimately.

They swayed their bodies to the music and soon a few couples joined them on the floor. Among them were Sulli and Taemin, who couldn’t resist dancing, and also the birthday girl, Hara, and her new companion, Onew. Tiffany taps her feet to the music, wishing Jessica would come back from her short private chat with Sooyoung as soon as possible. She and Jessica are the best in slow dancing, among other things.

You were the person that was my whole life,

I've figured that out now, but it doesn't matter anymore,

I guess it really is the end...

Gyuri’s strong singing voice was heard in the room. Yuri gulped again, not daring to look up. Their song choice tonight felt really close to her. She tries to hide her feelings by smiling at her dance partner, Yoona.

“Are you okay? You’re sweating.” Yoona asked with concern.

Yuri shook her head and faked a smile.

“I’m okay as long as you’re with me.” She replied.

Yoona smiled and pulled Yuri closer. She let their foreheads touch as they continued to gaze into each other’s eyes.

“I’m sorry I forced you to come to the party. I just want to spend more time with you.” Yoona whispered.

Yuri chuckled, “It’s okay, I understand.” She said.

Yoona smiled in satisfaction and leaned closer for a kiss. But suddenly the song reached its bridge. The SunnyZ’s powerful vocals were filling the room and they can’t help but to turn and look at the trio.

Even though I lean my ear in (I don’t hear you).

Even though I call out to you, it comes back as an echo.

It keeps shaking me...

(You don't know) how much it hurts

(You've probably forgotten) even all the memories

Even though I know, I can't turn back.

Gyuri stared at Yuri, her eyes were filled with deep emotions. There were sparkles in her eyes that came from the reflection of tears in her eyes. She took a deep breath to stay strong before continuing.

Only the cold memories, your cold stare glances at me,

I can't see the person that you and I once loved...

Suddenly Yuri felt the rush of guilt towards Gyuri over everything that happened between them. Maybe she should end their relationship in a more proper way than a note by the bed.

“Hey, stop staring at her, look at me.” Yoona ordered. Yuri turned her head and looks at her girlfriend almost immediately.

Suddenly Yoona pressed her lips against Yuri’s by surprise. She grabbed Yuri’s neck and pulled her closer.

Gyuri gritted her teeth as she watched the couple kiss from the stage.

Kwon Yuri..


Onew gently tucked Hara’s hair behind her ear as they continued to dance. Hara was uncomfortable with his gestures and gave him an awkward smile. She was scanning the room for Sooyoung the whole time they were dancing.

“Hara, I’m glad it’s you.” Onew suddenly said.

His voice managed to catch Hara’s attention. She looked at the young man in front of her who was smiling shyly at her.

“Me?” asked Hara, puzzled.

Onew nodded and began to blush.

“You know... as my wife.” He said slowly.

Hara stared at him in shock, speechless as she’s trying to process the words that came out from his mouth. After a while she shook her head and let go of her hand around him. They stopped dancing and stood there, looking at each other.

“Wha-what are you talking about?!” Hara asked with anger in her tone.

Onew looked at her, confused. “I thought you knew about this.”

“About what exactly?!” Hara asked with her voice growing louder.

Onew gulped before continuing, “About our family plan to match us up. Your mother said that you agreed to us getting married.”

Hara scoffed and shook her head vigorously. She gritted her teeth and threw her arms in the air, not caring about the eyes that were staring at her.

“Are you okay?” Onew asked, worried.

“No! I’m not okay! I never agreed to getting married to you or anyone! How could my mother make a decision for me like this?!” Hara bursts out.

Onew took a step back while the crowd around them went silent.

Hara grunted before leaving the dance floor in fury.


Hara was marching her way across the room when she suddenly felt a grab on her arm. She turned around and pulled her arm away defensively.

“LET ME GO!” She shouted to whoever it was.

Nicole was staring at her with a concerned look on her face.

“Hara, what happened? Where are you going?” She asked.

Hara took a deep breath, trying to stay composed.

“Have you seen my mother?” She asked.

Nicole nodded, “Yeah, I just saw her go out through that door a minute ago. Why?” She said, pointing to the door on the left.

Hara didn’t reply anything. Instead she rushed to the door and exited the ballroom leaving Nicole hanging there alone.


Outside the ballroom was the hotel hallway. Hara was pacing aimlessly around the floor, searching for her mother. She wanted an explanation. She really thought her mother had stopped deciding her life for her, but she was clearly wrong.

As she was walking by the unfamiliar faces, she suddenly bumped into someone.

Hara felt the pain on her shoulder due to the impact and rubbed it with her hand.

“Watch where you’re going...” A female voice said. The voice sounded so familiar, Hara couldn’t help but to look at the person.

She was shocked.

And so was the person.

Hara scoffed and stared at the person in front of her in anger,



Chapter 41


The atmosphere around the dance floor turned normal again following the birthday girl’s dramatic exit. After The SunnyZ finished their first performance, the stage was now occupied by a male singer, crooning a cheesy ballad from Westlife. The romantic tune had attracted more couples to fill the floor, with each of them swaying and smiling happily, emitting the love they shared.

Feeling frustrated, Tiffany Hwang huffed unconsciously for a second time. She quickly covered up her act by grabbing her glass and sipping her drink, not wanting to seem rude when she was left alone with Julia at the table. Julia on the other hand was smiling at her future daughter-in-law, staring at her with a motherly look on her face.

“Do you want to dance, Tiffany?” Julia suddenly asked.

Tiffany chuckled nervously before nodded.

“Yeah, I’d love to dance. But, I’m waiting for Jessica. It’d be weird to dance all by myself.” She said with a small giggle.

“Aww, I’m sure she’ll be here soon. What’s taking her so long? It’s so inappropriate for her to leave her beautiful fiancé all alone. That girl is going to get it from me when she gets back.” Julia said with a wink.

Tiffany chuckled, thinking how lucky she is for having the best mother-in-law. She has always had the idea that mother-in-laws were evil from movies and TV. But Julia just proved her otherwise.

“Excuse me, beautiful lady.” A voice suddenly said. Tiffany turned her head to her side to see who was making a move on her.

At first she was shocked - her jaw almost dropped. But then a smile quickly crept onto her face.

A stunning woman in a white dress was bowing at her, with a hand offered towards her. She was shining, and Tiffany wasn’t sure if it’s because she’s an angel or maybe just the effect of the reflection of the light against her blonde hair, but she was glowing in her eyes. It happened almost every time she looks at her.

“Can I have this dance?” Jessica asked shyly. Tiffany was still staring at her, just stunned.

“Sooyeon, just grab her hand already! She’s been waiting for you for a decade.” Julia said to her daughter.

Jessica chuckled and grabbed Tiffany’s hand and pulled her up.

“I’m sorry I kept you waiting. Apparently Sooyoung had a lot of things to say.” She rolled her eyes as she gently drags Tiffany to the middle of the dance floor.

Tiffany pouted for a bit before circling her arms around Jessica’s neck. Jessica wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s waist in return.

“What’s the deal with you and Sooyoung anyway? It’s like she has this secret that only you know about or something.” Tiffany said, frowning.

Jessica smiled, “Why, are you jealous?”

“Well, yeah! She steals you from me!” Tiffany said childishly.

Jessica giggled at her reaction while Tiffany was staring at her dumbfounded.

“It’s not funny, Jessi.” She said with a pout.

Suddenly the music began; it seems like the singer was about to sing his second song.

“Another love ballad? I thought this is a birthday party, not a wedding.” Jessica added.

“Oh, I know this song!” Tiffany squealed, ignoring Jessica’s complains.

“It’s Westlife’s Unbreakable, gosh, I love this song! It’s so going on our wedding playlist!” She added excitedly. Jessica rolled her eyes.

Took my hand

Touched my heart

Held me close

You were always there

By my side

Tiffany smiled coyly at Jessica, “Let’s dance, my love.”

They moved their bodies in sync to the romantic song as they kept their eyes in contact.

Swept away on a wave of emotion

Overcaught in the eye of the storm

And whenever you smile

I can hardly believe that you're mine

Jessica chuckled, “Okay, I think I like this song. It’s not that bad.”

“It perfectly describes us and..our relationship, don’t you think? Unbreakable..” Tiffany asked with obvious blush on her cheeks.

Jessica spied her shy fiancé and smiled, “True, but I especially like the smile part.”

“The smile?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica nodded, “Oh here it comes, listen.” She said.

And then leaned closer to Tiffany’s ear and sung the verse in the gentlest whisper.

“I've been touched by the hands of an angel

I've been blessed by the power of love

And whenever you smile

I can hardly believe that you're mine”

Tiffany almost froze up and fainted from happiness. Her heart was fluttering with butterflies and all the fluffy things she could think of.

Jessica noticed Tiffany’s blush and held her closer until their cheeks were touching.

“Honey, you want to know a secret?” She whispered.

“A secret?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica nodded, “About something that I do when you were asleep.” She said.

“That sounds suspicious..”

“When you were sleeping, I..

“What did you do? Don’t tell me you snuck out of the house or watch naughty videos..

Jessica laughed, “No!”

“Then what?”

“I..always watch you sleep.” Jessica said slowly.

Tiffany looked at her, puzzled. “Like a creeper?”

Jessica chuckled, “And sometimes I would cry.”

She took a deep breath and look at Tiffany, “I’m afraid to fall asleep. Because I’m scared when I wake up and finds out that you are no longer beside me and this is all just a dream like when I was younger. It’s not a dream anymore, is it?”

Tiffany stares at Jessica and she saw how vulnerable she is. She cupped her face with both her hands.

“Aww baby..” She mumbled.

“Let me prove that this is real.” She added before pulling Jessica for a deep romantic kiss. Jessica tightens her arms around her fiancé’s waist and closed her eyes to savour the feel of her plump lips. After a few seconds they broke the kiss and let their foreheads touching each other.

“I love you, Tiffany.” Jessica said, smiling.

“Forever and a day.” She added.

Tiffany returned her smile but suddenly something came up to her mind. She loves this woman to death but sometimes she tends to do things that could affect their relationship. Like what she’s doing behind her back right now. But Jessica’s sweet voice and romantic self that night made her gave in. They had both promised that there should be no more secrets between them and Tiffany kind of broke it.

It might ruin the moment, but she has to say it now or she might change her mind.

“Jessi, there’s something I want to tell you.” Tiffany said suddenly in a serious tone. Her sudden mood change confused Jessica.

Jessica raised her eyebrow, “What is it, honey? You seem serious.”

Tiffany sighed, “You see, I haven’t been completely honest with you about something.”


In hotel room No. 95, Park Gyuri was pacing back and forth. She went there straight after her first performance, to wait for Yuri. She glanced at her watch, realizing that it’s already five minutes since she’s been there. With a heavy sigh she walked to the bed and sat on the white covered mattress. She gazes out of the window of the hotel room with random thoughts running through her mind.

What am I doing here?

Waiting for her?

Will she ever come?

Suddenly the images of Yuri and Yoona kissing on the dance floor popped up in her head. It continued to play like a slideshow no matter how hard she tried to stop it. She let out a small laugh, a sad laugh that’s directed to her. She knows now that Yuri was just using her as a substitute, a filler, for her needs during her weeks away from Yoona. She has nothing against Yoona, the poor girl is actually in a worse position than her, being kept in the dark and believing that her girlfriend was loyal the whole time.

This is about Yuri.

The charming Yuri who swept her off her feet.

The cruel Yuri who broke her heart by leaving her with only a note by the bed.

Gyuri buries her face in her palms and sighed. She wonders why she despises Yuri so much. She had one night stands with strangers all the time, she knows how Yuri is. But this is not about that, it’s not about sex. She wouldn’t mind if Yuri and she had a one night stand, she’ll forget all about it the next morning and move on.

But this is about how Yuri made her feel.

She made her believed that there’s something between them.

And she foolishly believed her lies.

She felt so cheated, so used, so cheap.

Gyuri gritted her teeth and stood up from the bed.

And now she has to pay for it.

Suddenly the door knob was turned. Gyuri stared at the door in anticipation.

A young woman enters the room, the someone she was waiting for. She closed the door behind her and stood still at a spot, staring at Gyuri with serious gaze.

“So you came, Yuri.” Gyuri said with a mocking smile.


“Please don’t be mad at me.” Tiffany said as she stares down at the floor.

Jessica stared blankly at a direction, trying to digest the whole new information from her fiancé. So Tiffany just told her that she is working behind her back to secure her position as the Head Designer in the company. Tiffany held her breath, accepting whatever reaction might came from Jessica. She’s unpredictable.

Suddenly Jessica smiled, “I know.”

Tiffany didn’t see that coming.

“You...know?” She asked, confused. Jessica shrugged and held Tiffany’s hand.

“Wait, how do you know about it? Did Aunt Jo told you? She did, did she?” Tiffany asked continuously while Jessica was pulling her towards their table.

“Nope. She didn’t tell me. I found out about it myself. Actually, I saw your design proposal.” Jessica replied casually.

Tiffany gave her a puzzled look, “But how? I make sure that I kept it safe in my laptop.”

“Yeah, but I looked into your laptop.”

They have arrived at their table, but Tiffany hasn’t finished talking. Jessica pulled her hand to sit with her but she refused. Their little action attracts the attention of the others at the table. Julia and Krystal looked at each other while Jiyoung was staring uncomfortably at them. She wonders why Krystal dragged her there to meet her family. She wished Gyuri or Seungyeon would come and take her away but both her sisters are nowhere at sight.

Tiffany continues, “But my laptop has password, it’s impossible for you to..

“Not if I know the password, honey. Now will you calm down and have a sit with me.” Jessica said, patting the chair next to her.

“How could you know the password? I..

“It’s my birthday, right?” Jessica said and this time Tiffany was silenced completely. Krystal and Julia looked at each other with annoying teasing smiles on their faces.

“Cheesy.” Krystal said with a smirk.

Tiffany finally sat and put both hands on her cheeks to cover her blush. Jessica chuckled and gently grabs her right hand and kissed her palm, ignoring the annoyed look on her sister’s face.

“And just so you know. I don’t mind you’re doing that. If you deserve to be the Head Designer, than you should just stay there. I’ll just..stay at home and clean and cook, and wait for you everyday like a good housewife.” Jessica said with a chuckle.

The latter laughed, “But you can’t cook, Jessi.”

“Then I’ll just shrink myself so you can put me in your pocket so that I can follow you anywhere.” Jessica replied.

Krystal put a hand up and the couple stopped gazing into each other’s eyes for a second.

“Please stop before I ended up vomiting on the table.” She said with a pale face.

Tiffany smiled sheepishly, “Sorry.” She looked at the girl beside Krystal.

“I didn’t know that you two are close.” Tiffany asked, looking at Jiyoung.

“We’re not close! We’re just...acquaintances...or something.” Krystal said nervously. Even though she wasn’t sure why she’s acting like that.

“Dad!” Julia suddenly said excitedly. Albert Jung had just arrived with his secretary and son-in-law, Michael. He gave a warm smile at the family before sitting next to Julia.

“Hello grandpa, I miss you.” Krystal said before hugging the old man tightly. Albert laughed and Tiffany thought it sounded like Santa’s laugh.

“Oh, who’s your cute friend?” Albert asked as he saw Jiyoung.

Krystal scratched her head, “Ah, she’s my..

“Is she your girlfriend?” Albert asked spontaneously.


“She’s just her friend, dad. Krystal is not ‘like that’.” Julia cuts in, serious. Jessica let out a small offended laugh at how her mother refers her as ‘like that’ while Krystal looked at her mother and bit her lip.

“Oh, Tiffany!” Albert called when he saw Tiffany approaching. Tiffany smiled and hugged the man tightly and can’t stop thinking that he’s a Santa Claus in disguise.

“How are you grandpa? You look great.” Tiffany said with a warm smile.

Albert laughed again and it made Tiffany missed Christmas so bad.

“I’m just like this, living like an old man. Has Jessica been treating you nicely?” He asked as if Jessica wasn’t there.

Tiffany chuckled and glanced at her fiancé, “She’s the best.”

“Really? But if she ever being bad to you, you can just tell me. I’ll punish her.” Albert said and Jessica could feel that he was serious.

“Where’s the birthday girl?” Albert said, turning his head around to look for Hara.



The two pair of eyes met after a long separation. Hara stood there in disbelief; her hands were trembling from the mixture of emotions that she was experiencing.

She finally met the person she’s been longing to meet and now she’s frozen in shock. This person in front of her right now had betrayed her, and she had went through a lot ever since. She almost loses herself; almost loses her own life because of what she did. Hara had imagined it so many times before, the moment when she finally meets Sunhwa or Hyuna again, how much she wants them to suffer because of what they did to her. At one point she wanted to kill them.

Especially her.

This b*tch, Sunhwa.

Han Sunhwa could feel the cold sweat on her forehead as Hara’s presence was making her intimidated and also scared. She cleared her throat and gathers her strength to talk.

“Hara, how are yo…

She never managed to finish her greeting. A powerful slap just landed on her right cheek causing her to almost fall down. If it wasn’t for the wall she might have fallen to the floor. She put her hand on her cheek that was hurting more by the second. She gulped and slowly looked at the woman before her, her old friend who was staring at her furiously.

They continued to stare at each other with no words spoken for a few tense seconds. Sunhwa finds it hard to breathe.

Hara was gritting her teeth and balled her fist tightly. She was so angry that tears begin to gathers in her eyes just waiting to fall any second.

And then a drop of tear fell and she snapped.

“YOU WH*RE! HOW COULD YOU RUN OFF WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?! I TRUSTED YOU! YOU B*TCH!” Hara suddenly shouted, no longer caring about what the people that was staring at them.

She took a step forward, causing the scared Sunhwa to take a few steps backwards until her back reached the wall. Sunhwa was scared, she really was. Hara was in a state where she might do anything to her. Anything means something dangerous that could harm her. She must do something, fast.

But Hara was faster, she grabbed the collar of her dress with both hands and pushed her harshly to the wall. Sunhwa groaned in pain.

“I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND! BUT YOU BETRAYED ME!” Hara shouted, just inches away from her face.

Sunhwa was trembling, thinking that the situation was turning to be way worse than she thought it was. She took a deep breath and held Hara’s hand that was gripping her collar tightly.

“Hara, it’s not what you think...” She said gently.

“DON’T YOU TRY TO F*CK WITH ME! YOU B*TCH!” Hara shouted again, refusing to listen to her words.

“It was..


“DAMN IT HARA! YOUR MOTHER PAID HYUNA TO LEAVE YOU!” Sunhwa shouted loud and clear.

Hara froze.

“My mother...did what?” She asked, stuttering.


Chapter 42

The Coward

Why is this happening?

Jessica Jung asked herself repeatedly for the past half an hour. She stood up from her seat to get a glass of drink for Tiffany and when she came back, her seat was taken by her grandfather; her seat that was next to Tiffany. To make things worse, her Aunt, Joanna suddenly appeared and sat at the other chair, making Tiffany in between the two and here Jessica is, sitting in between her father and mother and across from Tiffany.

When the whole Jung family gathers at a table, it’s always the boring talk. It’s always either about the company or trees. Jessica can’t help but think that if she was sitting next to her fiancé, she can at least hold her hands or held something more under the table.

Just by thinking about it excites her.

“Don’t you agree with it, Sooyeon?” Julia suddenly asked. Jessica was dumbfounded, she was there but she wasn’t even listening to a word they’re saying. Her mind was occupied with Tiffany the entire time.


She gulped.

“Of course I agree with it..” She said, faking a smile.

“Great! Then we will have the engagement party in the Hilton Grand Ballroom next month!” Julia said excitedly.

Jessica stared at her mother, shocked. That was a trick question, she doesn’t like big parties and she didn’t even agree to the engagement thingy, it was Tiffany who agreed to it.

And it’s next month? That’s just..way too soon. But the whole family was too excited about it and Jessica doesn’t have the heart to say no to them. Even her father was excited. She could’ve sworn that she heard him say rose bouquets and white dresses. What has the great Michael Jung become?

Tiffany on the other hand was enjoying it all. She couldn’t stop smiling the entire time. She tried her best to avoid Jessica’s eyes and look somewhere else, since she knows that her fiancé won’t agree to it. She picked up the fried tempura prawn on her plate and bit it slowly. She wants to eat it all in one bite but that would be inappropriate in front of her future in-law family.

Jessica had already forgotten about the engagement party, all that filled her mind right now is the prawn. She wants to be the prawn, so that Tiffany can bite her slowly..

What the hell am I thinking?!

Jessica quickly shook her head and gulped. She glanced at her fiancé again and she was devouring the prawn with her eyes closed.

Damn it, I want to be the prawn..

The blonde bit her lip and looked away, trying to keep her mind together. But her hormones are out of control. The sight of Tiffany eating a prawn really turned her on. It’s weird, but then again she is always turned on by the weirdest thing that Tiffany does.

“Oh, this is so good!” Tiffany exclaims after finishing a prawn.

Jessica gulps again. She was picturing Tiffany screaming the exact sentence with her name added at the end.

Albert laughed, “Do you like seafood that much, dear? Eat all you want.”

Tiffany looked down, embarrassed.

“Honey, can you come with me for a second?” Jessica suddenly asked.

Tiffany looked at her, puzzled. “What is it?”

Jessica stood up and walked to her fiancé before grabbing her hand.

“Just..come with me for a while.” She said.


A tall young woman pushed the door open. Being in a room full of people that were there to celebrate Hara’s birthday made her feel like a villain. There were three tables in front of the stage that was filled with presents. Each of them was nicely stacked with each other like a mini pyramid of gifts. Each of one them were wrapped in fancy wrappers with bright colours, colours that meant for joy and celebration. But Sooyoung did not bring any present. The only thing that she brought that day was a hidden time bomb, nicely wrapped inside her dark guilty heart, waiting for the time to destroy the party.

She doesn’t know how, but her feet already brought her to the other side of the hotel, opposite the ballroom. She stopped as she reached the large glass window and stared at the closed door from far.

Hara is in there.

Hara is waiting for me.

Sooyoung sighed and turned around. Her heart hurts at the thought of Hara.

She loves her, she really does. She cherished every moment they’ve spent together, every touch and every kiss, every smiles and every laugh.


But she realized that the love she has for her is not enough. Not enough for her to risk everything, her traditional family, her colleagues and the rest of the world around her. It’s just that she don’t love her enough to lose everything.

She lied to Hara when she said that she wasn’t ready for intimacy. She knows that was not the reason she turned her down every time.

The reason is: she is afraid.

She is afraid that she might love her too much once they’ve become one.

She is afraid that she will have the courage to go against the world just to be with Hara.

I’m not like Jessica or Tiffany.

I’m a coward.

Sooyoung moved closer to the surface of the glass, close enough for the water vapour to form on the surface every time she exhales. She looked out at the city as her thoughts run wild.

And then there’s Hyunjoong.

He came at the right time and appears at the right place, saying the things that she wanted to hear. It happened slowly, but surely, he’s taking a place in Sooyoung’s heart. It was unplanned, but it happened.

I tried to fight it.

But I kept losing.

“It’s a nice view out there.” A male voice said.

Sooyoung smiled, she recognizes the voice well. She turned to her side and there he stood, in a black suit with both hands snuck into his pocket.

He looks so..beautiful.

Sooyoung continued to stares at him with a wide smile on her face equal to the flutters in her heart. She just let her emotions go, there’s no use in stopping it anymore.

Hyunjoong’s expression was serious and deep, like nothing Sooyoung has seen before. He kept staring out of the window before slowly turning to face Sooyoung. She gave him her widest grin, to show how happy she is meeting him that night, even if it’s by accident. But his expression was the opposite and she could see the slight sadness in his eyes. She quickly reached for his hand and held it tight.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

He remained silent and looked at her with his sad gaze. Sooyoung gulped and her smile slowly faded, replaced with her concerned frowning look and creased eyebrows.


He sighed and tightened the grip on her hand.

“Sooyoung-ah, there’s something I want to talk you about.” He said gently.


Han Seungyeon was walking through the crowds of rich and beautiful people. For a second she thought she was in a scene of a drama about the rich and famous. Being a timid girl, she only exchanges smiles with a few guys before mixing herself in the crowd to get away from them. She’s not really a social-able type of person so she spends most of her time in front of the computer every day. Even though she quit being YulSter’s main moderator, she still stalks the forum out of habit.

A sight of a slender young woman by the food bar caught her attention. The young lady was wearing a black dress that fall just below her knees, exposing her beautiful long legs. As expected of a figure of a runway model. Feeling eyes on her, the model turns around.

“Oh, hi Seungyeon!” Yoona greeted with a friendly smile on her face.

Seungyeon smiled back at her and walked towards her. It’s hard to ignore someone like Yoona.

“Yoona, it’s really nice to see you again. How are you?” Seungyeon asked casually.

Yoona chuckled as she picked up one of the cake and put it on her already full plate.

“I’m doing great. But I kinda miss you in the house. How about you? Adjusting just fine in the new dorm?” She replied.

The short-haired girl smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I’m settling just fine there. It’s much more convenient for me since it’s closer to the campus.”

“Oh, that’s good to know.” Yoona said, taking another piece of cake.

Seungyeon smiled awkwardly at the petite model’s big appetite and noticed that she was alone.

“You’re flying solo? Where’s Yuri?” She asked spontaneously.

“Yuri is here with me, but she just excused herself for a while to take an important business call outside. It’s her evil manager, she has to take it.” Yoona replied.

“Take a call?” Seungyeon asked in doubt. Yoona smiled and nodded before turning her attention to a plate of fried calamari rings.

Seungyeon looked around the ballroom, looking for Gyuri. She has been missing since their first performance and knowing that Yuri is nowhere in sight too could mean something is going on.

Something bad is going on.


“So you came, Yuri.” Gyuri said with a mocking smile.

Kwon Yuri gulped as she stood in front of the door. She can’t believe that she really came to the room. She could have just blown Gyuri off but she didn’t, instead she lied to her girlfriend to just to get here. She looked at Gyuri who was sitting at the edge of the bed just a few steps from her while staring at her with her irritating teasing smile. Yuri took a deep breath and gathers the strength to walk forward, towards the unexpected young woman. She has come there with a purpose, to clear things up between them and end it once and for all.

When Yuri finally arrived in front of Gyuri, she just stood there and they were engaged in an intense round of eye contact. No words were spoken, but they can understand each other’s thoughts pretty clearly. Yuri could sense anger in her eyes, and maybe slight aroused by her presence. Yuri gulped and tries to stay focused.

“Why don’t you join me on the bed? I mean..sitting next to me.” Gyuri asked with a smirk. She pats the bed gently, inviting her guest.

Yuri shook her head and she cleared her throat before letting out a loud sigh.

“Gyuri, I’m sorry.” She said slowly.

“I know what I did to you was..unacceptable, and I admit that I was being a jerk.”

“A b*tch.” Gyuri added.


“A f*cking wh*re.”

“Yeah, you can call me anything you want. I’ll take it. But I really regret what I have done to you. You don’t deserve to be treated that way and I wish I could change it, but now there’s nothing more I can do than just an apology.” Yuri continued.

Gyuri scoffed and looked out of the window. She stares into the beautiful scene outside, the combination dark night and the city lights.

“It’s a little too late for that, don’t you think?” She said.

Yuri gulped.

“I just can’t accept your apology. I just..can’t.” Gyuri said, serious.

“What did you said to your girlfriend in order to get here, huh? Was it, looking for a bathroom or your manager suddenly called or what exactly? Man, I thought I was messed up, but you’re much worse. At least I never sleep with another person when I’m in a relationship.” She added. She stood up from the bed and stares at Yuri.

“And to think that I was actually..liking you at one point makes me sick.”

Yuri bit her lip and looked away, “I know I’m wrong..but..

“But you’re a b*tch and there’s nothing you can do about it. Yul, I feel sorry for your girlfriend, you know why?” Gyuri asked.

Yuri looked at her but there’s nothing that came out of her mouth.

“Because after this, I will give her a little present.” Gyuri said, showing a DVD in one hand.

“I heard she’s an actress, let’s see how good her skills are, if she still acts calm after watching her girlfriend banging another woman on bed.” She added with a wink.

“Wh-what are you talking about?” Yuri asked, panicked. She has thoughts in her head but she’s praying that she’s wrong about it.

“Oh, come on. You know me. I love documenting things. You’ve been through this before too, but this time it’s not a fake. It’s as real as it gets.” Gyuri replied.

It’s Yuri’s nightmare coming to life. The DVD contains one of their wild nights in Bali.

“You-you can’t d-do that..” Yuri said, stuttering.

Gyuri smiled and laughed like it’s the funniest thing; she walked closer to Yuri and put a hand on her shoulder. “Aww, look at you. Stuttering like a freak.”

“I’m serious, Gyuri! Yoona will break up with me! Please don’t do this!” Yuri said, panicked.

“Like I care if she’ll dump you or not.” Gyuri said with a teasing smile.

Tears begin to fill Yuri’s eyes. The thought of losing Yoona forever is killing her. She grabs Gyuri’s hand and looked into her eyes.

“Gyul, I’m begging you. Please don’t let Yoona know about it, I can’t lose her..Please. I’ll do anything.” Yuri said, pleading. She even considered getting down on her knees if she has to.

Gyuri pulled her hands from Yuri’s grip and scoffed, “You’ll do anything?”

Yuri nodded, “Yes I will..”

“Okay, so can you pay me one million dollars right now?” Gyuri asked casually.

Yuri looked dumbfounded, “One million dollars?”

The older woman nodded, “Yes, and I want it in cash right now. Can you do that for me?”

“But Gyul..that’s impossible..” Yuri said, slow. She could feel the hopelessness as she looked at the woman in front of her.

Gyuri shrugged, “Then there’s nothing that you can do. I’ll just give the DVD to Yoona after the party.”

Yuri stared at Gyuri with tears in her eyes, “Please..don’t..” She said. She was still hoping that she would change her mind, even though the chances are low.

Tears begin to roll down Yuri’s cheeks as she continues to beg Gyuri. Gyuri watched Yuri crying for the first time and somehow it made her feel bad. She quickly scoffed to clear her thoughts and grabs Yuri’s face with her hands.

“There is one thing you can do.” She said slowly, almost whispering. Yuri looked at her, still hoping for mercy.

“Wh-what is it? I’ll do anything.” Yuri said, slightly sobbing.

Upon hearing her reply, Gyuri’s mouth suddenly curled up, forming a naughty smirk. She inches closer to Yuri’s face and looked deeply into her eyes causing the latter to gulp nervously.

“I want you to give it to me.” Gyuri whispered.

“Gi-give you what?” Yuri asked, acting dumb even though she has quite gotten the idea in her head.

Gyuri rolled her eyes and moved her face closer to the frozen Yuri and stopped just before their lips touched.

“You know what I want.” She whispered before pressing her lips to Yuri’s and pushed her towards the bed.


Chapter 43

Everything Is F’ed Up

“Je-Jessica..stop.” Tiffany whimpered as she was trying to push Jessica’s face from sucking her neck. But the latter acted like she didn’t hear a thing and moved her lips lower and resided at Tiffany’s collarbone.

Tiffany let out a loud sigh, even though it feels good, Jessica must be stopped. The reason is that, they’re in an elevator, not a room. Suddenly the elevator stopped at the 3rd floor and Tiffany has to do something drastic to stop her horny fiancé.

To Jessica’s surprise, she felt a painful pang on her left cheek and the force caused her to be thrown a few steps backwards. After a few seconds she looked at Tiffany, shocked by her action. She just slapped her face.

Tiffany gulped, “There are people coming..”

The elevator door opened, and they were later joined by a decent looking family of four. Their youngest daughter turned around and being the cute child she is, she flashes Jessica a friendly smile and tugged her dress. Jessica however, who wasn't in the mood for kids, scowled at the poor child with her scary gaze. The girl’s lips begin to curl downwards and her eyes were sparkling with tears.

Jessica sighed and looked away, avoiding eye contact in hope to undo her action but it was too late. The girl let out an annoying sharp sound, followed by tears that fell down like a waterfall. Her mother panicked and kneeled down at her.

“Hye Jin-ah, what’s wrong dear?” Her mother asked the four year old. She didn’t say anything but held tight to her mother’s leg and sobs.

Tiffany stared at her fiancé the whole time with a disappointed look on her face but Jessica ignored her and focused her eyes to the stain on the elevator’s wall.

The elevator stopped at the 5th floor where the family made their exit. Silence filled the atmosphere after they left. Jessica and Tiffany were standing at opposite corners of the elevator with no words being spoken.

“You slapped my face.” Jessica suddenly said.

Tiffany sighed, “I had to stop you.”

“You can just tell me to.”

“I tried but it didn’t work.”

Jessica glared at Tiffany before turning her back to her.

“That’s so mature of you Jessica Jung.” Tiffany said, rolling her eyes.

Jessica scoffed but still refused to turn around.

“You even made the little girl cry.” Tiffany added.

“It was her own fault.” Jessica mumbled.

“Was it so hard to smile at her?”

Jessica shook her head and turned around, “Gee, I’m sorry I’m not in the mood to act all friendly to strangers because my fiancé just slapped me in the face.”

They looked at each other.

Tiffany sighed and walked to her before wrapping her arms around her waist. Jessica was still acting defensive and stood still like a cold statue. But Tiffany’s soft kiss on her left cheek made her give in.

“I’m sorry.” Tiffany whispered.

“Not your fault.” Jessica said before circling her hands around her fiancé’s neck.

Sensing that everything is okay between them, Tiffany broke the hug and look at her Jessica closely.

“So which floor?” She asked.

“It’s on the 9th. Room number...92.”

Tiffany nodded, “We should do this quick though, or else your family will be wondering where we are.” She said.

“It’s okay, we’ll try to finish it in...20 minutes?” Jessica asked.

Tiffany nodded and looked down, embarrassed. “Okay.”

Jessica smiled, “Stop blushing, you’re turning me on.”

Tiffany chuckled, “Then stop being turned on at the random things I do!”

Jessica shrugged, “It’s you. You look sexy in my eyes even when you snore in your sleep with drool all over the pillow.”

“Aww...was that supposed to be sweet?”

The elevator door opens again when it finally reached the 9th floor. Jessica quickly grabs Tiffany’s hand and intertwined their fingers together before walking out of the elevator in perfect sync. There was a sense of urgency in their steps, as they walked towards room number 92.

Tiffany slid her free hand around Jessica’s waist, causing the other girl to let out a soft moan. She quickly turned the door knob before realizing that it’s locked.

“Damn it! Where is the card key?” Jessica grunted. She looked at Tiffany and gave her an awkward smile before beginning to look into her purse.

Tiffany chuckled; seeing Jessica in need never failed to entertain her. She leaned closer to the impatient girl, teasing her with a kiss on her left ear before sensually running her hand on Jessica’s arms, rubbing gently on her smooth skin. Jessica whimpers as she tries to ignore her and focus on finding the card key. She must find the goddamn key and teach Tiffany a lesson once they get inside.

Where is the damn key?

Tiffany giggled as she enjoys the view of Jessica rummaging through her purse like a maniac. She glanced to her side to check if there was anyone else in the hallway.

She saw a familiar face.

Park Gyuri was exiting a room, maybe two doors away from her. She closed the door shut, turned around, and noticed that Tiffany was looking at her. She cleared her throat and walked towards the elevator, trying to act normal.

Tiffany wasn’t quite sure how to react at the moment, but in the end she gave her a friendly smile. Gyuri gave her a small nod and smiled back at her before mouthing ‘what’s wrong?’ as she pointed at the oblivious Jessica. Tiffany grinned and showed her the card key that she’s been keeping from Jessica in her right hand. Gyuri made a shocked face and shook her head. The elevator arrived and she quickly enters it before going down.

“Where is the f***ing key?!” Jessica said, almost shouting.

“Are you sure you put it in the purse, Blankie?” Tiffany asked sweetly.

Jessica grunts again, “Yeah! Where else could it be?!” She said before checking her purse again.

Tiffany grinned and turned around to check the hallway again. This time she saw a glimpse of someone she didn’t expect to be there.

A young woman with perfect long hair closed the door shut behind her, the same door that Gyuri just emerged from. She hurriedly walked towards the elevator with a hand covering her face. Along with her big glasses, it was hard to see her face clearly. Tiffany stares at her, as she looked eerily familiar. She has a suspicious thought in her head of who the person could be but she hoped she was wrong. Suddenly the woman turned her face to Tiffany and their eyes met.

Tiffany froze.

I know her.

The young woman quickly entered the elevator after their brief eye contact, like she was avoiding her. But Tiffany saw the ring on her finger. She recognizes the ring very well, since she and Yoona went to the jewellery store together to order the specially made couple rings.

The ring that Yoona bought for…


“I’VE OPENED THE DOOR!” Jessica shouted in victory.

Tiffany turned to her and realized that the door was flung open and the key was no longer in her hand.

“Jessi? When did you..?”

Jessica ignores her and wrapped one hand around her fiancé’s waist.

“Wait Blankie, I think I just saw…"

She didn’t manage to finish her sentence when Jessica put a finger on her mouth to silence her.

“You’re naughty. Now get ready to be punished.” She said before pushing Tiffany into the room and locking the door.

They were in there for more than 20 minutes.


“I wonder if there’s someone inside. It’s been locked for a while.” A woman asks her friend. She was talking about a toilet in the woman’s bathroom.

“I don’t know, maybe it’s out of order. Let’s get back to the party.” Her friend replied.

In the toilet, a young woman was sitting on the toilet seat, burying her face in her palms. Her hands were wet with tears that were continuously dropping from her eyes. It’s her birthday and she should be celebrating; but ironically the day had been nothing but a disaster for her. Knowing the truth from someone from the past really drained her emotion. All the things she thought were true turned out to be lies.

It’s all lies.

Her conversation with Sunhwa a while ago replays in her head.


“DAMN IT HARA! YOUR MOTHER PAID HYUNA TO LEAVE YOU!” Sunhwa shouted loud and clear.

Hara froze.

“My mother...did what?” She asked, stuttering.

“Your mother...offered Hyuna an amount of money that she couldn’t refuse, just to leave you.” Sunhwa said.

“Wh-what are you talking about?” Hara asked as her grip on the woman’s collar tightens.

“Hyuna was in need of money at the time so she took the offer and...left you.” Sunhwa continued, gulping.

“No, you’re lying.” Hara said firmly.

Sunhwa sighed, “You can ask her yourself or...yeah that scary secretary. She was threatening me too, telling me to keep it as a secret or...They’ll do something to expel me from the university.”

Hara shook her head, “You-You’re telling me that my mother paid Hyuna to leave me and she...accept it?! She would never leave me for money! And my mother would never do that to me! This is all bullshit!”

Sunhwa cleared her throat, “No.”

“This is the truth.” She said.

She took a step forward, “The truth is your mother had always watched your every move and made decisions for you and..

..the truth is..Hyuna never really loved you. She only stayed with you for..your money.”


Hara continued to cry, until there were no more tears that came out of her eyes. She had never felt so cheated before. It hurts even more when she was cheated by the people she loved.

She thought Hyuna loved her.

She was wrong.

She thought her mother was doing what’s best for her.

She was wrong.

Their lies had almost caused her to give up her life.

If it wasn't for her brother, she’d already be history by now, her brother who will always be there for her and fight for her.

The person she trusts the most.

Oppa...I need you right now.


“Sooyoung-ah, there’s something I want to talk to you about.” Hyunjoong said gently.

Sooyoung looked at the man before her and moved closer. They stood there in silence, guessing each other thoughts.

“You know, I’ve never met anyone like you before.” He said, starting the conversation.

Sooyoung raised an eyebrow, “Is that a good or a bad thing?”

Hyunjoong lets out a small chuckle and it made Sooyoung feel relieved. At least he’s smiling.

But his smile eventually faded as he replied, “It’s...both.”

“How so? That’s confusing.” She said, puzzled. She looked at his serious facial expression and her worries returned.

He lifted one hand and gently fixes her hair. He smiled, “It’s a good thing because...you make me smile every time I see your face.”

Sooyoung could feel her cheeks heat up. She’s sure her face had turned pink, how she wished she can control her blush.

“It’s a good thing because...I can always be myself when I’m with you.” He added as he put both her hands into his palm. They gazed into each other’s eyes and smiled. He lifts her hand slowly before gently planting a soft kiss on the back of her right hand.

Sooyoung’s heart was beating uncontrollably; she was worried he could hear her heartbeat. That would be embarrassing, if not creepy.

He let out a heavy sigh and looked into her eyes, “And it’s also a good thing because...

...you let me discover what love feels like.”

“I’ve never felt like this before. Not with anyone before you.” He added, indicating his previous girlfriend.

Sooyoung cleared her throat and gulped for air.

“So...what’s the bad thing about meeting someone like me?” She asked, acting cool.

He smiled, “It’s a bad thing because...you eat like a pig.”

Sooyoung scoffed, “Yah! That’s not a nice thing to say to a girl!” She said before hitting his arm.

He rubbed his arm, “It’s also a bad thing because sometimes you act like a boy, and your punch really hurts.”

“It’s not my fault that you’re a girl.” Sooyoung said, letting go of his hand.

Hyunjoong chuckled and looked at the beautiful young woman before him. He stood there as the silence filled the atmosphere. His thoughts were rearranging the lines that he’s been meaning to say since yesterday but his heart always stops him from doing so.

He took a deep breath, “It’s a bad thing because...

“What now?” Sooyoung asked, annoyed.

What he’s about to say will hurt them both, but it has to be done.

…because meeting you turned me against my family.”

Sooyoung was expecting another witty comeback from him, but he really surprised her. She looked at him and he was being totally serious.

“Meeting you has turned me into a bad brother.” He added.

Sooyoung was speechless, she wonders if he was joking.

“We just can’t do this anymore.” Hyunjoong said firmly.

Sooyoung swallowed hard, “What is...going on here?”

“Sooyoung, can you forgive me?” He replied with a question.

“Forgive you? What are you talking about?” Sooyoung asked.

He took a step forward and took her hand in his, “Sooyoung-ah, I can’t take you away from Hara. I thought I had the strength to do so but...I don’t.”

Sooyoung was too shocked, she felt like her world has stopped turning. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she has expected this to happen. But still, she hoped she heard him wrong.

Is he...breaking up with me?

Emotional awkward silences fill the atmosphere between the two people. They continue to look at each other without any words spoken.

Sooyoung is neither deaf nor stupid; she understood what he meant clearly.

She gathers the strength to open her mouth, “But...

...you said you love me.”

Hyunjoong let out a loud sigh and Sooyoung could see the sparkle reflected from his sad eyes. After a few moments, he smiled.

Ironically it’s the saddest smile she has ever seen.

“I do love you.” He said slowly.

“Then why are you letting me go?” Sooyoung asked, on the verge of tears.

“Because I can’t bring myself to...break her heart.” He replied, looking away.

Sooyoung scoffed, “What the..."

“Because I’ve made a promise to her,

...a promise to protect her.” He continued.

Sooyoung bit her lip as she looked at the man before her. He is sacrificing his own happiness for his sister. She could tell that it wasn’t easy for him. He was on the verge of tears but he tried to be strong, as a man, he would not cry.

“Please forgive me.” Hyunjoong said and a tear escaped the corner of his right eye.

Sooyoung moved closer and lifts her hand to cup his face. As soon as they touched, tears fell down from her eyes.

“There’s nothing to be forgiven.” Sooyoung said, gently wiping his tears with her fingers. He looked down, trying to hide his teary eyes but she held his face.

“But I can’t promise to be with Hara anymore.” She added.

He looked surprised, “Why?”

She forced herself to smile before replying, “Because I fell in love with a man. A great man.”

Hyunjoong froze.

“He said that I made him feel something he never felt before. I just want to let him know that he made me feel the same way too.” She said, looking away.


She looked up and met his eyes,

“But now, I will let him go.”


Krystal Jung rolled her eyes for the nth time. She was so annoyed, but she can’t stop glancing at the next table, the table where Sulli and Taemin are. She had dragged Jiyoung with her, with the initial plan to bother them again. But when she got there, she can’t take another step closer and ends up sitting at the table beside them. That’s the closest she can get. It’s too painful up close.

The youngest Jung let out an irritated scoff when she saw Taemin feed Sulli the dessert. Thinking that was totally unnecessary, what’s the purpose of having hands and spoon for?

Her paid girlfriend stares at her, observing her every gesture, every frown and every frustrated grunt she makes. It was obvious.

“You like Sulli.” Jiyoung said out of nowhere.

Her sudden statement made Krystal stop glancing at the neighbouring table for once and stared at the girl before her. Jiyoung looked away, beginning to regret her impulsive mouth. Cold sweats formed on her forehead as she feels Krystal's eyes on her. She was ready to take any consequences and already thinking of the worst.

Krystal sighed causing Jiyoung to gulp,

“But she doesn't like me...” She said.

Jiyoung was shocked; she was expecting some harsh curses and brutal name calling from her, not a confession. Krystal stares blankly into the air and bit her lip, probably regretting the last sentence that she blurted out.

She quickly clears her throat, “Well, what I meant was..."

“It’s okay to like her.” Jiyoung said.

“Didn't you hear me the first time? I said that she doesn't like me. Well, not ‘that’ way.” Krystal replied.

Jiyoung took a deep breath, “Is it wrong to like someone who doesn’t like you back?” She asked.

Krystal scoffed, “It’s not wrong, it’s just pathetic and I don’t want to be a pathetic loser. So I’m going to stop liking her. You hear me?”

Jiyoung looked down and stared at her melting strawberry ice cream.

“Then I’m pathetic.” She mumbled.

“What did you say?” Krystal asked.

Jiyoung shook her head, “Nothing.”

Krystal shrugged and leaned her back against her seat, “I’m completely over her and I don’t care about it anymore.”

She glanced at the young couple again, “Look, they’re holding hands and I’m okay with it.” She said, smiling.

Jiyoung stares at Krystal, puzzled, unsure of her intention of saying so.

“And now he is wiping her mouth with a napkin, and...I...am...okay with it..” Krystal said as her smile slowly faded. She grits her teeth and looked down; truth is she’s not okay with it. She was boiling with jealousy inside, so much that she could cry. But she was acting tough in front of Jiyoung.

After a few seconds she turned her gaze from the balled fist on her lap to the girl before her. Jiyoung was staring at her, with a worried look on her face. Like she was able to read Krystal’s mind and see through her cover. Krystal glared at her and glances at the couple again.

And she saw it clearly.

Their lips were touching.

...Her eyes are closed...

She quickly turned around and bit her lip, trying hard to control her emotions.

“They are kissing…"

She looks at Jiyoung and tries hard to smile,

"...and I am...okay with it.”

As soon as she finishes her sentence, she closed her eyes and tears rolled down her cheeks.


Hara was pacing fast through the hallway. Her eyes were red, the result from crying in the toilet earlier. She was heading towards the party to find her brother and tell him all about their mother’s lies. She knows he will understand and stand by her side like he always does.

As she walked past the corridor, she saw a familiar figure standing by the large window across the ballroom. It was her brother, Hyunjoong. It looks like he was talking with someone but Hara couldn’t tell with whom since the person was standing behind the big pillar. Hara don’t care anymore, she wants to go to him and hug him, cry on his shoulders and listen to his comforting words. She marched there, with rapid steps, trying to get there as soon as possible.

“But I will always love you.” Hyunjoong suddenly said to the other person.

Hara was only a few steps away from him and she heard him clearly. She slowed her steps, puzzled, wondering who the person could be.

“Oppa...” A voice said.

A very familiar voice.

Then Hara witnessed it with her own eyes.

A young woman reaches her hands forward and embraces her brother in an intimate hug. They wrapped their arms around each other with their eyes closed.

Hara was trembling with anger. She grits her teeth as the tears begin to fall from her eyes.

“SOOYOUNG YOU B*TCH!” She shouted.


Chapter 44

Confessions of a Broken Heart

Kang Jiyoung pulled another sheet of tissue from the box in her left hand. She carefully lifted her right hand forward, handing the tissue to the girl in front of her.

“Thanks,” Krystal replied as she took the tissue from Jiyoung’s hand.

She was sitting on one of the stools and wiping her eyes dry with tissues that Jiyoung handed to her every few minutes. When she had broken into tears at the dinner table, Jiyoung had taken her backstage to calm her down. She loyally stayed by Krystal’s side with a box of tissues and a bottle of water the entire time. Strangely, Krystal felt comfortable with her being there even though she didn’t say anything to console her or do anything to comfort her. She just stood there, staring at Krystal with sympathy in her huge and beautiful eyes.

Jiyoung bit her lip as she thought of hundreds of things to say to Krystal. She had never seen Krystal shed tears before and in her first time witnessing it, she felt the rush of emotions crushing onto her.

She felt heartbroken.

Krystal is crying.

And it’s because of another girl.

Her heart was crushed into a million pieces.

She was fighting her own urge to cry and ended up frozen like a statue.

Krystal sighed and wiped her eyes one last time. She put down the wet tissue on her lap and looked at Jiyoung. Jiyoung gulped as their eyes met.

“Stinky Jing...can you...hug me?” She asked.

Jiyoung stared at her, shocked. She had never thought something like this would happen to her in real life, though she and Krystal had hugged a lot in her dreams. She even wondered if she was actually dreaming.

“It’s just that...I really need one right now,” Krystal added sadly.

It took Jiyoung a few seconds to respond to her.

“Su-sure,” She said.

A hug?

Suddenly she had forgotten how to hug.

She took a few steps forward to get closer to Krystal. She put the box of tissue in her hand on a nearby chair before nervously spreading her arms. As she stood before Krystal, she leaned downwards to wrap her arms around the girl’s shoulders.

Jiyoung gulped, still thinking that this was all a dream. She had never been this close to Krystal, so close that she could smell the scent of her shampoo. She might not be able to sleep tonight.

Suddenly Krystal rested her head on Jiyoung’s chest and closed her eyes. Jiyoung was so surprised that her heart just skipped a beat or stopped beating altogether. Or maybe she was already dead.

“Stinky Jing...,” Krystal called.


“If you tell anyone about what happened today...

...you’re dead,” said Krystal.

Jiyoung gulped. So she’s still alive.



“What’s wrong with your heart? It’s beating so fast,” Krystal asked.

Jiyoung bit her lip as she willed herself to disappear into thin air. Her cheeks were hot and flaming red like a ripe tomato.

It’s all because of you, stupid Jung.

There were no words spoken after that, just two girls embracing each other.

Uncontrollably, Jiyoung ran her hand through Krystal’s hair gently. Krystal was surprised by the gesture but she didn’t protest. Jiyoung’s embrace comforted her, and her touches stopped the tears from falling out of her eyes. She felt something for Jiyoung at the moment.

She liked this girl, like how she liked a teddy bear.

“JIYOUNG!” A panicked voice suddenly called.

Both Jiyoung and Krystal quickly let go of each other on impulse and acted normal. Or at least, they tried to act normal.

Seungyeon entered the backstage, looking worried at first but then surprised when she saw Jiyoung and Krystal there. She alternated her gaze between the two suspiciously. Jiyoung was standing straight, blushing badly with her signature cute smile, while Krystal just stood up from her stool with fuzzy hair and swollen eyes. Seungyeon just couldn’t fit the pieces together.

“What’s going on between you two?” She asked, curious.

Jiyoung and Krystal looked at each other and shook their heads simultaneously.

“Nothing is going on! What makes you think that something is going on? That’s silly! Just because me and Krystal are together alone here at the backstage doesn’t mean there’s something going on between us...plus we’re girls and...” Jiyoung paused and gulped. Krystal shook her head; Jiyoung had just given Seungyeon the wrong idea.

Seungyeon smiled awkwardly, thinking that Gyuri’s gayness had rubbed off on the maknae too. “O-kay. Well, I’m just looking for Gyuri. Have you seen her around? We’re going to perform our second song after this and she isn’t here yet.”

“Unnie is missing? Don’t worry; I’m sure she will be here just in time as always,” Jiyoung replied, smiling, showing a sign of trust in the leader.

Seungyeon smiled bitterly, thinking how naive Jiyoung was about Gyuri. “Yeah, she’s responsible all right, our great leader. I just hope she doesn’t do anything stupid. ”

“Who’re you calling stupid?” A voice asked from behind them.

Park Gyuri just entered the area. She grabbed a bottle of mineral water and downed it to quench her thirst before wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. It’s classy.

Seungyeon stared at her, “Where were you?”

Gyuri smirked. “I just had a snack.”

The short-haired girl gulped, “What do you mean by...snack?”

Gyuri ignored her and look at Jiyoung. “Baby Jing, enough playing with Krys and hurry up and get your mic. We’re going up in 10 minutes.”


“Tired?” Hyoyeon asked Yoona, who was sitting next to her.

Yoona shrugged. “My mouth is tired. You took me to a bunch of people I don’t even know and my mouth is hurting from smiling at them.”

Hyoyeon chuckled. “You will thank me later.”

Yoona smiled and suddenly she noticed the face of someone she missed dearly. Yuri was walking towards the table.

“Yul!” She called excitedly.

She stood up from her seat and walked to Yuri before hugging her tightly. Yuri was almost suffocated by her embrace. They broke the hug and began to gaze into each other’s eyes.

“Where were you?” Yoona asked, pouting.

Yuri smiled and caressed her girlfriend’s cheeks gently as they sat at the table, joining Hyoyeon.

“Like I told you before, I was taking a call,” Yuri replied.

Hyoyeon scoffed. “That was one long phone call.”

Yuri glared at Hyoyeon and ignored her. She took Yoona’s hand in hers and held it tight.

“Yoong, I’m sorry I kept you waiting...for me.”

Yoona smiled. “It’s okay, Hyoyeon and the delicious food kept me occupied while you were gone.”

Yuri sighed and stares at her beautiful girlfriend. “Yoona, I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, you don’t have to kick yourself for it,” Yoona said with a chuckle.

Yuri bit her lip and looked down. “I’m sorry,” She whispered.

Her girlfriend stares at her weirdly.

“I’m sorry, Yoona,” Yuri apologized again.

“Enough apologizing,” Yoona said.

Suddenly she grabbed Yuri’s face and pulled it forward. She pressed her lips gently onto hers. Yuri was shocked by the surprise kiss but she returned it and closed her eyes. After a few seconds they broke the kiss and looked at each other.

Yoona creased her eyebrows. “There’s something different...

Yuri gulped. Cold sweat began to form on her forehead.

Could it be that she..?

Yoona pulled herself away and continued to look into her girlfriend’s eyes.

“Yuri, you taste different.”

Yuri looked away uncomfortably. “Don’t be ridiculous.”

“Your smell, it’s different too,” Yoona added seriously.

The two lovers stared at each other intensely. Yoona look into Yuri’s eyes deeply, diving into her soul as she tried unravel the mystery. She could sense that something was different about her since she returned from Bali, but she had hoped that it was just her being sensitive. Obviously, that was not the case.

“Yul, are you...hiding something from me?” She asked.

Hyoyeon froze in her seat, trapped in the middle of the lovers’ drama. She had never seen Yoona so serious before, especially when it came to Yuri. Yuri had always been perfect in her eyes no matter what people would say.

Kwon Yuri gulped but she couldn’t look away. As if Yoona has cast some kind of spell on her, she was locked in the eye contact with no way out.

She struggled, “I...

Suddenly the music blasted through the speakers as the new performer took up the stage.

Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo! Hallo!

Hallo! Hallo! Catch! Catch! Hallo! Hallo!

“Hey look, it’s The SunnyZ!” Hyoyeon said while pointing at the stage before them, trying to break the tension.

Seungyeon, Jiyoung and Gyuri were on the stage, now changed into a different dark outfit, dancing to the beat with their sexy moves. The crowd was excited and were cheering them on.

Yoona ignored the all of it and fixed her eyes on her girlfriend, demanding an answer. Yuri wished she could break the spell and look away from Yoona’s eyes...and then it did.

Gyuri sang her first verse.

Don't be afraid, I can hear your heart beating.

Just stand behind and watch me

Burning, it begins, and finally, Game Set

Be flexible, As Usual It's Mine

Gyuri’s voice sent chills right to her bone, causing her to almost tremble with fear. Yuri stood up almost immediately from her chair and glanced at the stage. As expected, Gyuri was staring at her.

It's Mine

She sang it with a smirk on her face.

This Is Mine

She repeats.

And Yuri couldn’t stand another second.

“I have to go,” She said to Yoona.

“You’re leaving? Now?” Yoona asked, shocked.

Yuri nodded and grabbed her purse on the table before quickly turning around. Suddenly, she felt a grip on her arm, stopping her from leaving.

“Wait,” Yoona said, tightening her grip on Yuri’s arm.

She stood up and grabbed her handbag. “I’ll go with you. We can go back to my place-“

“No,” Yuri cut in.

“I mean, I’m sleeping at my place tonight because...I have schedule tomorrow morning and I have to leave early,” She added nervously. She was getting worse at lying.

Yoona stared at her with a concerned look on her face. “Yuri...what is going on?”

The other girl looked down, not saying anything. Yoona’s gaze on her was making her nervous.

“You know that you can tell me anything. I’m your best friend, remember?” Yoona said gently.

“Nothing is going on. I just want to go home,” Yuri mumbled. She pulled her hand from Yoona’s grip and slowly walked towards the door.

“Yuri...I love you,” Yoona said. She made sure it was loud enough for her to hear it.

Yuri closed her eyes as the words began to stab her heart like a cold sword.

Forgive me, Yoona.


Jessica Jung was happy. She was glowing whilst walking hand in hand with her beautiful fiancé and entering the elevator together.

“It hurts...,” Tiffany whined as she rubbed her head.

Jessica turned to her; she used one hand to gently rub Tiffany’s head before giving it a small peck.

“Aww...that’s cute, but it doesn’t help,” Tiffany said with a chuckle.

“Honey, I’m sorry that you hit your head on the bed. I didn’t mean to push you that hard...,” She said apologetically.

Tiffany smiled and put both hands on the latter’s waist before pushing her to the elevator’s wall. She moved closer to Jessica until there was no more space left between them.

“It’s okay baby, it was worth it,” She whispered and kissed the corner of Jessica’s lips gently. Jessica let out a small moan afterwards. She was still aroused.

Tiffany pulled away and put a hand on her head again.

“I think there’s something important that I should remember though...,” She said, thinking.

Jessica leaned closer, “You should remember the sound of your own scream-“

Tiffany shook her head, “Jessi, I’m being serious. There is something that I seem to have forgotten... something really important.”

“Something more important than me?” Jessica asked, pouting.

Tiffany looked at her fiancé and smiled. She was too cute and too demanding to ignore.

“Of course you’re the most important thing in my life, my blankie,” She said, pulling her closer before wrapping her in a tight embrace.

“I so love you lots napkin,” Jessica whispered before nibbling on Tiffany’s neck playfully. Tiffany giggled and let her fiancé do her thing, as Jessica was known to be brutally romantic and overly cheesy after love making.

Suddenly the elevator stopped, and Jessica quickly let go of Tiffany and stood straight like a good citizen. Tiffany was impressed. At least this time she didn’t have to slap her. It looked like Jessica had learnt her lesson.

The little girl from before was standing outside of the elevator with her mother. She was smiling happily with a lollipop in her hand. But her face expression took a 180 degree turn when she saw Jessica. Her face turned pale, as if she had just seen a ghost.

“Come on Hye Jin, daddy is waiting for us,” Her mother said, gently dragging her in.

“No!” The girl protested.

Jessica sighed, feeling guilty for what had happened earlier. She knelt down and looked at the child. The girl seemed terrified. To her surprise, Jessica flashed her rare friendly smile and offered a hand.

“Unnie is sorry for what happened earlier. Can you forgive me?” She said sweetly. Tiffany was shocked by her nice gesture, especially towards kids. It was her first time witnessing it.

Hye Jin’s mother looked at Tiffany, puzzled.

“My...friend here scared your daughter earlier. She was in a bad mood and blamed herself for making her cry,” Tiffany explained.

“Oh, really? So that’s the reason she was crying. I was wondering why she cried. She’s usually very cheerful,” The woman said, smiling.

Tiffany smiled and nodded. “She’s really cute.”

“I’m very sorry. Please forgive me,” Jessica said to the little girl, who was still staring at her. After a few seconds, the girl finally stepped into the elevator and held Jessica’s hand. The door closed and they moved downwards.

“Unnie you’re very pretty,” The girl suddenly said.

Jessica smiled and gently pinched the girl’s cheek.

“No. You’re much prettier than me. What is your name?” Jessica asked.

The girl smiled. “I’m Kang Hye Jin. Unnie, you can call me Jini.”

“Jini? That’s a beautiful name. Unnie’s name is, Soo-Yeon,” Jessica said, smiling.

“Soo-Yeon unnie? That sounds...old,” The girl said bluntly.

Jessica chuckled. “This unnie right here also has an ahjumma name. Her name is Mi-Young,” She said, pointing at Tiffany. The little girl glanced at Tiffany and began to giggle like she had just heard the funniest joke in the world.

Tiffany stared in disbelief at the scene before her. She even thought that she was hallucinating; maybe Jessica had drugged her or something.

The elevator reached the third floor and after saying goodbye, they left Hye Jin and her mother, who went to the first floor.

Tiffany couldn’t stop staring at Jessica, impressed with what had happened earlier. They walked hand in hand as they headed towards the ballroom.

“Is there something on my face?” Jessica asked.

“No, it’s just that...”

Jessica smiled. “That little girl is so cute. It makes me feel like having my own kids. How many children are you planning to have, honey?”

Tiffany froze, she didn’t expect something so serious coming out from Jessica’s mouth at such an unexpected time.

She pushed opened the door and entered the ballroom. The party was still alive.

“I’m thinking maybe...you know, either one of us should get pregnant. That way we can take care of our child since day one and raise it the way we want it to. What do you think?” Jessica asked, nervously. They had never had this talk before and she was still wondering why she was talking about such serious topics at this time. Maybe it’s her sudden motherly instinct.

Tiffany gulped. Building a family and pregnancy talk was not on her to-do list that day...maybe not until 5 years later.

She needed to distract Jessica, fast.

“Tiffany, I...

“Shut up, Jessica Jung,” Tiffany cut in.


“Do you know how much you’re turning me on right now?” Tiffany asked, licking her lips.

Jessica raised an eyebrow, “What the...?”

“Stop talking, just stop talking you sexy beast,” Tiffany said, putting a finger on Jessica’s lips.

“Are you two gonna sit here or not?” A voice suddenly asked.

Tiffany and Jessica turned their heads towards the voice. Yoona was sitting at a table with Hyoyeon across her. Yoona looked at her cousin and gave her a weak smile. Tiffany recognized the look on her face, a look that she had seen before. She quickly pulled a chair and sat next to Yoona before tugging Jessica’s hand, gesturing for her to sit next to her.

“Yoong, are you okay? Your face is a little pale,” Tiffany said as she gently tucked Yoona’s hair behind her ear.

Yoona faked another smile. “I’m okay unnie. Don’t worry about me.”

Tiffany stared at her cousin; she knew that she was lying. It was written all over her face: she was definitely not okay. Tiffany gently took her cousin’s hand and held it tight, and that’s when she saw the ring on her finger.

Slowly, it came back to her.

I saw Yuri and..

“Wow, I can’t believe I’m saying this but...Gyul and her group are smokin’ hot,” Jessica said suddenly.

“I know right? They should totally go mainstream and then go to music shows like Music Bank. They’ll nab No.1 for weeks,” Hyoyeon added.

“But they need to change the group name though. ‘The Sunshine’ is way too lame,” Jessica continued.

Hyoyeon raised an eyebrow, “I believe they’re called the SunnyZ, not Sunshine.”

“I don’t see any difference,” Jessica said, shrugging.

“How about...Girls’ Generation? I’ve always thought it was a cool name for a group,” Jessica added, proudly.

Hyoyeon tried to stifle a laugh and put a hand over her mouth. But she found the name that Jessica suggested so much lamer and funnier that she broke out laughing.

Jessica grits her teeth. “Do you think it’s funny?”

“Gi-Girls’ Generation...pwahahahaha!” Hyoyeon laughed uncontrollably. She even hit the table a few times.

Jessica scoffed. “One day a girl group called Girls’ Generation will be famous and their albums will sell thousands of copies and their concert tickets will sold out in minutes.”

“Hahahahahaha! Just stop, Sica! STOP!” Hyoyeon shouted as she couldn’t stop laughing. There were even tears flowing from her eyes.

Tiffany remembered everything now. She wasn’t sure what she should do and was in need of a second opinion. She grabbed Jessica’s hand and leaned closer to her ear.

“I remember it all now,” She said slowly.

“You remember what? Babies?”

Tiffany shook her head. “Not babies. The thing that I said I forgot earlier.”


“Before I hit my head at the bed.”

Jessica smiled suggestively. “Oh...just before you-“

“Jessica!” Tiffany said, almost shouting.

Jessica stared at her, shocked.

“I need to talk to you, in private,” Tiffany said seriously.

Jessica raised an eyebrow. “Honey, we just had it...and you’re not tired? Wow, you really are something.”

“Yah Jung! Just come with me!” Tiffany grunted before pulling Jessica out of the chair.


“H-how could you both do this to me?!” Hara asked as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Sooyoung and Hyunjoong stood there, frozen. What they had both feared the most had finally come to life.

Hyunjoong took a step forward. “Hara-yah, listen to me-“

But Hara took a few steps backwards. “SHUT UP!” She shouted.

She stared straight into her brother’s eyes in anger, “You said that you would always protect me...”

Hyunjoong gulped.

Hara turned to look at Sooyoung. “And you, Sooyoung. This sure explains a lot. A LOT!”

Sooyoung bit her lip and looked away, guiltily.

“I HATE YOU! BOTH OF YOU!!” Hara shouted before suddenly turning away and running through the crowds of people.

“HARA, WAIT!” Hyunjoong called as he ran towards her. He shoved the people around him as he chased her, hoping to catch her before she did something stupid.


“You’re saying that...Yuri and Gyul are...together?!” Jessica asked, shocked.

Tiffany nodded. She and Jessica were standing near the food bar, away from Yoona and Hyoyeon.

“You mean your cousin’s girlfriend, Yuri and my friend, ‘The Park Gyuri’?” Jessica repeats.

“I don’t exactly know what’s going on, but I saw them coming out from the same room,” Tiffany said.

“If it’s Gyuri in a room with a woman, I think it’s pretty obvious what she was doing with her.”

Tiffany gulped, “You think they...did that?”

Jessica shook her head. “I’m not sure. There is a high possibility that they did but...isn’t Yuri dating Yoona right now? I mean why would she want to hook up with another woman?”

Tiffany shrugged. “I don’t trust Yuri. There’s always something fishy about her.”

“I don’t know Yuri that well but the last time we were, err...she sounded like she really loved Yoona.”

“You mean the last time you spent a night naked in bed together with her?” Tiffany asked bitterly.

“Er...honey, that sounds so wrong, but yeah. She told me how she couldn’t live without Yoona and all...”

“So you and Yuri did more than just pass out together. Naked.”

Jessica sighed. “Honey, focus. We’ve been through that before, remember? It’s about Yuri and Gyuri now.”

“So...did they or didn’t they? Because I can’t let her cheat on Yoona like this,” Tiffany said angrily.

“We shouldn’t just jump conclusions. It could lead to misunderstandings and experience has taught the both of us that lesson pretty well,” Jessica said.

Tiffany nodded in agreement. “Which also leads to pointless fights and breakups like we did.”

“Exactly,” Jessica said with a nod.

Tiffany sighed and turned towards the stage. “So what should we do?”

Suddenly, she saw a young woman jump onto the stage.

“Jessi!” She said, grabbing Jessica’s hand.


“Isn’t that Hara?” Tiffany asked, pointing at the stage.

Jessica turned to the direction that Tiffany pointed at.

“Yes...that’s her. But what is she doing?!”


Hara jumped onto the stage while The SunnyZ was about to finish singing ‘Lupin’. She marched towards the middle, causing the trio to stop singing. Hara stopped in front of Seungyeon and grabbed her microphone by force. Seungyeon was shocked but didn’t protest. Hara was furious. She even pushed Seungyeon aside, causing the singer to almost fall backwards. Luckily, Gyuri was there to keep her friend from falling.

Hara stood in the middle of the stage like she had something to say. Gyuri quickly signalled her members to leave the stage and the music coordinator to stop the background music.

The guests were surprised, but soon they gathered around the stage, curious of what Hara was going to do next.

“What is she doing up there? Someone tell her to get down, she’s ruining the party,” Joanna said, surprised.

Albert put on his glasses to have a clearer view of the stage. “Maybe she wants to make a speech for her birthday. Let her be. This is her birthday party after all,” He said, smiling.

Joanna sighed. There was nothing she could do if her father said so, but she couldn’t help but worry.

Hara tapped her microphone a few times, just to ensure that it was working. She cleared her throat before beginning her speech with a smile.

“Good evening everyone. I hope you all are having a great time at my party,” She greeted politely.

She looked around the room, randomly from one face to another before letting out a small chuckle.

“Okay, first of all I would like to say thank you to all of you who were willing to come to my party, even though most of you barely know me, but are only here to please my mother and my rich grandfather,” She said with a smirk.

The guests were looking at each other uncomfortably. Albert Jung raised an eyebrow and looked at Joanna, seeking an explanation.

Hara scratched the back of her head before continuing. “You know, I am grateful to be born in a great family, and to have such a caring mother like Joanna Jung. Did you know that she personally organized this party, decided the venue, the food, the performing acts, the guest list, and even the dress I’m wearing right now?”

“She’s already busy running the company, which will one day fall into my cousin’s hands, but she still took the time out of her super busy schedule to plan my life, and do everything in her power to make sure I will turn out the way she wants me to. Well mother, take my advice. Just stop doing things for me and focus on your rocky marriage for once,” Hara added harshly.

The guests were shocked, but Joanna was stunned. She froze as she tried to process the words her daughter had just said.

Nicole was standing by the door, still shocked by what was happening. She had never thought that Hara would ends up bashing her family in public like that. Her mother’s calculation was right. Hara was indeed like a time bomb.

Hara scoffed. “Like I didn’t know that she and dad are not sleeping in the same room anymore.”

Joanna’s face was red, a result from the blow. Julia’s jaw had dropped. She had no idea that her sister’s marriage was not as perfect as it seemed. That explained why her husband was away almost all the time. He wasn’t even present at her daughter’s birthday party.

“That is, ladies and gentlemen, my mother, my perfectionist mother, always tries to keep things in order even if it means it will take away her childrens’ happiness. And look at my happy cousin, Jessica, the beautiful and perfect Jessica...,” Hara said, pointing at Jessica who was standing with Tiffany. She gulped and Tiffany quickly held her hand. They didn’t know what to expect.

“Since I was a kid, my mother always compared me to her. She wanted me to be like her, or better than her so that...grandpa will trust me enough and give me the company, like that’s ever going to happen,” Hara added shrugging.

Albert and Julia glanced at Joanna, shocked. Joanna gritted her teeth, “That girl!”

“I’ve never liked design, but my mother forced me to take the course in uni. I entered a university in Paris and even got my degree, but I don’t even remember writing the final thesis for it. I figured my mother and her money had something to do with it,” Hara said, causing the guests to start whispering.

“But since I’m not a bad child and I don’t want to disappoint my mother, I did turn out just like my cousin Jessica. We share one thing in common, which is...our sexuality.” Hara paused.

Joanna gasped and stood from her chair, “NO!”

She couldn’t let this happen. Not in front of the shareholders and all her friends.

Hara smirked. “Yes, I’m a lesbian.”

“And my mother thinks setting me up with a decent man can turn me straight again,” She added with a laugh.

The room fell silent as the result of the number of bombs being dropped in such a short span of time.

Suddenly the door burst open, revealing Hyunjoong and Sooyoung who came running from the hallway. They were trying to stop Hara but they were too much too late.

Hara stared at them and bit her lip, trying her best to stay composed and finish her speech. She coudln’t break down right then, since she still had things to say.

“Look, it’s my brother and his girlfriend,” Hara said bitterly.

Hyunjoong wanted to jump onto the stage and stop her sister, but her furious gaze stopped him. He looked at his sister’s eyes, hoping that she would change her mind. Hara scoffed.

“I don’t know why, but all my life I’ve always been surrounded by these kinds of people. A selfish mother who paid my girlfriend to leave me, a father who was never there, a brother who pretends like he cares but sleeps with my current girlfriend, who is now my EX-girlfriend, by the way...” She paused.

“I guess that explains why she refused to have sex with me...,” Hara continued with a laugh.

Sooyoung looked down in regret. There was nothing else she could do.

Hara sighed. “And all this time I thought it was because I don’t look good in black lingerie.”

She paused and looked down. Tears begin to fill up her eyes again, and no matter how hard she tried not to cry, tears rolled down her cheeks again like a sorrowful waterfall. She buried her face in her palms, trying to stop the tears from falling.

Nicole stared at Hara from afar, wishing that she could undo all of this. She wished she hadn’t paid Sunhwa to tell Hara the truth about her mother, because by now she could’ve been dancing with Hara and hearing the sounds of her laughter instead of her cries. She thought she could have endured all this, but she was wrong. Her heart hurt even more now that Hara was weeping badly and no one was there to hold her. There must be something she could do.

“Hurry up!” Joanna shouted. Three guards came and headed towards the stage, getting ready to drag the crying girl off.

Hyunjoong saw them and was so shockedm he stood in front of them and blocked their path.

“Mother, you’re not going to use the guards for this! That’s your daughter not some stranger! Let me talk to Hara first, we can settle this peacefully,” He said to Joanna.

Joanna shook her head. “I just want her off the stage this instant!”

Amidst the commotion suddenly Hara laughed. “That is the real Joanna Jung you’re witnessing right now.”

“Hara-yah, just calm down,” Hyunjoong said as he slowly walked to the stage.

Hara smiled as the tears continued to roll down her face. “Oppa, since this is my birthday, I would like to make wishes...”

She smiled.

“I wish...that I was never born in this family.”

Albert Jung put a hand on his chest, as his old heart begin to ache.

Michael and Julia quickly came to support him from falling off his chair.

“Dad, are you okay?!” Julia asked concern. But Albert shook his head and continues to stare at Hara on stage.

Hara took a deep breath. “I wish...I never knew a brother like Hyunjoong oppa. You gave me hope and shelter all these years, only to take it all away from me in seconds.”

Hyunjoong gulped.

“And I wish...,” She continued and stares at Joanna.

She gritted her teeth.

“I wish you, Joanna Jung, were never my mother.”

Joanna was boiling with anger. “GO GET THAT UNGRATEFUL GIRL DOWN HERE NOW!” She shouted to the guards.

The guards rushed towards the stage as the shocked guests backed away. Hara still stood there, staring furiously at her mother. She didn’t care anymore. There was no use trying to escape.

The guards climbed onto the stage and began to approach Hara.

They were only a few steps away.


...the lights went out.


Chapter 45


“Oh my god! What happened?!” Jessica shouted when the ballroom suddenly turned dark.

She held to the table for support and as a guide so as to know where she was. She tried to stay calm, even though darkness was her next great weakness, after cucumbers. The room was noisy, with the sounds of people panicking and bumping into things in the dark.

Jessica began to run her hands along the table, looking for another hand to hold.

“Honey? Where are you?!” She called when she felt nothing but the cold hard wood.

But there was no response.

She gulped, “Hun..are you there?”

She started to panic, wondering where Tiffany is. She was convinced that she was standing beside her before the lights went out.


Suddenly a pair of arms circled her waist and pulled her into an embrace. Even though it was pitch dark, Jessica recognized the person. Her smell and her gentle touch calmed her almost immediately.

“I’m here Jessi, so don’t worry,” The soft, husky voice whispered.

Jessica wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s neck and rested her head on her shoulders. She felt so secure once she found her. Even if suddenly the world came to an end, she wouldn’t have any fear because she’s with her loved one.

“What is going on?” Tiffany asked as she gently strokes Jessica’s hair.

“I have..no idea,” Jessica replied.


Hara wasn’t sure what happened after the room suddenly turned dark. There were sounds of glasses breaking and people panicking from all directions. She stood still in the middle of the stage, holding onto the microphone in her hand. Suddenly she felt a grip on her left arm followed by a whisper in her ear that said,

“Follow me.”

Even though she couldn’t see who it was, there was something in the voice that made her believe in the person. She obliged and followed wherever the mysterious person dragged her without any questions.

She went through a rocky path in the dark, bumping into strangers as they fled away from the room. After a few turns they finally escaped the ballroom and ran together towards the main entrance. Hara was unable to look at the face of her saviour, as she was running without looking back. She stared at her back and noticed her short hair.

“Stop!” Hara suddenly shouted, and soon they both came to halt.

They were in the dark alley behind the hotel. There was no one else but them. Hara pulled her hand from the grip of her saviour and took a few steps forward to take a better look at her face.


Nicole was panting, as the result from all the endless running.

She looked at Hara and smiled.

“Hey there,”

Hara stared at the young woman before her with mixed emotions.

Nicole gulped nervously. “I hope you didn’t mind me taking you away from them, it’s just that-

She didn’t manage to finish her sentence as Hara suddenly wrapped her arms around her and buried her face at the crook of her neck. Hara was sobbing hard as she tightened her arms around Nicole’s waist. She let out all her pent up tears from the time she was acting tough on the stage. Nicole lifted her hands and rubbed the crying girl’s back gently.

“Calm down, Hara,” She whispered.

Hara was still sobbing when she suddenly broke the hug and stares at Nicole.

“Do you still mean what you said earlier?” She asked as tears continue to roll down her cheeks.

“That you will stay by my side no matter what?” Hara continued.

Nicole lifted her hands and cupped Hara’s delicate face. Then she gently wiped the tears with her fingers. She looked into the crying girl’s eyes deeply.

“I will stay by your side. No matter what,” Nicole said firmly.

Hara nod her head, “Then, take me away,-

“Take me away from here.”


The blackout went on for almost 5 minutes before the lights were on again. Most of the guests were holding each other’s hand and some had already fled the room. Yoona and Hyoyeon were still sitting at their table and they looked at each other, puzzled by what just happened. Gyuri and Seungyeon were standing backstage, at the same spot where they were the entire time. Gyuri looked around and noticed that someone was missing.

“Yah, where’s Jiyoung?! Is she alright?!” She asked Seungyeon, panicked.

Seungyeon sighed and pointed at a direction, “She’s alright. I just hope she won’t get a nosebleed from all the happiness,”

Jiyoung was embracing a girl by the stage. Her cheeks were flaming red as she wrapped her arms around Krystal Jung’s petite body. Krystal looked terrified; her face was pale white, contrary to Jiyoung’s pink blush, and she was closing her eyes shut like a little girl scared of entering a ghost house. Like her older sister, darkness was one of her nightmares. She kept her eyes closed and didn’t even realize that the lights had came back on, and continuing to hold tight to Jiyoung.

“WHERE IS HARA?!” A male voice suddenly shouted.

Hyunjoong was walking back and forth on the stage, with his arms on his waist. There was sweat rolling down his face as he creased his eyebrows. He was worried. Hara is nowhere in sight. He grunted before suddenly screamed at the security guards.


The guards rushed towards the door, calling for backup. They accidentally pushed a young woman who was blocking their path.

“Excuse us, miss.” Said one of the guards.

Choi Sooyoung showed no expression to him and continued to stand still by the stage, shocked by what just happened. The image of Hara blurting out everything and crying kept repeating in her head. She never saw Hara like that before. She was staring at her with a mixture of expressions. It was a gaze filled with hate and sadness at the same time. It was the gaze that would haunt Sooyoung forever. She looked down and bit her lip.

It’s all because of me.

“She was the one who slept with her brother,” A random voice said. Sooyoung gulped, for some reason she could feel that they were talking about her.

“How could she do that? That’s disgusting,” Another voice said.

Sooyoung couldn’t even lift up her head. It felt like salt in her wounds.

“And she’s not even that pretty,” A voice said.

Sooyoung closed her eyes tightly, wishing that it was all a dream. She wished that when she opened her eyes, she would be on her bed waking up to another morning. But that would not happen, and she knew it. Because the warm stream of water on her cheeks felt so real.

“Are you okay, Soo?” A familiar voice asked, followed by a hand on her shoulder. The friendly touch gave her strength to lift up her head and turn around.

Jessica was staring at her with a worried expression while Tiffany was behind her, not looking so pleased.

“Sica, I...didn’t mean it to happen this way,” Sooyoung said with tears still falling out of her eyes.

Jessica rubbed her shoulder gently. “Well, no one wants this to happen. But what done is done,”

Sooyoung sighed and wiped her tears with her hands. Jessica wrapped her hand around her shoulders to calm her down.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Sooyoung, I never thought that you would do this,"

"Through all these years of us being friends you kept saying how one should stay loyal and honest and all that bull. And now, you’re the one who cheats, with your girlfriend’s brother!”

Sooyoung kept silent and gently pushed Jessica away.

“Honey, don’t...” Jessica said to Tiffany. She was just making things worse.

Tiffany scoffed. “You know what I hate the most? Cheating spouse! And you-

“Tiffany, please stop!” Jessica said, almost shouting.

Tiffany stopped venting her anger and looked at her fiancé. Jessica sighed and tried to reach for her hand. Tiffany pulled her hand away.

“Fine, Jessica. Stick with her. I’m gonna go.” She said before turning around and leaves them.

Sooyoung sighed. “Just go to her, Sica. I don’t want to be the reason of you two fighting.”

“Are you okay?” Jessica asked, concerned.

Sooyoung nodded, continuing to wipe her eyes with her hands.

“Promise me that you won’t do that anything stupid.” Jessica said, serious.

Sooyoung chuckled. “I gotta say, seeing Jessica Jung care about someone other than herself or Tiffany is pretty weird.”

“Yah Sooyoung!”

Sooyoung nodded. “I promise. Just go to Tiffany.”


“So this is how the Jungs are really like, huh?”

“They use money to solve everything,”

“I wonder if Jessica Jung really graduated, or was it just money?”

“Are all of them..gay?”

“I’m sure I saw Joanna’s husband with another woman last week,”

“Their family is so messed up,”

“I don’t think I can trust Joanna or the family anymore,”

The random whispers continued along with the weird stares directed at the Jung’s family table. Albert Jung was breathing heavily as he put a hand on his chest. All the whispers suddenly sound so clear to him and each of them felt like needles piercing his skin. The pain in his chest suddenly intensifies. He pressed his chest and coughed.

Julia immediately came to her father’s side and grasps his shoulders.

“Dad, are you okay?!” She asked, panicked.

Albert didn’t reply but continued to press his throbbing chest.

“Jules, what happened?! OH MY GOD, DAD?!” Michael asked.


Michael nodded and quickly pulled his phone. The commotion had attracted the crowd to gather around them. The family members hurriedly rushed to Albert side. Jessica held her grandfather’s hand and kneeled by his side. Hyunjoong, Tiffany and Krystal came not long after, joining Jessica and Julia. Julia was already sobbing hard as she gently wiped the sweat off her father’s forehead.

“Grandpa...” Krystal said, at the verge of tears. She has a lot of scary thoughts in her head at the time and she really didn’t want to lose her grandfather that night. She tugged the corner of his suit like a little child.

“Hang in there, grandpa.” Hyunjoong said, rubbing the old man’s back. He bit his lip as thoughts went through his mind. He was not ready to lose him or his sister. The night was already brutal enough for everyone.

Jessica held tight to his grandfather’s hand, as she tried to stay composed. No words could describe how worried she was at the moment and just how much she wanted to cry. But instead, her mouth curled up, forming a smile.

“Be strong, old man. I love you.” She said slowly.

Tiffany gently clutched her arm, to show that she was there for her. All the arguments she had with her earlier seems like they never happened. Jessica looked down, avoiding her gaze. She knows, one look into Tiffany’s eyes would tear down all her walls and she would break into tears.

The guests circled around the family, shocked and worried about what just happened. They exchanged looks with one another and the random whispers resumed.

A man whispered to his friend, “He’s already so old, I think he should-

The man gulped when he met a pair of fierce eyes glaring at him. He quickly looked away.

Gyuri scoffed at the sight of the man and shove through the crowd to get to the family. She saw how Albert Jung was struggling as he continuously pressed his chest as if it will chase away the pain. Being a family friend, she was always been close to Albert; she still remembers he treated her like his own granddaughter every time she visited him. She already felt like he was her own grandfather.

Kang Jiyoung was standing behind the circle of people, trying to find a way to get in. Krystal must be worried and sad and she wanted to be there for her. She grunted and huffed a few times as she pushed through the crowd of people. Suddenly she saw a woman standing by the empty stage.

“Joanna Jung?” She asked to herself, aloud.

Joanna was staring at the stage as she begins to tremble.

And then, she fell to the floor.

Jiyoung saw what happened and quickly made her way towards her. No one else seemed to notice that she just fell down.



Michael Jung was walking back and forth along the hospital hallway with a phone pressed to his right ear.

“Whatever, you better get your ass here as soon as possible,” He said in an almost threatening tone before hanging up. He let out a disappointed sigh and shoved his phone into his pocket.

“Is he coming?” Hyunjoong asked as soon as his uncle finished the conversation. He was sitting on a chair outside the room where his mother was in. Krystal was also there by his side with her sister, Jessica, while Tiffany already fell asleep on Jessica’s lap.

Michael shrugged. “I’ve informed your father. He said that he will try to get here on the earliest flight tomorrow morning because he has something urgent tonight,”

Hyunjoong scoffed. “His wife just passed out and his only daughter is nowhere to be found, yet he still wants to put his business first? I can’t believe someone like him is actually my father,”

Michael and Jessica exchanges sympathy looks. Then Michael walked to his nephew and pats his shoulder.

“You’re a great son, Hyun. Hang in there, we’re all here for you,” He said.

Krystal reached to hold her cousin’s hand.

“Always.” She added with a smile.

Their efforts managed to bring a smile upon his face. Hyunjoong almost choked, “Thank you everyone,”

“Okay, I’m gonna go check on them.” Michael said before entering the first class ward room’s door. His wife was there, by her unconscious sister’s bedside with their father. He made quite a loud noise when he shut the door, causing Tiffany to wake up from her nap.

“Dad, you’re disturbing Tiffany!” Jessica said, annoyed. But her father was already in the room.

Tiffany opened her eyes and slowly lifted her head from Jessica’s bony but comfortable lap and sat straight up. Jessica smiled affectionately at her and gently fixed her messy hair.

“How’s Aunt Jo doing? Has she woken up yet?” Tiffany asked before letting out a yawn. Jessica quickly covered her fiancé’s mouth with her hand. Krystal cringes at their natural lovey-dovey acts, even in a time like this.

“No, she hasn’t yet. But the doctors said that she’s fine. I’m sure she’ll wake up soon.” Jessica replied tenderly.

Suddenly the sounds of someone rushed footsteps was heading towards them. They turned their heads to the direction of the noise and noticed a man dashing to them. It was Glitter’s Second Editor, Oh Jiho.

He stopped his rapid steps in front of them and began to pant.

“I came here as soon as I heard the news. How is your grandfather doing?!” He asked Hyunjoong.

“My grandfather is fine. It’s not him that was admitted here,” He replied.

Jiho looked slightly disappointed, “Oh really? Then who-

“It’s my mother, Joanna.” Hyunjoong cuts in. He’s not in the mood to act all polite.

“J-Joanna? What happened?” Jiho asked, surprised.

“She suddenly passed out at the party. The doctor said that it was due to the great amount of pressure she was dealing with.” Hyunjoong replied.

“Oh my, that’s terrible. I’ve heard what happened at the party about Hara and all..” Jiho continues sympathetically. He pat Hyunjoong’s shoulder.

“I hope your family stays strong for whatever comes next. It’s going to be tough,” He added.

Abruptly, Krystal let out a small laugh.

“Uncle Oh, have you ever considered acting?” She asked cynically. Jessica and Hyunjoong stifled their laugh while Tiffany looked at them, puzzled.

Jiho was shocked, “What do you mean-

He didn’t manage to finish his sentence when the door suddenly opened, revealing Albert Jung with his son-in-law, Michael. Jiho hurriedly went to the old man’s side before bowing.

“How are you, Uncle Albert? I came here as soon as I heard the news. I was so worried,” Jiho said; concerned.

Albert smiled and shook his head. “I’m fine but my daughter is not. It’s very nice of you to visit at this late of an hour, Jiho.”

“How can I not? This family already feels like my own,” Jiho added.

Jessica and Krystal looked at each other before simultaneously rolling their eyes.

“Jessica.” Albert called.

Jessica was caught by surprise, “Yes, grandpa?”

“I want you to be at the HQ office tomorrow. There’s an urgent meeting I want you to attend,” Albert said, serious.

“Urgent meeting?” Jessica asked, curious. She has never been asked to attend such important meeting.

Albert nodded and turned at Jiho. “I already asked my assistant to inform you about it, but since you’re here, I want to tell you that you have to be there as well,”

Jiho nodded. “I will be there.”

Michael cleared his throat. “Dad, we should be going now. You need your rest. Jules and Hyun will be accompanying Joanna here tonight,” He reminded. He was supposed to send him to the driver who was waiting at the main entrance.

Albert nodded. “You’re right.”

They resumed their way along the hallway, towards the elevator.

All of the sudden, there were flashes of lights followed by rapid footsteps towards them. Jiho smiled. A group of hungry reporters were rushing at them, with their cameras and voice recorders.

“Mr. Jung! Was it true that your family used money to fabricate academic qualifications?!” A question was suddenly shot at them. Albert was shocked by the attack but Michael quickly stood in front of him to cover the old man from the harsh reporters.

“What are you people doing here? This is a hospital for God’s sake!” He shouted.

“Michael Jung! What is your comment about your brother-in-law cheating accusation? People are saying that Kim Jae Hwan is having an affair with an American model.” Another question was shot at them. Michael was dumbfounded.

“Hey, back off! Leave my grandpa and my uncle alone!” Hyunjoong suddenly came, angry.

“Kim Hyunjoong! Where is your sister right now?! Was it true that you’re sleeping with your sister’s girlfriend? And how many people in your family are homosexuals?” More random questions were asked. Hyunjoong scoffed; reporters can be very rude just to get information.

“Look, its Jessica Jung and her fiancé, the Lee Minho’s ex!” A male photographer shouted. Then a few entertainment journalists rushed towards them.

Jessica rolled her eyes.

“My fiancé name is Tiffany Hwang! Not some loser’s ex!” She shouted, angry.

“Ms. Jessica! So will you two proceed with the wedding knowing that a lot of netizens are criticizing your bold actions?” A female reporter asked.

Jessica scoffed. “Like I care what the netizens says. It’s not them who’ll pay for my wedding dress, which will be Vera Wang by the way,”

“I’m in love with this woman and that’s all that matters!” She added, pointing at Tiffany who was hiding behind her. Tiffany was blushing madly, embarrassed with Jessica’s crazy talk.

“THAT’S THEM!” Krystal suddenly shouted. Behind her were three scary looking security officers.

“Okay, no reporters are allowed in here! Please leave before we personally make you leave,”said one of the officers.

The reporters were complaining but they had no choice but to leave. And eventually peace was restored again.

Krystal looked at her sister. “Were you trying to pull a Tom Cruise and jump on the chair to prove your love or what?”

Jessica cleared her throat. “I was about to...”

Hyunjoong shook his head and slumped himself weakly on the chair.

“This is bad,” He mumbled.

And he couldn’t have been more right about it.


“This is my room...” Nicole said slowly.

Hara entered the room as her wet eyes scanned the new surroundings. It was a decent room with a single bed and a computer table. The wall was painted pale purple, a colour that somehow suited the owner.

“I know it’s small but I hope you can try and make yourself comfortable here,” Nicole said as she prepared the bed for Hara. She took out a new blanket and put it on the bed. Then she hit the pillows to make sure they’re comfortable enough for Hara to rest.

Hara walked towards the bed before sitting on the edge of it. Nicole glanced at her, she hasn’t spoken a word since they left the alley. She moved closer to her before sitting next to her.

“You can sleep here tonight. I’ll be sleeping in the living room, so if you need anything you can just call me, okay?” She said.

But there was no response from Hara. She continued to stares at Nicole with her sad eyes.

Nicole gulped. “Is there anything you want? Maybe some water? Or food?” She asked.

There was no response.

“If you want to change into more comfortable clothes, you can just use any of my clothes in the wardrobe,” She said, pointing at the purple cupboard.

“And if you need any assistance in taking your clothes off, I’ll be glad to help,” She chuckled at her own attempt of trying to loosen up the atmosphere.

But it failed. Hara showed no response.

“I was joking, obviously, hahaha..” Nicole said with a weak sigh. She wondered why she’s doing all this for Hara. Her mother would be furious if she found out that her own daughter wass giving refuge to a Jung. She looked into Hara’s swollen eyes. There were no more tears coming out of her eyes. But she was still crying, crying without tears.

She held her hand and gripped it tight.

“Just lie down and rest. I will be here for you,” She said gently.

Hara slowly looked away without saying anything.

Nicole sighed before saying, “Good night, Hara.”

She tried to stand up from the bed but the tight grip on her hand stopped her. She looked at Hara, puzzled. Hara was holding her hand, not wanting to let go.

“Is there anything you want-

Suddenly Hara wrapped her arms around Nicole, embracing her in a firm hug. Nicole was shocked by the surprise hug and gulped. Hara broke the hug and looked into Nicole’s eyes intensely.

“I want to cheat.” Hara said before pressing her lips against Nicole’s.


Chapter 46

The Empty Seat

“Lalalalalala~ lalalalalala~”

A young woman with short hair was humming a happy tune as she stirs a boiling mixture with a ladle. She grabs a spoon from the kitchen counter before dipping it into the tasty looking curry she made. One sip on the spoon was all it takes for her to test her own work. And soon a smile crept up his face.

“Hmm..tastes good!” She proudly said to herself.

Nicole turned off the gas stove and put a lid on her cooking pot. She wiped her hands on the apron she was wearing and begun arranging the cutleries on the table. Her dining table was small, but it’s enough for two people. She took out the new set of plates from the cupboard, the plates that she cherished so much. It was a gift from her mother and it is special. But this is for her special person, and she deserves only the best.

She smiled, thinking of the beautiful lady who was still asleep soundly on her bed.

Nicole put the plate carefully on the table, right beside the shining new set of fork and spoon.

“Cole, what are you doing this early?” A voice suddenly asked.

Hara was standing by the table, with a sleepy face and her freshly out of bed hair. She was wearing one of Nicole’s loose shirts that fell right below her waist.

Nicole stares at her, stunned.

She looks gorgeous..

She trailed her gaze, starting from her messy brown hair, her angel-like face features, her plump and parted lips, her half opened shirt until..

Then Nicole realized that Hara wasn’t wearing any pants.

She was only wearing the shirt, ONLY the shirt.

She gulped and quickly grabs another plate to act normal. She was not going to let Hara control her actions, even though it’s already too late for that.

“You’re up? You’re just in time for breakfast. Let me just put this plate here-

“Is that curry?” Hara cuts in. She glanced at the cooking pot and scrunched up her nose.

Nicole smiled, “Yes, it’s curry. I cooked them-

“I hate curry,” Hara suddenly said bitterly.

Nicole looked at her, a bit offended. “Oh..then maybe I should cook you something else-

“You don’t have to do this.” Hara said.

“I am only here because I need somewhere to hide from my family members, and..nothing else,” She continued.

Hara and Nicole stared at each other intensely for a few seconds. Hara was the one who finally broke the contact. She looked down and took a deep breath.

“Cole..” She called softly.


Hara lifted her head and stares back at Nicole.

“About what happened between us last night..

..can you please act like it never happened?”

The plate from Nicole’s hand fell on the floor and shattered into pieces.

Just like her heart.


Julia Jung was folding a blanket in the hospital room. Her sister, Joanna was already awake, sitting straight on her bed. She looked just like an average woman, without thick makeup and stylish hair. Julia glances at her sister from time to time. She hasn’t spoken a word since she woke up this morning, but Julia noticed that she shed tears every now and then. She quickly wiped her eyes with the edges of her hospital robe. Joanna hardly cries, not in front of others. Julia has never seen her so broken and vulnerable like she is now.

“Jules..” Joanna suddenly called.

Julia was shocked. She immediately put down the blanket and moved closer to her sister.

“Yes Anna?” She asked.

Joanna gulped hard before slowly turned her gaze towards her sister. They stared at each other in silence. Julia could see the great amount of sadness behind her sister’s eyes.

“Is it wrong for a mother to want what’s best for their children?” Joanna asked. She bit her lip, struggling hard not to cry.

Julia walked closer to her before sitting on the stool by the bed. “It’s-

“I’ve raised her up for all these years. I gave her the best in everything, the best meals on the table, the best clothes, the best family holidays, the best education..” Joanna paused.

She looked down, staring at her palms.

“Hara used to fit my palms..” She mumbled.

“I never meant to hurt her, my baby.. Jules, I wonder what went wrong. She even disowned me, her mother..” She continued as tears begin to fill her eyes again.

Julia sighed, “No mother wants to hurts her own child,”

“It’s just that sometimes..we thought we know what’s best for them, but the thing is..we don’t,” She added.

“We’ve done our part in raising them, and now we have to accept that they’re not the little baby who fits our palms anymore..”

Joanna choked upon hearing her words and tears begin to roll down her cheeks.

Julia was struggling with herself, but she wants to stay strong for her sister.

She continued, “It was hard for me to accept the fact that Jessica prefers someone of the same sex at first. It breaks my heart..by just thinking about how would people look at her in the future and how will she survive the harsh criticisms..”

“I can give her all the support now, but one day when I’m gone.. I wonder will she be alright,”

Julia took a deep breath. She looked at her sister, and smiled slowly. “But then I saw the smile on her face, the wide grin every time she is with Tiffany, the abundant happiness that just sparkles from her tell me that..

..she will be alright,”

Julia leaned forward and held her sister’s hands with both her hands.

“Your daughter will be alright,” She said.

Joanna closed her eyes, no longer cared about the tears that continuously fell out of her eyes.

“She will come back to you. She still needs her mother, just as much as you need your baby,” Julia added, smiling.


Tiffany can’t help but walking nervously in front of the meeting room. The door was shut close as there was an important meeting going on at the moment, a meeting only for the shareholders of the company. Tiffany crossed her arms as she marched forward and backwards with her eyebrows creased.

“Ms Hwang, what are you doing here?” A voice suddenly asked.

Nicole was standing behind her, with a stack of files in one hand and a bag in the other.

“I’m just..” Tiffany glanced at the closed door again.

“It’s the shareholders meeting, isn’t it? Why, are you involved with it? Because..we have to leave for the photoshoot now,” Nicole said.

Tiffany shook her head. “I’m not, it’s Jessica,”

She seems nervous as she continues to pace on the floor. “Where do you think Hara is now? You’re pretty close to her, aren’t you?”

Suddenly she asked.

Nicole gulped.

“Her whole family is worried sick about her, and they’ve already hired people to search for her. I just hope she’s at a safe place, with the people who can help her.” Tiffany added.

Nicole looked away and smiled. “I’m sure she’s alright. But..we’re maybe not, since we’re already late for the photoshoot.”

“Oh yes, the photoshoot! I’m so sorry, I’ll go get my stuff first!” Tiffany said before rushing into the office.


“Our stocks had dropped 5% since last night,” A man said causing the people in the room to murmurs with each other.

“With the news hitting the papers this morning, I assume it will continue to drop today,” Another man continued.

Oh Jiho sighed. “It’s already a hot topic on the internet. They’re saying that this whole family issue will also affecting the company. But we know better,”

Albert Jung cleared his throat causing the room to fall into silence. Jessica looked at her grandfather curiously. She was curious why she was called here; she had to ask for a day off from the cafe to attend the meeting. Even though she is one of the shareholders, her grandfather never bothered asking her to join company meetings.

Albert took a deep breath.

“Our Editor-in-Chief, Joanna Jung who had worked hard for the company, had personally asked me for a year of sabbatical leave,” He said.

His statement had shocked the room. Everyone was looking at each other, speechless. Joanna is the heart of Glitter’s magazine, she and her skills had brought the magazine into being one of the top fashion magazines in the country. And with the whole thing happening, losing Joanna could mean they’re heading to the bottom.

“President Jung, are you serious?!” A man asked, panicked.

Albert nodded. “She has been through a lot of pressure and she needed time for her family and also herself,”

The man sighed. “We’re sorry about what happened to her family, but what about Glitter then? It will probably die without her!”

Albert nodded. “I know that, which is why I have thought of the suitable person to fill her empty seat,”

Jiho who was staring emptily outside the window suddenly looked at him.

“Someone who is young and full of talent,” Albert added.

A smile crept up Jiho’s face. The substitute for Joanna should be obvious since he is the second editor.

“Someone whom I trust to take the huge responsibility..” Albert continues. Everyone in the room was staring at him in anticipation.

The name he was about to announce will determine the future of the magazine.

“That someone is..


Model Im Yoona was standing straight with a phone pressed on her left ear. One of the make-up artistes was doing some final touch up on her face before starting the second half of the photoshoot. She bit her lip and rolled her eyes countless times as she kept hearing nothing but dial tone from the end of the line. That’s what she keeps getting if she dialled Kwon Yuri.

“Yoona, can please you stop moving. I need to add some of these..” The female staff said while holding a brush and a box of powder.

“Oh.” Yoona bowed her head a little.

“I’m sorry,” She apologized politely before standing still like a mannequin. But she still pressed the phone to her ear, listening to the dial tone.

She saw someone familiar approaching to her, waving and smiling with the signature eye smile of hers.

“Hey there my beautiful cousin!” Tiffany greeted cheerfully as she reached the girl. Yoona smiled back at her, but still hasn’t hanged up on the phone. The female staff earlier saw Tiffany and stopped powdering Yoona’s face. She bowed at the Head of Design before leaving them alone.

Tiffany pats her cousin’s arm. “Yoona-

But Yoona quickly lifted her hand and showed her palm, signalling her to pause.

“Yah! So now you finally remember how to pick up the phone!” She said angrily to the phone.

Tiffany stared at her cousin, and she immediately knows who she was talking to.

It must be that woman.

Yoona’s anger quickly faded, or maybe she just hid it well. She looks calm as she continues.

“Let’s have dinner together tonight. I can get us a table at our usual place-

And then she paused, probably get interrupted by the other person on the line. Her face had turned red, it’s not her shy blush, but from holding back her anger.

“What do you mean you have a late night shooting?! Oh come on, Kwon Yuri!” She said loud, almost shouting.

She let out a loud grunt as she clenched her fist tightly. Based from her expressions, Tiffany was guessing that her next sentence will be an anger yell.

“Yuri..I’m sorry,” Yoona said gently.

Tiffany stared at her cousin, shocked. She didn’t expect her to change her tone in just seconds.

“I just want to see you, I missed you baby,” Yoona continued.

Yoona put one hand on her waist and sighed.

“Okay, I’ll see you later,” She said before she hung up the phone. It took her a few seconds to calm down and turned to Tiffany who’s been listening to the whole conversation.

“Was that Yuri?” Tiffany asked.

Yoona gave a weak nod and smiled.

“It doesn’t seem so smooth between you both,” Tiffany added.

Yoona shrugged. “She’s pretty busy these days with the new contract with ASK and all. It’s kinda hard for me to see her,”

“You know Yoong, if she’s truly committed to you, work wouldn’t be an excuse. Like, no matter how busy Jessica and I are, we always find time for each other,” Tiffany said.

Yoona chuckled. “You have no idea how envious people are at you and Sica unnie, I can only dream of a relationship like that,”

Tiffany moved closer and stared at her cousin.

“It sounds like you’re not happy with Yuri,”

Yoona looked down and kept silence. Tiffany looked at her cousin; her heart hurts looking at how sad she looks. In her head she’s arguing with herself, whether to tell her about Yuri and Gyuri. She has no evidence that they were having an affair, but she has quite a hunch that they do. Telling Yoona about it seems like the right thing to do, but thinking how devastated she will be after hearing it made Tiffany confused.

“I love Yuri,” Yoona suddenly said. She looked up and met her cousin’s eyes. She was staring at her with her worrying gaze.

“But what if she..does something..bad behind your back?” Tiffany asked.

Yoona looked at her weirdly. “What do you mean bad?”

Tiffany looked away. “Well-

Yoona chuckled. “You made it sounds like she’s a secret assassin or a drug dealer or something,”

“I’m just-

“What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be in the office right now?” Yoona asked, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was 3 o’clock.

“Actually I am here with one of my staff to monitor the photoshoot, because this will be an important spread in the upcoming issue of the magazine. I can’t afford any mistakes on this one,” Tiffany replied in her business-like tone.

“Oooh..scary, you’re here to supervise,” Yoona said, teasing.

“You know I can easily replace you with another model, don’t you?” Tiffany asked, joking.

Yoona laughed and linked her arm with her cousin. “You wouldn’t do that to me, unnieeee-

“Honey!” A voice called. Tiffany turned her head almost immediately at the familiar voice, her favourite voice in the world.

“Jessi?!” Tiffany asked, shocked. She and Yoona walked closer to the beautiful blonde lady who was slightly panting.

Jessica held Tiffany’s hand tightly before resting her head on her right shoulder. Tiffany was surprised by her fiancé’s sudden rather intimate act in public. The staffs were whispering to each other. Nicole who was standing with a group of fashion coordinators were also staring at them, curiously.

This should be interesting.

“What’s wrong Jessi? Are you okay? How was the meeting?” Tiffany asked as she gently strokes her hair.

Jessica lifted her head from Tiffany’s shoulder and looked into her eyes, hard.

“What is it blankie?” Tiffany asked, whispering. She begins to worry about Jessica’s weird acts that evening.

Jessica gulped. “Honey, I-

“Look, it’s our new Editor-In-Chief!” A voice suddenly cuts in.

The Head of Fashion department, Kim Heechul was smirking as he pointed at Jessica. The other staffs begin to look at each other and expressed their thoughts. Nicole was speechless at first, but then she shook her head and let out a small laugh.

She was right indeed, it is interesting.

Tiffany gulped and stared into Jessica’s eyes.

“Jessi, are you..the new Editor-In-Chief?”


Kwon Yuri leaned her back on her chair as a female makeup artiste was putting on the eye liner on her left eye. She was in the makeup room in one of a big photography studio in Seoul. She wasn’t lying to Yoona when she said that she has to work that night.

“Wow, you look hot,” A male voice said.

Yuri smiled and looked into the reflection on the mirror in front of her. She could see that Lee Minho was sitting on the chair next to her, with his arms crossed. He had just finished his makeup.

“I am born hot,” Yuri replied with a smirk. She and Minho can get along surprisingly well, after working together for a couple of advertisement shoots.

Minho chuckled and shook his head, he’s already get used to Yuri’s self-praised by now. It actually reminds him of someone.

“You’re so full of yourself, Kwon. Just like someone I used to date.” He said.

“Oh really? Who?” Yuri asked, curious.

Minho smiled.

“The goddess, Park Gyuri.”

Yuri was startled as she heard that name mentioned. Her sudden move caused the staff to accidentally smudge her eye.

“Oh no! I have a shoot in like 10 minutes!” Yuri said, annoyed.

The makeup artiste looked guilty, even though it wasn’t her fault. She bowed and apologized.

“I’m so sorry!”

Yuri shook her head. “It’s not your fault. Just..fix it, fast, okay?”

The staff nodded before working on Yuri’s eye again.

Minho looked at her, puzzled.

“What is wrong with you?” He asked.

Yuri gulped. “Nothing.”

Silence filled the atmosphere, and Yuri could feel Minho was staring at her curiously. She needs to distract him, fast.

“So are you dating anyone now?” She asked out of the blue.

Minho chuckled. “Why? Are you suddenly interested in me? I thought you’re only into girls.”

“Actually I’m into both..but that’s not the case. I’m just curious about you, the number one bachelor in town.” Yuri replied.

The man smiled. “Nah, there’s no girls in my life right now. I just want to focus on building back my career that was destroyed..because of girls,”

“Yeah right, like I’m going to believe you. I know you’re a playboy.” Yuri said with a scoff.

“I used to be like that, but sleeping around with girls and all..had done nothing but damage to my life. You have no idea how much I suffered from losing Tiffany and my career back then and the whole ordeal had taught me a great lesson. I’m a changed man now.” Minho said with content smile on his face.

Yuri was speechless. For some reason she felt like it was directed to her.

“Yah Kwon you better be careful, because in this business, you can easily fall into the wrong path and screw up. It’s true that you can get the alcohol, drugs and sex as easy as by just clicking your fingers, but they’re like poison, they will kill you.” Minho added.

Yuri cleared her throat. “Why are you telling me all this? I know this stuff.”

Minho shrugged. “I’m just reminding you, as a senior in this industry. But I heard a lot about you..”

Yuri raised an eyebrow. “About me?”

“Yeah, your..wild reputation. It seems like you’re already making such a strong impression among the models.”

Yuri kept silent after that. The makeup staff already finished with her eyes and left them alone. Minho gulped, sensing that Yuri might be offended by his words. He quickly changed the topic.

“Hey, I heard we got a new photographer coming in today.” He said.

“Oh really?” Yuri asked, weakly.

Minho nodded. “A new female photographer-

He paused and stared at the door, shocked.

“Hi Yoona.” He greeted.

Yuri was startled again, and this time she almost fell off her chair. She stood up and turned around, and saw a beautiful young woman by the entrance door.

“Yoong what-

Yoona quickly entered the room and hugged her girlfriend tightly, not caring the puzzled Lee Minho who was staring at them.

“Careful with the makeup and hair!” Yuri said, as she slowly broke the hug.

Yoona smiled and looked at her girlfriend’s heavy makeup face. Though she prefers her with no makeup, she still finds her gorgeous like this.

“Wow..what are you doing here? I thought you have schedule today.” Yuri asked, still shocked.

“I’ve told you that I missed you. I’ve finished my schedule early, sooo..I came here to meet you.” Yoona replied.

Yuri stared at her shocked, but Yoona already pulled a chair to sit next to Yuri’s and put a paper bag on the makeup desk.

“Sit down, I brought you something.” Yoona said, tugging Yuri’s hand downwards.

“You brought me something?” Yuri asked, puzzled as she sits on her chair.

Yoona nodded and smiled. She opened the bag and took out a blue food container.

“What’s that?” Minho asked.

“Whatever it is, it’s not for you.” Yuri replied. She was a bit proud that her girlfriend came to visit her at work with food this late at night.

Yoona grinned as she opened the blue lid and revealed the food inside.

“Kimbap?” Yuri asked, shocked.

Her girlfriend nodded and took a piece of the homemade kimbap.

“I made these especially for you.” Yoona said shyly.

Yuri was speechless. She was so touched by Yoona’s genuine feelings for her. It made her guilt multiplied.

“Come, open your mouth.” Yoona said, shoving the kimbap to Yuri’s mouth.

“I-I can’t eat now, I need to maintain my makeup,” Yuri said, backing away.

“Just one bite, it won’t ruin your do, just trust me.” Yoona said, shoving the kimbap towards her.

Yuri looked at her girlfriend; she was staring at her with her usual puppy eyes, the gaze that she always falls into. She bit her lip and sighed.

“Okay, fine. Just one bite.” Yuri said, defeated.

Yoona smiled cheerfully as Yuri took a small bite on her kimbap roll.

Minho sighed, “You make me feel like dating again. I’m so jealous.”

“Awww..that’s too cute, a girlfriend who came with food.” A voice said from the entrance.

Minho looked at the direction of the voice and slowly a smirk crept up his face.

“Surprise, surprise..” He said.

Yuri stared into the reflection in the mirror and almost choked on her kimbap.

Park Gyuri was standing by the entrance, with her newly dyed golden hair, holding an SLR camera in her hands.


Chapter 47


“Kwon Yuri, can you try to be a bit more natural with him?” Gyuri ordered.

Yuri bit her lip and nodded to the photographer. She linked her arms around the male model, Lee Minho and flashed her perfect smile.

Gyuri smirked. “That’s better. I almost believe that you’re a straight woman,” she teased before snapping a few more photos.

She stayed focused on her lens, capturing every angle of her subjects. “Oh yeah, that’s it...” She mumbled.

Yoona was there by the computer, sitting with a few other staff as she observes her girlfriend work. She props her chin with one of her hands as she ponders about Yuri’s performance that night. Yuri was a natural when it came to modelling, and Yoona even admits that she is sometimes better than herself. But tonight, she seems awkward, like something is bothering her.

Gyuri put down her camera and looked at the pair. “Okay...”

Suddenly she smirked. “Now I want you two to embrace each other, and act like you’re going to...kiss.”

Minho let out a small chuckle before nodding obediently. He wrapped his arms around Yuri’s waist before pulling her closer. Yuri gulped and her body suddenly became stiff; the result of her nervousness that happened for a lot of reasons. On any other day, she can act fine for the camera, and came out with amazing pictures, but not that day. That day her girlfriend was there, watching her mingle with another man. She knows that Yoona is professional about it and she will definitely understand, but she can’t help feeling that this might hurt her. And on any other day she can interact well with the photographer, and accept their ridiculous orders, but not that day. Not when Park Gyuri suddenly came and claimed to be the photographer. How can she work with the woman who blackmailed her for sex?

“What is wrong with you? Can you show a bit more passion?!” Gyuri complained. Yuri has been acting like an amateur model in America’s Next Top Model since they started shooting and Gyuri just had enough. She put down her camera once again and marched to the pair of models.

“Hey, chill Gyul,” Minho said as she arrived.

Gyuri glared at him before turning to the other model. Yuri gulped and took a step back.

“Yuri, how do you act when you really want to kiss somebody?” Gyuri asked, with her arms crossed.


“You...what? Have you forgotten how to speak now?” Gyuri mocked.

Yoona stood up from her seat and stared at the set, concerned.

“Gosh, I guess I have to demonstrate for you...” Gyuri sighed and threw her arms around the other girl’s neck by surprise.

Yuri froze and stared at Gyuri.

“Wh-what are...you doing?”

Gyuri pulled her neck closer until their faces are only inches away from each other. Yuri breathes heavily as cold sweat begins to roll down her forehead.

“This...” Gyuri whispered huskily.

And Yuri gulped. They are too close.

“...is how you show passion in a kiss,” Gyuri continued.

“Oh wow.” Minho mumbled as he witnessed the girls.

They were locked in intense eye contact for a few seconds, like they’d lost contact with the outside world. Gyuri smiled and blew her hot breath on Yuri’s lips, causing the girl to startle and immediately pull herself away. Everyone stared at them in shock. Yoona was speechless.

Gyuri smirked and walked towards her camera.

“Let’s continue our shoot!” She said.


Two souls in love were sharing a bench as they sat by the balcony of their pink house. The one with blonde hair was closing her eyes and comfortably resting her head on the other’s shoulder. The other girl was stroking her lover’s hair lovingly as she hums tunes to their favourite love songs. They didn’t feel the coldness of the night as they have each other and a large mug of hot chocolate to stay warm.

Tiffany grabs the mug from the table and slowly brought it to her mouth. The delectable aroma of the drink helps to keep her mind stimulated as she continued to comfort the love of her life.

“Hmm...smells good,” Jessica muttered. She slowly opens her eyes.

“Blankie, do you want some of this?” Tiffany asked gently.

The blonde shook her head and buried her head deeper in the crook of her fiancé’s neck.

“I wasn’t talking about the drink, I meant you...” She whispered shyly.

Tiffany’s face turned red and she quickly took a sip of her drink. Jessica intertwined her fingers with Tiffany's before playfully tracing her palm with her fingers. She stared at Tiffany’s palm as she was lost in her own thoughts. After a few silent seconds, she let out a loud sigh.

“Honey, do you think...I can do this?” She asked.

Tiffany smiled. “Of course you can.”

“But what if...the staff doesn't want to listen to me?”

“They will.”

“But I am not Aunt Jo!”

“You’re not her, you’re Jessica.”

Jessica lifted her head from Tiffany’s shoulder and looked at her, annoyed.

“Why are you saying it like it’s an easy task? I was just appointed to be the Editor-In-Chief, the top position in Glitter. Do you really think someone like me can handle it?”

Tiffany smiled and took Jessica’s hands in hers.

“There’s no one else but you who can take over that position. Why am I saying this, you ask? It’s because grandpa believes in you.

He sees the potential in you...” She paused and stared into Jessica’s eyes hard.

“...and also because I believe in you.” She continued.

Jessica gulped.

“So what if the other staff members refuse to listen to you? I will make sure they will.” Tiffany added with a chuckle.

Her eyes sparkle as she continues. “Jessi, just remember that you’re not in this alone. I will be there for you, through every step of the way. I promise.”

Jessica can’t help the rush of emotions that came after hearing such sincere words from Tiffany. Suddenly all the fears and worries she had just disappeared. She knows she’s not alone. She tried her hardest not to shed a tear and protect whatever ego she had left.

“So...I finally get to be your boss again.” Jessica said with a teasing smile.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. “Feels good huh?”

Jessica let out a small laugh. “You bet I am. This is how it should be.”

She leaned her face closer to Tiffany and their lips quickly find ways to each other. The kiss was soft and tender, like a seal to their promise that night.

They broke the kiss and continued to gaze into each other’s eyes with their blushing cheeks.

“I love you.” Jessica whispered.

Tiffany smiled shyly and her adorableness caused Jessica to lean in for another kiss. The kiss lasted longer than before and they both became a bit more aggressive. They broke the kiss, panting.

Jessica smirked.

“Wanna go to bed?”


Kwon Yuri pushed the door of the dressing room. She entered the empty room with heavy steps, exhausted from all the tension and awkwardness during the photoshoot earlier. She sat on one of the stools and took off the 4 inch heels from her right foot. As she continues with her left foot, she can’t help but wonder where the other staffs were, because usually they would help her change out of the promoted garments.

Suddenly the door opened.

Yuri’s face brightened up, thinking that it must be one of the staff.

“Oh, there you are unnie-"

But then she paused and her face quickly turned pale.

Park Gyuri entered the room with her signature mocking smirk on her face. She leaned her body against the door before locking it. Yuri knew she’s in trouble. The blonde goddess slowly made her way to Yuri like a predator approaching its prey.

“I didn’t know you’re a photographer,” Yuri said.

Gyuri smiled before she took a seat on the sofa, facing Yuri.

“I am a photographer. I specialized in fashion while in university and had done some work with Elle mag in the US,” she said, casually crossing her legs.

Yuri shrugged. “I thought you were just a spoiled, rich heiress who does everything she wants, never thought that you had a real job,”

“I wouldn’t call it my real job, because I get bored easily doing the same thing over and over again. That’s why I tried singing but now...I feel like taking photos again,” Gyuri said.

“Plus, I have my eyes on the subject,” she added with a wink.

Yuri felt shivers in her spine and quickly looked away.

Gyuri stared at the other girl, hard.


“...I want you at my place tonight.”

Yuri scoffed.

“No,” she said.

Gyuri raised an eyebrow.

“What did you just say?”

“I said no.”

Yuri stood up from her seat and stared at Gyuri.

“NO! NO! NO!” She shouted.

Gyuri smirked at her outburst.


“Oh Yul, have you forgotten about the DVD?” Gyuri asked, threatening.

Yuri grits her teeth.

“I...I-I will tell Yoona about it myself!”

“And will you be okay with her hating you for the rest of her life?” Gyuri asked.

“I’m willing to face whatever the consequences are! Yoona loves me and she will understand and give me another chance!”

Gyuri’s face turned serious, but she isn’t about to give up, not yet.

“Maybe she will, since she is sooo stupidly in love with a b*tch like you. But even if she forgives you, I don’t think the others can.”

“Th-the others?” Yuri asked, stuttering.

Gyuri stood up and crossed her arms.

“If I expose the DVD, I’m sure it will garner the interest of a lot of people.”

She smiled. “People like...your friends, your agency, your fans and...your parents.”

Yuri was speechless.

“You wouldn’t!”

“Oh, just watch me! I can make your life a living hell in just seconds.” Gyuri said, serious.

“All your modelling contracts, your rising popularity, and your legion of fans will be gone. Your family will also disown you.” She added.

Yuri bit her lip and looked down. She has never felt so powerless before.

“No one will ever want to work with you again, and the only job you can get is being a prostitute.” Gyuri continued.

“Wait, you are a prostitute now.” She added with a chuckle.

Yuri grits her teeth.

“Watch your mouth b*tch!”

“Oh am I wrong? You are nothing but a wh*re to me. I call you whenever I want and you will be there, just like a call girl.” Gyuri added with a teasing stare.

“F*ck you!” Yuri said angrily.

Gyuri laughed. “I can’t wait for that.”

Yuri looked down and bit her lip. “Gyuri, what do you want from me?! I’ve told you I’m sorry!”

Gyuri scoffed and stared at Yuri. “You played me. But now...you’re in my game.”

Suddenly they heard the sound of someone knocking on the door.

“Yuri, are you in there?” Yoona asked from outside.

The two people in the room look at each other, shocked. Gyuri walked to the door and put her hand on the knob.

“I still want you at my place tonight.” She said before turning the knob.

The door opened, revealing the concerned looking Yoona. She looked at Gyuri and Yuri with thousands of bad ideas in her head. And amidst all that, she still managed to fake a smile.

“What is going on?” Yoona asked.

Gyuri moved closer to her and put a hand on her shoulder.

She leaned close to her ear and whispers. “You see, me and your girlfriend are having a secret affair behind your back.”

Yoona gulped and her face turned pale. “Wh-what?!”

And then Gyuri laughed.

“I’m just kidding! Come on, do you really think Yuri would do that behind your back?” She asked jokingly.

Yoona alternates her gaze between the two girls. And Yoona knew that Yuri was avoiding her gaze. It hurts.

“You know that Yuri is loyal, right?” Gyuri asked.

Yoona bit her lip, but no reply.

“Hm, it seems like you don’t really trust her...

“...or maybe you already know...” Gyuri continued with an eyebrow raised.

Yoona gulped.

Gyuri shook her head.

“Im Yoona you are one foolish woman.” She said before leaving the couple alone.

Yoona sighed and it took her a couple of seconds before she was finally able to look at Yuri who was staring at her nervously.

Suddenly a smile crept up her face.

“A-Are you done? Let’s go home.” She said calmly like nothing happened.

Love can really turn you into a fool.


Jung Nicole opened the door slowly and entered her apartment. She had just finished with some extra work that Tiffany appointed her to do and came home as soon as she could. She was expecting Hara waiting for her, but all she got was an empty space. The living room was dark, like no one was there. Concerned, Nicole made her way to the kitchen since she saw the light was on. She crinkled her nose as she entered the cooking area as she was reacting to the unpleasant smell that attacked her unexpectedly. She scanned the empty kitchen and quickly noticed that the smell came from a pot of curry on the table. She cooked the curry earlier that morning for Hara, but it seems that all her effort went to waste. But she sighed as she noticed that the amount of the now ruined curry hasn’t decreased one bit. Hara didn’t eat the food.

She put the pot in the sink before making her way to the rooms to check on Hara. She stood in front of her room, hesitating with herself whether to knock on the door or not. Suddenly she heard the sounds of someone sobbing from inside the room. Nicole can’t contain her worries anymore; she must make sure that Hara is alright. She opened the door and rushed into the room.

“Hara are you oka-"

She paused.

Hara was sitting on the bed, hugging her knees as the tears rolled down from her eyes. Nicole could feel her heart hurting. She rushed to her and sat by her side. Naturally, she lifted one hand and begins to stroke the crying girl’s hair gently. Without saying anything, she was hushing her with her soft touches. Hara continues to bury her face in her arms, trying to ignore Nicole.

“Hara, have you eaten anything today?” Nicole asked softly.

But Hara ignored her.

Nicole put an arm around her and rubbed her shoulder gently.

“You must eat. If you don’t, then you will get sick, so please eat something.” She said.

Hara continued to ignore her.

Nicole sighed.

“Is there anything you want to eat? I can cook them for you.” She continues sweetly.

“Can you just shut up and ignore me?” Hara suddenly said.

Nicole was speechless. She wasn’t expecting this.

“It doesn't matter if I eat or not, it’s not like there’s anybody who cares about me.” Hara continued.

“No one cares if I live or die. No one loves me. I’m a disgrace to my family, so it’s obvious that they hate me. My brother said that he cares about me, but he betrayed me. And even the girl I loved never loved me...” She added with a sob.

She looked at Nicole as tears continue to fall from her eyes.

“I have no reason to live.” She said before burying her face in her palms.

Nicole bit her lip as she was trying to stay strong. And then she opened her sling bag and took out something. It was an egg sandwich.

“I took this from the photo studio. They prepared sandwiches for the staff and I took some home...” Nicole mumbled.

The short-haired girl grinned and handed the sandwich to Hara.

Hara looked at her weirdly.

“I hope you like egg sandwiches.” Nicole said, still handing the sandwich.

“Forget it. I am not eating that.” Hara said coldly.

Nicole smiled and grabbed her hand by surprise. She put the sandwich gently in her hand.

She cleared her throat before continuing.

“Hara, please eat this...for me.” She paused.

“I really care about you. Let me be the reason...for you to live.” She added.


The glittering city lights in the middle of the night somehow brought peace to Park Gyuri’s mind. She was standing by the large window of her lavish apartment in Seoul, staring down from the 17th floor. She shook the glass of wine in her hands again but didn't drink it. Just by holding it and listening to the sound of the liquid made her feel at ease.

She glanced at the clock on the wall hanging in the living room, the antique clock that was given to her by her superstar uncle on her 21st birthday. He said that the clock will remind her that life is short and that time is running out. Gyuri shrugged at the thought and focused her sight on the time shown by the silver hands ticking.

It was 1:38 am.

Gyuri can’t believe that it's already this late. She planned to have a few sips of wine before going to bed, but something held her back. Something inside her told her to wait. Gyuri bit her lip, trying to tell herself that she wasn’t hoping for anything that night.

But one can’t fool herself.

And she continues to wait.

Then suddenly the night turned unusually quiet. Maybe because she already knows that it’s almost 2 am, or maybe her mind is too tired to think of anything. She focused on the sounds around her.

The sound of her own breathing.

The sound of the swirling water in her glass.

The sound of the door knob turning.

Gyuri immediately became alarmed; she stood up straight and quickly put her glass on the table. She kicked herself for not locking the door, knowing that it’s already early morning and she can easily be the target of burglars. She even positioned herself in a fighting stance and thought of the possible escape plans.

She stares at the door so nervously with her eyebrows creased.

But her expression quickly changed. Her lip unconsciously formed a smile.

Yuri had finally come to her apartment that morning.

She looked distressed, with her messy hair but still looked good in her white trench coat covering her tall body. She looks at Gyuri as she enters the living room.

Gyuri quickly changed her delighted smile into her usual evil smirk.

They stared at each other, hard. There were no words spoken, just a heated confrontation with their eyes. After a few seconds, Yuri gave up and looked away with a defeated sigh. She loosens up the belt around her waist and opened up the coat, revealing what was underneath.

Gyuri almost fell backwards, surprised with Yuri clothes.

She was only wearing a bra and panties underneath the coat.

Yuri walked towards Gyuri who has been gulping with each step she took and pushed her towards the glass window.

“Let's just get this over with.” Yuri said.


Chapter 48

Not Alone

“I promise I will bring our daughter home as soon as possible,” A man said slowly.

He sat on a chair by the hospital bed, staring at the woman who has been turning her back to him since he arrived. He sighed, as he knows that she is upset with him. But he also knows that she won’t forgive him this time. He took a deep breath before he continues with his comforting words.

“I’ve assigned the best detectives on finding her. I’m sure they will be able to locate her soon,” He added gently. But the woman on the bed showed no response but an irritated hiss under her breath.

But he wasn’t ready to give up yet. He continues, “Don’t worry, I’m sure Hara is alright-

“Stop acting like you care, Kim Jaehwan. You disgust me,” The woman cuts in. Jaehwan paused and turned his gaze towards the woman. The woman slowly rolled her body over to face her husband.

“Anna, I do care..” He said.

Joanna Jung scoffed. “You care? Is this how you show us that you care? You were never there for the kids and me!”

Jaehwan gulped.

“I know that you never really loved me, but is it fair for you to treat your children like this too?” Joanna asked, with tears filling up her eyes.

“What are you talking about? I..love you, I always do and I care about Hara and Hyun!” Jaehwan protested.

“Oh cut the crap already! We only married because of our families! This so-called happy marriage is just for publicity!”

Jaehwan stood up from his chair and balled his fist as he was trying to stay composed. Yelling at his wife again would only mean damaging their already broken marriage. He had enough of yelling and shouting at each other’s faces.

Joanna stared at her husband as she continued. “We got married because your parents want the business so bad, that they married you off with me. While I only marry you because my girlfriend dumped me,”

“Geez Anna, that was a long time ago, why are you bringing this up again? After more than 20 years of our marriage?” Jaehwan asked, frustrated. He ran his hand through his dark hair, scratching his not itchy head.

“After years of being together, you know that..things had changed. And with the arrival of Hyun and Hara, everything seems to fall into place. You and I know what we feel for each other,” He continued gently.

“I thought things had changed too,” Joanna suddenly said.

She looked straight into her husband’s eyes.

“But then-

She bit her lip.

“-then I found out that you’re meeting her again.”

Jaehwan gulped and shook his head.

“Anna, who are you talking about? Who’s ‘her’?”

Joanna scoffed again before continuing. “You know who I’m talking about-

..your first love, Marissa.”


“Thank you for everything, Manager Choi.” Jessica said before politely bowing at the man in front of her.

Choi Siwon was shocked by her sudden humble gesture.

He quickly cleared his throat and said. “Hey, what are you doing blondie? Don’t bow at me like that, it’s embarrassing,”

Jessica stood up and smiled at her now ex-manager. She had come to Al’s Cafe and Bookstore that early morning to inform about her sudden resignation.

“Here, I already washed it,” She said, handing over her green apron and name tag to him.

Siwon nodded and took the uniform from her awkwardly. He wasn’t quite sure how to react around Jessica when he just found out about her new job position.

“So, you’re going to be the Editor-In-Chief, huh? Wow, that’s mean you’re the top person in Glitter now!” Siwon said, impressed. He puts the uniform on the counter slowly but his eyes never leave Jessica. He had his mouth opened and mouthing ‘wow’ continuously.

Jessica shrugged and smiled sheepishly.

“Well, I’m always on top,” She said, adding a smirk at the end of her sentence.

“So..our Editor won’t be here to help with the flyers huh?” A sudden voice said. Siwon raised an eyebrow at the person behind Jessica, warning him to behave.

Jessica turned around and her eyes immediately met the godly eyes that she hasn’t saw in a while. Kim Jaejoong flashes his charming crooked smile as he stood behind Jessica. He was wearing a simple white shirt and a pair of blue denim, but he looked like a model cut out from a magazine.

“Fly-flyers?” Jessica asked, slightly stuttering. It’s sometimes hard for her to stay gay in the presence of someone like Jaejoong.

Jaejoong nodded and moved closer to her. “Yeah, the flyers and posters for our cafe. Don’t tell me that you’ve forgot about it,”

Jessica ponders a while, as she stares into Jaejoong’s mesmerizing eyes, trying to recall about the things that he talked about.

“Oh, that posters and flyers..” She finally said after a while.

Jaejoong chuckled.

“I’m sorry Jae, I guess you have to find someone else to help you with that,” Jessica said coolly.

“Aww..that’s so disappointing. I’ve been looking forward to put up the ad posters with you all week,” Jaejoong replied with a little pout, the pout that could melt any straight girl or gay man.

Jessica let out a small laugh as she could sense the awkwardness begins to set in. It always happens when Jaejoong tried to flirt with her. Siwon rolled his eyes at the sight. He couldn’t understand why his friend still wants to woo the self-confessed lesbian. He concluded that Jaejoong is persistent, if not plain stupid.

Suddenly they heard the sound of the bell at top of the door tinkling, followed by the sound of the front door being flung open.

“Good morning,” A young woman greets as she entered the cafe and closed the door behind her.

Jessica looked at her with mixed emotions as she walked towards them.

“Morning, Sooyoung.” She greeted back.

Sooyoung was quite surprised with Jessica’s presence there. She slowed her steps for a few seconds before let out a small chuckle and continues her path.

“Didn’t expect to see you here, I thought you will be entering the office today,” Sooyoung said after she arrived in front of her friend.

Jessica smiled.

“I will, but I must give the resignation letter to the manager first, and also return the uniform,” She replied, pointing at the green apron on the counter.

“Oh,” Sooyoung said with a nod.

“But also-

Jessica paused and looked at her friend.

“..I also want my tall friend to come back into the office with me.” She continued with a smile.

Sooyoung laughed.

“You want your tall friend, huh?”

“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without her,” Jessica replied.

Sooyoung sighed.

“About that..”


“After all the damage I’ve done to your family, how do you expect me to still work with Glitter?” Sooyoung said hopelessly.

Jessica stared at her friend, trying to find the right words to say. Sooyoung’s expression turned even sadder as she tries to cover up her sorrow with a fake smile. It was painful for Jessica just to see her in that condition.

“It-It’s not your fault..” Jessica said, after much struggling.

Her tall friend stared blankly at her for a few seconds, probably trying to process her words. She ended up flashing another sad smile.

“Sica, it was my fault,”

“Hara ran away because of me, because she felt betrayed by me,” She added.

Sooyoung could feel the rush of emotions came crashing on her again as she mentioned Hara’s name. The day she left played like a film without a sound in her head. She could remember it all, her furious glares, her heartbreak tears, and her painful angst. It flashes in her eyes every time she tries to sleep at night. No one could picture the amount of guilt she’s having.

“I broke her heart, I betrayed her trust..Sica, I cheated on her,” Sooyoung continued with a heavy heart. She bit her lip and looked down, trying to stay composed. She didn’t want to spill anymore tears. She had been crying almost every night since Hara left.

“I deserve to be hated by your family, and even..Tiffany despises me now,” Sooyoung added with a small laugh.

Jessica gulped and smiled weakly.

“Tiffany was just caught up in the moment, she was not really angry at you,” She said.

The blond sighed and leaned forward before resting her elbows on the wooden table in front of her.

“I don’t know about the rest of my family, but..I don’t hate you. Not even one bit,” Jessica said coolly.

Sooyoung stares at her friend in silence as she almost couldn’t believe what she just heard. Noticing the awkward stare on her, Jessica looked away and turned her gaze towards the sidewalk.

“Sure, what you did was wrong, but I guess what happened was out of our control, everything was fated from the start,” Jessica continued.

“Did you plan to fall in love with Hyunjoong? I bet not. Sometimes people can be in love with more than one person at once, though it never happens to me, but yeah, it’s possible, we’re just humans after all,”

Jessica sighed and stared at her friend. She noticed that her eyes were now filled with tears, waiting time to spill out.

“So stop blaming yourself. Treat this whole situation as a life lesson so that you won’t repeat the same mistake again,” Jessica added.

Sooyoung looked down and let out a small laugh. She lifted her right hand to wipe her eyes. As much as she didn’t want to cry, the tears still escape her eyes.

“Thank you, Sica.” She said.

“For what?”

Sooyoung looked up and smiled. “For everything.”

Jessica smiled and leaned her back on the chair.

“So does this mean you will come back to Glitter with me?” She asked confidently.

Sooyoung shook her head. “Thanks for the offer but, I can’t,”

“Though I know you will be there for me,..my image is already tainted in the company. Everyone there knows me as the greedy two timing bisexual woman and I don’t think I can survive in that kind of work environment,”

“Oh, come on Sooyoung..”

Sooyoung shook her head and smiled.

“I guess since you’re the new Editor In Chief, I can directly give you this.” She said as she put an envelope on the table.

Jessica raised her eyebrow. “What’s that?”

Sooyoung didn’t answer anything but she pushed the envelope towards her friend. Jessica looked at the cover of the envelope and quickly read the two words printed on it.


“Sooyoung, are you serious?” Jessica asked, shocked.

Sooyoung nodded. “I’m quitting both Giltter and Al Cafe starting today.”

Jessica was speechless; she alternates her gaze from the letter on the table and her friend. Still hoping that Sooyoung suddenly announce that it was all a joke.

“I just..need a fresh start somewhere else.” Sooyoung said weakly.

She added, “But first, I want to find Hara.”


“What are we doing here?” Jiyoung mumbled to her friend.

Krystal Jung was sitting across the table with her arms crossed. They were sitting at a table in Sunny’s Cafe.

“I want to eat their waffles.” The young Jung replied.

Jiyoung sighed.

“O-kay. But why do you want me to be here too?” She asked.

Krystal rolled her eyes and shook her head, like she had just asked something ridiculous.

“Well, because we don’t have school today..

She paused and noticed that Jiyoung was staring at her with her big eyes. Krystal gulped.

.. and be-because you and I..”

But she just couldn’t continue because her reason is going to embarrass her.

It’s because she’s used to have Jiyoung with her and she likes it that way.

It’s because she feels safe being with her. Like the time when the light suddenly goes out at the party and Jiyoung was holding her tight.

Because I like you..being around me.

The two teenage girls stare at each other for a few moments. Jiyoung was waiting for an answer, while Krystal will give her anything but it.

Suddenly Krystal let out a loud huff.

“Yah, why are you asking me too many questions? What are you? A questioning machine? I’m buying you some waffles; can’t you just

thank me for that and enjoy your free food?” Krystal asked, annoyed.

She scoffed and looked away from the girl. She stares emptily towards the kitchen’s entrance. She needs to act cool in front of Jiyoung. But she wasn’t quite sure why.

Come on, what’s wrong with you? It’s just the lame Stinky Jing!

“GET OUT OF HERE! I DON’T WANT YOU AND YOUR STUPID FACE ANYWHERE NEAR ME!” An angry voice shouted from the kitchen.

Both Krystal and Jiyoung were startled, and so were the other customers. The atmosphere suddenly turned silence for a few seconds before it was followed by the sounds of things being thrown.

“OUCH! YAH SUNKYU! THAT HURTS!” Another voice shrieked.

And then there was a loud bang.

Krystal and Jiyoung looked at each other, puzzled.

“I think that was..a pan thrown on the floor.” Jiyoung said.

Krystal nodded in agreement.

“What’s going on in there?” She asked.

All of the sudden Taeyeon bursts out from the kitchen, looking distress. Her hair was messy, like they had just been pulled by force. Her face pale and her expression were almost empty. There was nothing but hopelessness reflected from her eyes.

She walked forward, ignoring the random whispers and weird stares from the customers. All she wanted is to get out of there, away from Sunny.

“Taeyeon unnie!” A voice called. The voice was familiar and it managed to stop Taeyeon from continuing her way out. She turned around and noticed two girls sitting at a table by her side. They were staring at her as if she was some kind of animal they’re observing for a school project.

Taeyeon looked at the girls and her mouth slowly formed a smile.

“Oh hi Krystal, and..” She paused when she looked at Jiyoung.

“Unnie, is everything okay?” Krystal cuts in.

Taeyeon chuckled.

“Do I look okay to you?” She asked back.

Krystal and Jiyoung shook their heads simultaneously.

“Are you and Sunny unnie..fighting?” Krystal asked boldly.

Taeyeon sighed and looked away.

“What happened?” Krystal asked again.

“You wouldn’t understand if I tell you, this is adult stuff. You’re too young..

“It’s about having babies, right?” Krystal asked causing Taeyeon to gulp.

“How did you..

“I’m guessing that you’re not ready to have kids yet, but your wife just can’t wait to start a family.” Krystal continued while Jiyoung just stares at them blankly.

“You’re wrong.” Taeyeon replied causing the nosy Krystal to shut up.

“I am ready to have children. I’m just..not ready to be pregnant yet.” Taeyeon added, serious.

Krystal gulped.

“Can you guys just adopt? It’s easier and you can just skip all this drama.” She said.

“Sunny don’t want to adopt.” Taeyeon replied and Krystal was shut up again.

“So tell me smart little Jung, what should I do now?” Taeyeon asked mockingly.

Krystal sighed heavily and looked down.

“Comply with her wish.” Krystal suddenly said.

“It’s easy for you to say.” Taeyeon said with a scoff as she’s getting irritated with the mini Jessica.

“Don’t you love your wife?” Krystal asked again.

“Of course I do, but that is not the case. This concerns me too, don’t I have a say in this?” Taeyeon protested.

“So, you rather fight with your wife everyday just to defend your pride?” Krystal asked.

Taeyeon stares at Krystal as she was boiling with anger.

“You know what, I gotta go now. I have no idea why am I talking to a kid about this.” She said.

Krystal bit her lip as she watched Taeyeon turned away and walked towards the door. She knew that she had angered her and she was feeling a bit guilty for being too blunt.

“Just distract her!” She said, loud enough to let Taeyeon hears her.

Taeyeon paused and look over her shoulder. Krystal was standing behind her.

“Just distract your wife with something else, so that she can keep her mind off the baby topic.” Krystal said slowly.

“There must be something that she like, maybe a hobby, or her favourite idol..”

“Her idol?” Taeyeon asked, puzzled.

Krystal nodded. “Things like that can at least stall you some time to think thoroughly about the pregnancy. And you won’t have to fight with her along the way.”

“Hmm..I think I know what to do now..” Taeyeon mumbled.

Krystal smiled. “There you go.”

Taeyeon looked at the girl and smiled back.

“You Jungs really are something. Here, your family are on today’s newspaper.” She said before handing her a newspaper.

Krystal took it from Taeyeon’s hand and looked at the page flipped for her.


Krystal sighed. “Aw man, unnie..”


Jessica Jung was trembling since she stepped out of her car. She was still trembling as she entered the Jung Building. She could feel the keen eyes on her as she walked through the front door. And suddenly every single thing that she does feels wrong.

Maybe it’s the hair..

Maybe she shouldn’t tie her hair up and let it loose. But she did it because Tiffany liked it since it was the hairstyle she had when they worked together in the office back then. Tiffany said that it made her looked more charismatic and elegant so Jessica has no reason to doubt her. But the stares making her feel otherwise.

She reached the elevator when it was about to close. She managed to enter it despite the stares and fake smiles flashed at her by other passengers. She reached her hand forward to press the button, but another hand collided with hers.

“Sorry..” A voice said.

It was Kim Heechul, the Head of Fashion Department in Glitter. He smiled at Jessica, but she replied it with a glare.

Heechul chuckled and said. “9th floor isn’t it, Ms Editor-In-Chief?”

The title was unnecessary and it made Jessica feel 10 times more uncomfortable. She wants to say something back at him, something smart that will shut his mouth but her nervousness stopped her. She only managed to nod.

The elevator begins to move upward. Jessica stood in front of the door and stares at the silver surface wondering why the stupid elevator was moving so slow. She has never felt more vulnerable in her life. Like all the people staring were arrows and the back of her head as the target.

And she feels so alone.


‘9th floor’

The elevator finally stopped. The door slowly opened, revealing the huge plate on the wall.


Jessica begins to tremble again when she saw the plate. It’s not just some giant stylish plate on the wall for her.

To her it means giant responsibility.

She stepped out of the elevator and quickly noticed that everyone was staring at her. The receptionist was nudging her friend, the clerk who was busy talking on the phone to alert her about their new boss arrival. Two male staffs that were pushing the clothes also stopped walking and look at their stunning new boss with mixed emotions.

But their reaction only made Jessica even more nervous.

She’s scared.

It’s her first day as the Editor-In-Chief. And she’s alone.

Suddenly a warm gentle hand grabs her right hand, giving her a tight squeeze. Jessica turned to her side and saw Tiffany who was smiling at her like an angel. And at that instant all her nervousness and fear disappear.

She knows she’s not alone.


Chapter 49


Park Gyuri didn’t do anything to stop her everytime she leaves. In fact she always cursed her, telling her to go away after she got what she wanted in the lowest way possible. And she always has that look in her eyes; it wasn’t hate or anger, just hopelessness.

Gyuri knows she’s doing this for revenge, a punishment to make her suffer, but she wonders why she was feeling this way.

Why do I feel so empty…

...and so alone...

everytime she leaves?

And that night it was no different.

Gyuri was lying on her bed with the blanket pulled up over her chest. She stares at the woman before her, who was busy putting her clothes on. She picked up her jacket on the floor, her last piece of clothing that she brought that night.

Gyuri knows that she will be feeling that way again.

Kwon Yuri put on the brown army-like jacket before grabbing her purse that was left on the nearby desk.

Gyuri wished time would stop now.

Yuri glanced at Gyuri and their eyes met. With no words spoken, they understood that it meant goodbye for that night. Yuri turned around and walked towards the door. If she waited longer Gyuri will usually say something really hurtful, like she ever needs to be reminded of her position again.

Suddenly Gyuri called. “Yul...”


“It’s...getting really late now, so if you want to...spend the night here, I don’t mind.” Gyuri said slowly, almost whispering.

Yuri stared at her, confused.

“Do you want me...to spend the night with you?” She asked.

Gyuri gulped but later she covered her nervousness with an arrogant scoff.

“I didn’t say that, who do you think you are huh? I’m just saying that if you want to sleep in my apartment, it would be fine-"

“Gyuri...” Yuri cuts in.

She stared at her, serious. “If I sleep with you until morning comes...

...this will be an affair.”

Yuri added. “You shouldn’t fall for me-"

“You’re just a tool for me to have fun.” Gyuri said, annoyed.

Yuri gulped.

“And this will never be a romantic affair because, I hate you.” Gyuri added.

And with that Yuri left the room once again, leaving Gyuri all alone. And she will always regret what she just said, wishing it was different. Unconsciously, she would hug the pillow that Yuri used and breathe in the scent that Yuri had left earlier.

And she would slowly fall asleep that way, dreaming of her.


“Why are you walking so slowly? That land snail on the ground moves faster than you.” Krystal said angrily. She ordered Jiyoung to accompany her to the movies that day.

Krystal was walking almost a foot ahead of Jiyoung and glanced over her shoulder every few seconds to check if Jiyoung was still following her. And every time she checked, Jiyoung was still there, loyally following her without any questions, but with an unsatisfied look on her face.

For some unknown reason, Krystal was happy.

“Hurry up giant snail Jing!” She called as she crosses the street, secretly proud of the new nickname she had given to her.

Jiyoung tried to walk faster, but her new shoes were killing her feet. She cursed herself for wearing high heels that morning. So much of trying to impress Krystal when the latter didn’t even notice what she was wearing.

Krystal glanced back again and noticed that Jiyoung was left behind across the street.

She sighed. “You really are a snail, Kang Jiyoung.”

Jiyoung pouted before kneeling down to rub her reddening heels. It was painful but she acted tough and musters all her strength to hold back her tears.

Krystal watched her from across the street, how Jiyoung rubs her feet with her almost teary eyes. She noticed that she was wearing a pair of white high heels.

She bit her lip and shook her head.

“Jiyoung, are you okay?” She asked, but in an arrogant way.

However Jiyoung wasn’t responding to her at all. Instead she looked away and wiped her eyes with her hands.

At that moment something struck Krystal.

Is she...crying?

Because...of me?

The thought was followed by a great amount of guilt and worry.

She quickly crossed the road and walked to her friend.

Jiyoung was still rubbing her feet.

Krystal kneeled down beside the girl and looked at her in the most not caring way.

“What were you thinking? Wearing such heels, you’re not a model on some high fashion show...” She muttered.

Jiyoung scoffed. And to Krystal’s surprise, suddenly she stood up on her two painful feet. She’s just had enough of Krystal’s mocking.

“Hey Kang Jiyoung, what are you doing?” Krystal asked to the girl who was obviously in pain.

Jiyoung bit her lip and looked down, suppressing her emotions like always.

“Why do you care? I’m just a giant snail after all.” She said.

Krystal was speechless; even her smart brain couldn’t come up with anything to come back at her.

They looked at each other for a few seconds, staring into each other’s eyes. And after a while, jiyoung turned away.

“I can’t go with you to the movies today. Actually I have something else to do. Why don’t you find someone else to torture?” She said bitterly. She just can’t remain silent anymore.

And with that she turned her back at Krystal and begun to walk towards the cafe.

“Ouuchh...” She whined to herself as she took the first step.

“Stop it, you’re hurting.” Krystal said from behind her.

Jiyoung scoffed at the sound of that voice and ignored her completely. She continued to walk, not caring for the girl who was trailing behind her. She kept on walking until someone grabed her arm.

“Enough, take off your shoes.” Krystal said coolly. She held tight to Jiyoung’s arm as she stood in front of her. Jiyoung gulped, she has never seen Krystal looking at her like that. She seems...

Krystal kneeled down in front of the frozen Jiyoung and grabs the girl’s right foot.

“Kr-krystal! What are you doing?!” Jiyoung asked when she finally realized that Krystal was taking off her shoe on her right foot.

Krystal ignored her and grabs her left foot before taking off her heels. After successfully taking off the girl’s shoes, she stood up and looked at Jiyoung with her shoes in one hand. Jiyoung was barefoot but she was too shocked to notice that her feet were touching the ground. The fact that Krystal just touched her foot was too surreal.

“Wear my sandals.” Krystal said, already barefooted. People were watching them standing barefoot together by the sidewalk, but they were too immersed with each other to care.

Jiyoung looked at the ground in disbelief. Krystal just gave up her sandals for her, this must be a dream.

“I don’t need-"

“Stop acting tough and wear it. I just...don’t want to feel guilty. Trust me, you’re doing me a favour.” Krystal said as she looked away. For some reason, she knows it’s not the guilt that drove her to do so.

It took Jiyoung a few seconds before she finally wore Krystal’s comfortable sandals. Her heart was jumping with joy as her paining heels touched the soft material of the expensive sandals.

“Th-thanks.” Jiyoung said slowly.

The simple thanks made Krystal forget that she was standing barefooted in the middle of the hot and hard sidewalk.

She can’t help but smile.

“But I really can’t go with you to the movies...” Jiyoung added.

Krystal stared at her, shocked. “Why? Don’t tell me that you have a date because that would just be impossible.”

Jiyoung looked at Krystal and bit her lip, offended by her words.

Krystal smirked, for some reason Jiyoung’s heated face made her feel satisfied. “What? Seriously no one will want to date someone like you-"

Suddenly Jiyoung cuts in. “Actually...

...I do have a date with someone.”


“Nice sandals,” Park Gyuri said to the girl before her.

Kang Jiyoung immediately crossed her legs, trying to hide her feet but it was too late.

She cleared her throat and put both her hands on the table. She stared at her blonde haired sister.

“Why do you want to meet me today, unnie? Because of you I had to cancel my date...” She paused, worried if Gyuri heard her.

Gyuri was zoning out that evening, so she hasn’t heard a thing Jiyoung was saying. Truth is she has no real reason calling Jiyoung out that day, just in need of some company from family to get her mind off something. Even though Jiyoung is not her biological sister, she felt closer to her than any of her relatives.

“How are you doing these days?” Gyuri suddenly asked after noticing Jiyoung’s stare on her.

Jiyoung shrugged. “I’m doing okay...”

Gyuri nodded, trying to look interested. “So...What is the progress between you and that little Jung?” She asked.

Jiyoung began to panic as Krystal was mentioned, avoiding her gaze, focusing on the marble pattern on the floor and sipping her kiwi juice.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about...” She said.

Gyuri chuckled. “You’re stuttering, which could only mean that you’re nervous when I asked about her,”

Jiyoung gulped and grabbed a croissant on the table before shoving it into her mouth like she had no interest in what Gyuri was trying to imply.

Gyuri let out a small laugh and shook her head. Jiyoung was attempting to finish her bread in one go, and she looked ridiculously cute with her chubby cheeks and the loud munching sounds.

Suddenly Gyuri reached her hand forward and pats Jiyoung’s head.

“Gosh, why are you so cute?” Gyuri said, playfully messing the girl’s hair. Babying Jiyoung had become her habit.

Jiyoung was surprised at first but then she grinned widely, enjoying the attention.

Gyuri retreats her hand and put it on her lap. “It’s okay if you like her Jing, no need to munch the poor croissant that way. Just be careful with Jungs, they are…

Gyuri sighed.

...heartbreakers.” She continued with a chuckle.

Jiyoung looked at her sister, curious by what she meant, but she had already gone into her own zone again. Spaced out with her empty gaze of the window, Jiyoung could tell that she was distressing about something. Gyuri looked so tense, like she was hiding a painful secret inside her heart.

“Unnie, how about you? How are you doing these days?” Jiyoung asked back with a cheerful tone.

Gyuri glanced at her with a faint smile.

“Well, I’m...like this,” She replied vaguely.


Jiyoung stared at her, determined to make her open up. It’s unfair how transparent she is in front of Gyuri, but she still can’t figure Gyuri out. She’s always so mysterious.

“How’s photography work? I’m happy that you decided to pick up your cameras again, but...Seungyeon unnie is complaining on the lack of our group activities,” Jiyoung said.

Gyuri chuckled. “Seungyeon is?”

“Yeah, she said that she wanted to look for another part-time job now.” Jiyoung replied.

“I’m sorry I had to put our group on hiatus for a while, I just..."

Jiyoung was staring at her curiously.

"...have a lot on my mind right now,” She continued before looking away.

Silence filled the atmosphere after that. Jiyoung stared at her sister, but no words were spoken. She can’t help but feel concerned about her sister being all gloomy as if there were a dark cloud over her head.

“Jiyoung-ah, do you think...

...I’m a greedy person?” Gyuri suddenly asks.


“Because everytime she leaves me, I can’t help but hope that she’ll turn around and stay by my side until...the sun comes up.” Gyuri added.

Jiyoung looked at her confused. She has no idea what she was talking about.

Who is ‘she’?

“Am I too greedy for feeling this way?” Gyuri continued to ask.

Jiyoung continued to stare at Gyuri with creased eyebrows as she’s trying to understand what she was trying to say.

Gyuri noticed her confused look and smiled. “Just forget what I’ve said.”

But Jiyoung refused to let it go and continued to stare at her sister, hoping for an explanation.

“Stop staring at me like that and eat your croissant!” Gyuri said as she handed Jiyoung another piece of croissant.

Jiyoung took the food and bit it slowly even though she wasn’t feeling hungry. Gyuri smiled and gave her another loving pat on her head.

Suddenly the young girl said, “You know unnie, sometimes I wish...

…Krystal would walk me home and then...kiss me by the door.” She said, blushing.

Gyuri was pleasantly surprised by her sudden confession, as she usually avoids the topic.

Jiyoung was still blushing as she continues, “I know I should be grateful by just being her fake girlfriend, but I can’t help but hope that we’re real. Though I know that it will never happen but I keep hoping..."

She looked up and met Gyuri’s gaze, “So unnie, am I greedy?”

Gyuri smiled and held Jiyoung’s hand gently. “That’s not greed.”

“Not?” Jiyoung asked.

Gyuri shook her head and replied. “That’s love.”

Jiyoung gulped and kept silent for a few seconds.

“Then unnie, you’re in love too.”


“These are the files that contain the list of the company's important contacts.” The secretary, Narsha said to her boss. She moved to the next shelf and pointed to the neatly arranged files before continuing.

“And these here are..."

Jessica Jung was listening to Narsha’s explanation intently, after all she is taking over her aunt’s work so what’s better than getting the help from her own trusted secretary. She nodded a few times during Narsha’s brief guides in the office, trying to take all of the information in.

Narsha smiled in content. “And that was all, Ms. Jessica. Or would you prefer me calling you Madam?”

Jessica shook her head. “No no no, Madam sounds too old for me, and I’m not even married yet...”

Narsha smiled and nodded. “Okay, it’s Ms. Jessica then.”

“Anyways, Ms. Jessica, if you need any help on anything at all you can just ask for my help, I’ll be there for you.” She added.

Jessica nodded. “I will.”

“Madam Joanna already called earlier and she told me to assist you in any way possible. She sounds like she really trusts you, so...I will too.” Narsha continued.

Jessica looked at the woman before her and she could see that she really meant what she said. Narsha has been working as Joanna’s secretary for more than 10 years and Jessica could understand why. Her loyalty is one of a kind.

Suddenly there were knocks on the door.

“Narsha, I’ve told you that I didn’t want to see anyone today.” Jessica said, serious.

“I’m sorry Ms. Jessica, but I’ve told them not to let anyone in. I’ll tell the person to leave right away.” Narsha said before move hurriedly to the door.

She opened the door, and was startled by the huge grinning face standing outside of the door.

“May I see Ms. Jessica? I have something to show her.” Tiffany Hwang said, holding a pink file in her arm.

Jessica’s senses worked immediately, she knew the voice and the scent very well, and her heart began to pound faster.

“I’m sorry but she refuses to meet anyone today. Try to make an appointment for tomorrow.” Narsha replied.

Tiffany’s face turned red, and her smile disappears.

“App-appointment?” She asked as if it was the most ridiculous thing she ever heard.

“What are you doing?! Let her in!” Jessica shouted.

Narsha looked at her boss and noticed how serious she was. She sighed and opened the door wider to let Tiffany in. Tiffany walked in, looking a little pissed and confused as she scanned the huge office that currently belongs to Jessica.

Jessica cleared her throat. “Er, Narsha you may go now.”

Narsha nodded and walked towards the door. Just before she closes the door she turned around.

“Ms. Jessica, remember that you’re in the office and not at home.” She reminded before closing the door.

Silence filled the atmosphere after Narsha left. The boss and worker looked at each other, unsure how to act. If they were at home, they’d probably be all over each other by now but they’re not at home.

Jessica was sitting on the chair, staring at Tiffany from head to toe. She was wearing a white shirt that she picked for her this morning, one of her favourite outfits from their wardrobe. It’s hard to stay focused when she knows what she was wearing, inside and oustside and kept picturing her without anything on...

“So...here is the new cover design that I made...” Tiffany suddenly said, to distract Jessica from staring at her in the improper way. She knows exactly what she was thinking by the way she was looking at her. It’s not hard to guess with her perverted smile.

“I was supposed to show it to Madam Joanna after her daughter’s birthday party, but since things have changed, I guess I have to show it to you.” Tiffany continued.

Jessica took the file handed to her and flipped through the pages slowly, briefly scanning the designs.

“Ms. Hwang, you should be punished for this.” She suddenly said.

“Excuse me?” Tiffany said, shocked.

“How could you hide your talent all this time?” Jessica asked.

“With this impressive work, you really deserve to be the Head of Design department.” Jessica added.

Tiffany gulped.

“Come here.” Jessica called, gesturing her to come closer to her.

Tiffany moved slowly towards her and stopped when she was beside Jessica who was sitting on the chair.

“Aaaahh!” Exclaimed Tiffany all of the sudden.

Jessica had pulled her and now Tiffany was sitting on her lap, with her arms around the girl’s waist. Their faces were just inches from each other.

“Je-Jessi, what are you doing?” Asked Tiffany, blushing. Anyone would have the wrong idea if they saw them in that position, with Tiffany’s legs spread wide against Jessica’s body on the chair.

“Punishing you.” Jessica replied, grinning.

Tiffany sighed and chuckled. She circled her arms around Jessica’s neck.

“Do you still remember how we were in the office back then?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica nodded. “Yeah...”

“You were sooo romantic, with your cool and charming ways to steal my heart...”

“I’m still romantic!” Jessica protested.

Tiffany laughed and stroked her fiancé’s hair gently.

“Yes you are. Hopelessly romantic and also...perverted now.” She replied.

Jessica chuckled and held Tiffany’s hands tenderly before intertwining them together.



“Did you know that Sooyoung had quit her job?” Jessica suddenly asked.

“From the cafe?”

“The cafe, and also Glitter.” Replied Jessica.

Tiffany was shocked. “So she’s jobless now?! But, why?!”

Jessica sighed. “You think?”

“Was it because of the...Hara and Hyunjoong thing?” Guessed Tiffany.

Jessica nodded.

Tiffany looked away and sighed. She looked worried.

“Honey, I think you should talk to Sooyoung. She needs her friends by her side.” Jessica said, gently cupping Tiffany’s face with her hands.

“Actually, I do feel guilty for the things I’ve said to her at the party...” Tiffany replied.

She held Jessica’s face and inched closer.

“Okay, I will talk to her.”

Jessica smiled.

“That’s my girl.” She whispered before slowly pulling Tiffany closer for a sweet kiss.


Choi Sulli was laying on the couch with a bag of chips in one hand and a remote control in the other. She browsed through the channels, going through some variety shows, dramas and documentaries with an unimpressed look on her face. After a while she finally decided to watch a re-run of some halllyu drama on KBS. It was Full House, a drama a few years back starring Song Hye Gyo and Rain before he became a ninja.

The scene shows Song Hye Gyo’s character waiting for her husband in front of a mall all by herself. She keeps on waiting for hours without knowing that her husband went to comfort another woman someplace else.

For some reason, Sulli was boiling with anger.

“HE’S NOT GONNA COME! STOP BEING PATHETIC AND MOVE ON TO THE OTHER HOT MAN!” She shouted angrily. She was lucky that her parents are not home or she might get scolded herself.

She grabs a pillow from the couch and throws it at the new Samsung LED TV her father just bought. And she was lucky it missed or she might be grounded for life.


Suddenly the bell rang, causing Sulli to stop ranting like a crazy girl. Someone was at the door.

She quickly sits up straight before standing up to get the door. It could be her parents or their nosy neighbour wanting to complain about the noises she produced due to her teen angst. Sulli thinks people need to understand that it’s just a phase.

She sighed and dragged herself to the door and without bothering to check who it was, she opened it.

“Krys?” She said, shocked.

Krystal was standing at the door, looking gloomy. Without bothering Sulli’s invitation, she entered the house and made her way to the living room.

Sulli stared at her friend, puzzled. She closed the door and followed her.

“I thought you had a date with Taemin today.” Krystal said before sitting on the brown leather sofa.

Sulli scoffed as she heard his name mentioned and joined her friend on the sofa.

“I also thought so, but THAT TAEMIN NEVER SHOWED UP!” She said angrily. Krsytal was startled at her sudden outburst. The angel-like Sulli can be very nasty when she’s angry.

“I waited for him for two hours, and then he called me to cancel our date because of some family thing. Like...how could someone do that to his girlfriend?! He could’ve told me earlier!!” She continued.

Krystal was only managed to nod and mumbled, “Yeah...”

“I wasted my time, my energy, my patience and my makeup for nothing!” Sulli added with fury. Like she was keeping it all inside and venting all her locked up anger to her poor friend.

Krystal rubbed her back gently, trying to calm her down.

“I never thought that pretty boy was a douche. Anyway, he’s not worth it for you to be angry all day.” She said.

Sulli let out a loud sigh, like a big rock was taken off her chest. She turned to Krystal and smiled.

“What a nice surprise for you to visit me today. I thought you were kinda...” Sulli paused and looked away.

"...avoiding me these days.” She continued.

Krystal gulped and scratched her hair uncomfortably.

“That’s silly, I never avoided you. It was you who were too busy dating your new boyfriend that you have forgotten about me.”

Sulli scoffed, “I am not! You’re the one who was too occupied with Jiyoung, all the time that I can’t even talk to you anymore.”

“That’s not true! You and Taemin-"

“No! You and Jiyoung were-"

“Not true!”

“Yes it is!”



And then there was silence. The two girls looked at each other without saying a word for a few seconds.

Suddenly they both broke into laughter.

“Gosh, I miss you Krys!” Sulli said, throwing her arms around her friend for a big hug.

Krystal was shocked but soon she returned the hug and smiled in bliss. They haven’t hugged like this for a while.

They broke the hug and smiled at each other like they haven’t seen each other for so long.

“I guess we’re just so busy with our boyfriends er...girlfriends that we forgot to spend time with each other now.” Sulli said with a chuckle.

Krystal smiled with mixed emotions, though she hated that Sulli refers to Taemin as her boyfriend she was a bit happy with the ‘girlfriend’ part.

“I never thought you would date someone like Taemin though. He’s just not your type.” Krystal said on impulse.

Sulli raised an eyebrow, interested.

“Not my type? So what is my type then?” She asked.


“So what do you think my type of guy would be like?” Sulli repeated.

Krystal cleared her throat.

“Umm...well, I think you would like someone who’s...simple and not too fluffy like him…"

Sulli chuckled, agreeing on the fluffy Taemin part.

“...and someone that you can be yourself with, who doesn’t care if you wear makeup or not, who will always make you smile-"

“Ehhh...that sounds like someone I know.” Sulli cuts in.

Krystal gulped. “Really? Who?”

Sulli smiled cheekily before replying.


Krystal froze; she did not expect that at all.

“Are you telling me that my ideal type is you?” Sulli asked, half serious.


Sulli broke out into laughter and pats Krystal’s shoulder.

“Krystal, do you like me?” She asked jokingly.

The girl bit her lip, not saying anything like a statue, a cute blushing statue.

“Too bad that is not going to happen, since I have Taemin and you have Jiyoung. But seriously, if you were a boy, I would've dated you a long time ago.” Sulli added casually causing Krystal to blush even more.

Sulli chuckled at Krystal’s reaction and turned her gaze towards the floor. Then she noticed Krystal’s bruised feet.

“Oh my god, what happened to your feet?” She asked as she kneeled down in panic in front of Krystal.

She gently held Krystal’s right foot. “Did you wear wrong sized high heels? You know how easy your feet can get hurt. Or did someone mug your shoes?”

“Oh! I have a first aid kit, maybe we can put some plaster on that.” Sulli said before she stood up to get the kit from a nearby closet.

“Sulli...” Krystal suddenly called.

Sulli turned around. “Yeah?”

Krystal looked at her and bit her lip.



Chapter 50

The Scent

“Why are we meeting here?” Gyuri asked, with an eyebrow raised.

Taeyeon leaned closer to her before whispering. “Because we have to keep this as a secret...”

Though Gyuri finds it weird, she nodded anyway. She and Taeyeon were standing by the ladies room at Sunny’s Cafe, as they agreed to meet there for a ‘business matter’.

“So, do you have the ‘thing’ that I asked for?” Taeyeon asked, still whispering.

Gyuri nodded and handed her a brown paper bag. Taeyeon grabbed the bag and quickly checked the contents of it, impatient. Her eyes widen as she saw two laminated papers that read,

‘Music Bank Backstage Pass’.

“You...really got them...thank you Gyuri! Sunny is gonna be so happy!” Taeyeon said, excited.

Gyuri smiled, watching her reaction. “Not a big deal since my uncle can get it easily. His company’s boy group, 2AM will also be performing tomorrow.”

Taeyeon was still grinning from ear to ear as she looked at Gyuri.

“How could I repay you for this?” She asked, feeling grateful. They looked at each other. Gyuri was staring at Taeyeon from top to bottom, thinking how her top doesn’t match her green pants. She looked like a leprechaun.

Realizing Gyuri’s eyes on her, Taeyeon quickly covers her chest with both hands and gasped with a panicked expression on her face.


Gyuri scoffed and snatched the brown bag from Taeyeon’s hand before hitting her shoulder with it. The bag fell on the ground.

“Yah Taeyeon! What are you thinking? Eww...I don’t do midgets, so don’t worry!” She said, pissed.

“Hehe, I’m just kidding. But calling me midget? Heh, you’re not that tall either...” Taeyeon said, teasing.

Gyuri rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, even considering taking back her backstage passes and giving it to Jiyoung instead.

“What is this?” A voice asked.

They both looked at the direction. A girl was picking up the brown bag that fell on the ground. Kang Jiyoung was reading the passes in her hand, with her eyes blinking like a cute little puppy.

“Wow, backstage passes for Music Bank!” She said, excitedly.

Taeyeon gulped. “Oh no. That’s for Sunny and me...”

“Ooh, cool passes.” Krystal Jung added. She just came out from nowhere and popped out nearby Jiyoung.

Jiyoung and Krystal looked at each other as their minds connect; something that is extremely rare to happen. They both smiled, agreeing on one thing.

“I’ve always wanted to go to Music Bank...” Jiyoung mumbled to Krystal. Krystal can’t help but smile.

Suddenly she turned to Gyuri with a cute pout. “Unniee...can I have these passes?”

Gyuri looked at the girl before her with a sigh. She turned around and noticed that Taeyeon was also pouting at her.

“Taeyeon-ah, Jiyoung wants to go to MuBank...” Gyuri said.

“Bu-but those passes are for me! You promised me first!” Taeyeon said panicked. She even marched toward Jiyoung and snatched the passes from Jiyoung’s hand like a grumpy little girl.

Jiyoung was startled at the adult’s action before frowning and looked down. Krystal bit her lip.

“Yah Taeyeon unnie! Do you have to snatch it like that?! Now Jiyoung is sad..."

Krystal paused when she finally realizes that everyone was staring at her. Taeyeon was looking at her with a puzzled look on her face while Gyuri has her signature teasing smirk. Krystal glanced at Jiyoung. She looked surprised, and her cheeks were red.

Krystal gulped.

Oh snap.

Did I just defend Stinky Jing?

“...now Jiyoung is sad and I don’t give a damn about her…” Krystal mumbled and looked away like nothing happened.

Gyuri sighed. “Okay, Taeyeon you can have those passes.”

“Unniee...” Jiyoung said with a pout.

Gyuri smiled and pat her head gently. “And I’ll get two more passes for you too, but only on one condition.”

“Anything unnie! Anything!” Jiyoung said excitedly. She was so excited that she didn’t realize that she was grabbing Krystal’s hand. Krystal was shocked at her sudden gesture but she didn’t protest either. Instead her mouth crept into a smile.

“I’ll give you passes, if...” Gyuri paused and glanced at Krystal.

“…if only you go with Krystal.” She continued.

Jiyoung’s expressions changed, from her infinite excitement to total hopelessness. Her shoulder slumped, almost looked like a cute anime character.

She understood her sister’s intention, she was just trying to play cupid by putting them together. But it also feels like she was asking Krystal out and it would’ve been an embarrassing moment if she turned her down.

“Then Gyuri unnie, you better prepare those two passes because I’ll be going with her.” Krystal suddenly said. Jiyoung was surprised, and starting to think that it was all a dream.

“Okay, no problem. But you have to promise me something, little Jung.” Gyuri said.

Krystal raised an eyebrow as Gyuri leaned closer and put a hand on her shoulder.

“You have to promise me that you will fetch her and…then walk her all the way home.”

Jiyoung’s face quickly turned red hearing Gyuri’s request.

She then slapped her arm in protest. “UNNIE!! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?!”

Krystal nodded coolly. “Okay, I’ll walk her right to the door.”

Jiyoung can no longer contain her feelings, she ended up burying her face in her palms to hide her uncontrollable blush. Her mind was running wild, thinking that one of her wildest dreams was about to come true.

Krystal...is going to walk me home...

and then...we will...


“HEY IT’S MUSIC BANK PASSES!! I WANNA GO TOO!!” Said a high pitched voice that came out of nowhere.

Tiffany was brimming excitedly as she was holding the MuBank passes that she somehow snatched from Taeyeon in one hand, while Jessica’s hand in the other. Everyone looked at them, shocked by their sudden appearance.

“HONEY!! I’VE ALWAYS WANNA GO TO SOMETHING LIKE THIS!” She said to Jessica with a demanding expression.

Jessica smiled. “Okay, let’s go then.”


Taeyeon charged forward to Tiffany, trying to get the passes from Tiffany’s hand. But Jessica was quick; she stood in front of her fiancé and stared at Taeyeon with her threatening gaze like a scary bodyguard. Taeyeon was frozen by the ice princess’s gaze and stopped.

“A surprise for me?” Said a voice suddenly.

Sunny was standing by the wall as she watches the unusual scene in her cafe. Krystal and Jiyoung were holding hands while Gyuri watches Jessica protecting Tiffany from the harmless looking Taeyeon with a mysterious smirk. She looked at each of their faces, trying to get a clear idea of what’s going on.

“What is happening here?”

She looked at Taeyeon. “You have a surprise for me?”

Taeyeon sighed and nodded. “Well, I did-

Gyuri quickly cuts in, “What’s the fuss anyway? I can get us all a passes each, 2 for the teenage couple, 2 for the ugh...horny couple and another two for the married midgets. Let’s all go watch idols performs on Mubank tomorrow, okay?”


“She’s still here? Wow, I think she’s been sitting there for...more than 5 hours.” A male worker said to the cashier.

“I think she’ll be here till we’re closed again, just like yesterday.” The cashier, Sungmin replied. He glanced at the new male worker who was staring at the female customer with her mouth opened.

“Wow, she’s so pretty. I wonder what she’s doing here, it looks like she’s waiting for someone.” He mumbled.

Sungmin nodded. “She has nowhere else to look for her. I guess she’ll just wait here until she shows up again.”

“Ohh, ‘her’? Who? Her sister? Mother? or her friend?” The nosy worker continues.

Sungmin let out a heavy sigh. “Well, it’s more complicated than that.”

“What do you mean complicated?” He asked, curious.

Sungmin cleared his throat. “It means....that you have to move your ass now because there are loads of hot donuts waiting for you in the kitchen!”

His tone was firm and serious, causing the male worker to startle in fear. He seems to forget that Sungmin is the new manager of the donut shop.

He bowed nervously. “I’m...sorry, I’ll go to the kitchen now!”

Sungmin shook his head as he watched the new staff make his way clumsily to the kitchen. Then he glanced back at the young woman sitting by the window. She has been sitting there for hours, watching everyone who passes by while sipping her coffee.

Choi Sooyoung stirred her cup of espresso as she looked out of the window. It’s her third cup that day and she’s no longer thirsty, but she has to order something to keep on sitting there. It’s their favourite spot everytime they visit the donut shop. Hara likes sitting by the window because she enjoys watching people passing by. Sooyoung can’t help but smile at how happy Hara was observing the rushing crowds and making fun of them. They would share their thoughts and laugh together. Most of the time they would became their own fashion police, criticizing the pieces of clothes that the people of Seoul wear. She can tell how much Hara loves fashion.

She still remembers the sound of her laugh.

It used to make her heart flutter.

But now the memory became poison to her.

It kills her knowing that maybe she can’t hear Hara’s laughter again.

It kills her knowing that she was the one who stole her laughter.

“It was all because of me..."

Suddenly she felt a warm tap on her shoulder. Glancing to her side, she saw a hand with the engagement ring on her finger. And she could tell who it was immediately.


Tiffany smiled before joining her friend at the table, even though she hasn’t offered her to do so. They looked at each other and soon the awkwardness begins to settle in. Sooyoung looked down, feeling embarrassed. She knows how Tiffany blamed her for what happened, and seeing her again only reminded her of that night. And her guilt will haunt her again.

“Is that espresso? It looks delicious. Can I have some?” Tiffany said to begin their conversation.

“Er...yeah, sure.” Sooyoung said, pushing the cup across the table to Tiffany.

Tiffany held the cup with her hands and stirs it slowly. It wasn’t the drink that she wants.

“Sooyoung-ah...” She said and Sooyoung looked up upon hearing her name called.

Tiffany looked at her friend, “I’m sorry.”

Sooyoung was shocked; she can’t recall anything that Tiffany did wrong to her.

“Why are you apologizing?” She asked.

“Because I blamed you at the party without even listening to your side of the story.” Tiffany replied.

“What? That’s not your fault, Fany-ah...” Sooyoung said, touched.

“Also because I kinda fail as your friend. I wasn’t there for you when you needed a friend. And I’m also sorry that you had to stick with Jessi.” She added.

Her last line managed to drew a smile on Sooyoung’s face. “Hey, Sica is actually a great friend.”

Tiffany bit her lip.

Sooyoung continued. “Seriously, she is a good listener, and someone I can rely-"

“I know how awesome my Jessi is.” Tiffany cuts in.

Sooyoung chuckled. “Haha, are you jealous that we’re close friends?”

Tiffany rolls her eyes. “Whatever, only I know how great she is in bed.”

“Oh, please stop. I’m not interested in knowing those things! Spare this virgin soul!” Sooyoung said, covering her ears.

“Oh come on, you’re not a virgin.” Tiffany said with a scoff.

“Hey, I am a virgin.”

Tiffany looked confused. “But at the party Hara said that you and Hyun-"

She paused realizing that she might offend her friend.

Sooyoung sighed and leaned her back against her chair. “I have never slept with Hyunjoong and I don’t know why Hara thinks so. It’s just-"

She paused and looked down in silence.

Tiffany could feel the awkwardness and blaming herself for bringing the topic up.

She cleared her throat, “Hey, me, Jessi and the others are going to watch Music Bank performances tonight. Would you like to join us?”

But Sooyoung kept silent.

“I think I can talk Gyuri into getting you a backstage pass. Maybe a wink will do the trick...” Tiffany added.

“That’s very nice Fany-ah, but sorry I can’t go.” Sooyoung said suddenly.

Tiffany looked at her friend, curious.

“I have to stay here in the shop.” Sooyoung continued.

“Er...May I ask why?” Tiffany asked gently.

“Because Hara might came when I’m not around so, I’ll wait for her here.”


“I don’t know where else to find her, Fany-ah. This shop is my only hope to meet her again.” Sooyoung said slowly, carefully hiding her sadness though it was reflected clearly through her eyes.


“Sulli, what flavour do you want? I’m about to order the ice cream now.” Lee Taemin said to the doll-like girl beside him.

Choi Sulli was spacing out almost the entire time that day. She looked at her boyfriend and shrugged.

“It doesn’t matter, just order anything. Minnie, I’m tired, I’ll be sitting on the bench over there.” She said lazily before making her way to the nearby bench. Taemin looked at her, can’t help but feel worried about her mood swings that evening. His eyes were still on her when she sits on the bench with her legs crossed.

She looked blankly at the busy street, as her mind wavers somewhere else. She can’t stop thinking of what happened the day before, and the things she said.

“Oh! I have a first aid kit, maybe we can put some plaster on that.” Sulli said before she stood up to get the kit from a nearby closet.

“Sulli...” Krystal suddenly called.

Sulli turned around. “Yeah?”

Krystal looked at her and bit her lip.


“Hmm? What is it?”

“I...think I have to go now.” Krystal said, standing up from the sofa.

Sulli was shocked by her sudden action; seeing her standing on her swollen feet. She hurriedly went to her friend’s side. She held Krystal’s arm, stopping her from leaving.

“Hey Jung, you just got here, and your feet are hurting. Can I at least give you some plasters for your injuries? What’s the rush?”

Krystal looked at her friend with a faint smile.

“Stop being too nice to me, Sulli-ah.”

Sulli shook her head. “What are you talking about? You’re my best friend, even though we fight most of the time, you know how I care about you. Being nice to you is natural to me, especially if you’re hurting like this.”

Krystal let out a small chuckle. “Best friend? I begin to doubt that.”

“Yah Krystal Jung! Stop saying nonsense!” Sulli snapped, she had enough of Krystal’s mood swings.

Krystal continued to look at her friend. “You said that best friends can tell feelings just by looking into each other’s eyes.”

Sulli nodded vigorously. “I know I said that! And I mean it!”

“Then, look into my eyes.”

Sulli stared at the girl before her and gulped.

“Can you tell me how I feel right now?” Krystal asked, serious.

They looked at each other for what seemed like the longest seconds of their lives. Sulli gulped as she saw something deep in Krystal’s heart. Something so obvious but she kept acting like she didn’t see it.

“Then tell me, how...do I feel for you?” Krystal continued.

Sulli felt like she was trapped in between with no way out. She knows the answer to the question, but she can’t give it to her. In fact, she knew it long ago. The way Krystal’s been treating her, the way she looks at her; it’s all too obvious. But she can’t bring herself to admit it. It’s easier to pretend.


Krystal looked at her in anticipation.

Sulli gulped. “I...Krystal...I...

Krystal sighed.

“I have to go.” She said, pulling her arm away.

Sulli froze as she looked at her friend as she grabbed her bag and walked to the door. Krystal looked down as she reached the front door, hoping Sulli would stop her from leaving. But after a few seconds pass, she knows it was all wishful thinking. With a heavy sigh, she turned the door knob.

“Krystal, don’t go.” Sulli suddenly said.

Krystal stopped upon hearing her call and she slowly turned around. Sulli was standing in front of her, staring at her with her huge puppy eyes.

“Why? Why can’t you just let me go?” Krystal asked. Inside her heart there was a faint light of hope.

Sulli sighed and hesitated again.

“Tell me the reason why I can't just go?” Krystal asked again. She was hoping to hear something from her. Though the chances are low that Sulli might know how she feels for her and even feels the same, she can’t help but keep on hoping.

Maybe it was all meant to be. Maybe she was supposed to confess to her at that time, in her house. Maybe it’s all fate...

Sulli gulped a few times before finally said. “Krystal, don’t go...because...

“...your feet are still hurting.”

Krystal looked at her friend, as all her hope just crushed into pieces. The faint light of hope in her heart just died. She knows it’s the end for them.

She let out a small chuckle.

“My feet don’t really hurt, Sulli-ah. But my heart is...aching.”

Sulli looked down and bit her lip.

Krysttal smiled. “It’s okay, this pain is only temporary. I know it will go away someday, it might take some time but I will recover. Thank you for worrying about me, Sulli.”

“You truly are...

...my best friend.” She continued.


“Oh my god that was amazing!! Ga In unnie WONNN!!” Squealed Jiyoung to Gyuri’s face. She was holding her sister’s hand the entire time they were watching the performances in the front seats of Music Bank, ignoring Krystal beside her. Even though Krystal huffed and glared at her several times, she still ignores her and chanted excitedly with Gyuri.

Gyuri on the other hand was glad that Jiyoung sat next to her and making all the fuss. At least it helped her take her mind off the awkwardness that has been going on. She looked over her shoulder to check on the people sitting behind her. Yoona and Yuri were sitting side by side, watching the performance with their hands clasped with each other.

For some reason, it hurts seeing them.

“Gyuri, thanks for bringing us here.” A voice from her side said. It quickly took her attention and she turned her head to the direction.

Taeyeon was smiling with her wife, Sunny next to her. They were both staring at her with a thankful expression.

“Gyuri, thank you! I'm having a great time! I can’t believe I just watched T-Ara perform with my own eyes!” Sunny added, excitedly.

Gyuri smiled. “It was all your wife’s idea. You should thank her for it too.”

Sunny nodded before grabbing Taeyeon’s face to turn and look at her. Taeyeon was grinning like an idiot.

“Thank you baby.” Sunny said before planting a few wet kisses on Taeyeon’s cheek. Taeyeon didn’t protest at all, in fact she was smiling like she was in heaven. They were fighting for almost every day and for them to feel the love again is priceless.

“I think we should move now if we still want to meet the artistes. The show’s over and they might leave soon.” Jessica suddenly said. She grabbed Tiffany’s hand and they stood up together.

Yoona nodded and pulled Yuri with her. “Let’s go.”

The group walked together towards backstage, proudly wearing their exclusive passes. Some of the crews exchange smiles with Gyuri and Taeyeon, as they knew each other when working in the same field.

Yuri wasn’t feeling well the whole time. She felt like her stomach was curling up, and turned upside down since she got there, since she saw Gyuri. Being in the same place with her girlfriend and her someone who posses her dark secret is torturing her.

“Yoong, I want to go to the bathroom. My stomach doesn’t feel so good.” Yuri said to her girlfriend. They stopped by the hallway and looked at each other.

“What’s wrong? Do you want me to go with you?” Yoona asked.

Gyuri rolled her eyes at the sight, feeling annoyed.

Yuri shook her head. “No, it’s okay. Just wait with the others.” She said before leaving to the nearby toilet.

“Yoong-ah, Yul will be fine! Everyone come on! Let’s go now! I don’t wanna miss T-Ara! I’ve waited long enough and my make-up is going to melt soon!” Sunny complains.

Taeyeon scoffed. “Then why did you put on so much make up today?”

“Because I want to look good in front of MY Hyomin!” Sunny replied.

“Yah, what do you mean ‘MY Hyomin’?!” Taeyeon asked, angry.

Krystal let out a loud huff. “If we’re still walking at the snail rate like this we're probably going to meet them next week. I want to meet 2NE1 too.”

Jiyoung pouted, the word ‘snail’ really bothered her.

Gyuri sighed. “Let’s get moving then. Their dressing room is just up ahead..."

She paused and stares at the couple by her side.

“Er...Jess, Tiff can you both just...stop flirting with each other and move, like seriously can’t you wait till you get home? Like Tiff...why are you wiping her lips in public like that?” She continued with an annoyed glare. She had enough to deal with in one night.

Tiffany quickly retreats her hand, “Because she had a milk moustache and...I’m her napkin.” She replied casually. Jessica let out a small laugh before patting her fiance’s head lovingly.

“Well said, honey.” She whispered.

Gyuri looked away, feeling more annoyed than ever.

“Where did they even get milk in here?” She mumbled to herself.

Yoona chuckled and moved first to walk beside Gyuri.

“Come on unnie, let’s move to T-Ara’s dressing room!” She said to cheer her up.

Gyuri was startled, realizing that Yoona was walking by her side with a wide smile on her face. She looked so innocent, and Gyuri can’t help but feel guilty. Honestly, she has nothing against Yoona, in fact she feels sorry for her for being deeply in love with someone like Yuri.

As they were walking through the hallway, suddenly a big tall male staff accidentally bumped into Yoona.

“Ahhh!” Shrieked Yoona as she loses her balance.

“Sorry!” He said before running off.

Yoona was helpless, trying to hold onto something to support herself from falling. But there was nothing. She closed her eyes, getting ready for the painful impact and future embarrassment.

“Yoona!” She heard Tiffany call. And then a pair of hands caught her from behind, holding her firmly. Suddenly she smells a familiar scent.


This scent..

She has a bad feeling about this. Yoona opened her eyes slowly, as her heart begins to pound faster. She looked at the person before her with mixed feelings.

Gyuri loosened up her grip on the petite girl’s waist after helping her up.

“You’re welcome.” She said to the stunned looking Yoona.

Yoona cleared her throat before saying.

“So...it’s you.”


Chapter 51

Dumb and Dumber

Im Yoona has always been proud of her sensitive sense of smell. She’s able to not just smell something that is considered too distant for other people; she can also remember it well. But back then, it caused her nothing but trouble. When she was younger, she hated the perfume that her aunt uses and always avoid her when she came visited their house. The poor lady even thought that Yoona hated her, but the only thing she hated was her perfume. She just can’t stand the smell, it was too strong and she thought it was similar to a wet dog’s.

But she does not hate every single thing that produces an odour, for instance, she loves the aroma of her mother’s cooking and the smell of her father’s dried sweat every time he came back from work.

When Yoona enters school, she gets to explore variety types of smell. From the extremely unpleasant smell from the boy who sat at the back of the class to the over pungent perfume from the wannabe popular girl with the funny ‘konglish’ accent. And Yoona also had a hard time getting close to other people, even though she’s quite popular because of her undeniably attractive look. But since sometimes she have to hold her breath or covers her nose in order to converse with her classmates, most of them got offended by her actions. They called her arrogant and when she tries to explain the reason why, they called her a freak.

In the end, she became a loner.

But when Yoona entered secondary school, everything changed.

Why, you’d ask?

She met Yuri.

Yoona’s first impression of Yuri?

“She smells so good”.

It wasn’t Yuri’s looks or personality that caught her attention at first, it was her scent. Her natural odour was like a candy to Yoona’s nose. Yoona was the one who approached Yuri on the first day, and secured a place next to her candy in the class for the whole year. It doesn’t bother her that Yuri is a bit annoying at times, with her weird obsession for a Star Wars character, Yoda added with her peculiar habit of talking to herself, and always jotting everything down in her little journal. It doesn’t matter, because she feels the most comfortable with her. The world seems like a better place when she’s with Yuri. She can’t be bothered with the stinky boy or the pungent perfume anymore, because Yuri’s scent overcomes it all.

Over the years they stick together like a pair of Siamese twins, and soon they became inseparable.

Yoona is 21 years old now and she’s already got used to her sensitive nose. Random scents no longer cause her problems as she’s able to control her senses while growing up. But Yuri is still her candy, her favourite odour in the world and always will be.

Not just that.

Yuri was also the first girl she fell in love with, and will be the last.

Her feelings for her are so pure and unshaken, to the extent that she doesn’t know how to love any other person.

But now.


She recognizes Yuri’s scent by heart.

“You smell different.” She said one day.

“You taste different.” She said after they lock lips.


And all she got was a denial in her shaking voice.

“No.. I don’t.”


Yoona know she was nervous.

She knows that Yuri was lying.

Yoona know that scent was not hers.


Yoona knows..

And it’s been killing her to know who was it.




“So..it’s you.” Yoona said.

Gyuri looked at her, puzzled. “What-

“How unexpected.” Yoona continued.

The two ladies continue to stare at each other for a while. Yoona’s stare was so strong and fierce, causing the usually calm Gyuri to gulp nervously.

“Wh-what are you talking about?” She asked.

Yoona gritted her teeth, “You-


“Hey, have you guys met T-Ara yet? I just ran into Supreme Team and boy they are..” Yuri paused when she noticed that Gyuri and Yoona were locked in an intense eye contact.

And suddenly she found it hard to breathe.

The rest of the gang already left, leaving the three of them in the middle of the busy hallway. After a few moments Yoona finally broke their eye contact and glanced at Yuri. Yuri looked extremely nervous with a few visible beads of cold sweats on her forehead.

Gyuri looked down, as she has no idea how to react. There’s something deep down inside her heart..

There’s something..

And suddenly Yoona grabbed Yuri’s arm before sensually ran down her bare skin to intertwine their fingers together. Yuri was startled by her action, as she was expecting the worst. Yoona surprised her even more when she abruptly gave her a sweet smile.

“Let’s go, everyone has already gone to the dressing room.” She said before pulling her girlfriend along.


Yuri glanced at Gyuri as she was dragged away by her girlfriend. To her surprise, Gyuri was looking at her, with an expression that she has never seen before. It wasn’t her usual evil smirk, or her teasing glare, there was..emptiness reflected in her eyes.

And also something..

..so pure, almost like..


A tall man wearing a brown trench coat was walking by the sidewalk in Seoul. A few passersby, female or male noticeably stopped and stare at him, like they just saw a walking statue escaped from a Greek museum. However he was too busy to notice all the attention, as he was speaking to someone on the phone. Pressing the phone to his left ear, he crossed the street after making sure the road was clear and made his way to another block of stores.

“Mom, you must take care of your health first.” Hyunjoong said gently to his phone’s receiver.

He continued to walk as he shook his head, “I’ve told you not to worry about Hara, I’ll find her soon.”

“Don’t you lie to me mom, the doctor said that you refuses to eat. Don’t make me come there and feed you myself.” He added firmly. He continued to walk; now walking pass a row of restaurants and cafe.

He carefully made his way through the crowd, even though his steps were rapid. “Mom, I promise I’ll bring Hara back. I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again. You have to trust me.”

“I’ve confirmed with the airport earlier and they said that she has not left Korea yet. Now I’m on my way to a donut shop here in town, since my PI said that she used to visit this place often.” He said, increasing the speed of his steps.

“Maybe I can find something there-

He paused.

He stood still in front of the glass window, staring at a lady who was sitting inside. She was all alone, sipping her cold coffee probably to help keeping her awake this late evening. There was also a plate of donuts on her table, which seem cold and untouched. Hyunjoong could tell that she was tired and maybe also sleepy, judging from the size of the dark bags under her eyes.

His heart broke when he saw the lady wiped her left eye with the back of her hand as if there were tears rolling down. Her eyes weren’t wet, well not anymore.

Suddenly the lady turned towards the window and her eyes widen, shocked. Their eyes met, and they stare at each other for the longest time.

“Hyun, are you still there? What’s going on?” Joanna’s voice was heard through his phone.

Hyunjoong cleared his throat, but his eyes were still on the lady, as if he’s making sure she won’t leave.

“Mom, I have to..meet someone. I’ll see you later.” He said before hanging up the phone before her mother was able to say anything.


“OMG YOU’RE SO PRETTY!!” Sunny’s voice was heard filling the dressing room.

So the gang made it, they were able to catch T-Ara before they left even though there was only 3 members left. The others had gone to another schedule so they only managed to attack Eunjung, Jiyeon and Hyomin. But Sunny seems content since she was only focusing on Hyomin the entire time.

“OMG I’M YOUR FAN!!” Tiffany’s voice added to the commotion. Jessica was shocked; she had no idea that her fiancé is actually Jiyeon fangirl and finally understood why she was forced to watch Death Bell 2 with her more than three times.

The room was chaotic, with different reactions here and there. The fangirls, Sunny and Tiffany were swarming their idols with their never ending squeals, the annoyed partners, Taeyeon and Jessica were sitting on the nearby couch like two lonesome pair, the teenage kids, Krystal and Jiyoung who were chatting with two members of 2NE1 that they met and the awkward trio, Yoona, Yuri and Gyuri, being well, awkward.

Yuri was busy talking to someone on the phone and she was pacing back and forth at the back of the room leaving Yoona on the couch. Yoona was sitting next to Jessica and tries her hardest not to glare at Gyuri again. Gyuri noticed the furious glares on her every now and then. It made her wonder what exactly going on. Has Yoona found out about ‘it’?

Though she was nervous, she covered it well. She leaned her back against the wall, acting casual and continued chatting with T-Ara’s Eunjung who was also her ex-schoolmate.

“We should go eat together sometime. It feels like it’s been a while.” Eunjung said.

Gyuri nodded and smirked, “Sure, anytime. But this time make sure we’re not eating anywhere near soju or champange. I just can’t handle another drunken Eunjung episode. You were dancing to your ‘Bibop’ song on the table all night long, it was embarrassing!”

Eunjung laughed and hit Gyuri’s shoulder lightly, doesn’t seem to be embarrassed with what she did.

“Gyuri really has some connections.” Jessica suddenly mumbled.

Yoona glanced at Jessica, amused that she was observing someone other than Tiffany. Tiffany was chatting endlessly with Jiyeon, with a lot of enviable skinship happening but Jessica still looks so calm.

“Unnie, you seem calm today.” Yoona said.

Jessica turned to Yoona and raised an eyebrow in question.

“Well, Fany-unnie is..” Yoona pauses and glanced at JiFany pair.

..throwing her arms around Jiyeon right now but you seems okay with it. This is so unlike you.”

Jessica glanced at her fiancé and her idol and noticed that they were warmly taking selcas together, with their cheeks touching, like two very happy people.

She looked at Yoona with an empty expression.

But then she smiled. “What? Are you expecting me to be all jealous and..kill Jiyeon or something?” She said, followed by a small laugh that she felt was forced.

Yoona nodded.

“Hey, Tiffany is my..Napkin. I trust her. I’m not gonna be jealous for something like this.” Jessica added with another forced smile.

Yoona rolled her eyes and even shifted herself away from Jessica by a bit. It was pretty obvious that Jessica was keeping it all in.

Fany-unnie is dead tonight.

I’m sure Sica-unnie will make her..

And Yoona quickly shook the thought off her head. After all, there is something far more important that she must do rather than thinking about hot cheese.

“SUNNY! SUNNY-AH!” Taeyeon shouted as she practically jumped out of her seat and rushed to her wife.

It looks like there’s someone else who couldn’t control their jealousy.

“Yah Taeyeon, what are you doing?!” Sunny asked, annoyed. Taeyeon had suddenly come from behind and squeeze in between her and Hyomin.

“Well, I want to take a picture with T-Ara too.” Taeyeon said, pointing at Hyomin.

Hyomin looked at Taeyeon and smiled excitedly, “Ah Taeyeon unnie, you’re here too? I didn’t notice you earlier.”

Taeyeon shrugged coolly at the young idol before her. She and T-Ara have known each other for a while because they have been working together a few times for their previous albums.

“Of course I’m here. I have to be by her side at all times.” Taeyeon said, glancing at Sunny.

Hyomin looked at them, from one face to another alternately. “You and Sunny-shi? Together all the time?”

Taeyeon nodded.

Hyomin seems confused with her eyebrows creased.“But..why is that? It’s just..hahaha..

Taeyeon smiled proudly as she held Sunny’s hand in hers. Sunny was surprised by her action and was stunned.

“It’s because me and Sunny are-

“We’re friends!” Sunny suddenly cuts in.

Taeyeon felt like a sharp dagger just went through her chest. She stared at Sunny for the longest time as her mind suddenly turned pitch black.

“Oh, well that’s explains it! I thought you two were like..together or something.” Hyomin said before laughing cheerfully.

Sunny chuckles along like nothing happened though she feels the cold touch slowly slipping through her hand. She has no idea why she said that, everything happened on impulse. She thought Taeyeon would understand it when she explains it later.

How wrong she was.

“Yoona, I have to leave now.” Yuri suddenly said aloud.

She was standing by Yoona, staring softly at her as she was waiting for her response. Yoona looked at her girlfriend, shocked.

“O-kay, let me grab my bag first..” Yoona said after a while.

“No, you don’t have to.” Yuri quickly held Yoona’s arm, stopping her from getting up. Yoona looked at her, puzzled. She noticed that Gyuri was still there, and seems clueless about what’s going on.

“Well, I have to leave for work. Apparently my new PA made a major mistake about my schedule. Remember about the photoshoot for W mag in Jeju Island that I’m supposed to go to next week?” Yuri asked.

But all she got from Yoona was a shrug and a stinging remark. “Which one? You have too many photoshoots lately that I can’t keep up with it anymore. And what about the ‘photoshoot’ that you’re up to almost every night that you barely have time to spend with me? You’re not finished with that yet, aren’t you?”

Yuri was stunned, she practically stopped breathing. Everyone who overheard them was also amused, with Jessica watching them with an eyebrow raised and Gyuri who eventually formed a smirk on her face. It was fun seeing Yuri in the hot seat.

Yuri tried to reply. “Th-That..um..Wh-what-

But she failed miserably.

After battling with her sudden stutter for a while, she finally manages to cover whatever she had left.

“Umm..that’s a funny joke, Yoong..hahaha.”

But no one else was laughing.

She gulped. “An-Anyways, my new fail PA just informed me that the W photoshoot is actually tomorrow so I have to leave tonight and my flight is like..in two hours.”

Yoona shook her head, “Wow, talk about short notice. It happened quite often recently. You should fire your PA. Again.”

“Yeah, maybe I do.” Yuri replied awkwardly. She glanced at her watch.

“Oh, I gotta get going now. I guess I have to take the car, or maybe you want to send me off at the airport?” Yuri asked as she gently held Yoona’s hand. But Yoona coldly pulled it away.

Jessica chuckled. “Looks like you have to drive yourself to the airport, Yul.”

Yuri quickly smiled to cover her emotions. She has a really bad feeling about what’s going on. She glanced at Gyuri but all she got was a confused stare.

Yuri sighed and looked at Yoona who was avoiding her gaze.

“Okay, I’m going now.” Yuri said. She gently patted Yoona’s hair before leaned down to kiss the top of her head.

Yoona hasn’t moved an inch. She shut her eyes defensively as Yuri gently kisses her head, refusing to bid her goodbye.

Yuri slowly lifts her head and whispered gently. “We’ll talk when I get back. Take care, baby.”

“See you later Yuri-ahh...” Jessica said casually before yawning.

Yuri smiled and nodded. She looked around the room and noticed that the others were still too busy asking autograph from the idol groups.

“Okay, bye guys.” Yuri said slowly to Jessica and Yoona before heading to the door.



Called a voice so gentle, that it surprised everyone.

It was Gyuri, who was still leaning by the wall with her arms crossed.

She stared at Yuri and smiled sweetly before continuing. “Take care.”

And like on impulse, Yuri smiled back at her with a nod. “I will.”

While Jessica was watching the scene in pure confusion like an audience who slept through an important scene in a movie, Yoona was shaking with jealousy that she can no longer hold in.

“KWON YURI!” She called. She stood up and charged herself towards her girlfriend.

Yuri was startled; she froze as the furious looking Yoona marched to her with her gritted teeth and balled fists. To be honest, she was scared.

Not minding to close her gapped mouth, Jessica stared at them like watching a climax scene in a movie. “Here we go..” She mumbled, expecting a massive fight.

But to everyone surprise, Yoona grabs Yuri’s face with both of her hands before pressing her lips onto hers for a passionate ‘never-seen-in-public’ YoonYul kiss. Tiffany, Taeyeon and Sunny at the other end of the room looked at them in shock, same goes to Krystal and Jiyoung who hasn’t been paying attention to the unnies a while ago. Krystal even covered Jiyoung’s eyes. The room went quiet for a while witnessing the whole scene, the backstage staff and even the T-Ara trio and two 2NE1 members present had their jaw dropped.

The kiss went on for almost half a minute and it took Jessica to finally separate them. She tapped Yoona who was still busy playing tongue hockey with Yuri.

“Hey, enough. Don’t you care about your image anymore? You’re a top model and a future actress, remember?” Jessica said firmly.

Yoona slowly releases Yuri from her grip before wiping her lips clean. Yuri was blushing, panting, and also confused.

“Sica unnie, I just want to say goodbye to MY girlfriend. Is that wrong?” Yoona said glancing to where Gyuri was earlier.

But Gyuri was no longer there.


Park Gyuri was rushing through the crowds of staff and singers after leaving the dressing room. She had one hand to cover her face as she passes through.

She cannot be seen like this.

Not with the tears on her face.


Choi Sooyoung continues to gaze out of the window as the night grew darker. She acted like she’s alone at the table even though now she has a company. Hyunjoong on the other hand couldn’t stop staring at the woman before him, as his heart broke into million pieces.

Sooyoung looked so depressed, that he almost can’t recognize her anymore. This was their first meeting since the incident at Hara’s birthday ever since Sooyoung has been avoiding him and ignoring all his calls and messages.

What had happened really changed everything.

“Oppa, do you have any news about Hara?” Sooyoung asked out of the blue. She was still staring out of the window as she asked.

Hyunjoong sighed. “Not much. But I do know that she’s still in Korea.”

“It’s really weird, like she’s leaving us no trail at all. She has not been in contact with her friends or went to her favourite clubs, she just..disappear.”He added with another heavy sigh.

“This donut shop was my last hope, but then..”

Sooyoung finally turned her gaze to the man before her. “Do you think she’s alright?” She asked with her cracked voice.

He nodded vigorously. “Don’t worry, Hara is a tough girl. I’m sure she’s okay.”

Sooyoung looked down and kept silent.

“If anything happen to her, I..” She paused.

She closed her eyes and tears begin to slip the corner of her eyes again.


Suddenly a pair of warm hands grabs her hands gently. She looked up and met Hyunjoong’s comforting gaze.

“Everything will be alright. I promise you that.” He said.

He lifted his right hand and tenderly wipes the beads of tears on her face.

“Stop crying, it hurts me so much seeing you like this-

To his surprise, she pushed his hand aside which then accidentally hit a plate of donuts on the table. The plate fell on the floor and the donuts were scattered all over. However the plate didn’t break. A few customers in the shop were staring at them, curious on what just happened.

Hyunjoong was startled and was frozen due to shock.

Unsure of what to do, he stumbled upon his words. “Soo-Sooyoung..”

Sooyoung quickly pulled her other hand from his grip and surprised him even more. She took a deep breath before turning her gaze to the man.

“Oppa, don’t do this.” She said slowly.

Hyunjoong gulped.

“I care about you, but I’m sorry, we just can’t..be.” She continued.

“Sooyoung-ah..” He called again.

Sooyoung looked away and continued. “Everytime I look at you, I can’t help it but..

..you remind me of Hara, the look on her face, her despairing expression, the tears that rolled down her cheeks and how broken she was..”

She paused and stared at Hyunjoong.

“And how we betrayed her, the two people that she trusts the most in her life. I just couldn’t..”

The man gulped and looked down. He don’t need to be reminded of that again. The fact that he betrayed his own sister is the main reason to his sleepless nights. It played on his head like a broken record.

“Oppa, I hope you can understand.” Sooyoung added gently. She meant it when she said she cares about Hyunjoong.

“I..” He sighed.

“I understand.” Hyunjoong replied slowly.


What is this..thing rolling down my face?

Gyuri slowly wiped her face with her hands and noticed that her hands were wet. She can’t believe that she had cried that much.

She can’t believe that she just cried.

“What the hell?!” She shouted at herself. She stares down at the toilet’s cold marble floor.

Putting both hands on the sink counter, she shut her eyes as she tries to get her act together. She is Park Gyuri, she’s not supposed to be acting this way, crying like a baby.

I don’t care about Yuri and Yoona..

I don’t care about Yuri..


“F***! I don’t give a damn about her!” She shouted to the mirror before her. Her voice echoed in the toilet. Luckily she was alone in there.

Staring at the reflection of herself before her, she realized how frail she really is. The strong and arrogant goddess that she always is was nowhere to be seen. The only person she saw was a messed up young woman sobbing like a fool. She was a mess, with her smudged eyeliners making her look like a sad panda. But she didn’t bother to fix her makeup, and instead she continues to stare at her weak self.

I thought I’m strong enough.

I thought I can take it.

I thought I can fake it.

But I can’t.

“When it comes to you, I can’t.” She mumbled to herself.

Suddenly the toilet’s door was pushed open. Gyuri quickly pulled tissues to cover her face and act normal. She stood up straight and put up her arrogant look. But everything went out the window when she realized that the person who came in was none other than Yoona.

Gyuri gulped. “Ah Yoona-

Suddenly Yoona shut the door behind her and locked the door. Both women stared at each other. There were no words spoken between them, just intense stares that was enough to build the tension in the air.

Gyuri maintain her composure and managed to act casual. She turned on the tap and begins to wet the tissues in her hands.

As she looks into the mirror, she said, “Eyeliners. I knew I shouldn’t listen to Dara and wear this type of eyeliner. It got ruined easily.” She said, wiping the corner of her right eye with the wet tissue. She remained calm even though she can guess what about to happen next. The look in Yoona’s eyes revealed it all.

Yoona knows.

“Leave Yuri alone.” Yoona suddenly said. Her voice sounds so serious and firm. It made Gyuri stop fixing her makeup as she glanced at Yoona through the reflection of the huge mirror.

Though the tension was high, Gyuri chuckled.

“What are you saying?” She said as if she just heard something ridiculous. She continues to wipe her left eye to remove the smudged eyeliners.

Yoona scoffed. “Do I look that dumb to you? You think I have no idea what has been going on these few weeks?”

Gyuri shrugged. “I have no idea what you’re saying.”

“CUT IT OUT! I KNOW ABOUT YOU AND YURI!” Yoona shouted angrily. Her usual angelic look has now changed. Gyuri has never seen her so angry. She threw the tissues into the trash bin and turned around. Now she has a closer look at Yoona as they were standing only a few steps apart from each other. The younger lady was furious and her cheeks had turned red from all the anger she kept inside.

Gyuri crossed her arms and cleared her throat. “So, you knew?”

“Oh yes, I do.” Yoona replied fiercely.

“How do you find out? Did Yuri tell you or-

“Yuri and I know each other for a really long time. I can tell if she’s been keeping secrets from me, I just..know.” Yoona cut in. Gyuri stared at her, curious and a bit intimidated.

“And I know that she’s seeing someone else, she has been acting weird, but I just can’t figure out who that is, until I met you today.” Yoona continued with a serious gaze.

Gyuri looked away. “So, does Yuri know that you’ve found out about her er..part-time activity?”

But her reply surprised Gyuri. “No.”

Gyuri scoffed. “What the?! Why don’t you ask her first instead of attacking me like this? Starting a catfight in a locked toilet? What is this? High school drama?!”

“I’m sorry, corrected, a lesbian high school drama?” She added jokingly.

“Do you think this is funny, huh?” Yoona asked angrily. Gyuri’s ignorant attitude has been ticking her off.

“You’re having an affair with someone else’s girlfriend and you are proud of it?” She questioned.

Gyuri shook her head. “It’s not exactly an affair..

Taking a step forward, she continued. “Is your hobby taking something that isn’t yours? Last time it was Jessica unnie, and now my Yuri! You just won’t change, won’t you? It’s just who you are! You’re nothing but a lonely and pathetic b****!!”

“HEY, WATCH YOUR MOUTH LITTLE GIRL!!” Gyuri shouted as she has reached her limit. She took a step forward closer to Yoona and grits her teeth.

As she poked the latter’s shoulder with her finger, she continued. “Who are you to judge me, huh? You know nothing about me.”

She smirked and poked her harder. “Your girlfriend won’t look for me if you know how to take care of her every night.”

Yoona gasped in disgust and backed away. “Sh-Shut up.”

Gyuri chuckled seeing her reaction. “Oops, did I just offended you little girl? It’s not my fault that Yuri enjoys being in bed with me more than a little girl like you. To Yuri you are nothing but her safety net, knowing that you will always be there at the end of the day no matter what she had done to you. And you’re calling me pathetic?”

“I SAID SHUT UP B****!” Yoona shouted again.

Gyuri rolled her eyes. “Again with the name calling, how boring. Shall I call the teacher and put you in the detention?”

But then, Gyuri let out a loud sigh. “Okay, listen Yoona, I honestly have nothing against you. Plus you’re Tiffany’s cousin and all. The matter is between me and Yuri, and I really don’t want to drag you into this. You don’t deserve this. You don’t deserve someone so manipulating and sly like her. You deserve, much, much better.”

Yoona seemed calmer as she looked down. “I..know Yuri is not a saint, but I don’t care-

..I just want you to leave her.”

Gyuri scoffed. “And then what? If it’s not me then it’s probably some other woman next time. Are you going to hunt down each of them too?”

“I will make sure there won’t be another one. But that is none of your business, that’s my problem.” Yoona replied.

Gyuri stared at her and shook her head. “What kind of woman are you? There is a limit to being loyal. But this? This is just plain dumb..”

Yoona scoffed. “Dumb?! If being in love is dumb, then yes, I am the stupidest person in the world but what else can I do?! I love Yuri, and I know she loves me too! And for that I will stay by her side and keep our relationship alive no matter what!” Yoona burst out with teary eyes. Gyuri was too shocked to come out with a witty comeback.

“Then what about you? If you know how Yuri is then why are you still with her? Doesn’t that make you dumb too?” Yoona asked as she struggled to hold back her tears.

“I..I have my reasons, but I’m not like you.” Gyuri replied, stuttering.

“Just leave Yuri.” Yoona insists.

Gyuri shook her head. “No, I won’t.”

“Sh-she’s my girlfriend! B****! Just leave her alone!”


“YOU B****!” Yoona had finally reached her limit. She pulled Gyuri’s long golden hair forward by surprise, causing the other woman to be dragged along.

“AAAAHH!” Gyuri screamed as she struggled to break free from Yoona’s forceful grip.

Knowing that she can’t get out of it, she then pushed herself towards Yoona, causing the latter to be trapped in between the wall and herself. She tried to hold both Yoona’s arm and prevent her from attacking again, but failed. Yoona was fast and much stronger than she look. She easily wiggled her way free from Gyuri’s clutch before giving her a powerful punch on the left side of her face.

Gyuri was thrown backwards, and soon she felt the pain on her butt caused by the impact of her fall. It was painful since she landed hard on the toilet’s marble floor but it can’t beat the throbbing pain on her face.

Yoona has also fallen on the floor. She is now rubbing her sore right fist. Her punch landed on Gyuri’s solid left jaw and the impact hurts the both of them.

“Why?”Yoona suddenly asked. Gyuri looked up and their eyes met.

“Why can’t you just leave Yuri? You can easily have any other people that you desire, any top celebrity or models, you are Park Gyuri..” Yoona continued.

As Gyuri was rubbing her painful face, she replied. “Because..

..it’s not those other people that I desire.”

“Because they can’t make me feel the way I feel when I’m with her..”

“Just her, just Yuri..” She continued.

Yoona stared at her, shocked seeing the other side of Gyuri. Realizing eyes on her, Gyuri quickly control her cool and looked at Yoona.

“Yoona, I’m sorry. I can’t leave Yuri because..

..I’m in love with her.”


Chapter 52

All Grown Up


“Honey, where is Yoona? We have to leave now.” Jessica asked, glancing at her watch. She, Tiffany, Krystal, Jiyoung, Sunny and Taeyeon were making their way to the parking lot after leaving backstage.

After checking her phone, Tiffany replied, “Yoong just texted me. She said that she wants us to leave first... Eh? I wonder why?” She said with worried expression on her face.

“Maybe she met some friends or has other plans we didn’t know. She’s a big girl, don’t worry.” Sunny replied comfortingly with a pat on Tiffany’s shoulder.

“Okay, then that leaves us with Gyuri. Where is she?” Jessica said like a leader of a scout troop checking her members.

Suddenly Jiyoung put up her hand. “Ah, Gyuri unnie said that she has something to take care of and-

“She wants me to take Jiyoung home.” Krystal continued.

The gang stopped when they arrived at their cars.

“Alright then, so I’ll send you both home. There’s no way I’ll let you two roam the streets of Seoul this late at night.” Jessica said.

Krystal looked disappointed. “But unnie-"

“No buts, Soojung, get in the car.” Jessica cuts in.

Tiffany chuckled watching her fiancé playing a responsible adult. She seems hot that way. Like always.

“Okay girls, get in.” Tiffany said before opening the door to the car’s backseat.

But suddenly,

“Sunny, what am I to you again?” Taeyeon asked with a serious expression on her face.

Everyone was shocked as she was being quiet the entire time. They looked at her, curious.

Sunny gulped. She knew this is coming, but not in public.

“May I ask what does the ring on our finger mean?” Taeyeon continued.

Sunny looked away. “Taeyeon, you’re exaggerating…"

“ANSWER ME!” Taeyeon suddenly shouted.

Her sudden outburst added tension to the atmosphere; they all found it hard to breathe.

“Tiffany, ask the girls to get into the car now.” Jessica ordered.

Tiffany nodded and hurriedly shoved Krystal and Jiyoung into their car.

“What’s going on?” Krystal asked, puzzled.

“Something you don’t want to know.” Tiffany replied short before closing the door.

Taeyeon’s face was red from her sudden explosion. It’s like all her pent up emotions are about to burst out tonight.

She pointed her finger at Sunny as she said. “You always said that I didn’t give enough commitment to our marriage, but look now...

…You’re not even willing to admit that I’m your wife, in front of someone you just met!”

Sunny gulped. “That is not what happened-"

“Who the hell is she to you? But that doesn’t matter! It’s just the fact that you’re too embarrassed to admit who you are is just...so sooo hypocritical!” Taeyeon continued.

Tiffany put a hand on her shoulder to calm her down. “Taeyeon, relax...”

But she pushed her hand away.

“Do you find it so embarrassing that you’re a lesbian? Was it so hard for you to live with that fact everyday with me? Are you ashamed to be seen with me?” She continues to throw her series of questions.

“KIM TAEYEON! STOP IT!” Sunny shouted back. The atmosphere turned fiercer. Jessica tries to calm Sunny down but she was also pushed away.

Sunny grits her teeth. “If I’m embarrassed then I wouldn’t have married you in the first place!”

“Hey, I am committed to this marriage more than you know! I’m willing to start a family with you, but you’re the one who keeps running away everytime I start a conversation about it!” She added angrily.

“I wasn’t running away!” Taeyeon protested.

“Yes you were! You were never there for our doctor’s appointments! Do you know how I feel going to the hospital alone? What’s the point of being married then?!”

Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other wondering what they should do to help. Their friends are fighting about their marriage in the parking lot and it should be stopped. Jiyoung and Krystal were still shocked as they looked at them fighting from inside the car. They have never seen Sunny or Taeyeon like that before. They are always the warm and cheerful ones and their relationship was solid and strong.

Taeyeon scoffed. “Yes, being married. Maybe you’re the one who’s not clear of the meaning of marriage.”

“Ever since we got married, there’s hardly any discussion going on anymore. All there is just Sunny, Suuny, Sunny. You never asked me about the pregnancy, you just decided for me to have it.”

“Y-You agreed to it!” Sunny protested.

“Since when? You decided that I agreed to it!” Taeyeon shouted.

Sunny became speechless.

Taeyeon sighed.

“It’s just you, you you. Your decision. You.”

They looked at each other, but there were no more words spoken. Everything was out of their chest and now it’s all became clear. Let’s just hope it’s not too late.

Taeyeon shook her head.

“I've just...had enough of this.”

She turned around and walked away from her wife and friends towards the road. Sunny was too shocked to react. She looked down and stared at her own feet. And soon tears begin to escape the corners of her eyes.

“I…didn’t know.” She whispered to herself.


“I had no idea that Taeyeon and Sunny were having problems. They always seem so..you know, stable.” Tiffany said to Jessica.

Jessica nodded in agreement to whatever Tiffany was saying as she carefully took a turn on a T-junction. She was driving her fiance, her sister and Jiyoung home right after the drama at the parking lot.

“Taeyeon has always been like that, sometimes I hate it.” Tiffany added with a cute huff.

“Like what?” Jessica asked, curious.

“She likes to keep it all inside, suppressing all the emotions to herself. I think that’s what caused their fight, because Taeyeon finally can’t hold in her tension.” Tiffany replied.

“So basically, it was a communication breakdown. They don’t talk about the obvious problem and hope it will fade away on its own, which it won’t.” Jessica continued.

“Just like an elephant in the room.” Krystal suddenly said.

Tiffany looked over her shoulders and look at Krystal. She was sitting by the window while Jiyoung at the opposite side.

“Exactly.” Tiffany said.

Jessica glanced at the mirror and smiled at her sister. Krystal shrugged.

“That’s why it is very important to be honest with each other when you’re in a relationship.” Jessica added matter-of-factly.

Suddenly Krystal chuckled. “I guess you both had learned your lesson.”

Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other before smiling.

“It took one wedding, a crazy ex-boyfriend and a half-psycho friend to finally come to this. Thank god.” Krystal added. Jessica cleared her throat and glanced at her sister to stop spilling more things since Jiyoung was there.

Jiyoung looked at them, curious. She had no idea what they were saying.

“Ah Sica unnie, can you pull over here. It’s closer to my house.” Jiyoung said, pointing by the road.

Jessica manoeuvred the car before stopping at the place Jiyoung mentioned.

“Here?” She said, looking out of the window. There was a small road heading towards the houses on top of the hill.

“Yes, here will be fine. Thank you for the ride, Sica unnie, Fany unnie.” Jiyoung said as she bowed politely, before putting her hand on the door, getting ready to get off the car.

“Wait!” Tiffany shouted.

Everyone looked at her, shocked.

“It’s quite dark out there and the street looks empty, isn’t there any other way so that we can drop you off at your doorstep?” She continued with a worried expression.

Jiyoung shook her head. “It’s okay unnie! I’m already used to this road and neighbourhood, and my house is just nearby. I’ll be okay!”

“What? Your hood? Oh come on, I’ll walk you home.” Krystal suddenly said.

“E-Eh? No, yo-you don’t have to!” Jiyoung protested, with her cute blushing cheeks.

“I’ve promised Gyuri unnie I would. Now let’s go, you’re wasting my time.” Krystal said before opening the door and get off the car.

Jiyoung was still shocked and noticed that Jessica and Tiffany were staring at her with matching smirks on their faces.

“I-I’ll go now! Thanks for the ride Sica unnie! Fany unnie!” Jiyoung bowed her head again before getting off the car and catch up with Krystal.

Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other as their minds connected. Then they both wind down the window glass and saw the two girls already walking side by side up the road in sync. Contrary to their arguments earlier, their steps were slow like a couple not wanting their date to end.


Tiffany and Jessica looked at the two girls as they slowly walked along the road.

Suddenly Tiffany cooed. “Aww, look how fast she has grown, our Krystal.”

Jessica leaned her back on her seat and gulped.

“Does this mean that my sister is...gay?!”

Tiffany stared at her girlfriend with an eyebrow raised.

“Oh no, Soojung is a lesbian! My baby sister like girls!” Jessica said, surprised.

Tiffany shook her head, “Are you being sarcastic or what because as a proud Jessbian, I find your reaction quite offensive.”

Jessica looked at her fiancé and laughed. “Ahahaha! Jessbian? I like that.”

Her fiancé smiled and crossed her arms. “And you’re LesFany. For eternity.”

Jessica nodded in agreement before lovingly caresses Tiffany’s cheek. Then she sighed.

“I always knew Krystal was like that. I don’t mind it since well...yeah you know, but I kinda feel like she’s too young to be...caught in such emotions.”

“You mean...love?” Tiffany asked and Jessica nodded in response.

“She’s 16, that’s normal.”

“It’s still too young.”

“Then, when was the first time you fell in love?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica tilted her head and smiled lovingly. “You didn’t know?”

Tiffany shook her head.

“I first fell in love when I was ten. I met the most beautiful girl and I knew ever since that she’s the one for me.” Jessica said gently.

Tiffany creased her eyebrows and frowned. “With who?”

“That girl is all grown up now, and now she’s even more beautiful. I honestly think she is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” Jessica added.

“Alright, who?” Tiffany asked, with anger in her tone.

Jessica smiled. “I’m looking at her right now.”

Tiffany was dumbfounded for a while.

“You mean...me?”

Jessica nodded with a chuckle. “Is there anyone else in this car?”

“But we didn’t meet when we were ten…oh wait, oh yes we did...”

“In our dreams.” They said simultaneously.

They both looked away shyly and giggled like newly dating couples.

Tiffany grinned. “Oh really? And all these years it never changed?”

“That’s true.” Jessica replied.

“That’s hard to believe.” Tiffany said.

Jessica smiled shyly. Her cheeks are all heated up but she has to say what she wants to Tiffany.

“She’s the only person that I can bring myself to love. Whether ten years ago, now or forever. Without her I don’t know what love is.” She said.

Tiffany stared at her fiancé as she continues to confess. Unlike her usual corny and sweet words, this felt more pure, innocent.

“I am born to love her.” Jessica continued.

Tiffany gulped when Jessica stared deeply into her eyes. Her heartbeat just doubled, it felt like it’s bursting out of her chest.

“Tiffany, I am born to love you.” Jessica said gently.

Tiffany looked down, embarrassed with her cheeks now turned into the colour of a ripe tomato. Jessica is so good at making her fall in love all over again.

Jessica stared at the shy Tiffany and smiled. She will remember her shy expression tonight for the rest of her life.

“Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone like you in my life.”Tiffany suddenly said.

“You complete my life, and that’s a pretty good deed.” Jessica replied casually.

Tiffany chuckled and looked at the love of her life. Their eyes met and they stared at each other for a long time. And soon their heads moved closer to each other, inch by inch until their noses touch.

“I love you, blankie.” Tiffany whispered sweetly before leaning in for a kiss.

Jessica pressed her lips onto Tiffany’s and closed her eyes to enjoy the heat and the love poured in the tender kiss. She wrapped her arms around Tiffany’s waist and pulled her closer.

In her mind, suddenly one thing came up.

Car sex.

It was such a naughty thought after a sweet moment but Jessica just can’t help it. She had no idea when did her hand ended up in between Tiffany’s honey thighs. All she knows was that the latter was having the same thought as hers or she won’t be thrusting herself towards her hand.

How exciting...

But suddenly,

“HEY OPEN THE DOOR! STOP MAKING OUT AND OPEN THE F***ING DOOR!” Someone shouted from the outside.

It was none other than Krystal, who was staring at them in panic, frantically pointing at the door, asking them to open it. Jessica and Tiffany looked at each other, puzzled.

Then Jessica quickly pulled her hand from in between Tiffany’s legs and unlocks the car.

Krystal entered the car as soon as possible and slammed the door. She was panting with the beads of sweats on her forehead. But she was also flustering.

“What happen? Why are you...blushing?” Tiffany asked, curious.

“I AM NOT! JUST GO! NOW! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! UNNIE, STEP ON IT!” She shouted at her sister.

Jessica was startled but she obeyed her baby sister’s order anyway. They got on the main road and make their way to the next destination to drop Krystal off. As the car drove away from Jiyoung’s house, Krystal seems calmer.

But Tiffany and Jessica can’t help but wonder,

What just happened?


“Soojung dear, what’s wrong with you?” Julia Jung asked concern. She cupped her daughter’s face to have a closer look at her.

“I’m okay mom, I’m tired, and can I just go to my room now?” Krystal asked.

“But did you have your dinner yet?” Julia asked, still not letting her daughter go. She held her arm tightly.

“Mom, I’m not hungry. I just want to rest in my room.” Krystal said, removing her mother’s grip from her arm before she hurriedly went upstairs towards her room.

“Okay, good night dear...” Julia can’t help but look at her youngest daughter as she leave, worrying about her weird action that night.

“Mom, Krystal is fine, she’s just tired. I guess me and Tiffany better get going now. It’s getting late.” Jessica suddenly said.

Julia turned around and looks at the two ladies before her.

“No.” She replied.

Tiffany and Jessica looked at each other, puzzled.

“It’s been a while since you two spend a night in this house. I insist you both to sleep here tonight.” Julia said firmly.

Jessica sighed. “Oh come on, we always come here...”

“Really? When was the last time you came to visit me, Sooyeon? Ever since you and Tiffany moved in together all you seem to care about is her. Your mother doesn’t mean much to you anymore.” Julia said.

She then glanced to Tiffany. “No offense dear.”

“None taken.” Tiffany replied with an awkward grin. It’s really rare seeing Jessica being nagged by her mother and honestly Tiffany kinda enjoys it.

Jessica rolled her eyes. “That’s not true! We talk on the phone like...3 times a week and we have family dinners with grandpa almost every weekend and-"

“Jessi, let’s spend our night here.” Tiffany cuts in. It’s time to put an end to the endless mother-daughter argument. She gently held Jessica’s hand in hers before looking at Julia.

“And mom, maybe we can discuss about the engagement party tomorrow morning. I would like to hear more about your wonderful plan, and I also have a few suggestions for the type of flowers for the event.” She added.

Julia's eyes lit up hearing about it. She smiled widely as she continued. “Of course we can! I have so much to tell you! Jessica here never seems to care about the party, or the wedding!”

Jessica rolled her eyes again and Tiffany laughed. “I’ve tried to make her interested, but she just doesn’t care.”

“I just don’t like big events. Its way too many people, way too crowded.” Jessica protests.

“Sooyeon, a wedding is a once in a lifetime event, of course it has to be something memorable! And huge!” Julia said.

“As long as I’m with Tiffany, it’s enough. We could get married in an empty church somewhere on a deserted island and it’ll still be memorable to me.” Jessica added defensively.

Tiffany grinned widely. “Look mom, isn’t she a hopeless romantic?”

Julia sighed. “You really have swept my daughter off her feet dear.”

Jessica scoffed, annoyed. “Aishh, enough both of you. Mom, can I take Tiffany upstairs now? We’re tired.”

“Sure you can, but Tiffany sleeps in the guest room.” Julia said casually.

Jessica looked at her mother, shocked. “Mom..."

Suddenly Julia laughed. “Like that will stop you two.”

The two ladies looked at each other and let out a relieved sigh.

“And speaking of which, I have something for you...” Julia paused and looks into a bag nearby.

…here it goes…

...a CD for love making, Vol.3!” She continued with a CD in her hand.


Then she realized that the girls already left.


“Look, it’s PillowFany!” Squealed Tiffany as she ran towards Jessica’s bed. She jumped onto the bed and grabbed the pillow in the middle of the bed.

Jessica walked slowly into her old room before locking the door behind her. She has completely forgotten about the embarrassing pillow that she smooched every night before going to bed. And now Tiffany is playing with it, with her stain of drool still visible on it.

Jessica can’t express how embarrassed she was at the moment.

“En-enough with the pillow!” She said, grabbing the pillow from Tiffany’s hand and threw it onto the floor. She was blushing madly and wished Tiffany didn’t see her like that. But it was too late to hide.

Grinning from ear to ear, Tiffany gently took Jessica’s hands into hers and pulled her down to the bed. Jessica complies with her wish and lay together with Tiffany in her arms wrapping her like a blanket. Tiffany intertwined her fingers with Jessica’s right hand before planting a tender kiss at the back of her hand. They smiled at each other in bliss.

“You know Blankie, you really impressed me today.” Tiffany suddenly said.

Jessica looked at her, curious. “I did?”

Tiffany tilted her head to look at her fiancé’s face.

“Look at you acting oblivious, aigoo so cute our Blankie!” She said as she pats Jessica’s head like a little kid.

Jessica chuckled but then Tiffany can’t stop patting her head, making her a bit annoyed. She pushed her hand gently to make her stop. “Honey, stop that.”

“Aigoo, but you’re so cute today! All grown up! My Blankie is all grown up!” Tiffany then moved her hand to pat Jessica somewhere else, which was her butt.

Jessica was shocked, not that she doesn’t enjoy butt spank, but this type of butt patting is quite annoying.

“Blankieeeee~” Tiffany said as she continues to pat Jessica’s buns.

“Yah! What is this all about?!” Jessica asked, irritated. She held Tiffany’s hand to stop her from patting her like a baby.

Tiffany smiled cheekily. “Earlier today, you were not jealous at me and Jiyeon.”

Jessica gulped. “So?”

“That’s not usual, because I was expecting you to...I don’t know, hurt Jiyeon?” Tiffany replied.

“Oh honey, you were just fangirling over your favourite actress, the new me won’t be jealous of something like that. Besides, in the end it’s me who holds you every night.” Jessica said before giving a small peck on Tiffany’s forehead.

Tiffany grinned again. “That’s why I said you’re all grown up.”

“I kinda missed the old Jealous Sica though.” She added sadly.

Jessica broke into laughter upon hearing that while Tiffany looked at her in amusement. “What’s so funny?”

Jessica smiled before trailing her hand on Tiffany’s neck causing the latter to flinch a little. Then she gently pushes up her chin so that they will face each other. Tiffany gulped as Jessica stares deep into her eyes.

“You want to meet Jealous Sica again?” Jessica asked with her hoarse voice.

Tiffany nodded.

Jessica smirked. “Well then, brace yourself.”

With one swift move she repositioned herself on the bed, pinning Tiffany under her. She’s not wasting any more time as she skilfully snaked her hands into Tiffany’s shirt, pulling it up.

“Jealous Sica will take you on a ride you’ll never forget.” Jessica added with a smirk.


Chapter 53

Until The Sunrise

“Are you sure you don’t want to join us to the bar, Yuri? It’ll be fun.” A female staff said. She, Yuri and two others were walking along the hallway of the hotel they were staying.

Yuri shook her head and replied. “I think I have to pass this one. I’m just too tired from the shoot and right now I just want to get some sleep.”

The young female staff then smirked. “Oh come on, don’t you want someone to accompany you sleeping tonight?” She teased.

Yuri’s face stiffens up and she cleared her throat nervously. “No thanks. Actually I have to call someone, it’s really important. Thanks for the invite though.”

“Awwh, that’s too bad. I was hoping you could show your dance skills again tonight.” She said as they reached the elevator.

“Maybe next time. Have fun, ladies.” Yuri replied with a smile before waving at the girls in the elevator.

The elevator eventually went down and Yuri can finally let out a sigh. It was hard trying to get rid of her entourage friends who loves to party. She continues her way to her room as she reached down her jeans pocket to grab her phone.

As she was browsing her contacts, someone familiar called. “Good evening Yul.”

Yuri paused, and slowly looked up. And she was up for a surprise. “Gyuri? What are you doing here? I thought you’re in Seoul.”

Park Gyuri was leaning her back against the door of Yuri’s hotel room. She crossed her arms before replying. “I came here on the first flight after you left. I realized that I can’t go through another night without you.”

Yuri gulped. “What are you saying..”

Gyuri stared at Yuri for a while, as the awkward silence begin to settle in between them. Their stares were intense and Yuri can’t help but gulped a few times. But suddenly, Gyuri broke out laughing. “Hahahaha! Are you expecting me to say that? In your dreams Kwon Yuri, in your wildest dreams.”

Yuri let out a relieved sigh and a small chuckle.

With an arrogant glare, Gyuri added. “I’m actually here for some photography work, since my friend was desperately asking me to come.”

“Oh, I see.” Yuri nodded. Then she continues to look at her phone to browse her phone for an important name.

“What are you doing?” Gyuri asked, irritated. She was standing there but Yuri was looking at something else. What can be more attractive than her?

“I have to make an important call, sorry.” Yuri replied.

Gyuri raised an eyebrow. “Important? To whom? Yoona?”

Yuri gulped. “Well-

“I wouldn’t call her if I were you.”

Yuri glanced at Gyuri, puzzled. “Why not?”

Gyuri trailed her gaze at Yuri from head to toe and licked her lips before adding. “It’s 2 in the morning; I reckon she’s already fallen asleep. Calling her right now will only piss her off. Trust me; pretty girls need their beauty sleep.”

Yuri looked at Gyuri and slowly getting her logic. As she was staring at the tempting goddess, she can tell that Gyuri was tired from the journey as there were dark circles under her eyes and there were bruises on her left jaw..

“Wait, what is that on your face? Oh my, that looks serious!” Yuri said, concerned. She moved closer to Gyuri and gently held her face to take a closer look. Gyuri gulped at her touch and tries hard not to blush.

“Oh er, I ran into a wall on my way here..” She reasoned.

“A wall? What kind of wall that leaves this kind of mark? It looked like you’ve been punched by someone.”

“A beautiful and angry wall.” Gyuri replied with a chuckle.

“Is there such wall?”

“Oh yes, I’ve seen one.”

Yuri chuckled and slowly retreats her hand from Gyuri’s face. “Anyway, that wall got you pretty bad. Come into my room, I have some plasters to fix that.”


“Why didn’t you put any ointment on your face, now this is going to leave a mark.” Yuri said. She gently wiped the bruise on Gyuri’s face with a wet tissue.

“It didn’t hurt before, so I had no idea it’s this bad.” Gyuri replied.

Yuri scoffed. “You’re jaw is swollen, and you’re saying it doesn’t hurt? What’s wrong with your senses?”

Gyuri shrugged.

“Come here.” Yuri said, pulling Gyuri closer. The blonde obliged and let Yuri held her face. Yuri inched closer to Gyuri’s face, so close that the latter was able to feel her breathing on her cheeks. Gyuri froze.

Suddenly Yuri blew her breath on Gyuri’s bruised jaw causing her to twitch a little. And then Yuri inched away from her to get the plaster from the first-aid kit. When she turned to face Gyuri, she noticed that the other girl was staring at her. Their eyes met and the awkwardness fills the room again.

“You..care about me?” Gyuri suddenly asked. Her voice was so gentle and sweet that it surprised Yuri.

Yuri cleared her throat.

“I’m just..well..towards a friend..” She replied with her jumbled words. All of the sudden her brain was unable to process a proper sentence.

“Oh, so I am a friend to you?” Gyuri asked.

“I care about all of my friends.” Yuri replied.

“Yul, you’re not answering my question.”

But Yuri looked down and pretended not to hear anything. She grabbed the first aid kit and arranges the contents of the box like it matters.

“Yoona is so lucky to have such a caring girlfriend. At least you act like you care.” Gyuri continued with a chuckle.

“Don’t talk about Yoona.” Yuri said almost immediately.

“Why? Why can’t I mention Yoona?”

“It’s..not appropriate.”

Gyuri scoffed. “Not appropriate? Why? It’s not like I’m bashing her or anything.”

“It’s..making me feel uncomfortable when I’m around you.”

“Uncomfortable? Kwon Yuri you’re weird. It’s not that-

Suddenly Yuri grabbed Gyuri’s face and tilted her head. She ripped open a plaster and slowly patched it on Gyuri’s bruise mark while the latter sat still during the whole process like a mannequin. Yuri really got her under her spell.

“Just..don’t. Okay?” Yuri whispered.



The sound of a women laughing filled the room. Yuri was shaking her head, and hitting the edge of the chair that she was on as she tries to stop giggling. Gyuri was sitting on another chair opposite of her, smiling as she watches her with amusement.

“Oh my god Park Gyuri, you are so weird!” Yuri said when she finally able to stop.

Gyuri chuckled. “I’m not weird. Just..unique, I guess?”

“Who checks herself in the mirror everytime before going to bed?”

“I do.” Gyuri replied casually.

Yuri rolled her eyes. “Oh Gyul, you know you’re beautiful. You don’t have to make sure of it that often.”

A smile crept on Gyuri’s face upon hearing her first sentence. “You think I’m beautiful?” She asked.

Yuri looked at the young woman before her before uncomfortably looking away. “Of course, I mean everyone who has seen you will say so. You’re undeniably..good looking.”

“I don’t care about what other people’s think. I’m asking from your point of view.” Gyuri added boldly.

Yuri looked out of the balcony and wrapped the blanket around her body tighter as the night gets colder. She took a deep breath before continuing. “I think..you’re exceptionally gorgeous.”

Gyuri smiled in satisfaction.

“Yuri..” She called again.


“What is Yoona to you?”

Kwon Yuri felt like she was trapped in a cage with no way out. To say that she didn’t expect this conversation coming from Gyuri would be a lie. She knew that along the way some things had changed, but she wasn’t sure to interpret it as good or bad. She’s confused. Park Gyuri made her confused.

“I told you not to mention her again.” Yuri replied.

Because it made me feel guilty..

“Just answer me.” Gyuri insisted.

Yuri bit her lip. “She’s my-

Gyuri quickly cut in as if she didn’t want to hear the answer. “What am I to you?”

“What are we?” She added.

I don’t wanna hear you talk about her..

The both of them stared at each other with no words spoken. Seconds passed felt like hours, and finally Yuri opened her mouth to speak.

“Honestly, I don’t know what we are. Maybe you can tell me.”

Because I don’t wanna hurt another person..

Gyuri continues to look into Yuri’s beautiful eyes before she smirked and looked away. Staring out the balcony, her expression suddenly changed. A smile crept up her mouth followed by the excited look in her eyes.

“Hey look, it’s the sunrise.” Gyuri said, pointing out.

Yuri turned her gaze to the direction pointed and shocked. “It’s already morning? We’ve been talking all night?!”

“Time flies huh?” Gyuri said with a smile that since refuse to leave her face.

Yuri finds that Gyuri looked different than she usually is and been boggling her mind to the reason why. Like another side of Gyuri had just been unveiled, the hidden beauty in her soul, the hidden innocence and even the loneliness.

Maybe it was the effect of the sunrise, or that she had just spent a whole night talking with her, or maybe..

“It really did.” Yuri replied.

“Remember what you said to me before?” Gyuri suddenly asked. She tightens the blanket around her as the morning sets in.

“Which one?”

Gyuri smiled. “You once said that if we stayed together until the sun came up, this will be-

“An affair.” Yuri cuts in. She remembered every word she said that night, the night when Gyuri wants her to stay.

Gyuri nodded. “So you asked me what we are..

..We are two people having an affair.”

Yuri froze as Gyuri stood up from her chair and walked towards her. She stop right in front of Yuri before she held her face with both her hands. Slowly she lifts her chin up so that Yuri faces her. Their eyes met.

Gyuri leaned closer to Yuri until there’s only inches between their faces.

Feeling Yuri’s warm breath on her face, Gyuri said.

“Kiss me.”

And Yuri sealed their lips in less than a second.

I’m sorry, Yoona.

I’m into deep..


“I think this will go well with that one.” Tiffany said, pointing at a patch of colour sample in a catalogue.

“Me too, Tiffany.” Julia agreed.

She took off her glasses and glanced at her eldest daughter. “Jessica don’t you think this colour is great to match the centrepiece with the carpet?”

Jessica huffed as she crossed her arms defensively. “It’s the carpet for god’s sake! I don’t care if it matches dad’s socks too. Why you even bother asking me, mom?”

“Oh Jessi, you’re no fun.” Tiffany replied.

“She’s such a killjoy.” Julia added.

Tiffany nodded vigorously. “Tell me about it. There was one time I tried to bake something for her, I was so excited and bought all the ingredients too.”

“Then what happened?” Julia asked, interested while Jessica was rolling her eyes.

“She stopped me from baking, like with all her might. She doesn’t care about how I prepared everything, she just banned me from the kitchen for no reason at all.” Tiffany continues with her sad puppy expression.

Julia put a hand on her chest and stared at Jessica, shocked and angry. “Oh Sooyeon how could you?!”

“I-I have my reasons! Tiffany and kitchen just don’t go well together!” Jessica defended herself.

“But can’t you at least let her try? She was so excited! You’re such a killjoy!” Julia nags.

Tiffany giggled before adding. “Yeah, she’s a wet blankie!”

Jessica scoffed. “What the?! Honey!! You tattletale-

Suddenly one of the maid approached them and cuts in. “Er, excuse me Mrs Jung.”

Julia looked at the lady. “Yes, what is it?”

“Miss Krystal refuses to get up from her bed. She said she’s sick.” She replied.

Julia was shocked and worried. “But didn’t she say that she has the extracurricular thing at the school today? Her teacher even called to remind her of going, today they’re gonna announce the roles for the winter stage play. Those who involve will get extra marks in the final paper.”

The maid sighed. “I tried, but she buried herself under her blanket and speaks with her weird sore throat voices. Honestly Mrs Jung, I think she’s faking it.”


Krystal was wrapping herself under 2 layers of blankets when she heard someone entering her room. She immediately prepared herself for another scene.

“I told you I’m sick..uhuk..uhuk..” She coughed.

“Gee, you’re the worst actor ever.” A voice said.

Krystal quickly uncovered her face from the thick blankets to take a look at her visitor. “Sis?”

Jessica shrugged and moved closer to her sister’s bed. “Yeah it’s me. Now why are you faking that lame coughing sounds again?”

“I’m sick. I told you I’m sick.” Krystal replied, persistent.

Jessica ignored her obviously fake statement and sat on the bed. She put a hand on Krystal’s forehead to check her temperature.

“I’m no doctor, but I know you’re not sick.” She said.

Krystal sighed. “Well, can’t you just pretend that I’m sick? Tell mom that I’m sick. She’ll believe you.”

Jessica looked at her sister and smirked. “Hmm..something is fishy here. You never say no to extra marks, and stage plays, why you don’t want to go to school? Is there something you avoid?”


“Or someone..”

“No! Stop making baseless assumptions!” Krystal said, almost shouting.

“Baseless? I’m no detective, but even I can tell that something happened between you and Jiyoung last night!”

“NO! NOTHING HAPPENED!” Krystal shouted, as she’s now already out of her blanket wrap.

Jessica chuckled at her sister’s cute outburst. “Look at you! Wow, you really like her don’t you? I’m sure something happened! Did you guys kisssss...”


“Okay, but now tell me what’s going on.” Jessica insisted.

After a while, Krystal gave in. “Ugh fine. But you must promise not to let a single person find out about this, not even Tiffany.”

“Oh come on, you can trust me. I’m your only sister.”

“Yeah, my only sister who stole my money and drank my milk.” Krystal added bitterly.

“Get over it Soojung, that was ancient history you were a baby back then.”

Krystal sat up straight and took a deep breath.

“Alright, what happened was..


Two teenage girls were walking slowly up the hilly road. They were walking side by side, but noticeably apart from each other almost like strangers but their steps were in synch as they both hoped the time could last longer.

Krystal Jung kept her cool the entire time, not even once glancing at Kang Jiyoung who were on contrary stealing glances at her every few steps. No words were spoken between them, even though deep in their hearts there were so many things to say to each other. They’re both waiting for one of them to begin as one is too arrogant, and another one is too shy.

Seeing her house only few metres ahead, Jiyoung realized that she need to do something or that night will be just a mute walk to her house with her crush. Considering the situation is not something that could occur every day, Jiyoung took a deep breath and determined to start the conversation. It may turn out awkward and she may get humiliated, but at least she tried.

“Hey..” They both said at the same time. They both paused walking and looked at each other awkwardly. They just said the same word with the same voice tune. Jiyoung can’t help but think that they just kissed indirectly, whatever her logic is.

“Y-you first.” Jiyoung said, stuttering. She wasn’t sure if it was because of the cold weather or just because of her nature when she’s around Krystal. Her cheeks were too hot to realize the weather though.

Krystal cleared her throat. “Aren’t you cold? You’re shivering.”


Just then Jiyoung realized how cold it was, all this time she was too charmed by Krystal’s presence. She begins to shiver even more.

“Idiot stinky Jing. Why are you only wearing a thin sweater out at night? It’s November.” Krystal said.

Jiyoung shook her head and replied with something stupid. “I-I forgot.”

Krystal sighed. “Why are there so many idiots in my life?”

Suddenly she took off her outer jacket and swung it over Jiyoung’s shoulders. Jiyoung was frozen in shock as Krystal fixes the jacket on her.

“There, now this stinky girl won’t be cold anymore.” Krystal said smiling. For a second she forgot to control her cool.

But she quickly replaced her smile with an arrogant frown. “What kind of people forgot about the cold weather? I hope you won’t forget to come to the school’s auditorium tomorrow too. Ms Victoria is going to announce the official cast for our winter musical.”

Jiyoung’s soul was still flying somewhere up above, she can’t feel the ground. Krystal’s jacket around her is like being in Krystal’s embrace.

“I-I know.” She said softly almost inaudible. But Krystal hears it, clearly and she suppressed a smile.

“This is my house.” Jiyoung said suddenly. Krystal stopped walking and glanced to the building before her. It was a 4 storey apartment.

“You lived here?”

“Yes, 1st floor.” Jiyoung replied.

“Looks kinda small.” Krystal added. Then she looked away and put a hand over her mouth, regret of being insensitive.

Jiyoung nodded, she knew she can’t expect much from a rich girl like Krystal.

Suddenly an adorable white puppy came out from the building and ran towards them as he barked excitedly.

“Jisook!” Jiyoung called lovingly.

The dog ran to Jiyoung and she picked it up immediately. He begins to lick Jiyoung’s cheeks repeatedly like he hasn’t met his owner for years.

“Aigoo Jisook-ah! Did you miss me? Stop it, we have company!” Jiyoung ordered. To dog stop licking obediently and Jiyoung patted his head in return.

Krystal watches the scene as if it were a CF for a dog food or something along the lines. She had never seen Jiyoung smiled that happy except when she was with Gyuri. And now the dog. She wonders when will Jiyoung smile like that for her..

What the hell am I thinking?!

“Jisook, say hi to my friend Krystal.” Jiyoung said, as she put the dog on the ground.

Krystal looked down at the white puppy and their eyes met. The puppy’s eyes that were cute just now had changed into a fierce gaze. It’s weird but Krystal feels like the dog was threatening her.

If you..woof woof..hurt my Jing..woof..I will..hurt you girl..woof.

Krystal gulped.

“Woof!” Jisook barked.

“He said hi, why don’t you greet him back?” Jiyoung suggested.

Krystal shook her head in protest. Jiyoung just gave order to her, like she will ever obey anything she said.

“Woof! Woof!” Jisook barked again, he even wag his tail asking for Krystal to reply to his greeting.

Jiyoung chuckled.

“Fine.” Krystal said with a sigh.

“Hi little white puppy.”

“His name is Jisook.” Jiyoung added.

Krystal rolled her eyes and faked a cheerful tone. “Hi Jisook! Have you eaten yet? What did you do all day? Chase your tail?”

“Woof! Woof! Woof!” Jisook barked. He was clearly annoyed with Krystal.

“You don’t like dogs?” Jiyoung asked.

“I like them, it’s just that I’m more of a cat person.”

“Woof! Woof!” Jisook cuts in.

“But I agree this one is adorable.” Krystal added, glancing at Jisook.

“I know right. He’s so cuteee!” Jiyoung squealed as the puppy circling her feet.

Krystal smiled; the scene was too cute not to smile at.

“Okay hmm, I guess better get going now.” Krystal said, half-heartedly.

Jiyoung looked at her and slowly nodded. How she wished she could freeze the moment and stares at Krystal for another hour, no matter how creepy that might be.

The two girls looked down, as the silence of the night came in between them. Goodbye seems like the hardest word.

Jisook stared at his owner and the girl she just met alternately, wagging his tail rapidly with an idea formed in his tiny head.

“I see you tomorrow, at school.” Krystal said.

Jiyoung can’t do much but nod. She bit her lip, the thing she really wants to do might be a little too much.

“Goodnight, stinky Jing.” Krystal said with a crooked smile.

She was about to turn around and walk away when she felt something around her feet. It was obstructing her path, and when she lifted her feet, she ends up losing her balance.

“What the-

“Be careful Krystal!” Jiyoung shouted. She quickly rushed to Krystal and preventing her from falling down. Krystal was heading to the ground so she tried to grab on anything she could to support herself. And the nearest to her was, Jiyoung.

She closed her eyes as she held the girl before her for her life causing them both to stumble forward. Luckily there was a wall behind Jiyoung or else they’ll both be on the ground by now.

Krystal slowly opens her eyes.


..is Jiyoung so close to my face?

Their eyes met in such close proximity, and soon Krystal begins to realise that their lips were touching.

Oh my god.

“Woof!” Jisook barked excitedly.

Stunned and shocked as they were, they froze in their scandalous position, with Krystal looking like she was forcing a kiss on the innocent Jiyoung by the wall. Krystal quickly let go of Jiyoung and distanced herself metres away from her. Jiyoung on the other hand was blushing madly as she stood still like a shy little girl.


“And then I ran as fast as I could to your car and noticed that the door was locked. I had to bang on the door repeatedly just that you stop making out with Tiffany, which was really gross by the way.” Krystal finished her story.

“So you kissed her. I knew it!” Jessica said as she excitedly clapped her hands.

“I DIDN’T KISS HER! IT WAS THE DOG!” Krystal protested.

“Yeah right, blame it on the imaginary dog..” Jessica said, teasingly.


“Okay, I get it. But how does that have anything to do with you not going to school today?” Jessica asked sneakily.

Krystal looked away and scratched the back of her head. “Well, because..Jiyoung will be there..”

“And because you like Jiyoung whom you kissed last night~” Jessica added singing.


“But why there’s a cut on your lips? Wow, you kids did it too rough for a first kiss.” Jessica said pointing at Krystal’s lip.

Krystal grabbed her pillow and smacked as hard as she could at her sister’s head. She can’t take anymore of her teasing.

“Ouuucchh! That hurts!” Jessica squealed. She was almost knocked off the bed.

“I said I don’t like her.” Krystal said, firmly.

“You don’t like her?”

“Yeah, isn’t it obvious?!”

“Then why are you avoiding her? It seems to me like you’re having feelings for her, or else you wouldn’t be this..shy.” Jessica continues.


“Then go to school.”


Jessica smiled in content. “Okay.”

“Wait, did you just trick me?”

Jessica stood up from the bed and playfully ruffled her sister’s hair. “Me and Tiffany will drive you to school, hurry up and get dressed.”

Krystal grits her teeth.



Chapter 55

Two Broken Hearts

“Nice dealing with you, Ms. Jessica.” A man said as he shook hands with the young Editor-in-Chief.

“It’s my pleasure.” Jessica replied, charming him with her business-like smile.

She had just finished a meeting with a few investors, as her attempt of building her own solid image in the company. When she walked out of the meeting room with her satisfied face, she saw her secretary; Narsha was waiting for her outside.

Jessica rolled her eyes.

“What now? Don’t tell me there’s another meeting. I have a lunch with my grandfather afterwards”

“I’ve told the president that you won’t be able to make it to the lunch today. He agreed to postpone it to tomorrow.” Narsha said casually.

Jessica stared at her with her wide eyes, shocked.

“You...what? Why would you do that?”

“Because what I’m about to tell you will make you cancel it anyway.” Narsha replied.

“What is it?”

“It’s Ms Hwang.”

Jessica’s heart begins to pound hard as she heard Tiffany’s name mentioned. A thousand thoughts came rushing to her head simultaneously and most of them are the negative ones.

God forbid...

She gulped.

“Tiffany? What’s the matter? Isn’t she doing a photoshoot right now?” She asked, nervously.

“The photoshoot was cancelled after she slapped one of the models.” Narsha replied.

Jessica stared at Narsha with her jaw dropped.

“I thought so. Here’s your car key, right now she’s at Brick Studios.” Narsha said, handing Jessica her keys.


Yoona and Yuri were standing face to face outside of the studio building. They looked at each other with no words exchanged, just intense stares. Yoona bit her lip and put a hand on her right paining cheek, the spot where Tiffany had accidentally slapped her at. While Yuri looked at her girlfriend with mixed feelings; she had no idea that Yoona would take the hit for her and stood up in front of her own cousin. And now the guilt is eating her up.

Slowly she moved closer to her and she lifted her hand to touch Yoona’s cheek, but to her surprise, she backed away. Yuri looked at her girlfriend, as she awkwardly retreats her hand from hanging in the air.

“Do you know why Fany-unnie was furious at you?” Yoona suddenly asked, breaking the silence between them.

Yuri kept mum and then shook her head.

“I have no idea.” She said.

Yoona let out an irritated laugh and looked at Yuri.

“Just think carefully, what have you done wrong?” She asked mockingly.

Yuri gulped, “What is this about?”

Yoona stared at her, serious.

“Stop playing stupid. I've had enough.”

She took a deep breath before letting out a loud sigh.

“Look at what you made me do, Yul. Just look.” She said, pointing at her cheek.

“I fought with my cousin because of you.”

“I even yelled at her, because of you. And hurt her, because of you.” She added sternly.

Yuri remained silent and continues to stare at her girlfriend. She has a really bad feeling of where the conversation is going.

“And now it made me think, is this all worth it? Is it worth it to go through all this just to maintain our relationship? Is it worth it fighting a family member just to stand by your side?” Yoona continued.

She stared at Yuri and took a step closer. “When you came home late, with the smell of another woman’s perfume...how do you think I feel?”

Yuri gulped, and suddenly her whole world turned pitch dark.

“Do you have any idea how many tears I have cried for you?” Yoona asked.

“How many prayers I have sent hoping that you will change someday?”

“But now, I am tired of hoping! I am tired of acting like nothing is going on when in reality my girlfriend is sleeping with another woman!” Yoona shouted.

Yuri stood there frozen in shock as she realized that Yoona is really slipping through her fingers this time. She struggles to find anything to say to salvage the situation, even though the chances are low.

“Yoona, that’s-"

Yoona quickly cuts in, “What? That’s not true?”


Her face had turned red from releasing all the pent up emotions that she kept inside all this time. And soon tears began to fill her eyes. But still, she gathers all her strength to hold back her tears. If she’s going to go against Yuri for the last time, she’s not gonna show any weakness.

This is the last time.

And Yuri had suddenly turned mute again as she kept staring at Yoona like a prisoner during trial. She knows she has no way out; when everything in her secret drawer was laid on the floor. All this time she didn’t know that,

Yoona knows everything?

“What is it that Gyuri has that I don’t have huh?” Yoona suddenly asked. She stared at Yuri with her eyes that are now red without tears, but filled with anger.

When Yuri heard Gyuri’s name came out from Yoona’s mouth, she almost fainted. It sent a thousand chills across her spine and soon her body begins to shake with fear.

This is the end.

“I just don’t get it, Yuri. Am I not good enough for you?” Yoona continued to ask.

“Am I not…pretty enough for you? I must be ugly because you can’t stop looking at other women.”

“Yoona, don’t say such things.” Yuri said suddenly.

Yoona looked at her girlfriend and scoffed.

“Then maybe I…don’t satisfy you in bed-"


“I TRIED TO BE THE BEST FOR YOU!” Yoona shouted with all her might.

They looked at each other. And Yuri was left speechless this time.

Suddenly the younger girl sighed.

“I tried to be the best for you...but somehow…that was not enough.”

Yuri looked down as her heart begins to feel heavier by the second. And suddenly all their sweet moments together played in her head like a movie without sound.

Yoona was the best she ever had. But it is already too late for her to realize it.

“Yuri, I love you.” Yoona said suddenly.

The tears were about to burst out of her eyes but she kept staying strong.

Yuri stared at her as she said the three words. It almost felt like the day she confessed it for the first time. That day when they first know what love is.

“I love you...probably more than I love myself. And that’s why I let myself get hurt in order to keep loving you...” Yoona added slowly.

And Yuri finds it hard to breathe.

“Fany-unnie was right, I was blind...” Yoona mumbled.

Yuri gulped.


“It’s just impossible for you to love one woman.” Yoona added with a frustrated sigh.

Yuri shook her head.


“Tell Gyuri she won.” Yoona said sadly.

Yuri shook her head. “No...dont...”

Yoona bit her lip and closed her eyes. “Let’s just..."

And soon tears begin to escape her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. No matter how hard she tries, the tears just kept pouring.

“Let’s just...s-stop.” She said.

“D-DON’T SAY THAT!” Yuri shouted.

Desperate, she walked closer to Yoona and continued.

“Okay, I know! Everything was my fault, I was the one who got carried away!” She said.

Yoona looked away, “It’s too late for that now.”

The older girl grabs Yoona’s shoulders and makes them face each other again.

“Yoona, Yoona, please look at me...”

“I’m sorry! You can’t break up with me! I was just trying to protect our relationship, I swear! She threatened me!” Yuri continued frantically.

“Enough.” Yoona said, sharp.

“She means nothing to me! Nothing!” Yuri added, not wanting to let go but Yoona coldly pushed her hands away.

Yuri bit her lip.

“I LOVE YOU!” She shouted.

And along with that tears rolled down her face.

Yoona scoffed.

“You love me?”

“Look at you, telling me you love me freely as if it means nothing at all.”

She added,“You used to struggle so much just to say those three words to me.”

“But now, you’re... Who are you?”

“I’m still me...” Yuri replied, sobbing.

Yoona shook her head, “No, the Yuri I know wouldn’t lie to me like you did, won’t ever hurt me and actually loves me. She was...my best friend. But you-

..You’re just a fame-hungry model, a player who knows nothing about love.”


“I don’t want to be your safety net anymore.” Yoona cuts in.

“ONE MORE CHANCE!” Yuri shouted.

“All I’m asking for is one more chance… I know I don’t deserve it, but please, what would I do without you? How can I live, Yoona-yah. I don’t want to lose you anymore. I’ll end it with Gyuri today; I promise I’ll make things right this time!” She said desperately.

“You don’t have to.” Yoona replied.

“Just one more chance...” Yuri pleads.

Then Yoona looked at her and replied.



Jessica held tight onto Tiffany’s hand as they sat together on the couch in their living room. She had brought her home after fetching her from the studio. Tiffany was looking down the entire time without saying a word. But Jessica knows how she feels inside. She might not say anything, but the look in her eyes reveals it all.

“I...” Tiffany suddenly said. Her voice was slow and shaking.

Jessica sighed as she stared at her gloomy lover. She wished she could take away all her sadness and put it on herself instead. Let her be the one who cries and is left heartbroken. She would do anything just to bring back Tiffany’s smile.

“I slapped Yoona...” Tiffany mumbled.

Jessica caressed her hand gently and said, “Honey, it was an accident. You didn’t do it on purpose.”

“She protected her…from me. That’s just...” Tiffany paused. Her eyes begin to fill with tears.

“She chose that woman over me, her own family!”

Jessica bit her lips, how she wished to catch each drops of her tears before it could reach the ground. And soon tears begin to roll down Tiffany’s eyes and Jessica’s heart sunk. She took a piece of tissue from the coffee table and gently wipes Tiffany’s cheeks. But the tears wouldn’t stop pouring.

Jessica sighed.

“You shouldn’t have meddled with it in the first place.” She said spontaneously.

Tiffany looked at Jessica with her teary eyes.

“Well...Yoona is not a little girl. I think she knows what she is doing.” Jessica added.

Tiffany sobbed before saying, “Are you saying that I should just sit and watch my cousin destroy her life?”

Jessica gulped.

“Honey, I…didn’t mean it that way.”

“I knew you were gonna say something like this! You just don’t understand!” Tiffany said before she crossed her arms and turned away.

Jessica stared at Tiffany, shocked.

Suddenly they heard someone saying, “Is this a bad time?”

Sunny was standing by the door with a bag in her hand. God knows how long has she been standing there.

Jessica hurriedly stood up and walked to her neighbour who came at such an unexpected time.

“Why didn’t you knock first? That’s like the basic thing you do when you’re entering someone’s house.” Jessica said bitterly.

Sunny rolled her eyes. “The door was open and as a responsible neighbour I was concerned. Maybe there’s thief or I don’t know...perverts breaking into your pink house.”

“Oh. That’s nice of you.” Jessica said.

Sunny smiled proudly.

“Um...where’s Taeyeon?” Jessica asked.

Sunny quickly cleared her throat.

“I have some pasta from the cafe. I thought you and Tiffany might want some, since you guys can’t cook.” She said, obviously to avoid the topic. She handed over the yellow paper bag to Jessica.

Jessica took the bag and peeked into it ,“Leftovers?”

Sunny stared at Jessica, offended.

“It’s not! How could I give such things to my friends…hahaha.”

“It’s definitely leftovers.” Jessica said with a nod.

Sunny sighed, “Some stupid customers ordered and then left the cafe.”

“I thought so.” Jessica said with a smirk.

“But still, thanks.” She added.

Sunny can’t stop staring at the crying Tiffany on the couch. “Are...you two fighting? I think I should go now...”

But a grasp on her arm stopped her.

“Don’t leave.” Jessica said, serious.

“What’s wrong?”

Sighing, Jessica begins to whisper. “Tiffany is upset about her cousin standing up for Yuri who happens to be cheating on her with Gyuri.”

Sunny looked at her stunned.

“That’s a lot of info in one whisper, Sica.”

“And I don’t know how to console her. She just snapped at me.” Jessica said, annoyed.

“You’re going to marry her in a few months, and you can’t handle something like this?” Sunny asked with an eyebrow raised.

Jessica shrugged. “Maybe sex can-"

Sunny quickly cuts in. “Aigoo! Sica, you can’t solve everything with that! She’s in need of a friend, not a hump partner!”

Jessica shook her head. “I just don’t know what to say to her. All I know is that she’s sad and I...don’t want her to be sad. I don’t want her to cry...”

She stared at Sunny as her eyes filled with sadness, “It hurts me seeing her crying. Dang her stupid cousin and that stupid girlfriend of hers...”

Sunny chuckled. “You really love her, don’t you?”

She patted Jessica’s back. “Relationships are about being there for each other. And at times like this, you should just say things she wants to hear. Trust me, it’ll work.”

“Just like me and Taeyeon, we...” She paused.

Jessica glanced at Sunny and her expression had changed. But she quickly covers it with a smile and patted her friend again.

“Go to her, now.”

Jessica nodded and walked to the living room again. Sunny watches her as she sat beside Tiffany and wrapped her arms around her. Tiffany hugged Jessica tightly and begins to sob in her embrace. She smiled watching them in bliss.

“Jessi, she’s gonna hate me for this.” Tiffany said, sadly.

“Nah, she won’t. How could anyone hate someone as angelic as you?” Jessica said as she continues to rub her back gently to calm her down.

“Yoona was in an unstable emotional state at the time. I’m sure she’ll come to you when she gets her head cleared. You’re her favourite cousin, after all.” Jessica added.

“You think so?”

Jessica smiled. “I know so.”

Tiffany stared at her fiancé and the look on Jessica’s face eventually made her feel calmer. Maybe it’s too much to some, but to Tiffany, everything that her lover said is true. They have come to a level of solid mutual trust based on love.

“Do you think I was too protective of her?” Tiffany asked.

“Well, people can be protective of the people they love. I don’t think that was too much, it could shed a new light on their relationship, like a waking call...”

“There won’t be any relationship between them anymore.” Tiffany said firmly.

Jessica gulped and nodded. “Of course...”

“I just can’t accept liars and unfaithful spouses.”

The two of them stared into each other’s eyes for a while.

“You...would never cheat on me, right?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica shook her head. “I won’t. I belong to you, and only you. And I will protect your heart so that it will never break again.”

“I will protect you, from anything.” She assured.

Tiffany rested her head on Jessica’s chest again.

“Jessi, I’m sorry I raised my voice at you earlier.” Tiffany suddenly whispered.

Jessica chuckled before caressing Tiffany’s hair and plant a soft kiss on top of her head.

“It’s okay, you can make it up to me later.”

Tiffany pulled herself away and looked at Jessica in disbelief.

“Are you implying something naughty at a time like this?”

Jessica gulped. “If I say yes will you be angry at me?”

Suddenly Tiffany chuckled and shook her head.

“Okay baby, I’ll make it up to you. You little pervert.”

“And I succeed at making you smile.” Jessica said in relief.

“Girls, enough of the mushy stuff, the pasta is getting cold.” Suddenly a voice said.

Jessica and Tiffany turned to their side and noticed Sunny was holding two plates of pasta in her hand.

“You’re still here?!” Jessica asked, shocked.

Sunny ignored her and put the plates on the table and sat at the single sofa opposite the couple.

“Thank you, Sunny-ah. They look delicious.” Tiffany said, smiling.

“Delicious leftovers.” Jessica added, teasing.

Sunny glared at her. “ ‘Thank you’ would be enough, Sica.”

Jessica smiled at her cute reaction. She took the fork prepared and scooped some spaghetti onto it. As expected, she gave it to Tiffany.

“Open your mouth, hun.” She said.

Sunny smiled watching Jessica feed Tiffany the pasta she brought.

“Sunny, have you eaten yet?” Jessica suddenly asked.

“I’m not hungry.” She replied.

Tiffany looked at Sunny as she chews the pasta in her mouth.

“Maybe she’s waiting for Taeyeon to eat together.” Tiffany said, trying to dig the story.

Sunny looked away and glanced at her watch. It looked like she’s going to avoid the topic again.

“I gotta go, it’s getting late and I don’t wanna interrupt your er...make up session.”

Tiffany and Jessica looked at her in concern as she made her way to the door. But suddenly they heard a few knocks on the door. Sunny turned around and looked at Jessica and Tiffany.

“Are you guys expecting guests?” She asked.

“Not that we know of.” Jessica replied.

Sunny opened the door and was greeted by a surprise.



Yoona and Tiffany are sitting across each other in the kitchen. Sunny had returned to her house while Jessica was watching TV in the living room to give them some privacy.

“Unnie, I’m sorry.” Yoona said suddenly.

She slowly lifts up her head from staring at the glass in her hand to look at her cousin. Their eyes met.

“I didn’t mean to make you worry about me, your stupid cousin.” She continued.

Tiffany looked at her intently, and then she sighed. “You’re not stupid. Just...deeply in love with the wrong person.”

Yoona gulped and took a sip of her drink to calm herself. The thought of Yuri breaks her heart.

“I’m the one who should apologize.” Tiffany said.

“I shouldn’t have burst out like that in public. I didn't know what I was thinking, when I saw her I just flared up...” She added regretfully. She looked at Yoona and noticed that her right cheek was still red, it just made her feel worse.

“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to slap you...” Tiffany said slowly.

Yoona smiled awkwardly. “It’s okay, I was the one who took that...”

The atmosphere turned more awkward by the minute. Even though the two of them had apologized to each other, it’ll still take some time to fix the damage.

“I dumped Yuri.” Yoona suddenly said.

Tiffany looked at her, shocked.

“Well, you finally did the right thing.”

Yoona sighed and looked down. She stared at her hand and saw the ring on her finger. Her couple ring with Yuri.

No matter how hard she tries, she just can’t bring herself to take it off.


Kwon Yuri stood in front of the apartment door, frozen like a statue. She has been staring at the bell for almost ten minutes, hesitating whether to press it or not. Everytime her finger touches the button, she retreats it before she was able to push it. Even though the person waiting for her behind the door is making her tremble with fear, but she has made up her mind. She must prove to herself that she’s actually stronger than she thought she was. This time she’s going to meet her face to face, not by a note by the bed. She’s going to look her in the eyes and say,

I’m sorry, goodbye

And then she pressed the bell.


“Wow, this is a pleasant surprise!” Gyuri exclaimed excitedly.

She grabbed Yuri’s hand and led her towards the living room. The latter followed without any questions; she’s getting tongue tied in her presence.

Gyuri smiled cheerfully and put her hands together. “Actually, you’re just in time for dinner. Talk about excellent timing, Kwon Yuri!”

She walked into the kitchen and gestured to Yuri to follow her. Yuri almost got her jaw dropped when she saw the dishes on the table. They were nicely prepared, with rice, kimchi and a boiling pot of spicy rice cakes. She had no idea that Gyuri is a good cook.

“This is my famous spicy rice cakes, it’s a special recipe you can’t get it elsewhere.” Gyuri said, pointing at the pot in the middle of the table.

“Jiyoung loves it so much, that everytime she visits me she begs me to cook this for her.” She added proudly.

Yuri looked at her and smiled weakly. She begins to wonder if this is the right time.

“So today, you can be the judge of my cooking skills.” Gyuri said, handing over a pair of chopsticks to Yuri.

Yuri took it with mixed emotions. “Uh...”

“Come on, have a seat.” Gyuri said, pulling a chair for Yuri. Yuri sat with a heavy heart, and it became more difficult when Gyuri specially scooped her a bowl of rice and gently put it in front of her. Then she sat at the chair across of Yuri and stared at her with her cheerful smile.

“To be honest, I’m nervous right now.” She said sheepishly. Yuri looked at her, puzzled.

“I...care about what you think...about my cooking.” She added.

Yuri stared at her and saw the pure emotions reflected through her eyes. She quickly looked away before things got carried away.

“Gyuri, I’m not here for dinner…” She said slowly.

The blonde raised an eyebrow. “Wow, look at you being all straightforward.”

Yuri shook her head. “That’s not what I meant.”

“It’s okay, we’ll get to that later, after dinner.” Gyuri said, ignoring Yuri’s denial.

“That’s not it! Would you just listen to me for a second?” Yuri said, accidentally raising her voice. They looked at each other as the cheery mood in the dining room begins to change.

“We need to talk.” Yuri said firmly.

And upon that Gyuri’s facial expression changed drastically. The smile that was on her face just now immediately faded.

It took Yuri a while to muster her strength before she begins to talk.

With a sigh, she said. “Gyul, you’re a great person and I feel very fortunate to have met someone like you in my life...”

Gyuri bit her lip, she knows where this is going.

“You’re smart and beautiful outside and inside...” Yuri added gently.

Gyuri scoffed. “Oh my god, Yuri are you serious?”

Yuri gulped but she continues. “Through our time together, you have been great and I truly appreciate everything that you’ve done for me, and...

…your feelings for me.”

Gyuri looked away as her heart slowly breaks.

“And I know that anyone who could have you is a very lucky person...”

“E-Enough.” Gyuri said, her voice shaken.

Yuri took a deep breath and looked at the beautiful woman before her.

“But that person is not me.” She said.

“Skip the boring typical lines! I get it!” Gyuri suddenly shouted causing Yuri to startle. She looked at Yuri with her sad eyes.

“Trust me, you don’t want to do this. Take it back. Take everything you just said, back!”

Suddenly Yuri slowly stood up from her seat.

“Gyuri, I’m really sorry.”

“Yuri, sit down.”

Yuri looked at Gyuri and their eyes met. She could see that her eyes were filled with tears just waiting to fall down. Never has she seen Gyuri so heartbroken before, the woman who always appears so strong and arrogant in front of everyone.

And it’s all because of me...

“I hope that someday we can be...friends.” Yuri said before she headed to the front door.

Gyuri looked at her as she could feel her heart shatter with every step Yuri took away from her. She quickly stood up and rushed to the woman she began to love, in an attempt to stop her from leaving.

“Don’t go!” She said. Yuri was only a few steps away from the door but she stopped and looked at Gyuri.

At that crucial time, Gyuri was struggling for the right words to say. She wants to tell her how she makes her feel and how much she means to her.

I tremble everytime you touch me.

I can’t breathe everytime you kiss me.

My heart skipped a beat everytime you say my name.

I think of you everytime before I close my eyes.

I wish I’m the only one in your heart.

Because in my heart there’s only you.

Yuri, I love you.

Yuri looked at her, waiting for her to speak. But she kept staring at her with her clear teary eyes that slowly made her heart shake. She looked away, not giving in even though tears slowly fill her eyes.

“Take care...” Yuri said, and quickly held the door knob.

“Have you forgotten about the pictures?” Gyuri suddenly asked.

Yuri pauses and looked at Gyuri.

“I swear if you walk out of that door right now, I will destroy your career and your whole life will be over.” Gyuri threatens.

Yuri gulped. “You wouldn’t do that.”

“Watch me.”

Yuri bit her lip and looked away. She stared at the door knob.

“No, this has to end.” She said to herself.

With that she turned the knob and opened the door.

She looked at Gyuri one last time.

“I’m sorry, goodbye.”

The sound of the door closing echoes in the house. Gyuri stood frozen for a moment as she can’t believe what just happened.

Yuri broke up with me...

She dumped me...twice…

She sat on the chair and looked at all the dishes that she had prepared. She was trying to impress her with another side of her.

But what’s the point?


She pushed the bowls off the table fiercely. They fell down and shattered on the floor with the red gravy splattered all over. She finds it hard to breathe as she feels an immense amount of pain in her chest.

Yuri really broke her heart.

“Kwon Yuri, you’re gonna regret this.”


Chapter 55

Two Broken Hearts

“Nice dealing with you, Ms. Jessica.” A man said as he shook hands with the young Editor-in-Chief.

“It’s my pleasure.” Jessica replied, charming him with her business-like smile.

She had just finished a meeting with a few investors, as her attempt of building her own solid image in the company. When she walked out of the meeting room with her satisfied face, she saw her secretary; Narsha was waiting for her outside.

Jessica rolled her eyes.

“What now? Don’t tell me there’s another meeting. I have a lunch with my grandfather afterwards”

“I’ve told the president that you won’t be able to make it to the lunch today. He agreed to postpone it to tomorrow.” Narsha said casually.

Jessica stared at her with her wide eyes, shocked.

“You...what? Why would you do that?”

“Because what I’m about to tell you will make you cancel it anyway.” Narsha replied.

“What is it?”

“It’s Ms Hwang.”

Jessica’s heart begins to pound hard as she heard Tiffany’s name mentioned. A thousand thoughts came rushing to her head simultaneously and most of them are the negative ones.

God forbid...

She gulped.

“Tiffany? What’s the matter? Isn’t she doing a photoshoot right now?” She asked, nervously.

“The photoshoot was cancelled after she slapped one of the models.” Narsha replied.

Jessica stared at Narsha with her jaw dropped.

“I thought so. Here’s your car key, right now she’s at Brick Studios.” Narsha said, handing Jessica her keys.


Yoona and Yuri were standing face to face outside of the studio building. They looked at each other with no words exchanged, just intense stares. Yoona bit her lip and put a hand on her right paining cheek, the spot where Tiffany had accidentally slapped her at. While Yuri looked at her girlfriend with mixed feelings; she had no idea that Yoona would take the hit for her and stood up in front of her own cousin. And now the guilt is eating her up.

Slowly she moved closer to her and she lifted her hand to touch Yoona’s cheek, but to her surprise, she backed away. Yuri looked at her girlfriend, as she awkwardly retreats her hand from hanging in the air.

“Do you know why Fany-unnie was furious at you?” Yoona suddenly asked, breaking the silence between them.

Yuri kept mum and then shook her head.

“I have no idea.” She said.

Yoona let out an irritated laugh and looked at Yuri.

“Just think carefully, what have you done wrong?” She asked mockingly.

Yuri gulped, “What is this about?”

Yoona stared at her, serious.

“Stop playing stupid. I've had enough.”

She took a deep breath before letting out a loud sigh.

“Look at what you made me do, Yul. Just look.” She said, pointing at her cheek.

“I fought with my cousin because of you.”

“I even yelled at her, because of you. And hurt her, because of you.” She added sternly.

Yuri remained silent and continues to stare at her girlfriend. She has a really bad feeling of where the conversation is going.

“And now it made me think, is this all worth it? Is it worth it to go through all this just to maintain our relationship? Is it worth it fighting a family member just to stand by your side?” Yoona continued.

She stared at Yuri and took a step closer. “When you came home late, with the smell of another woman’s perfume...how do you think I feel?”

Yuri gulped, and suddenly her whole world turned pitch dark.

“Do you have any idea how many tears I have cried for you?” Yoona asked.

“How many prayers I have sent hoping that you will change someday?”

“But now, I am tired of hoping! I am tired of acting like nothing is going on when in reality my girlfriend is sleeping with another woman!” Yoona shouted.

Yuri stood there frozen in shock as she realized that Yoona is really slipping through her fingers this time. She struggles to find anything to say to salvage the situation, even though the chances are low.

“Yoona, that’s-"

Yoona quickly cuts in, “What? That’s not true?”


Her face had turned red from releasing all the pent up emotions that she kept inside all this time. And soon tears began to fill her eyes. But still, she gathers all her strength to hold back her tears. If she’s going to go against Yuri for the last time, she’s not gonna show any weakness.

This is the last time.

And Yuri had suddenly turned mute again as she kept staring at Yoona like a prisoner during trial. She knows she has no way out; when everything in her secret drawer was laid on the floor. All this time she didn’t know that,

Yoona knows everything?

“What is it that Gyuri has that I don’t have huh?” Yoona suddenly asked. She stared at Yuri with her eyes that are now red without tears, but filled with anger.

When Yuri heard Gyuri’s name came out from Yoona’s mouth, she almost fainted. It sent a thousand chills across her spine and soon her body begins to shake with fear.

This is the end.

“I just don’t get it, Yuri. Am I not good enough for you?” Yoona continued to ask.

“Am I not…pretty enough for you? I must be ugly because you can’t stop looking at other women.”

“Yoona, don’t say such things.” Yuri said suddenly.

Yoona looked at her girlfriend and scoffed.

“Then maybe I…don’t satisfy you in bed-"


“I TRIED TO BE THE BEST FOR YOU!” Yoona shouted with all her might.

They looked at each other. And Yuri was left speechless this time.

Suddenly the younger girl sighed.

“I tried to be the best for you...but somehow…that was not enough.”

Yuri looked down as her heart begins to feel heavier by the second. And suddenly all their sweet moments together played in her head like a movie without sound.

Yoona was the best she ever had. But it is already too late for her to realize it.

“Yuri, I love you.” Yoona said suddenly.

The tears were about to burst out of her eyes but she kept staying strong.

Yuri stared at her as she said the three words. It almost felt like the day she confessed it for the first time. That day when they first know what love is.

“I love you...probably more than I love myself. And that’s why I let myself get hurt in order to keep loving you...” Yoona added slowly.

And Yuri finds it hard to breathe.

“Fany-unnie was right, I was blind...” Yoona mumbled.

Yuri gulped.


“It’s just impossible for you to love one woman.” Yoona added with a frustrated sigh.

Yuri shook her head.


“Tell Gyuri she won.” Yoona said sadly.

Yuri shook her head. “No...dont...”

Yoona bit her lip and closed her eyes. “Let’s just..."

And soon tears begin to escape her eyes and rolled down her cheeks. No matter how hard she tries, the tears just kept pouring.

“Let’s just...s-stop.” She said.

“D-DON’T SAY THAT!” Yuri shouted.

Desperate, she walked closer to Yoona and continued.

“Okay, I know! Everything was my fault, I was the one who got carried away!” She said.

Yoona looked away, “It’s too late for that now.”

The older girl grabs Yoona’s shoulders and makes them face each other again.

“Yoona, Yoona, please look at me...”

“I’m sorry! You can’t break up with me! I was just trying to protect our relationship, I swear! She threatened me!” Yuri continued frantically.

“Enough.” Yoona said, sharp.

“She means nothing to me! Nothing!” Yuri added, not wanting to let go but Yoona coldly pushed her hands away.

Yuri bit her lip.

“I LOVE YOU!” She shouted.

And along with that tears rolled down her face.

Yoona scoffed.

“You love me?”

“Look at you, telling me you love me freely as if it means nothing at all.”

She added,“You used to struggle so much just to say those three words to me.”

“But now, you’re... Who are you?”

“I’m still me...” Yuri replied, sobbing.

Yoona shook her head, “No, the Yuri I know wouldn’t lie to me like you did, won’t ever hurt me and actually loves me. She was...my best friend. But you-

..You’re just a fame-hungry model, a player who knows nothing about love.”


“I don’t want to be your safety net anymore.” Yoona cuts in.

“ONE MORE CHANCE!” Yuri shouted.

“All I’m asking for is one more chance… I know I don’t deserve it, but please, what would I do without you? How can I live, Yoona-yah. I don’t want to lose you anymore. I’ll end it with Gyuri today; I promise I’ll make things right this time!” She said desperately.

“You don’t have to.” Yoona replied.

“Just one more chance...” Yuri pleads.

Then Yoona looked at her and replied.



Jessica held tight onto Tiffany’s hand as they sat together on the couch in their living room. She had brought her home after fetching her from the studio. Tiffany was looking down the entire time without saying a word. But Jessica knows how she feels inside. She might not say anything, but the look in her eyes reveals it all.

“I...” Tiffany suddenly said. Her voice was slow and shaking.

Jessica sighed as she stared at her gloomy lover. She wished she could take away all her sadness and put it on herself instead. Let her be the one who cries and is left heartbroken. She would do anything just to bring back Tiffany’s smile.

“I slapped Yoona...” Tiffany mumbled.

Jessica caressed her hand gently and said, “Honey, it was an accident. You didn’t do it on purpose.”

“She protected her…from me. That’s just...” Tiffany paused. Her eyes begin to fill with tears.

“She chose that woman over me, her own family!”

Jessica bit her lips, how she wished to catch each drops of her tears before it could reach the ground. And soon tears begin to roll down Tiffany’s eyes and Jessica’s heart sunk. She took a piece of tissue from the coffee table and gently wipes Tiffany’s cheeks. But the tears wouldn’t stop pouring.

Jessica sighed.

“You shouldn’t have meddled with it in the first place.” She said spontaneously.

Tiffany looked at Jessica with her teary eyes.

“Well...Yoona is not a little girl. I think she knows what she is doing.” Jessica added.

Tiffany sobbed before saying, “Are you saying that I should just sit and watch my cousin destroy her life?”

Jessica gulped.

“Honey, I…didn’t mean it that way.”

“I knew you were gonna say something like this! You just don’t understand!” Tiffany said before she crossed her arms and turned away.

Jessica stared at Tiffany, shocked.

Suddenly they heard someone saying, “Is this a bad time?”

Sunny was standing by the door with a bag in her hand. God knows how long has she been standing there.

Jessica hurriedly stood up and walked to her neighbour who came at such an unexpected time.

“Why didn’t you knock first? That’s like the basic thing you do when you’re entering someone’s house.” Jessica said bitterly.

Sunny rolled her eyes. “The door was open and as a responsible neighbour I was concerned. Maybe there’s thief or I don’t know...perverts breaking into your pink house.”

“Oh. That’s nice of you.” Jessica said.

Sunny smiled proudly.

“Um...where’s Taeyeon?” Jessica asked.

Sunny quickly cleared her throat.

“I have some pasta from the cafe. I thought you and Tiffany might want some, since you guys can’t cook.” She said, obviously to avoid the topic. She handed over the yellow paper bag to Jessica.

Jessica took the bag and peeked into it ,“Leftovers?”

Sunny stared at Jessica, offended.

“It’s not! How could I give such things to my friends…hahaha.”

“It’s definitely leftovers.” Jessica said with a nod.

Sunny sighed, “Some stupid customers ordered and then left the cafe.”

“I thought so.” Jessica said with a smirk.

“But still, thanks.” She added.

Sunny can’t stop staring at the crying Tiffany on the couch. “Are...you two fighting? I think I should go now...”

But a grasp on her arm stopped her.

“Don’t leave.” Jessica said, serious.

“What’s wrong?”

Sighing, Jessica begins to whisper. “Tiffany is upset about her cousin standing up for Yuri who happens to be cheating on her with Gyuri.”

Sunny looked at her stunned.

“That’s a lot of info in one whisper, Sica.”

“And I don’t know how to console her. She just snapped at me.” Jessica said, annoyed.

“You’re going to marry her in a few months, and you can’t handle something like this?” Sunny asked with an eyebrow raised.

Jessica shrugged. “Maybe sex can-"

Sunny quickly cuts in. “Aigoo! Sica, you can’t solve everything with that! She’s in need of a friend, not a hump partner!”

Jessica shook her head. “I just don’t know what to say to her. All I know is that she’s sad and I...don’t want her to be sad. I don’t want her to cry...”

She stared at Sunny as her eyes filled with sadness, “It hurts me seeing her crying. Dang her stupid cousin and that stupid girlfriend of hers...”

Sunny chuckled. “You really love her, don’t you?”

She patted Jessica’s back. “Relationships are about being there for each other. And at times like this, you should just say things she wants to hear. Trust me, it’ll work.”

“Just like me and Taeyeon, we...” She paused.

Jessica glanced at Sunny and her expression had changed. But she quickly covers it with a smile and patted her friend again.

“Go to her, now.”

Jessica nodded and walked to the living room again. Sunny watches her as she sat beside Tiffany and wrapped her arms around her. Tiffany hugged Jessica tightly and begins to sob in her embrace. She smiled watching them in bliss.

“Jessi, she’s gonna hate me for this.” Tiffany said, sadly.

“Nah, she won’t. How could anyone hate someone as angelic as you?” Jessica said as she continues to rub her back gently to calm her down.

“Yoona was in an unstable emotional state at the time. I’m sure she’ll come to you when she gets her head cleared. You’re her favourite cousin, after all.” Jessica added.

“You think so?”

Jessica smiled. “I know so.”

Tiffany stared at her fiancé and the look on Jessica’s face eventually made her feel calmer. Maybe it’s too much to some, but to Tiffany, everything that her lover said is true. They have come to a level of solid mutual trust based on love.

“Do you think I was too protective of her?” Tiffany asked.

“Well, people can be protective of the people they love. I don’t think that was too much, it could shed a new light on their relationship, like a waking call...”

“There won’t be any relationship between them anymore.” Tiffany said firmly.

Jessica gulped and nodded. “Of course...”

“I just can’t accept liars and unfaithful spouses.”

The two of them stared into each other’s eyes for a while.

“You...would never cheat on me, right?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica shook her head. “I won’t. I belong to you, and only you. And I will protect your heart so that it will never break again.”

“I will protect you, from anything.” She assured.

Tiffany rested her head on Jessica’s chest again.

“Jessi, I’m sorry I raised my voice at you earlier.” Tiffany suddenly whispered.

Jessica chuckled before caressing Tiffany’s hair and plant a soft kiss on top of her head.

“It’s okay, you can make it up to me later.”

Tiffany pulled herself away and looked at Jessica in disbelief.

“Are you implying something naughty at a time like this?”

Jessica gulped. “If I say yes will you be angry at me?”

Suddenly Tiffany chuckled and shook her head.

“Okay baby, I’ll make it up to you. You little pervert.”

“And I succeed at making you smile.” Jessica said in relief.

“Girls, enough of the mushy stuff, the pasta is getting cold.” Suddenly a voice said.

Jessica and Tiffany turned to their side and noticed Sunny was holding two plates of pasta in her hand.

“You’re still here?!” Jessica asked, shocked.

Sunny ignored her and put the plates on the table and sat at the single sofa opposite the couple.

“Thank you, Sunny-ah. They look delicious.” Tiffany said, smiling.

“Delicious leftovers.” Jessica added, teasing.

Sunny glared at her. “ ‘Thank you’ would be enough, Sica.”

Jessica smiled at her cute reaction. She took the fork prepared and scooped some spaghetti onto it. As expected, she gave it to Tiffany.

“Open your mouth, hun.” She said.

Sunny smiled watching Jessica feed Tiffany the pasta she brought.

“Sunny, have you eaten yet?” Jessica suddenly asked.

“I’m not hungry.” She replied.

Tiffany looked at Sunny as she chews the pasta in her mouth.

“Maybe she’s waiting for Taeyeon to eat together.” Tiffany said, trying to dig the story.

Sunny looked away and glanced at her watch. It looked like she’s going to avoid the topic again.

“I gotta go, it’s getting late and I don’t wanna interrupt your er...make up session.”

Tiffany and Jessica looked at her in concern as she made her way to the door. But suddenly they heard a few knocks on the door. Sunny turned around and looked at Jessica and Tiffany.

“Are you guys expecting guests?” She asked.

“Not that we know of.” Jessica replied.

Sunny opened the door and was greeted by a surprise.



Yoona and Tiffany are sitting across each other in the kitchen. Sunny had returned to her house while Jessica was watching TV in the living room to give them some privacy.

“Unnie, I’m sorry.” Yoona said suddenly.

She slowly lifts up her head from staring at the glass in her hand to look at her cousin. Their eyes met.

“I didn’t mean to make you worry about me, your stupid cousin.” She continued.

Tiffany looked at her intently, and then she sighed. “You’re not stupid. Just...deeply in love with the wrong person.”

Yoona gulped and took a sip of her drink to calm herself. The thought of Yuri breaks her heart.

“I’m the one who should apologize.” Tiffany said.

“I shouldn’t have burst out like that in public. I didn't know what I was thinking, when I saw her I just flared up...” She added regretfully. She looked at Yoona and noticed that her right cheek was still red, it just made her feel worse.

“I’m sorry about that, I didn’t mean to slap you...” Tiffany said slowly.

Yoona smiled awkwardly. “It’s okay, I was the one who took that...”

The atmosphere turned more awkward by the minute. Even though the two of them had apologized to each other, it’ll still take some time to fix the damage.

“I dumped Yuri.” Yoona suddenly said.

Tiffany looked at her, shocked.

“Well, you finally did the right thing.”

Yoona sighed and looked down. She stared at her hand and saw the ring on her finger. Her couple ring with Yuri.

No matter how hard she tries, she just can’t bring herself to take it off.


Kwon Yuri stood in front of the apartment door, frozen like a statue. She has been staring at the bell for almost ten minutes, hesitating whether to press it or not. Everytime her finger touches the button, she retreats it before she was able to push it. Even though the person waiting for her behind the door is making her tremble with fear, but she has made up her mind. She must prove to herself that she’s actually stronger than she thought she was. This time she’s going to meet her face to face, not by a note by the bed. She’s going to look her in the eyes and say,

I’m sorry, goodbye

And then she pressed the bell.


“Wow, this is a pleasant surprise!” Gyuri exclaimed excitedly.

She grabbed Yuri’s hand and led her towards the living room. The latter followed without any questions; she’s getting tongue tied in her presence.

Gyuri smiled cheerfully and put her hands together. “Actually, you’re just in time for dinner. Talk about excellent timing, Kwon Yuri!”

She walked into the kitchen and gestured to Yuri to follow her. Yuri almost got her jaw dropped when she saw the dishes on the table. They were nicely prepared, with rice, kimchi and a boiling pot of spicy rice cakes. She had no idea that Gyuri is a good cook.

“This is my famous spicy rice cakes, it’s a special recipe you can’t get it elsewhere.” Gyuri said, pointing at the pot in the middle of the table.

“Jiyoung loves it so much, that everytime she visits me she begs me to cook this for her.” She added proudly.

Yuri looked at her and smiled weakly. She begins to wonder if this is the right time.

“So today, you can be the judge of my cooking skills.” Gyuri said, handing over a pair of chopsticks to Yuri.

Yuri took it with mixed emotions. “Uh...”

“Come on, have a seat.” Gyuri said, pulling a chair for Yuri. Yuri sat with a heavy heart, and it became more difficult when Gyuri specially scooped her a bowl of rice and gently put it in front of her. Then she sat at the chair across of Yuri and stared at her with her cheerful smile.

“To be honest, I’m nervous right now.” She said sheepishly. Yuri looked at her, puzzled.

“I...care about what you think...about my cooking.” She added.

Yuri stared at her and saw the pure emotions reflected through her eyes. She quickly looked away before things got carried away.

“Gyuri, I’m not here for dinner…” She said slowly.

The blonde raised an eyebrow. “Wow, look at you being all straightforward.”

Yuri shook her head. “That’s not what I meant.”

“It’s okay, we’ll get to that later, after dinner.” Gyuri said, ignoring Yuri’s denial.

“That’s not it! Would you just listen to me for a second?” Yuri said, accidentally raising her voice. They looked at each other as the cheery mood in the dining room begins to change.

“We need to talk.” Yuri said firmly.

And upon that Gyuri’s facial expression changed drastically. The smile that was on her face just now immediately faded.

It took Yuri a while to muster her strength before she begins to talk.

With a sigh, she said. “Gyul, you’re a great person and I feel very fortunate to have met someone like you in my life...”

Gyuri bit her lip, she knows where this is going.

“You’re smart and beautiful outside and inside...” Yuri added gently.

Gyuri scoffed. “Oh my god, Yuri are you serious?”

Yuri gulped but she continues. “Through our time together, you have been great and I truly appreciate everything that you’ve done for me, and...

…your feelings for me.”

Gyuri looked away as her heart slowly breaks.

“And I know that anyone who could have you is a very lucky person...”

“E-Enough.” Gyuri said, her voice shaken.

Yuri took a deep breath and looked at the beautiful woman before her.

“But that person is not me.” She said.

“Skip the boring typical lines! I get it!” Gyuri suddenly shouted causing Yuri to startle. She looked at Yuri with her sad eyes.

“Trust me, you don’t want to do this. Take it back. Take everything you just said, back!”

Suddenly Yuri slowly stood up from her seat.

“Gyuri, I’m really sorry.”

“Yuri, sit down.”

Yuri looked at Gyuri and their eyes met. She could see that her eyes were filled with tears just waiting to fall down. Never has she seen Gyuri so heartbroken before, the woman who always appears so strong and arrogant in front of everyone.

And it’s all because of me...

“I hope that someday we can be...friends.” Yuri said before she headed to the front door.

Gyuri looked at her as she could feel her heart shatter with every step Yuri took away from her. She quickly stood up and rushed to the woman she began to love, in an attempt to stop her from leaving.

“Don’t go!” She said. Yuri was only a few steps away from the door but she stopped and looked at Gyuri.

At that crucial time, Gyuri was struggling for the right words to say. She wants to tell her how she makes her feel and how much she means to her.

I tremble everytime you touch me.

I can’t breathe everytime you kiss me.

My heart skipped a beat everytime you say my name.

I think of you everytime before I close my eyes.

I wish I’m the only one in your heart.

Because in my heart there’s only you.

Yuri, I love you.

Yuri looked at her, waiting for her to speak. But she kept staring at her with her clear teary eyes that slowly made her heart shake. She looked away, not giving in even though tears slowly fill her eyes.

“Take care...” Yuri said, and quickly held the door knob.

“Have you forgotten about the pictures?” Gyuri suddenly asked.

Yuri pauses and looked at Gyuri.

“I swear if you walk out of that door right now, I will destroy your career and your whole life will be over.” Gyuri threatens.

Yuri gulped. “You wouldn’t do that.”

“Watch me.”

Yuri bit her lip and looked away. She stared at the door knob.

“No, this has to end.” She said to herself.

With that she turned the knob and opened the door.

She looked at Gyuri one last time.

“I’m sorry, goodbye.”

The sound of the door closing echoes in the house. Gyuri stood frozen for a moment as she can’t believe what just happened.

Yuri broke up with me...

She dumped me...twice…

She sat on the chair and looked at all the dishes that she had prepared. She was trying to impress her with another side of her.

But what’s the point?


She pushed the bowls off the table fiercely. They fell down and shattered on the floor with the red gravy splattered all over. She finds it hard to breathe as she feels an immense amount of pain in her chest.

Yuri really broke her heart.

“Kwon Yuri, you’re gonna regret this.”


Chapter 56

Time, Please Stop

The bell rang, indicating that the school was over for the day. The students’ bored face quickly turned excited as they don’t have to hear the teacher’s empty ramblings for the day. Kang Jiyoung closed her text book with a content smile on her face. She had truly enjoyed the lesson that day. She placed her books into her bag and packed her stationeries in her furry puppy pencil bag. And then she looked up and her eyes accidentally met Krystal’s who was looking at her from her seat. Who knows how long Krystal has been staring at her. Jiyoung gulped, and her face feels hot immediately. She quickly looked away before she could end up passing out again.

Jiyoung hurriedly called her friend who was already at the door.

“Sohyun-ah, wait for me!”

The other girl stopped and looked at her. She finds it weird that Jiyoung is rushing to her with her half-zipped bag, like she’s in such hurry. Not to mention her blushing cheeks.

Is she sick?

“Let’s walk home together.” Jiyoung said as she reached her, slightly panting.

Sohyun raised an eyebrow.

“You’re not going home with Krystal today?”

Jiyoung gulped. “N-no!”

She linked her arms with Sohyun. “Le-Let’s go now! I want to buy some dukbokki on the way back. I haven’t eaten anything today. I’m hungry!” She said to change her topic as she dragged her out of the class.

Jiyoung and Sohyun walked together by the sidewalk after school. Though Jiyoung kept smiling like nothing is going on, Sohyun can’t help but felt there’s something wrong with her, especially after what happened the day before.

“Jiyoung-ah, did you know there’s a rumour going around in our school?” Sohyun asked suddenly.

“Rumour? Which one? Is it about Ms Vic eloped with a man in Thailand?” Jiyoung asked, puzzled.

Sohyun shook her head. “No! Not that one!”

“Then about what?”

Sohyun bit her lip, hesitating. “Um..about you.”

Jiyoung gulped and stopped walking.

“About me?”

Sohyun nodded.

“They’re all talking about you and Krystal Jung..”

Jiyoung looked away, nervous.

“I don’t really believe it since I saw how much she cared about you when you fainted during the drama practice.” Sohyun added.

“Sh-she did?”

Sohyun nodded.

“Yah, don’t you remember? She carried you all the way to the school clinic and stayed by your side.”

Jiyoung stared at her friend, shocked. “Really? Because when I woke up, I was alone..”

“Ah..then maybe the rumour is true..” Sohyun mumbled to herself.

“What rumour?” Jiyoung asked, curious.

“Everyone in the school is talking about you and Krystal, including the seniors. You’re pretty famous now.” Sohyun said.

“Wh-what are they talking about?!” Jiyoung asked, worried.

Sohyun looked at Jiyoung and sighed.

“They said that..Krystal Jung dumped you.”


Park Gyuri glanced at the girl beside her as she was driving. She was going to pick up Jiyoung from school that day, but then she met her and her friend walking home.

It really worries her seeing Jiyoung looking all gloomy and puffing her cheeks every now and then like she is now. It’s obvious that she’s unhappy about something. She also hasn’t talk much since she hopped into the car. There were no stories of her teacher or weird jokes that she picked up from school like always.

“Bad day?” Gyuri asked suddenly.

Jiyoung quickly shook her head.

“No..I’m just tired, unnie.” She said as she faked a smile. She didn’t want Gyuri to be worried about her; because she’s going to act like a fussy mother.

Gyuri saw her smile and it brought such a relief.

“Aigoo, why so cute..” She said, ruffling Jiyoung’s hair with her free hand.

“Unnie! You messed up my bangs!” Jiyoung whined.

Gyuri chuckled.

“I heard from your mom that you got the princess role in the play.”

Jiyoung nodded.

“I do. I seriously didn’t expect it though. I thought Sulli suits the role more than me.”

“What did Krystal got casted for? Your prince?” Gyuri teased.

Jiyoung immediately blushed.

“N-no! She’s a girl, she can’t be the prince!”

“Krystal is quite boyish sometimes..just like her sister..” Gyuri said casually.

“She’s the witch. I think it suits her, since she’s..” Jiyoung gritted her teeth.

“She’s not a nice person..” Jiyoung continued.

Then suddenly she turned to Gyuri and smiled excitedly.

“Unnie, you’re gonna come and watch the play right?”

“Er..I..” Gyuri hesitates.

“You must watch it! Promise me you’ll be there!”

“I have to check my schedule first..”

“Unnie!” Jiyoung whined.

“Okay, okay, I’ll try to be there.”

“Promise?” Jiyoung asked, with her pinky finger pointed at Gyuri.


“Promise?” Jiyoung insisted.

Gyuri sighed and linked her pinky finger with Jiyoung’s. “Promise.”

Jiyoung grinned happily and glanced at her sister, that’s when she suddenly noticed something wrong with her eyes.

“Unnie, why are your eyes swollen? Did you cry?” She asked, concern.

Gyuri gulped and quickly changed the topic.

“Hey, how’s school?”

“It’s good.” Jiyoung replied.

“Did you do your homework?”

“Of course. You don’t even have to ask.”

“Just checking.”

“How about friends? Do they still bully you?”

“Everything is okay in school. Lately, no one bullies me anymore..” Jiyoung replied.

“Jiyoung-ah..” Gyuri called gently.

Jiyoung looked at her sister.

Gyuri slowed down her car and glanced at Jiyoung lovingly.

“Jiyoung-ah, can you promise a few things?” She asked with her motherly tone.

Jiyoung finds it weird but nodded anyway.

“Firstly, you must promise me to always study hard in school, and then get into a good college.” Gyuri said.

“Secondly, you must promise me to always take care of yourself, wear thick clothes when you go out in winter and try not to get sick. Also, listen to your mother..”

Jiyoung looked at her sister, puzzled.

Why is she telling me all this?

Gyuri sighed. “And lastly..”

“You must promise me that you will always protect your heart and don’t fall in love too easily. Be-because once your heart breaks it will take a long time to heal..” She said, with her voice shaken.

“Don’t love someone who doesn’t loves you back.” She added bitterly.

Then Gyuri looked at Jiyoung and smiled.

“I won’t always be here to look after you, so you must keep these promises.”

Gyuri bit her lip. “Unnie, what’s the matter? Are you going somewhere?”

“Why you’d ask that?”

“You sound like you’re going away.”

Gyuri gulped and then she let out a small laugh.

“No, I’m just giving advice; I think I’m getting old.”

“Also..” Gyuri patted Jiyoung’s hair gently.

“And no matter what you might hear about me later, I just want you to know that.. I’m always the Gyuri-unnie you know..”

Jiyoung smiled.

“A narcissist who is warm and gentle, yet arrogant at the same time.”

“Appear tough but deep inside her heart as fragile as a piece of glass.”

“A goddess with a heart of gold.”

“That’s the Gyuri unnie I know.” Jiyoung said with a smile.


It was 3 in the evening and Sunny’s Cafe was filled with customers. The workers of the shop were busy, passing by with trays and menus in their hands. At the corner of the cafe sat a group of young woman having their lunch together.

“This place is packed. I wonder where Sunny is?” Jessica said to her friends.

Tiffany who was sitting next to her looked up and shrugged.

“I heard one of the waiter said that she went out for a bit.” Hyoyeon said, munching her pasta.

“Oh.” Jessica replied. She glanced at the girl sitting across her, who was busy typing something on her laptop.

“Who brings their work to lunch?” She asked, sarcastically.

Seohyun stopped typing and peeked over her laptop screen. She saw Jessica sipping her coffee with her classy style. The youngest sighed.

“I have to, unnie. Fany-unnie wants the report done by today.” Seohyun replied, glancing at Tiffany.

Tiffany gulped.

Jessica pats her fiancé’s head gently. “And you said that I’m the mean boss.”

Tiffany grinned. “I got that from you.”

Suddenly Yoona cuts in. “You also got her short temper..”

Everyone looked at her, causing her to pause and stare outside of the window again. She followed her cousin and her manager to have lunch at the cafe. It’s because they are worried that she might do something stupid after an awful breakup. She obliged and came even though she hasn’t touched any of the food since they got there.

“Yoona, why don’t you eat your food? The rice is getting cold.” Tiffany said, concern.

Yoona looked at the bowl in front of her, a bowl of baked rice with delicious slices of chicken on top. The look and smell of it was very inviting, but she just doesn’t have the appetite when everything she eats tastes bitter.

“You have to eat something, Yoona-yah. You didn’t even have your breakfast this morning.” Hyoyeon added.

Yoona shook her head, telling her she’s not hungry, and then grabbed the glass of water on the table. She sipped the clear water to quench her thirst.

Tiffany can’t help but feel terrible about what happened to her cousin, and after talking to Jessica yesterday, she felt that it was partly her fault. The young model now looked pale and messy, even though she applied make up on her face, it failed to conceal her pair of swollen eyes. The breakup was really draining her emotionally and it showed.

After consuming half of the glass, Yoona put it back on the table and then stares at her hands. She put her hands on her lap with her palm side up. Her eyes can’t move away from one of her finger, where a silver ring steadily situated. She played the ring with her other hand, turning it around her finger at times but never taking it off. She just couldn’t take it off, like it’s already sealed in place, just like that person’s place in her heart.

“Oh my, what is she doing here?” Tiffany said suddenly.

She was referring to someone she saw at the cafe’s entrance, as she stared at the direction with her mouth opened. Jessica, Hyoyeon and Seohyun looked at the direction she meant and soon was also, surprised.

Yoona didn’t bother to notice what the others were doing, she wouldn’t even care if the cafe suddenly caught on fire, or there’s suddenly an earthquake. She’s too lost in her own thoughts, her own emotions. But suddenly her nose sensed something, a scent that she couldn’t ignore. The familiar scent she knew for years. As the scent became stronger, she knew that person is getting nearer and nearer behind her. Still, she wouldn’t turn around.

“You really have guts to show your face here huh?” Tiffany suddenly asked with anger in her tone. Jessica quickly held her hand to calm her down.

The person in question stood still before them and can’t stop glancing at Yoona.

“If you guys don’t mind, I need to talk to Yoona for a second.” Yuri said boldly.

It would be lie to say that Yuri wasn’t nervous walking into the cafe and meet everyone. Tiffany hates her and the rest of them looked at her with their shifty eyes. She knows she’s no longer welcome by them, but she braced herself somehow.

She waited in front of Yoona’s house all night just to know that she’s not there. She left numerous messages on the phone though she knows Yoona would ignore them all. But she has to find her no matter what. She can’t give up that easily.

“If you want to say something to her, you can say it in front of us.” Tiffany said, irritated.

Yuri gulped and the atmosphere turned tense in matter of second. Hyoyeon and Seohyun exchanged look, thinking maybe they shouldn’t be involved with their affair and wanted walk away.

“Yes, what Tiffany-unnie said.” Yoona said suddenly. Still refusing to look at Yuri; she gathers her strength to continue.

“If you have something to say to me, say it here.”

Yuri stared at Yoona for a while before saying.


“Well, Yoona. I just want to tell you that..

..I end it with her yesterday.” Yuri said nervously.

She’s not sure why she’s telling her that, maybe she’s hoping that it could change something even though the damage is too severe.

Yoona bit her lip and tries hard to put a shield on her heart. Yuri’s voice easily softens her heart but she’s not going to give in this time.


“That is not going to change anything.” Yoona said coldly.

Yuri’s hope was crushed, though she already expected that reaction, it still hurts. She stood there running out of things to say, but she just wants to stay near her.

Amidst the tense moment, Hyoyeon phone beeped with an Usher song.

“Ah excuse me, I got a message..” She said, smiling sheepishly.

And then Jessica’s phone vibrated.

“I got a text.”

And only a few seconds after, Tiffany’s phone beeped as well. They all looked at each other at the bizarre coincidence.

“Who texted you, honey?” Jessica asked, curious.

They all checked their phones.

Yuri and Yoona looked at them, curious. Yuri didn’t receive the text, while Yoona shut off her phone. The three of them read the message and then looked at each other. Yoona and Yuri can’t be more curious.

Jessica looked at Yuri.

“Yuri, when you broke up with Gyuri yesterday, how did she take it?” She asked.

“Not good.. Not good at all, actually.” Yuri replied.


“Did you just launch a new website?” Hyoyeon asked.

“No, not that I know of..”

“I think Gyuri set this up, to get back at you.” Jessica said, serious.

“Set what up?” Yuri asked, nervous.

Tiffany showed her, her phone with the text on the screen.

Yuri gulped.

“www.kwonyuri..exposed .com?”

“What kind of website is that?” Tiffany asked.

Yoona can’t help but feel worried about it. She grabbed Hyoyeon’s phone to look at the message herself. There was nothing but the URL sent by an anonymous number. She has a bad feeling about it.

“Seohyun, can you type in this address?” Jessica ordered.

Seohyun nodded. “Sure.”

And afterwards, her face turned pale.


The others and Yuri quickly gather around Seohyun to look at the screen. And they soon were also shocked.

“Oh my god.” Yuri said.

On the main page of the website, there was a countdown timer with less than 3 hours left. The layout was filled with Yuri’s pictures in different poses taken while she’s on bed. She was sleeping with a blanket covering half her body, exposing her skin but fortunately still having her bra on. The pictures were undeniably sexy and revealing. Underneath the timer was a brief introduction for the site.

‘The rising young model from South Korea, Kwon Yuri will soon expose herself through this website. Anticipate new photos of her confidently showing everything she have to the whole world.’

“What the hell is this?!” Yoona suddenly asked from behind. She looked shocked and angry at the same time.

“Does it mean that when the timer is over the website will reveal nude photos of Yuri?” Hyoyeon asked.

“I think so.” Seohyun replied.

“But, I think not many people know about this site right? We can still save this situation.” Tiffany said to Jessica.

Jessica gulped.

“If this is Gyuri we’re talking about, it’s not that simple..”

Suddenly the cafe was filled with the sounds of phones beeping, vibrating and ringing. They looked around and realized that most of the customers in the cafe had received a message at the same time. The gang looked at each other in wonder, they have the same thoughts but hoping that they’re wrong.

Yuri gulped. “Don’t tell me..”

And then one male customer said.

“kwonyuri..exposed dot com?”


“There’s only 2 hours and 40 minutes left..” Seohyun said as she watches the timer counting down the seconds.

“What? How come the time pass so fast?!” Hyoyeon said, panicking. She was nervous and sweating as if she was the one who will be exposed in the website. Yuri however, was sitting on the chair, staring at the screen with her creased eyebrows. Though she may look calm, her eyes were red like it will burst into tears at any second.

Seohyun, Hyoyeon, Yuri, Yoona, Jessica and Tiffany were now in Sunny’s office to avoid the public. If they noticed that Yuri was in there, chaos might occur. Yuri is after all, a well known figure in the country. Although she’s still a rookie, her popularity is almost as the same as the established models and celebrity.

“You really got yourself into a big mess this time, Yuri. Even if I don’t like you, I feel sorry for you right now.” Tiffany suddenly said with a glare.

Yoona has been pacing back and forth since they entered the room. Suddenly she stopped in front of Yuri.

“What I’m wondering right now is that how did she managed to get those photos of you?” Yoona asked, serious.

“Those pictures are.. very in-intimate poses.. and maybe even naked ones..” Yoona paused, and her expressions turned dark. She stared at Yuri and shook her head in disgust.

“Damn it, I don’t even wanna think about it!” She shouted and looked away.

Tiffany walked to her cousin and rubbed her back, hoping that it will calm her down.

“I made a huge mistake while in Bali with her and.. things got escalated ever since..” Yuri suddenly said.

Jessica and the others looked at her as she’s about to unravel the story.

The girl in the hot seat let out a loud sigh and looked at them. And finally she looked at Yoona.

“It was only a one night stand at first, and I swear that was it.. but she refuse to let me go.” She explained.

“My god, did you just say ‘one night stand’ freely?! If you’re my girlfriend I already tore you into pieces!” Tiffany suddenly bursts. Jessica quickly wrapped her arms around her waist and kept her close.

Yuri nodded. “I know I was wrong! But at that time, I swear I’ve decided that after the incident I won’t be playing around anymore

and just focus on Yoona. But Gyuri just won’t let me go..”

“Liar.” Yoona said with a glare.

Yuri continued. “But she threatens to reveal the pictures-

“Which wouldn’t happen in the first place, if you just keep your pants on while in Bali!” Yoona cuts in.

The latter was speechless. Yoona was right.

“Stop blaming it on her, because for all I know you’re the one who make this whole mess yourself. You make her fall in love with you, and then you crushed her heart into a million pieces.” Yoona said. She stared at Yuri with her sad eyes that are now filled with tears that will spill out in any second.

“Just like what you did to me.” Yoona added, and a tear fell from her left eye.

Yuri bit her lip and creased her eyebrows. The sight of Yoona crying increased the pain in her heart.

“Yoona, I’m so sorry..” She said.

Yoona shook her head.

“You know what? I don’t care about this anymore.. If you’re going to be exposed then, let it happen, you deserve it. We already broke up anyway.”


“I’m out of here.” Yoona said, before walking out of the room.

The room turned silent after Yoona left. And the faint sound of the timer ticking suddenly feels so loud.

“Now it’s..2 hours and 30 minutes left..” Seohyun announced.

Everyone looked at each other, thinking of what to do next.

“Sica..you gotta help me..” Yuri suddenly said. She looked at her with her hopeless pair of eyes that were filled with tears.


Jessica sighed and looked at Tiffany, asking for her opinion.

And suddenly to everyone’s surprise, Tiffany said.

“Jessi, we must help her.”

Yuri was shocked by Tiffany’s support, for all she knows she hates her to the core. Jessica smiled at Tiffany and nodded.

“Okay, I’ll see what I can do.” She said.

“We can try to hack the website!” Seohyun suddenly said, excitedly.

“That way, we can stop the timer and destroy the photos before it‘s revealed!” She added.

Hyoyeon looked at her, “Yeah, but does anyone here know how to hack a website?”

“I do.” Seohyun said. Everyone looked at her, surprised.

“Well, I read a few books about hacking and computer programming before. It can’t be that hard, right?” Seohyun said with her awkward smile.

Jessica sighed and headed to the door.

“Where are you going?” Tiffany asked.

“I have to make a call. Stay in the office with the others, I’ll be back.” Jessica replied.


A red car is speeding through the highway. It’s going 150 km per hour, way passed the speed limit but the driver doesn’t care. The speed somehow soothes her troubled mind.

Yoona turned on the radio and put the volume on maximum.

I'm drunk for a day

But it just increase my memory of you

The unchanging thing is the fact that I still love you

The song blasted through her speakers. It was a song sung by some cheesy boy group, but the lyrics tugged Yoona’s heart.

Only you my love

You're my only one

Only you

Only you, how could you do this to me

And Yoona stepped on the gas pedal harder. She needs to take her mind of things. She needs to take her mind of her.

We are one soul

We are destiny

We were born as one and we will die on the same day

Because everytime she thinks of her, her already crushed heart will bleed again causing her to spill her tears yet again.

This is not the first time Yuri had hurt her.

She had endured through a lot during their time together, keeping it all in. Only god knows just how much she had suffered. How much tears she had shed.

It's okay

It’s okay to shed tears for the hundredth time..

She should hate Yuri.

She wants to hate her, and despise her with all her might, but,

..her heart wouldn’t let her.

And suddenly the image of Yuri confessing to her for the first time plays on her mind.

That night she went on a date with a Thai photographer, Nichkhun when suddenly Yuri stood outside of the restaurant.




Yuri smiled and waved at her from outside of the big window glass. Yoona was confused by her actions but she waved back at her anyway. Suddenly Yuri pulled out a white cardboard and start writing with a marker pen. Yoona looked at her, wondering what she wants to do.

And then Yuri showed the cardboard.


Followed by another cardboard.


And then finally she wrote.





“I love you too..” Yoona mumbled, without realizing that her cheeks are now wet with tears.

She manoeuvred her car to the side of the road and hit on the brake pedal until the car come to halt.

She sat there at the driver’s seat, and stares at her hand once again. She looked at her ring and sighed.

Kwon Yuri, I hate myself..

.. for loving you too much.

Even until now.

You’re the other half of me..

You’re in my heart..

If you're not here, then I won’t be here either..

“I can’t let her life destroyed like this...” She said to herself.

And suddenly she stood up straight and like she realized something.

“I have to..prevent the pictures from being released.”

She gulped.

“I have to find Gyuri.”


Krystal Jung was reading a book while waiting for her piano teacher to arrive. It’s one of the classes that her mother has arranged for her since she’s 4 years old. She flipped another page of the novel and continues reading.

He took off his stinky socks and threw it on the floor.

The sentence wasn’t anything funny or cute, but she smiled.


“Stinky..Jing.” She mumbled with a sweet smile on her face.

Suddenly her phone rang. She put down her novel and checked the caller.

“Yoona unnie?”


“What?! Yuri unnie is such a bi..er..such a bad person!” Krystal shouted. She wanted to say another word but the caller seems protective of the person mentioned. She doesn’t want to die young, there are still a lot of ‘stinky’ things she wants to do.

She is now in a car with Yoona who came picked her at her house. She wasn’t in the mood for piano lesson and when Yoona asked for her help, she agreed without knowing what the favour is about.

“It’s okay. Just say it.” Yoona said, as she drives.

“I feel really sorry for you, unnie. You must hurt a lot..” Krystal said, in her fail Jung comforting style.

“But how exactly do you want me to help? I don’t know how to hack a website.” Krystal said.

“You’re close with Kang Jiyoung, right?” Yoona asked.

Krystal gulped.

“Well, not that close, I mean she’s my classmate. We’re close but not really, not like dating, because why would I be dating her, you know.. she’s slow like a snail..

“So you two are close. You must know where she lives.”

“Wh-what? Why do you think I know where she lives?! That’s absurd! It’s not like I ever walk her home or met her dog or..ki-kissed her by the door. Which is totally never happened before-

“So you know. Can you show me? I need to meet her.” Yoona said, seriously.


“She must know where Gyuri is, they’re both are pretty close right?”

“Oh, so you want to see Gyuri now? And persuade her to shut down the website?” Krystal asked.

Yoona nodded.

“And you want to bring Jiyoung because she might listen to her? Well, that’s..smart.” Krystal said, admiring.

“I think that just might work. Okay, take a left turn on the next junction; Stinky Jing’s house is just up the hill.” Krystal directed.


“She lives here?” Yoona asked to Krystal.

The younger girl nodded and took small steps up the hill with Yoona. Yoona turned around just to find her left behind.

“We need to hurry. Why are you walking so slowly?” Yoona asked, annoyed. She can’t stop glancing at her watch to check the time. She only has about 2 hours till the timer over.

Krystal sincerely wants to help Yoona, but she really hope it doesn’t involve Jiyoung. She’s still too awkward around her after that fateful night. And now they’re walking to the place where it happened. Everything is still clear to Krystal, she can even recall everything they talked about that night and how adorable Jiyoung was with her white puppy.

And of course, the accidental kiss.

She had an accidental kiss with Sulli before, at her sister’s office, but it didn’t leave her this much effect. She was able to sleep that night, even after she kissed the girl she supposedly likes.

But with Jiyoung, things are different. It’s not only that she can’t sleep well; she has lost her appetite as well. She can’t sleep because Jiyoung’s face appeared everytime she closes her eyes and she loses appetite because she’s already full thinking about her. It’s been going on for a few days and it’s driving her nuts.

She tried to avoid her in school, even ending their fake relationship. But somehow it didn’t work, because no matter how hard she tries in the end she finds herself secretly staring at her. Distracting herself with homework also didn’t work when everything she reads reminds her of Jiyoung.

For the first time in her life, she has no control of herself.

But strangely she can’t hate Jiyoung for it.

What the hell is wrong with me?

“That’s Jiyoung!” Yoona said, excited.

She pointed at a girl wearing a white winter jacket walking towards the apartment. Krystal looked at her and gulped.

“Yeah, that’s her..”

And soon she finds herself staring at Jiyoung again as she walk, examining her outfit like a fashion police. She noticed that Jiyoung was wearing a dark blue jean matched with a pair of cute brown wool boots on her two cute feet. And the red scarf she was wearing around her neck compliment the pink blush on her cheeks. But Krystal’s favourite is the white wool hat on top of her head, with her bangs still shown on her forehead. Everything screams cuteness.

“So cute!” The sentence accidentally slipped Krystal’s mouth.

Then she realized that Yoona was talking to Jiyoung and now they’re both stares at her weirdly. Jiyoung seems surprised to see Krystal there and her nervousness strikes again. But this time, she glared at her. Krystal gulped.

“I meant the lady over there..” Krystal said, pointing at a random direction behind them.

It was an old grandma walking and picking her nose at the same time.

“That’s cute to you?” Yoona asked in disbelief.

Krystal shrugged.

“Anyways, Jiyoung can you help me?” Yoona hurriedly asked Jiyoung.

Jiyoung nodded. “Sure, but why do you want to go to Gyuri unnie’s house? Can you just call her?”

“I called many times, but she turned off her phone.” Yoona said.

“Oh, really? That’s odd. Unnie rarely turned off her phone. Oh my, is anything happened to her?” Jiyoung said, concerned.

“We didn’t know. Actually, we’re in a hurry. It will be really great if you can come with us. I’ll tell you more about it in the car.” Yoona insists.


“Ahh.. this is harder than I thought!” Seohyun exclaimed.

She had just spent 20 minutes trying to hack the website but as expected, there’s still no progress.

Yuri sat there, at the corner of the room, wiping her tears that can’t stop falling from her eyes. Her whole life is about to end in less than 3 hours. She had just found out that the reporters already know about the website, and there are a lot of articles on popular news portals reporting it. Newsen and Sports Donga posted the article and some even featured it. The number of visitors on the site increased tremendously, now with more than 10,000 hits and it keeps increasing at a steady pace. Just a day ago Yuri was reported in the news, an allegation about her and Yoona involved in a romantic relationship. It was resulted from her attempt to defend herself against Tiffany at the studio. Her manager and company ever since have been calling her non-stop, causing her to turn off her phone.

What is there for her left to say?

It’s true that she dated Yoona.

It’s true that Gyuri took nude photos of hers.

Yuri closed her eyes and buried her face in her palms.

I will lose all the endorsement deals.

I will be a disgrace to my family and they will disown me.

My friends will never trust me again.

It would still be alright if Yoona stayed by my side.

Suddenly the memory of her and Yoona together played on her mind.

“You love me?”

“Look at you, telling me you love me freely as if it means nothing at all.”

Yoona added, “You used to struggle so much just to say those three words to me.”




“Okay, repeat after me.”

Yoona said as she looked into Yuri’s eyes.

“I love Yoona.”

“Come on, it’s easy.” Urged Yoona.

Yuri opened her mouth slowly.



Yoona nodded. “Go on.”


Yoona’s eyes filled with excitement.

Just a little bit more..


Yoona stared at Yuri.

“You love yoda?!”




Yuri smiled at the memory.


.. those are only memories.

Yoona will never forgive me.

It’s over.

Suddenly the door opens.


Chapter 57



“Ding! Ding! Ding!” The sound of the house bell rang.

Yoona, Krystal and Jiyoung were now standing in front of Gyuri’s luxurious apartment. They’ve been pressing the bell for more than ten times but there was still no answer. Yoona was starting to get impatient; she began to pace forward and backward restlessly. And then she banged the door.

“YAH PARK GYURI! OPEN THE DAMN DOOR NOW!” She shouted as she hit the door repeatedly with her fist.

Jiyoung felt offended by her actions and quickly stepped forward. Yoona sighed and gave way to her. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

“Unnie, this is Jiyoung. Are you in there? Open the door.” She said gently.

But there was still no answer.

“Guys, I don’t think she’s home. Where the hell is this woman?!” Krystal said, frustrated.

Jiyoung looked at her, pissed.

“Watch what you’re saying, that woman you’re talking about is my sister.” She said bitterly.

Krystal gulped. Jiyoung has never talked to her that way; she was always so shy and spoke with her sweet slow voice around her. But this time she looked different. Krystal reckon that it’s probably because she had offended her when she referred to Gyuri that way, but somehow Krystal finds Jiyoung..

..more attractive.

Though, she hates herself for feeling something completely irrelevant at a time like this.

Yoona was still restless and glanced at her watch again and again.

“Jiyoung, where else do you think your sister is? We’re running out of time! We need to find her!” She shouted frantically.

Jiyoung shook her head and sighed.

“Unnie, I’m not sure..but..” She paused.

“But what?” Yoona asked impatiently.

Jiyoung looked at Yoona with her widened eyes.

“But she sounded different earlier.”

“What do you mean?”

“When she picked me up from school today, she said a lot of.. weird things to me, as if she’s going somewhere.” Jiyoung replied, slowly.

“Somewhere? Where is that?” Yoona asked, curious.

“I think..” Krystal cuts in.

Both of them stared at Krystal, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

“I think we should go to the airport now.” Krystal said.



Back at Sunny’s office, suddenly the door opens.

“Jessi, you’re back!” Tiffany exclaimed excitedly. Everyone in the room looked at Jessica, hoping for her to announce some good news. Yuri stared at her with teary eyes.


“Seohyun, move. Let this guy do his thing.” Jessica ordered, pointing at Seohyun.

Seohyun obliged, and stood up from her seat.

“Hope you can help us.” Jessica said to someone behind her.

And then someone entered the room, a tall and handsome man. He looked at everyone with his charming smile and greeted.

“Good evening ladies.”

Tiffany looked at him, shocked. He seems so familiar.


Siwon smiled at Tiffany. “Hi.. er.. Jessica’s fiance.” He said.

“Enough with the chit chat; a woman is about to have her life destroyed right now. Siwon, here’s the computer.” Jessica said, pushing Siwon towards the office table.

Siwon nodded and made his way to the table, that’s when he saw that beautiful lady. Like a light shine upon her, she was shining so

beautifully. And then she smiled and slightly bowed her head at him, sending a thousand sensations through his body.

So..goddesses are real..

“AH!” He shouted.

He had fallen handsomely on the floor.

Tiffany rolled her eyes and then looked at her fiancé.

“Why did you bring the cashier from your grandpa’s shop here? Can he help us hack the site?”

Jessica shook her head.

“Trust me, he can.”

Tiffany stared at her in disbelief but she looked confident nonetheless.

Seohyun quickly helped the clumsy guy up while Hyoyeon couldn’t stop laughing.

“Are you okay?”

He smiled sheepishly.

“What is your name? You’re so..er..


“Yah, hurry up with the website!” Jessica shouted, causing Siwon to stand up and sit on the chair immediately.

He looked at the page and sighed.

“This is gonna take some time. It’s nicely built.”

“Well, we don’t have some time. The time we have left is on the screen. There’s no other time except the time left.. on the screen as we all can see. Not just us but everyone in the world..” Hyoyeon argued and then got confused with her own argument.

Yuri just cried harder hearing it.

Siwon quickly worked on the computer as everyone watched, especially Seohyun who was standing behind him with her jaw dropped.

“Wow, you’re really good.” She said to Siwon.

He smiled sheepishly.

“Not really. There are others who are better than me.”

Tiffany pulled Jessica’s arm aside so that they’re facing each other.

“What?” Jessica asked.

“Can you fill the blank for me? How can Siwon be so good at computer programming when all he ever does is sitting in front of a cash register?” Tiffany asked, curious.

“Uh.. well, he used to work for grandpa in the office and actually is one of his most trusted workers. His father also had worked with our family before so..”

“Grandpa even gave the cafe and bookshop to him, and he got like 40% of the profit every month. He’s a co-owner, not just a cashier or manager.” Jessica continued.

“Why didn’t you tell me that before?” Tiffany asked, unsatisfied.

“Because.. he’s not important and you never asked..” Jessica replied incredulously.

“Oh, you’re right.” Tiffany said sheepishly.

Jessica chuckled and pats Tiffany’s head gently.

“So.. he worked for grandpa before? What kind of work?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica gulped and then held Tiffany’s hand tightly.

“Honey, are you hungry? Let’s eat some sandwich while waiting.” She said with a smile that made Tiffany forget what she was asking.

“Thank you..” Yuri suddenly said. As she was sobbing, she looked at Jessica.

“Jessica, thank you..

Jessica shook her head. “Don’t thank me; it was Tiffany who asked me to help you.”

Yuri looked at Tiffany. “Tiffany, thank you for helping me. I-

“Yuri.” Tiffany cuts in.

“I’ve known you since I arrived in Korea.” She looked at her with a soft expression.

“And through that time until now, there isn’t a day where Yoona didn’t mention you everytime I meet her. Sometimes she would tell me how you make her happy and sometimes you make her cry.”

“You have no idea how much you mean to her.” Tiffany added.

Yuri looked down and bit her lip in regret.

“It’s really disappointing that you did this to her. You two could’ve been really great together.” Tiffany continued.

She sighed. “I may say harsh things when I got angry, but I don’t really mean it.”

“Before you were Yoona’s girlfriend, you were her best friend, the one who was always there for her no matter what. And for that, I want to help you.”



“I think she’s going back to US.” Krystal said.


Krystal nodded.

“I think it’s possible, since her family are there. I mean, after a painful breakup she might just want to run away from all this and go back to her family.. I think that’s what she is doing.”

“Get away from Yuri, and you.” Krystal continued, looking at Yoona. Yoona nodded in agreement, with her eyes on the road as they’re making their way to the airport.

“How about me?” Jiyoung asked. She looked at Krystal with her intense stare, causing the latter’s heart to pound harder.

“Are you saying that Gyuri-unnie wants to get away from me too?” Jiyoung asked.

Krystal begins to stutter. “It..it’s just..”

“This is ridiculous, Krystal!” Jiyoung suddenly shouted.

The atmosphere in the car turned tense by the second. Jiyoung who has been staying calm suddenly exploded.

“And also, I don’t believe you!” She continued, staring at Yoona. Yoona saw her intense stare through the rear view mirror and sighed.

“Jiyoung-ah, calm down now..”

“Calm down? How am I supposed to calm down? You two just dragged me here and tell me all these things about Gyuri-unnie that I know is not true!” Jiyoung snapped. She looked away from Yoona and bit her lip as her eyes begin to fill with tears.

Krystal gasped.

Aww.. please don’t cry..

“And what with the website? That’s crazy! The Gyuri-unnie I know wouldn’t do this to anyone! She’s the nicest person I know!” Jiyoung continued as she glanced at Krystal.

“Jiyoung, I didn’t mean to make you sad or anything but that is the truth. I believe Gyuri really did the website thing. That’s so her.” Krystal said.

“Ah, since when did you know her so well? And is there any proof that she really set up that website?” Jiyoung argued.

Krystal shook her head in disbelief.

“Yes, you might have spent more time with her than any of us, well except maybe with Yuri unnie..” Krystal paused when she noticed that Yoona was glaring at her.

“But, we know her way before you did. 2 years ago she almost destroyed my sister and Tiffany’s relationship.” Krystal explained.

Jiyoung shook her head. “No! Stop lying to me! Krystal, just..leave me alone!”

Krystal scoffed. “Leave you alone? I can’t believe this.. Lying to you? Why would I lie? That’s the truth!”

“Park Gyuri is the most genius person I know in ruining other people relationships!”

“Stop it..

Krystal continues. “It’s just that when she’s with you she became a completely different person, and because you’re so stupid and innocent you’ve been deceived by her fake sisterly image!”


Suddenly the car came to a sudden stop, causing the two girls to be thrown forward before ending up in each other’s arms.

Yoona stopped the car by the roadside and turned around to face the girls.

“If you two want to continue to fight like this, you may do so.. OUTSIDE!” She said, serious.

Krystal and Jiyoung gulped. They certainly didn’t want to get off in the middle of a highway, plus the sun is beginning to set.

Yoona looked at Jiyoung with a soft expression.

“Jiyoung-ah, I don’t blame Gyuri for what happened. It was Yuri who lacked self control and caused this upon herself. Gyuri probably is heartbroken right now and she needs support from her friends and family. Whether she set up the website or not, that we will find out when we meet her..”

“Now all I want is you two to get along and stop fighting. You can do that, Jiyoung?” She asked gently.

Jiyoung pushed Krystal away and moved to the other side of the car. Then she nodded.

“Good. Krystal, how about you?” Yoona asked.

“It wasn’t my fault..”

“Can you?” Yoona insist.

Krystal looked away. “Whatever.”

“Just throw away your Jung-ness for a while. Gosh, you’re so.. Jessica it’s ridiculous.”

“Hey, I’m nothing like that idiot!” Krystal protested.

“You’re just the same.” Yoona shook her head as she carefully manoeuvred the car back into the lane and resume their journey.

“Short-tempered, always think she’s right, possessive, and a fool when it comes to discovering own feelings.” Yoona added.

Krystal rolled her eyes. “I’m not.”

“Just be nice to Jiyoung and stop doing things opposite to your own emotions.” Yoona continued.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about..”

“You know what I mean.” Yoona said, sharp.

Krystal gulped.

“Hey, we’re here!” Jiyoung exclaimed.

They finally reached the airport.


“Password?” Seohyun suddenly said, grabbing everyone’s attention.

From Hyoyeon who was hugging the crying Yuri at a corner to Jessica and Tiffany who were eating their sandwiches looked at her curiously.

Siwon let out a loud sigh.

“This site requires a password to full access. I can try to use software to crack the password but it could take time. I’m afraid we won’t make it.” He said.

“Oh come on, I thought you can do anything!” Jessica said, angrily.

“Is it numbers or alphabet?” Seohyun suddenly asked.

“It’s 6-digit number password.”

“6 digit? Then maybe we can try important dates for Gyuri. It might work.” Seohyun suggested.

“Let’s try Gyuri’s birthday! Yuri do you know?” Tiffany asked.

Yuri shook her head. “I’m sorry..”

“Do you even know her family name?” Jessica asked, bitterly.

Yuri looked down again.

Tiffany held Jessica’s arm to remind her to stop being rude. She was getting impatient and her bad traits might just appear.

“It’s May 21st, 1988.” Jessica said. Gyuri is her old friend after all.

“Okay then, let’s try 05-21-88.” Seohyun said to Siwon.

Siwon nodded and keyed in the numbers.

“It couldn’t be this easy. Using her own birthdate as the password?” Hyoyeon said in disbelief.

“Did it work?” Tiffany asked, impatient. Everyone stares at them with hopeful looks in their eyes.

Siwon and Seohyun shook their heads. “No.”

And the atmosphere turned gloomy again.

Yuri continues to sob in despair as Hyoyeon rubbed her back to calm her down though her effort seems pointless.

“We need some possible numbers. But I can’t think of anything. I don’t know Gyuri that well.” Hyoyeon said sadly.

“Jessi, how about you? You’re her best friend. What are special numbers that she might use?” Tiffany asked Jessica who’s sitting next to her.

Jessica sniggered.

“Why don’t you ask Yuri? She’s the one who supposedly close with Gyuri.”

Tiffany sighed. “Honey, what’s wrong with you?”

Jessica looked at Tiffany and then glanced at Yuri.

“I can feel that everyone in this room is blaming Gyuri for this..”

“But that’s not fair. She wouldn’t do this if Yuri didn’t mess with her feelings.” Jessica said.

“She set up a.. porn site of Yuri. Unnie, that is extreme.” Seohyun argued.

“Okay, that’s quite extreme but hasn’t everyone learned anything about Gyuri? She almost caused me to lose Tiffany 2 years ago. Everyone knows she’s a half-psycho arrogant type who is sensitive and falls in love easily. Then why mess with her? Honestly, Yuri, was it her or you who initiated the affair?” Jessica asked with a serious tone.

Yuri was too ashamed to even lift her head. She bit her lip and stared at the marble floor as tears ran down her face.

“It was you, wasn’t it?” Jessica asked.

Yuri gulped.

“I..know I was wrong. I know she.. loves me, but I kept leading her on making her thinks that it’s all real and took advantage of her feelings. I..really regret what I did.” She said with her teary eyes.

“It’s too late now.” Tiffany said.

“Time is ticking.” Siwon reminded.

Jessica looked at him and thought for a while.

“Date.” She suddenly said.

“Date?” Seohyun asked, puzzled.

“Gyuri likes to remember important dates. I remember back in university she would jot down the significant dates in her journal. Like her first date with a girl in college.” Jessica continued.

“Then, should we look for her journal?” Hyoyeon asked, confused.

Jessica shook her head and looked at Yuri.

“Hey Yuri, when did you first went out with Gyuri?” She asked.

Yuri pondered for a while and then answered.

“It was during my Bali photoshoot. Sometime back in June.”

“You have to be more specific. We can’t type in ‘sometime back in June’.” Jessica said, pissed.

Yuri gulped.

“Uh..I went there for a week and met her on the first day, that would be um.. 20 no 21st June. Yes, 21st June!” She said.

“You met her and date her right away?” Tiffany asked in disbelief.

“No! Uh..it was a few days later we started to..”

“Sleep together?” Hyoyeon guessed.

“Uh..” Yuri was again left speechless.

“You have issues, Kwon Yuri..” Hyoyeon said, shaking her head.

“When was that?” Seohyun suddenly asked.

Yuri closed her eyes.

“It was..24th June.” She replied.

With a heavy sigh, Jessica glanced at Siwon.

“Let’s try that. 06-24-10.”


Three girls were wandering hopelessly at the international departure hall of the airport. They separated and looked everywhere they could, the ticketing counter, the gates to find a woman.

Yoona was running through the crowd, not caring how many people that she had accidentally bumped. She went to all women with blonde hair that she saw in hope of finding Gyuri. She was filled with hope each time she ran to them and pats their shoulder, but every time they turned around, she was left disappointed.

Krystal and Jiyoung were panting as they stood outside of the restroom. They had looked everywhere they could but Gyuri are nowhere to be found. Krystal then finds herself staring at Jiyoung again, and her heart sunk as she saw the tears sparkle in her eyes. She slowly put a hand on her shoulder, causing the latter to turn and look at her.

Her eyes were brimming with tears and Krystal has never seen her so sad before. At that time Krystal realizes that a pat on her shoulder wouldn’t be enough, she wants to hug her tightly and whisper to her that everything is going to be alright.

“Did Gyuri-unnie really leave?” Jiyoung suddenly asked to Krystal.

Krystal froze at the spot. “Uh..

No, Jiyoung-ah how could she leave you..

But like an idiot she always said her sister was, suddenly she wasn’t able to express how she really felt.

“I think so.” Krystal said.

And then Jiyoung looked down for a while. No words were exchanged between them as Jiyoung continues to stare at the floor and conceals her face while Krystal was staring at her when she wasn’t looking.

Suddenly Jiyoung sobbed slowly.

“She’s.. the only sister I have. She’s my best friend..” She mumbled.

And then a drop of tears fell down on the floor.

“Now, I don’t have anyone else..

..to eat pizza with me or..

..go to the movies with me and to listen to my jokes.. and stories..

“Yah babo, you have me.” Krystal suddenly said.

Jiyoung was shocked and she slowly looked up. Krystal was staring at her, so intense like she has never seen before.

Krystal gulped before continuing,

“I can eat pizza with you, even if I hate pizzas..

..I can go to the movies with you even when you picked the one I don’t like..

..and I will listen to your jokes that are not funny and all your lame stories..” She said with a few pauses.

She put both her hands on Jiyoung’s shoulders and stared into her eyes.

“You have me.” She repeated.

And with that she pulled Jiyoung into a tight embrace. Jiyoung was very surprised with her sudden intimate gesture. She gulped with her eyes wide open when Krystal wrapped her arms around her body. Every inch of her body heats up.

Krystal smiled.

I will take care of you.

“Have you found her?!” A voice suddenly called. Yoona was running to them with worried expression on her face.

Krystal quickly lets go of Jiyoung and acts normal, though it was impossible to hide the blush on her cheeks.

“We can’t find her.” Krystal said.

Yoona was panting as she wiped the sweats on her forehead.

“I can’t either!” She said, disappointed. She was on the verge of crying as their search was nothing but a total waste of time and energy.

“We’ve looked everywhere we could, unnie. But she’s not here. I think she already left, there was a flight to LA at 2 pm.” Krystal added.

Yoona sighed a few times before sitting on one of the chairs nearby. She put her elbow on her knees and put her hands together. And then she just stares ahead with her hopeless gaze.

“How much time do we have left?” She asked to Krystal.

Krystal glanced at her watch.

“About..half an hour.” She replied.

Yoona buried her face in her palms, hiding her face from the girls. But they know that she was crying. Jiyoung sat beside her and gently rubbed her back.

“I can’t even protect Yuri..” Yoona muttered.

Krystal bit her lip.

“Unnie, I want to ask you something, I hope you won’t mind.” She said.

Yoona didn’t even look up but she replied, “What is it?”

Krystal took a deep breath before continuing.

“Why are you still doing this for Yuri-unnie? She cheated on you and broke your heart. I just don’t get it..” She said.

Jiyoung finds Krystal too blunt but she was still too awkward around her to argue.

“Krystal, I only have one heart.” Yoona suddenly said.

She put a hand on her chest and continued.

“And in my heart there’s only one person.”

Krystal looked at Yoona, speechless.

Their eyes met.

“I’m not saying that I will go back to Yuri like nothing happened.. I will move on with my life, and she can move on with hers but there is one thing will always remain the same..”

Yoona smiled weakly.

“I will never stop loving her.”

“And for that I will always protect her.”


“The timer stopped.” Seohyun said, staring at the computer screen.

Everyone looked at her in disbelief.

“Seriously?!” Tiffany said with her eyes wide.

“So the password really was 06-24-10?!” Jessica asked, shocked.

“That’s what it says..” Siwon replied, smiling.

The room fell quiet for a while as they looked at each other in disbelief. All the build up tension earlier wears down little by little as the seconds pass silently. Hyoyeon looked at Yuri who was also staring at her with her teary eyes.

“Yah Kwon Yuri, you’re safe! The timer stopped!” Hyoyeon said excitedly, hitting Yuri’s shoulder.

“It really stopped?” Yuri asked, still in shock.

“WE DID IT!” Seohyun exclaimed in excitement and threw her arms around Siwon. Siwon was stunned; his face immediately turned red and begun to smile like a shy school boy.

Jessica let out a relieved sigh.

“Great job Siwon oppa, as expected of a sp..” She paused.

Tiffany gave her a weird look.

“..an office worker.” Jessica continued, looking away.

“00:25:05 that’s when it stopped.” Siwon said with a satisfied smile.

“Oppa, you’re a computer genius.” Seohyun said, causing him to blush again.

“You’re lucky, Yuri. We managed to stop it just in time or else your nude pictures would be spread all over the world.” Tiffany said, smiling.

Yuri looked at them one by one, with a mixed expression on her face. Her mouth slowly crept into a smile, a smile that expresses how thankful she was. And then she began to cry again.

“Thank you..everyone..”

Everybody was feeling relieved and overjoyed like they’re a troop of army who just won a fierce battle. There were wearing smiles on their faces and laughter filled up the room in contrast to the depressing mood earlier.

“Okay, who’s up for some pasta? It’s on me!” Jessica announced excitedly.

“Yeah! I want lasagne! What do you want, Yuri-ah?” Hyoyeon said to Yuri.

Yuri looked at her.

“Anything will do..” She replied with a weak smile.

“Jessi, Carbonara for me.” Tiffany added, smiling.

“We can share a plate and do the famous pasta scene!” Jessica said cheekily.

“Okay, let’s go! I’m hungry!” Hyoyeon said, heading to the door.

“Guys, wait.” Seohyun suddenly called.

They stopped and turned around. Seohyun and Siwon were still sitting at the desk with Seohyun staring intently at the computer screen and the other was busy typing with a serious expression on his face.

Yuri gulped; she has a bad feeling about this.

“What is it?” Jessica asked.

Seohyun looked at her in panic.

“Th-The timer resume itself.” She said slowly.

Everyone was too shocked to even move.

“What?! But..how come?! Didn’t we stop it with that password?!” Tiffany asked, shocked.

Siwon shook his head.

“Apparently that was a trap. The website has a tricky security system and now it’s counting down 3 times faster than before.” He said, eyes never leaving the screen.

“3 times?!” Jessica said in disbelief, she rushed to the desk to see it for herself.

“It’s over..” Yuri sobs again. She fell on her knees like she no longer have the strength to stand.

Hyoyeon tries to console her and pull her up, but Yuri just gave up.

“I’m trying to crack into it, but the time is running out..” Siwon said, with sweats rolled down his forehead.

“This is my punishment..” Yuri said slowly.

“I let down the only girl who loved me since I was a just a young confused teen..”

“The girl who helped me find my dream, who’s been supporting me restlessly..”

“Who was willing to accept the selfish me, even after what I did to her..”

“What kind of person am I?” Yuri asked to herself.

“I took advantage of her unconditional and innocent love and betrayed her..”

“And then played with another woman’s emotions, giving her hope when I know it won’t happen..”

“A person like me don’t deserve her love, no, don’t even deserve to be loved at all..”

“Even I hate myself.”

Yuri looked at each person in the room.

“I deserve this.” She said.


At the airport, Yoona, Krystal and Jiyoung were gathering around together as they looked at the iPhone belonged to Krystal.

They went to the website to check if there was any miracle that could caused the website to shut itself. But then again, it was impossible.

“Why is it ticking so fast? That’s like..3 seconds for every 1 second!” Krystal said with an incredulous look on her face.

“Damn it! Then, the website will reveal the pictures sooner than it’s expected!” Yoona said, hopelessly.

“That would mean..there’s only 3 minutes left!” Jiyoung said, slowly.


“3 minutes left!” Seohyun said, panicked.

Siwon was still working on the website, with his fingers typing non-stop and his face is now wet with sweat.

“2 minutes!”

“One minute!”







“And 4..”





Yuri, Tiffany, Jessica, Seohyun, Siwon and Hyoyeon stared at the computer screen, speechless.

Then Tiffany suddenly said,

“This is..”


Yoona, Krystal and Jiyoung stared at the phone and then looked at each other.

“I don’t understand..” Krystal said, slightly shaking her head.

Yoona stared at the website where the countdown has ended. There is a photo slide in the middle of the main page, where there are 100 photos in total. It was photos of Yuri, but none of them expect it to be this kind.

“These pictures are..beautiful..” Yoona said.

It was a collection of perfectly captured pictures of Yuri. Based on the Yuri’s natural expression, it was obvious that the pictures were taken secretly by Gyuri herself. The pictures managed to capture Yuri’s flawless natural beauty and her cute candid expressions like never been seen before.

Yoona was lost for words to say as she could feel the love Gyuri had for Yuri through the photos. She felt like she was defeated in a way.

Krystal looked at Yoona and then to Jiyoung.

“So, when Gyuri said, expose, she meant.. no makeup and natural expressions?”

Jiyoung smiled at her.

“Now, that’s the Gyuri-unnie I know.”

A rush of emotions came to Yoona when she looked at one of the photos, a photo of Yuri sitting alone at the restaurant.

The restaurant where she first confessed her love to Yoona, and she was staring at the ring on her finger with a blissful smile on her face.

Underneath the picture was a note:

Even though I know there’s no room for me in your heart..

- G

Two weeks later..

Kwon Yuri sat alone in front of the mirror in the dressing room. She was well dressed, wearing a beautiful baby blue dress that brought out her pure image. Her face gleams with the effect of mild makeup that was done earlier by her own makeup artist. Everything is perfect and she should be happy but..

She looks sadder than ever.

There was no sparkle in her gaze, just a pair of eyes that filled with sorrow.

She stares at the mirror even though she hates looking into the mirror lately. Because everytime she does, she will see that person.

That one person she’s unable to forgive.

Suddenly the door opened. Yuri turned to her side and saw her new PA was looking at her.

“It’s time.” She said.

Yuri nodded slowly.

“I’ll be right up.”


“Anyeonghaseyo, I’m Kwon Yuri.” The tall and beautiful model said as she bowed.

“Ah, anyeong!” The reporter said with her gleeful smile, clearly excited about meeting Yuri that day.

Yuri smiled happily like how she’s been trained to do, making everyone around her believe that she was genuinely happy. And it successfully hid the pain inside her heart. She took a seat across from the middle-aged woman, who seems eager to shoot her with sets of questions at her. Known as the reporter with her bold questions, Yuri can’t help but feeling nervous especially since the incident two weeks ago.

“Our nation’s sexy angel Kwon Yuri, how are you feeling these days?” She asked, warming up.

Yuri smiled charmingly and replied, “I’m feeling better than ever.”

I feel like I’m gonna die.

“Soooo, the whole nation was shocked by the genius marketing strategy that you and your agency had pulled together. The website was brilliant. Your popularity had skyrocket overnight!” She said, excitedly.

Yuri chuckled and shook her head.

“That website was all.. my friend’s idea. I can’t express how thankful I am for what she did for me. Really..” She replied.

The guilt is killing me day by day..

“Ah, your friend, G. Who is he? Or maybe a she?” She asked with a smirk.

Yuri’s face hardens when she was asked about G, but she quickly covers it with a smile. “G is.. a really good friend of mine who is also a very talented photographer.”

“A goddess with a heart of gold.” She added slowly.

The reporter smiled.

“Ah, so ‘a she’? Eyy.. sounds like she’s a special person to you.”

Yuri gulped. “She’s a.. close friend..”

“Yuri, a lot of people are wondering about this..” She suddenly said.

“What is it?”

She looked at Yuri and asked.

“Are you a.. lesbian?”

Yuri gulped and looked at her for a while, speechless. Her manager motions her to quickly answer to avoid any suspicions.

“Hahaha, that’s funny..” Yuri suddenly said, with her obviously fake laughter.

“Funny?” The reporter asked, raising an eyebrow.

“There were rumours about you and another young model, Im Yoona to be in a romantic relationship. Some said that you two were fighting at a photoshoot.”

Yuri looked down and cleared her throat.

Yoona’s name echoes in her head.


“Me and Yoona are in a relationship.” She said casually, causing everyone to stare at her in shock.

“Are you..admitting-

“But not a romantic relationship.” Yuri added cheekily.


Yuri forced herself to smile.

“We’re.. friends since high school and even decided to enter the fashion world together. We’re best friends and I think people are getting the wrong idea because of how close we are.”

“Really? That’s interesting, because the netizens have always compared you two as rivals. Do you two hang out often?” She continued to ask.

Yuri tries her hardest to keep on smiling, but the series of questions about Yoona make her wonder how long can she continue to do so. She could feel the tears starting to fill her eyes.

She let out a small laugh and looked at her hands on her lap.

“Not recently.”

She’s been avoiding me..

As she was touching the only ring on her finger, she said.

“She’s been avoiding me..” She accidentally said aloud.

“You sound sad, is this anything to do with Im Yoona?” The reporter asked.

Yuri bit her lip.


“No.” She said.

“Yoona truly is someone I cherish and I care about her a lot..” Yuri added.

“You care about her in a.. romantic way?” She asked cheekily.

Yuri scoffed, causing her to startle. Yuri stared at her, seriously.

“Just because Yoona’s cousin is a lesbian doesn’t make her one.” She said to end the topic before it escalates.

“Oh yes! Her cousin, Tiffany Hwang is getting married with the Editor-In-Chief of Glitter Magazine also the heiress, Jessica Jung. Their announcement had shaken the nation. It will be the first open same-sex marriage in the country. Will you be attending the grand event? ” She asked.

Yuri smiled.

“If I am invited, then definitely. Those two are a perfect couple.”

Then Yuri’s manager told the reporter that the time is up and she have to ask her final question.

“Since it’s near Christmas, do you have anything you wished for?” She asked in hurry.

Yuri smiled.

“I wish to spend Christmas with.. Yoda.”

“Eh? From Star Wars?”

Yuri nodded.


..please forgive me..” She said sadly.


Chapter 58

Another Bet

“Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!” The sound of the annoying digital alarm clock echoed in the room.

Sunny slowly opened her eyes as she was unable to fight the alarm clock irritating pleas. She reached across her desk and grabbed the yellow clock before hitting the stop button. The torturous repeated sound finally stopped and it made Sunny feel ten times better than before. She slowly rise from her bed and sat up straight. She glanced at the clock in her hand and noticed it was already 7:30 in the morning.

It’s time to start her routine.

She smiled as she straightens up her arms, as she is ready to begin another great day at the cafe. The business has been growing strong these past few months and Sunny can’t be more blessed with the success.

But.. Her love life is a different story.

Sunny turned to her side as her heart sunk. It was empty.

Slowly she touches the pillow beside her and begun tracing the fabric with her fingers. She stared at the empty side of her bed, with a thousand mixed emotions. She noticed that Taeyeon’s scent is still fresh and she knows that she had just left for work.

Sunny quickly wiped her right eye with a finger before the tears manage to fall onto the ground. She must be strong, that’s what she’s been telling herself these past few weeks.

Since the argument with Taeyeon at KBS parking lot, the atmosphere between them has been nothing but a battlefield. They tried to talk it out, but it always turned into a worse argument. Thus they just stopped talking about it.

However acting like everything is fine is never easy. They suffered so much from the unresolved tension in the house, yet they both still keep to their vows and stick together. But what’s the point of living together if they hardly see each other anymore? Everyday Taeyeon will leave the house before Sunny woke up and return home late at night. Sunny had enough of nagging her about coming home late when Taeyeon’s typical reply is that’s it’s related to work. Then Sunny will also mention how busy her day was at the cafe and then more shouting till one of them gave up.

Things have been hard, but there was never once Sunny gave up on their love. She promised herself to fix the problem that she caused, and that’s why she decided to go to the hospital today.


“Mrs Kim, how are you today?” A young male doctor greets.

Sunny smiled. “I’m doing great, Dr.”

“That’s good to hear. Hmm.. did you come alone? Where is your wife?” The doctor asked seeing Sunny all alone.

“Taeyeon couldn’t come because of her busy schedule. She’s currently producing a lot of songs for drama OSTs.” Sunny replied with an awkward grin.

“Ah.. she’s surely a busy woman. I hope she doesn’t overwork herself. It won’t be good if she’s trying to conceive a baby..” Dr. Yoochun said with a concerned look.

Sunny looked at him and shook her head.

“Actually, I have come here today regarding that..”

“Oh. What’s the matter?”

Sunny bit her lip.

“I’ve decided not to undergo the procedure. It’s hard to believe but the truth is that Taeyeon and I are not ready to have a baby yet..” She said.

The doctor looked at her with creased eyebrows.

“Er..Mrs Kim, you can’t cancel it.”

Sunny raised an eyebrow.

“Why not?”



“What do you think?” Taeyeon asked to her friend.

Tiffany’s eyes were brimming with excitement, and as expected she squealed.

“TAEYEON THAT SONG IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL!” Tiffany exclaimed as she clapped her hands like a dolphin in a show.

Taeyeon chuckled.

“You think she’s gonna like it?” She asked, nervous.

Tiffany rolled her eyes.

“Like it? Gosh, if I’m not with Jessica right now I would’ve fallen for you because of that song. I’m sure Sunny is going to LOVE it. I know I do.” Tiffany said with an assuring smile.

Taeyeon smiled and make her way towards Tiffany who was sitting on the couch. She has especially come to visit her at the studio that day, with Jessica’s permission. Taeyeon was secretly impressed at the couple’s progression, from an immature pair with serious jealousy issues to a real soulmate. They made her jealous sometimes.

She sat on the sofa and took the lyrics sheet that Tiffany handed to her and read it again. It was a song she composed for Sunny, reflecting her feelings.

“How are you and Sunny doing?” Tiffany suddenly asked.

The young songwriter sighed.

“Not good.” She answered short.

“It’s getting worse day by day, up to the point where I sort of avoid her..” Taeyeon added.

Tiffany gasped.

“Avoid her? Don’t tell me you’re not sleeping at the house anymore..”

“I still sleep at home, every night. And we’re still sharing the same bed, but..” Taeyeon pauses.

“There is hardly any communication between us. I always come home late and will purposely leave the house before she woke up.”

Tiffany stared at her friend, shocked. She had no idea that they’re going such a tough time.

“Why would you do that? Why are you avoiding her? Can’t you guys just talk about it?” She asked.

Taeyeon sighed.

“We’ve tried, but.. it’s not working. It’s not a conversation if all we did was yelling at each other’s faces.”

“I don’t want to fight with her anymore. Tiffany, I love her..” Taeyeon said slowly.

Tiffany stared at her friend with a heavy heart, and slowly she put a hand over her shoulder. She rubbed it gently to calm her down.

Taeyeon took a deep breath and look at Tiffany.

“I heard about what happened. I guess Gyuri really taught Yuri her lesson.” She said to change the topic.

Tiffany nodded and retreats her hand back into her lap.

“It was crazy, we really thought Gyuri was going to put up Yuri’s nude photos but she really surprised everyone. The website that was supposedly up to destroy Yuri’s life turned into an unplanned promotion of herself. She’s getting really famous now, with people dubbing her the nation’s ‘natural beauty’.” Tiffany rolled her eyes.

Taeyeon chuckled.

“I’ve always knew that Gyuri is a nice person. The last time she was in the studio was about a week before she left..

“..she wrote this..” Taeyeon said, pulling a piece of paper from a file on the table.

Tiffany took the piece of paper and read the nicely written lyrics. Unknowingly, her eyes were brimming with tears.

I know that I no longer want to impose my feelings on you.

Because I realize that I cannot love you,

Even though you are so close to me,

It's too hard for me to wait for someone that cannot be mine,

I can't endure any longer,

Because it will never happen.

The name that I once loved

Travels further away as I call it,

I write down that name, holding back tears,

I want to hide it within myself.

Please understand the days

I can’t help myself but to love you,

A love that was never realized,

Is still love..

“It’s pretty emotional, isn’t it? But I guess Gyuri has always known that Yuri don’t feel the same way about her, but she can’t help but to keep hoping..” Taeyeon said.

Tiffany wiped the tears that rolled down her cheeks with a tissue and nodded in agreement.

“This part makes me wonder..” Tiffany said, pointing at a verse of the song.

“I turn it back a thousand times,

going back to the place I was.

Back before a portion of my heart

was snatched away from me..”

“What about it?” Taeyeon asked.

Tiffany looked at her, serious.

“I wonder where she is now..”


In a lavish house in Manhattan, a married couple are having dinner together in the dining room. Their maids were standing by, always ready when they’re needed. The dinner menu was luxurious, a 3 courses meal cooked by their personal chef. But even the good food couldn’t balance out the silence between them. There was nothing but the sound of the forks and knives being rubbed on the plate.

Suddenly, the wife looked at her husband. Though the husband noticed the stare, he continues to eat.

“What is it?” He asked.

The wife sighed.

“It’s Christmas soon.” She said.

“So?” He asked.

“I want the whole family to gather this year. I want our daughter..”

“She’ll be back when she wants to. It was her decision to leave the house, there’s no use in trying to convince her.” The husband said, firm.

“Then maybe.. we can go to Korea and celebrate the festive with her.” The wife suggests, with a hopeful expression.

The husband pauses, and put down his eating utensils on the plate. He knows how much his wife misses their only daughter. He’s been missing her as well.

Suddenly, one of the maid rushed into the dining room, panting.

“What’s the matter? We’re having our dinner.” The husband said, annoyed.

The panting maid took a few seconds to recover and stood up straight. Then she looked at her employer and smiled.

“Then maybe you need to set another plate.” She said.

“What do you mean?” The wife asked, puzzled.

“Mr Park, Mrs Park..” The maid pauses.

She smiled widely.

“Miss Gyuri is back.”


Kim Taeyeon put her hand on the headphones and closed her eyes to concentrate to the beginning of the song. The soothing sound of flute is the intro for her new song, a song that she decided to sing it herself.

“Did it pass by...Our love..”

“Is it just a heart-breaking memory..”

She opens her eyes and continues to sing the next line with her beautiful voice.

“It's turning around...Your heart..”

She paused.

She gulped as she spotted Sunny outside of the studio, staring at her with displeased eyes. She quickly signalled her staff to stop the music which he obliged immediately. She removed her headphones and made her way out of the sound proof room to meet her wife.

Sunny was standing by the door, with her arms crossed. Taeyeon has no idea what to expect, as Sunny rarely come visit her at the studio unless there’s something really important.

Taeyeon cleared her throat.

“Sunny, what brings you here?” She asked.

Sunny looked at her, serious.

“You and I need to talk.” She said.

The male staff in the room heard her and hurriedly leaves the studio, leaving only them. And soon the atmosphere turned tense again.

“What’s the matter? Is it important? Can’t we just talk about it at home? I have.. work to do.” Taeyeon said, avoiding eye contact.

Sunny scoffed. “Talk at home?”

“I come here today because I know that I can’t ever converse with you anywhere else. You can’t continue to avoid me like this, Tae.”

Taeyeon gulped.

“Today, I went to meet our Dr..” Sunny said.

Taeyeon looked at her, nervous.

“He told me about it.” Sunny said.

Taeyeon sighed. “So you knew?”

Sunny scoffed “How could you undergo the procedure without discussing it with me first? We’re supposed to do this together, we’re a family..”

“What’s there to discuss? You’re the one who wants me to carry the baby. I thought it’s already decided.” Taeyeon reasoned.

“You can’t just take things like this for granted!” Sunny said, pissed.

“Oh come on! I did what you want me to and you’re still not satisfied? What exactly do you want?” Taeyeon asked, annoyed.

Sunny bit her lip.

“Yah Kim Taeyeon! This is not about what I want!”

“THIS IS ABOUT WHAT WE BOTH WANT!” She shouted, frustrated.


It’s 11 at night at the pink residence and the loving couple are heading to bed after a hard day at work. Jessica was lying on the bed with the blanket pulled up covering her chest. However, she wasn’t sleeping. With her glasses on, reading a novel that she’s been trying to finish for past few weeks. She used to be able to finish a novel in just a few days, but since she shared a bed with Tiffany, she gets easily distracted.

That night was no exception. Tiffany came out of the bathroom, with her alluring scent can walked towards her fiancé. Jessica was too absorbed into the story and failed to notice the innocent puppy eyes that Tiffany was giving her. But Tiffany wasn’t going to give up easily, with a cute huff she climbed on the bed and casually made her way on top of Jessica.

Jessica felt the pressure on her lower body, followed by the hands that were circling around her waist. She smiled and put down her novel on the nearby desk, she gave up. Tiffany is too cute to resist.

She ran her hand on Tiffany’s newly dyed black hair, gently and lovingly as she looked at her.

“Jessica..” Tiffany called all of the sudden. She was flashing her irresistible eye smile.

Jessica’s heart skipped a beat.

“Yes honey?” She replied.

Tiffany grinned.

“It’s almost.. Christmas, isn’t it?”

Jessica nodded, “Yeah.”

“You know, at work today I was chatting with Heechul oppa and other staffs..”

“Why are you mingling with those low class people?” Jessica asked harshly.

Tiffany sighed. “Anyway, they were bragging about having the best Christmas party at their house and it kinda makes me think that..

..we should also have one.”

Jessica looked at her blankly.

“Okay then, let’s have one.” She replied.

“Really?” Tiffany asked, excited.

“Sure. It’s not that hard, we can just hire the caterers for food..”

Tiffany quickly cuts in. “That’s what I’m trying to talk to you about.”

“What? Food?” Jessica asked, puzzled.

“Since it’s our first Christmas party, I really hope. Like really really hope to.. prepare the food myself.”

“NO.” Jessica replied immediately.

Tiffany frowened.

“Oh come on Jessi!”

Jessica looked away and pretended not to hear anything.

“If we’re gonna organize a party, we must list out the guests that we want to invite.” She said, ending the previous topic.

Tiffany seems unsatisfied and pouted.

Jessica continued. “We must invite my mom, my grandpa..

“Our friends too, Taeyeon, Sunny, Yoona.. ah we can’t invite Yuri though..” Tiffany said.

“Maybe people from the office, that weird girl..Seohyun, Yoona’s quirky manager Yeon something..”

“It’s Hyoyeon. And we can ask Krystal to bring her close friends too, like Sulli and Jiyoung..” Tiffany continued.

“But Jessi..”


“I really wish Hara and Sooyoung could come.” Tiffany said sadly.

Jessica sighed.

“No one knows where Hara is. But we all know where Sooyoung is. She never leaves that donut shop.”

Tiffany nodded.

“I’ve tried before, but she insisted to stay there no matter what.”

Jessica looked at her and then smiled like she has an idea.

“Ey..I know that look. What’s on your mind?” Tiffany asked, with an eyebrow rose.

Jessica grinned.

“I think I can bring Sooyoung to our party.”

Tiffany stared at her, shocked.

“Oh really?”

Jessica nodded.

"You don’t believe me? Wanna bet?” She asked with a naughty smirk.

Tiffany gets the idea and smiled.

“Okay, what do you want if you win?”

“I want you to..do anything I want for a week.” Jessica said, blushing.

Tiffany gulped.

“Pervert Blankie.”

Jessica looked away.

“I have needs..”

“Okay fine. But you must make sure Sooyoung attend the party. I missed her so much.”

“We all do honey.”

Tiffany adds, “But if you don’t succeed, no, until you succeed..”

“You’re not getting any.” She said with an adorable smile.

Jessica gulped.

“Oh come on, you’re not serious..are you?”

“I’m serious.”

Tiffany said as she slowly moved away from Jessica’s body and lay on another side. Jessica bit her lip.

“Goodnight Jessi.” Tiffany said before pulling the blanket and turned off the lamp.

Jessica sat there in the dark, staring at her sleeping fiancé in disbelief.

Now she really has to drag Sooyoung out of the donut shop, no matter what.


Chapter 59

Rebel Fany

“So, have you taken care of that ‘thing’?” asks the young female boss, Jessica Jung.

She was sitting on her huge chair, with her glasses on making her look professional. She looked at her secretary, impatiently waiting for her reply. She really hopes that the answer will be positive, maybe a simple nod or a short ‘yes’ is enough to make her day. To her, it’s almost as important as a matter of life and death.

Narsha smiled, secretly enjoying seeing her boss squirming in her seat. Working with her these past few months, she found out that the cold ice princess is not that cold after all. Especially when it came to her fiancé, Tiffany. She’s like Jessica’s own Kryptonite. Her tough metal wall turned into jelly when she’s around Tiffany.

When Narsha was about to give her reply, the door was knocked twice.

Jessica sighed.

“Come in.” She said.

The door was slowly opened, revealing a young woman wearing a white body hugging sweater and a pair of blue denim. Jessica was speechless, though she has seen the woman every day; she never failed to take her breath away every time she laid her eyes on her.

Tiffany Hwang made her way to the Editor-In-Chief desk, with a file in one hand. She was walking in a normal manner, but in Jessica’s eyes she was slowly taking her steps in order to seduce her. Jessica quickly shook her head.

“Ms Jessica, here is the design layout that you asked for the March issue.” Tiffany said politely. Then she delicately put the file on the table.

But Jessica can’t stop staring at Tiffany, not when there’s a glowing light surrounding her body, though she’s pretty sure it’s just her. And that alluring scent, oh how much she loves her honey’s scent. Better yet, her honey’s taste..

“Okay, I think you can go now, Ms Hwang.” Narsha suddenly said. She noticed the wild look in her boss’s eyes and is attempting to prevent her from jumping onto her. Tiffany smiled and nodded. She bowed her head to her and Jessica before turning around and leaving the office.

As soon as Tiffany left, Jessica let out a loud sigh.

“Narsha! Did you see that?! She was totally seducing me!”


“Tiffany! The way she walked, her awkward smile, her body.. Did you see what she was wearing? She was showing too much skin!”

“She was wearing a long sleeve knitted shirt and jeans..”

“Yes! Tight jeans that showed the shape of her hips and her thighs, her honey thighs where lies it between them is..” Jessica pauses, her face red with drool coming out of the corner of her mouth.

“Are you okay?”

“Gosh, why does she have to look so gorgeous and hot every time?! I can hardly control myself, that girl!” She said, burying her face in her palms.

Narsha rolled her eyes.

“You can have her at home..”

Jessica shook her head.

“It’s even more torturing at home! She firmly said no sex until I bring Sooyoung to the party!”

“Oh, so that’s what it’s all about?” Narsha asked.

Jessica nodded.

Narsha smiled.

“Then you don’t have to worry anymore. I’ve taken care of that ‘thing.”

“You did?”

“Now, I hope you can get yourself together. We have a meeting in an hour. The company president will also be attending.”



Jessica has never felt so uncomfortable and nervous before. Now she’s standing at the front of the meeting room with all eyes on her as she is presenting the report. She glanced at Tiffany, in hope for an assuring look from her eyes. But by coincidence at the time, she was flashing her friendly smile to the HOD of Fashion, Kim Heechul. Any other day Jessica can just shrug it off, and not let her jealousy get in the way, but this is not any other day. Not when they’re still on the tormenting bet.

Jessica cleared her throat and tries to continue.

“As.. you can see here..” She pauses.

Her throat felt dry, and she could feel her whole body heating up. She wiped her forehead and realized that she’s been sweating that much.

“Are you okay, Jessica?” A voice asked.

Jessica looked at the man with a heavy heart. Her grandfather is staring at her with a mixed expression. He looked concerned but not pleased at the same time. She knows that he always has high expectations on her, and right now all she sees on his face is disappointment.

Tiffany can’t help but felt worried about her other half. This is the first time Jessica doing a presentation in front of her grandfather and so far he doesn’t seems impressed at all. She begins to regret doing the bet with Jessica, or else she probably won’t be too tense right now.

People in the room exchanged looks, some curious and some just plain cynical. Tiffany bit her lip as she wished she could slap each of their faces for mocking Jessica, especially the wicked smile on Mr Oh Jiho’s face. He was sitting next to Albert Jung comfortably, sneering at the now sweating Jessica.

“Jessica, I’m afraid I have to leave now.” Said Albert suddenly.

Jessica looked at him and gulped.

“Grandpa, I can finish this..” She said.

Albert stood up and held his granddaughter’s hand. Then he looked at her before giving her his warm smile.

“I have another er.. meeting to attend. Maybe next time.” He said.

And then he leaves the meeting room with his personal assistant, leaving the room with an awkward atmosphere. Jessica looked around the room before letting out a loud sigh.

“I guess that’s all.” She said before exiting the room.

Tiffany hurriedly leaves her seat and chase after her fiancé.


Jessica Jung stood outside of the Jung Corp Building, with both her hands stuck in her jacket. The weather is cold that evening but she insisted to wait for her car herself. Narsha was standing loyally behind her boss, glancing over at her every few seconds to observe her expression.

“I wonder who Grandpa is meeting with. Is it that important that he can’t even wait until the meeting finished?” Jessica suddenly rants.

Narsha looked at her boss and noticed how sulky she looks.

“One of my source said that he is meeting someone.” Narsha said.

“What? A business meeting? Does this means he’s not coming to my party tonight?” Jessica asked, annoyed.

Narsha cleared her throat.

“I don’t know if he’s going to your party or not, Ms Jessica. But I do know something..” She paused.

Jessica looked at her, curious.

“What is it?”

“The person he’s meeting with is a woman.” Narsha replied, in whispering tone.

Jessica looked at her, dumbfounded.

“A woman? You mean, like..dating?” She asked, shocked.

Narsha shrugged.

Suddenly Tiffany came rushing out of the front door, hurriedly running towards them. Narsha bowed her head at Jessica before politely leaving to give them their much needed space. Tiffany looked messy as her jacket wasn’t even worn properly. She only cared about chasing Jessica.

“Jessi..” She said as she throws her arms around Jessica’s body. Jessica was taken by surprise due to the sudden hug and she quickly pulled the girls closer into her embrace. They held onto each other in their own serene moments, without caring the judging eyes of the onlookers. After a while, they let go of each other and stares deeply into each other’s eyes. Tiffany was surprised to see Jessica’s loving gaze, since she expected one filled with lust since it’s been more than 24 hours since their bet.

“Are you okay?” Tiffany asked.

“Of course I am.” Jessica replied.

Tiffany continues to look at her, and she immediately knows she’s just lying.

“I still have a long way to go until I can be an Editor-In-Chief like Aunt Joanna. I can’t even handle my nervousness in front of people or not mixing my personal feelings into my work..” Jessica added.

Tiffany took her hand and squeezed it tight.

“But you’re on your way there. And you will be better than your Aunt.” She said.

Jessica chuckled.

“Thanks honey.”

Tiffany’s heart flutters at the sight of Jessica’s smile.

“By the way, you look really hot today.” Jessica added.

Tiffany looked down to check her outfit and creased her eyebrows in confusion.

“I don’t think jeans and baggy sweaters is anything near hot..”

Jessica shrugged. “You look hot wearing anything in my eyes. Ah, when I win the bet I want you to wear so many things for me..”

Tiffany pauses for a while as she digesting her sentence. And then she looked away, blushing. Jessica is still Jessica after all.

“Ah, look.” Jessica suddenly said.

Tiffany looked at her and Jessica was pointing towards the sky. Tiffany looked at the direction pointed and saw white flakes falling from the sky.

“It’s snowing..” She said.

Jessica slowly moved her gaze, from the beautiful falling snow to something more beautiful, Tiffany. She stared at her, examining her blissful expression as she was looking at the sky in wonder.

“Tiffany..” Jessica suddenly called.


“Can I kiss you?”

Tiffany looked at her, surprised by her request. Usually she would just pull her for a kiss and this is something new. She smiled.

Taking her smile as permission, Jessica slowly cupped Tiffany’s face and tilts her head slightly before gently pressing her lips on hers. How long has it been, they have no idea. They were too engrossed into their own world to notice that Jessica’s car has long arrived.

“Ms Jessica.” A voice called like a spell breaking them apart.

They broke the kiss with a slight disappointment on their faces.

“Your car is here.” A male staff said.

Jessica gave him a nod.

“Honey, I’ll see you at the party.”

“Where are you going?” Tiffany asked, not letting her hand go.

“I’m going to get Sooyoung to the party to win our bet, remember?” Jessica said.

“You’re really going to get Soo to our house tonight?”

“Just watch me. You better prepare yourself, it’s going to be a loooong night.” Jessica said with a smirk. Tiffany blushed.

“Ah yes, have you confirmed with the caterers?” Jessica asked.

“Caterers? What cater- Oh, yes I did! Don’t worry!” Tiffany replied.

“See you soon napkin, I love you.”

“Love you too, blankie.” Tiffany said, waving at Jessica as her car drove away.


Choi Sooyoung is at the donut shop like what she’s been doing the past 3 weeks. But this time, she’s standing outside off the shop with her hands stuck into her jacket’s pockets. The weather is cold, but she insists staying on her spot, even if the shop is closed. She finds it weird that the shop suddenly closes, with a note stuck on the front door saying that it undergoes ‘maintenance.’ She sighed again and glanced at her watch only to realize that she’s been standing there for more than 2 hours. It’s already 5.30 in the evening and the streets are getting crowded with people who are just off work.

The tall girl moved to the side of the sidewalk, not wanting to be an obstacle for the rushing people in Seoul. She leaned her back on the shop’s door and decided to keep on waiting.

“What are you doing here?” Suddenly a voice asked.

Sooyoung stood straight and turned to her left. She was greeted by a pleasant sight of her friend, Jessica.

“Sica..” She said.

Jessica smiled.

“It’s been a while.” She said.

Sooyoung nods. “Yeah..”

Then the awkward silence filled the atmosphere between the two of them. Jessica cleared her throat.

“You know, this donut shop won’t be back to business anytime soon.” She said.

Sooyoung stared at Jessica blankly and then glanced at the shop. “Why you said that?”

Jessica shrugged.

“I heard it had some serious ordeal with the people from health department.”

“Eh? Seriously?”

Jessica nodded.

“You know what? Tiffany and I are having a small party at our house later. We really want you to come.” She said with a warm smile.

Sooyoung looked away.

“Thanks for your offer, but I have to say no..” She said almost immediately.

Jessica somehow expected this.

“Why? Are you gonna stand here all night?” She asked, annoyed.

“That has nothing to do with you..” Sooyoung replied.

Jessica scoffed.

“Nothing to do with me? Wow Choi Sooyoung! Are we all not your friends anymore? Am I not your friend anymore?”

“That’s not what I meant, Sica.”

Jessica stared at Sooyoung. “How long are you gonna stay here? The shop is closed for at least a few weeks and you’re gonna camp out here like a homeless person? Are you trying to freeze yourself to death?”

“I can’t leave this place, what if Hara comes back when I’m not here?” Sooyoung asked.

Jessica scratches her hair in frustration.

“Hara won’t be back to this shop. That’s the truth that you have to accept.”

“What do you mean?”

Jessica sighed. “If you’re her painful memory, then she will do anything to avoid it. She’s probably even hates donut after breaking up with you. That’s how Hara is.”

Sooyoung looked down in silence.

“You waiting here are not doing any good to anyone. All you did is pushing everyone who cares about you out of your life and instead eats donuts and drink coffee every day. Are you trying to get diabetes?” Jessica continues.

Sooyoung bit her lip.

“I appreciate your concern, but-

“Gosh! Stop being stubborn or I will buy this shop lot and change it to a shop that only sells pink blankets and napkins!” Jessica cuts in angrily.

Sooyoung stared at her friend, shocked. Jessica took a deep breath to stay composed. Then she looked at Sooyoung.

“If you still consider me as your friend, you will come to the party.” She said, serious.

Jessica turned around and made her way to her car. Sooyoung stared at the back of her friend with a heavy heart.

Jessica reached her car but then she stopped.

Without turning around she continues,

“Soo, I’m serious. If you don’t show up, our friendship is over.”


Tiffany Hwang is skipping her way towards her house with two bags filled with groceries in her hand. She even had to put them down while she tries to open the front door. After a few frowns, looking for the house keys, she managed to find it and successfully opened the door. Her house is empty, as Jessica is still outside leaving only Tiffany in the house.

The smiling girl glanced at the clock on the wall of the living room, and noticed that it’s already 6pm. She hurriedly makes her way to the kitchen and put down her bags on the table. She put down her handbag and takes off her watch. And then she grabbed the new pink apron located near the stove and quickly puts it on. As she was struggling tying the apron on her back, her smile and excitement slowly disappears as she begins a battle with herself. She’s feeling guilty for doing this. She’s not supposed to be in the kitchen right now.

She lied to Jessica.

There is no caterer for the party. She didn’t even booked one. She insists on cooking for the party, even if Jessica says no.

Jessi should trust me..

She reasoned with herself.

Tiffany finally succeeds in tying the apron and then she quickly grabbed a huge knife to cut the carrot she just bought.


“Put down the knife.” A voice said.

Tiffany froze; she thought she was all alone.

“Don’t make this difficult, Fany-ah. Just put the knife down.” Another voice said.


Chapter 60

Accidentally on Purpose

“Put down the knife.” A voice said.

Tiffany froze; all this time she thought she was all alone.

“Don’t make this difficult, Fany-ah. Just put the knife down.” Another voice said.

“Who’s there?” Tiffany asked as she tightens the grip on the shiny knife.

Tiffany gulped and looked around, searching for the source of the voices. They both sounded familiar but in such situation, Tiffany wasn’t able to recall their faces.

Suddenly a figure came out from behind the wall, a short woman with warm smile on her face. It was none other than her neighbour from next door, Sunny.

“Fany-ah, it’s just me.” Sunny said, assuring.

Tiffany let out a relieved sigh.

“Sunny, what are you doing here? You scared me.” She said, wiping cold sweat on her forehead. She was still holding the knife, and the blade was swung in the air as she moved her hand. Sunny gulped watching the dangerous knife move.

“Fany, the knife..” Sunny reminded.

Tiffany looked at her, dumbfounded.

“Knife? Ah, you mean this knife?” She said, shoving the knife to Sunny. Sunny gulped again, as the tip of the sharp blade almost touched her nose.

“Y-Yes, what are you doing with it? It’s dangerous, put it down..” Sunny said, still maintaining her smile.

Tiffany chuckled and put the knife back on the counter.

“Sorry, I’m cooking right now.” She said proudly.

“You cook? I thought you hired caterer for the party.” Sunny asked.

“That’s what I told Jessica, but.. this is my party, I should cook..right?” Tiffany replied with a wry smile.


“NO YOU DON’T!” Said another voice from behind Tiffany.

It was followed by the strong grip on Tiffany’s arms and a pull from behind.

“Hey!” Tiffany exclaimed, realizing that she’s now pulled further away from the kitchen counter.

Her mysterious attacker stopped pulling her before pushing her down on a nearby chair. Tiffany sat on the wooden chair in shock. And soon she finds out her attacker was none other than Krystal Jung.

“Kr-Krystal?! What are you doing here? Why are you pushing me onto this chair? How could you do this to your sister-in-law?” Tiffany asked continuously. She tries to get up but Krystal pushed her shoulder down.

Krystal crossed her arms and stare at Tiffany a few steps before her, like a faithful guard. Tiffany looked at her in confusion.

“Su-Sunny! Look what Krystal is doing to me! Help me!” She said to Sunny who was still at the Kitchen counter.

To Tiffany’s surprise, she looked calm as if everything that happened has been planned beforehand.

“We’re sorry, Fany. But we’re doing this for your own good.” Sunny said.

Tiffany looked at her, shocked.

“What are you talking about?”

“We can’t let you cook. It’s too hazardous for everyone.” Krystal suddenly said.

“That’s ridiculous! I never do anything hazardous..”

Krystal scoffed.

“The last time someone eat your cooking, they both ended in the hospital and the last time you tried to cook, you burnt down our family tree. You’re saying that’s not hazardous?”

“That was only..two times..it happened..” Tiffany mumbled.

“Just sit there and don’t touch anything.” Krystal warned.

“Hey, this is my house, and this is my kitchen!” Tiffany protested.

Krystal looked away, but still standing firmly before her.

“I will tell Jessica what you guys did to me!” Tiffany whined.

“Go ahead and tell. She’s the one who ordered us to stop you from burning the house down.” Krystal replied.

Tiffany gulped. “She did?”

Krystal nodded.

“She..doesn’t trust me? I told her that everything is going to be fine but she doesn’t trust me?” Tiffany said, disappointed.

“Tiffany-unnie, you lied to her. You said that you’d book the caterer but you didn’t.” Krystal said.

Tiffany looked away, refusing to hear the youngest Jung stance.

She glanced at Sunny. “Okay whatever, now what about the party? Guests will come at 8pm, but there is still no food on the table. Jessica’s parents are coming soon, Sunny-ah. This is the first time her dad come to our house, and I want this party to be memorable for him and also everyone..”

Sunny smiled. “Don’t worry, Sica already expected this and she asked me to prepare the food. My staffs from the cafe are on their way here.”

Tiffany stared at her in shock.

“Jessi already expected this?”


“Ah, the party starts at 8pm? Yoona told me it starts at 7.” Hyoyeon said to Sunny. She was the first to arrive at the party that evening.

“You can help us to set up the table then. We’re kinda short of staff right now..” Sunny replied. She was busy helping her two workers from the cafe setting up the table with the food that had just arrived.

Hyoyeon looked around and noticed that they really needed help. It’s almost 8pm and the table are still not yet prepared.

“Let’s get to work.” She said, pulling her sleeves up and moves to the living room.

“Hyoyeon, you’re early.” Said a voice.

Hyoyeon pauses and looked to her side. Tiffany is decorating the Christmas tree with Krystal who is standing next to her. There’s something wrong with their expression, with Tiffany who smiled half-heartedly and Krystal who crosses her arms with an annoyed yet arrogant look on her face.

“Hi there, Fany. Yoona gave me the wrong info. She said the party starts at 7..” Hyoyeon said sheepishly.

“Oh, where’s Yoona? Is she here yet?” Tiffany asked, with her eyes wildly searching around the living room.

“No, she said she’ll be a little late. She said she’s picking up someone, I have no idea who.” Hyoyeon replied.

“Oh..” Tiffany said with a nod.

Hyoyeon looked around the pink house, which is now nicely decorated with various Christmas decorations. She looked up and noticed a few mistletoes hanging around and chuckled.

“Four, five..That’s a lot of mistletoes..” She said.

Tiffany looked around and smiled.

“I want everyone to kiss each other.” She replied.

Krystal rolled her eyes upon hearing that. She’s getting tired of all the cheesiness she got from hanging out with Tiffany that evening. She was appointed to keep Tiffany away from the kitchen, so she has to help her with the one thing she hates, house decorations. Dealing with her sister-in-law to be was really challenging, from picking the suitable table cloth to hanging the mistletoes. Krystal tried her hardest to keep calm though she almost reached her limit when she was forced to try on Tiffany’s handmade pink and yellow scarf that she had made especially for Jessica. Krystal can’t describe how ugly the scarf is, and she felt sorry for her sister for getting it for Christmas. Especially when she knows what present that Jessica bought for Tiffany this year.

Hyoyeon leaves them when Sunny called her to help with the fruit punch. Tiffany looked at the tired looking young Jung and chuckled.

“Let’s sit down. We’re done with the decorations.” She said.

Krystal let out a sigh. “Finally.”

The two girls sat at the sofa and looked at the busy staffs preparing the food on the table. Tiffany really wanted to help them with the food or maybe make some last minute desert in the kitchen. But she knows that’s impossible when Krystal is sitting opposite of her, watching over her with her pair of keen eyes.

I must do something..

“Krystal..” Tiffany suddenly called.

Krystal looked at Tiffany with blank expression.

“What now?”

Tiffany smiled.

“How’s the school play? Did you practice for your part yet?”

Krystal shrugged.

“I did some practice, but..I’m not that excited about playing the witch. Seriously, someone like me as a villain? Can you imagine?” She said, annoyed.

“Yeah, that’s not cool at all. You should play the princess, not that girl, Kang Jiyoung.” Tiffany replied in a disappointed tone. She was only testing Krystal.

“No, I think Jiyoung suit the princess role..” Krystal argued. Then she looked down, silent. Tiffany noticed the slight blush on her cheeks and smiled.

“Really? But she’s inexperience in acting, and she’s not from a wealthy family like you-

Krystal quickly cuts in.

“She is better than me in terms of acting quality, and what does family background has anything to do with playing the princess role? I never thought you’re that kind of person, Tiffany-unnie.” She said with a scoff.

Tiffany was surprised by her reply; she has not noticed how much Krystal has changed.

“You’re so protective of her, Krystal.” She said.

Krystal gulped.

“Uh.. who?”


The younger girl looked away and crossed her arms defensively. But the blush on her cheeks gave everything away.

“You like her, don’t you?” Tiffany asked.

Krystal scoffed.

“I don’t.”

“Are you sure? Because the way you talked about her tells me otherwise.”

“I don’t like her. And I find it weird for people to accuse me for liking her when all I did was bullying her and pushing her around. Gee please. She’s nothing to me.” Krystal replied arrogantly.

Tiffany stares at the girl before her. She sensed that familiar ego and denial emitting from her and its making her sad.

She let out a sigh.

“You know Krystal, you and Jessica are so alike.”

Krystal looked at her, feeling slightly offended.

“Before Jessica and I began to date, she treated me badly in the office. She gave me tonnes of work that I had to sleep at the office to finish them. She was the meanest boss I’ve ever met, and I have to admit, I even cried because of her.” Tiffany continues.

“It might look like she hates me, right?” She asked.

Krystal nodded.

“But later I find out that she’s deeply in love with me. She’s doing all that mean things to me because she wants my attention, because she wants to be someone in my life. Even if it’s being someone I dislike. It’s weird but it’s how Jessica Jung does it..” Tiffany continues.

“Krystal Jung, the same thing applies to you. You’re doing all the mean things to her because you like her. You actually fell deep for this girl.”

Krystal shook her head. “Stop talking nonsense. I fell for her? She’s clumsy and annoying, plus she has no sense of style. She’s not my type.”

Tiffany looked at the young teen. “When I was your age, my ideal type was a tall handsome man, who could sweep me away with his beautiful smile. I met that guy, but then it turns out he’s not the one for me.”

“After I met Jessica, my ideal type changed to this beautiful confident woman who could make my heart stop beating by just looking at her. And I know that she’s my forever, my soulmate.” She added.

Krystal looked away, irritated with Tiffany’s lecture.

Tiffany continues. “You like Jiyoung. Though she’s not your type and all, you just don’t realize it yet-

Krystal cuts in. “Unnie, I do realize it. I’m not stupid. My IQ is 170.”

Tiffany looked at her, confused.

“Unlike my sister, I do..realize my own feelings.” Krystal said slowly.

“I know how I feel for Jiyoung.”

She looked down and bit her lip. She can’t believe she’s about to say this for the first time.

“I know that..

..I like her.”

She said slowly. She could feel her cheeks heating up.

“But..there’s a part of me that..”

She continues to look down as she waited for Tiffany’s response.

“A part of me that..” She paused.

But after a while, there was still no response from Tiffany. Krystal looked up.

Tiffany had gone.

“I can’t believe this. She tricked me!”

Krystal stood up and looked around frantically.

“Sunny-unnie! Tiffany-unnie had escaped!” She shouted.

Then it became five minutes of chasing episode for Sunny, Hyoyeon and Krystal. It wasn’t easy to catch Tiffany who grabbed the kitchen knife and swung it dangerously all over the place. After much struggling, they finally able to capture her again and this time she was forced to sit near the front door with the excuse of greeting guests.


“Merry Christmas unnie!” Said Seohyun.

Tiffany smiled cheerfully upon greeting her guest that night. Seohyun who always been known for being punctual arrived at exactly 8pm with a bag filled with a box of gift for the host. She handed the bag to Tiffany.

“Thank you, Seohyun-ah.”

Seohyun smiled. “These are some really good ginseng for you, unnie. I noticed that you always looking tired at work, especially in the morning. Drinking this can restore your energy, after using all of it at night..”

Suddenly someone sniggered mockingly. They both looked at the direction; it was Krystal who was still standing by Tiffany, on guard duty. Tiffany quickly looked away, blushing.

Seohyun pauses, “Ah, I mean..at work. Using all your energy at work..hehe.”

Tiffany cleared her throat, “Um, where’s Nicole?”

“Nicole couldn’t make it. She said that she has something to deal with at home. She asked me to tell you that she’s sorry for not able to come.” Seohyun said.

“Oh that’s just too bad. Well at least you’re here. Come inside, Sunny has prepared a lot of harmless edible food inside..” Tiffany said bitterly.

“Good evening, er..party host.” Said a manly voice.

Tiffany stopped and looked at the door. Choi Siwon was standing handsomely by the door, with his signature luxurious smile plastered across his face.

“Siwon?” Tiffany asked, shocked.

Suddenly Seohyun cuts in. “Ah unnie, he’s coming with me.”

Tiffany looked at them and raised her eyebrow. And slowly she got the picture and smiled teasingly at the good looking pair.

“Good evening, Siwon. Welcome to the party and my name is Tiffany, not just Jessica’s fiance or the house host.” She said, welcoming him.

“I’m sorry, Ms Tiffany. I have trouble remembering people’s name. And here’s a gift for you, merry Christmas, Ms Tiffany.” He said, handing over a bottle of wine.


The time is almost 8.30pm and the guests are having fun chatting among themselves. Tiffany can’t stop walking back and forth with her arms crossed and Krystal is getting bored watching Tiffany’s every move.

“You should get something to eat, Krystal. Aren’t you hungry?” Tiffany suddenly said.

Krystal huffed.

“I am hungry, but I promised my sister to babysit you until she arrives.”

Tiffany stared at her and said. “You don’t have to do this, you know. You won’t have to worry about me cooking anymore since Sunny has brought all the leftovers from her cafe.”

Krystal looked at her, thinking.


Suddenly the front door was opened. It was Jessica. She looked around the living room and nods her head, impressed with the party preparations.

“This is pretty cool.” She said as she walked towards the living room.

Sunny chuckled. “Yeah, Fany and Krystal did a great job decorating.”

Hyoyeon suddenly cuts in. “Yeah, can you believe there are five mistletoes hanging in the living room right now? I was forced to kiss Sunny twice.”

“Oh really? Then stop pestering me!” Sunny pushed Hyoyeon’s aside with a light punch on her shoulder.

Jessica chuckled.

“Fantastic job, honey..” She smiled and glanced at Tiffany who is still sitting on a sofa near the door. But all she got was a fierce glare from her.

She gulped.

“Er..where’s Taeyeon?” She asked to change the topic.

Sunny’s cheerful smile suddenly fades upon hearing the name.

“Taeyeon has a broadcast to attend tonight.” She replied weakly.

Jessica gulped awkwardly. “Oh.”

“The food is great too, Sica unnie.” Seohyun suddenly said, breaking the awkwardness between them.

“Ah really?” Jessica said, and that’s when she noticed Siwon. They exchanged smiles upon their brief eye contact.

“Thank you Sunny for doing this at the last minute.” Jessica said to her friend.

“Ah, no problem Sica-ah. I’ll be more than glad to help my friends. But Sica, er..someone is not pleased with this.” She said, glancing at Tiffany.

Jessica sighed.

“It’s okay, I’ll talk to her.”


“Merry Christmas my napkin!” Jessica said with a cheerful tone.

Tiffany looked at her with her angry stare and defensive crossed arms. There were no words spoken, just intense stares. And it was enough to let the latter know how she feels.

Jessica gulped.

“Honey, you looked sooo gorgeous tonight. Is that the sweater that I bought for you, the one imported from Italy? Wow, it fits you perfectly..” She continues.

But Tiffany was still staring at her with her fierce eyes.

“Oh my sweet honey, what’s with the smug face? Can you please smile for me, honey? I really want to see you smiling right now.” Jessica said sweetly.

Suddenly Krystal cleared her throat.

“Er, Sis can I go now? I think I might throw up green vomit if I stand here listening to your corny lines for another second.” She said.

Jessica nodded.

“You can go now. Thanks.”

Krystal immediately leaves them alone.

The atmosphere turned tense as Tiffany still refuse to say a word. Jessica tries to put a hand on her shoulder, but she flinched away from her touch. Jessica bit her lip, trying to stay composed.

Tiffany suddenly broke the silence.

“I can’t believe you asked your sister to babysit me.” She said, serious.

Jessica looked at her in concern.

“And I can’t believe you hired Sunny to cater our first house party, without even discussing it with me first.” Tiffany continues.

“You don’t trust me when I said that I will take care of the party. How could you?” She asked.

“Honey, listen..”

“You just don’t trust me.”

“Honey, I trust you! I always do, it’s just that..

..I don’t trust you in the kitchen, especially alone.” Jessica added slowly.

Tiffany scoffed. “Why?!”

“Because, I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Honey, I just don’t want you to get hurt, or..you hurting anyone.” Jessica replied gently.

“You’re saying that my cooking will hurt people?” Tiffany asked.

Jessica nodded.

“That’s it, you just don’t trust me! Why can’t you give me a chance?”

“And why did you plan everything behind my back? You make me look like an idiot. Jessica, how could you do this to me?”

Jessica scoffed, she’s slowly reaching her limit.

“You’re saying it like I’m the bad guy here. You lied to me first about the caterer, but I’m willing to let that one go. But now, you keep accusing me of not trusting you. You lied to me, Tiffany! That’s like.. a bigger crime!”

Tiffany bit her lip.

“Wh-Why are you raising your voice at me?” She said with her voice cracking.

Jessica gulped; she didn’t realize that she just shouted at Tiffany. And now the guilt is eating her up.

“Oh honey, it’s not that, it’s just..” She struggled.

“How did you know I was lying?”

“Your eyes tell me.” Jessica replied gently.

Tiffany was speechless for a moment.

“And where is Sooyoung? You promised me to bring Sooyoung to our party.” Tiffany cuts in.

Jessica gulped again.

“I’ve tried, but she’s just too stubborn.” She replied short.

Tiffany bit her lip. “The reason I put something that important at stake for our bet because I believe that you can convince Sooyoung to move on from that donut shop. But now..”

Jessica shook her head. “Tiffany, I’ve tried my best! You have to believe me! I even asked Narsha to shut down the shop. But Sooyoung is too persistent! She’s willing to wait outside of the shop than coming with me!”

She continued. “You think I don’t want her to move on? I want to help her as much as you do!”

“And it’s not just because of our bet.” She added bitterly.

The both of them stare intensely at each other. The guests looked at their tense argument, shocked. They have never seen Jessica and Tiffany shouting at each other like that, and surprisingly it’s about food and Sooyoung.

Out of the blue, Hyoyeon pops in and pointed to the ceiling.

“Hey look, mistletoe. Sica, Fany, you have to kiss now!” She said to cheer up the mood.

Jessica and Tiffany looked at her incredulously, simultaneously thinking,

To kiss at a time like this?!

Suddenly Tiffany’s phone rang.

“Hello?” She answered the phone immediately, ignoring Jessica’s stare on her.

“Oh, help? Sure, anything for you.” She said into the phone as she slowly walked away from Jessica to take the call in private.

The latter scoffed.

“Did she just walk away from me?”


The party continued even if the hosts are having a cold war with each other. The both of them haven’t spoken a word to each other after their argument earlier. They keep glancing at one another from across the room, but neither one of them was willing to make the first move.

Jessica leaned her back against the wall near the 40-inch LED TV, defensively crossing her arms as she’s hawking Tiffany from afar. Only god knows how much she misses that girl, how much she want to hold and kiss her at the moment, but she can’t. She regretted planning the party without discussing it with Tiffany first, even though she knows how much it means to her. She wishes she could undo everything.

“Nice party, Jessica-shi.” Suddenly a voice said.

Jessica looked at her side.

“Thanks, Siwon.” She said.

Siwon returned the smile and moved closer.

“Actually, there is something I want to tell you about.” He said.

“What?” Jessica asked half-heartedly.

She wasn’t even looking at him, her eyes never leave Tiffany and her mind was filled with the train of questions about Tiffany’s last phone call.

Who was that person?

Why must she take the call in private?

“Anything for you?”

Siwon cleared his throat.

“Do you still remember Kim Jaejoong? The flower boy from the cafe.” He said.

Jessica shrugged, nonchalant.

“Kinda. Why?”

Siwon replied. “He quit his job.”

Jessica looked at Siwon wondering. “Why-


“Ah look, another mistletoe! Kiss!” Hyoyeon popped out of nowhere again.

Jessica glared at her.

“Shut up and go eat a cookie.” She said coldly before leaving.

Hyoyeon gulped.

“Why is she so mean?”

Siwon smiled.

“She’s Jessica Jung.”


“Merry Christmas unnie!” Yoona greeted cheerfully.

“Ah, Yoona! You finally came!” Tiffany said as she threw her arms around the girl’s body for a hug.

Yoona grinned in delight. “Hehe, missed me?”

Tiffany chuckled and hits her cousin’s head jokingly.

“Why are you late? Don’t tell me you have schedule because your manager was the first to arrive here.” She said.

“I went to pick up someone.” Yoona replied, her mischievous grin never leaving her face.


Yoona nodded.

Suddenly a tall young girl came to the door with her adorable smile.

“Merry Christmas Tiffany-unnie.” She greeted shyly.

“Jiyoung? Ah, merry Christmas to you too!” Tiffany replied warmly as she welcome the both of them into her house.

The two tall girls stepped into the house and Tiffany pulled the door to close it shut.


“Wait!” A voice called.

Tiffany pauses and jerked her head out to see who was calling. A short haired girl in an orange sweater was running towards her, panting.

“Merry Christmas!” She greeted.

Tiffany was surprised by her appearance since she didn’t recall giving her an invite, but she always delighted to welcome more guests to her party.

“Merry Christmas, Seungyeon! Hurry up and come inside. It’s cold out there.” Tiffany said with a warm smile.


“Your sister and Tiffany are fighting. That’s rare.” Sunny said to Krystal. She, Krystal and Hyoyeon are standing behind the bar, lazily chatting with each other about nonsense.

“Yeah, it’s freaking rare; maybe we should video tape them.” Hyoyeon added.

“I don’t understand those two. No, I just don’t understand couples in general; fighting about the stupid things, geez this is why I prefer to be single.” Krystal said bitterly.

Sunny looked down in silence as she suddenly reminded of Taeyeon. Krystal has a point.

“But fights is what makes the relationship interesting, just imagine how wild their make-up session is going to be..” Hyoyeon said.

“Eww..that’s disgusting!” Krystal exclaimed.

“If you’re talking about HornySica and HornyFany, I bet one of them won’t be able to even get out of bed the next morning.” Sunny added with a smirk.

“And I bet that would be Fany. Sica looks like the butch one.” Hyoyeon continued.

“Ewww! Can’t you even consider the fact that I’m underage?!” Krystal suddenly ranted.

“Ah, are you? I’m sorry little girl. Oh come on, don’t teenagers these days know all about these stuff? You guys have internet and all.” Hyoyeon said teasingly.

Krystal scoffed.

“Well, I’m just not the type who looks up for that kind of stuff.”

“I doubt that. You’re Sica’s sister after all.”

“I’m nothing like my sister!”

“You’re like a Mini-Sica and I’m sure you’re just as Byun as her.” Hyoyeon continued.

Sunny chuckled at Hyoyeon’s childish teasing.

“I am not a byun!”

“ByunJung.” Hyoyeon teased. She finds it fun seeing annoying the sensitive little Jung.

“Yah!” Krystal shouted.

Sunny put a hand on Krystal’s shoulder to calm her down.

“Don’t bother about her, Krystal. Your friend is here, why don’t you go and talk to her.” She said, pointing towards a direction.

Krystal looked at the direction, feeling uneasy. She hasn’t recall inviting Sulli or anyone from school to the party. And then she saw her and her heart almost stopped beating.

Krystal can’t take her eyes off the girl who dressed in pink and peach striped knitted shirt that falls just right below her knees with long brown hair that waves each time she bowed to the older unnies in the living room. She’s..

“Perfect..” Krystal mumbled.

Hyoyeon and Sunny watches her as she was completely off in her own world. She stares at her from where she was standing, like watching a star in the sky. So near yet so far.

“Omo. Little ByunJung is in love.” Hyoyeon suddenly said.

Krystal quickly looked away, embarrassed.

“Stop it, unnie.”

“Go talk to her.” Urged Sunny.

“No. Why would I do that?” Krystal protested.

Sunny smiled.

“Because she doesn’t have her drink yet. Why don’t you take a glass of punch to her?”


“I haven’t seen you in a while, Seungyeon.” Yoona said as she stirred her glass of punch.

Seungyeon looked at her and smiled goofily as she continued to put the various types of cakes onto her plate. Then she put the plate on the table so that she’ll be able to talk to Yoona properly.

She replied. “Yeah, when Gyuri left Korea, our group, The SunnyZ automatically disbanded hence I lost my part-time job. I got no reason to drop by the cafe anymore, so..”

“No reason? Hey, you can always hang out with us there.” Yoona said, slowly patting her shoulder.

Seungyeon smiled grew wider, and she felt welcomed there.

“I’ll try to drop there more often. But since I got this new part-time job, I got busier than before.” She said with a sigh.

Yoona raised an eyebrow.

“New part-time job?” She asked.

The short haired girl nodded. She pauses for a few seconds before continuing as if she was hesitating about the thing she’s about to say.

“Umm..Yoona, I’m working as Kwon Yuri’s personal assistant now.” She said slowly.

Yoona stared at her blankly for a while her brain was trying to digest what she just heard.


“You-You’re working with Yuri?” She asked, her voice slightly shaken.

“Yeah. I desperately needed a job to pay the school fees and that’s when I accidentally bumped into Yuri. I told her about my condition and she offered me this job. I just couldn’t say no.” Seungyeon replied.

Yoona sipped her drink, trying to act casual.

“She fired her previous PA?” She asked.

Seungyeon nodded.

Yoona let out a small laugh. “So she did listen to my advice.”

Seungyeon stared at Yoona who was obviously trying to hide her sadness with her laughs. She sees her sorrow reflected through her eyes.

“Yoona, that ring on your finger..” Seungyeon suddenly said. She just can’t ignore the shiny silver ring around Yoona’s finger.

Yoona looked at her ring and gulped.

“What about it?” She asked.

“That ring on your finger, Yuri also has one. And just like you, she can’t take it off either.” Seungyeon said gently.


Krystal Jung is walking across the living room with a huge glass filled with delicious fruit punch. Normally she would never do anything like this, serving a drink to someone but she just can’t stand the strong persuasion and endless teasing from Sunny and Hyoyeon. She gave up and agreed to serve the drink to Jiyoung.

The steps she took towards Jiyoung seems so long, and she realized just how big Jessica and Tiffany’s pink house is. But every step she took increase her heartbeat, so fast like it’s jumping out of her chest, and it made her think whether she’s still alive once she reached Jiyoung.

Kang Jiyoung saw Krystal coming towards her. Actually, the only thing she notices since she stepped into the house is Krystal. But she keep her cool, acting like the last thing she ever want to see is Krystal, when the truth is that the only reason she came to the party is Krystal. She gulped as she saw the girl coming closer.


Krystal is only a few steps away..


Krystal stood before Jiyoung with a big glass of punch in one hand. She hardly believes she’s still alive when she got there. She stares at the girl who was busy staring at the floor, trying to find the right word to start a conversation. Usually it’s not this hard, but today..

“Yah Stinky Jing!” She called harshly.

Jiyoung slowly looked up and their eyes met.

Krystal continues. “Jing, you-

She pauses.

Jiyoung’s eyes caught her by surprise. She never realized how beautiful Jiyoung’s eyes are, just how bright and clear as if it reflects the pureness of her soul. She’s speechless.

“Hi Krystal.” Jiyoung greeted slowly.

Krystal gulped and looked away.

“Jing, you realized that you’re in a party isn’t it?” She asked.

Jiyoung nodded.

Krystal continued. “Then why don’t you grab yourself a drink? Loser.”

Jiyoung bit her lip, offended. There isn’t a time when she’s with Krystal that she’s not hurt. Her words always cut her inside.

Krystal suddenly handed the glass to Jiyoung.

“Here, a punch for you. Drink it.” She said, avoiding eye contact.

Jiyoung stared at the drink and then at Krystal alternately in confusion.

Did Krystal just bring me a drink?

Krystal sighed.

“Yah, do you want it or not?!”


“Look, mistletoe!” A voice shouted.

It was none other than Hyoyeon who came out of nowhere just to tease them. She pointed to the ceiling just above Krystal and Jiyoung excitedly.

“You have to kiss her!” Hyoyeon said.

Krystal stood there, dumfounded. Her brain suddenly can’t understand Korean.


Kiss her..

Kiss Jiyoung..

Krystal gulped. The image of their accidental kiss slowly appears in her head. She remembers how tender Jiyoung’s lips are, and the thousands sensation that ran through her body the moment her lips touched hers.

“Kiss her, Krystal Jung!” Hyoyeon urged teasingly.

Krystal flinched at the sudden shout and her hands shook as well causing the glass to fell off her grip. The glass filled with fruit punch fell on top of the person before her, Jiyoung. There was nothing Krystal could do when the pieces of freshly cut fruits fell onto Jiyoung’s chest along with the sweet liquid as if she was being humiliated at school.

The whole room turned their attention at them, curious of the sudden commotion.

Jiyoung looked at her now wet shirt and then looked at Krystal with her pair of sad eyes.

“How could you?” She asked.

Krystal froze.

It was an accident.

She replied to herself.

It was an accident, and Krystal determined to make sure that she knows that it was an accident. She can’t stand Jiyoung looked at her that way. Not anymore.

“I didn’t do that on purpose!” Krystal said.

She then squat down and hurriedly reached forward to take off the fruits of Jiyoung’s shirt.

“AH!” Jiyoung suddenly squealed.

Everyone looked at them, shocked.

“What the-” Was the only thing that came out from Yoona’s mouth.

Jessica shook her head.

Tiffany had her jaw dropped.

“It’s official. Krystal really is a ByunJung.” Hyoyeon suddenly said.

Krystal paused and looked at Jiyoung in wonder. The latter was blushing madly, and her eyes were filled with tears.

Just then Krystal realized that she was groping her breast.

By accident.


MM Short Stories

MM Short Stories #1

The Angel Sister

Kang Jiyoung was smiling widely as she walked through the crowd in Dongdaemun market, with her her companion’s hand held tightly.

“See anything you want?” Park Gyuri asked.

Jiyoung shook her head like a little girl, “I’ve told you that I don’t need anything, unnie.” She said.

“Come on, there must be something you want. School supplies maybe, pens, pencils?” Gyuri asked, eyes roaming the market.

“I still have a dozen of pens and pencils that you bought for me last month.” Jiyoung replied.

Gyuri stopped by a stall that sold female accessories and picked up a yellow hair pin. She smiled cheekily before putting it on Jiyoung’s head.

“Unnie! What are you doing?!” Jiyoung whined.

“It looks good on you. I’m buying it.” Gyuri said, opening her wallet to pay for the pin.

“No unnie! I already have a lot of hair pins!” Jiyoung protested but the vendor lady already took the money that Gyuri gave.


The older girl chuckled before linking arms with the girl and walking deeper into the market.

Jiyoung was pouting and grunting at first, but then she smiled, “Thanks unnie.”

Gyuri smiled and glanced at the girl who was grinning with happiness from receiving a cheap hair pin. The purely blissful expression that was reflected in her eyes was priceless.

The memory of her first meeting with the girl suddenly plays in her head. She first met Jiyoung when she made an open audition about a year ago for her group, The SunnyZ. After hundreds of girls who came from all over the city, she chose the college student, Han Seungyeon.

Seungyeon was a timid girl, she didn’t talk much but when she opens her mouth to sing and sways her hips to dance, she transformed into a star. It was hard to believe that she was a medical student with that kind of talent. Gyuri always thought doctors are nerds. She still remembers how Seungyeon pleaded to pick her, saying that she was desperate for money. She even asked the advance pay when she wasn’t even chosen yet. When Gyuri asked her why, she cried. She said that if she fails to pay her college fees for her third semester, she’ll be expelled from the college. Gyuri barely knew her yet she believed her words. She chose her to join the little group and even lend her the money to pay her college fees.

Park Gyuri may be obsessed when it came to love, but her sick mind came with a big heart.

The same thing happened with Jiyoung. Gyuri still remembers how Jiyoung came running to her, drenched in sweat and in her worn out school uniform, begging her for a chance to be auditioned. The audition was already over and she was too little too late, but Gyuri gave in to her big puppy eyes. Gyuri still remembers how awed she was, hearing such a voice from a young girl. And that was how The SunnyZ became a three people group. While she maintains a good friendship with Seungyeon, lending her money when she needed them, she had created a special bond with Jiyoung.

Kang Jiyoung came from a poor family, and she lived in a small house with her mother. Her father left them when she was only 3 years old and her mother had to work to raise her. Since the lady doesn’t have any qualification, she was unable to get any decent jobs. She then worked as a shop helper in one of the fabric shops in Dongdaemun market. She worked hard every night and day to buy milk and diapers for Jiyoung and provide her a better life. One day Gyuri went to the market and met her mother because she was curious of Jiyoung’s background. When she went to her house, since Jiyoung’s mom was so polite and insisted for her to join them for tea, she almost cried. Their house was so small, and for Gyuri, it was only the size of her bedroom in one of her family’s vacation homes. She had never known there were people who lived like this, in a house where they sleep in the living room because there was no room. But she finds it amusing at how Jiyoung and her mother are always smiling, like there were no worries in their life. They don’t seem to mind to eat only plain rice and kimchi or wear clothes that have no brand tag or sharing the sleeping mats that were laid on the hard floor every night.

They are happy.

Gyuri wants to feel that happiness or at least be a part of their happiness.

Jiyoung is always a bright student but it was hard for her to get into a good school. Her financial condition and her family background were always holding her back. She knew that the teachers always skipped her name when they needed to find candidates for the elite school in town. She pretended that she was not affected by it, but she cried in her sleep. Sometimes she blamed God and asked Him why she was born in a poor family, blaming Him for making things hard for her, asking why such a man was her father, but then she would feel guilty for everything she felt. Watching her mom tense back when she was sleeping made her feel even guiltier. She would curse herself for not being grateful. She has the best mother in the world who would take a bullet for her, and that was enough. Then she would wrap her arms around her mother and close her eyes, knowing that everything will be alright. Her mother always told her that God loves them and one day He will send an angel to turn their life around.

Jiyoung never thought that her mother was right.

Since she met Gyuri, her family was showered with luck. Her mother suddenly won a lottery on a ticket that she didn’t even buy and she was able to set up her own shop in Dongdaemun with that money. Then suddenly Jiyoung was accepted into one of the most prestigious school for elites with full scholarship from JYPE. She never knew that a music company also offers scholarship. A few months later, her mother’s shop had become very successful with mysterious customers who bought her fabrics with high prices. They were able to move out of their small house into an apartment. Gyuri found the place and the price was unreasonably cheap it almost looked like a scam, but Jiyoung’s mother wasn’t able to say no and bought the place. It has two rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen. Jiyoung finally got a room for herself.

Jiyoung always knew it has something to do with Gyuri, even though she always denies it.

Gyuri always took her out to eat after school or shopping in the malls. She never had a sister and wonders if this is how it feels like if she has one. When she asked Gyuri, she would smile and tell her that she didn’t know either because she’s also an only child.

And so they decided to become sisters.

“How are the bullies in school? Do they still bother you?” Gyuri suddenly asked.

Jiyoung shook her head, “No they don’t anymore.”

“Really? What did you do to them? Beat them up?” Gyuri asked.

Jiyoung chuckled and hit Gyuri’s arm gently.

“I didn’t beat them! They just stopped bothering me. Maybe they got bored.” Jiyoung said, shrugging.

The older girl smiled and poked her waist playfully.

“What?” Jiyoung asked.

“Maybe she likes you now.” Gyuri said, teasing.

Jiyoung’s cheeks turned red almost immediately, “Unnie! What are you talking about?!”

“About that cool girl who bullies you at school, the one you can’t stop talking about, the one you like..” Gyuri continued in her annoying tone.

“I..I..I don’t like her!” Jiyoung grunted with a stomp of her feet before running to a nearby bench by the ice cream stall.

Gyuri chuckled, “Oh yes, you do like her.” She said before sitting on the bench and tugs her sister’s hand to sit with her.

Jiyoung sighed and her shoulders slumped. “So what if I like her? She will never like someone like me.” She said, sad.

A warm arm wrapped around her shoulder and held her closer. “Who wouldn’t like someone as special as you?” Gyuri said, gently rubbing her hand on the girl’s arm. Her words made Jiyoung smile and look at her sister with bright sparkling eyes. That’s how Gyuri knew she fixed it.

“Unnie, have you ever been in love before?” Jiyoung suddenly asked.

Her question was simple and direct, with no hidden meaning or confusing puzzles but Gyuri finds it so hard to answer. Since they met a year ago, she never lets Jiyoung sees the other side of her, the ugly side that she wished to hide from her sister forever.

Gyuri kept silent.

“Come on, unnie. You’re a beautiful young woman, I’m sure you’ve been in love before.” Jiyoung said, urging her to spill it.

“Unnie..” Jiyoung whined annoyingly.

The older girl sighed, “Well, I’ve been in love..more than once.”

“Oh! Tell me more! Tell me more!” Jiyoung squealed, ignoring the stares from the people passing by the busy market.

“It was because I’m the type to fall in love too easily. I often fall in and out of love and get my heart broken again and again.” Gyuri said, starting her tale.

“My first love was when I was your age, with..a boy.” She continued, but paused to chuckle at Jiyoung’s intense stare.

“Yes, I wasn’t a lesbian back then.” Gyuri added.

“What happened?” Jiyoung asked.

She took a deep breath and inhale loudly, “I confessed to him, and he rejected me.”

“Was he blind or stupid?” Jiyoung asked, angry.

Gyuri smiled and pats her hair, “I think he’s both.”

And they both laughed.

“And the second time I fell in love, I fell hard.” Gyuri continued.

“Another boy?”

Gyuri shook her head, “I lost interest in boys, and this one girl at the college caught my eyes.”

“She was so beautiful; the way she flips her blond hair filled with charisma and the way she walks emits her arrogant aura that attracts people around her like a magnet. I fell for her the first time I laid my eyes on her.”

“Oooh! She must be hot!” Jiyoung squealed.

Gyuri nodded before her smile slowly faded, “But, she wasn’t meant to be mine.”

Jiyoung looked at her sister apologetically, her eyes were so sad but it’s adorable.

“She’s straight?” She asked.

Gyuri creased her eyebrows and chuckled, “No, but she’s in love with someone she met in her dream.”

“She’s crazy.” Jiyoung said almost immediately.

“I thought it was only her excuse to reject me, but then I found out that she really met the girl of her dreams.” Gyuri said.


“Yeah, and they are still together, stronger than ever.” Gyuri continued with a faint smile.

Jiyoung held Gyuri’s hand and looked into her eyes. “Poor Gyul unnie, you must be hurt.”

The older girl was touched by her gesture, she almost cried. But she quickly took a deep breath and controls her emotions.

“I was, but..as long as they’re happy..” She said, looking away. Jiyoung could feel that it was a painful thing for her sister.

“One day I’m sure you will find someone.” She said.

“Really? Because I’m tired of looking.” Gyuri said weakly.

“I fell in love again after that, and this time with a man.” She continued.

Gyuri sighed, “But..he still can’t get over his ex-girlfriend. I was like her substitute to him and I can’t accept that. So I broke up with him,

..and got my heart broken again in process.”

Jiyoung has never seen Gyuri look so vulnerable and sad before. The older girl was reaching her bag for tissues but Jiyoung quickly wiped her eyes with her handkerchief. There were no tears at first, but when Jiyoung’s touched her cheeks with the cloth, tears begin to escape the corner of her eyes.

“Unnie..I’m sorry.” Jiyoung said, wiping the tears.

“You made me cry Jing, you’re so gonna get it later.” Gyuri said with a chuckle. But Jiyoung knew she was trying to hide her sadness behind her laugh. Her eyes can’t hide it.

Gyuri took Jiyoung’s hands from her face and put it on her lap. The tears had stopped falling and she managed to smile as she was looking at the little sister she never had.

“You know, Jing. Recently I like someone.” She said slow, almost whispering.

“Really? That’s great.” Jiyoung said with a forced smile. She can take no more of Gyuri’s sad story. It hurts her to know that Gyuri had been through a lot in the name of love.

“We had a great time together and I thought she likes me too. But then..” She paused.

Jiyoung held her breath, preparing for another heartbreaking truth, thinking that she rather not hearing this from her if it hurts Gyuri this much.

“But then I found out that she was only using me to pass her time. After a week, she left me, running away from me and dumping me like a used tissue.” She said, gritting her teeth.

Jiyoung was speechless; by far this is the story that shocked her the most. She was boiling with anger.

“HOW COULD SHE?!” She shouted and her hands balled into fists.

Gyuri quickly held her hands to calm her down. “Relax, Jing.” Jiyoung looked away, trying not to cry.

“Maybe I was never meant to find love in this lifetime.” Gyuri said.

Gyuri grits her teeth, “But I will make sure she will regret what she did to me. I will make her feels the pain I felt when her girlfriend dump her when she finds out about her cheating. I will make her suffer..

She paused when she felt the grips on her hands tighten. She looked at the young girl before her, who was looking at her with those bright sparkling eyes. There wasn’t any more fury and anger in her eyes, Gyuri was shocked.

“Unnie, don’t..” She said.


“Don’t take revenge on her, she’s not worth it.” Jiyoung said gently.

“If you do those things to her, you’re not any better than her.” She added.

Gyuri was speechless at first, hearing such sensible words from a young girl. Then she laughed.

“Jing, you don’t really know me. Truth is that I am worse than that woman. I’ve done a lot of bad things in the past..”

“Unnie, I don’t know what bad things you did before, but I know you have a great heart.” Jiyoung said, smiling.

Gyuri gulped.

“And you have a lot of people who love you.”

Gyuri shook her head, “No one will love someone like me.”

“Who wouldn’t love someone as special as you?” Jiyoung said. Gyuri gulped again, she could feel the rush of emotions that came to her.

“I love you, unnie.” Jiyoung said sincerely.

“You’re my angel sister and I will always love you.” She added, smiling.

Gyuri closed her eyes and looked down as tears rolled down her cheeks,

“Jing, you’re a babo.”


MM Short Stories #2

The Name I Loved

It was 3 in the evening and the donut shop at the corner of the street was filled with customers. Everyone just couldn’t get enough of the delicious hot donuts from the shop. The male worker, Lee Sungmin, was busy arranging the fresh chocolate filled donuts on the trays while there were already a few school girls behind him, waiting to buy them.

“Easy girls, there’s donuts for everyone!” He said after feeling a tap on his shoulder.

“You seem busy,” A familiar female voice said. Sungmin knew that voice; he hadn’t heard from her from a while. He quickly turned around and smiled as he saw the voice’s owner.

“Hara!” He said, excited. Hara and her girlfriend were regular customers at the shop and Sungmin already knew them well. But they hadn’t been visiting the shop recently.

“Hey donut boy,” Hara greeted with a smile.

Sungmin grinned and scratched the back of his head, and then he noticed something. “You’re alone? Where’s Sooyoung?”He asked.

Hara’s smile quickly faded as the name was mentioned. “I want a hot cappuccino,” She said, ignoring his question.

She walked past him before pulling a chair for herself at an empty table. Sungmin looked at her, puzzled, but when Hara glared at him he hurriedly went behind the counter to make her hot cappuccino.

Hara glanced at the clock on the wall; it was already ten minutes past three. She shouldn’t have been there enjoying coffee and donuts; she was supposed to be in the office but she chose not to. She was tired of following peoples’ orders and getting nothing in return.

The colourful magazine in the middle of the table caught her attention. She grabbed it and smirked when she read the name of the magazine. It was ‘Glam’. The colourful magazine was Glam’s latest issue. Suddenly it reminded her of something. Tiffany’s latest design cover was also colourful but it was slammed in the meeting room by Jessica. She scoffed. Who knew that Tiffany’s idea was actually appreciated in the competitor’s magazine. Maybe her mother was right about Tiffany’s hidden potential.

Hara sighed, trying not to get the thoughts into her head too much. She flipped the magazine, glancing at the pages with an empty mind. Suddenly something caught her eyes. It was an article about smart shopping but it wasn’t the article that Hara was interested in. She gulped as she stared at a name.

Design layout by Kim Hyun Ah

That name felt so close to her. Slowly it pierced her heart and the old pain suddenly reappeared. Hara quickly closed the magazine and threw it on the floor. It made a loud smack as it landed, causing everyone in the shop to stare at her in shock. She cleared her throat and looked out of the clear glass beside her, ignoring the whispers amongst the people.

She bit her lip and closed her eyes. It had been a hard day for her: arguing with Tiffany, her mother, and then with Sooyoung all in one day had drained her emotionally. She was already tired...

And now this.

She wished she had never opened that magazine. She wished she had never seen that name.

The name she once loved.

It had happened on her birthday, two years ago.


Paris, 2 years ago

“Yah Hara! Open up the door!” A Korean girl knocked on her room’s door. She was wearing a yellow sweater, looking nerdy as she stood outside of the room with books in one hand and a laptop on the other.

“Locked out of the room again, Sunhwa?” A French girl asked to the grunting nerd.

Han Sunhwa nodded tiredly. “I want to change my roommate,” She said as she rested her back on the door.

Her friend laughed, “Yeah, maybe you should.”

Sunhwa sighed weakly before she suddenly screamed, “AAAAAAHHHH!”

The door that she leaned on was suddenly opened, causing her to fell to the floor. She had fallen on her back with her books covering her face and her laptop on her chest. Her back hurt like hell.

“Oh my god, Sunhwa!” Her friend knelt down to help her up.

“Sunhwa, what are you doing on the floor?” A familiar voice asked.

Sunhwa was still lying on the floor as her friend slowly removed the hard cover books off her face. As the books were taken away, she saw the culprit who had opened the door. All her pain was replaced with anger. She quickly stood up and stared at her roommate.

“Yah Hara! Why did you open the door?!” She shouted to her face.

Hara shrugged, “Because you were knocking it like crazy asking me to open it up.”

Sunhwa gritted her teeth, getting ready to punch her roommate in the face.

“Unnie, why didn’t you bring your key?” Another voice said from behind Hara.

A light blond-haired Korean girl was standing behind Hara, her hands wrapped around Hara’s waist with her head rested on her shoulder. Sunhwa rolled her eyes at the sight. Judging from their appearance, she can tell why Hara was late to answer the door.

“Sorry Sunhwa, we were er...busy...,” Hara tried to explain.

Sunhwa shook her head and entered the room, heading straight to her desk to put down her books and laptop.

Hara walked to her pissed off roommate, feeling guilty of locking her out of her room.

“Sunhwa...,” She called.

Sunhwa scoffed. “What?”

“Are you angry at me and Hyuna?” Hara asked gently.

She looked at the girls and sighed. Hara’s big round eyes and Hyuna’s pout always won in the end. It’s not fair but that was what always happened.

“Hyuna, you should just move in here,” Sunhwa said, defeated. She smiled at them and shook her head. She couldn’t blame the girls for their raging hormones. She grabbed her pyjamas from her closet and headed out of the room again.

Hyuna was blushing as she asked, “Where are you going?”

“I’m sleeping in my friend’s room tonight. You two got the room all to yourselves tonight,” She said.

“Oh really?” Hara asked, excited. Sunhwa hardly spends her night somewhere else other than her bed. She loves her bed too much.

Sunhwa nodded and smiled, “You owe me one, Goo Hara.”

Hara grinned and hugged her friend tightly, “This why I love you, my roommate,” She said.

“Aish, get off me, you smell like Hyuna,” Sunhwa said, jokingly pushing the girl away.

“You’re definitely getting the VIP invite to my birthday party tomorrow,” Hara said, playfully planting a kiss on her right cheek.

“Eeewww! Kim Hyuna, get your girlfriend off me!” Sunhwa shouted, wiping her cheek with her hands.

“Hara unnie, come hereee...,” Hyuna said, pulling Hara away from Sunhwa and into where she should belong, her embrace.

Sunhwa sighed again and looked at Hara. “Have you finished your thesis? I ran into your academic advisor earlier today and she was looking for you. She said that you haven’t reported your research progress to her for almost a month.”

Hara looked away and scratched her head. “I’m working on it...”

“You’d better be or you won’t be able to graduate this year,” Sunhwa said.

“I’m just reminding you,” She added.

Hara nodded half-heartedly.

“Anyway, I’m going now. Have fun, lovebirds. But please, DON’T do it on my bed,” Sunhwa said with a serious tone before leaving the room.


“What are you getting me for my birthday?” Hara asked as she gently strokes Hyuna’s hair. They were lying on the bed, arms wrapped around each other. Hyuna’s head was on her girlfriend’s chest. She smiled as she listened to her heartbeat. It was beating fast.

“I can’t tell you. It’s a secret,” She said, smiling cheekily. She pulled Hara’s neck for a quick kiss.

And Hara’s heart just beat faster.

Hara was blushing as she pouted, “Aww...can’t you give me any clue?”

Hyuna chuckled and traced her girlfriend’s face with her hand, admiring how beautiful she was. She felt lucky.

“All I can tell you is that it’ll be wrapped in a red ribbon,” She said.

“And you can find it on your bed after the party ends,” Hyuna added, smiling.

Hara’s creased her eyebrows, puzzled. She was trying to figure out what her mystery gift from Hyuna would be. Last year, she had given her matching couple necklaces, so this year it should be more special. She and Hyuna had been dating for 2 years. She had the girl wrapped around her fingers since she first saw her during orientation week at the university. She was her junior and their relationship started as friends before turning into sisters and eventually, lovers.

As always, what she wants is she gets. She was grateful that she was feeling the same way for her. Hyuna was her first real girlfriend and her first love. She gave her everything, her heart and soul, to the one she loves. She really thought it would last forever, but then again, she was young and naive.

“Is it an animal?” Hara asked.

Hyuna chuckled and shook her head. “I’m not telling you. Just wait for it on your birthday.”


It was Friday night and the stereo was blasting with dance music on the rooftop that was filled with people. There was also a live band on stage, and two drink bars. It was Goo Hara’s birthday party, so one would expect nothing less. She was famous at the university as the party girl as she never failed to be the life of the party, so she was invited to attend or organize a party almost every month. Everybody wanted to be her friend because the invites to her parties were very exclusive.

Hara was dancing on the table with a few of her friends, shaking their bodies skilfully to the music, like they had always done before. The crowd cheered as the girls continued to dance sexily, hands touching each other’s body sensually, making both the boys and girls drool like crazy.

Suddenly a voice called, “Hara! Hara!”

Hara was so into the music but the annoying voice got her attention. Still dancing, she turned her head around to look for the source of the voice.

“Yah Hara Goo!” The voice shouted. The party girl saw her face, panting and panicked in the middle of the crowd.

“What do you want, Han Sunhwa?” She asked, she already drank a lot but since she’s a skilled drinker, she wasn’t affected one bit.

Sunhwa was panting as she began to mumble incomprehensible words. The music suddenly got louder and there wasn’t much that Hara heard. She only caught a few words like, ‘stop’ and ‘mother’.

Hara looked at her, puzzled, trying to connect the words and understand what she was trying to say.

“What were you saying?” She asked again. But this time someone grabbed her arm and whispered something to her ear.

“Hyuna’s birthday present for you is waiting in your room,” The voice said.

Hara gulped and turned around and her friend, Camille was smiling suggestively at her. Camille was Hyuna’s roommate and she believed her words. The excitement got a hold of her since Hyuna had been missing from the party for almost half an hour. She had completely forgotten about Sunhwa’s message and jumped off the table to head straight to her room.

Sunhwa lost track of Hara when she left the table. She was still looking for her frantically, but her efforts were of no use. She stood in the middle of the crowd, panting with sweat dripping from her forehead. She gave up. She had lost her and now she could never tell her the important matter. She just saw a black car parked in front of the dorm and she saw a face. And she recognized that face.


Goo Hara stood in front of her door, anticipating what she might see inside. Her heart was beating faster and faster as she held the door knob and then twisted it. She peeked into the room but she couldn’t see anything since it was dark. She took a deep breath and slowly stepped into the room and locked the door behind her. She scanned the dark room for any movement, but there was none.

Feeling disappointed, she turned on the lights and she was in for a surprise.

Kim Hyuna was lying on the bed on her side, facing her with nothing but red ribbons wrapped across her chest and in between her legs. Hara froze; her legs begin to shake out of excitement. This was nothing like what she had ever imagined. This was bigger.

“Happy birthday, baby,” Hyuna said, blushing.

Hara slowly walked to her present and sat on the bed. She stares at her girlfriend and smiled in content.

“Best gift ever,” She whispered before leaning down to kiss her.

The kiss was sweet, and it filled with love. They broke the kiss and looked into each other’s eyes.

“Unnie, I’m giving you my heart tonight,” Hyuna said, gently wrapping her arms around Hara’s neck.

Hara was touched since Hyuna wasn’t the type to always talk about mushy stuff. She hardly even said the three words, much less this.

“I love you,” Hyuna continued with a sincere look in her eyes.

Hara couldn’t help but hug the girl tightly before kissing her cheeks.

“I love you too,” She whispered.

Hyuna smiled wider and leaned closer to the older girl’s ear and whispered,

“Don’t you want to unwrap your present now?”


Han Sunhwa was running through the hallway. Camille had just told her that Hara was in her room and maybe she can still warn her about that thing. She shoved through a few people and bowed for apology in Korean every now and then even though the French students didn’t understand a word she said. She ran towards the last corridor, thinking that she was fast enough. She reached the corridor and took her turn before her steps suddenly came to a halt. She realized that she wasn’t fast enough. It was too late.

Joanna Jung was standing in front of her room’s door with her secretary by her side.


What happened next was too dramatic for Hara to recall.

She only remembers her mother barging in on her and Hyuna. And then Hyuna was forced to leave the room and she had to face her mother with only a blanket wrapped around her body. Their conversation however, was unforgettable.

Hara sat on her bed, with her eyes locked on the floor, not daring to look up to meet her mother’s gaze. No words were needed to know what was happening. Her mother was angry. No, her mother was more than angry; she was furious. The door behind her was slammed shut, causing Hara to startle with fear. She gulped and tried to stay strong. It was going to be a tough fight.

“Mom, I love her,” She said firmly, but fear was still reflected in her voice.

Joanna cleared her throat. “I’m only going to give you two choices,” She said, staring at her daughter. Hara looked at her, puzzled. She wasn’t responding to her statement.

“Either you finish your degree with honors or...

“Mom, did you not hear what I just said?” Hara asked. She was pissed since her earlier words were ignored.

Joanna looked at her before continuing, “...or you will come back to Korea with me and...

“MOM! I SAID I LOVE HER!” Hara shouted, causing her mother to stop talking. She gritted her teeth as she stared at her mother, her fear slowly being replaced with anger.

Her mother’s expression turned cold, like nothing she had ever seen before. She walked to her and stopped just before reaching her daughter who was still sitting on the bed. Mother and daughter looked at each other with intense eyes, neither willing to look away.

“...come back to Korea with me...”

“I love he-” Hara repeated and this time she felt a painful crack on her left cheek before she was able to end her sentence.

The pain intensified after a few seconds and soon she was unable to bear it. Tears escaped her eyes.

“I will act like this had never happened and forgive you,” Joanna said after hearing her daughter sob.

Hara scoffed as she wiped the tears that continuously rolled down her cheeks. “I was never going to apologize for this,” She said.

Joanna was speechless; hearing that from her own daughter really tested her patience.

“How dare you!” She shouted.

Slowly Hara stood up and look at her mother with her teary eyes that were filled with hate.

“The only thing I’m apologizing for is that I’m sorry for not turning out like the daughter you wanted me to be. I’m sorry I can’t marry the man you fixed me with, or graduate with honors like my cousin did.”

She bit her lip, gathering the strength to continue.

“But I’m not sorry for being in love with Hyuna. I only felt sorry for you for not being able to accept that,” She continued.

Joanna bit her lip as her heart broke into a million pieces. The daughter that she carried for 9 months and she had raised with all the luxury she could have given was slipping out of her hand.

And she blamed it all on ‘that girl’.

“Hara, listen to me. You are my daughter,” She said, her voice breaking. She, herself was at the verge of tears.

Hara scoffed, “I wish you’re not my mother.”


“It’s not like there are any other options,” Joanna’s secretary, Narsha said, serious.

She was standing in the middle of the room next door with her arms crossed as she alternated her gaze on the two young women who were sitting on the bed before her. Hyuna was still sobbing while Sunhwa was rubbing her back to calm her down.

“But this will hurt Hara,” Sunhwa said.

Narsha shrugged and looked at her, “Only for a while. She will get over it. And after that she will get her life back on track again. You know how ‘she’ is a bad influence on Hara. ‘She’ is a huge distraction to her and if this continues, Hara might not able to graduate this year. As a loyal friend, you wouldn’t want that, would you? ” She said pointing at Hyuna.

Hyuna looked at her, pissed. “You are wrong about that!”

“I wouldn’t be talking if I were you, girl,” Narsha threatened, causing Hyuna to gulp.

“Listen blondie, if you want to save your sick father, this is the only way. I heard that he is in chronic condition and the only way to save him is through operation. The only thing stopping your family is money, am I right?” Narsha continued.

Hyuna looked down, it was true that her father was very sick and she and her family couldn’t do anything about it. Even the insurance company wouldn’t cover the payment for his operation. She almost had to quit school but Hara helped her pay her fees. She had never told Hara about her father because she was worried that it would became another burden to her.

“If you choose to leave Hara, Madam Joanna will pay all the expenses for the operation,” Narsha added.

Hyuna was shocked, she looked at Narsha and from her expression she could tell that she was serious. Her mind began to play tricks on her.

Narsha smirked and turned her gaze to Sunhwa, “And you, Han Sunhwa. If you’re willing to cooperate with us, your spot will be guaranteed for the very limited and expensive special design programme after graduation. Entering that programme will secure you jobs in any top fashion magazine.”

Sunhwa gasped. To her, a spot in the special design programme was like a dream beyond her reach. She had never thought of entering it for real. She and Hyuna looked at each other, both in a deep dilemma about what it was they cared about.

“But unnie, I love her...,” Hyuna said to Sunhwa with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

Sunhwa rubbed her back and nodded. “I know you do.”

She sighed, “But this seems like the only way.”

“Unnie!” Hyuna protested.

“Think about it, you could save your father’s life. And Hara will eventually get over it and lead a good life, I think we’re pretty clear that her family is capable of doing anything for her,” Sunhwa reasoned.

Hyuna shook her head, “But I love her! I am not selling our relationship for money!”

“If I were you, I’d sell anything if it could save my father’s life.” Sunhwa said, serious.

Hyuna scoffed, “You only want that programme for yourself.”

Sunhwa bit her lip before saying, “I’m not gonna deny it. It's every man for himself.”

“Easy there, girls.”

Narsha pulled a chair for herself and sits down to face them. She cleared her throat and looked at the girls.

“So, do we have ourselves a deal?”


Hara was driving with a group of people that she had just met on the street. She no longer cared about the consequences of her actions, as long as she could get away from that hellish university. After her mother’s little visit on her birthday, her girlfriend and her roommate had just vanished into thin air. She’d tried to track their locations but failed. No one knew where they went until one day, she overheard a conversation of two students in the bathroom.

It was a wild rumor, but Hara had nothing else to believe. The little whisper was not that loud but she’d heard every word clearly.

“Hyuna cheated on Hara for Sunhwa and ran away together.”

It was vague with no proof whatsoever, but it was enough to crush the poor girl’s heart. She immediately packed her bags and ran away from the university during her final semester. She felt so cheated and betrayed. A part of her refused to believe the rumor but another part of her was convinced by it. All she wanted was to see them again and hear their explanations. But they were never found.

She travelled around Europe, from one night club to another to forget about her problems. She managed to evade her mother’s radar by not staying at one place for too long. She was even thinking about completely cutting off her relationship with her family but fortunately, her brother had found her in time.

When Hyunjoong found her, he almost didn’t recognize her anymore. She was wearing very revealing clothes, dancing at the pole on one of the tables. It wasn’t easy but after a few days, he managed to talk her into coming home.

“Excuse me, your coffee is ready,” A voice called. Hara turned to her side and noticed that Sungmin was standing with a cup of hot cappuccino on a tray he held.

She nodded and he put the cup down on the table. She picked up the spoon and stirred her drink. She looked at the floor, trying to look for the magazine that she had thrown but it was no longer there. A worker might have already picked it up.

She shook her head, trying to get the thoughts out of her head and thinking it all was all only a coincidence. It must have been someone else with the same name.

It couldn’t be her.


MM Short Stories #3

7 Days

Day 1

“Gyul, can’t you come with us to the Jung beach house? I’m not really comfortable with the others. I barely know them.” Seungyeon said, as she was driving Gyuri to the airport.

Gyuri took off her shades and sighed, “I can’t. My grandma decided to have a birthday bash in Bali. I can’t cancel a family plan, plus who knows how much longer the old woman will live. But you don’t have to worry because Sunny, Taeyeon and Jing will be there with you at the beach. You’ll be fine.”

“I’m not really into beaches, can I not go?” Seungyeon asked before stopping at a traffic light.

“You must go. Since Jing really wants to go, you’ll be going too, to keep your eyes on her. If anything happens to her, I won’t forgive you.” Gyuri replied, serious.

Seungyeon rolled her eyes, “I’m not a babysitter, and Jing is not a baby. I’m sure she can take care of herself.”

Gyuri stared at her causing the other girl to gulp. “You are going.”

The traffic light turned green and Seungyeon stepped on the gas pedal causing the car to move almost immediately. Gyuri was startled and sat up straight on her seat, sweating. She looked at Seungyeon and scoffed. She knew she did that on purpose.

“You don’t feel like going because Yuri won’t be there, isn’t it?” She asked, teasingly. Seungyeon gulped as her cheeks turned red, revealing her true feelings.

Gyuri chuckled, “I wonder what is so great about Kwon Yuri in your eyes.”

Seungyeon kept silent as she continued to drive. She wished Gyuri will quickly get over and done with the topic.

But she won’t. Suddenly Gyuri smirked, “Though, I think she have a smokin’ body. Her dark skin tone is kinda sexy.”

“What do you know about Yuri? Don’t talk nonsense about her.” Seungyeon said, feeling protective of her idol.

“Even though I didn’t stalk her all day and take pictures or set up a fansite for her, I once stripped her naked.” Gyuri replied proudly.

Seungyeon was shocked and shook her head, “You’re lying!”

Gyuri shrugged, “It’s up to you whether you want to believe it or not. But I’m telling the truth. I’ve seen all of her. I mean everything..”

The driver suddenly stepped on the brake pedal, causing Gyuri to almost being thrown forward. She was breathing heavily as her hair was covering her face due to the impact. She looked at her friend.

“Stop doing that! It’s dangerous!” She shouted.

Seungyeon glared at her, “We’re here.” She said coldly.

Gyuri turned to her side and realized that they’ve reached the airport. She opened the door and stepped out of the car. She only carried a small bag since she’s the type who likes to travel light. She leaned down at the car’s window and smiled at her friend.

“Well, see you in 7 days.” She said.

Seungyeon sighed and smiled back at her. “Have fun.”


Kwon Yuri was walking fast with her big luggage through the airport. She was late and all the other crews of her photo shoot already checked in. She reached her pocket for her phone and started dialling.

Manager oppa.

“Come on, come on..” She mumbled as she continues to walk fast though the crowd.

After a few frustrating dial tones, he finally picked up.

“Oppa! Where are you?!” She asked, panicked.

“We’re all already in the plane! Hurry up!” He replied.

“Which gate?! Which gate?!” Yuri asked, panicking.

“It’s gate G! G! Hurry up!” He answered.

She hung up the phone and looked down shoving it back in her pocket. She didn’t realize that there was a person in front of her.

“AAAAHHH!!” Yuri exclaimed as her bottom landed on the floor. Her bags were scattered all over.

“Watch where you’re going!” A voice shouted. Yuri looked up and saw a familiar face.

“Park Gyuri?” She said, surprised.

Gyuri was fixing her hair when she looked at the woman who just hit her.

“Kwon Yuri?” She asked, equally surprised. She walked to her and offers her a hand to pick her up.

Yuri was shocked but she accepts her offer, then grabbing her hand and stood up. They looked at each other, both curious. Gyuri glanced at the many bags on the floor and smirked.

“Are you migrating somewhere?” She asked, teasing.

Yuri chuckled, “Yeah, since there’s no more peace in this country, I’m moving out.”

Gyuri smiled and asked, “Photoshoot?”

The other girl nodded, “Bali.”

“What a coincidence, I’m going there too.” Gyuri said, amused.

Suddenly Yuri panicked again, “Oh my god! My flight! G! G gate!” She shouted.

“G gate?”

“Yeah, where is G gate?!”

“Well, it’s over there.” Gyuri pointed to a boarding gate nearby.

Yuri dragged her luggage bags to the gate and faced the steward. “I need to get on that plane!” She said frantically.

The man shook his head and said, “I’m sorry Miss, but you’re too late. They already closed the door.”

“Isn’t there any way I could get on it now?! Please! I can’t miss the flight!” Yuri asked, desperately.

But all she got was another apology, “No, there’s nothing you can do. I’m sorry.” He said politely.

“What’s wrong?” Gyuri asked from behind her. She’s been observing her for a while.

Yuri sighed, “I missed the freaking flight. Now I’ll never get to Bali today.”

Gyuri looked at her, thinking. “Well, if you want, I can help you.”

“You can help me? How? Do you know the pilot or something?” Yuri asked helplessly.

The other girl chuckled, “No. But I can try to get you on the same flight as mine. Boarding will be in 2 hours time.”

Yuri walked to the girl with a confused face.

“What?” Gyuri asked.

“You’re too nice to me. Are you really Park Gyuri?” Yuri asked.

Gyuri scoffed, “I am a nice person. It’s just that you don’t really know me.”

“You took my clothes off once just to frame Jessica, can I trust you?” Yuri asked.

Gyuri shook her head and tried to explain, “That was..well, that was..” But she can’t seem to find the right words to say.

She sighed after much struggling, “Do you not want to get to Bali?” She asked, threateningly.

Yuri smiled shamelessly, “I guess you had your own reason to strip me naked and I’m not going to judge you. I think deep inside you’re a nice person.”

Gyuri rolled her eyes, “Just come with me, Kwon Yuri.”


Day 2

“That’s all for today!” The director said through the megaphone.

The crews cheered and started to keep their equipments. Kwon Yuri smiled in content as she wiped the beads of sweats on her forehead. She walked through the soft sand and lifts up her sarong with one hand so that she can move easily. The wind that blew her hair backwards brings out her breathtaking beauty.

“Yuri, wait!” A voice called. She stopped and turned around; one of the photographers, Taeyang was running towards her.

“Oh, oppa, what is it?” She asked with a polite smile.

The man smiled sheepishly and scratched his hair, “Well, I’m wondering what you’re doing after this.” He said shyly.

Yuri gulped, she should’ve seen this coming. She knew she was being too friendly to him and now he got the wrong idea. Like always.

“Er..why?” Yuri asked, acting clueless.

“I don’t know, maybe we can hang out together. I know this most happening place in the town.” He said nervously.

Yuri sighed, she really hates to let people down but she promised her girlfriend to change. Though, the idea of a night out with

Taeyang seems tempting. She bit her lip, torn between the choices that she has. A part of her wants to stay loyal and refuse the offer. While another part of her kept saying that Yoona would never find out about this, so it’s okay.

“Yuri?” A voice called. Like a saviour, this person came at the right time. Yuri looked at the direction immediately. It’s amusing how she bumped into her again. It’s Park Gyuri.

She was wearing her sexy beach outfit, with a few of her friends.

“Gyuri!” Yuri called, excitedly. She rushed to her like she hasn’t seen her in forever, even though they just met the day before.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“Strolling the beach with my..cousins.” She replied, gesturing to the people behind her.

“Where are you guys going after this?” Yuri asked like she’s a part of their group.

Gyuri looked at her weirdly and then noticed Taeyang standing by. She immediately got the idea and smiled,

“There’s a bar downtown. Why? You wanna join us?”


“I dare the two of you to kiss each other.” Gyuri’s cousin, Park Jungsu said suddenly.

Yuri and Gyuri looked at him weirdly. They were sitting next to each other at a table in the bar.

“Ah man! Yeah, let’s kiss up!” Her other cousin, Park Jaebum added.

“That’s ridiculous, why would I be kissing Yuri?” Gyuri asked, an eyebrow rose.

Jungsu shrugged, “Because she’s hot and you’re gay.”

“And it’s a hawt scene to watch.” Jaebum added.

“You guys are sick!” Yuri said in disgust. She had no idea that Gyuri’s cousins are this perverted. Well she should’ve known considering how Gyuri was.

“Stop it guys. You’re making Yuri feeling uncomfortable.” Another Park, Ye Eun said.

“We’re just kidding, Yenny. But Gyul, of course you wouldn’t dare to kiss her.” Jungsu said.

Gyuri cleared her throat, “I never said that I don’t dare to do so. It’s just I didn’t want to.”

“You’re a coward. Both of you.” Jaebum said, glancing at Yuri.

Yuri scoffed, “Who says I’m a coward?”

“Then kiss my cousin.” Jaebum replied cheekily.

Gyuri shook her head and look at Yuri, “Don’t mind them, Yuri. They’re always like thi..

She didn’t manage to finish her sentence as a pair of soft lips was pressed on hers, silencing her completely. Her eyes were shot open, shocked and she saw Yuri was kissing her with her eyes closed. Since Yuri was so into it, she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around the girl’s neck for closer contact.

Her cousins were speechless as they witness the girls locking lips passionately.

Ye Eun rolled her eyes and looked away, “Great, you guys get what you wished for.”

But Jungsu and Jaebum were enjoying themselves too much; they weren’t listening to anything she said.

The kiss went on for quite awhile. When they finally broke the kiss, they gulped and looked at each other.

Yuri bit her lip as she stared at Gyuri, trying to comprehend what just happened. She was acting out of her reflex and it was just a playful kiss.

It should be just a playful kiss.

But it had ignited something else for the both of them.


Day 3

“Shopping for T-Shirts?” Gyuri asked, amused.

Yuri nodded and said, “I want to buy some for my gir..er..friends back home.”

Gyuri smiled and rolled her eyes, “For Yoona isn’t it?” She asked.

Yuri glanced at her and smiled in agreement. She had asked Gyuri to accompany her to help her shop for souvenirs since she’s not familiar with the place. They were walking through the street stalls that sell random souvenirs for tourists. They played around with the gifts and laugh at the most random things from samurai swords to cheesy t-shirts as they continued to walk together. They were getting more comfortable with each other.

“Yuri, do you know that you have a huge fansite?” Gyuri asked as she looked at the stalls.

“One of my friends is a really huge fan of yours. She formed that fansite. When I told her that I once saw you naked, she flipped.” She added with a small laugh.

Then she realized that there was no response from her friend. She looked to her side and was shocked to find out that she was talking to herself.

Yuri was missing.

She took a deep breath, trying not to panic as her eyes roam wildly through the crowd. She didn’t want to be responsible of a famous model missing incident. But it’s a good thing that Yuri is tall; Gyuri spotted her after a few seconds, cornered by a street vendor who was shoving her, a handbag.

“I said I don’t to buy it!” Yuri said in broken English to the old lady. But the lady was persistent.

“It’s cheap, buy it! Very cheap! I give you special price!” She said with limited English.

Yuri sighed, she didn’t know how to get out of this. “But..

“Saya beli. Berapa harganya?”* A voice said from behind the lady. Gyuri was smiling warmly as she took out her money to pay for the bag.

The lady was delighted when Gyuri paid much more than the price of the bag. “Oh! Terima kasih!”*

Gyuri smiled and took the bag from the lady before grabbing Yuri’s hand and dragged her out of there.

As she was being dragged, Yuri was still shocked by so many things.

“You speak Indonesian?” She asked.

Gyuri stopped at an empty stall where there weren’t many people and turned around to look at the other girl.

Her gaze was serious as she said, “Stay close to me. I can’t lose you.”

Yuri looked into her eyes and she knew that she was genuinely worried about her. Gyuri kept surprising her every day. She had never known that Park Gyuri was someone with a heart. She smiled and held Gyuri’s hand gently.

“I’m sorry. I promise that I will always stay close to you.” She said.

Gyuri gulped and quickly looked away. “Good then.” She said.

They begin to walk again but no words were spoken between them. Gyuri bit her lip, trying to deny her feelings that begun to grow.

Not again..


Day 4

“Wheeeeeee!” Yuri squealed with excitement as Gyuri took another turn on her Jet Ski. She had her hands wrapped tightly around the older girl’s body and rested her head on her shoulder. Gyuri smiled before she slowly moved the Jet Ski to the shore. She could feel that Yuri was whining in frustration. She wants another spin but Gyuri was already tired after 5 rounds around the sea.

“One more time! One more time!” Yuri whined after Gyuri turned off the engine. She still had her hands wrapped around the girl’s body.

Gyuri chuckled, “So that you can continue feeling me up?” She asked with a smirk.

Yuri quickly let go of her and climbed down the vehicle.

“When did I ever feel you up?!” Yuri asked, her face red.

“Oh you did, don’t you try to deny it, pervert.” Gyuri said, ignoring her protest. She pushed the Jet Ski to the shore and climbed down before glancing at the blushing Yuri.

“Hey, I am not a pervert!” Yuri said, facing the older girl.

“Then why did I felt a tight grip on my breast a while ago?” Gyuri asked.

Yuri gulped, “That..that wasn’t me.”

Gyuri rolled her eyes before smiling suggestively, “I guess you can’t help yourself, eh? I can't blame you for that.” She asked.

That question caused Yuri to blush even more, embarrassed when Gyuri said something so straight to the point. She thought Gyuri won’t notice what she did. How naive.

“Oh our goddess! Enough playing with your girlfriend and join the party!” A voice called.

Gyuri smiled at the lady by the beach, her mother.

“Did your mother just call you goddess?” Yuri asked in disbelief.

Gyuri shrugged, “It’s my nickname. Everyone in my family calls me that.”

“We’re coming, mom.” Gyuri said before grabbing Yuri’s hand and dragged her towards her mother. Yuri smiled nervously as she wondered again why she agreed to help Gyuri with this. She was playing a role, as Gyuri’s girlfriend in front of her family members at her grandmother’s birthday party. Since Gyuri had helped her a lot, from the first class plane ticket that she was yet had to pay to the handbag incident, she can hardly say no. Plus she had no schedule for that day since her photo shoot for was cancelled due to one of main photographers who suddenly fell sick.

Gyuri’s mother was a very warm person, with close resemblance with her daughter. She’s the type who will kiss and hug you even though it’s only the first time she met you.

So she hugged Yuri again even though she was still wet from her Jet Ski rounds with Gyuri. She held her hands and looked at her as if she was her long lost daughter.

“You have no idea how happy I am when our goddess brought you here. I was worried that she was never going to commit herself to anyone, since she had never brought anyone to meet us. She must really like you.” She said, with a wide smile and watery eyes.

Suddenly Yuri felt guilty for doing this. Gyuri’s family are nice people she doesn’t want to cheat them.

“Gyul got herself a fine woman!” Jaebum said as she passed them, just because.

Gyuri rolled her eyes at Jaebum’s antics and grabbed Yuri’s hand again.

“Let’s change our clothes first.”


Yuri stood by the balcony of the beach mansion. From where she was standing, she saw the whole party, a lot of old people, middle aged people, dressed in expensive clothes and sipping cocktails. She saw the celebrated 75th year old Grandma Park looking younger than her age. It could be the modern cosmetic tricks or that she is just an ageless beauty. Then she saw someone familiar, and her eyes went wide.

“Is that..

“Yes, that is JYP.” Gyuri suddenly said from behind. Yuri turned around and she was awed at how Gyuri’s nickname fits her well. With almost no makeup on her face, she wore a loose white dress for the evening. She looked even more beautiful without make up.

Gyuri chuckled as she looked at Yuri who had her jaw dropped, “Stunned?” She asked, teasing.

Yuri quickly looked away and stared at the sky. “Well, you do look beautiful in that.” She said.

Gyuri joined her by the balcony, watching her relatives catching up with each other.

“Why did you want me to pretend to be your girlfriend?” Yuri suddenly asked.

“Because I am so tired of being asked by my family to bring someone home.” Gyuri replied casually.

“And you’re not so bad.” She added, smiling.

Yuri smiled as she looked at the woman next to her. She’s so different than the one she knew, like a completely different person. She found her very attractive.

“You’re actually quite nice.” She said.

“I have always been nice. I just got misunderstood.”

“You were evil before, though.” Yuri protested.

Gyuri shrugged, “But I didn’t regret single thing.”

“At least I got to see you naked.” She added with a laugh.

Yuri can’t help but laugh at her remark, “Will you stop that?”

“I would do it all over again for it.” Gyuri continued with a smile.

Yuri shook her head and smiled at her, “Are you flirting with me?”

Gyuri looked at Yuri, “I don’t know, am I?” She asked coyly.

“I think you are.”

“Well, then maybe I am.”


Day 5

It was 6 in the morning and Kwon Yuri tip toed down the stairs, trying to escape the Park mansion without waking anyone else. What happened last night was making her confused, guilty and a whole lot of other mixed emotions. She was confused with herself, she tried to stay faithful but yet she didn’t. She felt guilty for sleeping with Gyuri behind Yoona’s back. But at the same time, she enjoyed Gyuri’s company and actually liked her. A lot.

She reached the last step of the stairs and sighed, thinking that she made it. A quiet escape.

“Hey fine woman!” An annoying voice called, breaking the peaceful aura of the morning.

Jaebum and his brother, Jungsu was standing at the door in their track suits.

“Want to join us for a jog around the beach?” Jaebum asked.

“Or your legs were too tired from all the ‘jog’ you did with Gyul last night?” Jungsu added with a smirk.

Yuri stared at them in disbelief, their perverted remark beats Jessica’s and Tiffany’s any day.

“What about some waffles?” Another voice said.

Gyuri’s mother was standing by the kitchen with the birthday grandma. Yuri sighed and smiled at them. Their faces were too obvious; they really want her to stay for breakfast. Yuri can’t believe that the Park family are early risers. She should’ve tried to escape earlier.

“But..I have schedules this morning and I have to..

“No one can refuse my mother’s waffles.” Gyuri said as she walked passed Yuri and ran her hand sensually across her waist. Yuri gulped and tried hard not to blush in front of the family.

Gyuri sat at the table next to her grandmother and gestured Yuri to join them.

“Come on Yul, a piece of waffle wouldn’t hurt.” She said, patting the seat next to her.


“You have 10 missed calls from Yoona.” Yuri’s make-up artist said as she handed her the phone. Yuri took the phone and checked it as the guilt begun to haunt her.

“Where were you last night? You even left your phone.” The make-up unnie asked as she applied the makeup base to Yuri’s face.

“I went to a friend’s house.” Yuri said.

“Park Gyuri isn’t it?” She asked.

Yuri gulped.

“I saw her sending you off at the hotel earlier. You two seem quite smitten with each other. Did something happen last night?” The unnie asked. Working with Yuri, she knew her all too well.

Yuri looked down,

“Unnie, please don’t tell anyone.”


Day 6

Yuri wasn’t quite sure how to tell Gyuri about it. That she can’t longer continue their affair and what happened was all a mistake.

Well, it wasn’t entirely a mistake.

Or maybe it was.

She wasn’t sure of it herself.

As Gyuri walked her to her room after their date, she can’t stop thinking of the right words to say.

They stopped as they reached Yuri’s hotel room. Gyuri trapped Yuri with her hands on the door before leaning in for a kiss.

“Wait.” Yuri whispered.

“Hm?” Gyuri asked, her eyes staring at Yuri’s lips.

“I have something to say.” Yuri said nervously.

“What is it?”

Yuri gulped, “I think..I like you..” She paused.

Gyuri’s face was slowly turning red as she stares at the younger woman.

“I like you too. Like, really really.” She said with sparkling eyes.

Yuri shook her head, she wasn’t finished with her sentence and Yuri’s reaction wasn’t helping at all.


It was too late for her to finish her break up lines that she had been rehearsing in her head.

I think I like you, but I’m in love with someone else. We’re not meant to be, I’m sorry.

But the words in her head left unspoken as Gyuri’s deep kiss paralysed her body and confused her mind. She can’t stop her when she pushed her into the room and locked the door. Or when she took off her clothes and planted soft kisses on her skin. She knew that it was her own fault when she gave in to temptation and her own desires. She should’ve stopped it before it getting too far. But she didn’t. And now she got no one but herself to blame.


Day 7

Gyuri woke up alone on the bed in an empty hotel room. All of Yuri’s bags were gone and the room was completely empty. She sat on the bed, trying to recall what happened last night. Everything was great; they had a great date, great kisses and great sex. She scratched her messy hair, trying to comprehend the situation. But one note at the edge of the bed explains everything. Gyuri grits her teeth as she read the sentence over and over again.

I’m sorry, goodbye


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